On a more serious note - I, personally have a personal bond with the two Sith Factions. Sith, as a faction, is an interesting organism. And its one I've been apart of since the beginnings of the Old Sith Empire. The Sith faction either OS and Old are, to me, the most welcoming and free faction I have had the pleasure of being with - and I have been RPing for years across several sites with longstanding characters that have developed from minion to faction admin. Darth Hauntruss is a direct product of the prudence and care given to her story by Moridin, Ashin, [member="Reverance"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Darth Isolda"].
Anyways. About the winning aspect. I'll just leave two things I have noticed.
1. Vengeance is a powerful drug. I remember a time when the Republic gobbled up new members and acted like an "Empire" in of itself, gobbling up worlds in speed dominions and creating grande ententes to box in the Sith Empire in order to choke their advances. We had no mercy our way in IC, as it should be, our capital, which never changed from Dromund Kaas was obliterated into a wasteland via orbital bombardment, our members were pushed away by internal factional in-fighting until, like all factions it fizzled out. But the dream did not. The dream of a dominate Sith Faction never disappeared. All that time we got our teeth kicked in by a rather authoritarian and self-righteous Republci fuels our advance. (This is IC'ly btw, OOCly Old Republic under Tef, Wrathe and Ben was F@CKING A, great opponents. And a lot of fun.)
2. I see people always talking about why OS gets so fanatically hyped about Invasions or Doms or Skirmishes. This I think, and from experience from past Sith Faction, is all down to how characters with in the faction progress in renown and reputation. Sith Factional Development for characters is run on FEATS. Feats of battle, good story telling on a grand scale, schemes and action. Sith are action orientated faction - whether covert or overt. That is the only way to become the powerful Sith ideal we all want to achieve as Sith characters. It is a passion for confrontation and story. Now - does this mean this is always done in a tactful manner that doesn't appear as a emo induced roflstomp - no, its a skill that has to be forged. But do we all RP here like its a tactical RTS - nope. Frankly, without violent but well developed psychos like [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Vrag"], [member="Reverance"], Darth Hauntruss and the other powerful Lords and Military Characters that have reached a nefarious reputation of dominance in the site, the impetus for the the just to fight back would not exist.
Because a site without some successful villains is a boring one. AND THAT, THAT...is what truly is boring.