Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*murmurs to her second in command as the holo continues to stream*

Looks like we will be having ourselves a rather interesting endeavor...
I have a question and I don't want to sound rude. But shouldn't invasions be discussed between Faction Leaders? Otherwise what would prevent large factions from suddenly declaring war on smaller factions simply because they are incapable of having enough writers/defenders to support their cause? Now under that logic, the Sith can swarm over over faction space from the sheer number we can field, couldn't we?

I do realize that this is purely ooc, but it would seem like the large factions are bullying the smaller ones which would discourage newer factions from forming at all.

For my perspective, if the Jedi and the Republic are going to invade the Syndicate, what is to prevent the Sith from launching an invasion of our own. If you move your fleet to invade, you provide the other factions with a perfect opening to strike at your worlds, since the deterrent of your fleet would be neutralized by moving them away from your planets.

I hope I am not offending anyone but I hope you get to see the point I am making.
Trust me, Daxton, we're aware of the point you're making and a lot of concerns were raised today to me by the SWRP Staff Team.

However, there's no rules in place preventing "bullying" from happening, nor are we unanimous in not allowing it to happen. It's simply something that we either let happen, and people get so mad that we have to enforce rules, or the community changes it's mindset as a whole on the subject of Invasions. This starts from the top down, with the SWRP Staff Team's Roleplay Judges and the Faction Leaders.
To my knowledge, for an Invasion to occur ones planets/cloud of influence must be less than one quadrant(is that the right term?) away. Since Balmorra is only a stone's throw from Syndicate space, we have the green light OOC wise to initiate an invasion. The order of invasion is important too, we can't simply roam into Corellia and take it, you have to move from planet to planet and cut a path to the capital if that's your end goal.

As far as bullying goes, it's not my intention to simply swarm smaller factions. However, the chips fall that the Republic and the Sith have the largest faction and any invasion between them and another faction (besides their large counterpart) would be considered bullying by your logic. While I was apart of staff, and Tef and Tegs can attest to this, I motioned that there be some sort of etiquette for invading factions with smaller populations. But there's no official ruling yet.
Fair enough. Thank you for clearing that up.

On the subject of Invasions, what would happen if the faction's homeworld falls? Would the faction cease to exist? Would other factions be allowed to rp supplying the beleaguered faction outside of the Invasion thread?
Question can we attack planets (or fleets) for the sake of attacking? like lets say the republic is busy blowing up the syndicate, can I do a quick run and demolish a city or something (not that I am going to :D ) I mean it is space I can move ships around. Also why do we have to have a planet near by, if I as a faction want to be spread out shouldn't I be able to ( not that it is efficient) also in regards to the posts towards me earlier, Why can't I suddenly have a fleet join a battle between two other factions? Maybe I want to help for the heck of it or maybe I want to cause havoc. Now I of course was referencing that why the republic was attacking I could provide arms to the syndicate or attack another world of the Republic or syndicate or ally with one and join the battle as their ally.

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