Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Isley Verd said:
Invasion threads are exclusively faction versus faction. That means, only the attacking and defending factions are allowed to participate. Random outside interference is not permitted. :)
But why... I mean I shouldn't be restricted to joining, it doesn't make sense that some invisible rule stops me from interfering, and in your case where its the jedi and republic vs the syndicate, could the syndicate ask that mercenary group for instace to join with them, would that be allowed? or maybe they have an alliance can their ally come join/help them?
Isley fair enough, but what I was asking was running an open thread in reference to the ongoing thread. For example: The Republic vs The Syndicate Invasion. This would have a invasion thread correct, wherein all the actions would determine if one side or the other keeps planets correct?

Now make a separate open thread where say Daxton is rescuing refugees or maybe saving a lost puppy (far out I know but this is only an example) involved in that conflict. His thread is 'set' in the context of that background but has no effect whatsoever on it. He could save a planet load of puppies but it does nothing to help or hinder either cause. In essence I will be just using an event as a background.

Since it will have no effect on the main invasion thread, I am asking if this is permissible.
Unfortunately, that's the rule my friend. Just as with Dominions, there can be no outside interference, with Invasions there's only combat between the attackers and defenders. Allies, mercenaries, and factions that just want to throw a wrench in the proceedings are not permitted. :)
Ok fair enough if that is the rule. At least that is the rule governing attackers and defenders. Nothing forbids me from conducting business with either party on neutral/non-involved worlds though.

Another thing is I think Invasions should be a timed event. Say a week tops. The side with the best rps after the deadline 'wins'. It could be a world, a system, a collection of worlds, depending on the invasion strategy or goals.

Unlike Dominions which are 'unopposed' by enemy pcs, an Invasion would require your characters to be present in the area of conflict. Invasions should be costly in terms of manpower, resources and not taken lightly. Its not going to be realistic if your faction can project power when you are in the midst of an invasion since the majority of your military assets would be in the invasion. Mind you these are my opinions and not the general rule. I think they would contribute to making Invasions more dynamic and realistic.

In a way, I should be cheering the Republic on (yes I know that sounds strange coming from me.) since this would play into the rhetoric we have been putting out that the Republic is the Evil Empire out to swallow the Galaxy. Still anyway this plays out, you know we help those in need :D

Flint Pherson

Daxton Bane said:
...Invasions should be costly in terms of manpower, resources and not taken lightly. Its not going to be realistic if your faction can project power when you are in the midst of an invasion since the majority of your military assets would be in the invasion...
Your assuming the entire Factions Military Resources need be committed in only one place at one time. This would be a miscalculation. Your also assuming that an Invasion requires a fair and pitched battle. This would also be a miscalculation. Your assuming that every gun and boat that a Faction has is listed nicely and in order on their Army Roster. This too, would be a miscalculation. You might even assume that all enemies will play fair, be predictable, are open to persuasion, and might even possess a sliver of common sense. This again, would be a miscalculation.

But Daxton you are a cunning person. You of all people, (and I trust well in this matter), would know of many ways from which to interpret and visualize warfare. Even the more... Alternative means of expressing power.

So surely? You jest in your statement above. :D

Flint Pherson

Haha. Clever fellow that you are. But? Warfare in the Chaos galaxy is not about winning. No no. It is about living. It is about enduring. Long ago did I as a writer cast off any inhibitions to 'beat' the Sith or their sacred Empire. For even if I cut down every last man? Even, if could spill every last drop of blood. They would endure. For the Bad, like the Good? Are eternal. They are the Force that binds this galaxy together.

The strategies of the Republic are not based against time or against a singular grandeur victory. Oh no. We, like the light itself, must have a more eternal perspective. A perspective that, there shall always be enemies. On every side and in every way. In every world and in every heart. And that they shall appear in every form and in every whisper. For We; as a government, as an army, or as a people cannot dispel the darkness that dwells in every man's heart.

No Daxton. This conflict not about the battles, the ships, or the metal that rests against my skin. It is about the everlasting spirit that endures within all men's hearts. Good. And Evil. And everything in between.

I take my victories in my every righteous choice and in my fellow-man's every righteous deed. Thus I, and my fellow men? Endure. ...Eternally.

And we shall never know defeat.
Flint I raise this tankard to you. Finally someone who understands.

*Drains the tankard and then smashes it on the head of the nearest patron*

War. War never ends. Peace is nothing more than a lie. Its in our nature to fight, we are bred for war, for conflict. You and I are brothers, separated by cause and belief. But brothers still the same. I salute you brother and may the best side triumph!

Naturally I would say that would be our side since the Sith are the heroes in this tale of woe :D

Flint Pherson

Amen brother. And may I raise this glass to Sarge. For in his greatness I do... Oh nevermind. He ain't gonna read this.

I'll just go with...

Viera Kisep said:
But why... I mean I shouldn't be restricted to joining, it doesn't make sense that some invisible rule stops me from interfering, and in your case where its the jedi and republic vs the syndicate, could the syndicate ask that mercenary group for instace to join with them, would that be allowed? or maybe they have an alliance can their ally come join/help them?
I know it sucks, but its to help prevent things from getting out of hand. As for the hiring of Mercenaries, that is something that has to be discussed between the two factions when deciding the rules of how things are going to happen. For instance, if a large faction is going after a smaller one, the smaller one may want to "hire" a merc group. BUT discussion needs to happen while the rules are being laid out.
Again, if the topic is between two factions it remains between them and I apologize, but again its to keep things in control and from turning into a clusterbamboozle.
Look at the Sith, we talk all the time. You might actually have a hard time getting us to stop talking. Everyone with an agenda but all color coordinated.

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