Captain Larraq
So, it's come up a few times in OOC conversation and I'm curious as to the general consensus of the community on the topic. It basically boils down to protecting the creativity of individual writers on an OOC level and IC, allowing factions and companies to specialize in one technology or another without fear of 'instant copying' after a single IC interaction.
An example of this would be CIS canonically being the only known user/owner/creator of Proton Cannon technology.
Or the Zhann Consortium / Mandal Hypernautics having a Shield Leech weapon.
Or the Atrisians working their butts off to get Hypervelocity cannons...
Yet now Hypervelocity cannons are pretty much everywhere, and it is standard procedure for factions to copy one another after pretty much a single thread where new technology is encountered.
Don't get me wrong, I think that everyone should have access to technology that is roughly equivalent. But personally, I'd like to see people come up with their own technology and counters instead of copying one another.
Also... I just think it would help add to the cultural flare of each faction if the various factions where 'mostly' restricted to a few design choices based on canon technology.
Mandalorians specialized in missiles, mass drivers, advanced armor, war-droids, carriers/dropships, and (apparently) shield leech weapons.
The Republic specialized in ion cannons, turbolasers, shields, support tech (like the anti-vong-gravity-thing), and starfighters. As well as clone infantry.
The CIS specialized in droids, carriers, droids, deck cannons, proton cannons, droids, droids, droids, fancy explosives, and droids.
I'd like to see something where faction leaders or manufacturing companies picked a handful of technologies to specialize in and focus on that.... I think that it would help promote collaborative work between companies and/or factions to go negotiate technology trade with other factions and it would help prevent the OOC drama of "Dude, why is there a Proton/Deck Cannon on that thing? That's our toy."
I'd also like to hear the opinions of others from both sides of this. I'm sure Cyrus is a little sad to see his Hypervelocity cannon all over the place... Or maybe he doesn't care. Does the CIS care about Deck Cannons and Proton Cannons? What about OP and Fringe and the arms race that includes AOE shield ships?
An example of this would be CIS canonically being the only known user/owner/creator of Proton Cannon technology.
Or the Zhann Consortium / Mandal Hypernautics having a Shield Leech weapon.
Or the Atrisians working their butts off to get Hypervelocity cannons...
Yet now Hypervelocity cannons are pretty much everywhere, and it is standard procedure for factions to copy one another after pretty much a single thread where new technology is encountered.
Don't get me wrong, I think that everyone should have access to technology that is roughly equivalent. But personally, I'd like to see people come up with their own technology and counters instead of copying one another.
Also... I just think it would help add to the cultural flare of each faction if the various factions where 'mostly' restricted to a few design choices based on canon technology.
Mandalorians specialized in missiles, mass drivers, advanced armor, war-droids, carriers/dropships, and (apparently) shield leech weapons.
The Republic specialized in ion cannons, turbolasers, shields, support tech (like the anti-vong-gravity-thing), and starfighters. As well as clone infantry.
The CIS specialized in droids, carriers, droids, deck cannons, proton cannons, droids, droids, droids, fancy explosives, and droids.
I'd like to see something where faction leaders or manufacturing companies picked a handful of technologies to specialize in and focus on that.... I think that it would help promote collaborative work between companies and/or factions to go negotiate technology trade with other factions and it would help prevent the OOC drama of "Dude, why is there a Proton/Deck Cannon on that thing? That's our toy."
I'd also like to hear the opinions of others from both sides of this. I'm sure Cyrus is a little sad to see his Hypervelocity cannon all over the place... Or maybe he doesn't care. Does the CIS care about Deck Cannons and Proton Cannons? What about OP and Fringe and the arms race that includes AOE shield ships?