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Companies and Copyright Infringement / Factions and Tech specializations: Should they be restricted/

Should technology be restricted to specific companies/factions?

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So, it's come up a few times in OOC conversation and I'm curious as to the general consensus of the community on the topic. It basically boils down to protecting the creativity of individual writers on an OOC level and IC, allowing factions and companies to specialize in one technology or another without fear of 'instant copying' after a single IC interaction.

An example of this would be CIS canonically being the only known user/owner/creator of Proton Cannon technology.
Or the Zhann Consortium / Mandal Hypernautics having a Shield Leech weapon.
Or the Atrisians working their butts off to get Hypervelocity cannons...

Yet now Hypervelocity cannons are pretty much everywhere, and it is standard procedure for factions to copy one another after pretty much a single thread where new technology is encountered.

Don't get me wrong, I think that everyone should have access to technology that is roughly equivalent. But personally, I'd like to see people come up with their own technology and counters instead of copying one another.

Also... I just think it would help add to the cultural flare of each faction if the various factions where 'mostly' restricted to a few design choices based on canon technology.

Mandalorians specialized in missiles, mass drivers, advanced armor, war-droids, carriers/dropships, and (apparently) shield leech weapons.

The Republic specialized in ion cannons, turbolasers, shields, support tech (like the anti-vong-gravity-thing), and starfighters. As well as clone infantry.

The CIS specialized in droids, carriers, droids, deck cannons, proton cannons, droids, droids, droids, fancy explosives, and droids.

I'd like to see something where faction leaders or manufacturing companies picked a handful of technologies to specialize in and focus on that.... I think that it would help promote collaborative work between companies and/or factions to go negotiate technology trade with other factions and it would help prevent the OOC drama of "Dude, why is there a Proton/Deck Cannon on that thing? That's our toy."

I'd also like to hear the opinions of others from both sides of this. I'm sure Cyrus is a little sad to see his Hypervelocity cannon all over the place... Or maybe he doesn't care. Does the CIS care about Deck Cannons and Proton Cannons? What about OP and Fringe and the arms race that includes AOE shield ships?
I voted both of these would improve cultural/business roleplay. As said in a chat minutes ago my view on it is simple. If I infringe on your companies technology it's your job to come call me on it ic. Well when you come and do that chances are I am just going to tell you to hit the road. Tell your case to the galactic courts sucker.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ermac Laith said:
If I infringe on your companies technology it's your job to come call me on it ic. Well when you come and do that chances are I am just going to tell you to hit the road. Tell your case to the galactic courts sucker.
Silara Vantai said:
This should be a matter of IC, not OOC bullocks. If we enforced IC in OOC, it would be a complete breach of the sacred barriers between the two, and would prompt OOC in IC in such cases.
OOC rules lord over Dominions/Invasions, Factions/Major Factions, and even role-playing in general.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Like the Manda, the 'Vong are a culture and an idea, not a race. As far as I'm aware, the remnants and decendants of the original Vong are spread over the entire galaxy and are members of every faction. Shapers should be everywhere, but either rather secluded from society and hard to find, or just not very good at their job.


Captain Larraq said:
You corner the market in 'Vong tech. How would you feel if I randomly (by the gods, it would make no sense) produced a Mandalorian Coral-bio-whatever Capital Ship?

Pfft. Like a non-Vong could even pilot 80% of that type of thing.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"], this is not an issue of rules that effect things that would otherwise be abused to a very great extent, rather this is an issue that would make someone capable of creating a patent on, say, a lightsaber and thus barring all Sith or Jedi or anyone in general from creating their own without paying a hefty fee to the patent holder. This should be more of an IC issue, something to be resolved at least between individuals, rather than simply a rule that prohibits the "copycat" nature of people on roleplaying games and forums from taking a very good idea and tweaking/modifying it.
If you copy a Z-95, an X-Wing or any common project..I love you? No, I think you suck. :p

If you copy the Stealth-X, I'll cut your throat and watch you ble-I have people for this.

Either way, I won't involve the courts, I'll just ruin your life.



I have lifetime patents. My poodoo don't expire. Oh and on the Stealth-X, You'll then tread into [member="Rave Merrill"] territory if you copy it...and we know what happens then.

Either way, you copy it, you're lame.

I think certain technology should stay with certain companies. *shrugs*
Silara Vantai said:
[member="Tsavong Kraal"], this is not an issue of rules that effect things that would otherwise be abused to a very great extent, rather this is an issue that would make someone capable of creating a patent on, say, a lightsaber and thus barring all Sith or Jedi or anyone in general from creating their own without paying a hefty fee to the patent holder. This should be more of an IC issue, something to be resolved at least between individuals, rather than simply a rule that prohibits the "copycat" nature of people on roleplaying games and forums from taking a very good idea and tweaking/modifying it.
I agree.
Now it should be more regulated than other applications, but it should not be barred completely just because it infringes on the creative licenses of said progenitor. If anything, it should just be incredibly strict. I would like to see a more strict policy on blatant copying, but not a flat-out anti-copying campaign that would bar any technology that is even remotely similar to the original. (I am very aware of the eventual consequences of copyright when gone out of hand, merely study the US Copyright system if you wish.)
Alyesa Praxon-Organa said:
If you copy a Z-95, an X-Wing or any common project..I love you? No, I think you suck. :p

If you copy the Stealth-X, I'll cut your throat and watch you ble-I have people for this.

Either way, I won't involve the courts, I'll just ruin your life.



I have lifetime patents. My poodoo don't expire. Oh and on the Stealth-X, You'll then tread into [member="Rave Merrill"] territory if you copy it...and we know what happens then.

Either way, you copy it, you're lame.

I think certain technology should stay with certain companies. *shrugs*
I allow some copycats to use my work.. in fact, I encourage it
Captain Larraq said:
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Like the Manda, the 'Vong are a culture and an idea, not a race. As far as I'm aware, the remnants and decendants of the original Vong are spread over the entire galaxy and are members of every faction. Shapers should be everywhere, but either rather secluded from society and hard to find, or just not very good at their job.
I wouldn't say "everywhere" but I agree with your general sentiment.

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