Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Conquest of Alderaan [One Sith vs Republic]

Location: Enroute to the outskirts of the Palace
Objective: Corrupt minds!
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Mantorok"]
Enemies: The Jedi and a shout out to @Spencer Jacobs via braaaaaaaain thought?

Isolda would give a small coo at the flutters of the Chosen One’s promise, fiddling with her Taozin amulet.

You have your place, she’d muse, giving a nod to her brother at her side as they would make way towards the palace.

I have mine.

Their hour was not upon them -- no not yet. Not for the queen and the Chosen of Vahl. A time and a place.

Soon, they would make way towards the outskirts of the remains of the palace, dark black plumes of smoke rising like victorious towers upon the sky.

“What do you say, brother, in having a little bit of fun,” she’d coo out to him, as she stood by his side.

“Let’s see how strong the minds of these Jedi are.” Corruption was her goal, to spread that Dark Plague.

Soon… yes… soon.
Location: Inside worm, Palace.
Objective: Wreck everything (to palace).
People Nearby: [member="Popo"] [member="Popo"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Darth Junra"] [member="Darth Veles"]

Hauntruss peaked from the mouth of the worm. The archives had been ransacked. But at least some physical remnants remained. Hauntruss' blood boiled! She couldn't feel the presence of the Jedi Knight either, she must have cut loose. No matter. a giant creature like this can live with such a wound. Hauntruss hissed in dark tongue to her beast. "KIA TAVE ERK UM KISAVA!" the worm growled in obedience. The worm burrowed back into the Alderannian soil and began tits move towards the Palace foundations. Having lost her archives, Hauntruss would not allow a single soul to leave that area...alive. The worm moved earth and rumbled the ground above. Soon it was bombarding the solid rock formations of the palace, grinding and eating away at giant stones and bed rock the palace was founded.

The chewing would shake the whole structure, sending thousands of micro vibrations loosening its structure. Inside the beast Hauntruss reclined and began to meditate, calling as much darkside energy she could muster to strengthen her beats' resolve and ease its fatigue. She began to whisper demonic phrases, spells from her catalogue of Sith Magic. "mesinis stotaz ir mesinis akti" Flesh build and flesh heal. An old Sith magic spell that moved the innards of beasts and felted the muscle of the living. More and more, she chanted and more and more the worm began to devour the palace's under belly, soon a giant sink hole would begin to form as the crushed earth began to ooze out in liquid mud from the jaws of the beast. The palace was standing on crumbling rock. Hauntruss' slithering voice hissed into the force calling her brethren and sisters. Soon the palace shall collapse do what you must quickly!!!

[Note: Apologies to [member="Saki"] for cutting our duel short! Sorry, lost track of this thread. Too many posts @_@]
Location: Palace Steps, Near [member="Darth Odium"]
Objective: Unleash Pain
Allies: [member="Myr"] [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Quinn Vos"] [member="Darth Veles"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"] @Popo @November Sinclair

Kezeroth could see [member="Darth Odium"] in sight he was close by and would be able to Rampage now. The Palace was nearly destroyed and looked to be on its last leg. Kezeroth Growled and looked at [member="Darth Odium"] Ahead of him then at the Palace. Stopping Briefly Kezeroth inhaled and barked out " Charge the Palace!!!!" His voice echoed for miles and was carried on the Force.
Kezeroth Resumed and followed his Ally. As Kezeroth got closer he body twitched and wiggled slightly Kezeroth needed to Rampage soon or his rage would get the better of him.
Location: Outskirts of the city, en route to the Palace.
Objective: Be wicked with my best buddy, best pal.
Allies: [member="Darth Isolda"]
Enemies: The Republic, probably [member="Spencer Jacobs"], and soon every Republic/Jedi at the Palace
Music: Black Temple (Illidan) theme - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade soundtrack

Kaine smiled at Isolda's suggestion, and gently extended his right arm out to her for her to wrap her arm around his.

"I do think you have the right idea of it, my dear Isolda. Shall we go forth and show them what true fear is, hrm?"

Once she had taken hold of his arm he would begin, in an escort-like fashion, to lead her towards the ravaged city. More specifically he was leading her to the heart of the city itself, mainly the districts in and around the royal palace.

There would of course be vast amounts of devastation along the way, but they were both well accustomed to such things and were hardly bothered by them at all.

"This should be fun."

((Short post is short.))
Location: near the libaray
Ally: the sith amulet
Enemies: none

Thanks to the efforts of the sith amulet, she had healed mostly. She stood up and contacted her captain, as she wanted to be transported to a medical ship. Just to be checked over,

Captain Markus, I require an evac.

He replied I am little busy at the moment, [member="Darth Veles"] requisitioned me. To help out at the palace, sorry and I am busy. Their was large bang, on the ships hull as he spoke. Sorry going to have to hang up for know, my lord.

She still wanted to be checked out, so she opened a different com line up. To sith medical transports, please locate me and come and get me.

Roger Roger, It was a droid medical evac ship, it was coming to get her and take of world. It would not take long, to get her and then she be taken back to coruscant not by the she need any medical help thanks to the artifact.

[member="Darth Mierin"]
[member="Ayden Cater"]

Location: Dragon breath
Allies: [member="Darth Veles"]
Enemy: @jorus merril

He saw an enemy ship de cloak in front of them, and take the full blast their ion cannons. It turned and then sent a volley back at them, at close range. As it did Darth Banshee contacted him, he told her he was busy. As he did a missile hit the hull, though the point defense guns took the other one down. Thankfully the ships shields held, though it was blown of course a little.

He turned the ship back, at the enemy vessel. This time opened fire, with all he had at the smaller freighter. All ten ion cannons, six disruptor torpedoes, as well as two turbo lasers. Hopefully enough of it will hit to disable the enemy ship, though it would be doubtful enough to destroy it though. As most the weapons where ion based, and designed to disable.

[member="Darth Banshee"]'s Dragon's Breath vs Gypsymoth

The YV-929, three orders of magnitude more maneuverable than its opponent, slewed sideways in an evasive skid. He could do that, now that the Dragon's Breath was targeting him rather than the ground forces. At a guess, he'd given them the moment they needed to get out of the way. Ion cannon fire slapped against his shields, and a couple of disruptor torpedos got too close; the Gypsymoth's systems fritzed. He pounded a panel, then again, and goosed the repulsorlifts to even out his two seconds of free fall. Shields down to two-thirds already. Feth. At least the larger ship appeared to be in a similar state, the Connor net sparking against its shields.

He angled the freighter up toward the belly of the larger ship and continued his sideways skid, as if he was a pendulum being swung beneath a hand. His main guns kept chewing at the belly shields of the Dragon's Breath. Presets got the autoblasters targeting the point-defense guns; there were only four of the latter. Take out one or two of those, and there'd be enough gap to really put his warhead launchers to use.
Location: dicing with a freighter from hell
Allies: Armour and shields
Enemy: [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Captain markus saw the freighter start to drop, he let out sigh of relief. It was too soon though, as he did sighed, it opened fire at ripping into underbelly of the ship. It shook like hell as it did, some of fellow officers where shaken out their seats. He grabbed the controls of the ship, then maneuvered the ship to face the enemy vessel, before it caused to much damage. Though it took a pounding from the attack, it was still space worthy.

He then order, All weapons that can, fire on that ship. The rest of you, keep it`s location in mind and open fire if you get opportunity. All engineering crew, priory is keep my shields up. He new the key to winning would be his shields, with out them he would be vulnerable, to the auto cannons and their missiles.
Location: Apartment Complex with a view of the Palace.
Objective: Brood
Allies: One Sith; the miserable ones
Enemies: The Republic; potentially everyone

Aldera City trembles. Not from artillery fire or demolitions, but from nervousness. From fear.

It’s not the metropolis it used to be; physically as well as memetically. It had died before. The Sith, they had killed it.

How often is it that a world dies? Does it scream? Does that great spirit to which the aboriginals once sang thrash in the abyss?

And when the world is put back together, does that spirit return?

Aldera City was different now. Alderaan was different now. All of the children of which it had carried and raised were dead. The flora, the fauna, the sentient that looked to the planet, were nurtured by its ways and called it “Mother,” had been eradicated in one cruel second.

Now, it had become a host to imported outsiders to which it had not birthed, but sought its care.

Aldera was no longer a mother, but a hapless father – thrust into a position before he was ready, and so crippled by past failure that he would not hold his own child for fear of dropping it.

His children grew, building monuments to which they presented Aldera – testaments to their capability, their worthiness of him, his value as a caregiver, and their love of his providence.

And with every birthday, Aldera felt a little more like an imposter and found himself staring longingly at the door. He feared that dreadful day when the universe would once more test his mettle and reveal what a loser he always had been.

In this moment, Briar Stadd had a lot in common with Aldera (as did much of the population, really). When the war turned explosive, many a family feared the worst and opted to check out early. The Stadd’s decided that gravity would be their ticket out, and rode their elevator to the top of their apartment complex, where they all lined up along the rooftop, hand-in-hand.

And jumped.

But as Briar looked down at the incomprehensible distance, his acrophobia awoke, and in that moment of hesitation, he bore witness to the unreal, soul-crushing sight of his wife and two young daughters plummeting to their premature demise.


He nearly vomited, recoiling in sublime terror from the ledge. He barely saw the inkblot in his peripherals as he spun away to avoid it.

It’s me again, so if you ain’t already, you might wanna start holding your nose now.

The trenchcoated man jumped back slightly, letting Briar narrowly miss him and topple over onto the rooftop ground. The ex-father audibly whimpered at first, but as it became clear that Benedict was no Angel of Death, he fixed his attention on resuming proper breathing.

The Guttermage stepped toward the ledge of the apartment complex and stared down. He was passive, asking without irony, without judgment, “Second thoughts?”

I’m a soothsayer of sorts, yeah?. Did you know that? I can tell you the future of every person on every world in every sodding iteration of this whole unfortunate, karking universe.

They’ll all die.

“I…I…panicked. I didn’t want to die…I don’t want to die….but it was going to happen anyway, right? They’re coming to kill us all….,” Briar began to hyperventilate again, “Oh gods – how could I let them….Is it wrong if I don’t jump?”

Benedict glanced over his shoulder at Briar, his eyebrows raised in mild amusement, “Fink you’ll be a good dad if you do?” He removed himself from the ledge, moving more centrally to better engage the civilian who was now talking and looking to him as though he were an authority figure.

“I…I…I…They had attacked the University…” It was kind of like a question, but it wasn’t clear what he was looking for.

“They were looking for information, like,” Benedict spoke around a cigarette, cupping his hands around the tip as he went to light it. “Reckon they thought they’d find somefing they couldn’t order off the Holonet.”

“Wh---What? Why would they think that?”

Benedict shrugged his shoulders noncommittally.

No, squire, of course I don’t mean –you.- You’ll go on wiff impunity, decimating worlds, and nicking from graves, and building your kark-off mighty doomsday devices, et-bloody-cetera. And maybe, one day, we’ll get lucky and you’ll finally get what’s been coming to you since your mum botched that clothes hanger job so many years ago.

Briar looked down at rooftop, retreating into his thoughts for a moment only to return with a new revelation and a craving for hope.

“I don’t want to live without them, y’know? I have to jump…I want to see them again.”

The Guttermage glanced away a moment, surveying the chaos obvious from this vantage point. “Spoiler alert, mate,” he inhaled, prophesying a cloud of smoke before looking Briar in the eye. “You won’t.”

But you’ll just smile, and laugh, and jump into the body of the supermodel d’jour to find one more land to turn into a flaming toilet.

Meanwhile, the miserable lot down here on the ground? Dead. Painful, humiliating, like. While lying to their children.

Briar’s face turned white and appeared to shrivel, squeezing tears from their ducts in reaction to the news. Reaching into his trenchcoat, Benedict produced a bottle of cheap whiskey – awful, ridiculously cheap whiskey – and handed it to the man. Briar cracked it open and took a swig, making the most resistant cringe and swallow he possibly could – his bitter first steps down a long road of Alcoholism.

Compassion, the way Sith knew it

And that’s when I’ll shuffle through the gates of hell, all trenchcoat and cigarette, misery and madness, to scrape up the corpses and welcome in the strays so that they can get to measuring their lives by holovision episodes and hits of junk amidst the rubbish and the refugees. And I’ll let them stay, right yeah? And I’ll protect them as best I can, but I can’t bloody save them because there’s kark-all left to save. You made damn sure of that.

Benedict left the former husband and father to collapse into a heap on the ground and casually made his way back to the ledge, looking down at the crimson smears along the pavement that were barely recognizable as human from this distance and probably any other.

And I …I don’t how long I can keep doing it….

With a sigh of cigarette smoke, he raised his gaze unto the horizon and beheld the continuing firey destruction of the Royal Palace.

I’m here because your ridiculous crap called me here.

Alright, you sniveling, little poof…,” he muttered to Aldera. “War it is, then.”

But I’m just a karking band-aid
[member="Darth Banshee"]'s Dragon's Breath vs Gypsymoth

He continued the long starboard skid underneath the Dragon's Breath, bow still pointed up at the belly of the larger ship. Lucky ion cannon fire took shields to the high forties -- feth.

For a long second he took his hand off the guns, hooking the edge of a sticky button under the console rim, jamming the weapons on. His cannon fire went high as he goosed the repulsorlifts again-

Putting him right behind the much larger, much slower vessel. Triangular-profile ships like that were meant for concentrating fire forward, and though the Dragon's Breath could still hit him with a respectable number of guns, a partial blind spot like this maximized his chances. It was turning to try and face him, and had gotten some good hits out of that, but he stuck to his vantage point behind the corvette. He got his hand back on the guns and adjusted, kept pouring fire toward the corvette's engines. Back here, he might even have a shot at getting warheads through the point defense. Another pair of light concussion missiles jumped out; if they succeeded, a bigger assault concussion missile would follow.


LOCATION: Paradise City, where the grass is razed and girls are dead
ALLIES: One Sith, [member="Darth Isolda"] being spooky
ENEMIES: Republic, [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
OBJECTIVE: Don't get smashed in the face with rubble

The parasite's control shifted, moving away from the hard fought and rudimentary grasp that it held upon Mantorok's speech. Of course, the Chistori (much like the woman) was not even aware that he had spoke, like great black blotches upon his memories of events he could not recall what his body did whenever the worm made those grasps for control.

A growl of discontent was let loose as the witch threw rubble at him. A large fragment of building bouncing off of his thick hide and even thicker skull. Rude. You can't just sit there and take it, old buddy old pal.

Let me help.

The power of the brain is wasted upon you filthy bipeds, if you learned to control your processes you would be a lot more efficient. Sadly, you cannot and you must use artificial stimulants to even grasp at my levels of greatness.

Let's play with your dopamine receptors for a drop of psychosis, Mantorok. A pinch (or heaping tablespoon) of adrenaline to get your back upon your feet, ignore your pain. Let's just play around with that pituitary gland, the good old wombo-combo of testosterone fuelled aggression. That's the kick start your engines need. He rose to his feet, another portion of mindlessly flung rubble impacting with his armoured chest.

A stagger backwards.

A roar.

The amphistaff slithered down the Chistori's arm and into his waiting grasp, not yet rigid. The saurian took a great imposing step forward, flicking his wrist to send his serpentine weapon lashing in the woman's direction like a whip, and yet he stood too far to impact her with the strike.

So it was ultimately very helpful when the amphistaff sent venom spraying at her face and eyes.


News They Don't Want Heard
Location: Alderaan
Allies: Fadeyka Asmundr Varobalder Kian Karr [member="Saki"]
Enemies: One Sith
Objective: Kill SITHLINGS and GIANT WORMS!

At the direction from Saki, Niamh and Teria started gathering both armor and weapons from the fallen troopers. The speeder started getting rather full, as they grabbed everything from blasters and thermal detonators to spare power packs and armor. Niamh suited herself up in armor from a female trooper while she was at it. When this all went down she'd only been wearing her shore leave naval uniform. No armor included in that, which was why she'd taken such a beeting.

In the distance that stupid worm deal was having its own fun little time and Niamh grimaced a bit. The thing was flipping ugly and she wanted to take care of it more than anything, but she wasn't sure that was in the cards.

"We'll be fine, Master Jedi. Just had a round of electroshock therapy before."

She offered a thumbs up and stopped gathering stuff before moving over with the woman.

"What's the plan? We need to hurt these bastards."
[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Location: On the move [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Allies: [member="Saki"], [/SIZE][member="Niamh Raste"], [member="Fadeyka"], [member="Asmundr Varobalder"]
Enemies: @One Sith

Kian was on the move again. He had met up with the Republic forces in order to get his padawan the medical treatment she desperately needed and he hoped that he had gotten her there in time. Running through the chaotic battlefield, Kian saw turbolasers firing in the sky. The battle was heating up.

It wasn't long before he came to a group he recognized as Republic. He immediately recognized [member="Saki"], a Jedi Master who had come to his aid on Empress Teta and [member="Asmundr Varobalder"]. The others he didn't know.

"Greetings." He said, approaching them openly so as not to startle them.

"How can I help?" Kian asked approaching them and seeing that they were preparing for something. Perhaps a counterattack. Either way, Kian would do whatever he could to help. He wasn't ready to give up on Alderaan.
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] [member="Myr"]

Allies: One Sith, Myr
Enemies: Republic, Friedrich

"Interesting," Kymaero stated, looking at the screen. "Fire the Dark Blades on their command ship."

After charging long enough, the Dark Blades were now ready to fire.

In space, not a sound was heard.

But if it had been, there'd be some serious Michael Bay stuff throwing down right now. Explosions left and right, the force of the hypervelocity guns of the Dark Blade Dreadnoughts fired upon the Command Ship Justicar with the entire might of the One Sith armada behind them, all aimed at the Command Ship Justicar.

"Move the fleet into engage whatever rema-"

"Sir, incoming comm link data."

"Patch it."

Kymaero viewed the message. The Dark Lord himself, huh...

"Don't they know we've got a battle to win?"

Kymaero poured over the message a second time and nodded.

"Signal the retreat towards Alderaan. We're going to take this fight to the planet."

The entire fleet began of the One Sith began to move into a defensive posture and turned tail to run away from the encroaching defensive fleet. Kymaero smirked. Not exactly his cup of tea, but then... He puffed on his hooka.

"Full steam ahead. Scramble bombing runs on those cruisers and strafe as we descend to the planet. Yes, I'm aware an atmospheric battle will significantly put us at a disadvantage. Wh-why are you arguing with me?"

"You're talking to yourself, sir."

"Right. Move the transport groups into the 9th Quadrant. I want them landing in the city instead. Yes, I'm aware there will be heavier losses."

5th Fleet: Retreating Towards 9th Quadrant Of Alderaan Sector, into the Atmosphere of Alderaan
Transport Group: 9th Quadrant of the Alderaan Sector, approaching orbit of Alderaan.

Stahlmann's Fleet: 6th Quadrant of the Alderaan Sector

5th Fleet Battle Group
One Sith Naval Forces Central Command
Rear Admiral Kymaero Vol


One Sith
Kymaero Vol
Freidrich Stahlmann

1x Interdictor-class Star Destroyers - 1.6 km
2x Skarr-Ro'ik Carrier Analogs - 2.84 km
4x Dark Blade Dreadnought - 4.2 km
2x Torment Class Torment Class Star Destroyer - 2 km
25x Razer Class Frigates - 4.65 km
1x Miid Ro'ik - 1.62 km
1x A-vek liluunu - .8 km
1x Vanguard-class Heavy Cruiser - .6 km
Fighters, Bombers, Transports, etc including: Raider-class Light Interceptor, OS-1 Class Bombers, KI-SB-MK I, KI-IC-MK I, KI-ES-MK I, Yorik-Et, Yorik-Trema, and TIE Interceptors - 6.69 km

Dark Blades have fired four HVG's at the Justicar.
Defensive Sphere is retreating with the Dark Blades taking damage from the Republic's cruisers.
Fighter squadrons scrambled in front of the Dark Blades.
Transport group is moving to the 9th Quadrant to the Capital City.
Bombing runs ordered on the Republic Cruisers.

Dark Blade 1: 85%
Dark Blade 2: 76%
Dark Blade 3: 81%
Dark Blade 4: 67%
Transport Group: 87%
Everything Else: 100%
Location: Buaetiful mountains of Alderaan
Allies: Sith and friends
Enemies: Republic and enemies [member="November Sinclair"]

While waiting for the first shots to rip through the silence and echoe through the mountains, marking the palace's destruction, Veles continued to kneels in the shadows, hidden by his Force cloak and meditated, drawing the power of the Dark Side into his body and recharging stamina. Everything felt peaceful, nothing disturbing him except for the task of maintaining his Force cloak and Force stealth. It should not feel this peaceful though...

The Mon Cal frowned, he could not hear the expected artillery fire! Something must have gone wrong and he did not know what. Maybe, just maybe, the palace has already been destroyed and the soldiers had no target to shoot at? The terrible silence accompanied only by howling winds, first peaceful and calming, then slightly unnerving and finally utterly disappointing was finally disturbed by a sound, though not the sound he would have liked, the sound of dozens of artillery guns releasing their shots and sending a generous ammount of shells. Silently and softly sighing, he opened his large eyes and gazed up, the whisker under his chin wriggling as he watched the sky upon hearing an approaching ship. The sound of its engines let him know it definitely was not the Dragon's Breath.

Surely a Republic dog sent there to investigate the corrupted commander. Smiling, he glanced to the right, then to the left, searching for something while rising from the kneeling position. He noted the woman who roped down from her ship before she cloaked herself, though her continued chat with the Chancellor revealed her position. The Force massed in his legs as he jumped, an invisible Sith flying through the air, and landed higher up the mountain, next to one of the artillery cannons and its crew. His fall was silenced by bending sounds. Calmly, he started pacing to his new destination; the landing pad.
[member="Kymaero Vol"]

The Sith movement made Stahlmann’s heart leap. They had made a critical error, and it was for him to exploit!
The Sith were retreating towards the planet’s atmosphere but had sent their bombers to attack the Republic ships with no support from escorts or fighters! This was an opportunity which happened only a few times in an Admiral’s career.

“All interceptors and fighters, engage the bombers, take them out before they send in support!”
The superior speed of the launched interceptors would allow them to get to the bombers before they could fire a single missile. To support this onslaught, the flak guns and quad lasers on the cruisers opened fire on the massed Sith bombers. The bombers, slower, more unwieldy, not used to dogfighting, would be set upon like the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, with similar results.

Meanwhile, the Sith Dreadnoughts were trying to retreat and fire, but since their guns all faced forward they could only retreat by reversing their engines. In any case the Republic ships were quicker and were soon in range.

Stahlmann winced as the Justicar again took a heavy volley, this time causing fires and explosions to flare up over the hull.
“All ships…fire!”
With his three Watts class heavy cruisers (which fire as Star Destroyers due to Valen tech) on the right flank fired in enfilade, his frontline cruisers, the star destroyers and the remaining Watts cruisers all concentrating fire onto the 4 dreadnoughts they would either be destroyed or so crippled that they could be finished off next time.

Sith bomber squadrons swarmed by interceptors and fighters before they could begin their bombing runs, supported by long range defence gun fire from the cruisers. Heavy losses anticipated. Surviving bombers will be able to make their runs next turn.
Justicar shield to 70% then to 0%. Justicar hull 70%.
Illum, Ossus, Tython Watts Heavy Cruisers (which fire as SDs) concentrating fire on left most deadnought on Sith line.
Arkania, Talasea Watts Heavy Cruisers firing on the same dreadnought as the 3 above.
Justicar firing on Dreadnoughts.
Valiance Star Destroyers x 5 firing on Dreadnoughts.
Nudcha, Nixor and Redoubt class ships firing on Dreadnoughts.
Escorts moving forward to provide suppression and anti-bomber support to cruisers.

Class Type Length Number Total Names
Justicar Class Command Ship Support Command Ship 2000 1 2000 Liberty
MC180 Command Ship Assault Command Ship 2000 1 2000 Justicar
Valiance Class Star Destroyer Balanced Star Destroyer 1600 5 8000 Virtue, Destiny, Righteous, Adament, Overlord
Watts Class Heavy Cruiser Assault Heavy Cruiser 1000 5 5000 Arkania, Talasea, Illum, Ossus, Tython
Nudcha Class Heavy Cruiser Assault Heavy Cruiser 900 2 1800 Radiance, Judgement
Redoubt Class Cruiser Assault Cruiser 600 4 2400 Paladin, Cavalier, Dragoon, Cataphract
Nixor Class Cruiser Balanced Cruiser 550 2 1100 Nova, Quasar
Metellos Class Frigate Support Frigate 350 4 1400 Green, Blue, Red, Gold
Taboon Class Corvette Support Corvette 160 8 1280 Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] [member="Myr"]

Allies: One Sith, [member="Myr"], [member="Mantorok"] [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Mantorok"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Hauntruss"], [member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Darth Isolda"]

Enemies: Republic, [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Kian Karr"]

"That's why I brought more bombers than you did," Kymaero smirked distastefully, watching the screen. He banged his peg leg against the floor as the direction of fire began focusing Dark Blade 4, with the left line receiving the brunt of the attack. "Charge the Dark Blades. Move the left flank back," he yelled.

He watched the shield on Dark Blade 4 fall as it continued to receive the deadly waves of destruction the Republic was sending it's way.

"RETREAT TO THE PLANET," he yelled at the screen.

Dark Blades 1, 2, 3 and 4 continued charging their hypervelocity guns.

"MOVE FASTER YOU KARKING POODO-" He slammed his fist on the screen. "GET ME THE COMMANDER,"

A burning wreckage appeared on screen with the Commander of Dark Blade 4's face.

"I'm sending you coordinates now, Execute Order 77."

He turned to his First Mate.

"Swarm the frigates, swarm the damned Destroyers, bring the Miid Ro'ik Rok I up at the point on the right flank. Try to push that left line back!"


"But sir we're currently blocking most channels..."


"Roger, sir."

Kymaero grabbed the ancient looking microphone.

"All One Sith military personnel, this is Rear Admiral Kymaero. Evacuate Aldera."

He took a deep breath and looked back to the screen.

"Destroy them. All of them. And don't let them take my Dreadnought."

5th Fleet: 8th Qaundrant of Alderaan Sector, Border Of The Capital City, Entering Atmosphere.
Transport Group: 9th Quadrant of the Alderaan Sector, approaching orbit of Alderaan.

Stahlmann's Fleet: 7th Quadrant of the Alderaan Sector

5th Fleet Battle Group
One Sith Naval Forces Central Command
Rear Admiral Kymaero Vol


One Sith
Kymaero Vol
Freidrich Stahlmann

1x Interdictor-class Star Destroyers - 1.6 km
2x Skarr-Ro'ik Carrier Analogs - 2.84 km
4x Dark Blade Dreadnought - 4.2 km
2x Torment Class Torment Class Star Destroyer - 2 km
25x Razer Class Frigates - 4.65 km
1x Miid Ro'ik - 1.62 km
1x A-vek liluunu - .8 km
1x Vanguard-class Heavy Cruiser - .6 km
Fighters, Bombers, Transports, etc including: Raider-class Light Interceptor, OS-1 Class Bombers, KI-SB-MK I, KI-IC-MK I, KI-ES-MK I, Yorik-Et, Yorik-Trema, and TIE Interceptors - 6.69 km

Bombing runs failed, but Kymaero's got back ups 'cause he brought lots more than he needed.
All Dark Blades are charging HVG's again.
Defensive Sphere Fleet is entering atmosphere, Dark Blades are taking a majority of the damage.
Miid Ro'ik, Frigates, and All Star Destroyers are moving up in a pyramid on the right flank to try and push back the left.
Dark Blade Dreadnought 4 is under extreme heavy fire.

Dark Blade 1: 76%
Dark Blade 2: 64%
Dark Blade 3: 78%
Dark Blade 4: 56%
First Group Of Bombers: X_X
Transport Group: 83%
Everything Else: 100%
Location: Venom Showers
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Mantorok"]

The sound of shifting rubble caught Spencer's attention, looking over towards where she left the Sith's Chistori buried. It seemed he decided to play a little longer. Cursing under her breath, she felt the words of the Spooky one brush against her mentally. She only left herself open long enough for the message to click, then suddenly all connections to her mind would become dead to [member="Darth Isolda"]. Time to focus up, but there wasn't much she could do except cover her face with her arms. It was helpful that she had allowed someone to design her combat armor. After the venom finished spraying, her arms lowered and the Chistori had her full attention.

“So you got some fight in you, lovely.” Once again she focused the force against the Dinosaur, moving her arms across her body in a waving motion she summoned the force to pick up the smaller bits of rubble and project them into the creature's face.
Location: Palace, on a ship with Daella
Allies: One Sith, [member="Darth Junra"]
Enemies: so many people...

Sprinting, he took one last jump into the transport and climbed in. He caught the question of his Master at the last bit, then the explosion occurred. Once again, he was unphased by the change and he looked towards his Master. He knew others were down there and since they were gone he would assume the Republic cowards would end up making their way in. His now yellow eyes peered towards his Master wondering what was to come next – he moved towards her and stood at her side. “Others are down there. The one we fought – he was strong.”

His voice was emotionless and flat, but still strong. His hands reached for one of his sabers, and he held the object in front of him. Quickly using the force he took it apart and adjusted it fixing the shortage that occurred against [member="Ryan Korr"] 's armor. As the first one was fixed, he did the same to the second. Both sabers returned to their clips against his thighs. A part of him wanted to do something for his Master, but he knew all he could do was keep his promise. “Are we moving to a new objective or are we done here?” He thought quietly to himself as he finished speaking, he hoped they were done – this place grew boring fast. So many heretics, so little burning.

ooc: If I missed something please PM me! So much going on ^_^;;
Location: En Route to Palage. Joggy style.
Allies: The Republic {Specifically [member="Saki"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Niamh Raste"], @[member="Fadeyka"]}
Enemies: One Sith
Music: Rocky Theme Song

Asmundr was at a disadvantage that he couldn’t exactly see the intricacy of the goop and slime that coated Jedi Master @Saki. But he wasn’t so deaf as he was visually impaired.

He heard her words, and frowned at her suggestion that he would object. When it came to ammunition etcetera, he wasn’t very good with that sort of thing. The technology of this world was strikingly contrast to that of Midvinter — he’d always lived a simple life, and asking him to pick up something other than his massive sceptre was a lot.

“Master Saki insists we stop the worm, Knight Karr.” Asmundr replied, slowly and deeply. “So we stop the worm. We let the others focus on their struggles. We mitigate what we are able.”

He would have looked to each of them at this inspiring moment, but he could only see their brilliant Force auras.

The speeder wasn’t an agreeable size with his overbearing size. He wouldn't fit with all the supplies and his companions. He frowned deeply, and bent at the waist to pick up a few canteens to drape and twist around his hips. After doing so, he nodded. “In."

Then, his powerful and massive legs bent and he scooted awkwardly into the farthest seat in the back, making himself as small of an obstacle as possible to his companions. Nobody wanted a golden horn in the eye!

Onward they would move. For the Republic and such!


Came in like a wrecking maul
Location: Alderaan
Allies: [member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Fadeyka"] [member="Asmundr Varobalder"] [member="Kian Karr"]
Enemies: One Sith

Saki looked at the large man when he spoke and then at her armor.... Yeah stop the giant worm. Well she had an idea, it wasn't good but dammit the best way to stop something big was with something larger. No scratch that as she saw the speeder loaded up and gave a nod of her head. "Yeah stop the worm well I can say this right now, its controllor is an ancient sith who I fought in my first mission. Val'ryss is not one you can tangle with and she is inside the beast, I mean literally inside. I got a good punch in or two but fighting in the mouth of a giant beast is not something we were trained for."

She let that sink in more while sitting in the side seat, with the weapons and ammo loaded, medical supplies and grenades then her weapons and the large jedi well they had a full load on a large land speeder. He had faced Val'ryss twice now and failed both times, once to save the people of Togoria and now here. Not a great thing but she had faced it head on and now breathed in and then out. "We're going to need something large and we're going to need to get through an army preparing to attack whatever forces we have at the palace. That worm is on the move." She could feel it now as the ground was rumbling from something moving under it.

She looked to Kian and spoke. "We're going towards the palace and into that army of blackblades and massassi. If they are here that means only one person can be leading them. Kaine, a former emperor who created them. They wouldn't follow anyone else except the Zambrano's and last I saw they were all dead. The massassi are new, they weren't at Teta or Ossus, Dac, Korriban or Teta. We'll have to be careful of those tremor swords and just their sheer numbers but we can do it." He didn't like this, leading a group even a group of ragtag stragglers was very much outside of her comfort zone but she'd do it.

They were going worm hunting ater all and her head turned to Niahm with her bodyguard as she moved checking the armor to make sure it was secure. "You two be careful okay, stay with the trooper from Havoc and the speeder, use the weapons and be ready for anything cause we are going through hell and into the fight. If anything happens I want you to drop everything and run, we are sworn to protect the citizen's of the Republic and that means you. Because you help make the peace, we just do as needed and I will give every ounce of my strength, every fiber of my being even my life to make sure those who can make peace are safe."

She motioned them towards and ito the speeder. "Now lets mount of and get ready, we have a worm to fight and some sith to beat down." Yeah she could do this, she even believed they might be abel to do it to, it was like a small lie you told yourself to cover how scared you really got when looking down things. She was focusing on the force now and jumping into the speeder ready for anything grabbing her hammer with a small smirk. "Alright start it up and lets go kick some sith teeth in." Now was the look while she slid some more goop from her hair and off the armor.

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