Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Conquest of Alderaan [One Sith vs Republic]

The Admiralty
Location: Ruins
Objective: Nopenopenope out of there
[member="Eleena Miho"]

There didn’t seem to come any reply from the figure who cradled the form of the woman, no reply at all except the soft humming of his voice, buzzing softly into their near vicinity. With it came the careful, almost caressing vibration of his presence wrapped around them and exerting peace and calmness to the immediate surroundings.

One step after another took both of them farther away from the battle zones, and deeper into the buffer-zone of the Republic. The places who were still secure and in control of the Military.

A transport was just about to leave, Michael walked over to it and placed Eleena’s form onto one of the waiting stretchers, a nurse came over with a concerned look asking what the problem was with her.

‘Exertion, she will be alright I think.’ just then a signal went out, there was going to be an assault on the Palace. Kiskla and Popo were going to be there… Sardun eyed the unconscious form of the girl and then sighed. He knew he had to be besides Kiskla. ‘I will be back, little one. I promise.’

With that he nodded towards the nurse, turning his back to the transport and setting the first step towards the direction of the Palace.
Location: Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Objective: Destroy the will of all that oppose the Dark Lord
Allies: [member="Cale Gunderson"], [member="Arturious Engel"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member=Sciath], [member="Darth Helios"], [member=Myr], [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Quinn Vos"], [member="Taral Mirtis"], [member="Elaine Thul"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"], [member=Tracyn], [member="Popo"]
TBD: [member="Anastacia Fa'leen"]
Background Music:

The telekinetic noose that Darth Junra attempted to wrap around [member="Ryan Korr"]’s neck tried to tighten itself. As [member="Arturious Engel"] slipped next to Darth Junra and spoke to her, Daella continued to attempt to maintain her hold and observe Ryan’s actions. Her eyes slowly reopened wide to display her burning orange irises.

To Darth Junra’s words and attempted attack, she was met with inaction.

Then, Darth Junra’s head twitched. She threw her arm out toward the bottom of the stairs. At that point, Darth Junra’s hold in the Force would attempt to toss Ryan Korr down the stairway and eventually dissipate.

Just a second after, bombardments from a battalion of Republic tanks began to rain down on the Palace’s steps. A multitude of Sith and Republic forces on the stairs were hit by the incoming fire. A shot from a tank exploded near Daella and shook the ground at her feet. Daella turned to see Anastacia Fa’leen as Arturious’s prisoner. The Sith and Republic troops that were still alive at the grounds and steps franticly searched for cover.

Into the palace!” yelled Daella to the Sith around her, “Bring the prisoner!

After saying that, Daella rushed into the palace. Many soldiers, both Republic and Sith, attempted to follow suit. The fighting would continue indoors as others took care of the Republic’s reinforcements.

While Daella ran into the palace, she used her wristcomm to contact [member="Darth Helios"] and ask him, “Where to, Helios?


Came in like a wrecking maul
Location: Alderaan
Allies: [member="Niamh Raste"] [member="Fadeyka"]
Enemies: One Sith
Mucis: Fort Minor

Saki was moving, still stumbling and she didn't actually want to remember where she had been as she moved. Stopping only to lean against a wall and wipe more of the goop from her while taking in the destruction. Her body doubling over as chokes wracked out plastering her hair across her face. "Okay okay I need to get somewhere and see what the hell is happening." She kept moving forward and through the streets until she stopped, three sith soldiers were holding the chain and weight she had thrown into the building while she chuckled a little to herself.

That was a rather nice thing to find and gave her some idea of where she was location wise while she moved. Letting the force push her body and pain aside until she was moving through the three sith and smashing the gauntlet on the troopers head with a crack. Her hand grabbing the chain and choking on it as she spun and batted one away into a building. with an impact, the other trooper she threw the end of the chain at and wrapped it around his leg to pull him back as she jumped up and kicked sending a burst o force energy out to throw him into the air.

"Need to keep moving." Saki could feel it her own body protesting but she had the geltabs and was popping two of them while gripping the chain. Her saber back in its clip on her hip and she felt the healing juices pulsing and flowing through her body. It made her feel better as there were sounds of blaster fire and she moved looking at a building while she threw the weight to open the doors. The sight of [member="Niamh Raste"] and her bodyguard there brought her attentions around as she spoke. They were Republic after all and the jedi master stood there tall covered in gunk but dammit she could still beat down what soldiers were coming.

"Come on move." She motioned to the speeder the troopers had arrived in and ran over getting the weight inside of it while checking what else they had brought. She wanted to find her hammer but that was off somewhere as well she would have to look for. She waited the moment for them to get into the speeder and set off, they needed to get to safety and with everything going to hell and that worm she heard the chancellor over the comlink. "We need to get moving you two, gun it for the Republic's lines and don't stop for anything." Saki kept looking and waited for them to get in before leaving, they needed to rejoin Popo and the grandmaster.

That was why as she felt the wind from the speeder going Saki let her arms free to grab as they flew over and grab the large handle. Luck but it was also in the ground where she had left it going over the ruins of the university. She brought it up while letting the wind dry the gunk in her hair and Saki cringed. She knew the echani from before somewhat but now sitting there with her hammer she opened one of the compartments and pulled out some of the geltabs giving them to the two. "Take these for healing and be ready, we need to get and rejoin. That worm is not a joke."

She did stop to think about it though and would remember throwing a punch at Hauntruss in the mouth of the large beast... also straight up charging it. She wasn't one to think to far ahead but then she saw it. More sith troopers with captured Republic personnel and recognized the Havoc armor from the ground. More so that they were marching from the direction of the medical center and Saki gripped her hammer while she spoke. "Don't stop going, keep the speeder running and get to the Republic's forward base. I'll buy you some time and see how many more I can send to join you."

Saki looked at the troopers as she held the hammer and jumped out letting the earth below her shift to meet her needs and form another disc. Then form around her feet and ankles until she was moving and gliding through the ground. The hammer pulled back ready to swing and strike at the enemies until she was wading into the line of sith troopers and spinning with the hammer batting them high into the air, her body bulking and strengthening as she closed that circuit in her mind and body. She wanted to win and protect the ones here as the sight of [member="Fadeyka"] brought her about into a jump.

The hammer impacted first while she moved, kicking and punching into their faces. Every strike she was connecting with something be it faces, chests or armor and building that force pressure until she repulsed to make some room. Letting the whips lash out to strike at and bash away others. "RUN!!!" She spoke to the emerald skinned tattoo covered woman and kept moving, kept pushing to strike at the sith soldiers as the other captured soldiers went to the cleared path. "Get to the Republic's lines." Her energies flaring while she was fighting into the middle of them and making a mini quake with fissures to ensnare some of them.
Location: near the library
Enemy: broken bones
Allies: healing amulet

Darth Banshee was meditating, and the sith healing amulet was drawing strength from her. It poured that energy back into her body, and started to heal her. She could feel her collar bone, becoming whole again. It itched like hell as did though. The energy that coursed through her body, was heating her up as it did. She sweating head to toe in her armour, it almost feverish. Sweat was pouring out of her, at same time she did not feel dehydrated. The amulet was working, slowly but it was working. She could feel her leg healing as well........
Location: Near the palace
Enemies: Pubs, TBD
Allies: Sith

An athelic shaped figure dressed in battered Mandalorian armor, a reminder of her past, was one of the soldiers to be dropped off by Darth Banshee's ship. She certainly stood out among the uniformly dressed men and women, even her weapon clearly indicated she did not belong there as another soldier. No, it was quite clear the young woman has joined the invasion as a mercenary, a hired gun working for a lofty sum of credits... or maybe, just maybe, something else? Would a mercenary fight for something else than shiny credits, especially in a galaxy where one could buy anything with enough money? This would be her first battle on the side of the One Sith. After being betrayed by those she considered to be her family, Izinri did not have much of a choice than to join a major player in the galaxy if she wished to keep her life. She'd never join the Republic after her home being raided by them, and most other factions supported the Republic, making them just as bad. The One Sith remained there, only one way to walk, one path that offered her to do what she truly liked.

As she learned after nearly being killed by the two Mandos, the Sith they have attacked actually wanted to better the relationship between the One Sith and the Mandalorians. And because of one madman who attacked her, then blamed the attack on the Sith and the Sith Mandalorian, who wanted the allies to stop fighting among themselves, Izinri had to leave. How much she wished to get that idiot in her hands and make him suffer for what he did to her, rip his head off and listen to his screams!

Her bloodlust has proven to be a worthy ally in the battle. Many Republic troopers fell to her light repeating blaster as she slowly advanced through the battlefield, her armor painted red and black to display her new allegiance. More red, though it was not paint, sprayed over her armor the moment her opponents had gotten themselves too close to her. When that happened, Izinri took out her beskad and started cleaving through their bodies, occasionally getting the weapon stuck in the armor or their ribcage as she delivered a powerful vertical hack between their neck and shoulder in an attempt to cleave them in half. This reckless behaviour resulted in her taking several hits, luckily none of them did any real damage. Blood and guts of her enemies lied decorated her armor and she loved it, enjoying the carnage and unknowingly drawing some energy from the Dark Side that only excited her further.

It did not take long and the medcenter was no more thanks to the Sith and their allies. While some remained in there, most forces moved to another objective, Izinri being no exception. Unlike Banshee, the red skinned woman moved towards the place to help her newfound family take over it and brace for the inevitable attack.

Upon her way there, the Sith saw from far away as the tanks and armored transporters opened fire on the palace, thus making it near impossible for her to get there. Crouching, the young woman quickly deployed her weapons on the ground, along with the small portable power generator. If anyone succeeded in taking out those tanks and transports, she was more than ready to tear the escaping crew to pieces with her high powered weapon.
Location: En route to Republic tanks
Allies: Glitter and One Sith
Enemies: Republic and Jedi
Objective: Recreate tanks vs Godzilla scene

The medical center was in ruins and walking now with the legion was giving her time to heal up. Use the force to rebuild and protect her while the doctor worked with biofiber on her cheek and synthetic flesh. A bandage on her cheek and her shoulder while walking they sent forward the sithspawn to forge a path. "Bring the pain, whatever sithspawn we have brought send them in." The man gave a nod while she moved continuing forward and the sounds of artillery came. Balaya stood and paused letting the large leviathan roar while reports came to her datapad. "Attacks on the palace. Move quickly but prepare for support we will wipe out what is firing on our people while they kill and destroy."
Location: Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Allies: [member="Darth Junra"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"]

Sciath didn't react when the blades shorted out, even if he did there would be nothing written on his stone face. The kick made contact with his jaw, in a split second he attempted to use the force to strengthen his body to avoid any permanent damage. The force didn't do much in protection and his jaw and face hurt like hell. Falling back, he would have lost the arm, but his Master stepped in at the right moment. Sciath landed on his back, but quickly stood looking at his useless sabers. Clipping them back to his legs, he looked towards the Jedi.

Help arrived and he followed the Orders of his Master. Quickly running in behind her, he looked at her waiting for her to finish. Though before he could speak, he heard her question another Lord. Being obedient, he ran his hand against his jaw popping it back into place. Looking out towards the others, he spoke softly as he stood near Junra. “What now, my Master?”
Location: Outside the Palace
Objective: Reclaim the Palace
Allies: The Republic, Kiskla Grayson, Anastacia Fa'leen Ryan Korr
Enemies: Myr Darth Odium Darth Junra Arturious Engel Taral Mirtis @Darth Mieren Sciath Darth Helios

Plasma ignited the sky as two admirals, one of The Republic and another from the One Sith, combatted for aerial control. The youth was doing her best to cultivate a serenity, but The Sith were agitating her supremely.

Kiskla was not on Alderaan, as she had no reason to be. Well, that was until the urgency of the situation quickly escalated. Now, both primary influencers of The Republic were travelling together to try and reinvigorate a salvation for Alderaan. While they travelled, the mic in the collar of Kiskla’s armour spewed constant updates of the battle.

Talon was attempting to kamikaze a library. The Medical facility had been lost. Two Jedi healers had fallen dead, there were massive Sith creatures ravaging the planet. The Republic was not faring well.

She exhaled and peered down from the dropship the Chancellor and herself were onboard. She was always surprised to see the slug in action — despite her youth having brief association with The Hutt Cartel, she’d never actually seen any in full force. Just sitting and oozing.

They’d landed fairly quickly, and were now on the outskirts of the palace — a place that was unfortunately marked to succumb like the rest. At least, it was marked as such. The outcome, one could not assume. Kiskla wondered if Jedi Master [member="Rianna Ordo"] was nearby. This was her seat, after all.

“And this is how they act when they support the current Queen.” Kiskla sniffed in reference to Daella's announcement and thumbed the activation for the helmet of Veil V2 to close over her visage. Through the filter of a speaker, she responded with a light simper at the corner of her lips—although this was beyond sight; “I’d say after you, but..” Kiskla darted forward quicker than the slug could, by both body shape and will of The Force.

It didn’t take long for her to close on the outskirts and near the sprawling steps. They had activity --- the traitor and the stone were duelling, and a large portion of the impressive structure had crumbled. This was quickly assessed whilst the Grandmaster’s lithe figure zipped ahead of The Republic Forces’ cover fire.

She slowed just in time to outstretch her arm, bending the air molecules surrounding [member="Ryan Korr"]. It appeared Daella was finished with him, and tossed the suffocating boy away like a rag doll. This telekinetic adjustment to the airflow that Kiskla created would hopefully work as a cushion to soften the impact of Korr’s backward fall.
Location: Palace Steps
Enemies: [member="Darth Junra"] [member="Sciath"] [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Quinn Vos"]
Allies: [member="Popo"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"]

The Jedi's foot connected sharply with Sopher's face. Skin and cartilage gave beneath the blow. A burst of triumph filled Ryan, only to be suddenly snatched away as an unseen power jerked sharply on his neck, ripping him away from the Sith before his lightsaber could cleave through his opponent's arm.

He found himself floating briefly, held up by his neck as the Traitor slowly throttled the life out of him. Light faded, darkness appearing at the corners of his vision and he heard her bellowed words distantly, as of crashing waves on far off shores. Vahla. A word he'd never heard before, but one that which set his very blood alight with some foreign emotion. Destiny? No. No one dictated his future to him. Least of all those who had either slaughtered his friends or turned them into monsters. Power awoke within him and he reached for the cimmerian strength, but even as he stretched out to accept a flame of might Apparine tossed him aside like an unwanted doll.

The scar-kissed youth tumbled down, hitting the edge of a step before an aura wrapped around him and shielded him from the rest of the fall. Korr got to his feet and glanced back, witnessing the distant face of Kiskla Grayson amidst a sea of reinforcements. He sent her a feeling of thanks, then looked up toward the retreating Apparine and Jakobs.

Another presence touched at his mind. Grey eyes flared wide and memories of a darkened cave and a stubborn, fiery-eyed woman surged to the surface.

"Odium," he rasped, throat raw from the throttling.

His enemy was here, somewhere. No matter, he would find him later.

Tapping into the Force, Ryan bounded up the steps in impossible leaps as he followed after the fleeing Sith. Tank shells slammed all around, spraying him with shards of permacrete, but at last he barreled into the entrance of the Palace, where the tanks did not fire for fear of collapsing what remained.

Korr moved forward toward Daella, hand extended before him. He yanked backward, attempting to rip her toward him with the Force while at the same time he thrust, fully intending to pull her onto his impaling blade.
Palace Steps

Sciath kept aware of his surroundings and this allowed him to see from the corner of his eye the Jedi that wouldn't give up. A growl emitted from his throat as he stepped forward. Using the Force he summoned it pushing the Jedi back. He hoped it was in time for Daella to respond and counter the pull so that she wouldn't be sent flying as well. The push should have broken the concentration of the Jedi, but he seemed to have many tricks up his sleeve.

[member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Darth Junra"]
A booming voice crackled through the airwaves of the dropship, and Asmundr was thankful his helmet covered his ears mostly.

“All Republic Forces to the Palace.”

All Republic Forces? He was a Republic Force!

“Pilot — “ the viking began, but he was cut off by the driver of the ship confirming that indeed they were heading toward the semi-crumbled palace.

“Ready to drop, Warden?”

In the reflection of the back, the pilot would see the viking’s golden horns dip in confirmation — a nod. Asmundr wasn’t one to waste his breath, and speaking wasn’t a forte of his. Nor was combat, really, but he had a lot of weight to swing around and he intended to use it. He also had a very heavy stick. He intended to use that as well.

Especially on that giant worm on the ground below.

The ship curled around to the ground, dipping the airlock’s side near to Alderaan’s rich terrain. From this tip, Asmundr was able to rock his weight forward and somewhat effectively cannon-ball onto the ground.


Okay, now where was he? Golden eyes sought without being able to actually see anything beyond body temperatures and rough outlines. But he could smell. Oh boy, could he smell.

“Jedi Master [member=“Saki”],” the Warden spoke, his resounding voice overbearing the sounds of warfare. “You smell wretched. Where are you heading, and what has happened to you.”
Location: Meeting up with Republic forces by the Palace
Enemies: @One Sith
Allies: Republic, @Jedi

Kian still craddled [member="Ellain Hadrin"] in his arms as he ran through the rubble and the aftermath of the initial phases of the Sith invasion. His padawan didn't look good. She had lost an arm and a leg and he was afraid that if he didn't get her to help soon, she would die. He had ran with her toward the palace in the hopes that they were fairing better there, but the smoke and the strong presence of the darkside in that area told him that they were not. Kian had nearly lost hope.

Then the bombardment had begun and Kian had felt a sense of relief he hadn't felt since the invasion had begun. The Republic was finally responding with a large force! Kian ran on, though his legs burned and he was exhausted.

"We're almost there Ellain!" Kian said to her and picked up the pace. Kian quickly came to the outskirts of the Republic forces and was intercepted by several soldiers.

"Halt!" One shouted and all pointed their blasters in his direction. "Get your hands in the air." Another said stepping forward.

"I need a medic for my padawan." Kian said indicating the girl in his arms. "I'm Jedi Knight Kian Karr, please let me pass." Kian said, nearly pleading with the men.

"Let him through." The third man said nodding his head toward Kian. "I remember you from Carida." The man said stepping aside. Kian didn't waste the opportunity and speed forward unsure if he recognized the soldier or not. He made his way to a medical tent and placed Ellain onto a stretcher. Immediately a medical droid and a medic came over and pushed Kian aside.

"Geez, what happened here?" The medic asked.

"Lightsaber." Kian said stepping around to talk to his padawan.

"Ellain....I have to go." Kian said, not wanting to leave his padawan but knowing that he couldn't stop fighting now. Not when the Republic was about to make a push against the Sith.

"Take care and know that the force is with you. I will see you on Ossus....when this is over." Kian said patting her on the shoulder. He hoped she didn't feel abandoned.

"She'll be fine." The medical droid said, it's voice synthetic and emotionless and yet Kian still found it comforting. With a heavy heart, Kian made his way from the tent and toward the front line of the Republic forces. As he approached he saw a large, armored Hutt and knew immediately that it was @Popo. Kian had never met the Chancellor before but approached anyway. He needed to know where he was needed.
Elegant and depraved.
Location: Throne Room, Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Allies: Cale Gunderson, Arturious Engel, Darth Nexus, Sciath, Darth Junra,,
Enemies: Alyesa Praxon-Organa, Ryan Korr, Tracyn
Potential Captive: [member="Elaine Thul"]

Arturious departed the scene as the thrill of the battle drew him to conflict, naturally. But here stood, Myr. After Helios displayed the deadly art to the young Acolyte silence carried them across the ablazed pavement and buildings outside, the sudden eruptions of explosions in the distance, and the Darkside itself. The existence of a complex nature of diverse roles and explanations, only understood by those whom devote multiple lifetimes to it. However, aspects could be mastered. Helios' Darkshear proficiency seemed to spark enough interest in Myr, at least for the moment. Helios' half-opened eyelids watched over Myr as he studied the Conjured weapons, and afterwards tried it himself. To Helios' own eyes it appeared that Myr failed to make it appear, although no words of comfort came from the Sith Lord. However, when he observed Myr more closely, he saw his demeanor and body language reflect one of...elation. A Miruluka? Despite Myr's apparent heritage, it didn't discredit his ability to at least see something greater than a shard through the Force, although nothing materialized.

Then, his senses became alarmed. Impending danger threatened Helios and his company. The Darkside, being as much of a system of aid as well as a weapon served him greatly. The Hand of the Dark Lord, turned on his heel in the direction from which he felt new auras of the Lightside. Like the gleaming and glittering eyes of a Demon, Helios' animosity towards the Jedi was triggered. Within the shadowed distances of the dark confines of his mind combined with the current flow of the Dark energies of his body, he could see that for which he came – The Lightside, standing sentry, silent, and proud, the monument his people worshiped since the inception of the Star Queen, but even as a child Helios vowed one day, like his father before him, to stand beside it and destroy it. A smile wound across pitch lips with an unfettering grace as the Darkness within Helios compelled him to think further back, to think deeper and remember the absolute answer to the questions and motives that'd always tugged at his mind, even as a child – But nothing awaited him. Just countless memories and unspoken promises.

"M'lord the Republic have landed reinforcements. We've already pulled a transport up on the opposite side of the Palace. They have yet to actually surround us."

And like clockwork, rumbling could be felt throughout the palace as shells discharged from the Republic Forces rammed into the palace. The Captain of Helios' unit appeared unphased by the encroaching forces, as did the remaining 3 soldiers. A quick glance between Myr and the soldiers inaudibly summarized his feelings before he took the time to speak.

"Since they feel the need to fire upon this construct, let us do them a favor and remove it." Helios said as Darth Junra opened the commlink and asked Helios, for direction. His aurete gaze moved to his wrist, and after adjusting his settings opened the channel to every Sith in the vicinity. "We've planted an Armory's worth of explosives in all of the lower levels. Evacuation is advised."

And with that, Helios turned to his Captain and spoke once more before rotating his body and pointing towards a wall.

"There is a child in the room on the other side of that wall. Retrieve it. If it resists, leave it." Helios said simply.

The Sith Lord noticed the child within the first ten minutes of his arrival at the Throne Room. The child's emotions were rampant, confused, and showed high levels of fear, something easily detectable through the Force, even when one wasn't actively looking for anyone. Failing to wait, Helios' arms went to his sides as he slightly bent his torso and dashed across the Throne Assuming the others would follow. Helios' eyes sporadically swung, rose and quickly swam from left to right as Helios searched through Force Sight for the Transport his Captain informed him of. Making the first left in the hall, Helios stopped in his tracks and stood completely still. Before him was a space that was once a Bedroom, yet now it was completely gone. The threshold now bore only pieces of a wall, and the floor along with any of the previous constructural elements of the room were destroyed. The Eldorai had almost literally ran out of the Palace, to what would have possibly been his death.

The carrier adjusted, and laterally approached Helios whom casually stepped onto the craft and pulled a thermal detonator out of his pocket as he stopped at the cockpit to share the pilot's view of the large viewport at the front of the transport. If no one up to this point had previously ventured into the lower levels and went floor by floor to tamper with the explosives the detonator should functioned without any problems.

He twiddled it in his fingers for a few moments and when his companions drew close, he placed his finger over the charge. He looked out of a viewport and couldn't tell if the child Helios commanded one of the soldiers to confiscate complied with it's offer or not, because the Soldier's that accompanied the Sith boarded a different transport. Assuming his Sith companions couldn't be too far behind the mundane, however, Helios looked down at his detonator and stamped his thumb down on the button.

A ring of explosions followed, trailing the palace's lower levels floor by floor as Newton's laws exercised themselves on the massive construct.
Location: Archives
Objective: Tame the Warrior
Allies: Republic
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"]

A shift in the mind,
A twist in the moment,
A tear in space and time,
And Masamune could see.

The bellowing roar
He saw ahead
And reacted before
Death could come for him.

A shield sprung out
From his very skin
Not to brag or tout
His skill, but to survive.

Sound and noise needed
Air and stone and water
To move unheeded
From the source from whence it came.

The shield pushed away
From Masamune's body
Leaving void, no stray
Air or gas around.

The roar hit the shield
And broke upon the wall.
The bubble did soon yield
But broke the worst of the storm.

Masamune was sent into the air
And landed some distance away.
He rose up and stood there
For a moment to gather his strength.

No broken bones or body,
But gashes and tears in the skin were seen.
His head remained clear, not foggy,
But he knew the end was near.

Not for him, he knew,
But for the Herglic he faced.
Not an end of death, but a new
Start, a taming to be beheld.

The bushi darted forward again
Letting the coals inside alight,
A oneness with self to attain,
And leapt high and true.

Bokken whipped down,
A feint against the foe!
Tip dropped to the ground
Arcing up to Hion's bared chest.


Palace Inside
Allies: [member="Cale Gunderson"], [member="Arturious Engel"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member="Sciath"], [member="Darth Helios"], Myr, [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Quinn Vos"], [member="Taral Mirtis"], [member="Elaine Thul"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Tracyn"], [member="Popo"], [member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Myr followed Helios without question.

He nodded and greeted the two Sith that arrived, and then waved on those that came to the Throne room. Almost immediately however it seemed that they would be leaving. Without a second of hesitation, the Miraluka followed behind Helios. Within his minds eye he saw Ryan Korr chase after them, yet he also saw Sciath immediately stop the young upstart. His lips broke in a wide smile, and he passed out of the door.

Following along with the Eldorai Master, Myr stepped onto the transport which was allowed to place itself by Myr's earlier act of destroying the palace walls. He then turned to see the others following him on board. Those that had fled into the Throne room, @Daella Apparine, and [member="Sciath"], as well as a few others. Many Sith Soldiers were left behind though their lives did not matter.

The Miraluka turned about, facing the temple.

He knew that Helios had earlier placed explosives throughout the palace, and had primed them to detonate at a later time. Now it seemed as though the Master would set them off, an excellent decision, denying the Republic what they truly wanted.

He smiled at the other Sith on the transport, his friends as he watched the Palace begin to collapse.
Location: Remnants of the University Archives
Enemy: [member="Masamune Tametomo"]

Eyes the hue of the deepest ocean trench stared up at the Je'daii as he came on. Against every bellow he had produced a shield, which had held ever so slightly against even this devastation. Amidst the ruin wrought by his own might, Orcus felt proud and terrible in his wroth. Who was like him in his anger? Who could stand against him and hope to survive?

Not this Je'daii. For though he'd managed to counter the first few attacks, this would come down to a matter of strength in the Force. While Orcus did not possess powers of telekinesis, nor advanced precognition, tutaminis, Force Sight, the ability to manipulate energies into spears or tendrils or flame, nor the strength of mental domination, he stood head and shoulders above all else in the art of the Bellow.

Orcus was a gambler by nature... and he only had one true card to play. So he played it again. And he would keep playing it, until all that was left of this stick-wielder was a mist of pink and red.

Another blast of pressurized air roared from his maw, powered by the Force, and directed straight at the Je'daii who was dropping down on him from above.



News They Don't Want Heard
Location: Alderaan
Allies: [member="Saki"] and [member="Fadeyka"]
Enemies: Sithies
Objective: Escape

Teria balked when Saki appeared, but seemed to get the gist of what was going on. She continued to half carry, half drag Niamh along with the Jedi Master. It was better than nothing. They had to escape somehow and the only way she could see, since she was wounded and Niamh was unconscious, was to follow along with the Jedi. Though she worried Sith would be drawn to the woman. Regardless, she did her best to make a go of it because she had to.

A speeder. Thank the Force. She pulled Niamh in and then Saki jumped in and gave them gel tabs. She popped hers, feeling better almost as soon as it hit the tongue, and then shoved another into Niamh's mouth. It wasn't long before the other woman started to rouse.

"I'm an electric boogaloo..."

She groaned and sat up just in time to see Saki jump out.

"That's a big hammer. I lost my sword."

"You lost MY sword."

"Yeah, I lost my sword. Give me one of those."

She took the blaster from Teria and climbed out, opening fire on the Sith troopers as she moved to follow the hammer wielder. This was going to get interesting.
Location: Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Objective: I made a horrible mistake
Allies: [member="Cale Gunderson"], [member="Arturious Engel"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member=Sciath], [member="Darth Helios"], [member=Myr], [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Quinn Vos"], [member="Taral Mirtis"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"], [member=Tracyn], [member=Popo], [member="Kian Karr"]
TBD: [member="Anastacia Fa'leen"], [member="Elaine Thul"]
Background Music:

Before Darth Junra had run too far into the Palace, her eyes twitched. Just a second later, the telekinetic power of the Force under [member="Ryan Korr"]’s influence yanked on her. Daella reacted immediately in what would seem to be a well-practiced move. Her body twisted around while being pulled back. She planted her left foot into the ground. Immediately, she gained a rooting in place with the Force - slowing the travel toward Ryan’s place.

Following that, Daella threw her left arm at Ryan Korr once again. No words came from her mouth as she glared at the Jedi. As Darth [member="Sciath"] Force Pushed Ryan, Daella did the same. A torrent of telekinetic power attempted to act upon Ryan’s body.

Combined with Sciath’s attack, Daella’s Force Push had the possibility of throwing the Jedi out the door to the Palace behind him. This could have saved him from the soon ensuing explosion. [member="Darth Helios"] had earlier planted a plethora of explosives around the Palace while avoiding any opposition.

After rooting herself, Daella had quickly quelled the momentum of her body rushing toward Ryan, or where he had stood when he attempted his pull. The quick whiplash seemingly caused Daella to grimace a bit in pain. Avoiding the fight, Daella turned back around and continued to run into the Palace.

Fighting tooth and nail further into the Palace along with others that would follow her, Daella eventually met up with a human male Sith commander.

M’Lady, we must evacuate,” told the commander, “Follow me. I have a transport.

Without pause, Daella began to follow the commander. The Darth’s group was still being chased by a few Republic soldiers. Eventually, they came to a massive hole in the wall and a transport, different than the one Helios boarded, waiting to take them out of the danger zone.

Not wasting time, Daella hopped aboard and turned to see what comrades of her made it along with her. She then turned to the Imperial commander that lead them to the transport. She had not received a reply from Helios.

As the transport began to lift off and hurry away from the Imperial palace, Daella asked the commander, “Why did we have to evacuate?

The tremendous explosion of the Palace that followed just after Darth Junra asked that answered her question.


Location: Medcenter Ruins
Objective: Not get crushed by Godzilla or run over by Republic tanks
Enemy: [member="Darth Acarus"]
Ally: [member="Shuk Swii"]

Kiyron jerked his head aside as the lightsaber blade bit into the ground beside his head and the snake thing continued to constrict and bite and gnaw at his armor. It was close to chewing through. He could tell that. Wasn't there some way to kill these things? Decapitate them or something? He scrunched up his legs and core, pain searing through him as he did so and lashed out with the coiled strength that a lifetime of hard work, fine-tuned in military training, and concentrated in one shot could do, aiming straight for his knee.

The tanks began to pull back, still firing and spread around the surrounding blocks, not stopping and holding one position but continually moving to try and lessen the amount of exposure they were receiving from enemy fire and simply to keep them busy.
Rubble of Palace and Steps

Allies: one sith [member="Darth Odium"]
Enemies: Jedi
(Sorry all, posting remotely and I have limited options to tag but wanted to get this one in. If you're in the area and not tagged, feel free to hop in)

Spear dropped as red and fire lit the sky with a booming greater than any thunderclap the Kiffar warrior had ever heard. Her attention on guarding Odium's flank turned to the Nautolan, himself. Muscled-legs propelled her forward to close the short space between them and she went to shove and tackle him, hard, with full intentions of using her body as a protective shield against the pouring rubble.

Just before she made contact, she thought she saw a flash of familiar red hair out of her peripheral.

[member="Ryan Korr"]

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