Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Conquest of Alderaan [One Sith vs Republic]

Universal Medical Center - Top Floor
[member="Darth Mierin"]

The sudden grasp of pressure at her neck would bring an immense amount of pain. Concentration would end and that Force Barrier would flicker as she could feel the immense rage of the woman attempting to tear at her neck.

Her hand would extend towards that saber Boolon dropped at near the Sith. Telekinetic tendrils would wrap round it. It would tremble before angling upwards, towards Mierin's gut.

A flinch of fingers would ignite it, trakata style, to bury itself there.
Location: University
Objective: I brought my stick
Allies: Republic
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Hion the Herglic"]

A lone bushi entered the room,
His hands at his sides as he
Stepped over the dead and gloom
Of the slaughtered defenders.

A wooden sword in hand
He raised the weapon
And faced the Sith, bland
And calm look upon his face.

"Here you come, but no
Further, warrior of darkness.
I fear no scream nor blow
You have to offer me."
[member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="Darth Janus"]

Wasn't about sections, it was about the Core.

"Ma'am, the Core is primed." A voice clicked over her comlink as she walked up the shuttle ramp. She stopped and looked back at the center of the room she just left, a sigh escaping her lips. "Do it."

And like that, the core would explode, an array of chips, wire, hard drives and various pieces scattering about the large room. Sections of wall would explode and crumble inwards, compacting metal and components. As this occurred, the ray-shield would go down outside the core room and the turrets would fall dead silent.

What's done is done. So much information lost, it was a sad day but one that she wouldn't have time to dwell on. She would quickly make her way into the shuttle, the ramp closing behind her.
Vulpesen gave a solemn nod and followed her, conversing with Ace over Daeda's condition. "Alex, you might want to wake up your friend on the way there. What he did was quite brave, especially for his variant." He clipped his saber to his side as they walked. "Also, expect me to do some snooping once we're there. I might find research materials."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Location: Enroute to the University.
Allies: One Sith, [member="Darth Isolda"], [member="Hion the Herglic"]
Enemies: @VEino Garn, The Republic, [member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"]

"Perhaps you mi-" She was cut off by the sound of an explosion and how it reverberated from the university. "NO." She bolted forward now as she went from roof to roof without care of what happened around her, only the need to get there before the senator escaped and she would lose her chance to end the one that was the cause of the deaths here. Her mind did something she had not done in a long time, pushing the force and bending it to allow for her to sprint faster across the roofs and making her way for the shuttles, calling into a comlink. "SOMEONE SHOOT THEM DOWN."


Universal Medical Center - Top Floor
[member="Adele Adonai"]

Thankfully for Mierins life, she still wore the Yuuzhan Vong Vonduun Skerr Kyrric armor. The Organic creature although it had suffered injury, still protected Mierin with its lightsaber resistant skin. The blade activated, and it stabbed into Mierins chest. It hissed, clicked, and even compressed on Mierins skin, yet the blade did not penetrate, at least not immediately.

The Sith Pureblood looked down through her rage, but the blade stabbing into her did not quite register.

The Lightsaber pushed through the Armor millimeter by millimeter, it carved through the living creature every second, yet Mierin did not stop it. Instead she focused all her power, all her rage, all her strength on the woman before her. She gripped with the force, and she wrenched again, seeking to rip the womans head straight off her body.

If she killed her, the lightsaber would stop.
Location: Outside medical facility with Glitter five feet away
Objective: Fight [member="Shuk Swii"] [member="Kiyron "] [member="Ellain Hadrin"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Fadeyka"]
Elara's Location: In vents going towards patients rooms

Balaya was moving, her weapons dropping away and standing there in near ten feet of hardened armor forged from sith alchemy she finished chanting like she had been. The sith priests around her holding their hands up and she left back feeling the shatter gun shat slam into her breast plate as the anger flared. Her mouth opened as at first nothing came out but then a piercing screech, not harmful like a force scream to repel but a Scream of the Ssurian a nightsisters defense that ruptured eardrums and disoriented those in front of her.

Her hands coming away from the sonic rifle as the taloned fingers and hydrastaff twisted into its own whip again. Then pulses of the darkside formed as Balaya let the energies flow freely empowered by the priests and nexuses created. tendrils came of black energy from her hands and spread across the ground making the slain bodies disintigrate. The massassi moved to avoid the mist and Glitter brought an arm down in front of her as a shield. The black mist and tendrils forming as Balaya concentrated to attack the squad that had formed near her. She kept her focus, kept her empathy to track them as well as Elara.

Elara on the other hand was where she needed to go, in the vents and bringing her breaker grenade as she found some of the patients and [member="Darth Mierin"] reaching for a jedi. [member="Adele Adonai"] as she kicked the grating and fired the tri stunner from her hand tossing in the caries breaker grenade. It wasn't harmful explosives wise but against lightsiders it was a tainted mist spreading sickness and madness to anyone in the room. She stayed in the vent and kept aim with the pistol while working to protect the hand of the dark lord and her masters master.

Balaya was now focused and atop glitters shoulders over the medical facility as she mounted his thick hide keeping the mist going to chase down and wrap around the floor with her enemies. "Come on little mice time to play."
Location: Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Objective: Destroy the will of all that oppose the Dark Lord
Allies: [member="Cale Gunderson"], [member="Arturious Engel"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member="Sciath"]
Enemies: [member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"], [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Tracyn"]
Background Music:

The intensity of the fights on the stairs drowned out the rest of the battle - such as the engineers fighting to establish crossways to the palace or with Sith fighters in the crimson and orange sky.

Now, Darth Junra’s shield - Darth [member="Sciath"] - stood next to her. The surrounding chaos drowned out [member="Tracyn"]’s words - making them barely understandable at least from where Junra stood. She glared at Tracyn as he spoke, though.

You have yet to learn the truth about those you serve,” commented Junra just before the goliath [member="Darth Nexus"] crashed between them. Darth Junra stumbled back due to the shockwave of Darth Nexus’s arrival.

In that same moment, [member="Ryan Korr"] leaped into the air once more in an attempt to strike down Daella. Before Sciath could react to protect his master, Ryan was already slashing at Daella’s neck. Just before Ryan’s lightsaber reached the point-of-no-return for Daella’s neck, the Sith Lord bent backward so that the Jedi’s blade passed just above her face.

Once Ryan flew past Daella and landed on the steps behind her, Daella snapped herself back into an upright position as if the flexibility she had shown required hardly any effort. Then, Daella pivoted her body to face Ryan. Her right foot was on the lower step - effectively the foot forward - and she held her lightsaber with her right arm.

I see why [member="Darth Isolda"] has an interest in you,” commented Daella.
Location: University Databanks
Enemy: [member="Masamune Tametomo"]

Eyes as black as the ocean's depths glanced from the wooden sword to the human's face.

"Ha!" boomed the Herglic, his bark reverberating throughout the room. The Sith Lord turned to his guards. "Unplug the databanks. I shall deal with this... hauum... Je'daii."

The former Jedi scholar turned his attention back to the figure whose appearance brought history to life. Orcus sucked in a huge breath, lungs filling with an awing amount of air. He took one ponderous step forward, face splitting nearly in half with a wide grin exposing two rows of large, conical teeth.

He pointed his red greatsaber, a blade twice as long - if not more - and double the thickness of any regular lightsaber at the stick-wielder. Reinforced by orbalisk adrenaline that pumped through his body and bearing a terrifying amount of raw strength, this would not be a contest in swordsmanship, but in whether or not the human's skill could negate Orcus' sheer might and speed.

Darth Orcus lumbered forward with surprising speed for one so immense and swung his blade in a diagonal strike that would carve Masamune in half from right collarbone to left hip. The swipe was too wide to merely duck under and Orcus at 7'2" had an enormous reach, only further increased by the length of his blade.


Location: Archives
Near: [member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="Darth Janus"]

The Sith Knight exited the Archives, and saw several shuttles around the building. How had they not gotten the message? But one of them started to rise up into the air.

Soon after a squadron of Sith fighters descended from the sky and it's engines were blown and the Republic transport shuttle began to fall back to the planet below. There was no where for them to retreat to at that point, and he thought he felt the ground shake when the shuttle crashed into the planet.

In the distance he saw troopers moving to it while he ran at the remaining shuttles.

It was time to turn them into burnt celery.

Darth Odium

Location: Sewers enroute to Medical Center
Objective: Special Delivery
Enemies: Republic, [member="Adele Adonai"]
Allies: One Sith,[member="Darth Mierin"]

The smell of unmentionable things filled his nose as he sloshed through the less savory part of the lovely people of Alderaan. His head tresses hidden beneath his hood as he moved. His boots were sealed to protect his new cybernetic foot. After he delivered his present to the Medical center he would seek out [member="Ryan Korr"] and return the favor but first thibgs first.

His bag was not as big as it was on Coruscant but it was large enough to remove a certain building from the land of functionality. His saber lit and out in front of him for light as he moved. He would bring the place down and once again they wouldn't even remember his name.
NEARBY: [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Darth Astraios"] | [member="Saki"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Niamh Raste"]

Oblivious to the fate of the archives, Janus pressed on. With the final AA emplacement succumbing to his men, there was nothing to stop the One Sith from landing reinforcements in the area. Sith troopers and armored vehicles soon landed in the areas surrounding the University. If they could not have the electronic portion of the archives, they would have the remainder of the building and what little physical materials remained.

That would probably still count for the objective anyway.

Rounding a corner, Janus intercepted a host of royal guardsmen carrying crates of materials. This wouldn't do. A powerful Force Push sent the lot of them flying, simultaneously sending the materials they had been carrying everywhere. The Umbaran followed this up with his lightsaber, striking one before he had gotten up and fatally slashing the remaining two. He took note of where they had been walking towards, and subsequently headed in that direction. He would arrive at the evac shuttles shortly.
This was it.

This would be the end.

But she would not do so without one single last action. With the final vestiges of power she had, she would reach out and send boolon's robes to wrap round the Sith's helmet.

All that lovely pollen to settle around the crab armor she wore.

A head for a head. One would suppose --- As Adele's body would soon hang limply there after, a spray of blood stark against Voss Mystic pure white robes.

There is no Death.
There is only the Force.


LOCATION: Aldera Universal Medcentre, Western Wing, Stairway
ALLIES: One Sith, [member="Darth Acarus"]
ENEMIES: Republic, @Kiyron
OBJECTIVE: Taking the stairs, like civilised fellows.

While rumbling down the stairs he managed to grab a Twi'lek nurse by the lekku, furiously wrenching her back and into his grasp where his amphistaff lashed out, biting the woman in the cheek, instantly sending a numbness spreading throughout her face. Paralysis would soon follow, and then death. She would be one of the lucky ones, the venom of the amphistaff could inflict some horrific pain upon those who met the spray. A direct bite to the face however, would be quick.

Darth Acarus leapt past him, as if they were herding he innocents into death's grasp vicious grasp.

In their panic the hospital staff began to trip, falling down the stairs and suffering injuries ranging from scraped knees to broken necks. Those who didn't fall were one by one slain by the pursuing savage beast and those at the front at the pleasure of running into a different Sith instead.

These civilians need a hero, are there any nearby?

Arturious Engel

Objective: Palace
Location: Alderaan outside the city gate entering the city.
Allies: [member="Darth Junra"] [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="Darth Nexus"] [member="Sciath"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Anastacia Fa'leen"] [member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"]

Arturious quickly made his way through the terrain behind the Scout trooper squad reaching the city gates. Arturious halted the patrol hunkering down behind some cover with a whistle as he looked at the carnage before him. There were troops everywhere. Republic troops, sith troops, Jedi, and even more than a few Sith Acolytes that had been part of the advanced wave. Never in his life had Arturious seen something like this. Looking around Arturious saw no easy way in so he did what he had always done.

Looking to the troopers he pointed at a few key points for them to advance and re-enforce the gate to permit an easier passage for more troops to advance and then Arturious left his covered position.

Arturious closed his eyes for a brief moment steeling his nerves before leaping forward striking down two republic troopers as he pushed through the city gate. Arturious dodged some blaster fire as he moved into a cropping of buildings hugging the wall. As much as Arturious hated avoiding an honorable fight he had an objective to get to and was way behind.

Using the buildings as cover Arturious covered as much ground as he could pushing towards the center of the city and his palace objective. Cutting down those that he came across Arturious heard sounds of fighting sounds almost deafening to his ears. Ducking into a door frame Arturious closed his eyes once more to settle his mind before stepping back out his head jerking at the last second as a blaster bolt whipped by his ear. Arturious shook his head as he reached his hand out a small bolt of lightening shooting from his fingers. Arturious watched with satisfaction as the shooter twitch and dropped. Arturious stepped over the man stopping only long enough to crush the pour sods throat with his boot before moving on.
Location: Aldera University Medcentre, Staircase, Descending.
Objective: Kill EVERYTHING. RO-

He glanced upwards to Mantorok as he slaughtered the Republic personnel, soon there were none left as the Sith Knight brought up his hand and threw them against the walls beside each other within a telekinetic grasp. It was time to move.

They started to descend again, but then he turned around to [member="Mantorok"] and said, "find your Master. I'll deal with the rest."

And he plunged down the stairs for a few moments before picking up one of the bodies and using it as a meat shield as he turned off his lightsaber and walked, using another telekinetic grasp on the corpse.



Universal Medical Center - Top Floor
[member="Adele Adonai"]

Mierin's face split into a wide smile, joy and glee breaking through her rage as she saw the womans head simply tear off.

The joy however was quickly washed away as the force screamed at her, a sense of danger and utter panic. Her head turned, and she saw the robes fluttering towards her. The lightsaber dropped to the floor, ceasing its stabbing. Mierin reached out with her arm, lashing out, trying to push with the force, but it was too late. The robe wrapped around her arm, clinging tightly.

Instantly the armor reacted, it tightened and swelled, pushing against Mierins arm and spreading in an instant.

She snatched the lightsaber from the floor, gripping it and flicking it on. She pushed the blade beneath her armpit, and sliced. She severed the limb in one quick motion, removing her arm in one cut just as the Vonduun Skerr Kyrric pressed the arm and squished it entirely, blood squirted over the hall, and Mierin screamed in pain once again.
Location: University
Objective: Tame the warrior
Allies: Republic
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"]

A twist of muscle and skin,
A shift in the air around.
One could almost hear a pin
Dropped in a quiet room.

Such was his center, his focus,
Upon his core and soul.
The blow he saw, a locus
Of strength and power.

Limbs moved and danced,
Moving of their own accord.
The blade of light glanced
From the wooden shaft.

Alchemical wood met light
In a blow designed not to block,
But to divert, away from the fight
And towards the ground.

The wooden shaft then rose,
Samurai strength and spirit
Behind the Bushi's blows,
The wood aimed at Hion's limb.
[member="Darth Mierin"]

Elara watched the jedi die and the Hand of the Dark lord chop her own arm off. The eight year old apprentice moved getting out of the vent and moving over to her. Thankfully they were in a hospital as she spoke. "Lord Mierin." The bald girl with sith tattoo's adorning her head moved with prupose drawing the stunner and listening. "My master has glitter outside, if we can get you up to the roof."

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