Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt A Wish


Mercenary, Artist.
Granted. You're now unemployed, and it takes you a year of being miserable, poor and pitied to find work again.

I wish my computer could run Dead Island 2.
Granted: Star Trek never existed... and was never there to inspire Star Wars, Firefly, and the Sci-Fi Genre died all together before it began.

I wish I could get this kink out of my neck.


You do, but you break your neck in the process and suffer a life of paralysis.

I wish my shoelaces would tie themselves.


Mercenary, Artist.
Granted. You are unable to remove your shoes entirely for the rest of your days, and the stench of your feet drives your family and friends to tease you into insanity and/or isolation.

I wish my Ex wasn't my ex anymore.

Edit: Simulposted with Morna. Awkward!

Granted. You are now illiterate.


Granted, your ex becomes your lover, but you break up again over the same reason as before.

I wish I couldn't sunburn.


Mercenary, Artist.
Granted. You can read... Hieroglyphs, only.

I wish I had the forethought to prepare some ice last night for my tea this morning.


Mercenary, Artist.
The Joker is now sane, losing the only actual depth to his character and validity as a Batman Villain. Heath Ledger plays The Riddler in The Dark Knight trilogy, leading to thousands of young men painting question marks on themselves and asking stupid questions on youtube channels.

I wish that I was right in thinking you meant Batman's Joker, when you said 'The Joker'.


You were right in thinking that, but that thought occupies your entire mind for the rest of your life, causing you to be a vegetable.

I wish you wouldn't corrupt my wish.


Mercenary, Artist.
Wish Granted - in the future, some wish you make, I won't corrupt. This wish, however, is still corrupted in spirit, as I'm avoiding not corrupting it.
I wish you wouldn't grant this wish.

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