Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Curiosity Killed the Raven (Red Raven Dominion of Nal Hutta)


Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta

Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities and in exchange Rosuu has agreed to sell valuable land rights to the choicest parts of The Rust Yards.

The Rust Yards was an area of Nal Hutta where dilapidated factories sat waiting patiently for new owners so they could be turned into droid factories, ore refineries and weapons manufacturing plants. A prized piece of land and property rights in the Yards was owned by an Eastern Grime landlord named Drestope Rosuu.

No one on Nal Hutta knew much about the reclusive Mr. Rosuu. Some residents thought he was human and others who had actually caught a rare glimpse of him described him as a giant turquoise Hutt. Others thought he was a demon, but those "others" were really just Pervis who lived in a shack down the by the river and had one functioning tooth.

In any case Drestope Rosuu resided in the Eastern Grime in a picturesque mansion and had recently extended an invitation to The Red Raven Criminal Syndicate via an enigmatic Holonet message:

..Incoming Trasmission//

Dear Ravens,

It's been a long time since I've had any visitors in my neighborhood and it's also time that I get rid of these stupid factories I've been holding onto for so many years.

I wanted to turn the factories into a beautiful and lush Municipal Zoo but I was told that nothing could survive in the Rust Yards on account of all of the toxic waste that had been dumped there. For shame.

Therefore I'm seeking a good group of galaxians to take over these leases. The only thing I ask in return is your company to visit me in my Bayou Bungalow and view my Cabinet of Curiosities. Just a few rare artifacts I've picked up over the years. In return I will give you the property rights to my land and buildings in The Rust Yards since I cannot use them for my zoo.

Yours truly,

Drestope Rosuu

//end transmission...

Objective Two: Free form story on Nal Hutta. Beat up some Hutts, free some slaves, sniff some noxious gas.... makeup whatever you want and have fun!

(OOC Note: You don't need a group for either for Objective unless you want to bring a friend. Also make sure you indicate which Objective you're doing)
Location: Johari's penthouse
Objective: Get his relatives killed

Johari stared out the large windows of his apartment, a smile forming over his lipless mouth. He had heard rumor of the Red Ravens coming. To claim the planet- wipe out any that didn't side with them the way they had on Nar Shadaa. And he doubted many of the Hutts would side with them given the option. Even if they would have been willing too, that didn't matter. He simply had to convince the Ravens that they would not. And even if he didn't convince him of that, he doubted the Ravens themselves would be making too many deals with Hutt families. This was a chance to remove his competition, the thing that had kept him stunted for years... While the others, his relatives, lounged in their palaces with their hundreds of slaves, controlling criminal empires, Johari sat here, without a single servant. That would change soon.

In much the same way Drestope had contacted them, a transmission was sent to whoever he could reach in the Ravens. However, unlike the other, this message contained little writing. Simply the words; The Hutt clans will not take kindly to your claim on the planet. Do not let them strike you unaware. Strike first.


Following the short message was a set of coordinates, to a small island near the equator of Nal Hutta.

The Hutt hoped that the Red Ravens would have been already weary of the Hutt clans- it was likely they would have been. They were not something to provoke lightly, and abruptly laying claim over their home world, ecspecially after taking the Smuggler's Moon, was doing just that. If they were, they just might act on being given the coordinates to one of the Hutt's most important clan's homes... Johari hoped to kill two birds with one stone; to have some of his rivals, even within his own family, eliminated, and perhaps earn some standing with the Ravens in the process... The Hutt anxiously awaited a reply.

(Tl;dr: Gave the Ravens the coordinates to the Desilijic clan's home, hoping they'd attack them before they'd attack the Ravens- counting on the Ravens being jumpy after the crime families on Nar Shadaa. :p)
[member="The Raven Narrator"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta
Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities
[member="The Raven Narrator"]

Ya know. This was clearly a trap. Like, it ain’t even a question of maybe, if’s or perhapses. This was the most shining beacon of trapmaking one could ever witness, which didn’t really make me less interested to come and visit Rosuu’s cabinet of curiosities.

It just meant that I was more excited to see what the hell the guy had in store for us. A small motorboat set me off on the first few steps of the manor, took out a cigarette and lit it - I would need all the nicotine I could get for this encounter.

Honestly, for me? The fact that this was a trap would only work in my favor, meant that I could probably profit a little bit more outta this venture, which was what it was all about, no? Get as much profit as possible, creds is where its at.

Puffed out some smoke and started walking up the stairs.

This was gonna get interesting.

Location: Rosuu's mansion
Objective: Show [member="Khaleel Malvern"] the Cabinet of Curiosities

The Icarii would hear a loud dog barking as he approached the house but no canines came out to greet him. A beat-up aquatic speeder sat in the weedy front yard of Drestope Rosuu's mansion. There was also a lot of junk lying around too - ship, weapon and droid parts and an unidentified bucket of greenish liquid spilling out onto the steps. He would hear a rustle and see only the tail of a skittish swamp rat as it hid in the bushes.

The door creaked open and in front of the Icarii was Drestope Rosuu a human male of indeterminate middle age. He had a weather-beaten face and a shoulder length mop of salt and pepper hair. The growling and barking grew to a fevered pitch in the background, so Drestope shouted, "Shuuuudddahhhhhp Jules!!!!" Then there was a brief silence and only the buzz of cicadas. "That's Jules, my Nek. Don't worry, he's penned up."

"You are one of the Ravens I'm guessing. Come in, come in," he said waving Malvern into the house. "I don't get many visitors out here in the Eastern Grime."

Rosuu led the Icarii into his house which was in the same state of disarray as the front yard and surrounding land. Each room was a jumble of mismatched furniture and crammed full with dusty valueless artifacts from around the galaxy, flimsiplast documents and taxidermy gone wrong.


A small creature came ambling into the room. It resembled a miniature elephant but with cloven hooves, large black eyes and an extremely long snout. "Oh hey, Oswald," said Rosuu. "Oswald here is a Hoover and he helps me with my electronic repairs."

"Can I get you anything to drink before I take you on the tour?" Rosuu asked his guest.
Location: Somewhere cold and sterile
Objective: Live out of this one, bubby
Allies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Jarven awoke in a medbay. He was covered by a thin sheet which was not doing a good job of keeping him warm. He soon began to shiver. He was disoriented as he looked around the room. Everything felt cold and looked sterile. Jarven didn't know where he was or how he was. The mind-numbing conditions gave way to a single thought. His voice sounded out quietly in the room, "Patricia...Patricia...Patricia...."
Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta
Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities
With: [member="Drestope Rosuu"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"][member="The Raven Narrator"]

President of the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate, Cryax Bane, didn't have time for games. But a game was exactly the kind of thing that this bizarre Nal Huttan hermit called Dresope Rosuu wanted to play with the Red Ravens. So the Chiss said bring it on. Let the stupid, sick little bout of charades begin.

Depending on who you asked, Cryax Bane was an expert player of games. He and his mostly loyal Red Raven leaders had managed build up the criminal syndicate into a position where it could steamroll over every other two bit gang in Outer Rim criminal underworld like a bloody juggernaut. Sure there were naysayers who claimed that the Chiss was a bad leader, a weak, spice-addicted coward who rode the coattails of others into the stars. Perhaps his rise to power wasn't so cut and dried as either depiction. After all, his slicing skills were proven invaluable not only in the Red Ravens victory over the Black Sun on Barab I but also to the One Sith victory in the Battle of Kashyyyk. On the other hand he'd also managed to allow others to influence and control him, like Kaine Zambrano. Despite the sometimes brilliant, sometimes erratic leadership of their President, there was one thing on which all could agree. Now that the Red Ravens had seized control of the Smuggler's Moon, the organization would be almost unstoppable.

But that was neither here nor there, for here he was again, traipsing around toxic swamp known as Eastern Grime on the formerly Black Sun controlled planet of Nal Hutta, and he had his game face on. Amid the sounds of barking dogs and the smells of fetid marsh, Cryax gingerly approached the door of what seemed to be Rosuu's residence, a place that held this so called "cabinet of curiosities," which seemed to be some sort of Hutt tourist attraction. Did it also have a rest stop with a McYoda's?

The Chiss peeked his head into the darkened house, his glowing red eyes cutting through the gloom.

"Hello, Mr. Rosuu?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Medbay aboard Red Raven Star Destroyer.
Objective: Tend to [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Patricia's head was slumped down in a chair next to Jarven's bed In the corner of the room, small snores escaped her mouth and she looked very tired. Patricia had dragged Jarven back from Nar'Shadda where he had been injured, and brought him back to the Ranator that was now in orbit over Nal'Hutta. The ravens had take Nar'Shadda and with both the mafia leadership and troops destroyed claiming the moon under a superior criminal organizations banner was all too easy in the chaos. But that victory did not come without losses, Jarven had been wounded and they had lost a good amount of droids securing the planet. But Patricia stayed with Jarven the whole time never leaving his side.

Her head lulled to the side and soon she heard her name being called like she was beetle juice. Stirring softly she awoke and looked down at Jarven with worry in her eyes. She smiled softly and looked to him.

"Hey Jarven, I'm here don't worry." She said softly and took his hand in his.

"We won, we're in orbit over Nal'Hutta now. So just take if easy you got banged up pretty bad." She said in a soft tone.
Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta
Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities
With: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Drestope Rosuu"], [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

A cigarette of her own dangling from her lips, Keira followed after the male Jedi, trying and failing to remember his name, the only piece of information she'd been given on him. The Force told her most every other necessary detail, including his general alignment. Never had she considered the possibility of working alongside a member of the sect of peacekeepers, and still she wasn't quite sure how to feel about the entirety of it. They hadn't clashed yet, so she supposed not much could be said in dissent. Besides, she knew that Cryax would likely consider it just another part of the mission, similar to what had happened on Dilbana.

Exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air, she briefly considered their new surroundings, quietly impressed with the sheer amount of objects that were stored, some of them likely holding some sort of value, not that credits were much of a concern at the moment. What did draw her attention was how easy and simply things were progressing thus far. Never in her life had she not been required to work for any goal, least of all after joining the Red Ravens. The fact that someone would hand over their territory with only a request of a tour didn't sit well with her, and she could sense the same sort of distrust from her Jedi companion.

Her amber gaze briefly regarded the man, still not quite sure how to read him. The presence of a new arrival, one she assumed to be Drestope Rossu, didn't quite register. She was still trying to get a bead on her light sided ally. Tendrils of smoke drifted lazily from between her lips, and she finally voiced the question that had been prodding at the back of her mind since she'd heard of the man working with them. "So, what's a Jedi doing working with a criminal syndicate?"
Location: Rosuu's mansion
Objective: Show [member="Keira Ticon"] @Khaleel Malvern
and [member="Cryax Bane"] the Cabinet of Curiosities

Rosuu turned his head suddenly at the Chiss's voice outside of his window. "Why there's another guest right now," said Rosuu. "This is an excellent turn of events. You can take the tour together."

He opened the door and with a flourish welcomed Cryax Bane into his home. "Do you two know each other? Well you do now. I treat everyone who is a guest like they are family." He closed his eyes for a beat too long and then smiled and looked up at Bane and Malvern and said, "You are both my brothers now."

He motioned to the curio display with the full length human skeleton. "Oh and by the way, that's not the Cabinet of Curiosities. The real Cabinet is elsewhere on the property. Oh look someone else!" he said excitedly. He let Keira Ticon into his house as well. "Three's company!"

Drestope Rosuu wrung his hands together and beckoned the two Ravens to follow him. For a moment Rosuu's hands appeared paler, his fingers too long and rubbery, but in the next instant they seemed back to normal. But it was such a weird visual shift that all three of them may think there was something in the house causing them to hallucinate. Rosuu shuffled quickly into the darkness of his house and the Ravens would need to follow him into some poorly lit rooms in order to find him.

Without warning Khaleel Malvern would feel a sharp pain right above his heel. When he looked down at his leg he would notice Oswald the Hoover had fastened its trunk onto his bare skin and was attempting to drain the blood out of his ankle. The Hoover made a snorting, suckling sound when doing this activity.

[member="Khaleel Malvern"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta
Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enigma: [member="Drestope Rosuu"]

Pondered the various strange shet I was currently seeing, Rosuu was a weird bird that was for sure, but there has been worse in my history. Shet that would blow this outta the water, so ya ain’t hearing me judge. Man’s wanna have some pets? Ain’t my problem, issue or business, then the fella asked if I wanted something to drink.

Touched the palate with my tongue, ain’t all that dry. I could manage without a drink for the time being. At least until I knew more about who or what this guy was trying to pull, if it ain’t me? We would be in business.

Naw, maybe later.’ short nod given, to acknowledge the courtesy. ‘Appreciate it nonetheless.’

Then the girl spoke up, Jedi? Me? Suppose so. Suppose in a different world I would have been a proper Jedi and kept to their clique, Republic, do good for the good itself, ya know? But I was raised on ‘Shaddaa, you see shet there… well it only makes you aware that whatever happens, the law ain’t always the best option.

So what I do is, I look over my shoulder, give her a shrug. Because I ain’t got a right proper answer right now, but I try regardless. Might be the pretty, slightly bruised face that warms my heart just a tad, might be the nicotine is just working.

Learned from a young age that ya can’t solve everything by the book.’ I pondered it for a little while, before nodding again. This time for myself. ‘Sometimes, it’s easier to help the right people from within the system.’

A chuckle escaped me, I winked and before turning around I finished with the honest truth.

Besides. I earn a fair buck while at it, what’s there to complain.’

Was about to follow 'em further into the room, when the Hoover decided to start sucking my blood. I sighed softly.

'Mister Rosuu, I'd appreciate it if your friend stopped sucking me. It gives me all the wrong ideas.'

The next course of action would be to blast the boy off, damned the consequences.
Location: Rosuu's mansion
Objective: Show [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
and [member="Cryax Bane"] the Cabinet of Curiosities

Rosuu emerged again from the gloom of his house and went over to the Hoover still attached to Malvern's ankle. With a pop he pulled the creature's trunk off of the Icarri's bare leg. Drops of blood spattered onto the dingy carpet but only a superficial flesh wound was left.

"So sorry," said Rosuu shrugging. "He does that from time to time." The Hoover reached its trunk out again to taste Malvern's ankle but Rosuu said, "Oswald you have some droids to fix. Go on git!" He threatened to backhand the creature and it went scampering away.

This time, Rosuu said, "After you" to the Ravens and pointed them to a darkened hallway lit with flickering lamps. In the mansion's murk they could see a large metal door at the end of the hallway.

"The Cabinet is through that entrance. It's unlocked and I'll follow up behind you."
Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta
Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities
Allies: [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemy: [member="Drestope Rosuu"]

Bane cautiously entered the room, signaling for a few of his bodyguard droids to follow. With their tousled-haired host was Red Ravens Secretary, Keira Ticon, who he'd expected would be dropping by, as well as an unknown gentleman, a shaggy-haired, scruffy-bearded fellow he'd never met. The chiseled face looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. There was a tiny creature clamped onto his leg, suckling on his calf through a trunk-like proboscis. Cryax raised a blue-black brow at the sight. Everything in the room seemed to have an inch of dust on it, and the mismatched furniture and weird angles of the walls made the entire space seem wrong. Cryax felt like he was walking through a dollhouse inside a dream. It was a disorienting feeling.

He greeted Keira with a nod and a smile. In the event that Dresope tried any Force gobbledygook on them, her skills in dealing with him would be greatly appreciated.

"Who are you?" the Chiss murmured to the blonde man as he began to follow Dresope through his house, his droids clanking dutifully behind him. "You her boyfriend?" he said, indicating Keira with a chuckle. He nudged her playfully. "Broke it off with Dilbert did ya?" he asked, and continued to snicker as they plunged deeper into their strange host's darkened corridor.

They came to a metal door at the end of the hallway, the bodyguard droids squeezing in around them as best they could. Cryax decided he wasn't going to go waltzing in there, no fething way. Stopping just short of the door, he gestured to his droids. "Mind if they have a look around first? It's just a precaution, Mr. Rosuu. I'm sure a man of your uh, stature can understand the need to be careful."
Location: Ranator medbay
Objective: Exposition
Allies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"...Patricia." He felt her hand in his own. It calmed him down. He opened his eyes and this time his vision focused. It focused on her beautiful face. "Patricia...I'm sorry. I told you I'd never leave you, but I did. But...but, I couldn't..." tears started come to his eyes and his voice broke a little "NOT chase after that...that MONSTER! He killed them! He killed them ALL!...I had to get him back...had to...I...."

Jarven was a man who was tougher than duracrete nails and hardened by the criminal underworld. However, the latter made it nigh impossible to express his emotions. Now, in a room alone with his love, the dams on his heart released. Tears poured from his eyes as his body was wracked by sobbing.
Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta
Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Ambiguity: [member="Drestope Rosuu"]

Never one to directly communicate her distrust of another unless it was deserved in some way, Keira made an exception in this case, her left hand instantly flitting to the lightsaber at her side. The fact that Drestope not only hesitated but also invited them to walk ahead stirred a number of uneasy feelings. Whatever lay beyond that door, it certainly wasn't going to work in their favor, though she didn't quite agree with Cryax's sentiments to allow the droids to walk ahead before them. It was obvious to anyone that at the very least the two of them, if not their third companion, didn't trust this Rosuu half as far as they could throw him. Something was very wrong.

Still, she didn't voice these thoughts out loud just yet, her demeanor nonchalant despite the fact that her weapon was close at hand. "So you're a rogue, is what you're telling me. Funny, 'cause I left the Order a few years ago, too. Sometimes it's ironic, where life takes you." It did provide a wry sort of amusement that the man, another rogue Jedi, had wound up affiliated with the same group that she'd called home for a number of years. Maybe they could end up getting along, when they weren't in something of a life-or-death scenario. Whether it developed or not, the acquaintanceship would come later.

Only rolling her eyes in response to Cryax's comments, she couldn't help but crack a half-smile. Had anyone else spoken those words they would have crossed a line, but the two of them were old friends, so she made an exception. "Dilbert's just lucky I didn't break any precious things of his. If he'd have touched me one more time, he would have lost that arm." Most would have made a similar threat in at least a partially joking way, but she was entirely serious in her delivery of the statement.

Cutting her look to Drestope, her eyes narrowed ever slightly. "Give us one good reason to trust you."
Location: Rosuu's mansion
Objective: Show [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
and [member="Cryax Bane"] the Cabinet of Curiosities

When the woman asked Rosuu for a reason to trust him, he frowned and then as if he just remembered something he patted the pocket of his black velvet jacket.

"Here," he said pulling out an actual flimsiplast that was old and tattered. He handed it to Keira Ticon. "The deed to the land and properties I own in The Rust Yards. There are abandoned factories which have been sitting there for years. Droids, weapons, refineries... anything you want to produce is there. All you need are some factory upgrades, electricity and a work force and boom! Instant manufacturing sector!"

Rosuu spoke confidently of the factories and if the Ravens inspected the flimsiplast they would see that it was indeed a property deed, an ancient one, but still a deed for 20 square kilometers of land. How the enigmatic human ended up that much real estate was truly a mystery. Once they all got a good look at the flimsiplast, he reached out his hand to take it back.

"The droids can certainly have a look around," offered Rosuu. They were now all squeezed together in the hallway in front of the metal door. Rosuu was still behind them. He reached into his other jacket pocket and pulled out a small electronic device. He smiled and seemed to have no idea how uneasy he was making them all. "This button opens the door," he said and clicked it.

The door creaked open and through the gloom they could see that stone stairs descended down into a damp basement. "This won't take long," he added. "The Cabinet of Curiosities is not an exhaustive display of Xenoarchaeology finds," he said finally hinting at what may be down there. "It won't take long to go through it. I promise. And then the deed is all yours."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Ranator Medbay
Objective: Comfort [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Patricia's eyes began to well with tears as well and a few slipped down her cheeks and she couldn't help but cry at the sight of Jarven laying there in tears. She began to cry as well and it hurt her to see him like this, but she had to comfort him. Ducking down she gave him a soft comforting smile and kissed his forehead, shushing him softly afterwards. She put her arms on his shoulders and kept him gently from wracking in emotional pain.

"Shhhhh, Jarven it's ok" she said running a hand through his thick brown hair.

"You did it, you avenged them. They can rest now." Patricia kissed the top of his head and kept stroking his hair.

"But listen to me now, you need to live Jarven. You need to live for them, you need to be happy for them. And you need to live for me as well." Patricia kissed his cheek and pressed her body against his.

"Alright?" She said with a small sad but gentle smile
Location: On ship above the Winter Palace
Objective: Intimidation

A set of coordinates had been looked into and determined to be a prominent gathering place for the Hutts. It hadn't been established whether there was a gathering going on at the moment, but quite frankly the opportunity had come up too suddenly to investigate it too thoroughly. It was a fact. The Hutts would not take this well. They were probably already planning reprisal for Nar Shaddaa. Quick and decisive action might convinve them that the Ravens were not to be trifled with.

Not that this meant the Twi'lek trusted this [member="Johari the Hutt"]. Not in the least. Slicers were already tracing the message back to it's origin point. When she was done with this Winter Palace he could expect a visit. Of course there was a possibility that he'd live to slither away from it, unlike anyone unfortunate enough to be on the island..

Chiasa was a lot of things. Honourable was not one of them. No warning. No fair fights. As the ship dropped down into the atmosphere, calculated to bring it out right over top of the island the payload was released. More than any reasonable planetary shields could be expected to deflect without preparation. It might have been considered beautiful before the Ravens came, now the only highly polished anything would be melted stone and bones.

"Lets go visit Johari shall we?"

The Twi'lek was enjoying herself. Diplomacy was a wonderful game, but it was also nice to remind folks why they should take her and the Ravens seriously now and again.

Where do our enemies live? In the Winter Palace, the wind through their bones their only complaint now.

Location: Eastern Grime, Nal Hutta
Objective one: Explore Drestope Rosuu's Cabinet of Curiosities
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Ambiguity: [member="Drestope Rosuu"]

Whatever effect producing the deed was supposed to have, it did little in the way of reassuring Keira. If there was one thing living among the criminal underworld had eroded in her, it was her trust in others. And the erratic behavior of their host only served to cement that apprehensiveness. There was no doubt in her mind that they were being led into a trap, and if Drestope thought they weren't able to notice something, he was sadly mistaken. Though she might have been many things, a fool wasn't one of them. "A piece of flimsi doesn't mean anything. I can say a lot of things that aren't true however much I want, but that doesn't make them happen."

Her attention turned to the stairs that seemed to be hewn out of the stone itself, and she regarded the shadows beyond with obvious skepticism. Slowly and deliberately she palmed her lightsaber, leaving the weapon unignited for the time being. If that wasn't a display of her wariness, then she wasn't sure what was. Whatever awaited them wasn't in their best interests, but she was never one to back down from any challenge, however dangerous it likely was to go on alone. Casting a final dark look in Drestope's direction, she began slowly descending the stairs, her thumb resting lightly on the button that would ignite her saber.

Whether or not Cryax and the other man followed was up to them, but she would much rather risk only herself rather than endanger everyone in the vicinity. She was confident enough in her ability to wield the weapon efficiently that whatever dangers were present would be dealt with in turn. If something's going to try and kill me, I'd appreciate that you get it over with. Time's wasting.

Having reached the bottom of the stairs, she approached the doorway that led into the next room, finding it completely dark. And with that, the orange blade sprung to life with a snap-hiss.
Location: Rosuu's mansion
Objective: As predicted, lock up [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
and [member="Cryax Bane"] in the Cabinet of Curiosities

"Everybody down the stairs!" shouted Rosuu suddenly. "The Curiosities await!"

His voice had completely changed into a deep and rumbling baritone. The way he rolled around his words in his mouth made it sound as if he were chewing on glass. Those still on the precipice of the stairs, including Bane, Malvern and the droids would suddenly feel the hefty bulk of Drestope Rosuu pressing against them as the Shi'ido shape-shifted into an enormous flesh-colored Hutt, complete with slimy exterior and armor-tough hide. Unfortunately for the Ravens, Drestope now took up the entire hallway and as he slithered forward they all toppled down the damp stairs. When they hit the bottom they would find themselves in a cold and claustrophobic basement with numerous steel cages on either side of them akin to what you would see at a zoo or animal shelter.

As soon as Rosuu got all three Ravens down the stairs he blocked the exit behind them with his girth. The Shi'ido then stretched his skin and flesh so that like putty, it filled the crevices of the exit. In one of his stubby gastropod hands he held the electronic door opener which had more buttons on it to open more doors.

"It's kind of a misnomer on my part to call this a Cabinet of Curiosities. It's really more of a crawlspace if you will." And sure enough the ceiling was very low, furthering the feeling of the darkness and gloom pressing down upon them. The Ravens could hear the sound of dripping water and another sound - the sound of some kind of creatures down there in the basement with them.

"To your left is a cage," said Rosuu. "A cage which is now opened." He pressed the button with glee. "The first Curiosity you will encounter is a group of Orbalisks. They are hungry and will attach themselves to a living host on which to feed. Once they detach they fill your body with a toxin which will kill you. The whole thing is quite painful. I've tried it once but only in Hutt form where I wouldn't be killed by the whole sordid ordeal."

"As you can see I adore Curiosities because quite honestly, I'm the biggest Curiosity on this entire planet." He said this with anger and resentfulness towards all of the beautiful creatures down there in the basement now. He was not one of them. Especially the girl. He would never be loved by anyone as beautiful as that precious girl.

To their left the Orbalisks began to stream out of the cage, making a skin-crawling pitter-patter sound with their multiple arthropod legs. If the Ravens didn't act fast the Orbalisks would attach themselves to the nearest living being and that happened to be Keira who was first down the stairs to begin with.
(For some reason I can't edit my last post to fix the broken link. But Drestope Rosuu is a Shi'ido: Little was actually known of the biology of the mysterious Shi'ido. In their natural forms, they were humanoids with pale skin, wide mouths, and deep set eyes. Their entire physiology was extremely pliable, and their skeletons were made of very thin, yet dense, bone. Their tendons were detachable, and could be moved about their body at will.)

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