Chiasa had no idea the order to bombard the Dirty Northern Bastard had been given, nor would she predict it, since it wasn't a move she would make. Ever. Other reasons aside, it was a location owned by a Hutt in opposition to the Ravens, hence them mucking about in it.
Of course as ships moved into position she'd get the reports and updates. She still wouldn't much care though, again, if they wanted to keep on shooting up their own things and people she was happy to let them. It turned the Ravens from semi kind of conquerors into saviours. Not that the Ravens ever really conquered places. They were criminals. They took their cut, they controlled a few key figureheads and they kept out any real opposition. Your average Hutt would be hard pressed to tell the difference between Raven occupation and well, all the years that had come before. Versus orbital bombardment from one of their own.
She gratefully accepted Jarvens aid up into the Speeder.
"I do tend to stand out don't I? And I wonder whatever could be distracting you.."
She commented with a wink.
She and Lancem had squeezed into the speeder with Jarven and were moving. It was a tight fit, three beings in a two being speeder, but Jarven was a competent married professional and Lancem certainly wouldn't mind getting a little cozier than usual. As speeder travel went, Issullas estate wasn't far, and Jarven was both a quick and competent speeder pilot.
"Oooo, open transmissions! Ha! Send an Exceeder on that one too! And look, we have a confirmed sigil! Eheheheh, always easier to track down a known enemy than some guerrilla tactics shadow jerks. Aww yeees, Grand Admiral Henbeddestr on the job. Game faces folks! I've you haven't got 'em on already that is."
One of the newest additions to the Ravens fleet obediently peeled off, all stealth systems activated, following the signal to track down and keep Sempras ship under surveillance.
"Aaaand we got the reports in from our mystery non-bombarding fleet.. Alright, let's see what they've got.."
The Togrutans brows furrowed as he looked over the reports.
"Not exactly a standard fleet, but it could do some hurt. Hmmm.. Our Starfighters are pretty evenly matched, so that's a draw. Good enough, 'fighters don't usually win battles anyway.."
"Are you going to monologue this entire encounter?"
"Yes. Bask in my glory! Now, as I was saying. The Eightguns will fly circles around them, but they do have the turrets and looks like the they're flying tanks. So, that's pretty well a draw. If they try and ignore our lads we'll wipe them out though, so that brings it mostly back to the big boys."
"Bah, bloody vong ships. I hate those. Hate them. Eeeeh.. Oo, lookit this one! I have no idea what this is! Lovely!"
For a man looking at things that might be used to try and kill him, Hen sounded a lot like a kid in a candy shop.
"No viewport. Which means they're depending entirely on sensors so.. Bring one of the Krakanas back around, see how they like nigh on 100 ion cannons aimed at 'em, that'd make anyone squirrely. Which means we'll have it's hangar of Eightguns so we don't need to scramble those from anywhere else. Aaaand, I don't really know these other ships so.. I dunno. Add two Kebechets. The point defence cannon'sll keep them at bay. Boss Lady didn't say blow 'em up yet so, we're just countering for now."
The indicated ships moved from their positions, first meeting up and then moving to begin the stand off with Zambrano.
"You don't think you should perhaps open comms with them?"
"Nah, this way they might panic and open fire, which would mean I'm allowed to shoot back. Basic rules of engagement that is."
Issulla had been nearly apopalectic with rage when parts of his estate had come under fire. He not only sat on the Hutt Ruling Council, he had lent his aid to Sempra when the other had appeared before them via holo projector. That he and his should have come under fire..
He should have known! Kajidic Besadii had ever been back-stabbing power-grubbers! A simple look back at history, much of which he had been alive for would have shown that! It must have been a ruse. Set the Ravens up as the enemies, trick the Ruling Council into supporting him and then using the power he'd been given to take over. Perhaps he was even trying to take Kajidic Illip's seat for himself! It could not be tolerated..
The Ravens, while pitiable annoyances, had been their neighbours for almost five years now and had not caused this sort of damage or cut into his profits. That was telling. Besides, these lesser beings rose and fell. Only yesterday it had been the Black Suns thinking they ran this corner of the galaxy, and they had never cut into his profits either. Sempra and his so-called Hutt Cartel on the other hand..
When the voice and face of the pretty little Twi'lek was patched through to him by one of his staff, his wide mouth stretched into a smile. Yes, here was an opportunity. These Ravens just needed proper Hutt guidance. He would use them as his cats paw to get revenge upon Kajidic Besadii, and to ensure Kajidic Illip prospered. After all, somebody had to have it, why not him and his?
"Tagwa, jot ten cohai."
Came his reply over the comms, grin growing wider as the ships appeared in the sky over his holdings. Yes.. Those were not Raven ships, those were his ships. Or they might as well be. Let that fool Sempra shake. Issulla and Kajidic Illip would reign supreme on Nal Hutta, using the sense they had cultivated for generations. These younger Hutts.. They did not understand good business. By all accounts the Ravens did. They would understand it even better with his guidance.
Xander Black Zambrano the Hutt Lancem Cuiléin Jarven Zexxel Bsssk Zander del Sangue Sempra the Hutt