Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Danse Macabre (Hallowe'en on Necropolis)

Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

"Oh Akiya!" Hilal laughed surprised at the fact that Akiya doesn't see herself as sexy. "You ALWAYS looked gorgeous! Everything you wore you looked great in but now!" Hilal couldn't help herself but dart her eyes at Akiya's bunny costume. It was amazing how affordable these costumes were now and days. Though wherever site that Akiya bought it off of, they should've had a picture not that Hilal minded.

"Look at me Akiya!" Hilal said while pulled her friend into an arm loop. "I'm not what you call a beautiful girl! Especially when you compare me to my friends! I have work hard just to look a little cute! You on the other hand doesn't need to try hard to have guys and gals- HEY! DON'T YOU FRACKING TRY TO TOUCH HER!"

There were a couple of men who attempted to reach out Akiya, Hilal held Akiya closer so they wouldn't even think of it. The men snorted before going on their way. "Don't worry Akiya," Hilal said huffing. "Be confident in yourself even if perverts try to inappropriately touch you. Don't stop being yourself!"

Hilal supposed that was the curse of beauty, having people try to fondle you. But even then, Hilal found that people would pay attention if they had a face of an angel. "You didn't make a mistake," Hilal continued looking around the costumed people laughing, drinking and overall having a good time. "This is the right kind of holiday to wear..... less clothes." Hilal chuckled. "But back to the mission, yes apparently this drug lord had been selling these victims to slavery. At least he was one of the drug lords who did."

They arrived at square where Hilal looked around, there were plenty of people but her client was nowhere to be found. "We're looking for a Gran who goes by the name of: Two Eyes," she said. "He'll be recognizable by having two eyes instead of three, guy was born with a rare disesase that has a Gran be born without a third eye."

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime


Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Akiya wasn’t sure how Hilal could so boldly define her as gorgeous. The young scientist had never really noticed how many looks she had gotten. Akiya was always concerned about her opinions and research making an impact, her looks were just what they were. That she happened to have appeal to those who enjoyed females was never something that Akiya noticed. And Hilal was a girl, so Akiya assumed it was just being complimentary. Even though when Akiya told Hilal how cute she was it was unconscious flirting. ”Ample cleavage and showing off legs is often a trigger for sexual arousal when it comes to the female form. Still I feel a bit silly. Not like your costume which accentuates your extreme cuteness without going for the easy titillation.”

Even though Akiya looked right past her own attractiveness, it surprised her that Hilal didn’t see how she looked. Or maybe she did and deflected away from it so much as a warrior not wanting to be that cute girl who surprised with a fiery disposition and courageous heart. She just wanted to be a strong Mandalorian and bounty hunter. Meaning she shouldn’t be cute. But Hilal did say she tried to dress cute so… Akiya gave a bit of a giggle as Hilal snapped at a group of staring men, before she answered Hilal’s claims of struggling to look cute. ”Hilal. On top of being completely adorable. I’ve seen you in the skin tight suit you wear under your armor. You’ve got a sweet lovely face and a rocking body. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Hilal told Akiya to be herself. The true timid Akiya at a grizzly underworld party worried Akiya. ”The true me will just close my eyes and let the bastards touch me. I am not strong like you are to snap at them and have them actually pull away. I need someone to protect me from the vultures.”

Akiya supposed that if she was going to wear something like this it was best under the cover of a costume party or holiday. Though she wished the costume had a mask that she could hide her identity behind. That would make it all the more easier to play up the sexy/flirty version of herself that dressing like this could cause to be seen. Instead everyone could see her face and that made her embarrassed, but it was too late to pull back now.

”So someone was drugging spice users to make it look like they died of an overdose. Then they were stealing the ‘bodies’ and reviving them to sell as slaves?” Akiya talked over the sequence as she absorbed it. ”That seems like a lot of trouble. Though I guess few people question an overdose on spice and no one looks for their dead relatives. It’s actually kind of ingenious, though horrible. A two eyed Gran probably shouldn’t be too hard to find. I doubt Gran costumes will be too concealing of their heads, and as you said two eyes is very rare.” Akiya was standing as close as she possibly could to Hilal and holding onto her arm. ”Is that a Gran over there? Can’t see how many eyes…but sure looks like a Gran.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal didn't understand how anyone would allow themselves to be violated like that. Akiya admitted weakness and that made her vulnerable to people who had no problem harming her. Like Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus , Akiya would be reduced to a helpless damsel the moment a hostile would simply brush shoulders against them. It was probably a Mandalorian thing because Hilal could not imagine allowing people to stomp all over her like that. "Well if you're in trouble Akiya," Hilal said smiling. "Just know that I will always be there to protect you."

It was the same thing that she said to Tiaza as well. They were both good people, it was just their mentality on how to handle conflict was foreign to Hilal. Venturing outside Mandalorian space opened Hilal to different cultures and different approaches to life. It was exciting to learn them all but at the same time confusing. Even though Akiya is an admitted damsel in distress, she had a wealth of knowledge over subjects that Hilal had trouble comprehending like titillation. "What the frack is titillation?" Hilal thought.

"Thank you," Hilal said when Akiya complemented her costume. "But I don't understand what you mean about titillation? Is that related to being attractive? I mean you look beautiful showing off your cleavage and legs in ways that I can't even do."

Hilal sighed she wished she had looks similar to Akiya and Tiaza. They were gorgeous bombshells and Hilal was just a plain old woman. "I mean I think you lack confidence," Hilal said. "I know for a fact that I'm not really good looking. I have to work hard to be well..... adorable." Hilal gave a nervous giggle. "But I don't know what you mean by giving people sexual arousal. Does that relate to being sexy? Does it illicit feelings of being pretty? Or are they the same?"

Even though Hilal saw the Gran ahead, her mind was filled with questions. There were many things that Hilal did not know and it frustrated her.

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime
Objective: II (Danse Macabre)

Tags: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire , Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar , Valery Noble Valery Noble

"No harm in wandering a bit, its a big galaxy, it would suck if we never left the planets we were born on."

“Very true. As the Corellians say, “I’ll drink to that.Glar agreed, as he took a large sip of his glass of Sullustan wine. It was beginning to run low, and a refill would be in order. “If it were not for a bit of wandering, the Galaxy would be far duller.”

In response to Annika’s question about him being much of a dancer, Glar laughed, and said: “Me? Definitely not. Us Pykes are not built for dancing.” He gestured at his large head and strangely proportioned limbs for emphasis. “In fact, we have a saying on Oba Diah. A dance floor is an accident waiting to happen. Anyways, I am going to head over to the bar for another glass of wine.”

As the two of them walked over to the bar, Annika asked Glar about some of his wanderings. “Well, this was a while ago, but I did have a bit of an escapade on Lothal.” During this “escapade”, he had been attacked by a ruthless team of bounty hunters. But there was no need to go into detail about that. “Long story short, I was scammed by an artifact dealer, and things became a bit hairy, so to speak. I had to use some unusual fighting skills to get out of that situation.” Glar continued, using his euphemism of choice for his Dark Side Abilities. Fishing for hints about how developed her Dark Side connection was, Glar asked “How about you? You must have some interesting stories of your own.”

As they sat down at the bar, Glar could not help but notice a few interesting people nearby. In particular, he noticed a young Human man in a red suit jacket drunkenly shouting, and trying to pursue more alcohol. His pursuit was stopped by an older woman in a black dress. Addressing the drunk, Glar said “You really should listen to your mother, you know.”


Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Akiya could tell that Hilal was a little disappointed in Akiya’s timidness. But not everyone was born courageous and a warrior. Akiya was strong in intellectual endeavors, but her ability to protect herself was lacking. She smiled when Hilal offered to be her protector. ”I appreciate that. And if there is something I feel is wrong I will tell you. Jitters in the only one on New Alderaan though. And he’s helpless. Just stares at me.”

It seemed Hilal was just as innocent as Akiya, but Akiya had to know the definition of some things she had yet to discover and how they worked in biology. ”To titillate is to stimulate or excite (someone), especially in a sexual way. My breasts and legs so prominently on display are sure to excite those who enjoy the female form.” Akiya blushed at Hilal again complimenting how she looked with all her goods out on display. Akiya was beginning to wonder if Hilal might be a little attracted to her…but that was never something that Akiya could tell unless it was painfully obvious like with Jitters.

”You could definitely dress your legs up nice. I know you’re not that tall, but your legs are very toned and nice to look at. A good pair of sheer tights I’m sure would get people’s minds going in a good direction.” Akiya looked at Hilal’s legs. They were pretty well covered now, but Akiya’s mind drifted before being dragged back to reality. ”And given the right clothing and underwear every girl can make their cleavage something to behold. I’m not sure how much actual help you would need. But we can look into it if you want to…”

Akiya giggled and nudged Hilal at the mention of a lack of confidence. ”I think we both lack confidence and experience in this matter. I have never tried to entice another’s attention with my body. Always distracted by other things too much. And you are definitely way more attractive than you give yourself credit for.”

More blushing came as Hilal now wanted to know more about arousal ”Um…well…arousal is just the physical reaction your body has to something that is sexy. In nature it is supposed to drive the reproductive cycle. Though it appears in many sentient beings that like genders can also cause arousal. Which doesn’t make sense in terms of science. But I can attest to it happening.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal knows HOW the body reproduces but when it comes to specifics particularly on how to attract a mate, Hilal found it difficult to do so. She did receive lessons by Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus on how to flirt but she was still fine tuning the intricacies of being playful with people. Tiaza and Akiya (though probably unintentional on her part) were naturals at making people pay attention to them by just their presence. "I think I get it," Hilal muttered looking up at Akiya's bunny costume. "I should show off my butt and my breasts more often if I want to...... make people pay attention to me."

It was a surprisingly simple way, Akiya's costume definitely made Hilal rather..... giddy. Maybe Hilal's sense of fashion wasn't as cute or attractive as she thought. "I guess......" Hilal said. "I definitely need some help looking like..... you."

The young woman sighed heavily, they were in a mission and Hilal is acting all insecure...... again. "Come on," Hilal said approaching the Gran. "I've wasted enough time on this......"

They approached the Gran who was leaning against the wall smoking a Spice stick. "You're Two Eyes?" Hilal asked in a stern tone.

"Who's askin?" The Gran snarled.

"The one who is trying to make the drug boss take the big sleep." Hilal hissed. "You got the invite?"

"I do," Two Eyes gaze turned to Akiya. "Wait..... who's the girl?"

"She's with me," Hilal said putting Akiya behind her. "She's good at recognizing the poison so I can destroy it."

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime


Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Akiya shook her head, though the young scientist then looked at Hilal again and her mind drifted off. A smirk formed on her face when she decided that she was going to order Hilal her own bunny costume off the holonet when she got back to New Alderaan. It would be a gift for both of them. ”Well…Um…that would be a way to go about it. I imagine quite a few beings would be staring at your exposed butt and chest. But from the things I’ve read, that is not always the best way to attract a good mate. Physical attraction goes a long way. But a good relationship has much more to it…at least that’s what the holomags say.”

Akiya blushed, but also shook her head again. ”You should be the best you. Not try to look like someone else.” It was not like Akiya had any experience, but at least she followed her own advice in this case. ”If the person is right for you. They’ll know you are sexy, just for being you. If they don’t. They aren’t the right person.” Akiya hoped Hilal didn’t notice the hum in her voice that might have let on that she thought Hilal was very sexy.

Akiya was happy to have the conversation move on from revealing clothes and how to attract a mate. She worried that Hilal might catch on to her growing crush, but more than anything Akiya didn’t want to give out bad advice. She read a lot. But she had very little actual experience.

Akiya let Hilal do the talking with “Two-eyes”. But when the Gran questioned who she was, she wondered if her presence might end the mission early and unsuccessfully for Hilal. ”That’s right. I may look young, but I’m a very capable doctor. Not only will I be able to find the poison. But I can also help see the difference between fakes and real overdoses, now that I have an idea what to expect.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

"Is that so?" The Gran's two eyes narrowed at Akiya. "I dunno getting these tickets came out a price this chick is more suited as a slut rather than a doctor."

"She's more brilliant than you think and she's NOT a slut!" Hilal hissed. "She's very good at identifying poisons and can tell if somebody is either dead or is paralyzed by the poison."

The young woman stepped closer to Two Eyes. "And one more thing," she growled. "I'm not a kid, I'm a Bounty Hunter and I deserve to be treated like one. I don't give a rat's piss if you sacrificed your first born to gain access to the bosses mansion. You're not the one risking their lives just to take out a mob boss. So, give me the tickets and let me carry out this contract."

There was a brief pause with Hilal and Two Eyes staring intensely at each other. "Whatever, I'm not getting paid enough to complain," Two Eyes shrugged. "The boss' name is Arno "The Ghost" Boord, guy built some of the most fabulous and crooked Casinos in Coruscant. He likes throwing lavish parties especially during Halloween."

Two Eyes handed Hilal a picture of Arno, he was gaunt man who had wrinkly, leathery skin, his eyes were drooping as if he was half dead and his thin white hair was all over the place. "The man looks like he has one foot in the grave," Hilal said.

"When you're a human and 150 years old" Two Eyes said handing Hilal the tickets. "You tend to look like a Zombie. I've done my part the Mansion is located a few miles out of the city. You can take a Taxi there."

"Thanks I guess," Hilal said while Two Eyes walked into the crowd. "Well," Hilal said. "Let's get going Akiya."

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime
Last edited:

Location: Necropolis
Objective: Danse Macabre
Tags: Glar Ulchtar Glar Ulchtar

She grinned, she enjoyed dancing but now the man made her curious. "Interesting fighting skills? Pocket full of spice to the eyes?" she made a pocket sand gesture and laughed. ", that would work out so expensive, you use the force?" she raised an eyebrow curiously with a little knowing smile.

"So... interesting stories.. hmm. Well, I am a force user, I'm still learning, but I got sent on this mission to check on a safe house and got bitten by a vampire.... but it's OK, cos he's kind of my boy..." she stopped herself, wondering if she had constructes more of a picture of her friendship with Rayth Rayth than he had, they hadn't even kissed yet so... "I'll just say he was on my side and I let him do it." she let out a big laugh and looked at the mild bruising on her inner arm that was only a week old. The teen grabbed a drink and knocked it backwards. Turning to the man to answer her question and perhaps reciprocate with a story of his own.



Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Akiya gave a huff at the Gran stating she looked like a slut. She covered up a little bit, but still she wanted to point out that given the occasion taking place on Necropolis that there were many beings that were portraying a different look than their norm. But Akiya decided to hold her tongue assuming that statement was beyond the Gran’s understanding. And she didn’t want to piss him off since he was holding the invitation that Hilal still needed.

Hilal on the other hand had no qualms with showing her dislike for the Gran’s words. Akiya grinned and moved in close behind Hilal. Firstly, in case the Gran took offense and started some sort of attack. But more than that, Akiya just wanted to be closer to Hilal. She hoped that it wouldn’t be a problem for the young Mandalorian. When Hilal piled on defense of her own age and capabilities Akiya figured the Gran wasn’t going to act out. ”Yeah. She’s no kid. She’s killed a giant fish in the waters of Kamino and tons of other missions,” Akiya added, putting an arm around Hilal and pulling closer, before using her other hand to cover up a little bit.

The Gran gave up the invitations and information on the target. Akiya patted Hilal on the back expressing her admiration for a job well done. ”The boss is rarely the biggest threat physically. They are the brains and make the brawn do the heavy lifting. No matter what this guy looks like. We better be careful and aware of the folks around us.”

When Two-eyes left Akiya giggled. ”You sure handled him. I’m right in your hip pocket, Lal. Hopefully we can finish this without using my expertise, but I’m glad to be along with you.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal spent most of her life defending herself with no one willing to defend her. It felt great to have someone have her back. Hilal had been on her since childhood and relied on no one but herself. To have a friend stand up for her was something that Hilal cherished. When Two Eyes left, Hilal gave Akiya a warm smile. "Thank you, Akiya," Hilal whispered gently placing her hand on Akiya's pale cheek. "For defending me against that bastard, even after everything I've done, I'm still disrespected and disparaged."

Hilal was a warrior who was the youngest Forgemaster in existence, destroyed a Sith Star Destroyer all by herself, and recently took on three stinking Jedi and won. Yet even then, people still think Hilal is a helpless little girl. "At least I have a few people who love and appreciate me," Hilal thought giving an airy sigh when Akiya patted her back.

"Agreed," Hilal said. "Especially when we're jumping headfirst into what's essentially a Sarlacc Pit."

She smiled when Akiya placed her arm around her while using her other hand to cover her cleavage. Akiya was still insecure with her bunny costume which was alright. It did mean that Hilal can eat up the eye candy up close though...... "Stay with me Akiya," Hilal said. "I'll never let go of you."

Arm in arm, the two took a Taxi towards the Arno's lair. It was a large castle located on top of the mountains. Hilal and Akiya were dropped off with Hilal holding Akiya closely. "WELCOME TO THE CASTLE OF THE GHOST!" A voice shouted from above.


"Hey!" Hilal shouted. "Whoever you are, we're here to attend the party!"

"AH YES!" The voice shouted. "But to get there, you must climb the mountain of madness! There will be monsters and traps for this years Halloween special! Have fun!"

"Wait!" Hilal shouted but there was only silence. "I guess we're going to have to play their game then," Hilal sighed. "Come on Akiya."

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime


Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Akiya nodded at the thanks. ”You have pledged to keep me safe. And done so several times in our short relationship…” Akiya paused and blushed, moving her arm to cover herself a little more. Should she have called their relationship a friendship? Would Hilal read something into how Akiya had termed it? ”I know you are capable of so much, and I’ve seen it first hand. The least I can do is set dumb people like Two-Eyes straight. Just hope no one tries to punch me for doing it.”

The young geneticist was glad to hear that Hilal wanted to move forward cautiously. Though Akiya suspected that the bounty hunters' view of careful and hers were probably pretty different. Another blush came to Akiya’s face when Hilal told her to stay close, that Hilal wouldn’t leave her. She didn’t mean it like THAT, Akiya insistently thought to herself. The thoughts going through her head were just crazy. She had to keep focused. Why did the holo have to send her this ridiculous costume? That was only adding to all her thoughts and concerns.

Akiya jumped slightly and leaned into Hilal when the voice called out from above. Her heart was racing so fast that she couldn’t even take in what the caller said. Hilal’s voice calmed Akiya and she heard mention of the mountain of madness and monsters. ”H-have f-fun he says?” Akiya questioned timidly, thankful for Hilal’s support. ”Our idea of games is very different Lal. But I’m right beside you. No way I’m sticking around here on my own.”
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

"Oh come on Akiya!" Hilal said feeling a small gust of wind bristle her pale skin. "It's probably won't be so bad! There's plenty of people who do haunted houses as a spectacle! You believe that a person throwing a party is going to harm their guests?"

Well, the person in question IS a drug lord so it was most likely but Hilal wanted to cheer the easily frightened Akiya up. "We've been through worse!" Hilal chuckled grabbing Akiya's arm. "We survived a Giant Fish! We can SURELY survive a simple Haunted House!"

Pulling Akiya behind her, Hilal began to march across the creaky bridge. Hilal began to look at the large building ahead..... as well as creatures draped under a white blanket walking around. "PFFT!" Hilal chuckled. "Ghosts?! That's what passes for monsters? Akiya we got this!"

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime


Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

”The person throwing the party is a drug kingpin, who poisons his customers so that he can sell them into slavery,” Akiya replied, feeling the cool breeze even more with her exposed skin. Goosebumps formed on her arms and chest as she gave a bit of a shiver. But no matter what she thought about what was possible. Akiya knew she was better off at Hilal’s side. And she knew that Hilal was going up the mountain to the party.

The ‘been through worse’ was a running theme with Akiya and Hilal’s adventures. She hoped that was always the case and not something Hilal just said to make Akiya more confident in their standing in the situation. In the end it didn’t matter. Akiya adored Hilal and so she would sneak off New Alderaan as often as possible when asked, and she’d be with Hilal for all the crazy adventures. No matter what sort of scary odds they faced. Akiya’s arm warmed a little with Hilal’s touch, but the goosebumps remained at the excitement. ”I’m quite certain we’ll survive,” Akiya giggled as Hilal started off.

The bridge was more scary to Akiya than the “ghosts”. She was smart enough to know that ghosts aren't real. And even if they were, these people were just pretending. She took long, but careful steps in order to keep up with Hilal as they made it over the bridge. As the ghosts came closer, Akiya suddenly wanted to move faster. The ghosts were a little more intimidating when they were closer. Akiya still knew they weren’t really ghosts. One of them had a device the made a sound that irritated Akiya’s ears. Then before she knew it one of the ghosts grabbed hold of her arm. ”Eek! Hilal!” The ghost pulled on Akiya’s arm as Akiya’s other hand tightened on Hilal.


Location: Necropolis
Objective: Speak with Thelma
Tags: Thelma Goth Thelma Goth

Silas knew it was the right thing to do. Thelma was going on her own path, far from the one he was going on. If they tried to stay together, it would only harm them more than anything. It hurt so much doing this, but if he truly loved her he'd do what was best for her instead of what his heart yearned. You could call it a double edged sword, whatever they did it was going to hurt them less than the other.

When she took her hand and kissed it the knight frowned. She clearly still loved him, and it was clear she did what she did to not hurt him further. Seeing her step away, Silas looked at Thelma with tears in his eyes and couldn't help but leave her without his own goodbye. Suddenly moving forward, he wrapped his arms around Thelma and gave her the biggest hug he could muster.

"I will, just promise me you'll be fine alright?"

Silas' eyes were no more dry than hers. He swept her into one of his great big bear hugs, and she felt whatever pieces were left of her heart shatter. She wrapped her arms around him, burying her face against his shoulder. When they were lovers, she always had to fight the urge to bite him. Now, with her hunger properly satiated, there was no looming threat that she might hurt him again. It was a bittersweet realization.

"I will, just promise me you'll be fine alright?"

"I-I will," she sputtered. There was no stopping her tears now. They flowed freely, staining his shirt. She didn't want to let go, not yet...

Don't make this any harder than it already is. Though her arms felt impossibly heavy when empty, she forced herself to release him. "I have to go," she said, her voice no louder than a whisper. Her hands dropped to her sides. "Goodbye, Silas."

She turned to leave, raising her veil and hiding her face behind the dark mask once again.

Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

"I know Akiya," Hilal said holding onto Akiya feeling her goosebumps brush against her thin fabric. "Which is why you don't take a drink if somebody offers you one. Say that you already drank before you arrived and we'll be just fine!"

Though Hilal had to admit, that she was a bit parched yet she kept that to herself. At least Akiya was in good spirits..... until the damn "ghost" grabbed Akiya's arm pulling towards him. "HEY!" Hilal yelled trying to pull Akiya towards her. "LET GO OF HER!"

"Ooooohhhh!" The Ghost said maintaining an iron vice grip on Akiya's arm. "I come to suck your blood!"

"What the flipping frack?!" Hilal frowned. "That's what a Vampire would say! You suck playing as a Ghost!"

"Oh really?" The "ghost" let go of Akiya and Hilal pulled her into a hug.

"Oh, come on Lang!" The other ghost said. "This is the 5th time you did this!"

"Ah chit my bad!" Lang said while Hilal shook her head. "Idiots....." Hilal muttered.

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime


Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Akiya wasn’t going to drink or eat anything from this party, even if Hilal gave it to her. Her current situation wasn’t much better than slavery, but being sold off by some underworld boss seemed like it was going to be a lot worse than “working” for Kilran. Especially with how distracted Jitters had become. ”If I could get through this party without touching a single thing I would. Somehow I doubt that will happen, but I certainly won’t be injecting anything.” As much as Hilal made her feel safe, Akiya was still nervous about everything.

Akiya pulled towards Hilal and her friend’s grip increased her resolve. When the ghost started in about blood sucking, Akiya assumed the “ghost” was just a hired actor or something. Akiya was about to respond, but Hilal did first. Calling out the horrible acting, or at least the lack of knowledge. ”Ghosts don’t suck blood,” Akiya said, giving a little harder of a yank, just as the ghost let go. Akiya stumbled towards Hilal, only able to keep her balance because Hilal’s arms wrapped around her in a hug.

Akiya hardly heard the two ghosts bickering or Hilal’s response. She wrapped her arms around Hilal’s waist and put her head against Hilal’s chest. ”Give me just a minute. That was…a bit much.” Akiya cherished a mere moment pressed against Hilal before she took in a long breath and loosened her hold on Hilal’s waist. ”I’m ok. Unless you want to skip the whole party thing and just hold me all night.” Akiya did her best to make it sound like a joke. But she wasn’t sure if Hilal would be able to sense that she meant it.
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Current Outfit

Hilal smiled when Akiya leaned her head against her chest, even though these "ghosts" were pathetic, Akiya was still frightened. "Having some idiot grab your arm like that can be a little distressing." Hilal remarked when Akiya looked down at her. "Despite the fact that these "ghosts" fracking SUCK AT THEIR JOB!"

Hilal growled at the group of ghosts who were once again trying to act in character. "We're going to steal your soul!" One of them announced.

"At least that's better," Hilal muttered grabbing Akiya's arm and walking away from them. "You still suck though," the young woman began climbing the hill while taking a deep breath. "The entrance got to be here somewhere." Hilal said. "Besides, I can do both go to the party and hold on to you all night." Hilal gave Akiya a wink. "Can you believe it though, the first scary thing we see it was a fracking dud."

Hilal paused realizing that Akiya was still shaken up. "Well..... for me anyway!" She quickly corrected herself giving a nervous smile.

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime


Location: Necropolis
Objective III: That Funny Reefer Man
Outfit: Sexy Bunny Costume
Tags: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

Akiya was quite glad to hear Hilal understand how this might impact the feelings of someone who was not trained in combat. The geneticist guessed that Hilal probably dealt with similar situations all the time in her adventures, but this was all new to Akiya and she could only stand tall through these experiences because she had Hilal to lean on. ”They do mostly suck at their job,” Akiya stated with a meek smile. ”Giving some people a scare isn’t all that difficult though. Grabbing on or making a noise is quite enough. Even when they have a strong partner with them.” Akiya didn’t feel ashamed to be frightened around Hilal. She wasn’t sure why that was. Maybe because it meant she could lean against Hilal and the young Mandalorian didn’t seem to quickly push her aside when the danger was past.

Soul stealing wasn’t really a ghostly thing either, Akiya didn’t think. But she giggled at Hilal’s response supposing that it was closer than sucking blood was. Ghosts were ethereal after all. How would they even go about sucking blood? With no ghosts hovering around threatening to scare Akiya any more, Hilal was on the move again. Akiya already missed Hilal’s hug, but at least Hilal took her arm. The chill of the breeze was offset but the warming of Akiya’s cheeks when Hilal stated she could party and hold Akiya all night. Akiya wanted to feel that, but maybe not in the same way Hilal was offering. Akiya would definitely give up the party for the holding though. ”Right. Entrance. You sure we don’t have to do some silly test find the entrance?” Akiya questioned, she looked around, but she had no clue what she was looking for. A simple door seemed too much to ask for at this point.

”To you that was a dud,” Akiya said with a weak smile. ”To me it was quite enough. Though I guess some people like to see how much of this horror stuff they can take. I’d rather not have to deal with it. Especially when I have to remember to keep covered up in this crazy outfit.”

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