Darkness is Expansion
New Order Dominion of Dubrillion
Dubrillion, sister planet to Destrillion, were stark contrasts in comparison to one another. With it's lush field continents, expansive blue oceans and fluffy white clouds, Dubrillion was the most attractive of the pair. In comparison, Destrillion was a desolate, gas field planet who's only possible contribution to the New Order could be Tibana Gas, if there was any to be found.
It would be the former rather than the latter that would have to suffer under the gaze of the New Order. In close proximity to the United Mandalorian Clans, Dubrillion was an important world for it's strategical value, more than it's natural beauty; and so, one Darth Ayra, Lord of the Sith, would find herself heading to the system on board an Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer. The first objective on Ayra's mind was the deployment of Aleidine-class beacons, which would replace the old, outdated ones left over from the Four Hundred Year Darkness.
The secondary objective was rather simple: the annexation of Dubrillion for the New Order. Standing on board the Pellaeon, Ayra had her gaze on the transparisteel screen ahead and the cowl of her Sith robe raised. Purple lights passed by as the Star Destroyer slipped it's way through hyperspace towards the Dubrillion system. She watched them pass with her sulfuric, yellow eyes, waiting for it to drop out of hyperspace and back into real space, to continue the work of restoring the Sith Empire to it's former glory.