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Darkness is Expansion [New Order Dominion of Dubrillion]

Darkness is Expansion
New Order Dominion of Dubrillion


Dubrillion, sister planet to Destrillion, were stark contrasts in comparison to one another. With it's lush field continents, expansive blue oceans and fluffy white clouds, Dubrillion was the most attractive of the pair. In comparison, Destrillion was a desolate, gas field planet who's only possible contribution to the New Order could be Tibana Gas, if there was any to be found.

It would be the former rather than the latter that would have to suffer under the gaze of the New Order. In close proximity to the United Mandalorian Clans, Dubrillion was an important world for it's strategical value, more than it's natural beauty; and so, one Darth Ayra, Lord of the Sith, would find herself heading to the system on board an Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer. The first objective on Ayra's mind was the deployment of Aleidine-class beacons, which would replace the old, outdated ones left over from the Four Hundred Year Darkness.

The secondary objective was rather simple: the annexation of Dubrillion for the New Order. Standing on board the Pellaeon, Ayra had her gaze on the transparisteel screen ahead and the cowl of her Sith robe raised. Purple lights passed by as the Star Destroyer slipped it's way through hyperspace towards the Dubrillion system. She watched them pass with her sulfuric, yellow eyes, waiting for it to drop out of hyperspace and back into real space, to continue the work of restoring the Sith Empire to it's former glory.

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The Mephirium had dropped off two of its passengers just hours before. The rest of the crew was going to port to make sure they had enough supplies for their group. It had let a small personal transport just big enough to be considered a speeder out to join the fleet. The transport carried Graxin and [member="Darth Ferus"]. The two Sith had arrived to assist, and help they would.

Graxin keyed into the fleetops channel in the sector, and checked his scanner to see just what Dubrillon had in the form of defense. "Let's hope this doesn't bring about genocide again...aye?"
Ferus grunted once to [member="Graxin Rade"] , a small frown formed on his lips. Twin planets, one light, one dark. One alive, one dead. There was hardly an in between these days. He'd answer the boy in his rough tone, only because of the fact they were about to return to the forces of the New Order. Appearances and all that.

"If genocide is called for, don't hesitate. I certainly wont. Lead Enforcer of Vulcanus comes with a big target. Once it seems like I'm going soft, others will try to take my place." There were many reasons as to why Ferus was a Sith. Many that would possibly be explained to Graxin. But not now. Not with war over the horizon.

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"I never have." Graxin responded grimly as the transport neared Dubrillon. They were ahead of the [member="Alicia Drey"]'s fleet thankfully. Graxin had never met the woman, though he had seen her before. Beautiful, and dangerous. He preferred the company of Ferus for now, the Sith Lord didn't make him uncomfortable when he looked at him, and stared out at Dubrillon. They would be flying for the planet's capital first.

"Though it shouldn't resort to that. We break into the capital, storm the building, take the leaders prisoner, and hand the world over with a nice bow tied around it toward the woman in charge." Her name had slipped his mind. "Not too difficult."

[member="Darth Ferus"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

Darth Ayra turned away from the transparisteel screen, thought on someone else momentarily. She came to a stop on the holographic projector and activated it's systems. Her hands moved across the dashboard as she typed in the frequency she wished to contact. With the transmission broadcasted, she lowered her gaze a moment to contemplate on her thoughts. "Darth Pandeima, you found me on Coruscant, just before the bloodbath I was part of alongside Christian Slade. You've taught me about passion and that I should let go of my anger in favor of love, lust and other such things. I still do not yet understand..." And so, confused for the moment, she waited for her Sith Master to answer.

Hopefully, with one less vixen at her side to talk with, as well.
[member="Graxin Rade"]

"Nothing too difficult always finds a way to become a real pain in the ass." Ferus was dressed in a rather unique set of Merc clothing. Unique in the sense that he wore it more often then not when trying to hide in plain sight. Now was of course one of those times. He watched the main city come into view with a rather annoyed look on his face. He really didn't like fighting in a city. Too many variables.

"You got the schematics?"

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"Don't jinx it." Graxin chided. He wore a simple black sweatshirt with a hood, and brown pants. He looked like any young man getting ready to go out with his friens for the night. That is, if your best friend was a bloodthirsty lord of the Sith.

His twin lightsabers sat snugly in his lap. His right hand, scarred and warped from a horrible burn months ago, trailed over the fine leather of his primary weapon, then settled on the silver hilt of his spiked secondary. They would have to be hidden well. Quietly, Graxin spoke with the flight control and cleared to land a few blocks away from the capital building.

"Right here. I could just throw you in. You do your Darth thing, I'll get us some drinks. It'll be a fun night." The former Apprentice cracked a wry grin as the schematics appeared on the screen implanted within the dashboard.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
And so the Sith Predator found himself yet again within a Star Destroyer's hangar bay, observing the crafts and pilots running routine maintenance. His darkened figure leaned against one of the fighters as he inspected his suit's diagnostics from the HUD, cursing under his breath as he saw that his internal enhancements were due for an upgrade. Not that they were required, but he did like having the extra push to excel where normal mortals cannot. Disregarding the message for now, he activated his comm link to the rest of the allied forces and in a rather lighthearted manner.

"Why did the Sandtrooper go to the library? He had a book dewback!"

He chuckled to himself at the awful, terrible pun. He was pretty terrible at jokes, not being the comedic relief type.

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Graxin Rade"]
"Where's the fun in that? I'd end up killing everyone then. Weren't you the one who told me no needless death?" An attempt at humor would escape the Darth. A bad one, but an attempt none the less. [member="Graxin Rade"] was having a clear effect on the man. Ferus sat across the boy, Deus across his lap like a walking stick. Yeah, a sharp deadly walking stick that could catch on fire at a moments notice. The thought brought a hint of a smile to the Zabrak's face. Yeah, there was some sort of a soul still in him.

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"Ten points for you Patholex. Ten points for you." Graxin chided into the fleetcom. He tilted his head toward Ferus, and gave a little snort. It was at least the beginning of laughter. "Uh-huh. Alright hotshot, let's cool down that ego before it starts to give off a heat signatures. Don't want flight control stopping us."

The shuttle settled gently within one of the many hangers. The doors above them closed, leaving them within a large, domed structure. Graxin stood up, shoved his weapons into the front pocket of his sweatshirt--classy-- and opened the landing ramp. "We walk in, they scan our identification. We walk upstairs, silence security, and lockdown the building. Easy enough."

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Lord Pathollex"]
I shook my head as I placed the Sith Stalker armor over my body. I placed the helm over my head and slipped on the Leviathan bracers over my hands, along with the finger claws that were placed in the right fingers to match the rest of the other predators that may have been here. I didn't know where most of them were, but some of them should be in the Hangar bay, or working on getting everything ready. As one of the Masters of the Predators, I had to lead different groups for this Annexation of this planet.

I slid my Sithsword into the sheath on my back as well as the lightsabers on my belts that were wrapped around my waist. I could hear my electronic breathing activate with every use of my lungs collapsing to push out the air within my body. Moving, I left the room that I was in, and walked to the Bridge. I simply stood on the inside the doors as a Sith Master stood on the inside starting to speak to someone else.

and I would wait my turn. Seeing as how the new Sith would be leading this expedition with the apparent blessing of the Emperor, I would work with her, [member="Alicia Drey"],
"Scan us, huh?" For the moment Deus actually looked like a cane. A fancy sword like cane, but it didn't seem to be threatening. At least, only to those who couldn't resist the minor mind trick he was giving off. Simple trick he learned a bit ago. Comes in handy.

His voice would drop low, audible enough for only [member="Graxin Rade"] to hear.

"And how exactly are we going to get through the scans again?"

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"For, nevermind." Graxin raised his shoulders in a slight shrug. He shoved his hands into his pockets, and began to walk out toward the busy street outside the building. he had no doubt Ferus would be right next to him. or the moment, his mind drifted off to those they had left aboard the Mephirium. Kelios, Linori, Corvetta, even that Chiss woman. Hopefully they were alright.

He tried to center himself the way Kelios had instructed; control his emotions and whatnot. It wasn't as easy as the Jedi had made it sound. "Lin helped me. She's very smart. We should register as sanitation workers when they scan our I.D. passes. Luckily, we look the part...make sure to thank her when we make it back."

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"The blind one right? You got a thing for her kid? You two seem pretty close when ever I step out. Don't think I don't notice, emotion is one of those things people can sense." Ferus was actually teasing [member="Graxin Rade"] at this point, but as they got closer to the main building his tone swiftly changed.

"How exactly am I getting my sword in again?"

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Graxin...hadn't considered that. The would-be-Sith-Lord was very conflicted about that sort of thing lately. There was Corvetta, and he had no idea where they stood. Now he was desperately trying to get Linori to...well, enjoy his company. It sounded odd when he thought about it, but it was the right thing to do.

"Not so far as I know. I think she hates me anyway. I killed her boss for father. That's how we met." He replied earnestly. "It looks like a cane. You're better with the force than I am. Just make the scanner when you walk through."

[member="Darth Ferus"]
| [member="Darren Shaw"] |

The Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer broke out of hyperspace, with the window forming and subsequently dissipating as it dropped back into real space. Darth Ayra turned away from the transparisteel screen, but soon came to a stop when confronted with a giant of man. "Darth Solrune," Ayra said, as a matter of fact. "I believe this is our first meeting together, but I have heard so much about you from Pathollex."
I smiled under the helm of my Sith Stalker armor as the woman called me by my Sith calling of Darth. Continuing to speak saying that she had heard a lot about me from Pathollex. I shook my head. Only wishing that the man would keep his trap shut. "And you would believe him?" A small huff sound came from me as I spoke. The Lord Knight through that the was the rightful Leader, when really, there was no true leader of the Predators. The Masters herded the lessors in the direction to become a master of the force, lightsaber combat and the like.

"Rumors spread my dear Ayra. and only fools start the rumor chain"

| [member="Alicia Drey"] |
| [member="Darren Shaw"] |

"I try not too," she replied to Solrune, her facial features concealed by the cowl of her Sith robe. She made her way into the bridge and stepped onto the podium of the holographic projector that would transmit her message to the planet below. But first, she would need access. "I want you to bypass their defense network and patch me through to all headsets, billboards and other communication devices on the surface. I want all of them to know we're coming."

Folding her arms across her chest, she waited for the crew of the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer to comply.
She tries not to. Well that said a lot. As she walked away I simply shook my head. Even as she said that she wanted me to connect everyone to her. Getting past their defense system. Looks like I would have to go around them. I nodded my head to the woman. Seeing that she would need it as soon as possible. Without saying a word, I left the bridge. Walking the familiar halls down to the hangar bay. Nobody spoke to me as I wanted to be left alone. Simply by walking up to a black Eta-2 Actis Interceptor, I waved my hand and the cockpit opened up with a hiss as the red and white Astromech droid R2-H7 beeped at me.

"No, I don't need to go very fast R2. Relax and just get me the map of the area as well as the schematics for their defense systems."

With a small beep I got a confirmation from the astromech droid. My HUD then flared up with new files on the various ships and flak batteries that were on the planet. I sat down in my ship and flipped a few buttons as the canopy of my ship closed down over my head. Firing up the engines, the ship was lifted into the air and made its way out of the shields of the ship and out onto coming down on the planet.

While yes it was an interceptor, meant for battle and infiltration, it was also not labeled as a New Order ship. I flew the ship far away from the Star destroyer to give the look as though I was a lonely person trailing on my own. Within a minute or so, I would be able to enter the atmosphere.

| [member="Alicia Drey"] |
| [member="Darren Shaw"] |

The breach was done by the Pellaeon and consequentially, Darth Ayra had access to the main city. She activated the holographic projector and her image was displayed across the city. A hooded, dark figure blocked out the various programs, advertisements and so on, replacing them all. Facial features concealed, Ayra begun to speak to the world. "You are not alone. We have returned. My ship lays in orbit of your planet. You have one hour to contact us or feel our wrath. One hour."

She stepped off the podium and her image dissipated, the transmission done. The breach lasted only for a few minutes, before the Dubrillion authorities gained back control. But the message had been sent and now Darth Ayra would wait for their response.

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