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Darkness is Expansion [New Order Dominion of Dubrillion]

No response came from the crowd, except for a change in the facial expressions of the men who stood before him. Some of their faces hardened--the mark of a man who has been backed into a corner and knows he must fight or die. Some of their expressions betrayed fear--courtesy of the large group of stormtroopers behind his back and Melkaroth's own imposing appearence. But he figured that if push came to shove those men too would fight, at least long enough for them to escape. While he was confident in the superiority of his men, this was not a desirable outcome. Violence bred more violence. A heroic last stand and a hundred dead bodies were much more likely to invigorate resistance than the surrender of a hundred of the planet's would-be protectors.

"Surrender, now!" continued Melkaroth, his voice as hard and cruel as steel.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
With a soft smile, Circe would lead her apprentice into a nearby room, motioning for her to get on the table, her head resting on the pillow with a hole in it. "Just relax, my apprentice... Relax and let your master take care of your back." No need to take the clothes off - in this instance, Circe was forceful enough with her fingers that Ayra wearing a robe didn't really stop the proper motions and pressure from being applied. "There we go..."

[member="Alicia Drey"] @Melakoth Tyrin
There was no need for Cipher Eighteen to be undercover for his first field mission. His expertise was required with the group of soldiers who would be securing the Subach-Innes factories, and so he bore the standard military field grey of the New Order. The men with him were nothing more than extra rifles; the slicing work would fall to Vaas alone. After the Fel Imperium's stint on the planet, the factory servers containing valuable data had been re-encrypted, and would need to be cracked in order to be accessed. Not to mention the factory's automated defenses were still live, and would need to be shut down.

Vaas had just finished slicing into the factory mainframe from beyond the walls of the factory with a datapad in hand, while leaning over a hill. The rest of the men waited behind him. That being done, he patched a comlink to Darth Ayra's frequency, whom he imagined would want to hear that the turrets would be down in moments, allowing her to land in the factory. It's not like she was preoccupied with anything else at the moment...

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Enigma"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] |

To the members of the New Order, she was known as Darth Ayra and Darth Ayra only. Connection was yet to be made between the names Alicia Drey and Darth Ayra, the former a secret and used as an alias on other worlds, to which only a few such as Darth Pandeima, who was just as much as enigma as she was.

Her eyes closed as her hands ran along her body. She laid there, allowing Pandeima to relax her. Her communique indicated someone was calling, so she answered to listen to Vaas's report. "Make your report."

| [member="Melakoth Tyrin "]|

Jim Kerval was a local politician that served as part of a ruling council that ran Dubrillion city. He was at the spaceport in which Melakoth Tyrin and his men had begun taking for the New Order. He was outraged by the Sith occupation. Hadn't Dubrillion learned before, that under the Sith, only chaos and destruction followed? He still remembered the day the Fel Imperium invaded his beautiful world, which had been scarred that day; and still showed the effects of it.

"Stop, stop!" Kerval said, hands held up in a sign of fealty and distress as he approached Melakoth. "Please, stop!"
"This is Cipher Eighteen at the head of the Subach-Innes task force. The factory defenses have been deactivated. You may start your landing, my Lord."

The Agent cut the communication, remaining none the wiser to the fact that Darth Ayra was currently predisposed with another female. And a good thing; Cipher Eighteen's genetically enhanced mind was programmed to be purely logical and analytical at all times, hiding his soul somewhere deep within. But he was powerless anyway; even if he had found a reason to question his confidence in the leadership of his superiors, he could only report his concerns to Imperial Intelligence, whose hands were tied themselves.

Cipher Eighteen proceeded towards the main gate with the rest of his task force, and cracked the automated lock and moved inside. His next objective would be to access the computer mainframe.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="Enigma"] |

"So be it, Cipher 18. Proceed with your mission. Remember, I expect the data handed to me in person via datapad. Do not fail me." She shut the communique off, and allowed her Master to continue her work.

| [member="Melakoth Tyrin "]|

"I do not command these men, but I am a member of the unity council that runs this city." Kerval held up his hands still, continuing to plead. "Please, can you tell us why you are doing this? We are a peaceful people. Please stop."
"Received. Cipher Eighteen, out."

I do not fail, Vaas thought as he entered the complex at the head of the squadron. This mission was routine, to be sure. He had been trained for far more difficult tasks. But he was an untested field Agent, and so he was given such duties. Cipher 18 found the server mainframe behind another coded door. The coded locks on the doors were amateur, and if the encryptions on the servers were of the same quality, Eighteen would have no trouble cracking through. Once the door lock was disabled, Eighteen proceeded in and turned to the squadron of troops.

"I'm going to need a few minutes to break the code. Keep an eye open and cover me."

[member="Alicia Drey"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Smiling, Circe soon finished her massage, helping her apprentice sit up as she eyed the woman over. "You know what time it is. It's time for us to add this world back to the galactic power it was once a part of." Smiling, the Echani stepped back, letting Ayra stand up as she prepared to join her apprentice on the surface of Dubrillion.

[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

"Thank you." She pecked Pandeima on the lips, before moving to the exit. She came to a stop at the door way, holding her hand out. "Together?" she asked, with a large grin.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Taking her hand in her apprentice's own, she nodded. "Together." And with that, they stepped out, relaxed, comfortable, eager to take this world for the glory of the Empire. Circe herself was interested in meeting the agent in charge of operations here - perhaps he deserved a promotion, or more.

@Alicia Drey [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
| [member="Enigma"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] |

They emerged from the building and out into the open. As they made their way to the factories, she turned to Pandeima. "Cipher 18 is an agent for the New Order. I had him go in ahead for reconnaissance. Seemingly, the Fel's left some encryption left over or something. You'll have to have a look about it."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Surprising... The Fel factories didn't go into safeguard mode when Operation Weedkiller was enacted." Considering her non-botanical form, she was more comfortable with the name of what had destroyed Subach. "The Fel must have figured that massed laser fire would be enough to put it out of commission. Let's had inside and see what's still alive. Maybe some of the hardware there can solve the Fel encryption."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

"You lead the way then, my Master." She smiled at Pandeima, as they entered the factory. Ayra lifted her head and surveyed the inside with her sulfuric eyes. "They did a number on this build, definitely."
Cipher 18 continued to work on the main control panel, firing it up after what seemed like years of neglect, judging by how much dust had collected on the keys, and the poor state of the holoprojector when it activated. He questioned whether the Empire would find much on these drives, but perhaps some data could be useful. Certain technologies, perhaps. Some of the systems were badly damaged or even destroyed from the factory damage, but in the hands of a seasoned slicer, the Fels had done a poor job in keeping their servers secure. As long as the hardware itself was not physically destroyed, Vaas would be able to extract files from it.

The system was password-protected, but that too was an easy workaround for a slicer. Vaas plugged a removable drive into the socket, which uploaded one of his own special programs, and in a minute, the security was cracked. Cipher 18 was free to peruse Subach-Innes files at will. He had no idea what information would be useful to the Empire, so he merely decided to copy and extract all of it to his removable drive. Flipping through files with his index finger furiously, he waited for the Sith to arrive. Hopefully, his superiors would put whatever information he obtained to good use.

[member="Darth Ayra"] [member="Enigma"]
[member="Darth Ayra"]

"We represent what remains of the Sith Empire, and we are here to reclaim this world, and to protect our citizens. If you were not a peaceful people, you would not still be alive, but if we do not claim this planet now, the Mandalorians will. You may be aware that their methods are far than ours, as they demonstrated with Dromund Kaas."
| [member="Enigma"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] |

Ayra continued to survey the broken building, whilst talking to Pandeima as she said. "Operation Weedkiller. What was it? And why did it happen?"

| [member="Melakoth Tyrin "]|

Kerval nodded his head, conceding what Melakoth had said. Indeed, Dubrillion, like the majority of the galaxy, had heard what the Mandalorian did to Dromund Kaas. "What makes you think the Mandalorians would take this world, if the Sith do not?"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Operation Weedkiller was an attempt by the CIS to destroy all of my factories. Only the one on Belkadan survived. I don't know what it was for, but I believe it was due to ships being manufactured there ending up in Sith hands. I did however have factories in Sith hands, meaning that I could still manufacture there - but they conspired with the Fel Imperium to destroy them. Instead of the hypermatter reactor here breaching and destroying all of my tooling and machinery, it was damaged and sent into shutdown. All the tooling should hopefully be there, as no Subach production lines were started for the Fel."

Stopping, Circe smiled. "The front doors are open. Good to see."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Enigma"] | @Vuldolf Vaas |

"This is my second time being on Dubrillion. I was here when the Fel Imperium invaded and fought one of their Knights, who was particularly strong. It's strange that the Fel's then conspired with the Sith in order to destroy Subach's assets, but only furthers our resolve to have your revenge over them, my Master."

She turned back to Pandeima and said. "Why don't we go and check out the reactor? If it's still functioning, we can bring it online."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"No no... You misunderstand. They conspired with the Confederacy. Not the Sith - the Empire understood and had great respect for the technology I provided them." She sighed, turning away. "Anyways, I agree. The reactor is still functional, hopefully - once we turn it back on, the facility should get to work restoring itself."
[member="Darth Ayra"]

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