Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dead Space | Galactic Alliance Hex Dominion of Polis Massa

Arieth zh'Vranthi

Galactic Alliance Ambassador
ANS Sullust Dawn

Blarg Fa gave an impatent tap of his foot. A thick hand went rubbing his large chin. Things had been getting a bit too treacherous out here in the middle of neutral space. While he had sat upon some reasonable profit overseeing the mines, the recent calamity had driven a large chunk of the stock owners away. They were fearful of repercussions, all the more when topped by the increasing attacks on ore convoys departing from Subterrel.

It would be an annoyance with having to deal with the Galactic Alliance. It meant that he would be subject to inspections. Monthly, quarterly, or with luck, only annually. Subterrel had done just fine save for this little hiccup. However, if he could get the assurance of the Alliance defenses, then his stock brokers wouldn't be so keen to jump away.

Discussion with the mining guild that ran a large chunk of the planet also were in line with his train of thought. Now all they had to do was seal the deal.

And hope that there weren't additional restrictions.

"Overseer Fa." a voice startled him from his thoughts, his bulbous body shifting on his seat.

"The Ambassador has entered the system."

"Oh great." a sigh.

"She came with a small fleet." the associate was a bit apprehensive.

"Well what do you expect! We had been hit by pirates before!" he told off the man.

"I told her to suitably travel with protection."

The last thing he needed was an Alliance Ambassador dead by pirates on his watch.

GR90 E-war transport
ANS Eyes On, Dependable
Thranta MK2-Class Frigate
ANS Centennial, Legion, Rogue Element
Sentinel-Class Cruiser
ANS Long Watch
Dreadnought MKIII
ANS Echelon
Consular Class Cruiser
ANS Sullust Dawn
Location: Drawing near Skor
Objective: Land and capture those I can.

Radar revealed new ships incoming and one specifically was rather close. It was freighter loaded up on salvage by the readings. The Gen'dai examined the monitors close. " [member="Zardavorok"], Brother! Cripple its engines and disable its hyperdrive. Leave em to rot! The mission is on Skor. " He said watching the data on the screen. It told him the freighter was signalling for backup which was fine. More lives that came would mean the more that would be his.

" When we land take as many alive as you can. They will keep us relevant for a time. Kill those that resist outright make them an example but keep the masses alive. I have special plans for them all. Begin the attack and land us now!" he commanded his droid crew with a snarl. Slowly the Three ships drew toward Skor. Their speed was consistent and soon the ships would be with Skors atmosphere. Naturally the Carrack crusiers would arrive first prepare the planet and then the Victory class Star Destroyers would land. If the Galactic Alliance really wanted this planet and what it had to offer they would need to negotiate for it.

Little did Saverok know, that his Mandalorian allies were not going to back his actions. If fact if he were to listen the comms more closely he would hear and feel how angery they really were. He was no longer apart of anything they were apart of according to them. A problem waiting to be discovered.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
CNS - Council a Corsair Class Corvette
Zanju V heading to Skor
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

"Loto yes I said leave the destroyer to the others and head to General Merrill's last coordinates. A rather large band of pirates just jumped in. I have commandeered a defense forces corvette and am about to make the jump to Skor. That "105" your in can take a pounding and it fast enough to get him out of danger. Do whatever you need to get him and yourself to safety, the others can worry about dragging back the destroyer."

Bryce was worried about his friend, so a master navigator Jorus had a bad habit of finding himself in the worst spots. We won't even get into how may time he has crashed into ice worlds...

As the old one Sith corvette prepared to join Bryce put a silent prayer out to the force to keep his friend safe till he could arrive and help.

"No, try and phrase it in terms they'll understand, don't be literal," Jacen explained. The locals were looking distinctly put out at the notion that their guest would have to leave early. He had no choice in the matter.

Two messages has come through: one explaining that a hostile star destroyer had been sighted a few systems over; the second that Trextan had apparently been sent to a medical facility to have his arm checked out and then broken out with another patient on a shuttle. A girl from Rogue Squadron apparently. The lad had the same impetuous streak he'd displayed as a youth unfortunately.

"I don't understand," replied the protocol droid.

"Don't tell them about destroyers and systems. Tell them my own tribe is under attack and i need to go and defend them. Understand?"

"Right." The droid repeated the message in a new phrasing. Jacen could pick up from the murmurs that this was more understandable for the locals.
P O L L I S * M A S S A
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

“Good,” Choli replied with a sharp, determined quip. Her expression had frozen into a mask of concentration, lips moving as her upper teeth went scraping over the fullness of her lower lip. It was a concentration tick. A tell. This wasn’t going to be a simple ditch and run.

“Hope you aren’t claustrophobic.” the pilot added a second later, angling the shuttle to a new objective, the monstrous exhaust ports of the former Sith Empire Star Destroyer. Trailed by the drone, the shuttle slalomed through the colossal debris field.

Almond shaped eyes shot over to her left. Reaching up, the Rogue barely managed to reach the shield controls and flicked them to life. The shimmering blue particle shield went blooming over them, a short veil of sanctuary that was about to be tested beyond manufacturing capabilities.

That next second had Choli snake into the enormous field of the derelict spacecraft -- and straight into the gaping breach that was the center of a ruined engine thruster.
[member="Choli Vyn"]

“I don't see how…” Trextan started to reply. Choli managed to find, in the vastness of space, a tight space. “Oh…”

The scopes were neglected as his face locked into a grimace. He didn't want to see cowardly I'm front of Choli so he kept his hands from grasping the frame of his seat again. He told himself that if she was going to crash this thing having something to hold onto wasn't going to help. Not I'd she smashed them into a star destroyer.

Alarms blared as the proximity sensors looked at the distance to the inner engine housing, the speed they were going at and had a little meltdown.

Scopes, scopes!

“It's right on us. It's coming…”

There was a flash of blue as they clipped a protrusion from the wall of the engines and the shields bounced them off it. Somehow she managed to react almost instantly and level them out again. The debris behind them struck the front of the drone and it veered into a skeletal web of durasteel frame and lodged there.

“You're magnificent,” he uttered to himself. He checked the scope. “We've lost him. Wait, the others are following us in.”

Where was she going to go? There wasn't much of the fixtures and fittings left, but a good amount of the main frame hadn't been picked away by scavengers yet. They tended to start work on the expensive components before turning their attention to the volume of raw scrap durasteel.
[member="Saverok"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] @Rach Viszla

About as maneuverable as a frigate, which wasn't saying much, the Wretched Hive turned ponderously and leaped away from the fleet. In the long seconds while it sat broadside to the Vicstars, Horde ion cannons and turbolasers whittled the Hive's shield strength down to forty percent.

Once the Hive pointed its massive engines at the Horde ships, though, it became clear that the freighter had traded maneuvering capacity for raw speed. It accelerated like a far smaller and lighter spaceframe.

One of the rear workbays swung open, and the associated artificial gravity panels reversed polarity. A cloud of salvage, garbage, partial vehicles, and even tools tumbled out as an improvised tractor shroud. Tools could be replaced; life couldn't. Jorus intended the debris to baffle tractor beams and interfere with small craft pursuit.

On the rear scanners, he watched the Carracks accelerate down into the gravity well of Skor Two. The Vicstars followed. He was, happily, a low priority.
Location: Moving for Skor
Allies: GA [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: [member="Saverok"] | [member="Zardavorok"]

Polis Massa appeared in the view ports of the Star Destroyer, Sovereign, the stars glittering in the distance as the small task force arrived at its initial destination. The first mate, a Concordian trained under the Dem'adas academy spoke as they entered the Alliance held system. "Commander, all communications currently indicate Skor is the only system facing incursion. Watch Tower is continuing to monitor sector communications, Devil Eyes and Witch Sight are continuing to monitor hyperspace traffic for disturbances." The elder Mandalorian sat in silence for a moment, looking at the data read outs to his left as they flowed through his command console.

After a moment the woman that stood behind him tapped his shoulder. "Likar'kalyr, do you need something."

"Just a moment. Reroute all ships to Skor, send a communications down the vine to the Outback that we are coming." The elder said after shifting in the command chair. From his position he could look down from the dais and see the crew-members in either pit working away as hard as they could. His chair provided him real time tactical and strategic data relays from the Devil Eyes and Watch Tower, and the view screen before him at the end of the bridge projected identification markers onto ships and could be enhanced and enlarged as he desired. "Battle stations. Get me there as fast as possible. Mid system reversion, just outside engagement ranges."

Mandalorians nodded and worked at their stations until all six ships disappeared back into hyperspace after turning to face the new destination.
Location: The Bazaar
Objective: Kill everyone
Allies: Nobody
Enemies: Everybody

Ever since the battle of Midvinter, Dredge had been drifting through space with his army in tow. They didn't do much fighting there, that flame he felt went out as quickly as it was ignited. Maybe killing good people wasn't all it was cracked out to be? Dredge didn't know, and honestly he didn't care anymore. He was slap in the middle of an existential crisis and he didn't know how to get out of it. That was until today at least, until someone turned that feeling of worthlessness into a raging maelstrom of hatred and spite.

Someone dared to take the once fearsome name of the Horde and twist it into a perversion of weakness. Reports were coming in from news sources and on the ground feeds from across the planet and galaxy coverage at large. And from what Dredge could see, there was no slaughter. No taking of innocent life, no challenge to ones foes over the prime safety of civilian life. It was weak, it was disgraceful, and Dredge was going to show them how it was done. So with a plot set to Skor the small fleet of busted up raggedy ships shot half to hell from Midvinter made their way to the planet.

Since they had been relatively nearby, the ships had arrived relatively quickly and it seems things were still progressing in space. So as the hyperspace ride was coming to an end, orders needed to be issued to the surrounding ships.

"Orders my lord?" A Graug said as it kneeled before Dredge in his throne.

"Yes. Take us out of hyperspace right when we break atmosphere." Dredge said in a complete matter of fact voice as if what he was proposing wasn't suicide.

"But my lord, our ships! They are far too damaged! They will break apart and won't be able to leave once we've touched surface! That's assuming that we survive the landing! We'll die, we'll all di-" With the graug starting to show some panic in his voice he was swiftly cut off by Dredge.

"THEN WE DIE!!!" Dredge yelled as he stood from his throne and used the force to smash the Graug's head in with an augmented punch.

His body and brains splattered against the floors of the ship and Dredge let out the laugh of a mad man who had absolutely nothing to lose. At the very least, before his inevitable destruction he was going to show this "Horde" how they did it in his day.

So with the orders set, the small fleet of ships exited right at the edge of the atmosphere of Skor. Some exploded from simply entering the gravity well at that speed while others crashed into the city exploding in violent explosions taking many with them. Others however like Dredge's landed. Landing being the most gentle word used. The lucky ships were broken apart into pieces as their flaming chunks slammed into buildings and set fire to the city.

Smoke and flames rose as alarms went off. But it wasn't over. From that smoke and ash rose Dredge stepping out of a burnt and destroyed ship like the literal hurricane of hatred and death that he was, and behind him was his army of darkness. The mixture of Yuuzhan Vong and Graug that had no real game plan besides spread fire to the city and break into small groups to reduce this place into ash.

"KILL THEM ALL!!!" Those were the three words that Dredge yelled as he shot out towards the bazaar to deal death.

[member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Saverok"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Abregado Mercantile Fleet was on its way towards Skor, headed by the adventuring frigate the Siege Tower, aboard which HK was currently engaged in a holo-conference with Guild of Hammers admiralty when their meeting was suddenly interrupted by an emergency transmitter beeping with a red signal, prompting a current discussion about shipment routes of Graphite and their security patrol escort to stop in its tracks. The droid lord reached over to activate the transmitter, greeting whatever officer was on the other side with,

"You got HK."

The being hailing him was another droid, an Iron Legionnaire unit serving within Abregado navy,

"My lord Baron, we just received a transmission from Skor, the system is under attack."

The older droid suspected such to happen at moments notice, Polis Massa sector was at the fringe of GA territory, it joined their ranks very recently, in fact that was why the machine was heading there with commercial ships, they were going to partake in trading at the Bazaar to celebrate Skor agreeing to join the Alliance and visit the famous medical facilities on Polis Massa to establish partnership,

"Do we know the designs or allegiance of these forces?"

"They say it is the Horde back in the Outer Rim."

If HK could scoff he would,

"The Horde, I assumed they were all dead and gone now. Alert our expeditionary patrol fleet, have them divert their course and rendezvous with us at Polis Massa."


HK looked to the admiralty and captains who was speaking to through holotransmitters and he nodded to them simply, they bowed and nodded in return, the tall hairy uniformed Gados, droids, and assortments of other species would disconnect, going to their posts to prepare for battle.

While the mercantile fleet HK had brought with them some military escort from various powers HK could pull ships from, the machine suspected they would need more war vessels if the fighting escalated, for now they were going to help secure Polis Massa, make sure the medical facilities were being protected. The Horde may have been back but their enemies did not really left in the first place, HK was sure the news of the attack would reach [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] soon enough, there was a time when the machine and her faced the Horde under the command of [member="Dredge"] before, a time when the Horde suffered a defeat at the combined forces of HK, Firemane, and the Moross Crusade, a battle that ended with the droid capturing their flagships, supercarrier known as the Dread Lord, and claiming it as his own personal vessel, renaming it to the Dancing Queen for the sole purpose of mocking them. Sometime later he would face Dredge and his Horde troops again, this time on Eriadu, when the machine tried to capture them alive but ended up slaughtering them by accident, because apparently the Vong do not have kidneys, so they do not deal with knock-out gas well. Perhaps [member="Saverok"] know of those tales as well, perhaps not.

Either way, it would seem that the machine and his Vong nemesis would face each other in combat once more, the droid liked to think that it was him who broke the Horde and forced them into shadows the first time, but that was solely because he liked to take credit for a lot of things, and he didn't really kept track of what they did after facing him on Silken Asteroids or Eriadu, or when he was absent in stasis within his tomb on Abregado, so he assumed they just disappeared after fighting him.

"Connect me to the Order of Lotus."

HK commanded his officer and a transmission would be sent to [member="Bethany Kismet"], she would be greeted by the droid with words,

"Kismet, I have news that will interest you and the Silver Lotus."
Location: Dropping into Skor system
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Anyone against the GA

The armed freighter Aurora dropped out of hyperspace into hell.

"Janta, take the turrets!" Keric yelled from the cockpit as he brought up the shields and flipped switches to arm the turrets and forward guns. He had been here to deliver honest to goodness medical supplies, an actually legit job. That meant he was coming in clearly, with his transponder on and without dropping velocity when he came through the hyperwall. His grav footprint would be read clearly, and in a system under attack, that was a bad thing.

"Got it Keric!" He heard the shouted reply as the clank of boots hit the turret ladder. With the weapons and shields up, the lights dimmed momentarily. Then the redundant power supply took over and the system went to full power again.
Location: Outskirts of Skor
Enemies: Everyone and no one.
Allies: ??? The Horde
Objective: Play both sides. Ready the Droids

Entering the Atmosphere shortly, Saverok couldn't help but raise a brow. Ship debris were falling to the planet below some organic some inorganic. Trying to piece the obvious clues together were becoming more and more a challenge for him. Having his mind broken did not help either. He knew the answer but could not voice it and it slowly began to drive him mad. " Who is this?" he muttered in his breath asking himself. After gazing out the viewport and spasming slightly his better half gave him the answer he was looking for. " Dredge." he whispered to himself and attempted to stop his body from shaking. It was not fear of dredge but fear of himself. The silent hum of the ship and silence of his droid crew magnified his anxiety and paranoia. His negative feelings were a lush source of darkside power but was also something to be exploited his some knew how.

" LAND US ON THE GROUND NOW!" he exploded and smashed a console to his left with a large armored fist. Dredge and his forces were a legit threat. Oddly enough the Gen'dai was more worried about Dredge than the Galactic Alliance at the time being. Perhaps the Galactic Alliance could be used shortly?! Exploited.

" Contact the Galactic Alliance I have a proposition for them. Heheh"


" This is Saverok Leader of the Horde. I have come for wealth and equipment for my people. Lets skip the politics and get to point! Dredge has landed on Skor and will slaughter all life. It brings him pleasure and power. He has offered me to join him on his exploit, I have instead chosen to contact your maggot arses. If you truly care about the people of Skor you will assist me in taking out Dredge. What happens after will be worried about later." - [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Arieth zh'Vranthi"] [member="Keric Dynt"] [member="HK-36"]

It was the worst kind of lie as it held half a truth. With any luck the Galactic Alliance would take the bait. Arriving at last on the planet of Skor Saverok waited silently on the command deck. " Ready the battle droids and deploy the probes over the baazar. Broadcast this slaughter of Skor live and hide the source. Make it Anonymous. Im giving Dredge exactly what he wants today." He grinned wide. Turning away from the command deck to took his time traveling to the hangar bay where all his battle droids waited for his command. And they would wait a little longer too.

Closing his eyes the Gen'dai could recall flashbacks of a time long ago. Himself and [member="Keira Ticon"] were being held hostage by Dredge himself. Felt like a long time ago now. The Darkside stirred within Saverok as his mind reached out to [member="Dredge"] personally through the force and telepathy. << " Your on air Dredge! Your work has been sloppy as of late too. Lord Krag put you to shame on Atrisia. I regret not being there in person but poodoo happens as you well know. Im going to put you to shame here on Skor! Make the Galaxy see who the real monster is now. I dare you to take more lives than me! I DARE YOU!" >> His eyes opens and his head jerked left suggesting another personality had taken over.

" Wow.. This will be interesting." He said to himself chuckling. The Droid forces would be ready within minutes now. " @Zardavorock, Hold off on the attack when you arrive. Plans have changed. Were going to play a game."

[member="Rach Vizla"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Arieth zh'Vranthi

Galactic Alliance Ambassador
Aboard Galactic Alliance Diplomatic Vessel the Dawn of Sullust.
Contract Confirmed for LOOM

ATTN: [member="Ultimatum"]

Mr. [member="Ultimatum"]

The Galactic Alliance along with the Kriselist have reviewed the bid proposal provided by LOOM. We are greatly impressed by your contribution and bid. The funds to fulfill the contract will be transferred to your account.

Thank you once again for your contribution.

Ambassador Arieth zh'Vranthi
The Galactic Alliance
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]“Just lIke Bantha flies.”[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Choli uttered with a curl of her upper lip, but a brief glance at her expression could relay the adrenaline rush the girl was going through. She had the steely focus of those single-shooter holo game competitions, only difference being that it was in a shuttle and not in a holographic Championship game. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Force bloomed within the pilot, helping Choli gauge the proximity of the metal walls that were racing past on either side of them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hold on!” she cried out in warning, sparks flaring from the side of the shuttle as Choli negotiated one increasingly narrow passage after another. Undeterred, the other drone was nearing proximity from port, using a gaping maw that a previous high velocity javelin had ripped open so many years ago. It quickly picked up speed and neared the twin contrails of their exhaust.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Light from the distant sun came pouring in from starboard side. The shuttle gave a shudder, protesting the wild, sharp swerve in a tight aerial twist. It would feel like a wild swing of the cosmos, giving anyone with less experience a bout of nausea. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Anyone save Choli. [/SIZE]
There was nothing but rage behind Dredge. Nothing but pure unrefined carnage and the pleasure that he took when ending the lives of the innocent. He was a monster at its finest, a creature of destruction that no longer had anything to lose. He was tired of the Sith, he was tired of the Jedi, and he didn't understand anything. There was no good or evil, only killers who were either government sponsored and murdered for righteous ideals, and those who did it to further some cause or empire. Dredge just couldn't understand it, his reality was shattered and he was faced with The Absurd. But even in all that confusion and brokenness there was one thing he understood more than anything, and that was how to kill. How to turn everything around him into ash.

They say when one is faced with the Absurd they have three choices. Either ignore it and go back to their daily little loop and try not to think about it. Accept its pointlessness and be happy despite its meaninglessness. Or the third and the one Dredge had gone with. Kill yourself.

"BURN BURN BURN YOU KARKING ROACHES!! BURN!!!" Maddening laughter left Dredge's mouth as waves of fire swept past him and into crowds of fleeing innocents.

The heat scorched them completely. What were once fleeing people were now picture perfect statutes of burnt flesh frozen in time. Mothers holding children as they fled, Graug pouncing on potential victims, it didn't matter. Dredge was on a warpath and he wasn't going to stop, he was going to keep going until he physically couldn't and he was dead. Hell, he had what was essentially a nuke in his hand, his sword. So he was going out with a bang.

So in one swift and decisive movement he plunged the massive Sith sword and darkside nexus into the earth, and as he did this he heard a voice going through his head. That weakling that he had broken. He still drew breath.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! OUT NOW!!!" In a massive storm of energy there would be a sprawling backlash of psychic energy headed straight towards Saverok, and it would dawn on him.

This wasn't Dredge, at least not the Dredge he knew. This was a madman, a literal insane person who was so far gone that there was no reasoning. No taunting him, nothing that could reach him in the sense of logical thought. He was even proving it. The sword he plunged down into the ground began to heat up and glow. The man had altered the Nexus to grow, to feed upon itself to grow more and more unstable. It would take time, but there was no fixing this. The sword was set to explode and destroy everything in God only knows how large of a blast range. Maybe big enough to destroy the capital city? Maybe enough to trigger some kind of planetary destabilization and cause a extinction level event? It was completely unsure, but however big that explosion would be, it was going to kill a lot of people.

"There's no point. There's no point to any of this." Dredge placed his hand on the bone blade as he now spoke softly and caressed its handle.

"What cruel God would do this? What sick creator would thrust life into a meaningless existence? Make us search for meaning where there is none." Dredge continued to mutter to himself as fires raged around him.

Graug and Yuuzhan Vong killed everything in sight. It didn't matter, all of it was a blender of violence and death. Dredge just stood there looking at his blade as everything continued dying around him.

"IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!" If there was any person that shouldn't of been having an existential crisis, it was Dredge.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Saverok"]

Arieth zh'Vranthi

Galactic Alliance Ambassador
ANS Sullust Dawn

As luck would have it, it would be as the diplomatic craft ANS Sullust Dawn neared Subterrel that Arieth's assistant, Moie Kie, a Caamasi diplomat, lightly rapped at her door.

"Come in."

The door slid open, revealing Moie's gleaming blue and white furry face. The spicy, woody body scent followed her, her pointed ears giving a slight flutter in apprehension and worry.

Areith gave a slight frown, concern lining her face. She had just sent out a missive to companies that were contracting with the Alliance. Pausing on the next letter, the Ambassador studied the Caamasi.

"We have intercepted a message, Ambassador." Moie began, tucking her hands within the folds of her robes.

"Alright, from whom?"

"From Skor, well, that is, we are not quite sure from whom." clearly she was a bit distressed.

Rising from her desk, Arieth motioned for the mammalian to take a seat.

"Then let's hear it."

With a nod, Moie came forward, taking her seat and then leaning forward upon the desk to bring out a small datachip. Inserting it into the holoarray, the message intercepted began to play.

[ This is Saverok Leader of the Horde. I have come for wealth and equipment for my people. Lets skip the politics and get to point! Dredge has landed on Skor and will slaughter all life. It brings him pleasure and power. He has offered me to join him on his exploit, I have instead chosen to contact your maggot arses. If you truly care about the people of Skor you will assist me in taking out Dredge. What happens after will be worried about later.]

As the message replayed, Areith's face began to blanch. Her fingers came up to rub along her chin, lips drawing thin.

"Contact the Triumvirate. I want them to know what is going on."

"Of course."

Another thought, "Elrood is the closest to Skor..." however, it wasn't the only one. There were also the Kathol Outback worlds of Adarlon and Karideph.

"Get me the governor of Elrood." at the very least, dispatching Alliance forces or militia would have them enroute. But if there was a way to work in a joint venture with the Kathol Outback.

"And find me a way to contact a representative of Karideph."

GR90 E-war transport
ANS Eyes On, Dependable
Thranta MK2-Class Frigate
ANS Centennial, Legion, Rogue Element
Sentinel-Class Cruiser
ANS Long Watch
Dreadnought MKIII
ANS Echelon
Consular Class Cruiser
ANS Sullust Dawn
[member="Choli Vyn"]

Trextan had been struck by the beauty of the remains of the once great and powerful beast. The sun caught the flakes of metal in the corridors they navigated making something akin to sunbeams through gaps in a cloud.

Then his pilot turned everything up a notch. He forgot the scopes and turned his focus inwards. Hopefully that was he could keep his lunch inwards. Jacen had been trying to teach him to let go of the physical world and connect his mind only with the Force but it was not easy.

She was reacting faster than anyone should. As he found a small measure of focus he could feel the flow of the Force move differently around the pilot. His own senses pushed out through the Force and he could tell when she was reaching out further ahead or tightening it close to the ship to aid in a tight maneuver. Whether she knew it or not she was using the Force to fly.

That realisation was just enough of a distraction to keep his stomach settled in one place for now. He didn't try and speak though, his lips remained shut tight, his eyes a little wide.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]The drone wasn’t able to compensate for the sudden shift of direction like the Rogue. It instead found itself flying straight onto mangled durasteel. It exploded in a burst of sparks, properly out of commission of course. A stab of guilt bloomed within Choli’s breast, seeing as it hadn’t been the drone’s fault. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“That’s two.” she breathed out, relaxing but for a moment. A quick check at their shields told her that they had depleted down to seventy-eight percent. Not too bad, but for a tiny shuttle, she could hold her own. A spin and adjust in her flight path, and the brunette had them swing round one of the smaller asteroids. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]That he managed to hold the contents of his stomach and not hurl over her or the piloting console gave Trextan a few points in Choli’s book. She briefly shot a glance over to him, taking in the slightly blanched expression, the tight grip on his seat, and rather wide-eyed expression.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A smirk crept up, the pilot turning forward again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Surprised me. she admitted, leaning forward to check the sensor array. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]“I’d have thought you’d toss up chunks by now.” [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]it was as much of a tease and banter as Trextan would get from the pilot right now. So far, so good. Nothing in the scanner. [/SIZE]
[member="Choli Vyn"]

He turned slowly to face her. "Dont look so happy. It is not off the cards yet," he replied deadpan. It might not have been obvious that it was an attempt at humour.

Colour returned to his knuckles as he managed to check the scope once more. They were still maneuvering quickly, but it was smoother motions that didn't affect him quite as badly.

"They're giving you a wide berth now," he reported. "I'm not surprised," he chuckled. Trextan hoped that was the worst of it over. He didn't know Jacen was busy trying to find a way to get in touch with the shuttle.

"Where do you want to go Cho?" He asked, some of the tension smoothing out of his tone.
Objective: Divide and Conquer. REBELLION
Enemies: GA and allies???
Allies: [member="Saverok"], ???
Location: Skor System
Equipment: WM-3, Magma Canon, Rapture Launcher, 2x Convergence pistols, Armor, Ysalamiri Nutrient Frame, Battle Lance

What was supposed to have been a simple mission had gone to hell in a matter of minutes. Go to a planet and attack the GA, biding their time and forces, wreak a little havoc, but that had all been stolen from Zardavorok. There was the sound of Klaxons blaring and as he looked down to the tactical display on his tablet the Gen’dai watched as numerous ships exited from hyperspace above the planet Skor. The Gall of the maneuver, the outright savagery… It was something that a small portion of Zardavorok admired. Maybe we should’ve done that? He thought to himself. The chances of Gen’dai surviving the crash would have been about equal if not a bit better than this other creature. Dismissing the thought Zardavorok moved to the drop pod section of the ship where droids awaited to be deployed.

Tapping away on the tactical display the gen’dai opened his coms. He wasn’t much of a fleeter, in fact Zardavorok had very little exposure to space combat throughout his entire lifetime. Anything outside of screaming at people to fire and dodge had been completely outside his mode of operation. However, over the past few weeks he’d learned somethings… Nothing too useful but hopefully enough to see him and Saverok through the day. “Set up a perimeter around Skor! Put the planet directly behind us, just in case any of the Alliances ships get any ideas of trying to shoot at us they’ll be putting the planet at risk as well. Is that how they did it in the holodramas? Zardavorok thought a hand reaching up to scratch his helmeted head.

“What game do you think you’re playing Saverok? Have you forgotten what we are here for? First we’re supposed to spare all the people on the planet and now we’re supposed to play some game with the Alliance?” Zardavorok asked as he read the message scrolling across the tablet. He’d never thought he’d see the day of Saverok offering a truce to the likes of the Galactic Alliance. The nether truly had to have been freezing over.

“Do you truly think they’d help us? They’re more likely to kill us and whoever this fool is. We’d be better off siding with him. He has the right idea.” Zardavorok said to his brother. “Yet I defer to your judgement… You are the warchief, and as such I am obliged to follow your lead… I’ll be down in a few.”

Entering the drop-pod along with a handful of droids the Gen’dai slammed a fist into the release. Behind him there was a faint hiss as the door sealed itself quickly followed by an explosive force that fired Zardavorok and the droids that accompanied him down to the planet.

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