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Deadly Void (Fleeting) OOC Thread

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

For the sake of clarity, I don't suppose you can name who has particularly clear movement so others can copy their formatting (or at least use it as an example).

And yeah, it appears totally neglected to take into account the posts between the map update and my own. I'll avoid making the same mistake again. Though I will note that now I'm not entirely sure which ships are mine at all...
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Valessia and Tanomas have a good style.

Post a double move next time, it's OK since you did no shooting last time.

As for which ships? Well, you've got a BC, 2x SD and one Cruiser.

We'll figure out which ships are duds in time.

Yeah 11:31 was occupied by one of my destroyer lines, which moved to 11:30, and my Cruiser line was taking their place.

I'll start bolding my movement so its easier to see.

  • Gir Quee – your post made no sense since you started in a different place to where you finished last time. I’ve improvised.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], apparently I misinterpreted the map as to where my ships were last time then. I'll adjust accordingly. Which hexes do you see my ships in right now?

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Small problem with the map from last round. Im firing on the Frigate group at 05.22 and the map doesn't show such. just a quick thing to give you and update... also, some of my ships moved.
[member="Gir Quee"]
5.03 for everything but the corvettes which are 4.02

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]
I moved your ships last time.
Didn't see that you fired. Though at range 11 firing at corvettes is a waste of effort.
When you update your post with your full moves I'll resolve it this time.

[member="Rach Vizla"]
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

As I'm not entirely sure where my ships started but given that I was allowed a double move I simply posted end locations. I believe they're all well within move limits.

Also I want to give a shout out to the First Order Starfighter Corps ([member="Greta Kohler"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"]). Glad to have you all with us and hope you raise hell.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I'm going to be extensively re-writing my post following discussion with the other FO fleeters. Wanted to make sure that's all kosher. Just in case I'll save a copy of the old one. It shouldn't effect anyone else except possibly [member="Charzon Loulan"] who made a brief reference to my actions.

Edits made. The Tyrant is in for a bad day.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
I didn't see this so I don't know if the changes you made affected what I did. I don't think so.

Also, for the rest of you First Order folks, a slight diversion with all respect to Mr Tennyson.

Immortals to right of them,
Immortals to left of them,
Immortals in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with missile and bolt,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Drove the six admirals.
[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Rach Vizla"]

I've picked up on the grape vine that you're unhappy about some of the last turn resolutions of fire.

This is entirely possible as it's super hard to keep everything properly straight as to who is firing what at where.

Lay it on me, here, in PM or on Skype.

I ran the numbers for the ships firing that I saw, but it's entirely possible I missed someone. It certainly wasn't intentional, but after 4 hours these fleets merge together. :p
Valiens Nantaris said:
[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Rach Vizla"]

I've picked up on the grape vine that you're unhappy about some of the last turn resolutions of fire.
In this thread? Not really. Last post included Larraq dishing out orders that included ~8.9km of ships opening fire on the larger ships of Exalt Command Group number 2. Your post showed no damage received. Next post by Larraq's going to be a more "meat and potatoes" post as his ships continue forward... you know... "we're shooting, they're shooting, everything's getting damaged. Keep shooting."

Basic crap.

I figured you either overlooked incorporating my last post's weight of fire in on the given unit's status for your last post, or you didn't think the ships had actually fired last turn. Draco saw that and got a bit salty. We both tend to get salty when we shoot at things and nothing happens. He likes to focus his resources and make things go pop in a single hit (and takes his casualties based on how his opposition responds to his attempts to focus fire). Me, I like my pewpew like Ordo likes his duels. Every hit lands, damage output is given the benefit of the doubt, everyone gets good and bloody, and things keep chugging along until something cool enough happens to warrant something blowing up.

Hell, my last naval thread (Roche), the opening enemy salvo was a HLRHVC and a battery of HLRTurbolasers aimed squarely at Larraq's command ship. I wrote it as only bringing the shields down by 20% or so, but that several shots slipped through the shielding and caused significant armor damage with a single shot punching clear through the ship and out the other side.

Everyone does things their own way... But "Heavy Long-Range Hypervelocity Cannons" are no joke. Each and every one is a shipkiller. Their inclusion on a starship's design should be taken seriously and their use in combat should be taken seriously.

If you're in something larger than 1km and taking hits from those, take the freaking hits. Let it punch your shields, pierce your armor, and do some actual damage. By all means, keep limping forward and shoot back. But don't just take token damage to shields and say you're fine.

And if you're in something smaller than 1km... for the love of god, dodge it or let it blow your ship up. Because saying your shields can shrug off that kind of damage is just... silly.

Anyway. Personal preference aside, what does or doesn't get accomplished in the next two to three posts is what's going to determine my opinion of the threat. I'm not paying a huge amount of attention to what's going on elsewhere in the thread (with the exception of that guy stepping into a Meditation Sphere... *death stare*) and the next two-three turns will likely be the highlight of Larraq's contributions for this thread/story. Pass, Fail, or Kaboom, the Dem'adas Fleet wont be in the thread for more than 2-3 more rounds of action.

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