Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)

Catherine Romanov

After receiving the captain, Catherine, fired her engines and gunned the throttle, accelerating towards the airlocks in question. As she approached the airlocks, she noticed a pair of shuttle craft attached to the airlocks. A tell-tale bulk of the area behind the shuttle's main hull hinted of the presence of the craft's engines and thrusters. A simple blast of her lasers should do the work.

Catherine swooped in, locking onto the target, aimed her reticle on the ship's panel, firing a burst of her laser canons, taking out the shuttle's engines and thrusters while still leaving the rest of the craft still intact. The craft was now crippled, a hole in their engines, leaving any pirates still alive aboard the Absolution stranded without any means of escape. She then hailed [member="Jorus Merrill"] on the comms, "Mission Accomplished sir, enemy crafts at the airlocks crippled, heading back to the Absolution now."

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]
[member="Catherine Maxwell"]

"Acknowledged, Lieutenant. Come on in."

An announcement was passed through the chain of command: a fighter strike had crippled the last two raider dropships linked to the Absolution.

[member="Gallasin Teroalaas"] had woken up in one of the Absolution's four main reactor rooms. Two were online, and a third was coming online now; the ship was functional. Main Engineering held [member="Judah Dashiell"] and [member="Anija Ordo"], Gallasin's superior officers. Gallasin would be able to make a difference best by getting the fourth reactor online, right where he was.
Mrrew had been padding silently through corridor after corridor, always only a turned corner behind the pirate he was chasing. The pirate was running as fast as he could, he knew that he was being followed. Mrrew was walking. The Togorian held his pisotl at ready, wishing silently he'd brought his rifle. It would be difficult to bring the pirate down with a pistol if his body armor was anything substantial. Hopefully it wasn't. Mrrew was about to step through another doorway, following the loud running footsteps of heavy boots on metal, when his comlink buzzed, and [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s signal went through about the biological weapons. Oh fantastic. "Right. Do you nkow if it can be airborne? Or just direct to blood contact?" Mrrew considered doubling back to one of the supply closets he'd passed and getting an extra lkarge breath mask, but decided against it. He'd lose the pirate.

The pirate was now more dangerous then he'd thought. And capturing him quickly could save the lives of whoever was infected. No more quietly walking, cat and mouse. Mrrew ran after the pirate. Togorians can move faster then anything their size possibly should. Strong legs powering an agile form, speed and some would call it grace inherited from the feline predators they evolved from. Mrrew had turned a corner, and was right on the pirate's tail within seconds. The pirate didn't even attempt to fight, he just kept running. Without warning, a few seconds before he would've been alble to tackle the pirate, Mrrew halted suddenly,ra ised his pistol, and fired. Tackling the pirate could've resulted in getting stabbed with whateverbio-weapon they had. He didn't want to get to close. A few blaster bolts to the back of the knee- a weak point in any armor- took him down just as well.
Crew Quarters

Hazel eyes watched as Silara separated from the small group. The woman was odd and Spencer didn’t really know what to think of it. A part of her understood this need to do things alone and so she looked towards [member="Simone"] and nodded. “It’s only going to get a bit messier now, your face and your erratic emotions tell me everything I need to know. Don’t get me wrong, watching me and what I do isn’t the easiest – so if you can’t handle it you’re welcomed to follow the other one.” It would be crazy to say Spencer enjoyed what she was doing which meant she didn’t blame Simone for looking at her like that. Eating another one of the candies, she waved and headed down towards the darker side of the hallway.

It was that moment that [member="Jorus Merrill"] alerted everyone at what was going on in the med bay. Biological weapon was released by a stab wound. Spencer felt her chest tighten up, these weren’t some of your run of the mill space raiders. No, there was something more demented about them – possibly they were hired to kill everyone on board. Standing there, she counted using her fingers, there were some high profile people on board and this was just a floating cash box for bounty hunters. “Great…” She started to move faster down the hallway while she did, her sense opened up looking for anything with malicious intent. It was here that her empathy was useful.

Elevator à Hanger

Like a radar her mind binged back and forth with the others. Continuing down the hallway she made it to the end and entered the elevator. Gut instinct took over and she pushed the button for the hanger. Really lame elevator music started to play and Spencer sighed looking up towards the damaged escape hatch. Her lips puckered slightly as she figured they used the hatch once the power was cut to the ship. Seeing this she decided to radio the bridge, “Spencer here, I’m on the elevator down to the hangers. It seems the radi-“Static echoed over the comm and she dropped her hand. “Guess I’m headed in the right direction then.” The elevator continued to descend and Spencer waited to see what was on the other side.

"Good luck," Chloe would tell [member="Jorus Merrill"]. She gave a nod, tucking her weapon into its holster before slipping into the Captain's chair. Her fingers would tap across the buttons of her armrest to send all incoming messages directed to the Captain to her. Comm picked up the message sent by [member="Catherine Maxwell"].

"Open comm channels," she'd say to the comm officer, "This Commander Blake, a fighter strike had crippled the last two raider dropships linked to the Absolution. " Her voice would suggest that while this was a relief, they should still be alert and at the ready.

"With the Captain's announcement, I ask that all take to protocol measures for biological and chemical conditions. Each of you were assigned one suit for such conditions. Suit up." Each dormitory, med-bay, and deck would have these biochem suits available for all crewmembers in storage. A full mask and protection would allow whatever biochemical agent to perhaps not spread as quickly.
Live in Light, Surf Master
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Mrrew"] @Anyone really

Down a corridor the sounds of groaning and gasping filtered through the air. Three crewmembers laid prone and sprawled, pale of skin with blood vessels punctuated by black. Their lungs were still, mouths agape, eyes half-lidded. A scuffling sound.

A lieutenant scrubbing at his hand with a piece of uniform, the blood vessels in his fingers and wrists turning black before their eyes. "No, no, no, no no. Nhh-" He barked and shivered, his teeth clattered in his mouth.

The uniform piece dropped. The lieutenant slumped over holding his chest.
In the corridor at the junction for hangar deck and engineer

Rianna was listening to the Captain "Lieutenant be Ar'klim, Chief Laith, Commander Jacobs, Lieutenant Imura, Specialists Mrrew and Doosun, this is the Captain. We appear to have a biological weapon exposure, with a stab wound as the vector; we've got an entire medcentre locked down. I need intel from your prisoners, and I need them searched for antidotes. Be careful; last thing I need is you infected too."

She looked over at the Chief they were about to begin their interrogation of the man on the floor who was staring up at them watching their every move waiting like a coiled spring to jump up and run. With that hole in him he really wouldn't be running very far. Now the ship's comm was blaring a message that meant going back to medbay, but moving the patient he'd die. She looked again back to the Chief, "let's question him, and then retrieve the suits, agreed if he surivives the interrogation we'll move him." She couldn't just let someone die.

She did not want to risk infection she really wanted to get the information, she was now starting to frisk him checking his pockets, for anything that might give them a clue on what was on the ship. Had they come on board looking for an antedote? Or was their ship so badly inflected that they wanted to commandeer The Absolution. Would he have something that would help...she felt capsules, no test tubes..slowly she pulled them out.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Ermac Laith"]
If Jorus Merrill had one claim to fame, it was his capacity for finding the right road. On some days it had involved hyperspace; once or twice it had involved otherspace, as when he'd pulled Rave and her shipload of refugees back to their home plane. On other days it involved paths through the corridors of a capital ship. With Chloe in command, Jorus could rest in the silence of only minimal overwhelming comm traffic. He kept abreast of the situation in a general way, focusing on the stillness he felt anytime he was in space. The secret to navigating on foot, whether in a ship or on a planet, was to recognize the infinitesimal nature of that ship or that planet -- to feel oblivion, empty space, pressing close. To feel the smallness of matter and mortality; therein lay the true path.

He knew what he would find. Red shell in one barrel, blue-white in the other. Low yield on both, not street-sweepers. No need to set circuitry afire or crack conduits. Scanpack in hand, he watched lifesigns gutter and die ahead of him. A final door hissed open, and he slung the Scanpack over his back. The Mandalorian shell gun roared, sterilizing the hallway; the second barrel put it out and dropped this part of the ship into a deep chill. His cybernetic eyes didn't water in the smoke, which the air vents drew away in seconds. The instinctive navigation that had led him between galaxies told him that there was nothing left to contain.

There was no spring in his step on the way back, no readiness, no energy. He'd have been caught flat-footed if a raider had been around. Conscientiously but automatically, he reloaded the shell gun and commed [member="Chloe Blake"].

"Commander, please inform the medical staff that the containment breach situation has been neutralized, and that security is in the process of securing intelligence on the toxin. Please have [member="Celeste Leon"] lay in a course for N-2 if you haven't already." Even talking properly was an effort. "Status report on the Niathal we sent for consumables salvage? As soon as that's done, the crippled raider ships are dealt with or taken, and you're satisfied we're ready, I want us to be away. It's time to leave this godsforsaken patch of space."

OOC/ As soon as you've all neutralized the last raiders and learned what they know about the toxin, including antidote samples if possible, we'll be starting Episode Two, in this thread. Our current condition is operational but very low on essential supplies, including food and medical supplies. We're heading for a world where we may be able to secure food and make contact with spacefaring locals -- the Priests of the Tusk.

Captain: Jorus Merrill
First Officer/Navigator: Commander [member="Chloe Blake"]
Diplomatic Officer: Lieutenant Commander [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant [member="Manu Xextos"]
Medical Officer: Lieutenant [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]
Medical Officer: Lieutenant [member="Jericho"]
Quartermaster: Lieutenant [member="Marek Starchaser"]
Communications Officer: Lieutenant [member="Simone"]
Helm Officer: Lieutenant [member="Celeste Leon"]

Security Chief: Chief [member="Ermac Laith"]
Shipboard/Away Team Security Personnel: [member="Gabriel Itera"], [member="Countess Xyhn"], [member="Lucifer Erebus"], [member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Darth Banshee"] (as 'Sedetta') (individual assignments provided by Chief Laith, case by case)

Small Craft Coordination Officer: Lieutenant Commander [member="Jared Ovmar"]
Small Craft Pilots: Lieutenant [member="Nickolas Imura"], Lieutenant [member="Catherine Maxwell"]

Naval Escort: [member="Naast'ika Laaran"]

Chief Engineer: Commander [member="Judah Dashiell"]
Engineering Officer: Lieutenant [member="Anija Ordo"]
Archaeological/Sociological Specialist: [member="Pibit"]
Xenofauna/Provisions Specialist: [member="Mrrew"]
Xenofauna/Provisions Specialist: [member="Jaani Doosun"]
Xenoflora/Provisions Specialist: [member="Seanna Vel"]
Biosciences Specialist: [member="Silara Vantai"]

Chief Head Stowaway: [member="Robbi"]
[member="Manu Xextos"]

Finding herself at Ward 1 talking through the closed door on the commlink. "Jericho got word to me. looking at the situation I'm a herbalist can help with more as plants can do the same as most meds. I can make antibiotics, pain reliever, even try and slowly down this plague type. If I have the full detail, and how combat it with these herbs." , as she passed a gown and masked and gloves. All they could do is hope she could find some how in the force and that of nature.

Closing her own eyes could had to drawl upon more then she ever had to before. Now came something else of more of that was to be a hope. Unless they found a way or medicine that would work on this. Finding a team ready to help her out as they started to look through what they had fix up as a scope to look.

Finding herself beginning to understand what going on with how the plague reacted to the human body. Herself now making it clearer this wasn't going to be something that happen over night. This was going to take days if not weeks unless there a way in the force. How could she every get this done people lives depended on it then there was [member="Manu Xextos"]

"Speaking to Manu again, as the one with you showing any sign he still health. I want some of his blood, it may be a way to simlizes a something to would counter.", as she waited for his answer.

Thumbing on the comm to the captain, [member="Jorus Merrill"] "Captain Merrill, this is Master Healer Whitelight, I"m might have idea on this plague, I'm working on it as fast as I can, with what little medial equipment that we have any word if they found any or medical supplies." as she looked over to [member="Jericho"] "Well, what are the blood doing now with the paste that was made any changes.".

There was a sigh of relief at that. One down -- another five problems to go. Time to relay the news.

[ Lieutenant Manos, ] her voice would sound noticeably weary, but cognizant, [ This is Commander Blake, the containment breach situation has been neutralized. Security is currently in the process of securing intelligence on the toxin. ]

She would turn to the Helm Officer, [member="Celeste Leon"], "Set a course for N-2," the sooner they could get to that planet the better.

[ [member="Catherine Maxwell"], this is Commander Blake, what is the status report for consumables salvage? ]

To [member="Jorus Merrill"] she'd say, "Still gathering information. Nothing yet on the Niathal, but once we do, we'll burn lines in the sky for N-2. " a pause. "You doing okay?" she'd ask in the midst of gathering reports from others. She was well aware he looked as fethed as she felt.

Catherine Romanov

Aboard the MC15 Niathal-class Shuttle

Catherine was back in the debris field, this time in the MC15 Niathal-class Shuttle, instead of her fighter. The shuttle was staffed by a skeleton crew. It was just her and the co-pilot. As they approached and identified the majority of the intact medical crates and chests, she announced "Helmets on. Tractor beam operational in 2 seconds. Cockpit depressurising in 5 seconds. Doors opening."

She proceeded to fasten on her helmet, hearing the pressure seals hiss as they did their work. Leaving the controls to the co-pilot, she moved over to the door, opening it, exposing the interior of the shuttle to outer space. She promptly aimed the interior tractor beam at the medical crates before dragging them into the craft. The shuttle, now heavier than before, made its way back to the Absolution.

She got on the comms and paged for [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Chloe Blake"]

"Captain, We've secured the remaining intact medical supplies, heading back now."
Location: Outside Xenobiology Lab

Her day kept getting better and better. If she wasn't being held at gun point or losing hours of research with the death of an aide, there was widespread panic and infections that just had to hamper her workflow - as if being on a vessel attacked by raiders and bio-terrorists wasn't bad enough. Now she found herself standing outside of the entrance to the lab, a floor or two below the medbay - or was that above, she couldn't recall - staring at her feet as she heard the morale-crushing news of some sort of pathogen let loose on the craft. A moment of hesitation, perhaps a pause of consideration toward her bad luck and equally bad choices as of late, and Silara allowed a sigh to escape her lips as she steeled herself with a new resolve. Keying her access code to the door, which had miraculously not been broken into, presumably due to its nondescript appearance and rather small size - just enough room for a desk or two, and some equipment that was just around the corner. It certainly worked for what it was intended to be used as, but to most it looked more like a small office for a secretary or something in the way the room had been shaped and the positioning of the equipment.

"What are we going to do now, Sil?" She muttered to herself as she strode in, her facial expression relaxing immediately as the door slid shut behind her. For a moment she almost hazarded a grin at her resistance to using the emergency function on her suit, deciding instead to use it when she might actually need it, but resisted the urge on the basis of Murphy's law. Heading towards her desk, Silara glanced around and wondered how in the world she was going to figure out how to help with the pathogen issue if there was no sample for her to isolate. Even then, she wasn't exactly equipped with the technology to safely perform experiments on bacteria or viruses in a time frame that wouldn't mark half the crew for dead. "This is Silara in the Xenobiology lab checking in, I've made it to the lab, it seems relatively untouched. Is there anything I can do from my current station to help with the situation?" Silara said, her voice being projected to those on her com channel. Taking the time to activate the emergency sealing on her suit, after deciding to play it safe from now on, she sat down behind one of the desks and waited for a response.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
Live in Light, Surf Master
"I'll get you your proper samples, Maya. Hold on." Manu rose shakily to his feet, the swell of the infection rose to his eyes and cheeks. He staggered to maintain his balance, Kavi Raste lunged forward and grabbed Manu's shoulders from the side to hold the progenitor aloft. "Manu. Manu yai frai'ad so'le bre'thro. Ro'yu nawat yai velo. Frai'ad so'le, bre'thro." The intonations of his mother tongue's audible language brought Manu to shake his head and grab steady the Healing Crystal of Fire Amulet he wore around his neck.

The infection retreated back to his fingertips and Manu looked between [member="Jericho"] and [member="Maya Whitelight"] with bleary, bloodshot eyes. He hit the wall comm and set it for Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"] 's comm. "Captain, is anyone on this ship is a clone, or carrying any cloned body parts? We need to test the theory that clone flesh is immune. One of my personal staff is the only one of those who have made confirmed contact with the infection, and not gotten sick. He was grown on a cloning world by the Lords of the Fringe. I don't know if that helps you, but so far whatever the Fringe did to make their clones, it's keeping Kavi Raste from presenting any symptoms of the toxin."

To the Absolution's Chief Medical Officer, the grim task of taking samples from the dead. In order to work the autopsies, Manu pulled the biobed to the most distant corner of the cordoned off, quarantined ICU and pulled the privacy sheet around the area. The smell was ungodly. Punctuated with a pungent and alarming astringent musk, Manu heaved fruitlessly and bent his head away from the first of the bodies.

Crewman Yancy's autopsy continued with the calm, patient voice of Manu Xextos' baritone filtering into a recording unit. "Crewman Bob Yancy presented with a stab wound to the midsection. The wound severed four places in the man's intestinal tract and sliced into his liver. The wound is filled with black puss, of which I am currently taking a sample for Medical Officer Whitelight and Science Officer [member="Silara Vantai"] . Yancy's liver is presenting with severe cirrhosis and it is my medical opinion he was either a prolific drinker, or the toxin is attacking vital organs. His gall bladder, kidneys and lungs are presenting with scarring and tumour like protrusions similar to the cirrhosis of the liver. I am taking a sample of the tumours and the tissues surrounding for further analysis. There is a black fluid in his lungs extracted for further analysis. There seems to be a mould-like substance seeping into his cerebro-spinal fluid. Sample forthcoming. This concludes the autopsy of Crewman Bob Yancy, of the exploration vessel Absolution." He finished off with the dates and made the recording available to his most trusted medical staff.

Bringing the samples to the quarantine seal, Manu had Kavi package them in appropriate containers and put them through the quarantine pass-through. Manu leaned his elbow on the glass. "Somehow the amulet I'm wearing around my neck is keeping me alive. If we can confirm that this travels through contact with skin or fluid, we can release the ICU patients not presenting with symptoms after a longer period in quarantine. Seal the sick in their containment suits and transport any new cases here to ICU 1. You two are dismissed. Thank you for your efforts. And if anyone has any more ideas, I need a way to burn the dead."

On the Bridge, a young Ensign began to tug at her collar. The Twi'lek's skin began to grow clammy and darken in thin striae. Perspiration dotted along her lekku. She slid her hand on her console, mouth shut and jaw quivering with the chattering of her teeth. [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Chloe Blake"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]

"Officer Vantai, you'll be receiving samples momentarily."

[member="Manu Xextos"]

"So far as I'm aware, Doctor, there's only one. Currently confined to quarters. I'll see to it that she's sent your way. Good luck."

Meanwhile, the bridge crew, largely comprised of people who'd been on Wild Space expeditions with Jorus many times before, responded quickly. The twi'lek had been unlucky in that the new Dragonskin shipsuits, which [member="Chloe Blake"] hard ordered used for enviroseal purposes, couldn't fit around lekku. Thanks to her orders, though, nobody on the bridge was in danger, and the infection was contained quickly. Her path to the bridge had been fairly straightforward; it, too, was quickly sterilized."
Confined to quarters was a nice term, a really nice term, for spending the last three weeks chewing energy bars in an escape pod, with occasional trips to the sonic showers on deck 9. The decision had been mutual, she told herself; the transgressions that had led to her condition hadn't been heinous so much as embarrassing, but she and her brother had agreed it would be best if she minimized her contact with the crew.

En route, she messaged [member="Silara Vantai"] to, quote, Screw the containment, screw that secular little lab, and screw the samples. You're the only one aboard capable of serving as my assistant. Meet me at the quarantine door; don't bother bringing gear. This is Rave Merrill.

The payload specialist, clad in the Dragonskin shipsuit she'd invented, arrived at the medical quarantine of [member="Manu Xextos"], near [member="Jericho"] and [member="Maya Whitelight"]. They likely wouldn't recognize her; they would know she wasn't part of the crew, at least the crew as they'd experienced it for three weeks. Without any indication of giving a crap, she put her palms and her forehead against the nearest pane of transparisteel. Yellow eyes shut tight as her attention centered on the pathogen. Her appreciation grew as her alchemist's senses disassembled and analyzed the toxin down to the roots. She might have made her name on leather coats and warbeasts, but her foundational work had focused on virulent Force-resistant toxins in several incarnations, and her current work echoed that focus, in its way. Whether she could fix this or not was, as yet, unknown. More certain in Rave's mind was the prognosis that it was her turn to snowflake. On her belt, a Velok Emblem glowed with an eye-watering colorlessness, unbending the knot of probability and anxiety that was impeding a solution.

"Your clone is here, Doctor," murmured the corpse of Crewman Yancy. Rave turned away from the window and looked to Jericho and Whitelight.

"Rave. Payload specialist. What do you have so far?"
Gallasin nodded, satisfied with the current state of his rifle. He looked around and noticed that only three of four reactors were online. He made sure the third reactor, which was coming online, was A-Ok before moving onto the fourth reactor.

His plan was to make sure the fourth reactor turned on and operated correctly, and then securing the next room. He needed to establish contact with an officer or some sort and get some orders. He didn't like doing nothing, and especially didn't like doing nothing productive. He returned his attention to the fourth reactor, setting his rifle down close by, just in case whoever did all this was still keen on disabling the three remaining generators. He got to work. . .
...he'd been mostly quiet while listening to everything that came over to the comms and that Rianna was telling him but eventually Laith would break the silence by moving forward down the corridor. Footsteps would carry Laith towards the Raider slumped against the wall before he'd look over at Rianna and nod, seemingly in agreement with her before saying..."If he lives he can accompany us."...though the way he said it might leave some doubt as to whether or not the man would survive this encounter. Rianna had already used her powers to calm him, making him more pliable in the process, meaning that the interrogation should be relatively easy for the Mandalorian...

...taking a knee to the left of the Raider he would tilt his head as though he he were looking for something before saying...
"Tell me why you attacked us."...

...silence was all that greeted him in return though Laith could see the beads of sweat forming on the mans brow which caused him to smirk a bit...
"You're dying."...he almost sounded happy about that..."My friend here is a Healer. She can save you if you talk to me."...but whether Rianna could actually do anything or not was something Laith knew little about. He'd heard it said that the force was a powerful ally though...

"Outsiders. You don't belong here."...

...the rasped answer was given with baited breath however Laith could appreciate the good bit of xenophobia that the man exhibited. He decided, without consulting his companion, that the man might need a bit more prompting to tell them about the biological weapon they'd introduced into some members of the crew though. Using his right hand Laith would reach out, extending two fingers in the process and then jam them into the cauterized wound of the Raider causing him to stiffen and cry out a bit in the process. Enough pressure would certainly open the wound again and hasten his death. Eyes drank him in as Laith did this before...
"Tell me about the toxin you brought with you?"...

"You'll be dead in days. We'll come back."...

...the answers either weren't coming fast enough or they weren't to Laith's liking because as his hand drew away from the mans wound he would lift it before delivering a stiff shot to the mans throat, crushing his windpipe with the blow. Looking back over his shoulder towards Rianna he started to rise back to his feet...
"He didn't survive the interrogation."...there was absolutely no remorse there..."Signal the Captain. I'd say this biological weapon has an incubation time of days and that they have an antidote to counter it before its run its course." wasn't much to go on but it was a start and maybe the others were having better luck with their prisoners. When he noticed the test tubes that Rianna had retrieved he'd have said..."Something you can run through the lab?" could help them identify what they're dealing with..."Lets go."...they were attached at the hip for the moment, he was her security detail essentially...
[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

"Fantastic job, Lieutenant [member="Catherine Maxwell"]." she would turn to the Helm Officer, [member="Celeste Leon"] "Once the Niathal is secured, take us out. The faster we are out of this space, the better."

A small beep would bring in the report from [member="Ermac Laith"], her lips would press tight. It was then that her eyes would flicker over to the Twi'lek who was slightly perspiring. To the Security Chief, she'd relay. [ Check their gear, I bet someone must have been paranoid enough to have a couple of those vials on their person just in case. ]

A small wave to an officer beside her would bring him to her. A Faleen male Lieutenant. "Take her down to medical." she'd say. Best to get things quarantined asap.

To [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Rave Merrill"], @Maya Waylight @Silara Valari @Jericho @Manu Xextos [ Captain, the biological weapon has an incubation time of days. Word has it that the raiders have an antidote to counter it before its run its course. I wouldn't be too surprised if perhaps they have a few of those vials hanging around. If we can find one, we can synthesize it with a medilab kit at best.]
Hanger of the Absolution

The elevator finished its descent into the hanger. Wandering around in the dark she felt the movements of the lingering raiders. Her footsteps light as she crept against the wall and listened for the voices not only with her ears, but also with her mind. There was something suspicious, especially down here. If they were going to escape this would probably be the best place. Continuing to move, she finally heard their voices.

“They’ll be dead soon right?” One spoke quickly as he wiped his nose. “Yeah, boss was right about this disgusting karking goop.” The other spoke as he drank something from a flask, probably some sort of cheap whiskey how sad. The first one that spoke laughed as he blew his nose and wiping it on the wall he was near. “Hahaaha”

Frowning, Spencer figured they would have something on them in case they accidentally stabbed themselves. Deciding to test the theory, she once again entered their fragile minds. The men stood at attention as they stared at each other. To let them know that their initial thoughts were right, she made them flail their arms about and check their coats for anything that resembled a vial of antidote. Seeing that the bigger man had a vial in his coat pocket, she made him hold it in his hand then place it on the crate that he was standing next to. “Oy Hel-” Quiet. Spencer silenced him quickly. Both men couldn’t speak or make any noise as they both drew their small blades. The looks on their faces meant that these were the weapons that were responsible for the transfer of the biological weapon.

The woman remained crouched hiding in the shadows as she watched them. They stood there with their blades drawn and quickly as they realized they had no control still, she made one of them stab the other a few times. Waiting, she wanted to make sure that they had the antidote. Allowing one to talk, he spoke quickly.

“The glass tube - Kark, Feth, its in there. Help me!”


As the man tried to fight her she smirked and forced him to stab his own arm with the blade. Silence continued between the three of them as the she let them finish themselves off with the blade. When there was no way they couldn’t move and they had lost enough blood, Spencer released them from her mind and stood. Heading over to them, she stepped over their bodies and grasped the glass tube. “Thanks. Because I’m so nice and I need to check to see if this stuff is real here.” She put a drop on the wounds. “Hopefully I won’t catch anything by doing this. Should have made better choices boys.” Touching each of their foreheads, she drained the force from them till they were dead. “No survivors, you understand right?” Pocketing the vial, she headed back towards the lift, seeing a small blue light blinking, she headed over towards it. “Hmm, this must be scrambling my signal down here.” Using the Force, she crushed the device and then headed into the lift. Attempting the comm, she spoke to the Bridge.

“This is Spencer Jacobs, I got a vial of some liquid. I killed two more raiders that were hiding out in the hanger, they seemed desperate for this thing...once they exposed themselves to their own bioweapon. Heading up now, be there soon.”

[member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Manu Xextos"]
Location: Med Lab

He nodded to [member="Manu Xextos"] from behind the closed doors of the quarantined room, the bright orange lights spinning, brimming the area to notify what was going on. He lightly tapped the lower part of his mask to think and honestly he had nothing. Though he had training in herbalism by Master [member="Maya Whitelight"] herself; he wasn't nearly as skilled as her in the art, so there little for him to do aside stand while she did all the work. And for that moment whats all he could do until the message from [member="Chloe Blake"] rang into his ears.

~~Captain, the biological weapon has an incubation time of days. Word has it that the raiders have an antidote to counter it before its run its course. I wouldn't be too surprised if perhaps they have a few of those vials hanging around. If we can find one, we can synthesize it with a medilab kit at best.~~

Now there was something for him to do, at least that was what he thought as [member="Spencer Jacobs"] reported in to the bridge of finding a vial of liquid that may possibly been the antidote to this toxin-virus. He linked his comm-link to hers and spoke. "Master Jacobs, I politely request you bring it to the med lab for quick study and so Master Maya Whitelight and I, can make more with what we have."

He looked over to [member="Rave Merrill"] and bowed his head for a moment. "We have samples of blood infected by the toxin, what we need to do his extract some of your blood and see whether or not you can be infect by this toxin. Just in case the vial of liquid found by the Lieutenant Commander is not actually the antidote. Come." He said leading Maya Whitelight and Rave Merrill to the lab to begin the research.

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