Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Democracy Cometh (Dominion of Yadrid)

"Please be okay, I am sorry for hitting you." Quenladose moved as she went about well binding another person. It was all she could to to properly handle the dangers of them all. With some good work she had some help from the Republic soldiers she had secured several of the ones who had been incited to attack them. She wasn't going to be happy about hurting the people but she was more then willing to pair up and help get them into a room. THe search for more explosives was turning up some of them near the hospitals. "Alright keep working towards helping all of the others and find the explosives."

Carn Dista

@[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Yusan Fenn"] @[member="Cambria Zadira"]
The dropship circled above the rooftop that the senator and some of team Gundark had rallied upon. Some, but not all. He could only wonder as to why the remaining members had not chosen to obey orders - Either they were late, or consciously disregarding direct commands. If it was the former, they would be left behind. If it was the latter... Well. When this particular disaster was over, he intended to make sure the two missing Jedi did not repeat their actions again in a hurry. With a tilt of his hand, he signaled for the ship to land momentarily upon the rooftop.

"Come!" he yelled, over the roar of the engines.
"If we wish to do our duty well, then we must be quick about it. I will not wait for the others, when whoever did this will not wait for us."

From what the others could see, Carn had come well equipped for war - His lightsaber hung calmly at his belt, and he was adorned in fur covered armored robes. Even as he lent out of the dropship, he looked every inch the warrior. While his team did not yet know, should the aftermath of the explosion become more of a warzone than a scene of chaos, then Carn intended to have the dropship deposit them in the fiercest part of the fighting...

Jack Sheltrak

Senator of Zeltros, Former Supreme Chancellor
Harkness looked at Joshua Dragonsflame and gave a nod of his head as he continued to look on and then he draw the blaster and fired a stun shot into a local who came in for an attack. His face cringed though at the idea and moved to make sure he was okay while he looked up. "Well lets work on this unpleasantness. Whoever incited the locals will need to be found and caught. Their plans could be far more malicious then we think or they could be a precursor to invasion." The senator gave a nod of his head though looking at the Jedi knight while he moved. "Everyone move out and help as many as you can."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Syn had moved and now saw the Selena as he spoke looking upon her and after her return to the order he was glad she had the authority to give the orders. This was her show and he spoke giving a nod of his head. "Grandmaster, we have most of the ones who were incited subdued and fortifications are being put up around the city. We will work on finding the one who brought and setup the explosives." He gave a bow before moving off again towards the outer edge of the city and smirking while he felt Iella and the others doing as they needed to help out around the city and the feeling of being invigorated came about him.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu continued to enjoy the sight of it and the story that they were getting now. She could feel a jedi meditating and pushing calmness, invigorating energy into her which felt stronger and more powerful but it mattered little. She was recording all on the datapad for study later and to make sure she was properly educated on the world. Sure they could read the early reports but what was better then to get all the information from the people. "Thank you for helping me understand your situation and thank you for your time. IT will help the order and Republic understand so that we might better meet with your people."
Mirshen moved in the transport as he breathed out holding the rifle. The Republic had boots on the ground earlier then them and now there was smoke and explosions and he wasn't here to partake. He gave a look when the reports came from scanners and he went to the hospital. "Alright I'll search for the explosives and you guys keep the bad guys off my back." He moved quickly and went towards the lower levels where one had been discovered. He gave a look at his chrono and secured the helmet on his face with a nod of his head. The char he had brought about to help him while he sat there and held a knife. "Alright lets save the world."
Cathbodua moved as she had done all she could and now the ones they could get out were exited the hospital. They had triaged as many as they could and began moving them to transports with a look towards the rest of the city. Now she checked the scanners and gave a nod. "Alright we have as many out as we can and it is now time to send in all the techs. We aren't going to blow up their hospitals to show we are friendly. Then find who would do this and take them down."


Came in like a wrecking maul
Saki moved when she saw the omega forces appearing and helping to subdue the attackers. She was glad to see some help but more importantly she was glad once she finished grabbing the restraints and securing them around their wrists. She gave a grin though seeing the rest being being taken down but had no idea where the one who had started it was. Whoever had incited the attackers from these peaceful people needed to be caught so they didn't show up more to disrupt Republic efforts on the planet. "Spread out and find whoever started this."
"Yes sir!" Vulpesen shouted over the noise before leaping to the master's side. No matter how much @[member="Carn Dista"] had disappointed the Padawan, he was the master, and Vulpesen was truly hoping that he would managed to regain what respect he had lost. After all, everyone was entitled a bad day, and first impressions were not always to mark a person for who they really were.
"What's the plan sir?" Vulpesen asked, watching and waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. Something had to be done about these explosions, but he was in no position to decide what, even if he did have any knowledge on the situation, which he didn't. Still, these bombings could not go on, and the sooner they caught, the sooner they could resume their fortifications.

@[member="Cambria Zadira"] @[member="Yusan Fenn"]
"We found a bomb." Isis looked up as the people were being moved through the halls and she gave a nod. Then the news they had squads working to disarm them while evacuating the hospital. The city was being handled by the jedi but with a grin she exited the hospital and looked around. The Republic had subdued several with out hurting them. "Alright get the people clear and let them all in we'll setup on the far wall and work to help as many there as we can."
Blessed are the peacemakers
Terminate with extreme prejudice.​
@[member="Eldoc Quasat"]​

Typically reserved for criminals and pirates and Sith, Roland had been given direct orders by the GI (Galactic Intelligence) to trace the explosives. He had been dressed casually, a simple jacket but functional pants. He looked unarmed, but in reality he had a small slugthrower in a shoulder holster. He was at the explosion site, of course without clearance and identification. He had to maintain deniability, and that meant literally everything being a ghost. This was called 'Operational Deniability', which meant if he was even approached by Republic security forces or even Jedi, he could not expose his identity.

He began to place himself near aid workers and survivors, trying to find loved ones or other injured people. Roland glanced around, then reached to his jacket, and removed a small scanner. It was top of the line, but still a non-military standard model. No serial number, no trace. It began to search out signals in the area, specifically IED signatures. For detonation of this nature, it had to be remote and not on a timer, no, this was all....planned. The explosives were sent out by a remote detonator, which meant a certain electronic signature. The scanner traced the detonation site. After a brief walk, Roland came to the location of the detonator, but found it crushed and discarded among other things. He glanced around, then listened to his earpiece. A message. Why would he bother to...he scowled. He instantly took out his scanner once more, tracing the initial message from the datapad. It was last located at a bar, shortly before the datapad was wiped. Easy enough to track, despite all claims otherwise. Security footage from inside the bar, showed a stout, handsome man with short brown hair and a hardened face last using it. He had..cleaned it from his prints, from the footage. There wasn't much stopping Roland now, from finding his mark. He patched through to the Republic channels, using a hacked broadcast signal. He broadcasted his voice in a deep, disturbing nature (a la Deepthroat). His handler would understand, but anyone else on the channel might be a tad bit confused.

"Terminating suspect."
Roland came into the mall, and removed his slugthrower from his jacket. Firing a shot to the ground after slowly opening his jacket, the crowd dispersed after Roland shouted out that there was a shooter in the mall. The mass moving of people gave him an entrance to the target. He approached the man, and stuffed the pistol right into his stomach, firing off, consecutively in the same area, four shots. Roland was efficient in his trigger pull, even in a casual, walking manner. To any of those observing, it looked like Roland simply extended his arm out, but to a more trained eye, it looked like Roland had committed straight up murder of an innocent bystander. Roland spoke only one sentence, something he felt like he needed to say to the man.
"Don't think that we'd let you walk away with this. Burn in hell, you son of a queen."
Eldoc, feel free to survive the shots, due to you being a Knight-level and all, and the fact that the pistol itself is very small. Roland isn't aware that he's sensitive to the force, so he didn't take proper precautions to ensure that he would be killed. At most, this might be a grevious wound for your character, should you choose to accept the attack. Also, love the chaos you're bringing!
The fields now rumbled with the sounds of the transports and speeders coming, with the hum of the machinery that the Republic had been setting up to create defenses and as she walked with the sound of oh so many people who had left the city so only the hostile ones were left to be subdued. Lavania sat there meditating and focusing her small amount of force powers. She was stronger as it came to her peoples magics but using nightsisters spells was a dangerous game as it stood and she sat there breathing in deeply then exhaled allowing some of the peaceful locals to be near her and protected.
Wicked and truth had more fortifications up as they saw Omega soldiers arrive and started to dig deeper into the trenches. Setting up more defenses among them behind the walls, some prefab structures in the ground and above it with munted turrets and automatic one. A bay for speeders and an armory for their soldiers. They had the southern section done while several were working on the east and west. The range to the north perfact for some cover but there would be plenty fo defense there as well.
Aronis stepped off the transport, quickly surveying his surroundings. The Republic had begun setting up defenses to better protect the city. He started walking towards the inner part of the city, to see what help he could provide. The city was in chaos, the people were terrified. A building off to his left lay in ruins, he saw a squad of troopers enter the hospital. People were running from the mall for unknown reasons, probably another bomb.

He activated his comm, sending a message to @[member="Iella E`ron"] "What are your orders?"

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Nico looked at Iella and gave a nod of her head in acknowledgement of the plan. Getting the people to the medical center was a priority while she moved carrying one of the Valan's. Her eyes searched around bringing her face up and speaking to her master while talks of a bomb at the hospital came. "Master they are searching the hospital for explosives, we should look for some fot he doctors and try to find another way to help." Nico looked around and continued to stare while her senses flared out to get a good idea of what was happening.
The young man was taking longer than expected. He turned to one side and then to another, reaching through the Force and looking at strange footprints... the task was more difficult than expected, afterall; he was attacked from time to time by locals, on top of that, the footprints were being constantly tempered by recent walks...

However, during the investigation of the first and second site, he managed to see a specific trail, a recent one... Although many sentients were passing by, it was easy for him to notice a set of footprints that didn't below to Republic Soldiers or Jedi... and for the same prints to be in the two sites... that was odd...

Vexander proceeded to follow the prints carefully... eventually going to a local cantina away from the detonation sites... a quite convinient place to be in such times... the same footprints left the place and went to a completely different location: a mall.

The eyes of the Padawan widened as he heard a few gunshots from the inside... the sound quickly created panic and the instinctive reflexes of the man rushed him in, but he encountered a mob of sentients leaving the place for their lives. The corellian padawan didn't care if the situation was related to the detonations or not, at the moment; the priority was to get all the sentients in the mall into a safe location and to secure the ones creating havok.

It was a hardous task, but the young man managed to force his way through the sentients leaving and managed to see two sentients alone in the mall... one pointing what seemed to be a slugthrower at the distance. Both men didn't look like Republic Officers at all, and reaching towards the Force to sense their intentions didn't provide any results...

Vex didn't have a lot of time, he pulled out his sniper and aimed at both of them, he made sure that with just a slight move he could point and shoot to any of them. The deadly accuracy of the man combined with his Force enhanced senses made him a deadly shooter... taking any of them would be easy... but he saw and heard a couple of shoots coming from the pistol.

The young man noticed that there was only one thing he could do: "Freeze! Gun down and hands in the air! NOW. Failure to comply will result in a shot at your head" commanded the man... taking aim with extreme care.

@Ronald @Eldoc Quasat

((OOC: Vexander was tracing the man since some time now, eventually he would find something odd and Ronald placed the perfect setup to find both of you))
"Oh that is so awesome, and the entire planet?" Leina was listenign as the children talked about the material they mined and used for power sources around the entire planet. None of the mines were still open it seemed but she knew what it was. This mysterious ore that was very brittle but could disrupt energy. She had seen the scans but that wasn't the problem why go in knowing what you were going to find when you could simply be told. It added to the weight and verified what the Republic knew. "Thank you for telling me, so how much of this ore is used in your everyday equipment?"
She continued to study the caverns with the orange glow rod making trace amount of light, oh this was a wonderful time and Je'daii preferred it to the team above her now. She could feel them in the force and she could even feel the rest coming while she straightened the sigil on her neck. She was glad to be alone for the moment in her own solitude as it was the best company and continued to look for primitive paintings maybe or maybe someone had explored and left stuff behind here. She didn't know what she might find.
Reports seemed to indicate that they had the primary threat pinned down. "Governor," she said to the local leader, "it appears that we are almost done with the problem here. It seems that we can now begin the discussions we had come here for in the first place."
He nodded to her, "It appears we can."
She bowed and motioned for him to direct her, seeing as the streets were mostly safe at this point.
Allsion walked through the city and used the squad of Omega soldiers that had been with her as she gave a nod of agreement. There was plenty coming up in the way of defenses and plenty being built around them by the Republic but it all played a factor for what they could do to help. Slowly Allison stood near one of the buildings and looked down at the Valan's citizens who stared up at her. "All forces shore up and help where needed."

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