Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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DEVASTATION: Base Delta Zero (Act Two)

Good Men Don't Need Rules
LOCATION: Sisio, Starport
OBJECTIVE: Evacuate Everybody
ALLIES: ORC/Civilians
NEARBY: [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Vaulkhar"], [member="Jorryn Fordyce"],

More people were moving. A couple, holding one another as though their life depended upon it, with the girl almost bawling her eyes out. Walking over to them and allowing Anon to take over the line for now, I placed a hand on both the man and the woman's shoulders. They looked up to me and I simply looked at them with concerned eyes. Asking them simple questions.

"Is there something wrong? or is it just stress?"
"She is unsure if her mother will get out. She is staying at our place but we were out on a date when they started the evacuation."
"Stay here, and get on the ship, I will see what I can do. What is your address?"
"Just down the street, on the left there is an apartment building. We live in E-22. Its the North side of the building."
"I will be right back. Promise."
"Thank you. Please... I can't..."
"It will be fine. I will be back as fast as I can."

Before I could leave after speaking to the man, the woman had grabbed my arm. Thanking me for just checking on her. Which is honestly the best I could do at the moment. If she wasn't there, then the best I could assume is that she was already taken by the local police forces to evacuate. If she was there, then I would likely have to drag her all the way here. Yelling over my shoulder, I began to ran off.

"Anon, Keep the line going smoothly. Remember, Morale! I will be back!"
"Romi will terminate me if you perish."
"If that happens, you get the first chance to spit on my grave."
"I can't even spit!"

I heard the last comment as I was slowly going out of range. Instead of responding, I just found myself starting in a jog and quickly moving to an all out dead sprint down the street towards the building. I knew which one it was because the man pointed it out. Plus, the other buildings in the area were a Speeder garage, and a Hospital. So the only other one had to be the apartment complex.

My breathing was heavy only a couple meters into the sprint, but I pushed myself. Hell, I was not trained by one of the best duelists in the galaxy just to fall short when it came to running. She had me go through course after course of parkour, endurance tests, Lightsaber combat, mixing all of that, and even throwing me directly into battles just to test if I was good enough. Hell, I could keep up with Anon for quite some time in a dead sprint, and he was a damned droid.

I pushed with everything till I could feel my legs burning like a fire on the surface of a star. Finding the building, I was tempted to use the elevator, but it was only one story up, and I didn't know if they were working at the moment. Plus, there was no way I would be helpful to anyone if I got stuck in one. I hopped up two stairs at a time. My thighs were on overdrive and feeling a pain that was not unlike the many practices I had on Corellia.

Going up to the second floor, I headed towards the north end of the building. Looking at the numbered doors as I went. I started at J, and ended up going the wrong direction when I found the Letter H. Turning back around, I only jogged this time to not completely burn myself out before I finally found the E labeled rooms. Counting down from 50, 49, 48, 47... and onward till I found 22. I first knocked on the door to see if anyone would answer. I didn't get anything. I slammed my fist on the door in the form of a knock. Nothing. Stepping back, I was just about to slam my shoulder into the door when I stopped. No. That would fuck me up. Smiling, I took another step back, prepared myself, then with a step forward, and one well placed kick on the lock of the door, I heard a crack.

Not quite breaking through, it took a second kick in the same motion to break down the door. Pulling my lightsaber out, I left it off for now. Didn't want to scare anyone if I didn't need too. I heard some banging though, in the back room. As I came around, I opened the door... and well...

I never expected to see two older people in such a position. Nor do I ever want to see... that... ever again. The.... ugh... I... I knew how that process worked, but I would rather not see that being done by two much older people.

"There is a planet wide evacuation going on! Don't you hear the sirens and crap?"
"That's just a test."
"Then look out the goddamn window and tell me the massive Sith fleet that is hanging over head with a weapon that can blow this planet apart, is just an imagination."

The man went wide eyed. Thankfully he took one of the blankets with him and covered himself to some extent. And looked out the window that had been blocked. Seeing what was going on, The Grandmother of this woman I had been helping was already getting up and getting dressed without a word.

"Well you could have at least knocked."
"I did twice, and I kicked down the door. Yet you didn't hear any of that."
"Fine. Now where do we need to go?"
"Starport. Its south of here. In fact, her daughter asked me to come and check on her because... nevermind. We need to get out of here. Just... put some damn clothes on."

I didn't really hear what the man muttered under his breath as I walked out the door and waited out in the hall.
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Sisio, Sisio Starport
Objective: Help push evacuation attempts
Allies: ORC, [member="Kale Seleare"]
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"]


Vaulkhar said:
"You know, I've heard that about him,"
She was curious now...
But her train of thought was interrupted largely by the stranger losing his balance between them both. Of course her natural reaction was to reach out and latch on to his person in attempts to help the sudden loss of balance, but her new companion beat her to it; she was sure to guide him the rest of the way however.

Vaulkhar said:
"It be nice to get as many off planet as possible,"
She shot a quick glance in his direction.​
"Where did this guy come from...?"
Stray thoughts.​
"And who--"
"It would. That's the goal." She allowed for a less mute response.​

Vaulkhar said:
"What is your name, stranger? What drives you to help these people?"
Her head habitually tilted upward, "I'm a Jedi. It's my duty to fight for civilization, even at the expense of my own life." She left out her name, "But, I'm sure you knew that already..." she retorted. "And I know you're not looking for Jedi slogans however..."

Captain Alkar Kabar

The group of Firemane ships that had arrived seemed to be the ships aligned with his trajectory in the battlespace. He wasn't sure about their capabilities, given they were a company. It seemed as though they were here to assist in attempting to stop the Emperor's awe-inspiring weapon. They didn't move forward yet though.

Alkar didn't have his ships move forward yet. As much as he wanted to, his task was to protect the Ultima, no go running off in search of glory. As much as it pained him to not do so. He would have first blood, but not at the expense of leaving himself wide-open, especially so his rivals could leave him to die uselessly as an embarrassment. First blood would be his! At least with respect to his rivals. He had a plan to move things forward, and when it succeeded he would rub the success in the faces of those competitive fools.

Waiting around for the enemy wasn't very attractive either. Eventually Alkar made a compromise; "All units attached to 'Sword', move forward at low speed but stay in line with the trajectory of Ultima." He commanded, hoping that it would stir up a reaction from the enemy to move forward.

[member="Kyrana Gould"]​

"The enemy moves to engage, Supreme Excellency."

"Let them come and be devoured by Ultima, their deaths will fuel this world's destruction as well as countless others."

Ultima's surface was riddled with thousands of weapon emplacements, most of them turbolasers fueled by the necrotic power of the Dark Side. They now turned up towards the encroaching enemy fleets, fast-acting tracking sensors acquiring new targets the moment they came within range. Human gunners, slave-fused to their weapons, need only think and the weapons began to fire at regular intervals. Long-range cannons lobbed great boulders of emerald plasma through the empty void, while hundreds of starfighters spewed forth from cavernous hangar bays like a swarm of piranha beetles. The warships around the superweapon angled themselves defensively, their orders were to safeguard the weapon until it could reach optimal position over the planet.

And then Ultima would destroy it.

"Can you grasp the splendor of it? . . . " Mused the Emperor, partly to himself more than anyone else around him. His dark eyes stared forward, glimmering with maddened glee, as each death marked by a distant explosion fed into the weapon's power. Alliance, Imperial, Jedi, Sith; it made no difference. Those who died would be devoured and fuel the great and terrible machine that rumbled hungrily beneath the Emperor's feet, almost as eager as he was to flex the latent potential that dwelled within its mechanical innards.

Soon now.

Very soon.


ALLIES: [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Loske Matson"]
Kiyron put down his hand from where it had braced his helmet against his ear to better hear the message coming in from ORION's emergency command post. The situation was bad, that was for sure. His team, himself and three Huntsmen, clad in their signature armor, were floating quietly in space, awaiting the arrival of their transports. Stealth X-Wings, from what he had interpreted in the message.

Their mission was simple, albeit perhaps impossible. Infiltrate a Sith superweapon guarded by an entire fleet and probably legions of soldiers inside. Multiple kilometers across in every direction. Seemed to maybe even have the Emperor himself onboard. Kiyron didn't care to remember the last time they had met. Carnifex and Prazutis had left him for dead in a collapsing weapons factory on Balmorra missing a hand, an arm, and half his internal organs. If at all possible, he would be staying as far away from the Emperor's command tower as possible. There would be a time for him to get his revenge, but not today. He would have a hunt on his own for the Sith Emperor and it wouldn't be when his target was in the middle of the most dangerous space station in the galaxy.

Three bursts of static echoed over his radio and he reoriented himself as the fighters came into view, sleek and deadly. Two taps on the helmet with his fist and the small fireteam slipped into the ships, two each. Notes on each dashboard gave Kiyron a wry smile, but it was quickly suppressed. Stealth infiltration was their job. And they could communicate without those.

His pilot rolled the fighter over and brought the co-pilots close, where the team communicated via hand signals through the distortion before moving to infiltrate. Already, he could see the weapon belching out its fighter defenses. Hundreds of them. His team were good, but they weren't here to fight an armada. His breath caught in his throat as they started their approach vector. The coordinates of their compatriots was unknown at the time, but he trusted that they would rendezvous at the appropriate location.

Meanwhile, he was scanning the technical readouts that ORION had sent him. Not good. They would need to get more detailed information once they were aboard. Hack into the network and get a better read. That needed a secure place, which could also be difficult to find, but they would find it. They were professionals. Some of the best in the Outer Rim. This was what he had spent two and a half years training them for.

They were ready.
Bring Light to the Dark​
[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
Really, there should be maps in these service corridors, Tiland mused, as a frown pursed his bearded face. He knew he was headed up, but where exactly, he couldn't tell. The space station was simply far too large and convoluted to navigate. Who designed this? Did anyone on the Dark Side have any sense of organic architectural aesthetics and the natural way living beings understand and navigate space? He had to admit to himself that he really had no idea. No Jedi text had ever addressed the question and he considered adding it to his Holocron once he remembered where it was he had stowed it. Probably on Sanctuary somewhere in a closet.

The monk paused and stared at the network of passages ahead of him. It split into three directions just ahead and he was trying to decipher which was the quickest and most efficient route to his destination. The Imperial throne room. Normally, he would just follow the darkest, most evil presence in the Force, but that was all around him at this point. He would just end up walking in circles. Which, in all honesty, he may have been.

But something about the middle passage spoke to him and up he went, although it quickly came to an end at an open shaft with nothing but a concerningly slender ladder leading up and up. That seemed to be the quickest and best route, so he strapped his staff to his back, secured the partially filled tea-gourds and began climbing.

It seemed to take forever, but eventually he came to a service hatch through whose slits he could make out a large room with dramatic red lighting and a very large chair in the center, and it seemed to be suffocating in the Dark Side.

A titanic figure towered some distance away, seemingly intent on the chaos outside. To Tiland's surprise, he caught part of a question, which seeing as he could find nobody else in the room from his vantage point, must have been directed at him. Had they known he was coming already? And been waiting? That would suit the dramatic nature of the room, after all.

But, if the Emperor was going to ask him a question, he might as well answer. Slipping ancient fingers into the grate of the hatch, as strong as durasteel despite their withered appearance, he pushed it aside and pulled himself into the throne room.

"Well, your Imperialness, I suppose there's a sense of splendor there. I'm more gasping at the lack of understandable signage in the service tunnels. Would have been here sooner if they were more clearly marked."

His voice was deep, rich, and rolled through the room as he projected it outwards, unslinging his staff and loosening the gourds of tea. He uncorked one, then paused. "Care for some tea? Still warm, surprisingly."

He doubted the Emperor would accept such an offer, but it was rude not to offer. Besides, it was one of the tenets of the Light Hand. Never engage in conflict unless an open hand was first offered. And besides, his only weapons were his body, his staff, and the gourds, which he supposed could be useful to entangle blades or limbs. useful against an inexperienced opponent, but he doubted that it would delay the Emperor for long. He had a reputation for being a highly capable combatant and very skilled. He was about to learn how skilled and to what advantage he could put his Anzati biology to an advantage. Stronger and faster than humans, even human Jedi, that probably brought him close to equal with the Emperor. Anzati were excellent at telepathy and mentalism, but he was fairly certain the emperor was some sort of Epicanthix. Meaning that would do him no good. All things considered, Tiland was outmatched in every way.

Except one.

He had the Force as his ally and he needed no other. If it came down to it, he could put his entire being and essence into a massive flare of Force Light that might be able to rip through the station and nullify the Dark Side powering it. At least, that was the last ditch hope. However, he was hoping for something a little less dramatic for this, as he sensed that this was not the end of the tale that the Unifying Force was weaving.
LOCATION: Sisio, Starport
OBJECTIVE: Interference for Sith Troops
ALLIES: ORC/Civilians
NEARBY: [member="Lark"], [member="Loske Matson"], [member="Veino Garn"],
INTERACTING: [member="Veino Garn"],

POSSESSIONS: Ranger Armor, Two generic Six shot slugthrowers.

All of these men that were ORION troopers were preparing their gear and about to launch an assault upon this new superweapon in the sky. It was curious with how quickly they had formed. While I am sure there are many upon the various planets of the ORC influence, the short time they took reminded me of ragtag militias that could have anybody from any planet prepared to fight for their land. Or if really needed, drafted or volunteer for people should they choose to go on the offensive. It was actually, impressive. Men willing to get up at a moments notice to fight against a weapon that can at the very least, glass, or worse, completely destroy a planet. As they were starting to load into their ships, I stood up from the cargo crate that was in the port. Making sure that the clips held the revolvers in their holsters. One on my appendix, and the other on my thigh.

However, I looked up to the sky. Seeing a bunch of ships. Massive ones that were clearly firing weapons much more powerful than anything that I could ever carry with me. What really grabbed my attention, was the numerous ships that were flying down towards the surface. Were they really coming down here? If they were blowing up a planet, then why did they send troops down? That could only mean one thing.

Some were coming down, for the explicit purpose of preventing ships from leaving. I marched quickly over to the man who I was supposed to be joining. Clearly a master in the force, I easily with a small tap on his shoulder grabbed his attention.

​"We got ships incoming. I'll see about running interference with whatever local forces are down here."

I didn't even wait for a response. While in theory, he was supposed to be "in charge" sometimes, the right thing to do, is not the in accordance with the rules. If people could potentially be prevented from leaving, then I will have to do what I can to prevent those people from dying, or worse, be stuck planet side and burned alive. If they survived the blast.

Unclasping my thigh holster, I drew my sidearm, spinning the cylinder as I emptied it, and replaced the standard round-tip rounds, with hollow point rounds. Then replacing it into its respective holster, and repeating the process with the second gun. Why? I wanted to make sure I could use just one shot each, for every man that left their ship. If that meant breaking through armor, then so be it.

As I came outside, there was another Judge. Easily told by the gear he wore, and the lightsaber on his hip. Nodding my head upwards to the sky,

"Follow me, we got work to do."
Location: Sisio - Sisio Starport
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: Outer Rim Coalition; [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Find local Space Hotties in my Area.
Theme: Cull - Pentakill

"Indeed, I'm not looking for the usual Jedi introduction," his earlier smile fell away as his gaze rose skyward once more. A distant stare replaced his former visage as he continued nonchalantly waving civilians in the direction of the dropships. More had landed to aid in the evacuation efforts while the first wave made the mad dash to break the ever tightening blockade. There was a will to survive in these people that equaled Sith, Mandalorian or Jedi. It was something he had come to respect in the chaos of the day.

"I wanted to be a Jedi once, but my father was against it and chose another path for me," once more he trained his eyes on the Jedi's. He knew this moment better than he knew himself. Little beads of sweat formulated on his forehead as his heart began to beat faster and faster. Anxiety gripped his heart and squeezed the momentary peace away. The distant stare fell away as the smile did, replaced instead by sadness. His hand pushed aside the long robe that hung over him and revealed both body armor and a lightsaber hilt.

"It is unfortunate I have to kill you. I found this moment enjoyable," his words seemed genuine, perhaps even conflicted in that moment.

Those passing turned their heads to face the Sith Lord. Their savior had suddenly become their end at this revelation, one that sent pure terror into the throng of people. He paid them no heed as he stared down the Jedi.
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Sisio, Sisio Starport
Objective: Help push evacuation attempts
Allies: ORC, Kale Seleare
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"]


Vaulkhar said:
"I wanted to be a Jedi once, but my father was against it and chose another path for me," once more he trained his eyes on the Jedi's. He knew this moment better than he knew himself. Little beads of sweat formulated on his forehead as his heart began to beat faster and faster. Anxiety gripped his heart and squeezed the momentary peace away. The distant stare fell away as the smile did, replaced instead by sadness. His hand pushed aside the long robe that hung over him and revealed both body armor and a lightsaber hilt.
Her eyes flashed as she glared at him.​
"What's the point here..."
Then there was a chill, pressing against her spine before traveling up and dispersing somewhere near her neck; She made a mental note of it...but was still gripping for something she was uncertain of -- the area was flooded with so many prominent emotions. But all of that faded when he revealed his body armor and a lightsaber.​

Vaulkhar said:
"It is unfortunate I have to kill you. I found this moment enjoyable," his words seemed genuine, perhaps even conflicted in that moment.
Her head shot back in incredulity, "What?" she knew there was something off about him, but none of this made sense initially. "Am I missing something here...?" So all of that was a build up to this? No Sith had ever... "A kind offer really...but there's honestly so much more at stake here. At any moment that weapon could destroy the entire planet, so why would I willingly vacate my position to go off and indulge you in a duel?"
She was curious.​
"Your life is in danger here too. Do you honestly want to fight right now? Get on a ship and get out of here."
[member="Fiolette Raaf"] | [member="Kyrana Gould"] | [member="Captain Alkar Kabar"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"]
"Admiral Rejal, receiving priority transmission from the Sisio Council."

"Patch it through," Corbin gestured almost absentmindedly, sifting through datapad after datapad. He glanced over a memorandum on agreements reached between the local defense force and Firemane Industries, marking it for dissemination throughout the entire fleet. The reality was that their greatest strength could also be a crippling weakness. Sith fleets moved with drilled precision but managing all of the independent parties involved in an undertaking of this magnitude for the Coalition was something of a bureaucratic nightmare.

"Thank the Ancients!" the distorted image of Sisio's human chancellor swam into view. Beside him was standing a solemn looking Pau'an, a senior representative of the influential 'Utapau Alliance' minority bloc of refugees, "Admiral you must do something, this is madness! Perhaps if we could speak to the Emperor, or one of his representatives, we still might-"

"I'm afraid the time for diplomacy has passed, Chancellor," the uukaablian flag officer solemnly intoned, "We tried it at Pantora and didn't get anywhere fast. Zambrano is out to send our Coalition a message, and it saddens me to say that your world appears to be it."

"I am sure what the Chancellor means to say," the pau'an representative interjected in a far more tranquil tone of voice, "Is that we have every confidence in our allies. Yet our situation appears most dire. Sisio's loss would have dire ramifications not just for our people, but the entire galaxy."

Admiral Rejal ignored the Chancellor's glare of open hostility at his colleague. He liked this pau'an far more already.

"Tell me, how goes the evacuation efforts-" Corbin's question was interrupted by a call from his sensor pit. Incoming hyperspace signals, "Forgive me representatives. Duty calls."

He terminated the transmission far more abruptly than protocol would usually dictate. Battle would soon be upon them. With Captain Drake on his damn fool idealistic crusade it was up to Rejal and his crew to coordinate not just the Uukaablian Navy but their Kathol allies. His own defense cruisers, escort frigates and picket carriers intermingled with Republic cruisers and corvettes. Even a handful of their hulking destroyers sailed through the void. For the territories they were mighty behemoths which rivaled his own command cruiser in sheer firepower.

Compared to the Sith Imperial battlecruisers that were almost certain to be arrayed against them soon enough however they seemed almost paltry in comparison. The Coalition had moved heaven and earth to assemble enough military might for this ultimate challenge, and Corbin Rejal could not help but wonder if it was even close to enough...

Atlas was still in the turbolift checking over his environmental suit when the comm burst from a nearby wall panel notified him that they were being hailed by Firemane. He had been expecting this. Continuous updates streamed to his holopad on the way down to the ship's armory, a recent memorandum forwarded by Corbin Rejal among them. Despite protests from his fellow officers Captain Drake was determined to lead this boarding action on the Sith superweapon personally. The blast vest over his suit provided some protection and he had traded his typical coilgun for a marine issue heavy blaster. Another strange looking device was strapped to his back, a gift from their Underground benefactors for use in just such an emergency.

"Route them to my comm unit," he said before sliding on his helmet and booting up its heads up display, "Admiral Hazia this is Captain Drake of the Beyond. Apologies for the misunderstanding, as you can imagine it has been something of a day. Your telesponder codes have been properly flagged."

He offered no further explanation, ignoring the commander's veiled threat to withdraw. Whatever that was about he wasn't interested in clashing egos when there were battles to be fought. Kathol marines towered over him from the moment he reached the Beyond's hangar bay. Rows of dropships were spooling up their engine drives and running through pre-flight check lists. Gargantuan power suit equipped voidsmen assembled into neat queues while they waited for the boarding ramps to complete their descent.

"Major Hart," Atlas returned the boarding team commander's salute.

"Captain," Gunner Hart's voice was like granite. He motioned respectfully for his superior to board first.

Captain Drake hauled himself through the Sarcos passenger bay and into the cockpit where he settled into its empty co-pilot seat. Atlas was a fair flier but given the kind of flak they'd be running into he was more than content to let one of his very capable crewmen handle the job. Not only had the Underground's mission to Kadavo uncovered weaknesses in the superweapon's design specifications but they had also taken the time to identify safest angle of approach. Still, what he was about to do was not without some element of risk.

What an end to his story that would be, the great Atlas Drake who was consigned to oblivion by one of a thousand Sith point defense batteries...
Location: Sisio
Objective: Start evacuating
Allies: [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Atlas Drake"]
Enemies: [member="Fiolette Raaf"] [member="Captain Alkar Kabar"]

"We're now back in realspace, admiral" the pilot of the Palace of Justice, Julie, remarked before the sensor readings arrived. "This is the abomination the Underground spoke of"

"Battle units, stay out of range from this abomination! All other units, we are going to need as many lifeboats as we can to get the population to safety, stand ready to land on the planet if necessary. Commence evacuating the civilians!"

Two of the remaining destroyers of Therapy Command, alongside some escorts, were capable of landing on Sisio if the situation degenerated. The question was: where? Could these destroyers actually get a place to land their 2km hulls? Could the ships devoid of any landing capability be enough to cover their descent if it came to that? Therapy Command's priority was still to evacuate Sisio's population, over engaging the superweapon the Sith brought in tow. For this reason, they operate under weapons hold and, if their intel was accurate, it would be best to maintain weapons hold. This meant they needed to stand ready to fight back, but not to fire the first shot. Also, allied reinforcements came, and... Firemane Industries? It's as if a ghost from Kaeshana resurfaced. Now that it was time to get the show on the road, and start evacuating the civilians on the planet. But, if the Firemanes were fired at, she knew that Therapy Command would be next, too. And, of course, the evacuees would be packed like rats but it was that or die. And yet, she couldn't help but feel that there wouldn't be a chance to save everyone...
Sisio, border of The Unclaimed | [member="Xin Boa"]

Delila had never felt particularly tall but being in the heart of the Squib refugee territory made her feel like a giant. Of course, when most things were made for Squibs by Squibs it put many establishments or areas off the list unless she wanted to crawl inside. No matter - Delila was here on business. Judging from the panic to get off the streets and off planet it was probably wise she consider doing the same. Weapons had been bought from "The Blues" crime syndicate and loaded onto The Crimson Dahlia. While Delila typically preferred not to work with crime lords - "The Blues" had been quick, efficient and willing to bargain. They were hungry to gain a foothold in the lawless areas of the Outer Rim and beyond.

Rumors had swirled in the spacelanes she now frequented of a superweapon, claims of spacers who had unintentional run-ins and whispers at far-flung cantinas of a new chaos to come. Delila had listened but it had difficult to piece together information on the patchy half-truths that lay amongst fellow spacers. She had been on Sisio for nearly a week now and found the rumors had been true and that she was now caught in the potential devastation.

One had to be a bit daft if they thought the powers that be wouldn't use Sisio as a testing ground. Refugees? No one cared about them. Heck, no one had cared when the Jedi had sunk cities on Dac, so why would a backwater with thousands of displaced warrant a response?

She kept to the back alleys as she moved towards the spaceport, keen on getting out but also knowing even the Squib-owned spaceport where she docked would be clogged.
Location: Sisio - Sisio Starport
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: Outer Rim Coalition; [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Find local Space Hotties in my Area.

Vaulkhar's tattered traveling cloak pooled at his feet as it fell to the floor. The mass of individuals nearest to him turned away and began to push out from where the Jedi and Sith stood. The crowds continued moving towards the drop ships while evading the Sith, their will to survive momentarily waylaid by their fear of the most immediate threat. It appeared as if the whole world vanished around Vaulkhar as he stared down the Jedi, the lightsaber hilt rolling within his grasp. While her words were true, they seemed not to reach him.

"There is no choice in the matter," he stated matter of factly. The lightsaber surged to life, lighting up their surroundings in a glow akin to molten metal. "Either you face me here or those around us will do so in your stead."

Was he telling the truth? No. Did it matter? Not particularly.

While most would find such a small ring limiting, Vaulkhar instead found it freeing. He gripped the lightsaber tight in one hand before closing the short distance between them. The force exploded from where he stood, his body a blur as the lightsaber closed the gap as it flew towards Romi's face.

"C'mon, prove to me you deserve to live dammit..."

The words echoed through his mind in a voice that was not quite his own.
Location: Aboard the Ultima
Allies: Sith Empire
Enemies: ORC
Objective: none

The ultima was a sight to behold, having been lucky enough to get clearance to land about with his Valkan Dagger only moments prior to the departure of the massive superweapon, Darth Halcyon was simply amazed at how magnificent and awe inspiring the machinations of the enormous station were. Alas, he was less thrilled about the use of it, though he understood that a large portion of the weapon was using mainly the dark side of the force, making him remember the multitude on books, scrolls and holocrons he had read and the knowledge from which he had absorbed in regards to the ancient infinite empire, he disliked the idea of destroying a planet to assert dominance. Surely it was a great show of power, but it also lacked refinement and in long term did not grant any advantage if they were truly to destroy the planet of Sisio. rebellious or not, there was still much to gain from the planet, be it slaves, goods or simply target practice for the troops.

Darth Halcyon usually kept to himself, hiding behind the mask he had so carefully crafted, in essence the wrong kind of sith in the wrong kind of era, but nonetheless a sith and as such, he did not fear the idea of voicing his opinion or questioning the motives of other sith. In this case, the man wondered just what the emperor was planning. In all his might and all his glory, in the Sith Lord's opinion, the emperor was making a mistake. To direct the weapon's power on a planet with in essence little impact on the galaxy as a whole in general seemed rather pointless. Yet despite his conflictions, despite his doubt, he was after all still more interested in how the machine functioned, how the weapon worked and the knowledge that had granted the creation of something so grand and glorious.

With the datapad in hand, Darth Halcyon walked through the corridors of the station, the sounds of turbolasers firing in rapid succession, necrotic energy fueling the weapon more and more rang throughout and resonated within the superweapon. He knew the way to where the emperor would be located and how to get there, but to get a word with the man would've meant passing the guards and though he was fairly confident that he could go toe to toe with one of them, he made himself no illusions to take on the emperor's entire guard. Still, he had the urge to talk to the majesty, the terror which ruled the Sith Empire with an iron fist. He knew that to elevate himself, he needed to gain that single man...or was it monster's attention.

"Nu Geida Kia Byloti Su Tave Kal’Evos - I wish to speak with the emperor" Darth Halcyon's voice came rather strongly through the encasement of his helmet when he stood near the entrance of the huge space within the Ultima the Emperor had apparently taken for himself, most likely to have the best view possible in regards to the effectiveness of the weapon which had been contructed by his own accord and desires. Holding himself tall, despite the guards most likely being even taller and more massive compared to him, the sith lord held his arms behind his back, his romex robes flowing straight down to the ground and the bloodred family jewel wrapped around his neck with a magnificently crafted promethium chain. All he had to do now was to either be permitted to enter or to be denied acces, it didn't matter much. After all, if denied, he had always wanted to see just how well he'd fare against those lumbering guards anyway.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
1vs1 duel with [member="Captain Alkar Kabar"]
[member="Atlas Drake"]

Bashani listened to the reply in stony silence. She responded with a single word, “Acknowledged.”
She kept her thoughts private on the whole incident, but as she directed her attention back to the Sith she saw they had made some moves.

She saw the fleet opposing her. Destroyer, cruiser – possibly interdictor, escorts. Seemed to be in line with hers.

“Enter maximum range and give them some probing shots with the Harbingers. Prepare all squadrons to launch on my mark.”

The Vindicta class had some of the incredibly powerful Harbinger cannons which could strike at massive range with heavy firepower…if they hit. They would be begin targeting the largest of the enemy ships as that was the only target they could realistically hit at this extreme range.

It would be interesting to see what the enemy would do.

Battlegroup Firestorm
  • Firestorm
    Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, firing on the Malephus.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, moving into position.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, moving into position.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, moving into position.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, moving into position.


Storm of the Force
[member="Enyo Typhos"] - 1vs1 duel

According to her information the control centres were vital for the Sith weapon to function. If she could disable this one it might prevent…or delay…the weapon firing.

However, there was a problem. As she approached the door opened and out stepped a face which was familiar…and not. This version of the face was one she knew only too well.

“Enyo,” Tempest said, her hand drawing her lightsabre. The blade was not active yet. “Helping the Sith? I expected nothing less.”

There was bad blood here. The clones of Siobhan and Kaelin had been set to work and had attacked Firemane targets in the past. It was surmised that Archangel was behind it. Information on the rogue droid designers was hard to come by, to the point that they were not aware that Enyo now ran Archangel.

The talking would soon stop, and the battle would begin. Tempest knew this was a powerful enemy, but she still had her mission. One way or another she would complete it. She had brought some detonators and ion grenades for the purpose of sabotage, but they might be necessary for another task now.

  • Imperatrix Armour (in sig)
  • Lightsabre (standard dual phase orange)
  • Bolt pistol
  • Sonic pistol
  • Thermal detonators
  • Ion grenades
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Sisio, Sisio Starport
Objective: Help push evacuation attempts
Allies: ORC, [member="Kale Seleare"]
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"]


Vaulkhar said:
"There is no choice in the matter," he stated matter of factly. The lightsaber surged to life, lighting up their surroundings in a glow akin to molten metal. "Either you face me here or those around us will do so in your stead."
"Just wai--" she held out her hand in a challenge.​
She backpedalled a step, backed by the chorus of fearful squeals as the people around her began to notice a new and much closer threat. Her gaze shifted to the peripheral front, and working its way from left to right as she could see the space between them growing. All in a span of a few seconds -- there was the soft, distant whine of an air vehicles behind her. She gave the sky a quick scan; carefully, still watching the sky, she took a few steps back into her previous square.​

Vaulkhar said:
While most would find such a small ring limiting, Vaulkhar instead found it freeing. He gripped the lightsaber tight in one hand before closing the short distance between them. The force exploded from where he stood, his body a blur as the lightsaber closed the gap as it flew towards Romi's face.
Abruptly her danger sense flared; but even as she spun around she knew it was too late; She pivoted to the side, bringing her weapon out to intercept. In a quick but single motion, she moved her lightsaber through a wild blur of motion, the tip even brushing against her pants leg as she whipped her scarlet blade up in a guard high by her ear.​
The timing was enough in his favor that she'd lack the prep to generate enough kinetic force initially to bat him away -- when he made contact her back leg grew stiff in order to provide support to stonewall; the suregrip on her boots ensured she didn't slide by any chance.​
She kept her head and her cool, "That was your chance."
The light from their blades turned their sweat into an iridescent sheen visible on Romi's face. Opening herself up, she quickly drew in the metaphysical energy she'd known so intimately. Shrugging it own like a well worn cloak -- smoothing out the whisping edges, she soon let the current of power fall around her.​
She allowed him to gain way in their clash, letting his strength override hers. But then she quickly backpedalled, while thumbing her hand over the ignition switch of her weapon. The blade shut off, and with all the momentum he'd likely come stumbling forward a bit. She took the next second to spin counter clockwise around his form while slashing wide and leveled with her now re-lit lightsaber towards his back.​
"Don't worry, I hit like a girl."
The Jedi Master, in typical fashion, was making his entrance to the battlefield. Starchaser’s roots were in combat, in starfighters and a lightsaber in hand. He was following up on the mission, the fact that the Sith were moving something to the world of Sisio. Entering real space in his E-Wing, flanked by the rest of Tiburon Squadron, a holdover of the Galactic Alliance, and now helping serve the Underground of the Coalition as a strike squadron. He had his own side mission to handle before, he needed to gather ships.

He needed ships and pilots. To get the people from Sisio away. When the squadron arrived, they were followed, moments later. There was a superweapon near a world, and Starchaser had a terrible feeling about it. As soon as his wingman alerted him to the arrival of all the smugglers, he nodded.

“Porter, put me through to the new arrivals…” He ordered to his astromech. As he got the channel he began speaking. “Captains, planetside, with speed. Coalition specialists will direct you to landing zones. Tiburons provide escort. Tib two, you’re with me.” Coren ordered as he changed his channel to the Command Net for the Coalition.

“Sorry I’m late gang. This is General Starchaser with some backup. Need an entry point on that superweapon, anyone have any ideas? I have some missiles and, well, myself, that needs to be thrown at that monstrosity.” He pushed his E-Wing into the direction of the weapon, shields double front and weapons hot.

[member="Atlas Drake"]
[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]


Saint of the Damned
Location: Heaven on High
Allies: TSE
Enemies: ORC, [member="Vigil Rostu"]
Objective: Protect the super-weapon

Lark did not need to mentally prepare himself for battle, for he had been waging war against the galaxy for over a decade now. Slaughter, strife, and subjugation had been more familial to him than his own blood relatives. No, what he needed was to vomit up whatever residue still lurked within him. On the surface of Kadavo Lark used to much power from the unholy tome chained to his hip in order to combat the slave rebellion, and his body had yet to recover. In time he would master the tome and the primordial secrets within, but before that could happen he knew he must grow stronger. What better way to do that than to subject oneself to battle after battle, challenge after challenge.

Shoving a hand down his own throat, Lark induced one more round of vomiting. It was about three quarters stomach bile and one quarter blood, a better ratio than in the past. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he left the bathroom on the Ultimate Weapon, passing an officer dutifully washing his hands as the ship that could pierce the heavens prepared to annihilate a planet. Ignoring the silent judgement the officer gave him for only giving his hands a quick rinse instead of a thorough scrub, Lark made his way towards a bridge where he had a decent view of the conflict that was still in its inception. He drew his enchanted sword and watched as spacecraft from both sides began engaging one another in the void of space, Lark knew that the Coalition would attempt to disable defenses and destroy this monument to the Sith. He was not versed with vehicle combat, but whoever dared to step foot on this grand weapon would suffer the same fate as the poor dregs on the planet below.

Absolute annihilation.
Location: Sisio - Sisio Starport
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: Outer Rim Coalition; [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Find local Space Hotties in my Area.

While Vaulkhar certainly had a size advantage over his foe, his movements were measured. Swift and precise thrusts were thrown forward as he danced ever closer to his foe. Many Sith adored the aggressive styles that coincided with both hate and rage. Juyo, Djem So even Jar'kai found wide useage among dark side practitioners. Each of his movements spoke instead of someone who relied on a degree of speed and accuracy. The Sith Lord was a man used to being dwarfed by the likes of his hulking father and massive siblings. And it showed in his movement.

However, the Jedi surprised him. As his form grew nearer and she rotated away, Vaulkhar noticeably overstepped his strike and was awarded the stinging sensation of a lightsaber against his armored back. He pivoted on his back foot and sent a swipe out toward the woman while he repositioned. His eyes narrowed as he studied her once more.

"I see you are a fan of Tràkata. A fun trick I'll admit," excitement bubbled to the surface as he inched closer. The hilt of his lightsaber pointed down and away from his leg. "I had hoped for a challenge in my final moments. I think I have found that here."

Makashi was a form Vaulkhar took to perhaps a decade earlier and it had remained with him since. There were strengths and weaknesses to the style that he felt were well balanced. And in his many years at war for the Sith, it had helped him through more battles than he cared to remember. It was this experience that aided him in growing as a duelist. His off hand moved to grip the saber as he settled the majority of his weight on his back foot. The saber was held perpendicular to his body and pointed near parallel to the ground.

He appeared to take a strange, hybrid stance between both Soresu and Makashi as he eyed Romi. Having felt the sting of her saber once already, it was very clear he meant not to repeat the mistake again.

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