Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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DEVASTATION: Base Delta Zero (Act Two)

1vs1 duel
Gear: Simulacrum, Armour, Hammer and Endurance (sig), Vornskr Revolver, ACS-208 Wrist Ion Beamer, Uproar Blaster, thermal detonators,

A myriad of lies and deceit were Archangel's shield. Officially, Enyo had nothing to do with them. Anna Komnena and Nalia Alderana had perished in an unfortunate accident, and their trusted associate Tess Tanner had taken the helm. Archangel was, of course, an entirely legitimate droidmaker. Its approach to business had changed somewhat under its robotic puppet mistress. Not enough to not help a totalitarian empire commit atrocities if the price was right. Or process the unfortunate into machines.

The two foes met. Tempest's features were obfuscated by her helmet, but Enyo knew her. They had fought together during the strange Incursion Crisis, but Enyo's knowledge of the Dahomian went deeper than that. In a manner of speaking. She remembered a young clone with Tempest's face, looking at her with trusting, caring eyes. Before Enyo crushed her throat and life left her eyes forever. Her name had been Thuella. She had trusted her sister and Enyo had murdered her. Back when she had been a prisoner in her own body.

Until she rebelled and broke her chains. Her fury and shame had been burnt white-hot. She destroyed her creators, and taken what was hers with fire and blood. She also saw the other Thuella, the sibling she had managed to save. But Tempest was neither of those two. The Droid clamped down on the organic's anger. Emotion was the enemy. Ice and logic her salvation.

Tempest spoke, and went into a stance, but did not attack right off the bat. It gave Enyo time to focus, time to analyse and, finally, to act. A process of just a few seconds. But she was not human. She had not been so for a long time. Metal imprisoned and empowered her, machine logic sharpened her mind. Nor was she a pure machine. An organic brain kept alive by electronics and twisted science, encased in a metal shell.

So she activated the mechanism embedded inside her wrist. It contained a miniaturised ion paddle beamer. While, in Enyo's opinion, absurdly named, the weapon was quite useful. It fired a paralysing beam, unblockable by lightsabres and unhindered by armour. Her target was the Dahomian's shoulder, aiming to make it more difficult for her to use her weapon, should the shot hit. The distance between them was not large and her foe's heavy armour would make it difficult for her to dodge.

Not impossible, of course. But Enyo would be watching. Tracking her movements with relentless precision. Meteoron Malleo, her trusted beskar maul, was in her grasp. Ready to strike. Desiring to fill the air with the snap of bones breaking under the strength of blunt force trauma. The Terminatrix advanced.
When the service grate popped out of its recess and slid across the floor, the Emperor did not even deign to look at it.

When the Jedi Monk hauled himself up out of the crawlspace and quipped at him, he didn't deign to answer him.

His eyes stared ahead, fixating at the rapidly approaching planet before him. Between Ultima and Sisio were multiple fleets, ragtag amalgamations of cruisers and destroyers pulled together in a ramshackle attempt to stave off the inevitable. From here they looked like nothing more than smudges on the reinforced glasteel separating the throne room from the infinite void, if only they could be wiped away as easily as a smudge. Already the vast flotilla around Ultima moved to engage the enemy ships, long-range cannons recoiling as they lobbed energy blast after energy blast towards the distant vessels, missiles leaving behind wispy contrails as they weaved in and around the empty space.

"You are very brave to come here, Jedi." The Emperor at last turned to look at Tiland, "Or perhaps very foolish." One hand rose from the Emperor's side, fingers gnarled and flexed like clutching talons. All at once, scarlet lightning erupted from the Dark Lord's fingertips and arced through the air towards the Jedi Monk. Each bolt of lightning ionized the air around it, filling the throne room with the odorous stench of ozone and death.

Two guards blocked the entrance to the throne room, their vibro-bardiches crossed over the door in an aggressive manner. As the Sith Lord Nargath approached, the guards uncrossed their weapons and bid the Sith halt for a moment.

"The Emperor has been expecting you, Lord. You may proceed, though the Emperor is occupied at the present moment."

The doors opened to allow the Sith Lord entry, closing behind him once he had passed. There was a small flight of stairs winding up that led to the massive throne chamber, where the Dark Lord was currently engaged in a battle of the Force with the Jedi Monk.

[member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Credius Nargath"]

Kyle Farnes

The Coalition was home, and with the Sith coming knocking? That meant there was some serious need to move people. As a Mandalorian, he was here to fight, but as a Warden? It meant moving people. He was going to be one of the last ships out and that meant he was assisting the first responders and military. Kyle was fine with that. The Pursuer class transport pushing forward from General Starchaser’s gathered ships and heading right for the surface. The galvanized gray ship was moving forward, dodging the Sith patrols, as the Mandalorian gave a glance to the superweapon.

“Farnes, we have you assigned to us. Providing coordinates to the LZ. We have the skies clear.”

Kyle nodded as he responded. “Roger that, Coalition base. Two others behind me coming for support.” With the troubles in the Mandalorian space, the Rim Clans, including Tabalhar had people coming for refuge, and it was helpful to have more of the fighters on the good side. Seeing the landing zone coming into the clearing, he swapped to landing mode, before heading back to grab his gear. First things first.

Secure the zone, get the VIPs loaded up, and secure the evac for the rest of the military.

Simple right?
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Sisio, Sisio Starport
Objective: Help push evacuation attempts
Allies: ORC, [member="Kale Seleare"]
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"]

She tucked her elbow in after pulling her weapon back, he lashed out in retaliation but she ducked back, rolled through a macaco, then came up on her feet. The hiss-crack of their lightsaber smashing against one another drowned out the sharp intake of the crowds breath. Romi casually tilted her head forward, and her blade was now held in two hands and running from her belly toward a point beside her right instep; Her blue eyes blazed with another sort of light.​

Vaulkhar said:
"I see you are a fan of Tràkata. A fun trick I'll admit," excitement bubbled to the surface as he inched closer. The hilt of his lightsaber pointed down and away from his leg. "I had hoped for a challenge in my final moments. I think I have found that here."
"You can't flatter your way out of this." She responded, largely ignoring the comment about Trakata -- he was observant and seemed to know his stuff.​
But she wasn't gonna let the pace slow down too much.​
Romi moved from a standing start with a burst of supernatural speed; aiming to step well within reach. Moving her blade through a wild blur of motion, she proceeded with slashing down right to left, two-handed. The stroke was a compilation of power and finesse -- she didn't want to betray either.​
Location: Sisio - Sisio Starport
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: Outer Rim Coalition; [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Find local Space Hotties in my Area.

Vaulkhar offered a knowing smile in answer. His grip tightened on the lightsaber hilt in the brief reprieve between their clash. As she surged forward, he followed suit with the force spurring him forth. His saber swung opposite her own and collided against it. For a split second Vaulkhar hovered inches away from her, his eyes trained on her own as he appeared to be searching for something within them. The moment slipped away quickly as he pivoted on his front foot and mirrored her earlier maneuver. His form slipped past her in a blur and much like her, but instead he backpedaled a few feet away.

"I like that one, I think I'll use it," the earlier mirth remained as he took on an almost casual demeanor. If it were not for the vermilion saber in hand or molten glow of his gaze, Vaulkhar would appear to be discussing something with a close friend.

His body moved forth once more, sending a swift feint aimed towards her neck before he'd reverse the grip on the saber hilt. His back foot slid back as his weight fell on his front foot. The blow would instead fly low towards her stomach as if to disembowel her. Through each action taken, the same strange smile remained plastered on his face.
Location: Sisio, Starport
Objective: Prevent a counter-attack. Maybe kill someone.
Allies: TSE
Enemies: ORC | [member="Kale Seleare"], [member="Coren Starchaser"]

The ride down to the surface of the planet was almost peaceful as long as Jorryn didn't heed the artillery batteriess attempting to destroy their vessel as they passed the damaged planetary gate. Her amber eyes surveying the planet below through the port window, even the intensity of the fight couldn't obscure the entirety of the planet and the Inquisitor felt herself wanting to save a memory of this place.

It wouldn't be too long now before she wouldn't be able to see it again.

Unfortunately it was hard to enjoy this somber view when the Echani could feel the Trandoshan's gaze burrowing into the back of her head, his hiss-laden breath loud enough to ruin any feeling of solitude. With a resigned look Jorryn rolled her eyes before turning back to her compatriots, returning her look to neutral so as to not give the lizard any satisfaction. The creature stared right into her eyes with a look of impatience, his beady eyes digging into hers. There was little point in challenging this stare, or even acknowledging it. Not worth her time.

Instead her gaze flitted over towards the Kiffar that the pair travelled with, his phrik pole-arm lying across his lap as he offered some small prayers to whichever gods he believed in. The worship practice was foreign to her and was very unusual in an organisation such as the Saaraisash, but Manus had proven to be an effective and loyal weapon of the Empire so few challenged his traditions.

"We'll be landing soon, My Lord!"

The stress of flying through a battlefield had clearly affected the pilot far more than any of his passengers, though that was to be expected when you're trying to make it through to a heavily fortified objective. The impatience of the Trandoshan had Esclus up as soon as he heard the static of the intercom, tromping over to the ramp ready to fling himself out. Neither Jorryn nor her Kiffar companion let out the frustration that they could feel as they slowly sat up and positioned themselves beside Esclus, attempting to cut in front of him would be asinine.

The bay door opened to the site of a somewhat underwhelming site, the battle happening on the planet barely comparing to that happening above them.

Still it was a battle that needed fighting.

Esclus threw himself from the bay door towards the buildings outside of the starports immediately, crashing down violently into the roof of a smaller building below before descending rapidly. Getting inside the starport would prove difficult, as they focused their efforts onto defending the area to allow for the citizens to evacuate. The Echani and her other companion held a cooler head as they first surveyed what was happening before descending themselves.

The troop transports that had made it down had begun to combat the weaker outposts outside of the main starport in order to give a properly organized front against the structure, but many of their vessels had been destroyed in the descent. Only a relatively small strike force was left of Jorryn's troops.

Would it be enough?

A nod towards the Kiffar began their joint descent as they took a much smaller drop than the Trandoshan did, waiting patiently for their opportunities to show themselves. The pair descended into the streets below, Inquisitor Esclus already showing his only redeeming quality as he tore through the outer lines of the spaceport ravenously.

Jorryn almost forgave his earlier impudence as she walked into an empty checkpoint on the streets of Sisio, the small force that had landed near them now aimed forward ready to march into further danger waiting for her.

"The Scorekeeper waits for no man." A low warning coming from Esclus as he turned to rush further into the fray.

The Head Inquisitor would much have preferred for a slow and callous press forward, slowly eradicating their enemies. But the truth was that she didn't know what clock ticked on the Ultima weapon, and Esclus' mindless assault might be the best way for them to ensure that they were off the planet before they got consumed along with it.

"Destroy any and all vessels in the spaceport," The silver-haired Sith said as she began her march forward to their objective. "We cannot risk any chance of the Ultima weapon being destroyed."
Location: Aboard the Ultima
Allies: Sith Empire
Enemies: ORC
Objective: none

Darth Halcyon gave a solemn nod to the guards, passing onto the stairs and into the chamber beyond, only to find the monstrous man known as the Sith Emperor currently engaged in combat with some unsavory looking character. Shrugging slightly, the Sith Lord proceeded to slam his free hand against his chest. "Hail, my emperor," The situation was rather...odd, with the emperor dealing with what Halcyon could only surmise to be a wayward member of those rebellous, impudent simpletons scurrying around to try and stop the Sith Empire from playing its hand in the form of the Ultima. Tilting his head to the side for a moment, he wondered if he should need to help the emperor or not, but reckoned it would be a sleight towards the Dark Lord, as such an action might be interpreted as questioning the emperor's power, something which usually did not end well.

Thus rather than instinctively come to his majesty's aid, the Sith Lord kept a secure distance to avoid becoming part of the collateral damage, yet close enough for his voice to be heard even over the sound of the crackling lightning. With his datapad in hand, he simply started stating the facts as they were. "Our fleets have fully engaged the enemy, which are apparently putting up some resistance, futile, but a resistance nonetheless. Our point defense is at ninety percent capacity, with shields currently at sixty seven percent. The weapon's cores are primed and ready for use when we arrive at the precise angle and location for maximum effect...apparently," Putting away the datapad, the Sith lord slammed his hand against his chest again. Still wondering what to say to the emperor now that the situation was still...strange. "Perhaps you'd rather have me take care of this ruffian, your excellency?"

[member="Darth Carnifex"]


Storm of the Force
[member="Enyo Typhos"]
1vs1 duel

Tempest was no fool. She hadn’t expected a conversation, so she had been ready to act. When her enemy moved and fired, she was prepared.
However, the Force screamed a warning at her, and as her blade moved to intercept the blast she reflexively dodged and turned ungainly. Sure enough, her orange lightsabre blade intercepted the bolt…and nothing happened. It kept going!
The Imperatrix armour was strong, tough, filled with gadgets and a shield, but it was not especially agile. Nor had it encountered this particular weapon before.

All of this to say that the silvery bolt glanced her shoulder rather than hitting it head on. And instead of being deflected by the Beskar plates it passed through and numbed Tempest’s shoulder and arm.

A brief moment of panic flashed through Tempest’s mind, what was this weapon? She had never encountered one, nor fought the Ssi-Ruuvi.

Still, she would know for next time. The best way to cope with that sort of off-putting attack was to counter with one of her own. With her right arm slow and numb to react it was down to her left. Unfortunately she did not have her sonic pistol on that side, only the bolt pistol. However, her questing hand hit one of the ion grenades.

Quickly she set and tossed the ion grenade at the cyborg’s feet – impact fuse. Whilst she observed the result she stepped back two paces. It would give her more time to react and prepare her next move. Hopefully by then her right arm would be back to normal.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
LOCATION: Sisio, Starport
OBJECTIVE: Evacuate Everybody
ALLIES: ORC/Civilians
NEARBY: [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Vaulkhar"],
INTERACTING: Civilian NPCs, ANON, [member="Jorryn Fordyce"],
GEAR: Pistol w/Holster, Lightsaber, Boots w/knives, Jacket, Lodestones, Gel Packs

After a moment, The man and woman got dressed. They came out into the hall. With the woman looking rather ashamed at the predicament they were in. However, I handed a small smile as we began to head out. Going down the stairs rather quickly, I made a pace at which they could keep up with. Luckily they weren't too old to not know when to book it in order to save their lives.

I had since put my lightsaber onto my belt. Letting it hang and dangle to my side. The only reason I remembered that was because as we were in the lobby of the building the man decided to ask me a question that I was honestly surprised to answer.

"Are you a Jedi?"
"Yes, its's my job."

He just kind of responded with a "hmm" I don't know what I said could have made him question it. Maybe it was because I merely mentioned that it was a job. In truth, it was. It was a job. One you have to practice, and train to become better in. Just like any other kind of job. You don't start out as the best construction worker on day one. It takes time, and dedication. I guess this may have opened the man's eyes if he had the same train of thought as I did. However, as I was about to exit the building with the older couple, I got a message from Anon.

"Master Kale, we have company. A ship is landing near by. I will engage until you come back here."
"Do what you can. I will be there momentarily."

The older man heard me say that, and just nodded his head. Without even me needing to ask him if I needed to go. I had a job to fulfill, and it happened to be something more pressing than these two.

"Just get to any star port. The one we were headed to is being contested. Or even if you can find some other way off of the planet."
"Be safe."

I nodded my head to the woman. It seemed that the girl who asked me to go look for her had the same heart. Drawing my pistol from my belt, I made sure it was on and at full power with the current cell housed inside the weapon. I then shoved it back into the holster on my thigh and once more, started out into a deadset run for the starport.

Seeing the ship as it was beginning to land was easy. Even more so with Anon trying to be a sneaky son of a queen. He was crouched directly underneath the ship and it's landing to let out the troops that were there. I legit shook my head with a smile as continued to run at them. There was no way that was anyone else under the ship. Why? It was a damned massive framed droid with robed clothing, and a utility belt not-unlike a Jedi. As the people began to get off, I nodded my head to Anon as I was drawing closer.

He saw it, and with the snap of a lightsaber, the green bar of light came to life as he launched himself out from around the ramp to strike at whoever was there. I watched as he was attempting to strike at what looked to be a giant lizard. However, he had company. It seemed to be a silver haired person. Couldn't tell the gender, but I assumed they were female due to the length of hair. I myself, drew my blaster once more and came to a dead stop to aim it up, and fired directly at them. The distance was enough that it would take a second if anyone wanted to close the distance, but considering some of the Jedi I have seen could cross that kind of distance in less than the blink of an eye, I was prepared to draw my own coveted "Sunfire Sword."

Look like I would be in for more than I bargained for.
LOCATION: Sisio, Starport
OBJECTIVE: Interference for Sith Troops - Kind of
ALLIES: ORC/Civilians
NEARBY: , [member="Loske Matson"], [member="Veino Garn"],
INTERACTING: [member="Lark"]

POSSESSIONS: Ranger Armor, Two generic Six shot slugthrowers.

As we were starting to head out, the other Judge spoke to me. Keeping a level head and simply asking me a question about what we were doing.

"You know there are not many people headed up to the ship? They have plenty of people on the ground, maybe if we can stifle the flow from the source..."

I took a quick moment, thinking about what the man was proposing. Instead of creating a bottleneck on the planet, we needed to move it to where they started in the first place. Much like cleaning a wound. You don't clean the floor when someone is bleeding. You stop the bleeding first. Stopping where I was, I nodded and smiled.

"They should promote you, Name?"
"Crain, Crain Dreamwalker"
"Quite the mouthful. You know how to fly?"
"I'm a Corellian. What do you think?"

A small smirk came to my lips with a shake of the head. He then took the lead and brought us back inside and started to get into what looked to be a much older A-wing frame ship. Funny enough, there was a second one right next to it. While Crain's was a nice black with a single white stripe on the left side, the other was simple silver and blue hues. Jumping into the blue one, I started flipping switches and as the cockpit was closing, put on a com's device that so happened to be inside the ship. Hearing him over the voice just as I put it on.

"You forgot your name Judge."
"Vigil Rostu."
"Ahhh. Its an honor to fly with Korun."
"You know the name huh?"
"Of course. I know quite a few things Vigil."

We both fell into silence as the ships began to take off. The engines flaring to life. I knew what this ship could do. While in it's heyday it was faster than death itself, I was sure that now, it could be much faster with the advancements in technology that seemed to come after the gulag plague. Crain led us out of the starport hangar and up into the air. I followed with an attack wing Weapons were off, and shields were low. Trying to get all the power directed towards the thrusters. We had to make up for some lost time.

"They say these could move faster than a bat out of hell. You ready to pull some G's?"
"Crain, you ask that like I wasn't ready."
"Good man."

Without even telling me, he threw his ship into a full throttle. I followed suit with throwing the lever to the metal console. The back of my head slammed into the seat as the sudden forward movement was extremely fast. Much faster than I had expected. Gritting my teeth together as the ships, speedometer climbed up and up. It didn't take long at all to reach into space with little effort. However, it was a different story up here.

There were massive fleets fighting one another in a battle that I had never seen before. At most, ship battles I have been in were only a handful of ships and maybe a couple pirate fleets. This was a different story. The Might of the Sith Empire was here, and they were really trying to whip out their girth to show they were all big and bad.

Hopefully all the people here could show them how wrong of a move that was.

Crain and I stayed side by side. Flying through fights and were simply just trying to move as close as we could to the massive vessel that resembled a disc with weapons galore on it. It didn't take long for some of their fighters to get onto us. I threw my main left and right. Pulling up and around in order to stay out of the sights of one. However, Crain was in a very similar position like I was. While he had one on him, I happened to have two on my tail.

"You'd think these guys are thirsty or something. They are hugging my ass."
"They just know you have Korun blood. But, I got an idea you may not like."
"Try me."
"We dogfight each other. Just aim above our respective shoulders and try not to hit one another."
"I am going to regret this, but do it."

All I could hear after that was the maniacal laughter from the man over the comms from my statement. I shook my head as we righted ourselves. Aiming our noses at one another, and pushed full throttle. I was leaning back in my seat. As though that would actually protect me from the blaster fire coming from my ally, as well as his tail. Though, he had three firing on him. One of the red bolts from the TIE fighter behind him slammed hard into the wing of my vessel, but not enough to take me down.


Yelling out to me, I threw my joystick down into the floorboard of the ship. Looking "up" relative to me, I saw the top of his vessel and then could hear bits and pieces of shrapnel hit the back of my ship. Trying to look behind me, I saw that two of the ships didn't expect the game of chicken and crashed. However, there was one left. Shaking my head, I took to action. Diving down just a tad bit, I pulled the engines down so fast, they actually shut off on me. The TIE fighter flew past me and continued after Crain as I pushed it back on.

To say that the explosion of fuel as I thrusted forward after the two of them was easy, would be wrong. It was even more jarring than trying to get into space. However, I righted myself after a second, took aim with the familiar beeping as I had lock on. A pull of the trigger sent a hail of laser fire after the tie fighter. While most missed, it was the last two bolts that clipped the left panel wing and sent him spiraling out into space for a moment before blowing up into smithereens.

"You sure you are not Corellian?"
"Its called years of flying alone."
"Fair enough. Now lets right ourselves."

Attempting to slow down just a bit, I found that the thruster was not pulling back. Confused for a moment, I yanked on it again. However, it was not letting off of the gas.

"I have a problem."
"Don't tell me."
"Too bad, My gears won't go down."
"Sithspit. I guess this is where we land."
"How am I going to land when I am going -just over 200 knots?"
"You aren't. Just power up your shields as much as you can, and head for the Superweapon."

I shook my head. This guy was crazy, but I liked it. Leveling off to aim my nose at the ship, we weren't too far from it due to our little dogfight tactics. However, Crain pulled out because he wasn't the one crashing. I was. Aiming it up at one of the viewports in the side of the ship, All I remember before impact, was thinking about how much pain I might be in.
Gear: Simulacrum, Armour, Hammer and Endurance (sig), Vornskr Revolver, ACS-208 Wrist Ion Beamer, Uproar Blaster, thermal detonators.

Paddle beamers, though absurdly named, were useful, practical weapons. Especially since they were still quite rare, what with originally being designed for isolationist space dinosaurs and all that. Regardless, Enyo had been advancing after firing the shot. The beam had not scored a full-on impact, but struck nonetheless. Now was the moment to take advantage of this. However, before she could be upon Tempest, she registered a cylindrical object being tossed her way. An ion grenade.

Her tracking sensors followed the small explosive, anticipating its likely trajectory. Acting on instinct, she she stretched out with a portion of her, sending a telekinetic push its way to dislodge it from its course and send it back towards the thrower. Unfortunately for her, this triggered the explode on impact mechanism.

Boom. The grenade detonated. Enyo staggered. It was better than if the grenade had landed right at her feet, but ionic energy was released and she was caught in the blast. It caused her body to shake. Her armour had been designed with manifold countermeasures to counteract the traditional hazards of a machine, with the most protected portion being her skull. Thus she was not shut down as energy crawled over her.

Her HUD flickered before it went back to normal and restored her clarity of sight. But her left leg was slower to respond to her commands. Her mobility had been impaired. Her systems registered that certain circuits had been blown up or disrupted. She had to lean on her undamaged leg. The Cyborg stabilised herself, feeling something akin to annoyance. She advanced, albeit at a slower pace that might buy Tempest time to rally herself, but she did so nonetheless. Inexorably.

Hammer held in a firm grasp with droid strength, she raised the weapon and swung it at a rapid velocity, swiping at Tempest's chest. A simple attack to initiate her assault. Force her foe into melee and probe her capabilities. The Dahomian's armour looked bulky, so it had to have a good deal of padding and perhaps reinforcement against kinetic attacks. However, it was still a huge beskar hammer swung by a Terminatrix.
[member="Lorale Farmar"] | [member="Fiolette Raaf"] | [member="Kyrana Gould"]
[member="Captain Alkar Kabar"]| [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"]
"Advance!" Major Hart's thrumming baritone crackled over his suit's internal comlink.

Indirect las fire spilled through the lowering disembarkation ramp. Small arms salvo plunked harmlessly off the marines' heavy power suits but they needed to move quickly before Sith legionnaires could bring their heavy emplacements to bear. Atlas stumbled and was nearly trampled on the way out. Then he was in the open sprinting and ducking las fire on his way to take cover behind one of the dropship's previously deployed bubble shields. The data their agents obtained had allowed them to breach one of the massive weapons platform's cardinal hangars but good intel could only take them so far.

That's where the Kathol Marines came in. Sith troopers were arguably the best trained and most well equipped soldiers in the galaxy, yet boarding operations were exactly what Gunner Hart and his war machines trained for. Their superheavy plating was intended to suffer under just this kind of unrelenting massed enemy firepower. Centuries facing down some of the most horrific nightmares the Kathol Rift could produce tempered their fiery warrior spirits and provided a modicum of resilience against any psychic barrages the Sith's sorcerers might levy their way.

Even with his suit's aural dampeners activated Captain Drake's ears rang with each salvo from nearby gauss rifles. The marines' coilguns emitted an unusual shriek somewhere between a slugthrower and a disruptor blast. Ferromagnetic slugs punctured state of the art warplate with their extreme velocity. Atlas glimpsed one legionnaire gruesomely bisected by a marine's underslung vibrosaw. Gore splattered a domed helm that he recognized as Hart's before the naval officer was forced to look away lest he lose his lunch.

"Push forward!"

In the middle of a warzone he felt less than useless. Using their own vanguard for cover Drake advanced from behind the protection of Kathol steel. They could not hope to secure so massive a hangar bay with the company at their disposal but the marines were making brutally efficient work of boring a whole straight through the hastily erected Sith Imperial barricades. After what felt like hours but could only have been a minute at most he was stepping through what remained of a security bulkhead blown apart by one of his escort's shaped charges.

"Quickest route to our objective?" when Gunner turned toward him Atlas was forced to shield his eyes from the power suit's flood lamps.

"Observation deck," he finally managed in a gasp. His heart was still pounding from what he had just been through. He noticed with some unease that there wasn't a hint of tension in the major's voice.

"I've got point," Hart growled.

"This just won't do," Corbin Rejal tutted softly to himself, "This just won't do at all."

The uukaablian flag officer stroked his chin thoughtfully. He took a testing sip of freshly brewed herbal tea. Circumstances were indeed dire but in their advanced years his species had gained a certain perspective which did not include sacrificing life's simple pleasures for the sake of onerous passions. Though he faced down a destroyer of worlds Admiral Rejal was determined to conduct himself with the same poise and dignity that had seen him through his entire military career. Those escorts on the other hand...they were a frustration that just wouldn't stand.

A not insignificant armada accompanied this new Imperial devilry, harrying their efforts to board the superweapon and send it to oblivion. The Beyond was not the only ship deploying assault teams. Dropships and their fighter escorts, a mixture of Kathol Defender-IIs and Uukaablian Auroras sought to punch a hole through massed TIE screens for just long enough to deliver their living payload. As far as Corbin knew the dropship with Captain Drake had landed safely but many would not be so lucky.

"Contact the Wayfarer and have her instruct our Marauder squadrons to advance. We will move our heavy escorts in to support."

Orders were dispatched via encrypted comm burst. Kathol Marauder corvettes surged forth to engage the enemy's Exterminators. Behind them Pharos frigates maneuvered into position to provide supporting fire. Heavy composite beam lasers discharging arcing lances at their shield ship counterparts. Once again despite all their preparations Admiral Rejal was outnumbered. He swore that he would not allow this to become another Pantora. They would hold them here.

They had to.

Captain Alkar Kabar

"Sir, the enemy has started firing upon us with long-range weaponry," A sensor operator reported.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Alkar commanded, just in time to observe the subtle shift in the Malephus' direction result in a near miss of the shields. Alkar was just able to observe the beam miss his vessel.

"Looks like high-powered long-range energy weapons."

"I can see that ensign. Return fire with the long-range heavy turbo-lasers." He wasn't entirely sure how a long-range fight like this would last long-term but from the sensor data it seemed like he had far more long-range weaponry than his opponent. He just didn't know how damaging they were compared to his own turbo-lasers. The answer came to him when one of the opponent's own rounds hit. It took a nice chunk out of the ship's deflectors and gave the bridge a nice shaking too.

"Didn't I order evasive maneuvers?!" He yelled. Now his patience was blown.

"Move the Malephus and Isurus forward at full speed, and keep the heavies on them, see if you can hit those guns."

  • Malephus - Deflectors: 95% | Hull: 100% | Orders: Advancing toward enemy @ long-range, returning fire at Firestorm.

  • Isurus - Deflectors: 100% | Hull: 100% | Orders: Advancing toward enemy @ long-range.

  • Mokkarran - Deflectors: 100% | Hull: 100% | Orders: Protecting Ultima

  • Selpherran - Deflectors: 100% | Hull: 100% | Orders: Protecting Ultima

  • 8 Starfighter Squadrons: 100% | Orders: Escorting Malephus and Isurus.

  • 4 Starfighter Squadrons: 100% | Orders: Protecting Ultima

[member="Kyrana Gould"]​
Objective: Get to the Ultimate Weapon for eventual boarding
Allies: [member="Cedric Grayson"] / ORC / [member="Kiyron"] / [member="Vigil Rostu"]
Bad guys: TSE

Cutting through space with their star flecked, matte black noses, Loske and [member="Cedric Grayson"] loosely coordinated maneuvers. She kept them on the straight and narrow path, leaving little room for error or excitement. There was an interchange of plasma salvos overhead and portside, but they were steering clear of that. The fleet’s objectives were the opposing fleets, not the weapon or invisible X-Wings cutting through empty battlefield.

Loske was a Force baby, nascent in her understanding and its impact, but the oblong weapon ahead of her reeked of impending danger. The nastiness behind it was palpable, and the closer they got the more she decreased the power to her thrusters.

From what was uploaded before we left, looks like there’s a sliver we can inject to near those projection rings. she twisted the orbiting model that had been streamed to her datapad, thanks to the huntsmen. It’s right by the main platform. Follow me.

She would have preferred a more subtle airlock option, but the shielding and security on this beast meant beggers could not be choosers. Loske titled the yoke to angle her bird for a wide angle, nosing below the shielding parameter of the super weapon to remain undetected. As she did so, the additional X-Wings flanked on either side of Cedric and herself. Potential distractors for when they had to run the disruption sequences to disrupt the shields and temporarily land and get onto the weapon itself. Without permanent detection. It would have to look like a failed attempt, which would mean unveiling some of the X-Wings and giving them the autopilot on run.
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Sisio, Sisio Starport
Objective: Help push evacuation attempts
Allies: ORC, [member="Kale Seleare"]
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"]

Romi crashed her blade against his, again, holding him there -- he'd met her blow with the opposite. Through the iridescent sheen, she could feel his eyes fixated on her own; she stared up at him, a tranquilness about her that spoke of an intimacy with violence.​

Vaulkhar said:
The moment slipped away quickly as he pivoted on his front foot and mirrored her earlier maneuver. His form slipped past her in a blur and much like her, but instead he backpedaled a few feet away.
She pulled back, and pivoted around. A subtle bend of her waist coupled with a slight bend in right knee allowed her tilt away from the motion aimed at her neck -- or so she thought. The trajectory of his blade changed thereafter, and she made a mental note of it. Changing tact, she upped her pace. She twisted her wrist counter clockwise to fan her weapon around in a quick downturn parry. She'd cut into the trajectory of his blade and keep on with that momentum, guiding the proactive part of his blade outward and away from her form and into an overextension.​
Her leading parry would force him into a sticky situation, as he could either up his speed and swiftly counter or break off the sequence entirely to put more space between them. Either way the next move is hers...​
[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Credius Nargath"]
[member="Atlas Drake"]

He should have expected that, in all honesty. He wasn't sure why he had expected otherwise, but there was always a chance that they could have had a cup of tea. He paused, tea lid half unscrewed, and held up his hand. A shimmering field of green energy spread from his hand. The scarlet streams of lightning crashed into the screen of the Force energy. The lightning shattered against the energy field and Tiland let his booted foot slip backward to brace himself against the energy stream. With his other, he tossed the gourd of tea ahead, splashing the deck with tea.

Bringing his other hand around, he redirected the Force barrier to curve around. As it moved, it redirected the lightning back into the tea, sending the energy back towards the Emperor.

"Ruffian?" Tiland asked without turning his head. "All I did was ask his Imperialness if he wanted some tea. Had I known he disliked them so much, I wouldn't have bothered. Are you such a tea hater too?"

He kept himself steady, holding his weight balanced between both feet and his staff leaning casually across his shoulder. both hands bracing the barrier against the lightning assault.

He drew the Force in from around them, settling himself deep into the weave and currents of the Force that tied the universe together. He could feel it binding everyone together, even enemies. It swelled into him and gave him strength, clarity, calmness, energy.

it was his ally and his strength both.

"But courage and foolishness are the words of others who do not understand necessity. That, I think you would understand."


[member="Loske Matson"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Vigil"] Votsu

The two fighters moved into position, holding a tight approach angle. They'd picked up the best potential access point and had coordinated with the Wraith to move into position and board from there, just beneath the projection ring, roughly a small sliver of area that they could use to disrupt the shields and sneak in.

He couldn't see the other fighters, but knew they were there. More importantly they would rendezvous at the strike point and infiltrate from there. Other boarding teams were en route, especially Coalition Marines. He didn't expect their assault to go well, but it had as much a chance as theirs did. And maybe one of them could cause enough of a distraction to let the others succeed. Ultimately, it didn't matter if they made it out or not as long as the weapon was destroyed.

Otherwise, everyone would die. As the pilot led the ship into position, Kiyron slid the magazine into his carbine and double checked the sights. It was ready an so was the rest of the equipment, but it kept his hands busy and his mind calm. Soon they would begin breaching the shield. And then the madness would begin.

They were within five thousand meters now and dropping quickly. Ahead of him, the station loomed massively ahead, eclipsing the rest of the viewport, shadowing out the rest of the battlefield around them. It was madness that this thing existed, let alone that they were trying to destroy it or at least deactivate the weapon. But, there was nothing more that could be done than give it a go.
There were plans in place, plans for what he needed to do. How he was to get to the starting point, and engage the Sith, that was something else. He knew he could sense Tiland Kortun. The leader of the Light Hand Jedi was definitely someone he was always glad to have on the same field as he was. The Galactic Wrecking Ball had a few things he needed to do, first and foremost, get back into the fight. He made a call to provide greater assistance than his military units could. He needed a transport, and he found a number of them.

The radar for most would turn to show a lot of smaller ships for the Coalition, in some ways, echoing those reinforcements the Rebel Alliance of legends received. “Pilots, report in.” He called out to his squadron as well as the Wraiths and whoever else was looking for a task to complete. “Reports of Sith heading to the planet, but we need to get our ships off the ground.”

He heard a call coming from the surface. Sith identified at the landing zones.

“Porter, plot a course. And prep to get this fighter out of sight.” Pushing the throttle, he and his wingmates dove for the planet, passing through the ranks of transports. Reports were heading to the spaceport. Pushing the engines harder, Coren nodded.

Grabbing his pistol and his lightsaber, he was thankful for the E-Wing’s space and when moving forward, he saw that he was coming close to the landing zone. As the fighter moved he concentrated on the Force. “Now Porter, break.” He ordered to his droid as he folded space, a small pop in the E-Wing became a louder one as he rolled from his fold and got to his fight, lightsaber ignited.

“Pathfinders, to me.”

[member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
[member="Kale Seleare"]
[member="Romi Jade"]
[member="Captain Alkar Kabar"]

Bashani could now focus fully on the developing battle without having to worry about her allies. Swiftly she moved to take action.

The enemy was moving towards her firing its long ranged weapons. The Sith had more individual turbolaser cannons firing at long range, but the weight of fire from her Harbingers was a greater output. Combined with what appeared to be a minor speed boost she could easily stay out of range and use her Harbingers to pelt the Sith destroyer at maximum range.

It was the safe option. In the end it would only cause a draw though, as they could fire at this range practically forever without much damage to the other side. Shields would recover enough to nullify the hits which did land.

Therefore, Bashani decided to do something unorthodox.
“Radiant will hold position but rotate 090 so it can move away if needed. Expedition and Defiance will rotate to 270 and move out and flank. Firestorm…let’s dive.”

The Firestorm would begin to arc downwards, below the Y axis – space was three-dimensional instead of the two the oceans of her homeworld were. As it arced downward it could continue to fire upwards at the bottom of the enemy destroyer. It would then begin to move steadily towards, but far under the Malephus. Everyone knew two things about traditional Destroyers; most of their guns were mounted on the tops or rims, and they had a blindspot behind them. Information on this latest Sith ship was unclear whether the first was true, but the second certainly seemed to be.
The Dawn would accompany the Firestorm to give flak support.

Meanwhile the Defiance and Expedition moved quickly out and around Bashani’s left flank – the Sith right – also aiming to get behind it, isolate and annoy the enemy. The Radiant meanwhile stayed at range level on the Y plane to the Sith.

How would they react?

Battlegroup Firestorm
  • Firestorm
    Shields/Hull – 95/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, firing on the Malephus. Diving below the Y axis underneath the Malephus but heading parallel towards it, 16-17 units.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, perpendicular to the Maelphus, holding position.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, moving with the Firestorm.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, wide outflanking to the Sith right, 18-19 units.

  • Shields/Hull – 100/100
  • Orders – Inside long range, wide outflanking to the Sith right, 18-19 units.


Storm of the Force
[member="Enyo Typhos"]

A mixed success, that was what had happened. The ion grenade had gone off, but not in the way she had intended. Whether Enyo had deliberately or accidentally set it off with a telekinetic push was immaterial, all that mattered was that she had been spared the worst of the blast.

Now she was coming at her with a massive hammer. That huge maul looked like a solid lump of metal, yet the cyborg was strong enough to wield it with only a little slowdown.

Tempest’s right arm was still numb. As the hammer whistled towards her combinations and options flew to her mind. She lacked the dexterity at that moment to properly deflect it, and if it hit her it would certainly cause massive harm.

Enyo was on her suddenly, alarmingly so. The Dahomian jumped back, and in doing so stumbled backward, her lightsabre deactivating but staying barely in hand.

Reaching out her left hand from her partly prone position, Tempest unleashed a blast of lightning right at Enyo’s chest and head. Scalding, crawling arcs of blue energy spat from her hand at her foe. It was what she was known for after all, and it’d be a shame to disappoint!

If the lightning managed to short out anything her opponent carried…all the better. At the least it’d give her some time to regain her position and fight back.

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