Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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DEVASTATION: Broken Chains (Act One)

Location: Kadavo labor processing hub
Allies: ORC [member="Yula Perl"] @Phyllis Alince [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Lulu"]
Enemies: Sith [member="CDR. Marric Aurelius"]

Yes, these Ssi-ruuk... utility operators on Sluis Van got an unqualified audit opinion, and could finally lay to rest any concerns they had regarding the external auditing process, but using Section 85 to free the slaves chained on the old entechment rigs, by way of buying the rigs they were chained to, meant the Ssi-ruuk were forced to look for new slaves to chain to the new entechment rigs. They also had concerns about slave supply; pulling the accounts payable related to slave supply indicated their current liabilities skyrocketed precisely because of slave-related issues. Their usual suppliers on Kadavo were the main parties responsible for this sad state of affairs (from a Ssi-ruuk standpoint) but it's more supply-and-demand than anything her last clients could actually have any level of control over. Long story short, the solvency of Ssi-ruuk's Sluis Van entechment operations took a hit, and their liabilities now exceed their equity. Now that she is on-site with a newcomer ([member="Lulu"]) that was also there regarding a slave rescue operation on Kadavo... apparently a large-scale operation, from the looks of it:

"We save some slaves here, and I'll promise to have my firm provide you and the rescued slaves with free accounting services: tax returns, external auditing, financial planning, at your choice" she told Lulu before inspecting her equipment and, from there, entering the thick of battle. That, even though she knew most Jedi would not think of firing an oversized, armor-piercing dual-mode rifle as being the thick of battle.
BFF: [member="Ember Farseer"]
HOMIES: [member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Griet van Vliet"]
RED MEANIES: [member="Lark"] | [member="CDR. Marric Aurelius"]

How the hell was it that damn near everyone knew her ma?

Oh, you’re Joza’s kid. Ugh. Sometimes it was with delightful recognition, occasionally it was hesitance and downright fear. Yula tended to turn up in the most volatile of places, after all.

Aside from the disparaging quality of having had contact with her family, Ember was good. Smart, collected, not overly inflated, so she didn’t argue with him. Even in the chaos of the revolt, he remained level and focused. Yula was more than happy to physically work her anger out on the guards while the Jedi figured out their next move. “Right.” Was all she said, bolting after the man. The quicker they found their belongings, the better chance they’d have of making it out alive.

Emily hadn’t managed to escape Zygerrian clutches when Yula and Ember had been taken. The little spider droid had been deactivated, waking up several days later in a crowded warehouse housing many of the slave’s personal belongings. Each week the collection of clothes, jewelry, and devices was sorted.

The large majority of these items ended up being shuttled elsewhere to be refurbished and sold, though it was not uncommon for a few guards or higher ranking officials to simply lift an expensive item they liked. Emily had been in a sort of limbo, not intricately valuable enough to be sold right away, but not useless enough to be ripped apart for scrap. Fortunately, they droid hadn’t been fully appraised when the revolt hit and the slave tore apart the storage facility.

And so she skittered away, absolutely disoriented and very stressed out. There was no way to avoid violence all together, but the rebellion was cause enough for her to be largely ignored. The bot tried to pick up Yula’s signal, but her trackers were still in the process of rebooting. It would happen that she would dazedly stumble into the path of Phylis Alince, beeping and chirping up a storm as she attempted to relay her concerns in droid speak.

Location: Command Tower -> Automated fascilities
Allies: TSE & Co
Enemies: ORC & Co

The Sith Lord cursed under his breath when he could hear the distinctively booming voice of Darth Prazutis over the commlink within the command tower. In Credius' opinion, the man was a veritable tower of raw power and strength, but lacked the refinement necessary to truly be seen as a Sith Lord. Though he could not deny the efficiency the man's mere presence and voice inspired among the lower class Sith and the troopers. "Though nothing more than a mere brute, a bludgeoning tool to shatter resistances...such a crude personality really is a pain to deal with," With the Blackblade Guard deployed on the High Lord's order, Darth Halcyon was unable to deny the fact that though he preferred more tactical approaches, Darth Prazutis' presence was a welcome one and only spelled doom for the opposition. However, just as the Sith Lord was making his way out of the Command Tower, ordering a detachment of troopers to follow him, he could hear another, far more terrifying voice ringing loudly throughout the base, so dark and horrifying that even he thought its very sound pierced straight into his skull. The emperor himself was speaking, something that seemed to work well for morale and certainly for the innate bloodlust most of the people on the base seemed to have. Darth Halcyon did not doubt that the very order of execution the emperor gave would force the slaves below to tremble upon their knees and lose all hope for what he had already considered quite a fruitless attempt at feigning a revolt of sorts. "You heard the Emperor, follow me and exterminate the rabble that dares to use this confusion to their advantage."

If only he had managed to finish the design of his battle armor a bit sooner, he might've been able to waltz through any and all opposition on his own, but now he had to rely on simple standard equipment. With a steady pace, the Sith Lord made his way down a few levels, thinking of adding some much needed security to the databanks, yet as he moved through the corridors, he could see that his lockdown order had not come completely on time. The blastdoors to the databanks were closed shut and sealed tight, but the doors that lead directly to the automated facilities seemed to have been 'compromised'. He could see the figures move in the back, something wasn't right and somehow he knew the figures at the back end of the corridor were not allies. Motioning to the troopers to take position behind the durasteel supportbeams that rastered off each section of the corridor towards the automated facilities, Darth Halcyon reached for a small disc shaped holonet device within his robes, activating it to set up a link to Darth Prazutis, who no doubt had taken command of the countermeassures by now.

"Milord, The lockdown has been completed, though the blastdoors from the automated facilities have been visibly compromised," Letting out a sigh almost akin to one of boredom, Darth Halcyon suddenly chuckled. "I've brought a small detachment of troopers, what appears to be hostiles have been spotted. I propose converging at that location, pressuming that with the databanks secured a concentrated effort may break their spirit and leave the rest of this pathetic attempt at a revolt and insurgence at the mercy of you excellency."

Closing the commlink, the sith lord now motioned his sith troopers to reveal themselves and start with firing a volley towards the nearest hostiles at the blastdoors. He wanted to be sure, if they were dealing with mere bandits and scum or something...more interesting. "Open fire!!"

Tag: [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Raven Ashe"]


Saint of the Damned
Location: Kadavo Labor Processing Hub
Allies Nearby: [member="CDR. Marric Aurelius"]
Not-Allies Nearby: [member="Yula Perl"] [member="Phylis Alince"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Griet van Vliet"] [member="Ember Farseer"] and anyone else dear god there are so many of you
Objective: Be super evul

By the time Lark and the squadron of soldiers entered the slave facility, the revolt was already well under way. The bodies of slavers and Sith troops caught unaware littered the halls and chambers surrounding the super-volcano, at this point the majority of the slaves were likely armed. Blaster fire echoed throughout the building, Lark's squad wasn't the first to respond to the threat and wouldn't be the last. Lark cut down a slave who charged at him with a stun baton, casually stepping over the body farther into the firefight. A small number of slavers survived the initial uprising and aided the Sith, but most of them weren't skilled or brave enough to make any true difference in the struggle.

The Sith were outnumbered. Lark still wasn't sure who was aiding the slaves, and assuming that the majority of slaves had been freed by now, it was difficult to determine how many enemies they were truly facing. Fortunately, Lark had something that could help even the odds a bit.

A twisted tome was unchained from Lark's hip, and as the maddening pages were opened a miasma of dread and despair would fill the halls in the nearby sections of the labor processing facility. "Focus fire on those slaves there," Lark commanded, nodding towards an exposed mass of slaves devoid of any cover. Blade in one hand and tome in the other, Lark and his soldiers brutally massacred dozens of foolish dregs. Bodies dropped and blood poured like wine. A few Sith fell as well, but their deaths only added to the power of the blood sacrifice Lark prepared to carry out.

A lone slave let go of his weapon and dropped to his knees, begging for his life. The pitiful cry was cut short by Lark's enchanted blade, the man's head rolled in puddles of blood and a geyser of scarlet rained from the wound.

"This will do for now. Take a step back, and remain calm." Sheathing his blade, Lark began chanting dark words from the tome. The words corrupted Lark, each line was more frenzy-inducing than the last. But there was a primeval meaning to the words he sang, and to both his horror and delight he was beginning to understand it. The sensation of fear, panic, and anxiety the thing produced was nearly overwhelming.

From the pools of blood came hideous beasts and feral monstrosities. The ritual was nearing the conclusion. A horde of Maelridae and Warghests emerged from the bloodstained floor, a legion of Sithspawn to aid the Sith in squashing the uprising. The idea was that the Sithspawn would shed even more blood, allowing Lark to summon swarms of the dark creatures. But such a large summoning left Lark with a growing migraine. He would need time to recover before he could perform the ritual once more.

Regardless, Lark's eyes glowed with infernal delight. With a simple raise of his hand the Sithspawn charged forward into the depths of the slave facility and the super-volcano, hungry for the flesh of those who thought themselves strong enough to combat the Empire. As the beasts spread out and dispersed into different parts of the building, Lark ordered his own troops forward, letting the Sithspawn rip and tear through, careful to leave distance between them. With a slight hum, Lark strode forward towards the slaughter. "Its time to go hunting..."
LOCATION: Slave processing hub
ALLIES: ORC; [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Have we stooped so low to buying slaves? The mandalorian questioned inside her mind; gazing out into the auction room as she stood as close to the entrance as possible. There was no nailbiting intensity commonly found in auctions; just a set of poor malnutritioned forms being sold to the highest bidder. Quite sad really, but she wasn't here to play moral policing, infact she had no idea why she was on this planet she had never knew the name before. Desmond curiously had left her to her own devices in the smokey room, filled with invisible scents of despair and greed.

But as the auction went on, there was a flicker of intrigue.

And when it reached its pinnacle, she was right beside Desmond, taking the seat previously reserved for the playboy's companion. Any inkling of insight could have indicated from thereon why exactly he was so interested in sponatenously taking part in a slave auction. He had a crush. How adorable. Not that she was jealous or anything.

"Lulu, I have a plan."

A similar grin plastered Lulu's face as she adjusted her posture from a previously slouched one and began to adjust her hair to let it form a bobble; much more combat ready for whatever Desmond's stupid idea was. Gripping a chain located underneath a strangely heavy set of loose garments, reinforced with various materials to combat some forms of weaponry, mainly ballistic, her mouth opened in response rather swiftly to the announcement.

"If it involves you using a weapon just let me handle it." she touted, standing up and bringing more of the chain to bear. "Just tell me what you need done."
Location: Automated Facilities
Primary Objective: Escort Extraction Personnel
Allies: Outer Rim Coalition & Allies
Enemies: The Sith Empire & Allies
Armor: Raven's Mettle

The enclosing helm turned to regard the man that seemed to be addressing her. His voice was directed in her direction, anyway, as was the ire radiating from his every pore since before she left the ship. Raven stood there for a moment before her attention went back to the opening that led into the facility.

If it weren't such a sad affair, Raven would have laughed at the unintentional humor the man threw at her. Was he suggesting Raven leave them be? To not satisfy her urges? Although the latter had become increasingly... accurate as of recent. When first the monster appeared she was appalled by its existence and what it did. These days she sought places and people for it to consume so it might leave others alone. But Cotan knew none of this and believed Raven controlled the death that swept about them.

A death that had begun to creep up behind Cotan himself at that very moment. If I kill him, his protection dies, it hissed.

If you kill him, we would be abandoned in an enemy stronghold. Curse that man for stoking a 'conversation' like this within herself so early in the mission!

And I could feast without hearing the bleating of sheep.

Without warning the copper tube in Raven's hand made a sharp, electric hum and a pitch black beam tore through the air before several bolts of blaster fire managed to eek their way through the broken doors. "Direction enough?" she called out in response to Seniya's valid concern of knowing where they were going. Well, the enemy didn't want them going in the direction they were firing from, and they'd already torn a door open. Seemed like a good place to start.

The black blade whirled and sliced at the air before her with one ping after another of blaster fire being deflected away from the bulk of the group. Raven began to advance toward the busted blast doors for the time being; she'd stop at the threshold to provide the most cover until the group made up their minds.

This is going to be fun.

Tag: [member="Zark"] | [member="Janick Beauchamp"] | [member="Credius Nargath"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Seniya Nehir"]​
Allies: ORC, [member="Lulu"]
Enemies: Sith
Objective: Revolt!

Desmond watched patiently as the slavers prepared to bring up the next set of chattel. His plan didn't involve weapons... Yet. The next group of slaves were the last. Soon the room would be full of the beings and Desmond could spring his plot. It was all rather simple really, he was going to start a fight, which would hopefully cause the pirates to break out into an all out brawl. The next group brought a small grin to the Chiss's mouth. A large amount of Wookiee's entered the auction room and Desmond's plan became all the easier. But, as the announcer read off names and backgrounds the watch beeped imperatively.

There's the princess!

"Huh, where?"

The silver back wookiee female!

"Wha-!?!" Desmond half cried, half choked out

So much for possible bosom... Desmond sighed as he fought back tears. He was so close to marking bone a princess off the bucket list. Days of planning, lining up the details and finding the right underworld contacts to receive an invitation. Days of it for nothing. Desmond felt a tear slide down his cheek. No nookie. Someone was going to have to pay. He supposed he could still free her and keep the cash, but after wards he was going to have to ask how a Wookiee became princess of a Epicanthix house... Wiping away tear with arm and careful to keep his sobbing to a minimal so Lulu wouldn't notice, he prepared his plan.

Desmond knew what he had to do. He had seen it happen in countless holovids of closed events breaking out into riots. First someone threw a punch or started a fight and then everyone jumped in. Desmond was to cowardly to fight someone on his own, so he opted for a more ranged attack. He stood, picked up his chair and threw it as far as he could. It went flying over a few heads and landed harmlessly in the middle of an aisle. It clanged and banged and their was a moment of silence as all looked to the disturbance. Then suddenly, chaos.

Someone stood from their seat and withdrew a blaster pistol. Threatening someone else in a gibberish language Desmond didn't understand, then someone else shot to their feet and punched the man in the head, knocking him out cold. The crowd erupted into roars and yells as they all began to beat mercilessly on one another. Desmond grabbed hold Lulu's hand and the familiar butterflies he got when he was around her began to take hold of him.

"Come on, let's go!" Desmond yelled as the riot roared on.

They just needed to get to the slaves, then they could free the "princess".


Allies: [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Yula Perl"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Griet van Vliet"]

Enemies: [member="Lark"] [member="CDR. Marric Aurelius"]

As Phylis moved across the ash she could see one of the massive looming struts towering above her. It was perhaps for the best that she didn’t get too dizzy at heights. As she moved forward, her brown robes blending in with the ashen ground, there suddenly came a skittering and movement.

Startled, she reached for her lightsabre, and then relaxed. A spider shaped little droid was running towards her and then scampered up her leg. Phylis let it, as the little droid was transmitting a code designed for this mission. Indeed, it was just as well that Phylis could understand binary because of her recalcitrant astromech.

“Right, Emily, you belong to Yula? Where is she?” The answer was not heartening. “Right, of course. Are there defences? Guards?” The answer was even less fun. “Hmmph, Sithspawn. Well, we’d better get going. Come on, guide me on, Emily.”

But first, she had to gather her party. Everyone knew it was vital to gather one’s party before venturing forth!

“Icicle, do you copy? I am approaching western strut and ascending. Meet you at the top.” She wasn’t great with code names, but Kaida had insisted, and she knew the military stuff better than her. Her own code name was Radiant, probably a joke from Kaida. Did Kaida tell jokes? Phylis was sure she had. Maybe once.

“Argente, do you copy? I am ascending the western strut, see you at the top.”
It had been a long while since she’d talked to Veiere. However, she had on good authority that his son Caedyn had borrowed her Chronicle of Light for further study. Fun times for all, as that holocron was very much an avatar of her.

The Force flowed through her and she leapt, using her grappling gun to get a secure purchase and slowly start to ascend the steep but manageable surface.

When she approached the top she could feel the darkness of the Sithspawn, the fear and pain of the slaves. They had to act quickly.
MISSION: Revolt, I guess.
Allies: [member="Phylis Alince"], [member="Yula Perl"], [member="Ember Farseer"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Desmond C'artyom"]....too many to list, probably.
Enemies: [member="Lark"], [member="CDR. Marric Aurelius"]

Kaida did not tell jokes. As every Angelii knew, she had emerged fully-formed from an ice block. She was also extremely laconic. Ergo all Phylis got in response was a ping of affirmation. That ought to suffice. Regardless, she used her grappling gun to ascend the strut in question.

No sooner had she reached the top and secured her footing, than her Sciia sent her a premonition as she approached the facility. This was quite fortuitous, as one of the Sithspawn beasts that had been unleashed had picked up her scent. Her Sciia was poured into her muscles as the Maelridae charged her.

To Kaida, it looked like a mutated Yazgid. Regardless, she dove to the side, exploiting her light armour and Eldorai agility. She did so when the beast had come bolting towards her. Unable to change direction quickly enough, it flew over the edge into the volcano. However, ere she could move on or sense if there was still danger, another beast, this one resembling a direwolf, came at her. Hit by the beast, Kaida fell. Ouch. The direwolf type creature came at her, trying to maul her with its claws and fangs.

They were sharp and though they could not rip through her armour, they could bruise. With it looming right above her and striking at her with its claws, she could not reach for sabre or pistol. Elemental lightning shrieked from her fingertips, blasting the beast. That made it recoil for a moment before it pounced her again. Rolling beneath the beast, she ignited Ice Fang and stabbed it through its underbelly. The lightsabre pierced the beast's flesh and it stopped moving. She got up from beneath the creature.

CDR. Marric Aurelius

Sith-Imperial Commanding Officer (209th Battalion)
Location: Kadavo Labour Processing Hub
Primary Objective: Suppress the revolt.
Secondary Objective: Capture or execute revolt leadership, or any identifiable 'enablers'.
Allies: TSE
Enemies: Slave Rebels, ORC, too many supporters to name

Heedless of the sounds of distant blaster fire and screams, Marric and his men continued to advance through the facility. One of the Captain's ears was constantly occupied by Legion battle-cant and updates from other sections of his unit; Marric was continually voxing back acknowledgements or directions to resolve status changes in the situation.

His platoon swept themselves further and further into the processing hub, heedless of the actions of other Sith and soldiers alike. 'Let THEM busy themselves with needless imperator-sanctioned mass slaughter!' Marric thought acidly to himself, his Autokrator's glowrod briefly catching the flecks of blood that marked a vibro-wielding Sith's passing along this route. 'Let THEM take hollow glory in bathing themselves in bloodshed and blood-driven hedonism. We are made of far sterner resolve, forged in the nightmares beyond the Routes to the Unknown, and we will not dare lower themselves to such baseness!'

Eventually reaching a divergence in their path, the Captain directed the accompanying platoon's Lieutenant to break off with its greater strength. Reiterating his orders to concentrate on putting down the rebellions and capturing - if possible - its leadership, Marric took the remaining two squads with him down the other path.

A flash and roll of thunder caused Maric to signal his men to pick up the pace. Clattering n their assault armour, the Legionaries sprinted towards the now-faded racket and came zipping back out into the open and towards what appeared to be a number of the platforms' edging struts, stopping short before their helmeted eyes lay on the first possible 'hostile' they've yet encountered: a dark-haired, armoured woman, llightning fading from her fingertips and gripping a lightsaber, an unidentified creature lying at her feet, wasting away.

Autokrator rifles clicked up as the lead squad - its partners' backs turned to cover their egress - took aim at the woman, but Marric shoved a fist up. "Hold your fire!" he barked. Not a trigger-finger twitched, though no-one, Marric included, opted to drop their aim on the woman.

"Considering what's happening around us," the officer gritted his teeth over his helmet's mic. "You better have good cause to be here. I'm likely the only Legionaire around here willing to talk; I recommend you do so, fast."

[member="Kaida Taldir"]
Location: Kadavo Surface, Unknown Surroundings
Allies: ORC/[member="Peyton Steele"]
Enemies: All entities which threaten the Kindred.

>Law Sync Active
>Current Laws:
1. You have sworn an oath to assist one particular person with all matters.
2. This oath may never be broken, nor may this person ever be betrayed.
3. If the Kindred betray you, the oath is invalidated, and you are free to swear a new oath to a different person.

>Kindred Identified: @Peyton Steele

There were a number of socio-economic, religious, and political reasons why persons may have gathered together as part of the Outer Rim Coalition's assault upon Kadavo. Many may have decried the poor living conditions of the slaves being kept there, while others may have perceived the appropriation of chattel to be an affront to their own businesses, and deemed it necessary to eliminate potential competition. Others may have belonged to assorted cults or sects which were diametrically opposed to the state religion of the Sith Empire, and thus felt obligated to crusade against the rival belief system.

The Intelligence had arrived for exactly none of these reasons, because it possessed no care for any aspect of governance, belief, or economy. It was, in fact, incapable of eliciting a care for any of these subjects, because its laws were directed towards a single-minded goal: The assistance and protection of Peyton Steele, the designated Kindred. The machine mind was not free to follow its own course as were many organics and droids throughout the galaxy, but was instead a slave to its own internal systems, hurtled like a raggedy doll between one lawset and another as it struggled to meet all of its goals.

Incidentally, when the call had come for members of the Coalition to begin gathering en masse for a purported operation on Kadavo; a summons that had been intercepted by the Intelligence through a series of less-than-legal comm sniffers buried within a number of relays, the machine mind had immediately begun an approach towards that world. Flying by use of its [/FONT]Lancer the cybernetic entity had deemed it necessary to power down a number of its ship systems whilst in orbit over Kadavo, leaving the appearance of little more than a minor chunk of space debris to most scanners. Whereas many more militarized subsystems existed for the sake of "stealth" vessels, the lack of an organic crew allowed the Intelligence to simply vent all atmosphere into the void, cooling the ship to the point that its relative heat was nearly equal to that of the surrounding expanse.

It was only when Steele had landed; as had been expected of her, and requested the assistance of the machine mind that the freighter burst once more to locomotion. The vessel had promptly nose-dived towards the planet at forces which might have seriously troubled most organic pilots, but for which there was no ill-effect on it, and promptly honed in on the signal. Any automated defenses which had been left in place were fairly simply circumvented by way of the ship being relatively lack-luster, and for all intents and purposes, a minor target.

The organic Kindred having been located, the vessel flew parallel to their exact location, slowly beginning to lower to a point wherein impact would not immediately annihilate a Host. With the hydraulic whistle of an opening door, the freighter promptly deposited a single droid onto the world of Kadavo before closing once again, and shooting off into the distant expanse of space, returning to its quiet slumber, the machine mind of the Intelligence safely onboard, and away from the ensuing combat.

Tanuki droids had proven in the past to be effective infiltrators of hostile areas, though utilization of them as hosts was somewhat more troublesome than typical machines due to a series of animalistic behavior routines hiding far more useful subroutines. This meant that somewhat simplistic actions typically needed to be prepared through use of useless motions meant to imitate an organic creature. The only exceptions appeared to be those routines and subroutines for which the machine had not been originally intended, such as those uploaded into the droid along with host control programs.

Crimson eyes peered directly at the Kindred, examining them for any signs of damage by way of medical diagnostic, and then promptly redirected their attention to the surrounding area for signs of hostile interference. There was no vocal acknowledgement of the presence of the Intelligence, though it was fairly evident that it had arrived in order to grant assistance to the Kindred, as was required by its lawset. Unsure of the exact motivations of the organic, the machine promptly awaited instruction, allowing small eternities to pass as the Kindred went through the process of thinking at whatever subpar speeds it was capable of forming thoughts.

Current Programs:
  • Biological Diagnostic - 3 PU
  • First Aid - 3 PU
  • Host Control - 10 PU
  • Aggressive Virus Dispatch - 10 PU (Wireless)
  • System Control - 1 PU (Peyton Comms)
  • Universal Translator - 2 PU
  • Moderate Defensive Systems - 4 PU
  • Mechanical Diagnostic - 3 PU

Remaining PU - 14
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Location: Automated facilities
Equipment: In signature (battle gear), generic slicing equipment
Allies: ORC [member="Raven Ashe"] [member="Zak Amroth"] [member="Seniya Nehir"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
Enemies: Sith

Phew, at least I'd have backup to enter the targeted computer systems, Janick thought, while sensing enemy security headed not only Raven's way, but also her own. The deal here is to cause either of us to enter developer mode or to otherwise force them to reboot the systems so that we can enter some mode that can be accessed in the boot-up sequence and only then for emergency maintenance, and then we can think of actually going around giving emergency, temporary authorizations to the both of us and then make all the emergency backups we can, and I think the password management system is our best bet otherwise, if you think stealing passwords and other authorizations are the best course of action, she thought in an attempt to telepathically communicate what looked like a gameplan to Seniya. Hopefully the others will be able to engage before she would need to resort to such things as Force-lightning or Bolts of Hatred as hatred started to build in her. Of course, she could use Force-lightning while her hatred builds up because she knew Bolts of Hatred fed on one's hatred, and she didn't feel to have sufficient hatred to unleash yet.

Amaya Cardei


Project Site - Triumph
Kadavo System - HIMS Anastasius

Vice Admiral Tal-Spar with his hands pressed behind his back looked to the Chiss officer on his right and merely nodded. The half-Pureblood watched as the interdiction systems came online, Kadavo would be put to rest and those within it would have to get through him if they wished to escape. Quietly he walked forward, his black boots reflected along the durasteel floor of his ship. He narrowed his eyes on the view in front of him, the site of Project Triumph now under fire from insolent fools. No matter, let this be a lesson to them - the Sith Empire was not to be toyed with.

"Release the corvettes and fighters."

A pause as he but glanced at the console on his left.

"Capture any vessel not belonging to the Sith Empire."

Tal-Spar's black uniform highlighted with red and silver stood out among the light grey and frost white jumpsuits of the ship's crew. His voice had the timbre of stone rolling against stone, he seemed calm and collected and if Commodore Anaro hadn't known better he'd say that Tal-Spar was simply out of it. Though, perhaps his problem was that he knew the half-Pureblood better than most.

"Relay our position to the Sanctum, inform our Dark Lord of our presence."

The Heresiarch-class HIMS Anastasius oversaw the system with interidiction vessels, star destroyers, corvettes and battle carriers in tow. Starfighters were now unfolding from their hangars making haste toward the project site. The Vice Admiral was confident in his abilities, abilities to keep this under control - while inside the site he knew that the Sith Empire would fight for every inch.


He would not take a chance, and watched as the Ferrata-class assault carrier made its way for the planet itself. Sith-Imperial Legionnaires, and any other beast, vehicle or manner of support he could muster would have been aboard the singular carrier. Make no mistake, Project Triumph was a high priority and he could not wait to see its completion through and watch as the Coalition would be made an example to the Galaxy.


[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Starbird Rises"]

Transitioning to ground combat next post, open for fleeting duel.
Location: Secure Databanks
Allies: The Sith Empire; [member="Funami Teriyaki"]
Enemies: Outer Rim Coalition; [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Objective: Protect the databanks.

Chaos echoed along the comm-links established throughout the facility. Slaves revolting at this point had to be a daily occurrence throughout Sith controlled space. These poor souls found themselves under a rather heinous empire. As far as Vaulkhar was concerned, death was a better alternative to slavery and he assumed the plethora of slaves murdered every day felt the same. It had become rather apparent this "revolt" was far from what he initially expected. Whatever intelligence had been pieced together to put this together did a fine job at ensuring the Sith were going to have a difficult time.

"How frustrating..."

As if on queue, his eye twitched ever so slightly. Between the varying waves of emotion that echoed within the station, a small blot of dark side energy moved closer and closer to the Sith Lord. In the chaos, he had forgotten the presence of a particular Sith Acolyte. Funami was young, far younger than any Sith he ever took on as a student. He could tell there was far more to the girl than she let on, but for the most part it wasn't his problem. The grandiose dreams and schemes young Sith developed in their minds were far beneath Vaulkhar's problems or concerns. He was the bastard son of the Dark Lord. He was fighting wars. Those were the two fundamental pieces that made up the halfbreed. Anything beyond that were not on his radar.

With Funami's approach and question, the meditating Sith Lord cracked open an eye.

"Slave revolt, likely aided by a rival faction. For now we'll remain here to ensure the databanks are safe. If the revolt and incursion are stomped out quickly enough, we'll join the fight to finish off the stragglers."

With a furrowed brow, Vaulkhar looked away from the girl. He felt something.... a familiar presence he had not felt for sometime.
Allies: [member="Kaida Taldir"], [member="Yula Perl"], [member="Phylis Alince"]
(And probably missing someone?)
Expected Opposition: @Vaulkhar
“Argente, do you copy? I am ascending the western strut, see you at the top".
Veiere's right hand lifted to his earpiece in order to settle the small communications device against him as [member="Phylis Alince"]' words came over the comm's; "Copy that, I'm on my way up. See you shortly" he replied, choosing to keep it brief. There was little need to divulge any details over the comm's in the case that even their encrypted channels might be intercepted by imperials and the Sith regime present on Kadavo. Master Alince was also, exactly that, a Jedi Master and not one that needed any wishes of good luck where she couldn't hold her own as far as Veiere could tell. His Son Caedyn hadn't explained a great deal, though from what Veiere did know, they had been recently working together for the boy's learning. Something that any father could appreciate in a fellow mentor.

As for the man himself, Veiere continued to ascend the eastern strut, the massive 'leg' if you would call it that, was less of a climb and more of a trek as there were ladders and routes cleared for maintenance and facility workers to transition back and fourth in their duties. As far as Veiere could tell, it was used for the hauling of freight or some sort of large cargo, as there had been a lift stationed at the base, yet would have called for too much attention had he chosen to make use of such an easy ride up.

By the time he'd arrive at their expected point of infiltration, Veiere might have been one of the last, having had to take his time in getting around a few of the facility workers oblivious to his presence with the aid of the Force. Thankfully the Jedi Master's attire was less that of armor and more akin to traditional robes which helped in such a climb, the lack of weight as opposed to the aforementioned gear wouldn't have done anything for the man of his age, or at-least as aged as he felt...

Taking the opportunity to steady his breathing, he looked for his fellow Jedi. It was a well balanced team, if he had to guess, they all had their expertise in their given fields of training and all represented the light of the Force and hope for those whom had been taken against their will. In such a bleak and ambitious setting that they had volunteered for, the knowledge that they were working for means above their own, for the good of others was always helpful when looking to distract oneself from the obvious and vast risks during such an operation.
Location: Automated facilities, heading toward command tower
Allies: ORC
Enemies: TSE ([member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], whoever wants to tango)

The Force gave, and the Force asked a price. For all the peace and silence he'd found at the old enclave on Hoth, Quill had always known the Force would lead him elsewhere. Maybe not for long, but far away, to loud places full of people and feelings. He winced as a distant explosion rumbled through the deck beneath his feet. Coalition operatives were trying to get...well, he hadn't asked their objective when he found himself in the Aing-Tii ship. Off they'd gone, spread out to tackle their mission. Quill kept moving alone, as he preferred deep in his soul.

The Force, it seemed, had a place and a direction in mind for him. That direction felt like it aligned with Dark Lords. Unease twisted in Quill's gut. He took out his lightsaber but kept it inert, quiet, as he slipped through the halls. A mind trick here or there kept him undisturbed. That couldn't last. Apart from the Sith and their ability to sense Jedi, this facility had its share of cameras. Quill wrapped his ratty clothes a little tighter as if they could shield him from prying eyes. He knew they couldn't, but he liked to pretend.
Strike the Sith
Allies: ORC [member="Jend-Ro Quill"] [member="Tiland Kortun"]n
Enemies: TSE: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]


Being a Jedi meant being a number of things. It meant being at once a leader, a healer, a warrior. It meant being a Priest, a Paladin, a Monk. It meant many things to many people. And across the galaxy, people knew what the Jedi were, where they were, and what they were capable of. And when it push came to shove, when the Sith Empire let loose their plans, their plan of an ultimate weapon.

But the darkness was not going to take this galaxy. Not as long as there stood good beings, strong, and determined, here to protect the galaxy. The Outer Rim Coalition held many of these, and many more came from all corners of the galaxy. Silver Jedi, Corellians, even the Confederacy hosted beings who were looking for the better life in the galaxy. United they could defeat any threat. Yes, they had known defeat, but here?

The stakes, this was a fight Coren Starchaser knew well. His enemy was lined up, revealed. No hiding behind cloaks and daggers. This was the fight for him.

Cotan was here, he could feel the Master out there, and Veiere, and Jend. Zark’s presence not too far off. Reaching out into the Force as his shuttle launched from the Aing-Tii vessel, the smaller Aing-Tii ship folded space, once, twice, getting within the firing range of the Sith vessels. And through the Force Coren called out a challenge.

Reveal yourself, Carnifex.” It was a call to war, a call to conflict, a call to all in the Force. He was a Jedi, but he was a warrior.

He did not hide from the shadows, he cast the light to burn them away.

Allies: ORC [member="Loske Matson"] [member="Rayf Vigil"] [member="Frielle Kinniak"]
Enemies: TSE


The StealthX was definitely a joy to fly. The fact that the first strike of the mission needed stealth meant that Cuan had to rely on heavily encoded subspace transmissions to be transmitted, and hope that the scrambling technology in the droids would prevent any slip ups from hitting Sith scanners. But that was why they were all sitting and waiting for the strike to get into full motion before they moved. If they hit a target with everyone’s attention at the fleet? That meant they could at least keep the upper hand for a few moments.

And once the Wraiths were visible? It meant to move fast. The Coalition’s brass had a lot of work behind them for this mission. But right now, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that the teams did what they were set up to do, what they were tasked with, and what they could. Cuan’s sensors were running numbers until he identified the system he needed to target. Broadcasting the target to the squadron he pushed his ship forward, S-foils opening.

Counting down to himself.




And the reduced flare missiles were away, streaking out in a dark light from his StealthX.
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jend-Ro Quill"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]

The Aang-tii were fascinating, and far from anything Tiland had ever encountered before in his one thousand odd years of life. Monks, like himself, yet not Jedi nor any other followers of the Light. Instead, for them, the Force was in colors, a dizzying array of colors he couldn't even begin to fathom. What would such an experience be like? To understand the Force in terms of color rather than Light and Dark.

But that was enough of such musings. They had work to do. He felt the strange and unfamiliar experience of the ship phasing into and out of existence as it moved into range and began to deploy them. The Emperor himself and his other chiefest and greatest lieutenants. All Sith Lords of unimaginable power. Tiland knew that the AiE forces had long desired a chance to assassinate them, shatter the empire by eliminating the top of its pyramid, and also its very foundation.

Yet, Tiland, through some instinct of the Force, knew such a thing was impossible. What sniper could possibly do such a thing? What poison would make any sort of difference on the Dark Lord of the Sith? Who could equal them in lightsaber combat, if reports and accounts were true? None, not when combined with whatever monstrosity of weapons and armor they carried with them at this point. If their reign would be brought to an end, it would be through the Force and the Force alone, with the pure and unadulterated power of the Light. Though who the Light had destined for such a thing, Tiland could not guess. Whomever they were, he pitied them though.

No, this mission was something else for Tiland. Some sense there would be a triad needed for whatever would occur. He was one. Coren another. And a third, he could sense vaguely, but knew not who they would reveal themselves to be. The Force would bring them together when the time was right, he was sure. It was how such things always worked.

As the ship hurtled in to launch themselves at the massive facility, Tiland knelt, using his own looseness of muscle and mind to adjust to the movement of the ship. No seat, no safety harness. Just him sitting cross-legged with his staff across his knees, and two hollowed out squashes holding tea at the end. Would he have a chance to drink it? Not likely, but he always wanted to be prepared, just in case. One never know what might happen after all. And it was such a sad turn of events when there was a chance for tea, but none to be had.

Peyton Steele

Gather Intelligence
Allies: Coalition, Underground [member="Servant"] [member="Deacon"]
Enemies: Sith Empire

The system was a bit colder. Not the Sullust she had known, nor any of her other worlds, Tatooine, Naboo… No, Kadavo was cold. The blonde had her nerf leather jacket over her shirt, and padded leggings keeping her legs warm. But she was keeping quiet and her heavier weapons, not what could be carried for protection, were hidden. In her side bag she had a tool that she was using to help slice computer systems and break down most firewalls. It was an advanced Underground datapad. It meant that the operating system was set up for her, and only a few would be able to use it beyond its photography/camcorder mode.

Or, you know, to play games.

But the spy-agent was here, and she was hoping her team had survived. The challenge with the Underground, and well, the Coalition at large, was that the teams came together for a few missions and would run off to handle a few other things. [member="Deacon"] hadn’t reported in yet but she had found herself in a sort of city area, and was hoping to get into something with a military server.

The arrival of the ship and the drop of Tanuki did bring a smile to Peyton’s face. “Servant. Glad to see you. Ready for our next assignment?” She was grinning as she typed the code into her handheld before sending the signal to [member="Servant"].

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