Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did we Just Die?

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[member="Ayden Cater"]

So once the event is over and the senate is restored are you guys just going to keep slamming the republic? You guys can attack and do whatever you want during this event, hell I'll even provide NPC resistance and help you guys through to a victory. But what concerns me is when this is over these writers don't deserve to have everything they enjoy taken down over someone else's mistake.

If it's the former just add me to whatever plans you guys may have and I'll gladly RP a story with you guys as the victors :)


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Commander Lusk"]

That's fine, but IC consequences for IC actions will occur. People made the mistake of attacking corporations who, in turn, called in favors. Other corporations flocked to help those affected and factions supporting those companies are turning to look at the Republic.

What is happening is entirely In Character. Very, very few people, if anyone at all, is acting Out Of Character. Actions were made, Consequences are coming. When you pick a fight, you can't just arbitrarily go "Okay, I'm done, let's stop now". It's not like Civilization on Settler difficulty when you can go to war with someone, beat the crap out of them, then sue for peace before they can retaliate so you come away clean and dandy with a new medal on your chest. This is already snowballing and other snowballs are starting to roll downhill in an avalanche towards the republic.

As I said earlier, I wish the best of luck to your new FO. He's got quite a mess on his hands and this is the greatest threat the Republic has ever faced. I wish him the best of luck. He's going to need it.

EDIT: Didn't see you'd posted again. Short answer: Yes, the republic is probably going to get slammed even after the event. IC actions, IC consequences. If you guys wanted to keep it all internal to the faction, you shouldn't have flown off the handle and directly aggressed corporations out of nowhere.

Like I said, I'm more than happy to RP the resistance against you guys. You are all more than welcome to win against the clones, we are about telling a story and having fun. But I don't appreciate your threats to our faction owner and members.

I perfectly well understand the snowball effect, and this isn't real life. This is a Star Wars RP site. All I want is for when this is over is for the members of this faction to not have to deal with another person's mistakes. That's all I'm asking, do your worst right now, go ham and shoot things and wage corporate war, I'll even have Patricia join in to help. But when this is over and order is restored ICly this strong arming needs to stop.

You keep saying "you guys" or "you all" this is one person where we have said "hey leave corporations out of this." Because this was what would happen. You are bullying people after we've respectfully asked you to let this be resolved. This is bullying
Well, this has been interesting to watch so far. Looking forward to see how this goes.

At this point, Archangel and Firemane are neutral in this tussle. Well, Firemane's helping a friend evac his property, but beyond that it doesn't have a horse in the race thus far. Events will dictate whether things change.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Commander Lusk"]
I'm not and no one else is bullying anyone. Someone up top made a mistake, there are consequences for that mistake.

When the Russians sacked Berlin, they more or less wrecked it and looted the city. They ransacked what they wanted and the population suffered for it. At no point did it matter if the population had done anything wrong, all that mattered was that a German leader started the war, therefore Germany, and by extension its people, was at fault.

Not saying anyone is Russian or German or anything, just pointing out historically what your asking doesn't work. What's happening is a natural, IC reaction to someone's IC action. The fighting will continue after the event, most likely. There's ways to fix it, but those ways are IC, not an OOC request to back off and leave people alone. All actions have been IC, therefore if you want something done, do so IC.

Not trying to be a douche, not trying to be an ass, not trying to be 'that guy', I'm just trying to explain that because of one person's mistake, the faction has really stepped in it and various groups around the galaxy are IC'ly reacting with IC justification and a realist IC scale of force appropriate to the IC situation.
Well Beckett and a few others are pulling out of this whole mess and looking for the next best thing. The Republic has turned into little better than my previous masters, so it's Au revoir for me
[member="Commander Lusk"]

He is giving advice that he dealt with before. Popo ran the republic once, an he knows how little one action... no matter how small to the one that made it... can be reacted to in large ways. I will never agree with [member="Popo"] on everything, and while i do agree the spike in... hostility towards the republic should not last long as it will. Its going to happen and as popo said, the IC mistakes have been made, more than once. The Republic has for the last year and a half ever since Aleidas stepped down been stepping on toes on and off. At times we strike good streaks and at time we strike very bad ones like right now.

He is not attempting to bully anyone, he is simply pointing out that this will not just blow over when Gen is taken down. It will take an understanding of the position that the Republic is throwing itself into with this IC course. He is right, who ever takes over as IC leader better know how to act, as well as the OOC leadership in its dealings with other factions. Because if the person that takes over is not ready. It will only get worse.
When things like these happen, I am again and again and again fascinated by one single instance - how people do not know to cease a great RP opportunity even if it hits them in the head.

The Republic is effectively under coup-d-etat, with companies being nationalized. There will be consequences, like in real life. All revolutions, usually, start for a noble cause, but end up as a bloodbath.

I don't see why you complain. These are extraordinary circumstances with endless potential RP plots. How do senators react, who sides with whom...what about the army? Whom do the troops serve? What about the Jedi, with whom do they side? So exciting!

I think this "mistake" is brilliant. A part of me is jealous I am no longer part of Republic, since I could literally write a novel on such a simple, albeit all-encompassing premise!

Bravo to both parties who staged this!

You really just compared WW2, to a fictional Star Wars role play site. You just compared actual people dying, to what amounts to someone goofed up and and now we've made efforts to fix it.

Are you freaking joking? Am I the only person here who has any empathy? Is it me? Honestly I feel like I'm the only person here that would be cool with

"Hey sorry someone goofed here's your stuff back."



I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Commander Lusk"]
Um, yeah, yeah I did, because historical fact directly relates to a current IC situation. If that upset you, my apologies. It was not my intent to get anyone hot and bothered over events that happened nearly 90 years ago IRL, simply to draw an easily recognizable parallel.

You made actions, you will reap the consequences of them. If you're going to sit there and get upset because a group of people are taking the IC situation and reacting entirely IC'ly to it, then please stop tagging me in your posts.

As for empathy, I have plenty of it and am completely able to see things from the other side of the fence. That said, if all you're able to do is tag me and continually demand that the other side needs to stop when you say uncle because you asked them to OOC'ly, that will not happen and if you're going to keep trying to push it with said other side, you're going to be blue in the face very quickly.

I'll say it one last time and condense it as best I can.

IC actions, IC consequences. Want to fix it? Stop tagging the OOC and start doing the work IC'ly to fix things. All you're doing is annoying people who are trying to IC'ly roleplay without the OOC drama by creating drama.
I'll admit that I was somewhat hesitant (and still somewhat am), of this idea. I too would have preferred to have had more OOC communication between the various parties before this was launched. But the box is already opened now.

Assuming that most of us as writers are mature enough to separate the IC and the OOC, this is a unique opportunity that isn't likely to happen again (or at least any time soon).

Let's make the most of it as we transition to a new leadership team.
Alright, so... IC Actions of One Person can effect more than one person. No one would have guessed.

I have a suggestion, deal with IC problems IC. Its simple. Yeah, its a rough problem so that means clean up will probably be more difficult. Not an impossible thing to fix, but IC relationships are strained, people are gearing up for the long haul IC. OOC its a fun RP and after the fact bridges can be rebuilt. All you have to do is break out the brick and mortar once your event is over.

Also, be happy, this idea is pretty cool, and everyone seems to be enjoying it so far. Ignore the consequences of the Future, focus on the fun of today.

The difference between this and WW2, is that this is one crazy person, seizing power with a manufactured army which none of the state agrees with ICly. As opposed to Germany which had most of its society systematically turned into a war machine against the rest of the world. Yet, the reaction of all the corporations is: "Pull out and turn all guns on the WHOLE republic! NOW!" Like, with none of them batting an eye, as if the whole nation is the enemy. There was no deliberation over time, no real disbelief other than what was being said to each other, it was just a massive call to arms which everyone just instantly agreed with.

Rallying against a whole faction rather than one person... Seems a little pushed to me is all.

creating a whole third side in a war because a dude got detained and some assets were seized.

Its a tad extreme. You'd think companies would deal with things through pressure and diplomacy, not just turning guns on a faction.

The other thing is, that yes, things have consequences, but this really seems like something that was in the works for the corporations, the amount of hostility that was instantly jumped to was like a flash mob. I didn't realize that the republic was in a 50 year cold war with all private business which could lead to everyone being so jumpy. Cos thats how it comes across.

Just saying it might be a good idea to tone it down a little, you're making it really sound like you just wanna end the republic cos you're pushing it so hard. It's meant to be a fun plot-line, and should be treated as such, so, feel free to be realistic have your characters be horrified, but, you know OOCly you can go a little lighter on it, and of all the possible reactions your characters could take, you can choose the lighter paths because this is meant to be a contained story. xD


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Most of these corporations are more than just factories. Many have PMC units or subsidiaries, others have security units and fleet details. It's less that folks want to push it OOC'ly and that everyone wants to point their guns at the Republic and it's more that everything has sort of... run downhill.

When the Republic nationalized the corporations who were trying to distance themselves from the stuff that triggered it all that no one knew was an actual event, the corporations evaced or pushed back. Friends of those corporations or CEOs who owed favors to those corporations stepped in to help evac or push back. Factions that are entirely based around corporations (Techno Union) or were heavily tied into those corporations for one reason or another (Mandal Hypernautics, CEC, etc.) stepped in as well.

With everything televised, people are reacting. It's one hell of a snowball event, but everything so far has been entirely IC'ly driven and motivated.

The best that can happen is that the Republic stands strong, but bloodied and changed for the better.

The worst is that the republic crumbles and burns to ashes.

Thing is, though, ask any farmer or botanist. Ashes make the best soil for things to grow anew.

Yes, but now they know it is a plotline, and not just some crazy throwing an IC tantrum, and should act accordingly and begin to simmer it down a tad. Still keep the hostilities going, but you don't need to ICly curb-stomp a whole faction as your reaction to a few assets being seized. You don't go to war for some-one hacking your I-cloud. Ya-know?

You're business men. You could move to re-capture your assets, but burning the republic to the ground in a massive mob does not seem like a congruent course of action. xD


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Just because we now know of the event plotline literally changes absolutely nothing. The companies are reacting like you just said. They are moving to retake their assets.

There's just a lot of companies.

And those companies called in friends to help.

And those friends have friends that they're bringing in.

This eventually trickles in to factions smelling RPing on the wind and some good, drama-free story writing in the process, and so they react IC'ly because everyone else is reacting IC'ly.

No one is out to specifically target the Republic. Had this happened with any faction, this would probably be the result.

Just so happens that it is the Republic and the Republic needs to sort it out IC'ly. Otherwise, they're facing a war on all fronts and from within and without.
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