Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Did we Just Die?

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See, that's the issue, it should change your perception. It should change everything. Its the difference between fighting someone to be fun and flashy for a pre-determined ending, and trying to actively kill a player you don't like... it IS different. As it stands, your target is the republic, the narrative is coming across as 'republic this, republic that, republic stole, republic bad.' While, the crosshairs should be on Genevieve. 'Genevieve this, Genevieve that, Genevieve stole, Genevieve's crazy.'

Going after a character and her assets of a clone army, is very different than bearing down on a whole faction and ripping it into potentially nothing. lol

And, it's not the same thing, they are not congruent, because the people, non-clone militaries of the republic and literally almost every other world will be against Genevieve too. But you corporate peeps are coming across as ending the faction, not the target that should be being sighted.

Genevieve has put a fissure in the republic, and it seems unreasonable and kindof over-the top with the responses which have been thrown through.

Its the literal equivalent of the internet finding out new hermione was black.



Oh yeah, these fights are gonna rock, I'm all fine for some skirmishes, but the problem is, that every skirmish on this site ends with the handing over of a world.

Krenis Skirata


Those are invasions that hand over a world, not skirmishes. The one on Chazwa, for instance, will end with Chazwa still in Republic hands.
Orphen said:
Still keep the hostilities going, but you don't need to ICly curb-stomp a whole faction as your reaction to a few assets being seized. You don't go to war for some-one hacking your I-cloud. Ya-know? You're business men. You could move to re-capture your assets, but burning the republic to the ground in a massive mob does not seem like a congruent course of action.
James Justice totally would. :D He's a radical with a cause now. Its in the name, but he fights for pretty much anarchy, and the common man. This, he sees as the common man getting stopped.

My inspiration for this story is William Wallace. Basically James is gonna lead a radical, gruesome, guerrilla war on anyone and everyone he sees as threatening the common man until the Republic is free. Yes, he dismembers the clones he kills. Yes, he puts their heads on pikes. And yes, he writes "FREEDOM" on the walls in their blood. He is even considering getting his hacker to get into the holovids and televise an execution of clones.... ;) He is pretty much the defintion of a cross between an Irish and a Scott right now. He will even storm the capital and burn it. Bu then again, he's not a businessman. He never was. he was a radical who got lucky and built a business. Soon as things are all better, he will stop.

Until then, who wants James-y to seize your assets for you, eh? ;)


Just gotta say, bro......


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Wow...just trying to catch up on what everyone is arguing about and I don't quite understand it. I thought the thread was going well with great twists and surprises, only to find that for some odd reason people are acting ooc'ly as though the whole forum will be against an internal political struggle. Where were other groups brought into it? No one was attacked and as I haven't been around long, I'm afraid that I don't know a bunch of you yet, nor the companies in question.

All that I ask is for people to take a breath and think of it as a story arc at the end of a season of a tv series, readying the audience for the next season.

I'm still on holiday for a few weeks more, so it'll take me a bit to catch up. You guys sure know how to make one feel overwhelmed with a story arc. I love your passion, but the aggression needs to be toned down a tad ;) Unless of course I am reading it all in the wrong tone, which is very possible. I am tired afterall....

Krenis Skirata

[member="Lady Kay"]

Stuff outside the Republic were brought in when Gen went ahead and nationalized/seized assets from various corporations. Those companies responded to secure their assets and the TU/OS took advantage of that.
Its a smart move ICly, the OS and TU are just reacting how a faction would if this happened in a real world scenario. Along with the fact that the companies are moving to oppose Gen who at the moment represents the Republic government. Like it or not the 'Republic' at the moment is Gen. If you want to prove otherwise, than do something IC like people are. IC is how this situation will end, just as it started. OOC has done what it can for now.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
But if I'm not mistaken, it is stated that the seized assets will go back to their rightful owners after this plotline ends, that it is just a side plot that has nothing to do with what is going on already in the forum.

So....couldn't people just say that it was other assets not belonging to some faction in the forum? I haven't seen any corporation mentioned specifically IC that are to have the assets seized. So no one is specifically being targeted. Then there doesn't have to be others being aggressive towards it. I see it as almost like the Mirror event. It doesn't affect everyone, nor what happens to the forum as a whole. And there didn't seem to be any big arguments going on behind the scenes.

I could be just seeing this through different eyes than anyone else though.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Like Ayden said, as well as the execution of Imperial Prisoners, that of which should never have been done. Hate to say it but the consquences for the actions ICly must be addressed in a realistic fashion. Even if the assets are returned after this, it would take a miracle for any company to even trust the republic from this point on. It will take someone alot of time IC to fix these actions. Thats just how it will come down to it. As for the actions of other factions, like i said its the perfect time to strike. The republic will be weakened during this time by infighting, just be happy the TU and OS aren't invading and are just doing a skirmish...
[member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Krenis Skirata"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Yusan Fenn"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Popo"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Ellya"] at anyone interested

1. This is a one/two man show vs a major faction. The republic is caught by surprise by this inner treason. Hence Gen and her rebels have a short momentum but even though we are cutting her sme slack allowing a larger army then normal it is not something that can overthrow the entire republic.
If company owners/CEOs and whatnot have a bit of brain they will see that Gens uprising cant win the war in the long run.
But I repeat, this is not a move by the entire faction, nor backed by the major faction military. On the contrary, the republic major faction military is far greater then the clone army under Gens control. For the sake of the story we RP that we have them spread thin on various missions guarding against visible threats on the border etc. But naturally the army will turn its eyes toward this problem and assist the republic in overthrowing this usurper.
its a plot driven by writers but with a touch of extra sanction by the FA staff, it is not a major faction invading us.

2. There is a OOC aspect that peeps seem to have forgotten. While Gen is a very active and fast writer the plot counterpart [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] has to be given RL time to respond before anyone takes to many conclusions. Yes, this is a spoiler but I think its necessary to point it out since many are grabbing for confusion without having understood the entire plot.
Now, this is not a plot driven by the "new faction staff", but the idea is a good one and will open for some nice writing for those intrested and a great excit point for Gens writer which is the point of it all.

Humor me with an example - If [member="Popo"] (who else!!!???!!!) said that now he was running the OS, folk in general would not assume that to be the truth just like that. They would probably want to hear what hand, mouth etc had to say about it before jumping to conclusions. For RL reasons this plot started in the midst of an OOC reorganization which was poor timing but it never the less has to be taken into consideration that none of the above claims are backed by the republic as a whole. It will however mean that this pot will suffer a few bumps, I am sure.
If companies choose to cover before Gen then it is their choice of course, but again, its an upstart that from all logical ends will suffer defeat, even from observation from the outside that should be obvious. she is not running the republic anymore, she is running a sort of "rebellion" of her own.

Now, everyone are free to make their own interpretations and make their own contributions to the plot of [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] & [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] but if anyone is assuming things to concern the entire faction I would advice to check in with myself or [member="Lady Kay"] before jumping to conclusions.

I am now locking this thread (mostly because the topic title is so depressing ;) ) - but for anyone who is really interested in this plot [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] put up a post explaining it all and letting you discuss how to take part in it right here: Red Dawn plot

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