(Siobhan is not a Jedi. Hanna As the CT says, she's an Omega mercenary)
Davin, Hanna etc.
"Got enough to charge to their deaths for 'freedom' and 'planetary rights' and all that noble, earth-shattering rot, not enough to win," Siobhan said dryly as she boarded a gunship with some Hapan troopers. The chopper lifted off into the air, taking the contingent away from the Fountain Palace. The loyalist troops had been drawn together to protect the building, reinforced by mechs and some light tanks. AA gun emplacements were supposed to protect against an air strike, should the rebels get that far.
Two other gunships lifted into the air alongside them, the officers in communications were also trying to reach loyalist forces fighting close to the district that held in the Grand Hall. If that worked out, they might be able to encircle the rebels and cut them off from forces they were said to be amassing. The rebels were continuously droning out propaganda broadcasts, evidently to rally their followers so that they might fight for Hapan independence, but perhaps also to interfere with loyalist communications. It was such a pity that in a Galaxy that was just recovering from the devastation caused by the Gulag virus, such issues could not be resolved peacably. Of course, this mattered little to Siobhan as the small force of gunships flew over the capital.
Upon seeing the small flotilla civilians took flight, fleeing into the safety of their houses, others glared at them defiantly, chanting protests. Peeking out of the gunship, her lightsabre at the ready, Siobhan could see crowds of protesters screaming at them and holding placards with patriotic slogans such as "Liberty or Death", "Go home Republic" and "Long live Queen Mother Kiesna" and several other phrases in a similar vein. A few protesters held sluggers and fired poorly aimed shots at the gunships, which had little chance of hitting them considering the altitude they were flying at and moreover could not penetrate the gunships' armour.
But then firing started in earnest, Hapan rebels had taken up position on several rooftops and behind windows, opening fire with repeaters. The sounds of battle drove many civilians away, blaster bolts streaked through the air. It was a lightshow that would make any action holo-movie producer go green with envy.
The gunship dove down and its gunners returned fire with a barrage of laser bolts. Screams of wounded Hapans were heard as they were mowed down. Standing at the side of the gunners Siobhan moved her sabre in a fast spin, reflecting back blaster bolts as the gunship jinked and dodged enemy attacks, then took out a large concentration of hostile troopers with a volley of missiles. The mercenary felt a tug in the Force, drawing her to a rooftop where troopers armed with missile launchers were taking up position.
Upon her signal the pilot tried to evade, then dove down. Reaching out with the Force she struck at the rocketeers with a force push. Enveloped in the whirlwind several descended down the building to a painful smash on the ground that left them dead. A hail of missiles was fired from the gunship, laying waste to an enemy armoured personnel carrier that had halted on the ground and was putting them under fire with its blaster cannon.
Explosions shook the ground, seemingly causing small tremors and columns of smoke surged upward. The gunship shook under the arms fire surging upward but Siobhan showed no sign of being troubled by it, indeed she looked like she was amused as her blade spun in quick motions, deflecting shots, when she harnessed the Force into telekinetic blasts to slam hostile troopers out of the way before they could get a shot off at the gunship.
Briefly she reached for something in her jacket pocket and produced a small disc, tossing it to the co-pilot. He gave her a weird look, she just shrugged.
"Put it on. Always gotta do things in style!" Still confused, the trooper obeyed and soon whatever was this Galaxy's equivalent to
Ride of the Valkyries was droning out of the loudspeaker, Siobhan just chuckled at that. A hostile on the ground took aim at them and fired a rocket-propelled grenade, but the gunship swerved higher into the air and the missile just hit building, explosing in a fireball.
Finally they could see the Great Hall coming into view a bit further afield, judging by the sound, quite a bit of mayhem was taking place. Crowds of revolutionary protesters were dispersed at the sight, those smart enough to make a run for it immediately before they got caught in the crossfire between the gunships and the rebels. Corpses lined the streets, but thus was the nature of war, pitiless and in the end solely about victory.
At Siobhan's signal the gunship dove down and descended to land a bit ahead of the Great Hall. From what she could see, the fighting had already started in earnest. Countless corpses filled the entrance along with the wreckage of a turret, but hostile Hapan forces were moving in from the flanks, heavily armed. As it swooped down on its rapid descent Siobhan drew on the Force and jumped, using telekinesis to control her fall. Hostile Hapan reinforcements rushed to the landing zone, opening fire.
As it happened Siobhan landed directly on top of one of the soldiers, knocking him down, then cut his head off with a fast strike when he tried to get up. She levitated his blaster rifle and brought forth a salvoe of bolts against her attackers, then charged into a merciless flurry. At this stage she did not concern herself much with deflecting their fire, but simply stormed forward, relying on her speed and efficient swordwork. One trooper got her arms chopped off, another was struck when the blade struck through his helmet into his mouth, another was impaled. By then the Hapan troopers from the gunship had landed and added their firepower to the onslaught.
The earth shook when one of the gunships was hit by a missile and went crashing down, exploding in a fireball. Siobhan felt a warning and leapt to safety when a soldier carrying a missile launcher fired at her, trying to shield herself from the shockwave with the Force. Landing on the ground with a thud and rolling, she she lashed out with a force grip that hoisted the trooper into the air and then sent him crashing down with a thud. Sabre in hand she advanced grimly, sending a brief message to the gunship to strafe the area and take out hostiles trying to get behind them. Her blade hummed, the smell of ozone, burnt flesh and decaying tissue was in the air as she headed up toward the entrance of the Great Hall.