Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion: Why Did You Leave The Galactic Republic?

Chevu Visz said:
Not all of the writers who formed the GA were in the pubs or were active leaders in the pubs (at least not recently). The GA has very little to do with the GR's war with the OS.

However, one thing that isn't debatable: the formation of the GA essentially destroyed any chance the GR had of making a comeback.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
I am known as the queen of alts. I'm okay with this label. But that is because I love to roleplay. I love to roleplay many different types of chars. ( I have 159 chars ) and I'm a goody goody at heart.

I have left and come back and left and come back the Republic so many times, and that's because hey, who doesn't want to RP a Jedi? Ultimately though, every time i leave it ends up being because of the finger pointing and the paranoia.

Everything I do is suspect. My only sin is to be active in everything and just about every faction, but that is because i have so many characters and each one has their own story to tell. I'm friendly and I truly enjoy doing char dev to flesh them out.

After a while though, one just gets tired of trying prove people wrong. And that's when instead one decides to pitch their tent on pastures where my every IC action won't be considered suspect.... and I can just have fun being one of my 10+ Jedi and char dev as I please.

... and be smacked over the head to post to the threads I owe.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
While I think there's value in a return to the shadows and so forth, and while that makes the most sense to me, that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see the Republic be a great faction. It's had its periods of low toxicity - the Ben Watts administration comes to mind. Culture can be changed for the better.
Barrien Siegfried said:
However, one thing that isn't debatable: the formation of the GA essentially destroyed any chance the GR had of making a comeback.
Only so long as your actions and reactions make this the only possible outcome.

The Galactic Republic has become a cesspool of toxicity. It's fingerpointing, and blame, and at this point you're fighting yourselves as much as the One Sith. So you either learn how to stop being on tilt or you accept that you're the Bronze V of factions and figure out where to go from there.
For the record, I (The GA FO) never officially joined the GR in any formal extent. I had an alt in there to see if it was what I wanted to write in. It wasn't. I joined the LS, it folded into the SSC. I stayed, helped with the transition, the new SSC? It wasn't what I wanted.

So I left that and made my own thing, which was what I wanted, not necessarily to be in charge, but I found the aesthetic that was most pleasing to me, and started writing. Because at the end of the day? I'm in this for me, and to have a good time.

Any GA members are welcome to weigh in on this, but let it be known that the GA has no official stance one way or another toward the GR as the GR and GA are two separate factions in a fictional world that really means nothing. Its like saying a house hates another house. They're wood and mortar and shingles and windows, they don't hate.

tldr; never was the Pubs, didn't find the muse there, thats all. GA has no hate for the GR. And GA writers reasons do not reflect the reasons of the GA as the faction was created to provide another angle of play.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ella Nova said:
I realize that threads like this only add to the toxicity. But these responses are helpful. It gives me a platform to point out the problems. How those problems are fixed remains to be seen.

[member="Ashin Varanin"] I will endeavor not to burn.
I really do wish you immense amounts of luck with that. Every Republic leader in board history has left with some sort of drama, burnout, or mild tragedy attached. Lots of good and dedicated people, both friend and not, who worked very hard. Running the Republic is a thankless job. If you want to tackle it, more power to you, and good luck. I say that without sarcasm.

[member="Ella Nova"]
*My legit reaction to this thread and its comments/responses*​

Kira Talith said:
and that's because hey, who doesn't want to RP a Jedi?

Anyone here remember the CIS of Chaos?

I do. That stuff was great, till some OOC drama ripped apart the leadership and a mass majority of people left. So the faction was remade. Into the Techno Union. And still thrives today.

There's a lesson in that. Maybe the GR should dissolve. It has in the movies before, so why not right?
Darth Ferus said:
There's a lesson in that. Maybe the GR should dissolve.

The lesson being that you can evolve. You don't have to go minor or dissolve to do that. The CIS didn't get taken off the map. They just became something new - after like, seventeen name changes. A change of scenery can help.
  • Organization was too hierarchical with little to no interaction between different strata of members
  • Very poor organization and coordination when it comes to invasions, either on GR planets or when helping allies
  • People did not submit gear
  • No real interaction between NFU and FU
All of the above, more or less. 'Toxic' is an underwhelming descriptor of what's driving people off.

What isn't helping the Republic is that, instead of seeing the emergence of a somewhat similar faction as an opportunity (Pro Tip #1: everything is a potential opportunity), representatives of the Republic go off acting like the stereotypical chick who gets offended when some other chick at the party is wearing the same dress as her. Any good faction will look at that other girl and try to be friends.

What isn't helping the Republic is the hostility. Any good faction will try its darndest to have a fantastic OOC relationship with its IC foes, because this is how the best stories are written, and how the least butthurt, drama, and reports occur. Fringe/OP was an excellent example of this, and SSC/Primeval look to be on this road, too. Pro Tip #2: Look to the leadership of longstanding current and previous major factions for advice. People in these positions are more accommodating than you think.

What isn't helping the Republic, at the core, is something that is difficult to avoid, and is, of itself, not the Republic's fault. Every faction with a very large canon presence is trapped by everyone's beliefs over how that faction is supposed to act, supposed to look, supposed to dress, and who that faction is supposed to be friends with. The Mandalorians suffer from the exact same thing, but that's a whole other can of worms. Pro Tip #3: Canon isn't everything. Don't let it constrain you.

That's my $0.02
Aitis Powarth said:
Drama, internally to such a degree the faction was toxic to be in. One directional, stifling, plots of the same stale things. I could go on.

Judah Dashiell said:
Left the Republic long ago when the Senate drama made for un-fun OOC drama. I like my drama IC. If I see a whole bunch of OOC drama stuff going on, its abandon ship time.

Factions are optional after all.

Ashin Varanin said:
Watched every fixer in board history burn themselves out trying to fix the Republic. Tried it myself, failed. Realized I was wasting my time. Went elsewhere.

Sochi Ru said:
Topics like this I prefer not to take part in, because this rouses people up, but The Republic was Toxic before the Silvers and the GA were formed, that same toxicity has remained and increased since...people don't want to deal with drama it hinders the creative process, so what did we do? we left; and that all happened after people tried to speak up.

These reasons, but mainly due to the drama. I wanted my character, oh so badly, to remain in the Galactic Republic/Jedi Order. But the OOC drama had eclipsed the IC RP so much that it wasn't fun anymore. Everything I did IC was influenced by OOC drama that impeded the fun of it. There was no longer plots, just people trying to grab for power and every man for himself. It was a toxic environment. And I've been there and done that for the leadership thing, it was like trying to babysit a delinquent school.

There was a time while I was at work, where a situation came up that needed to be dealt with instantly. My phone was going off the hook, because people were skyping me like crazy to fix it because people were arguing in the chats and there was OOC drama spilling into the Republic's IC stuff. I actually had to sneak onto Skype on my phone while I was working in the office (Which I really did not want to do, my boss at the time was very generous and patient with me, and I disliked having to defy her trust like that even if just for ten minutes to shut everyone up, and I refused to do it again after that and just shut my phone off entirely at work from then on) just to fix it because nobody would leave me alone until I did, despite me saying over and over that I was at work.

Now, let me inject a little bit of humour into this story. While I was Faction Owner, my friend decided that it was time for me to go with them to a strip club for the first time (I didn't get a say in the matter). What did I do while I was there? I certainly wasn't watching strippers. Oh no no no, I was on my phone, dealing with more faction drama, because once again they had managed to cook up a storm that they couldn't solve civilly without me coming in with my pimp slapping hand. My friend thought I was -gay- for it. The only explanation I could give for why I was on my phone so much was "Idiots".

I deeply miss being able to RP as a Jedi, in a Jedi Order, with other Jedi who will RP with me on missions and social stuff. I don't even RP with Jedi most of the time anymore, because without me being in TJO (despite me being in the Silvers) finding RP with other Jedi seems near impossible. Not sure why on that, but alas, I still miss the days before the drama got seriously bad, and OOC drama and power-garnering took major precedence over anything RP-wise or IC.

It was drama, and all of the factors above that caused me to leave the Galactic Republic.

And if they cleaned up their act, would I go back? Sure I would. I've said it many times. Problem is, they're not. It's still just as, if not -more- toxic then when I left.

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