Aitis Powarth said:
Drama, internally to such a degree the faction was toxic to be in. One directional, stifling, plots of the same stale things. I could go on.
Judah Dashiell said:
Left the Republic long ago when the Senate drama made for un-fun OOC drama. I like my drama IC. If I see a whole bunch of OOC drama stuff going on, its abandon ship time.
Factions are optional after all.
Ashin Varanin said:
Watched every fixer in board history burn themselves out trying to fix the Republic. Tried it myself, failed. Realized I was wasting my time. Went elsewhere.
Sochi Ru said:
Topics like this I prefer not to take part in, because this rouses people up, but The Republic was Toxic before the Silvers and the GA were formed, that same toxicity has remained and increased since...people don't want to deal with drama it hinders the creative process, so what did we do? we left; and that all happened after people tried to speak up.
These reasons, but mainly due to the drama. I wanted my character, oh so badly, to remain in the Galactic Republic/Jedi Order. But the OOC drama had eclipsed the IC RP so much that it wasn't fun anymore. Everything I did IC was influenced by OOC drama that impeded the fun of it. There was no longer plots, just people trying to grab for power and every man for himself. It was a toxic environment. And I've been there and done that for the leadership thing, it was like trying to babysit a delinquent school.
There was a time while I was at work, where a situation came up that needed to be dealt with instantly. My phone was going off the hook, because people were skyping me like crazy to fix it because people were arguing in the chats and there was OOC drama spilling into the Republic's IC stuff. I actually had to sneak onto Skype on my phone while I was working in the office (Which I really did not want to do, my boss at the time was very generous and patient with me, and I disliked having to defy her trust like that even if just for ten minutes to shut everyone up, and I refused to do it again after that and just shut my phone off entirely at work from then on) just to fix it because nobody would leave me alone until I did, despite me saying over and over that I was at work.
Now, let me inject a little bit of humour into this story. While I was Faction Owner, my friend decided that it was time for me to go with them to a strip club for the first time (I didn't get a say in the matter). What did I do while I was there? I certainly wasn't watching strippers. Oh no no no, I was on my phone, dealing with more faction drama, because once again they had managed to cook up a storm that they couldn't solve civilly without me coming in with my pimp slapping hand. My friend thought I was -gay- for it. The only explanation I could give for why I was on my phone so much was "Idiots".
I deeply miss being able to RP as a Jedi, in a Jedi Order, with other Jedi who will RP with me on missions and social stuff. I don't even RP with Jedi most of the time anymore, because without me being in TJO (despite me being in the Silvers) finding RP with other Jedi seems near impossible. Not sure why on that, but alas, I still miss the days before the drama got seriously bad, and OOC drama and power-garnering took major precedence over anything RP-wise or IC.
It was drama, and all of the factors above that caused me to leave the Galactic Republic.
And if they cleaned up their act, would I go back? Sure I would. I've said it many times. Problem is, they're not. It's still just as, if not -more- toxic then when I left.