Toxicity seems to be the key word in this discussion. Either Brittney Spears is popular again. Or everyone has been playing the Witcher 3 a little too much. I mean, I know I have. I've sunk like thirty hours in to see less then half the game. That does not include the DLC. Plus I noticed people saying they skip the alchemy skills in the game, but brewing potions and blade oils really adds depth to Geralt's combat ability, and reserving points in the alchemy skill tree increases vitality when combined with the right mutagens. Not mention it increases oils, potions, and bombs effectiveness altogether. Plus I'm stuck on the fact it does not have that old bioware good/neutral/evil conversation tree, cause now I have to think critically about my decisions since the choices have deeper and more meaningful impact on the game. I'm knee deep in with the Empire, a resistance against said empire, some crazy king, and more people I can keep track of. I'm playing to many angles, I think the Witch Hunters might be after me, King Radovid probably is gonna double cross me, these underworld types are using me. Not to mention I have not I have not even got to the Isles.... Wait what are we talking about...