Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion: Why Did You Leave The Galactic Republic?


Linking a show now, to really, really emphasis what [member="Barrien Siegfried"] is saying.

The shows about failing bars that get help to become better. Like Kitchen Nightmares, but instead of learning how to just make good food, I learn how to make some good drinks. The host comes in, changes the place, and gives it a new identity. Changes the theme if it isn't working, and always, always changes the name.

Barrien Siegfried said:
There's a stigma there that needs to go away.
I will not profess to know the answers to this, this has been a long stand problem with the GR for the time I have been in Chaos. I was not here when Ben was GM and it was all good and fun, I came after that period.

And so I joined with a Jedi character and looked to join the Jedi Order as a faction and did not find it. Was told later that it was under the Republic which made me wonder why even then. I have said this before, some on these boards have heard it from me. So I will say it one last time. :p

You do not need to dissolve the Republic, if you have enough PCs that are actively RPing politician/senators etc, if you have people RPing soldiers and the like, enough to keep the Republic going. But the Jedi Order should be separate .. a faction of it's own. You can still have them serve the Republic, even operate out of Republic space.

This could be something great, the potential for RP opens up more. I know there will be opposition to this, and maybe dissolving the GR is the answer.
So the main reason why all of you have either distanced yourselves from the Republic is because of OOC drama, based on people not agreeing how to do things; power gaming, for positions IC and OOC; and dislike between certain writers, that creates situations, arguments and general in ability to work together.

I see. Thank you.
[member="Darth Ferus"]
I like the one with the British guy best. Restaurant Impossible? I think that's it.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
I disagree with splitting them. The major factions are not split in such a way, they exist as two in one.
[member="Barrien Siegfried"]

Kitchen Nightmares has the British guy who screams at people. Gordon Ramsey.

Impossible I think is also a British dude, who's name I can't remember.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Also, to counter your next part with Coci (Tagged you so you could see it)

The Sith Assassins are a part of the One Sith. Kind of like the relationship between the Republic and the Jedi Order actually. But we have separate Forums. And we've been going strong for six or seven months now. Splitting them might actually help.
[member="Barrien Siegfried"]

Just offering options. Other factions may know how to juggle the two. SSC does not have any political connections which helps .. it works for us and I shall leave how things are run and operate in others factions to them to speak of.

As the GR currently sits .. it is not working. And those are just my thoughts.
[member="Barrien Siegfried"]

Members of the SA are still in the OS forums. We just keep our stuff in our own faction to cut down the clutter and help promote our own things without it getting lost in the OS stuff. So far no one has been told no to being in OS invasions.
Toxicity seems to be the key word in this discussion. Either Brittney Spears is popular again. Or everyone has been playing the Witcher 3 a little too much. I mean, I know I have. I've sunk like thirty hours in to see less then half the game. That does not include the DLC. Plus I noticed people saying they skip the alchemy skills in the game, but brewing potions and blade oils really adds depth to Geralt's combat ability, and reserving points in the alchemy skill tree increases vitality when combined with the right mutagens. Not mention it increases oils, potions, and bombs effectiveness altogether. Plus I'm stuck on the fact it does not have that old bioware good/neutral/evil conversation tree, cause now I have to think critically about my decisions since the choices have deeper and more meaningful impact on the game. I'm knee deep in with the Empire, a resistance against said empire, some crazy king, and more people I can keep track of. I'm playing to many angles, I think the Witch Hunters might be after me, King Radovid probably is gonna double cross me, these underworld types are using me. Not to mention I have not I have not even got to the Isles.... Wait what are we talking about...


Disney's Princess
Complaints. Mostly. You try to do right but people just hate on you, hate on you, and hate on you. It's like watching a whole crowd try to steer a ship. Fighting over the steering wheel until you run aground. Nothing was ever good enough for the Republic Faction. You couldn't win enough, sub enough, plot enough, or train enough to satisfy anybody. And when you did? Then they would cry godmode, staff faction, metagaming, and troll you on Skype. You couldn't win. There was no good outcome. Even OOCly.

Likewise IC. I joined the Republic to kill Sith and preserve the balance of the galaxy. But just like Jedi characters, Sith don't die. You can't annihilate them. They just retreat, go back to their OOC forum, and live to plot again another day. There was no victory. You just spend year after year of combat thread after combat thread staring into the void until one day you realize? You are lost to it. Invasion after invasion. Fighting fire with fire until you become the burning monster you so desperately hoped to destroy. A monger of war, fire, superweapons, and NPC kill counts in the thousands. Pretty soon your Jedi Master has to look at their own hands and realize that they've killed more people on this website than Darth Vader ever did. 3 years of nothing but death. To accomplish what? Moving the colors around on the map for 3 years. Learning to hate your own heroes. The optimized killing machines they so humbly are now.

No. The Republic Faction taught me everything that is wrong about this website. And probably the genre as a whole. These days I steer clear of Major Factions for the most part. Learning to love the little things in life. And not the bloodly demands of unattainable empires. Nothing was ever good enough. OOC or IC. You just can't win. :(
Most people (myself included) that first join SWRP Chaos in general will just auto join either the Republic or the One Sith. I can't speak for the one sith, but as an NFU trying to do stuff in the republic i met only 1 other person that wished to do threads with a newbie like myself (coincidentally another newbie) and no one else wished to partake in the learning curve that s necessary for someone new to this style and format of roleplay. Big 1000+ post Jedi Masters want nothing to do with 100 post or less scrubs, especially when they're NFUs. Long story short; no one cared to try and do any roleplay with me because i was new and wasn't an FU, so I left. It was that simple. Not because of drama or anything of that sort. Maybe what I experience was a byproduct of that drama, not wanting to pay any heed to the new guys, but that's it. Just a lack of people that wished to do anything with NFUs.
[member="Kyber Salurra"]
I've tried to play NFU's in the faction and found what you said to be true. I'd like to see that corrected, but other than participating with people myself I don't know how to correct it. We cannot, after all, force people to RP.

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