Full disclosure: I've never been part of the Republic. I had one character join that area to get contact info during a war with the Black Suns, but I've never actively participated in the faction.
Okay, I've seen a lot of factions on this site, I've seen them rise and fall, and to be frank, I've been in enough skype sessions with <NAMES REDACTED FOR SECURITY REASONS. CONTINUE ON, CITIZEN.> to keep up on scuttlebutt even when I'm posting so little it doesn't matter.
First off, let's address the issue of toxic culture and paranoia that many people have brought up in this thread. Of all the horror stories I've heard about the GR in gossip, the words "suspicious" and "accused" made it into a quite a few. Here's the thing: We are all on this site together. We are all collaborators. Yes there's a game-board with colored blobs, but if you think purely in "Us vs. Them" and refuse to acknowledge your IC enemies are OOC people who deserve to get
something out of the process of writing with you, you have a problem. You've let the game beat the fun. Because frankly, if you fight on every point and lose amicability, eventually people just stop caring what you think. File that under "Stuff Theo learned the Hard Way three websites before Chaos."
Secondly, let's talk about the newbie issue. You're a major faction, one with more name recognition than any other on the site, save for maybe the One Sith. New blood is easy to recruit in your position, but in this thread we get multiple accounts of new guys feeling like no one wanted to do anything with them. And even worse, we have a person stating that if he got training from other factions, he'd be punish OOC for it. If you want to be a faction people stay in, you have to learn to accommodate new people, not scare them off with isolation. Yes, there are people on this site I avoid on principle. I do not, however, force that position on others, even when I led a faction.
Third up? Organizational structure. The Senate and Chancellor should wield some power, but if you're going to have the Jedi Order maintain itself as part of the Republic, it deserves some representation as well. OOC, if not IC, the Jedi are a large constituency in your faction, and need to be acknowledged as such, in a fashion. I don't know what your current set-up for power is, so i"m not certain what specifics to give you, only that NFU's, FU's and politicians all need to have measure of say in what's happening. A faction needs its members, and should be getting its marching orders from the membership. The leadership of a Major Faction should be constantly talking with the member base to determine what direction to take.
Fourth on my list of issues is drama. Drama happens. It sucks, but any large groups will have drama. Such is the nature of the beast. What is important is learning to suck it up and move on. I've got some grudges on this site, but you know what I do? Keep them civil, play nice, and keep my mouth shut if I'm speaking from a position of leadership. Some of the small poodoo we get worked up over isn't stuff we bring to our faction leader job.
Fifth, the discussion of rebranding/reforming/going minor to sort things out. Not an easy decision. To some extent, some problems can be fixed simply or dramatically. I've been part of multiple factions as they've gone through this process (most notably the CIS/ASA/Techno Union/Trade Union and the Black Suns). Here's what needs to be done to determine what's up:
- Talk with your members. Yes, I know I've mentioned it in an earlier point. Still, talk to your members. Make a poll discussing your options, make it sticky, and listen to what people have to say.
- Talk, as leaders, about the results of said discussion. Take the idea that matter, the overall votes, the theme of the discussion, and the general consensus of those present into account.
- Be entirely transparent and hold a second round of discussion if you're not certain. With the size of your faction, it's prudent to measure twice and cut once before any steps are taken.
- Announce your decision after a few weeks of this process.
- Follow through.
In one case (The Suns), we had a faction go minor by majority vote. In another one (The Techno Union), we spent time talking with site staff and faction staff, then had a vote, then rebranded multiple times as we eventually evolved into what the majority of our members wanted. It's worth noting, in both of these instances, several characters and players left for OOC and IC reasons before and after these decisions were made. That's
okay. You can't save, or please, everyone.
Finally, I just want to say that a lot of what makes a faction sink or swim is an attitude thing. From what's being said in this thread, it feels like you guys are very, very concerned with winning. Frankly, there is no win. There is only the story. So ask yourself what kind of story is it. Who are the champions of the Galactic Republic? What do they defend? What do they do? Talk to your IC enemies, your IC allies, your IC champions, and do a little soul searching. When you stop
competing and start showing them how great a story it is, you'll be back on top of the faction heap.
Okay, that's it. You can now resume posting gifs filled with innuendo, or whatever it is you do when I'm not looking.