Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fondor — GA populate of Stobar


Commander Sara "Roach" Roche
222nd Nova Corps, HHC, 314th Reserve Battalion, Corps Strategic Reserve -- Seconded to Coruscant Defense Command

Objective: OBJ III
Equipment: Service Uniform, REC/STA-02 Advanced Shocktrooper Armour, REC-DC/04 "Feverwasp" Particle Blaster Pistol, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife, REC-VC/01 Tactical Visor; Starship Model
Location: Strongpoint J-185-1, between Crescent Avenue and Alliance Plaza
Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek , anyone else who wants to set up defences!

"Keep it moving!"

The Marine called out to the next truck as the hovercraft trundled off. The skeleton staff of the 314th- normally an administrative and training battalion, was completely swamped by their current task, roped in to prepare the defense of the largest ecumenopolis in the Galaxy, to the point that even the battalion CO had to help coordinate logistics. The makeshift supply dump here at Strongpoint J-185-1 was a hub of trucks, hovercraft, and soldiers on foot, coming to requisition supplies and return broken equipment, the hub to the spokes of the J-185 defence sector. Behind her, she heard her clerks shouting instructions to the hover-cranes placing down heavy guns and Anti-Air Artillery onto the raised ground.

Commander Sara Roche was not unfamiliar with this- far from it, for she had been on the frontlines of the Second Great Hyperspace War and the border conflicts with the New Imperial Order. It was all too frighteningly familiar. The hushed panic as soldiers rushed to and fro to secure supplies, dig emplacements, fix the inevitable equipment malfunctions, the frayed tempers, and silent worry. Even now, Sara never got used to it.

Well, I did spend the last ten years behind a desk... it was not what she envisioned for her career- in truth, she did not envision herself surviving that war largely unscathed. After the war, there was a short stint on a... top-secret project... which was a welcome respite, but soon enough she had been sent back to Corps HQ. She knew how vital it was to keep the administrative and logistical behemoth that was the GADF running smoothly. And in all honesty, it was a welcome break from... what came before.

Reflexively, she touched the medallion around her neck, her surroundings falling away from her view. Roach, her rivals and appraisers had called her. Unkillable, somehow always surviving against the odds. But she knew the cost of that. The medallion of the disbanded 121st Star Battalion was cold against her fingers. The Battalion that fought the Maw since the start, joining the vaunted 222nd Nova Corps, whittled down to almost a literal handful by the time Exegol was destroyed.

The burden of their memories remained on her.

"Commander Roche?" She snapped awake from her reveries.

"Kerwin. How's the battery by the eastwall?"

"All good ma'am. Just wanted to tell you that the strongpoint garrison has arrived by the Plaza."

"Finally. Take charge of this supply dump, Lieutenant." Sara turned back to the command bunker, but decided against remote re-allocation. She needed to survey the ground herself.

"I should go." And off she went to survey the killing ground.
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Objective II — Wartime training


TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble | Open

Braze was excited. He wanted to test his mettle against an opponent and see how much he'd learned and how he'd changed. He hoped he'd be paired up with Aris Noble so that the two of them could go at it. What Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el said to him got under his skin and got him thinking about the 'problem' again. Was there a problem? There was, but it was likely Braze's doing and fault for being weird and unsociable. Nevertheless, he was anxiously preparing to spar by stretching out and making sure he was limbered up.

A few cricks here, a few pops there, and he was feeling fine. His green eyes anxiously searched the other peers who were signing up. He'd heard there might be challenges that popped up in the middle of battle, and that excited him as well. He scanned the room, noting the variety of opponents, each with their unique strengths and weaknesses.

"Would you train with me?" She asked simply.

Acaadi had been heading towards Amani Serys Amani Serys when another mirialan approached him. Acaadi had been staying at the Vonnuvi Enclave. As a child he had collected toy starships, now he collected real starships in the herdship's extensive hangars. It was an obsession he had chosen to embrace.

He turned and gave a polite greeting. His gaze swept across her tattoos. It was impossible to know every aspect of mirialan culture and even then many designs were personal.

She had relatively few. Either she was less accomplished in her field of choice or she had turned her back or her culture. Or perhaps she had been far from home for a long time.

"Of course," he replied with a smile. "I'm more of a pilot these days but I was quite a duelist a few years back."

Acaadi unclipped his two lightsaber as they turned for the open space.

"You're tall. Sorry, that didn't mean to slip out like that. I just mean you're going to have a lot of reach."
Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

"That would certainly satisfy the honor of my House. We have the capacity to fill the ships with droids, so personnel losses are not a great concern. If it can happen, I would like to see it happen."
"If possible, yes. But I can't guarantee anything. Talk with Commander Von Sorren whenever you get the chance, and run it by them. Like I said, I'm an army brat, not a naval officer. Just be careful out there, ma'am."

She prayed the sky boys would do good work. Without that, they'd be screwed. She knew better than to put it past the Imperials to just orbital bombard them. "I need to head to another meeting, ma'am. I'll see you in the skies. Best of luck."

Tag: Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti



Wartime Training

Ran was glad the man accepted. She thought she saw the aura of someone who had seen a lot in a little. It seemed a common trait over the years, but it still counted for something in a warrior tradition. "Is that so?" Ran asked rhetorically. "What do you fly?" She added, this question sought an answer. Ran fancied herself a pilot as well. She looked the part, always dressed more like a spacer than a Jedi.

As they separated themselves from the others, Ran watched the mirialan man unclip dual sabers.

"You're tall. Sorry, that didn't mean to slip out like that. I just mean you're going to have a lot of reach."

"You caught me. I am tall and this is quite unfair. But you have two weapons, so let's call it even." She teased. Two lightsabers or one, a skilled duelist was a dangerous and oftentimes unpredictable combatant. As for being tall, the jig was up and there was no hiding it. In a different life maybe she could have been a model, but for now she was very happy being who she was. She unclipped the ancient looking lightsaber hilt from her belt.


The white blade came to life and its hum was gentle and harmonious. Ran barely had to speak over it. "Before we cross sabers, I'd like to know your name. I am Ran Serys, Jedi Seeker & Explorer."



There were all kinds of people here this time. Aris glanced about, humming in thought. Even his sister was here with- Oh. She was going to fight Zaiya? He glanced between the two before giving them both a thumbs up. They had this. He wasn't going to try and think on who would win, but he certainly did support both sides! Right now, though, he did have someone else to face off against. Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el had been pretty distance since their last spar.

"You ready?"

Aris wasn't going to let him walk away this time. Nor was he going to walk away. They were going to fight now.


Objective: Jedi Training
Tags: Nir Si Nir Si

"Hey! You got a partner or....?"

Katarine was roused from her stretching by the approaching of a cathar she knew by now. They hadn't officially discussed it but she assumed she was becoming his master and he her padawan. She smiled at him.

"Bring it on kitty man."

She smiled at him playfully. Her sarcasm was something a few had to get used to, but she figured if they would be working closely together it was time to show that side of herself.



Aiden quietly observed the troops from a small distance, as he put down another crate with ammunition. He could see it in their eyes — the fear but also the determination to stop the enemy. Fear was a natural feeling in war and one that kept brave men and women from throwing away their lives for fantasies of heroism. That determination he saw stemmed from the bonds that had formed between the soldiers. Brothers and sisters in arms, all willing to give up their lives to save the soldier next to them.

That's what would keep them determined until the very end, whether bitter or glorious.

"Come on," he interrupted as he returned to the others. "Put the ammo away in safe storage and set up the turrets. We've got our orders to cover every angle, so let's get it done." While tired, the soldiers respected Aiden and pushed through discomfort to get set up. Even the smallest mistake could cost lives, so when it came to fortifications, logistics, and being ready for the battles to come, they would not allow themselves to make mistakes.

"Sir, incoming," one of the privates told him with a smirk.

Aiden looked over his shoulder and watched Sara Roche Sara Roche approaching. He raised an eyebrow at the private for a moment, then stepped forward and straightened his posture to greet the woman at attention.

"Commander," he began. "We've got everything ready. Just the finishing touches remain."



Vonnuvi Enclave

Tag: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa | Open
"You're not too late! Only a few have started sparring," Vera assured Mahsa Mahsa before she looked at Zaiya. She knew that the girl was only just starting to make a transition to becoming a Jedi, but had she really never held a lightsaber before? If that was the case, she'd have to be careful picking a training partner. Some Padawans had good intentions but weren't in control of their strength and abilities enough to go easy on a less experienced student.

She'd need someone who could push her a little but not too far. It was about learning, after all, not winning some kind of contest or a battle of life and death.

"It's a training lightsaber, so it'll zap you and it can cause some bruising, but it won't hurt too bad. Especially if your training partner practices restraint." Vera smiled and looked between her and Mahsa. With the three of them, pairing up would mean that one of them would have to wait, and she didn't like leaving others behind. She knew there were other Padawans joining soon enough, so maybe she should offer to wait herself?

"Well, you two could go ahead and spar? I can watch and wait until someone else needs a partner." Vera offered a little smile and glanced at the other girls.

"Up to you guys. I just want us all to have fun training!"

Acaadi activated both lightsaber together, but his casual stance let her know that he was not about to engage. The saber in his left hand was much shorter than the other. Both were bright blue.

"The Twintail is still my favourite to fly right now," Acaadi replied. It would have been very easy to get him talking about starships for a few hours and completely neglect any duelling.

"I'm...did you say Serys? ... Acaadi Tam."

One eyebrow quirked upwards. He glanced towards Amani. He didn't remember hearing about a six-and-a-half foot tall sister.

Objective II : Wartime Training
Tag: Vera Noble Vera Noble & Mahsa Mahsa | Open


A training saber? Okay, Zaiya mused, activating the blade on the switch Aris Noble Aris Noble had pointed out before. It hummed to life with a yellow beam.

"Honestly, the thought of still getting stun isn't a big draw... but I guess it is better to get stunned and learn how to defend yourself than get an arm chopped off," the Lovalla teen admitted, turning towards Mahsa as she rushed in. Zaiya's wide grin broke over her face as she greeted the girl, the patterns over her skin rippling in a joyful, friendly blue hue.

"Hi Mahsa, How are you doing today?" she asked, gently waving the training saber in front of her away from Vera and Mahsa to get a feel for it. It was light, and it also felt weird.

"It feels odd. I've used Verpine vibroswords before, but they have weight to them. This isn't the same. It feels like I'm not even using it." not that she had any training actually using the Verpine vibroswords. It was more the cool technology that the Verpine had that caught Zaiya's interest.

"Well, you two could go ahead and spar? I can watch and wait until someone else needs a partner."

Zaiya deactivated the training saber then and gave a shrug and a grin, "I'm happy either way. I just don't know anything regarding sparring with a saber other than what I've read about. Maybe you can teach us a few things first before we get paired off?"




OBJ II | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Cora followed in step behind Makko, content to let him choose their sparring area. There was plenty of space.

"Going to make this interesting so I can lord it over you until you stop bringing that one up?"

The brows went up, both of them.

“Oh?” She drawled, “Are you proposing a bet? One that you know you’ll lose, clearly.”

Her tone dripped with playful arrogance. Overplayed, maybe, but there was a time when her pompous attitude, which had been far more genuine than it was now, would’ve made him seethe.

They found their spaces and Cora retrieved the loaner saber from her belt. Her own weapon had been destroyed in her duel with Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , and she’d yet to bond with another crystal. Idly, she wondered if that put her at a disadvantage – probably, because Makko had Darkfyre.

With an unnecessary yet practiced flourish, she ignited the pale blue blade.




TAG: Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa | OPEN

Jacob sat cross legged against the wall of the training facility. The rest of the padawans seemed to be gathering there to spar and work on some of the new techniques which they had learned the previous week. Normally Jacob would have been right there with them, but his routine and schedule was a little different. He was awake much sooner than most of the padawans, and often had time in the gym to work longer.

His grandfather had drilled into him the habit of going to bed early so he could get up before the sun rose. It was the early risers that ran the galaxy, he was often told, and Jacob wanted to believe it. Unfortunately, he was observing because Jacob was not quite as skilled with a lightsaber yet as those who were in the temple as younglings. This was an area where he was behind the rest of his class.

The redhead was disciplined enough that he knew he would catch up, and by the end of the year he would surpass several of the other students. It was not an arrogant assumption. He just knew what he was capable of if he worked hard enough for it. There was one good thing about all of it. His last name did not reflect his lineage. If everyone knew he was a Lesan they might expect more, but Jacob had his mother’s name. His parents had never married. JJ had not known about him.

That was the downside of his grandfather’s sense of duty. When his mother let her feelings get the better of her judgment where Judah Jr. had been concerned, she was reassigned by her own father. The thought did not even make Jacob flinch. Maybe that was why he did not have a lot of friends among the Jedi yet.

He was stoic, too much so. Jacob probably did not look like he was easily approachable.

Objective II: Wartime Training

A relieved sigh escaped upon hearing Vera’s words, the tenseness around her shoulders relaxing upon hearing she wasn’t as late as Mahsa had thought herself to be. A nod was given to confirm Zaiya’s suspicions about the training lightsaber she held, before Vera filled the newer padawan in on what she could expect from sparring with one.

Zaiya’s colorful appearance always brought joy to the Kazelrrian, a grin of her own now on display as she greeted the Lovalla. "Well rested, I guess? Thought I had set the alarm last night, but it turned out I accidentally left it on PM instead of AM." Mahsa still couldn’t believe she’d botched up such a simple task, perhaps she really ought to lighten her lesson load for a little bit after today.

Golden eyes quietly swept over the training area to note the other Jedi and padawans already engaged in combat, noting the familiar faces of Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el and Aris Noble Aris Noble as they squared off against the other. Not far from them was Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah and her own padawan Nir Si Nir Si , and plenty of other faces the Kazelrrian was certain she’d seen here and there but hadn’t personally interacted with yet.

Her attention was brought back when Vera suggested for them to spar first. "A-Are you sure?" It felt unfair to have Vera wait when she’d been here earlier, and the Kazelrrian herself still wasn’t certain how comfortable she felt sparring herself.

It was one thing to ignite her lightsaber against an enemy and fight for her survival, that was something that was familiar for the young girl, but to wield her weapon against a friend? The other Jedi apparently had zero issues with it, plenty of them had ignited their own personal lightsabers as they faced their opponents, but Mahsa wasn’t confident enough in her control to risk it…

An out was offered when Zaiya suggested an alternative, the Kazelrrian happily nodding along to the proposal. "That’s a good idea, and this way no one’s left out until another sparring partner shows up…?" A light shiver crossed the back of her neck, the Kazelrrian unable to shake off the feeling that they were being watched, and eventually her gaze fell on a particular redhead sitting cross legged against a wall not far from the trio.

His stare was quite intense and, unsure of what they might’ve done to earn it, the Kazelrrian couldn’t help but inch closer to the other two girls as she quietly whispered. "Uuhm, is he someone either of you know…?"

Lightsaber | Padawan Apparel

Interacting with Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Jacob Solay Jacob Solay | Open


Wartime Training

Ran watched as both sabers ignited. The knight wielded a shoto. She stared at it. Its presence said a few things about him. One, he was well practiced in dual wielding lightsabers. And two, he was comfortable with a reach disadvantage. She didn't have to stare long to know that he'd be impressive.

"A fine vessel." Ran confirmed and noted. She decided they'd have to talk starfighters at a more opportune time. She had a feeling that he was just as passionate about them as she was.

"Serys. Yes," She echoed with a nod. "Nice to meet you, Acaadi Tam." She said sincerely. She knew too few Mirialan and not enough of her homeworld's culture. She would've been delighted to know more.

She followed his gaze to Amani. "Master Serys is my cousin." She explained. "Are you a friend of hers? If you are, don't think that'll make me go easy on you." She joked and readied herself for combat. Her stance held a strong base and a loose core. A singular brow was raised in a way to communicate if you aren't ready, you better be. With a ferocious grunt Ran took a step forward. Her blade hummed through the air aimed at Acaadi's midsection.


The House Mecetti Defense Fleet deployed to Coruscant
Flagship Obscurer Class Destroyer
MHGN Banshee <-- Command ship of Lady Vianca Mecetti

Victory Class Destroyers
MHGN Legend <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Bloodborn <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Lineage <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Magnificent <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Awesome <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Royal <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Prominence <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Prince <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Ascension <-- Lost in prior battle against the Dark Empire
MHGN Brightblade <-- Lost in prior battle against the Dark Empire

Raider Class Corvettes
MHGN Martial <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Hero <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Ultimatum <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Brave <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Wolf <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Herald <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Guardian <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Indefatigable <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Warhound <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Storm <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Swift <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Wizard <-- on Security Assignment at Coruscant
MHGN Reaver <-- Destroyed in prior action against the Dark Empire
MHGN Seeker <-- Destroyed in prior action against the Dark Empire


Location: Somewhere in or around Coruscant, where Lupa Visz can be found

Lady Mecetti dipped her head in respect.

"Of course. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction."

Location: Somewhere in or around Coruscant, at the offices of Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn

Some time later, the Lady of House Mecetti found herself at the offices of the Supreme Commander of the Defense Forces. Her masked bodyguard moved to speak to the desk attendant first, but Vianca brushed him aside.

"Forgive my brusqueness," she said, "I am here to see the Supreme Commander on an issue of importance to the defense of Coruscant.

I realize you must have countless petitioners and distractions at this hour. However, if you could convey that Lady Vianca Mecetti is here to see her, I'd be obliged."

Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn


Location: Ship
Objective: Help train other Jedi
Tag: Casaline Ryiah

Since the beginning of the event, Silas had been sitting down cross legged on a training mat and taking in the atmosphere of the event. He had already seen some familiar faces such as the Nobles, as well as many new faces that he had yet to have the honor of meeting. One of them, however, was about to be very much introduced when they arrived at the session slightly late.

It wasn't an issue, but it gave him an incentive to poke fun and have the padawan test themselves.

Putting on a cold gaze the knight stared straight at Casaline and waited for a few moments until they noticed his stare "Miss, would you please come over here?" Silas commanded with a brief motion to sit in front of him on the mat. It seemed like she was going to be in trouble, but instead, it was simply to get her comfortable.


"I have a suggestion which may address some of these concerns."

Lady Vianca Mecetti spoka again. She spoke gently, with a timidity one might not expect from a Tapani Sector noble.

"It is a valid concern that systems with fewer resources could be negatively impacted if they were expected to carry an equal burden of this bill."

She nodded in the direction of the representative who had spoken on the issue.

"On the other hand, it is an equally valid concern that some systems may benefit from the refugee bill while doing nothing to contribute to it.

I propose a tiered levy system to pay for the program, based on Gross Domestic Product, recalculated annually. In this way, every system contributes something. But never more than their economy can support. Further, those involved in the production of war materiel should be afforded a tax offset so that their industry is not impaired by the drain of the aid program."

She looked at the Trade Federation representative, or at least the image of him on her end of the holoconference.

"With the load spread this way, and only so much financial burden as each back can carry, the drain on Alliance coffers and war effort should be minimal."

Now there was a new glint in her eye, "And I'm sure the various refugees will be anxious to rebuild their lives, and not survive merely on the basis of government handouts. Billions of people, looking for jobs.

The Trade Federation would do well to harness their economic potential. There are many tasks that will need doing in this wartime economy. And jobless refugees will be anxious to do their share. A motivated labor force is manifest to us, in a time of increased material need. Think of it. No resources will need to be diverted to the construction of droids or auto-factories.

What sentient wouldn't desire to toil mightily, to end a threat that had ousted them from their homes? I myself would be grateful for the chance to contribute, were I in their shoes."

To the right ears, she could be heard to propose a limitless pool of workers willing to throw their shoulders into any effort, while fueled solely by a cocktail of anger, patriotism, and scraps of food.

It was a practiced technique, allowing one statement to seem both as the heart of charity and de-facto indentured servitude, depending on whose ears the message was intended for.

Alicio Organa Natasi Fortan Gansorm Qassel Lodd Grimmin Valery Noble Valery Noble Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera Auteme

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