Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fondor — GA populate of Stobar

During his observations, Aurelio noted how young some of the trainees seemed. It was a common sight during times of war—every hand needed to be on deck—but it still felt unsettling to see the next generation of knights in such uncertain times. His thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking, pulling him back to reality.

Aurelio instinctively looked down, acutely aware of his size. He often found it challenging to be mindful of others around him due to his imposing stature. His green eyes fell upon an older Jedi, or so it seemed—appearances could be deceiving.

"Ah, no harm, my friend. Just the simple observations of a galaxy no longer familiar," he said, offering a meaty hand for a handshake. His stoic features softened into a small smile, though it seemed out of place on a face built for a permanent frown.

"Aurelio La Valette at your service. Sometimes the more you ignore the strangeness and changes of the galaxy, the worse it seems to get, don't you think?" he remarked. It was more of a statement than a question, highlighting his belief that ignoring issues only made them worse.

When asked if he had come to train, a hearty, gruff laugh escaped him. "Originally, I came to see what was happening, but seeing all these Jedi spar and train gets the adrenaline going. Though it seems everyone has already found their opponents."

Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani

Aurelio La Valette Aurelio La Valette

Even with no particular effort behind it, the strength of the larger man's grip on his hand was evident when Jaidan accepted the handshake...after a split second's hesitation that he hoped went unobserved, inspired as it was by recent events which had nothing to do with Aurelio himself. Such strength was hardly a surprise, but it was impressive. And if it was backed by skill of even vaguely similar magnitude, then this encounter may prove fortuitous indeed. Physically trying, but fortuitous.

Though hardly a full grin, and hidden further by his voluminous beard, Jaidan allowed himself a slightly wider smile as well as a low chuckle at Aurelio's wise observation. And as Aurelio continued, that smile widened.

"Much like the holo mail I decline to answer, eh? Yes, I suspect you are correct. Fortunate, that our order does not pay taxes to the Alliance. As for adrenaline, a Jedi seeking excitement? Well that our code is so much more flexible than it once was. And from time to time, in response to true need, the Force has been known to provide. Perhaps it is I who can be of service."

At that, Jaidan fished into his robe and retrieved what at first glance bore as much resemblance to a jeweled scepter as a utilitarian weapon of war. A far younger Jedi had put a great deal of time and care into the weapon, inspired by the look of the Jedi holocrons which had caught his eye in the archives long before he had first taken to constructing his own. Smoother than most examples of the weapon and composed primarily of bronzium with rich turquoise crystals inlaid to form both the pommel and ignition stud, elegant knotwork ran the length the length of it and delicate latticework accented the wraparound emitter shroud. Just long enough to accommodate two hands, a practiced eye would discern intent to facilitate the finer movements of Makashi as well.

"Once, a long time ago, I was determined that I would become a true artist with one of these, and designed mine accordingly. I would combine the martial prowess of my homeworld, the teachings of the Jedi and every other gift I had at my disposal, and by the end of it, Tulak Hord himself would have nothing on me. Not the first time you've heard such aspirations, I suspect. The optimism of youth, of course, but I like to think I was pretty good. I've had little use for it save against remotes and Padawans in quite some time, but I suspect I may have need of it again soon. I am curious to see what kind of swordsman has emerged from his rest."
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TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Braze knew the risks of directly engaging with Aris, whose formidable strength was well-known to him. With a calmness that belied the rapid calculations firing through his synapses, he called upon the Force, seeking its aid not for attack but for enhanced agility and swift movement.

Aris, projecting the confidence of a seasoned fighter, initiated his attack with a classic Djem So maneuver.

Braze knew the intention behind Aris's stance. His body tensed, appearing ready to meet the strike head-on. However, his mind was already several steps ahead, navigating through potential outcomes, his training with Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order coming to the forefront of his experiances. His muscles coiled tightly, his stance deceptively open, inviting the attack.

As Aris's blade descended in a wide, arcing sweep aimed directly at him, Braze's focus intensified. At the critical moment, just as the blade approached, he enacted his ruse. Dropping his center of gravity, he feigned a defensive block, a tactic to lure Aris into committing fully to his powerful sweep.

Anticipating Aris's next move, Braze drew on the Force. With the timing of a striking peregrine, he tapped into this wellspring of speed. In a blink, as Aris's blade cut through the air where Braze had been mere moments before, Braze executed a diagonal, forward-angled disengagement with such explosive velocity that it left a faint afterimage. He reappeared a few feet away, safely outside the arc of Aris's deadly sweep. Landing lightly on the balls of his feet, his chest heaved slightly from a single breath, the only sign of his exertion, as his gaze never left Aris.

Now at a safer distance, Braze took a moment to reassess. He didn't rush to counterattack. Instead, he remained observant, ready to continue his tactic of avoidance and careful observation. He knew that patience and precision were his allies, and as he watched Aris.

He knew he had to keep himself safe but also conserve his energy, waiting for the opportune moment to strike or force an error in Aris's form. A strategic blending of Makashi, Soresu, and Speed were what he needed here.

Objective I — The Pan-Alliance Relief Act (PARA)
This was not only Nizhalgal's first time in the Grand Assembly of Fondor, but it was also his first time back since the Mandalorian Enclave had besieged Yag'Dhul. Although he still secretly despised political meetings, he had to admit that this one was a lot better than the one on Coruscant. It seemed less... pompous? The cryptographer/ former actor looked out at the proceedings from behind his perpetual grin, the same grin that had caused his people to elevate him into politics in the first place, much as he hated it. Where Givins generally had facial features that would be considered "anguish" by human standards, Nizhalgal had been born with a rare trait that, as humans would say, "turned his frown upside-down," giving him his trademark grin. It had propelled him into the spotlight as a celebrity and then as a leader. He had never wanted leadership, but he knew it was the will of the Cosmic Force, so he did his best to play his part.

"Nizhalgal of Yag'Dhul," he introduced himself. "First off, I would like to express my deepest apologies for missing any previous meetings." This was not at all true, as he honestly was glad to have excuses not to attend. "But I was quite busy with the reconstruction of Dodecapolis, as I'm sure you all understand. Thankfully, there were no civilian casualties, and we were able to keep structural damage to a minimum, thanks to foresight and engineering. That being said, it did still take some time. However, I am pleased to inform you that the shipyards are back up and in full production mode. And when I first got the proposal for the bill, I went ahead and personally funded expansions in the city for housing for refugees and bacta production. We are firmly on board."

The Givin senator paused a moment. He was pondering a play. He had no idea where it would lead, if anywhere, but he figured he'd try. "And... just hear me out for a second, I know it's a crazy idea. We could always ask the Enclave for help. They were once our allies. They could be again, perhaps. If we were to issue an official apology..." He paused again, as if he were pondering still, though it was actually just for dramatic effect. "No, never mind. As much as they also hate Sith, both sides would still be too wary for any team up to be possible. There would be too much tension. Forget I brought it up." He also knew too much pride was at stake to issue any kind of potential admission of guilt, which it might be seen as. "I do want it to be known, that I deeply regret voting for the declaration of war, but it seemed right at the time, based on what information we had from the Jedi. I paid the price for that when my city was besieged. The rebuilding was time we could have spent preparing to defend against the real threat of the Sith. But what is done is done. We can only move forward and give what we can. Unlike with the Enclave, we have no choice in this one. We either win, or..."

Nizhalgal let his sentence trail off, letting their imaginations fill in the rest. Then, another thought occurred to him. "Say, did anyone else feel a strange occurrence happen around the same time the Rimward Trade League was overrun?" He gave a slightly over-exaggerated shiver. "Too many Sith..." he whispered out loud for dramatic effect. "I don't know if it reached this far, but it was felt by some on Yag'Dhul. We have no idea what might have transpired there, but the thing is... it was felt by people who aren't even Force-sensitive. I have no idea what this may mean for the Galaxy..." He leaned back, acting as if deep in thought and worry. He actually did have an idea what it meant for the Galaxy. If he was correct in his decodings of an ancient prophecy scratched out in stone by a madman, all in mathematical equations so advanced that even the greatest mathematicians in Dodecapolis had not been able to make heads or tails of it, then it meant that something great and wonderful was on the verge of happening. But it was not time yet, apparently. The chaos spread by the Arbiters and the Sith Order and the division between the Alliance and the Enclave had not been enough for the Awakening to truly begin.

But now, the Maw was back, in the guise of this new "Dark Empire." While most were troubled -- and maybe even scared witless -- by such events, Nizhalgal saw the opportunity in it. Maybe this would be the final push needed, or it might at least be the start of it. The push for the True Awakening that would save the Galaxy... All according to the prophecy. All according to the Will of the Cosmic Force.

As the other man took his hand, Aurelio made sure to regulate his strength, mindful not to crush the man's hand. This was something he had failed to do in the past, though that person had deserved it. Releasing the man's hand, he chuckled at his comments.

"That holo mail is probably from some off-world insurance business trying to get a hold of you. Ah, what is life without a little excitement? But there is no better excitement than being in the heat of a duel or battle."

Aurelio raised an eyebrow at the remark that the other man could be of service, intrigued by the statement. His interest heightened as the man produced what appeared to be a lightsaber, intricately designed to look like a royal scepter. Aurelio noted how easily it could deceive an opponent into underestimating its true power.

"In my opinion, such aspirations are essential to keep oneself on the path to becoming the best version of themselves. No matter how small or large, aspirations drive us forward."

Aurelio's gaze briefly left Jaidan, observing the ongoing training sessions before refocusing on the man. "Given what I read on my way here, it seems that statement will likely become a reality. So, if it works for you, how about a little sparring match between you and me?"

Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani


Grand Assembly, Alliance General Ministry Canton
- Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin - Monaray Dod Monaray Dod - Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan - Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti - Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray - Nizhalgal Nizhalgal - Senate

The first to speak after him brought with her a somber reminder. Lady Mecetti was not a face he'd been familiar with for long, but ever since the death of her husband, he'd learned it quickly. He bowed his head deferentially to Vianca as he yielded his time to her, true sympathy in his eyes. Despite his many disagreements with Casteban... there was some part of him that respected the man for his bravery, and willingness to say the uncomfortable truth.

It seemed that the stand-in senator of the Tapani Sector's beliefs were in-line with his own, today. That could not be said for all in attendance, unfortunately.

The corporatist bloc, that old enemy of Alicio's, made their presence known, somehow finding the shady corner of a completely circular room. Director Grimmin, he knew from multiple interactions was primarily interested in the Trade Federation's gains, as any servant to their corporation should be. Senator Qassel, he had far less reason to suspect. The Koorivar made a fair point.

Queen Kha'la Daaray of Hapes seemed to think so too. Much like Casteban, Alicio had his disagreements with his fellow monarch, but their thoughts aligned more often than not. An interesting quirk of the political system they found themselves in.

Alicio had been debating what to say, how to say it, when Lady Mecetti's hologram rose her voice again, suggesting some ideas he appreciated... and some he did not. The darkly-dressed senator's lip twisted down briefly, before resetting. He rose again, stealing his time back.

"I support the idea of creating a tiered levy system. Thank you, Lady Mecetti, for the suggestion. This is something the new permanent committee can work out the details of after the bill is passed. However, I don't expect this bill to break our banks, so to speak." He frowned. "I'm not so naïve to think it will be free, but PARA is an organizational bill. We already have funding, relief drives, credits already in our budget dedicated to philanthropy, and planets and partners eager to help. The support is there. This bill seeks to take efforts that would have little impact on their own, and through focused, diligent management and streamlining cooperation, create something that will make an impact"

"Supporting the refugees will be costly, with or without this bill."

"Though, if you will allow me to be inflammatory for a moment,"
he said, letting a tiny smirk find it's way upon his face once more, "It is... interesting to me that unfair taxation is only mentioned when speaking of humanitarian matters. Nobody denied the importance of heightened wartime taxes when it applied to weapons, to save our people from the Sith. This is saving lives too."

Finally, Nizhalgal of Yag'Dhul found his words, and Alicio, too found his verbiage dividing. For a later time.

"Thank you, Senator. Yours is another example of a home-grown relief effort that worked. Yag'Dhul's willingness to help is monumentally appreciated." Alicio found a genuine, warm smile, before falling neutral once more. "I would ask that we try to stay on-topic for the purpose of this meeting... But the topic of allies is also an important one. One I would be eager to dig into, after our current point of discussion is resolved."

Disbelief, indeed.

Tulan stared, hard-nosed at the visage of Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield before him. Tulan had grown a beard to cover the scars that Nida had given him, but they still lingered above the beardline. He narrowed his eyes, crossing the soldiers, shoving past the soldiers that Thirdas brought with him. Despite his age, despite his stature, Tulan was able to shove the armored men that Thirdas brought with him.

He shoved Thirdas by the chestplate.

"I gave you and your wife a god damned happy ending." Another shove. "This isn't your fight, Thirdas. You have kids, you have a home, you have everything because I lost everything to give it to you and her!" He only raised his voice slightly, but his voice already carried enough that it was scary to think what it would sound like if he did yell.

"What the hell are you doing here, Thirdas? Your wars over. Go live. You don't need to be here. That's what I want. Not you to come with your army, your soldiers, you. I want you, and your wife, and your kids to live the life I never got to, kid. There is no coming back from this fight. Please, Thirdas-"

Tulan lowered his tone. Begging, pleading.

"Don't stay and fight for the Alliance. The dreams over."


Wartime Training

Muscles twitched as sabers clashed. Light sharpened and harmonious hum turned to scratched static. Ran's first strike was blocked and she readied herself for what was to come. A thrust from Acaadi kept Ran at bay. She stayed on the edge of his reach and swatted his riposte away. He wasn't really going after her, she thought. Was he setting up a larger tactic or just biding time to figure something out?

"You've known her much longer than I." She continued their conversation. "I thought all my family gone until I met Amani. That was three years ago." Three years and only a few moments spent together. Some would argue they were still strangers. Ran wouldn't. Family meant everything to her, both found and born.

With a flourish of her lightsaber Ran switched her stance and tactics. Form three was where she settled and where she stayed. "Come, Acaadi! I'd like to see what those blades of yours can do." She challenged him with some excitement. She would take the defensive. "Give me all you've got." She confirmed. "The Dark Empire's minions will not spare us an iota."


The Queen of the Hapes Cluster, Kha'la Daaray, was met with a subtle sneer by the Minister when she levied an unfounded accusation that the Federation prioritized credits over the welfare of the Alliance Population. Such a notion was impossible, as they always needed more workers for their factories across the galaxy. Although she did ask the same question of the proposal, on where the additional revenue should come from for such programs.

Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti proposed the implementation of a tiered levy system, which would be based on Gross Domestic Product, to fund the program. This system would ensure that each member within the alliance could contribute without negatively impacting their economy, and tax offsets would be provided for industries involved in war production.

"The suggestion from Senator Mecetii will be taken into account, and passed along to the Executive Board." The Neimoidian explained, expressing a reluctance to deny the advantages of nearly boundless refugees for the economy during wartime, yet simultaneously desiring to avoid appearing in favor of any provisions associated with this legislation.

The sole comprehension he gleaned from Senator Nizhalgal Nizhalgal pertained to the necessity of uniting allies in preparation to confront the New Empire. The remainder of the senator's statement seemed to be nonsensical mutterings of a deranged individual. Sharing a glance towards the Senator from Alderaan who once again made a great effort to get the legislation passed.

"The rise in war taxation was widely accepted, as the extra funds were allocated towards supporting the war endeavor with weapons as you mentioned and compensating the courageous individuals serving within the Defense Forces, not a single credit from that taxation drive was wasted. . The imposition of this bill is likely to breed dissatisfaction within the neighboring systems of the Dark Empire. It is questionable why they should contribute funds to a hierarchical tax system when they are preoccupied with the looming threat of attacks from the Imperials and are preparing their own defenses. Until we can start negotiations with the Galactic Banks for extended lines of credit, there is simply no way we can support any organization bill for refugees without risking further financial instability."

Lodd provided a thorough explanation, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the allocation of resources towards the defense systems near the Dark Empire rather than solely focusing on passing a bill for refugees. Such a decision was influenced by the heightened military presence of the Imperial Armada, which posed a significant threat. While it is regrettable that the refugees may not receive immediate support, it is essential to make tough decisions during times of war.

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Aurelio La Valette Aurelio La Valette

"I think you will find me amenable."

As if that statement required clarification, Jaidan had returned his lightsaber to his belt, but only to free up both hands for the purposes of discarding his outer robe. At first, he moved to hang it by its hood on the end of his walking staff, but after a moment, he seemed to think better of it. With a sly smile to himself, he instead folded the garment neatly before placing it gingerly upon the ground in a nearby corner and resting the staff against the wall atop it.

The garments worn beneath proved of a similar theme, and much in the same style of Jedi since time immemorial, just with a somewhat starker contrast. His shirt, pants and belt were all of the purest obsidian, whereas the vest was of a pure snow white that matched the hair which nature had given him. It was, in effect, a constant acknowledgement that while he had chosen his allegiance and was content with said choice, he acknowledged the dual nature which lay at the core of all sentient beings.

But for now, Aurelio would have no need to concern himself with such metaphysical matters. He would only need to content with Jaidan's first.

"Defend yourself, then."

No further words were wasted as Jaidan took hold of his lightsaber once more and proceeded out into the open. No sooner was he in place than his weapon was ignited with a resounding hum, revealing a blade of uncommonly dark green like that of the deep forest in the waning hours of daylight. With only a nod of respect, the Echani master waited until Aurelio had found what seemed to be an agreeable starting position before surging forward with a speed which indicated nothing of advancing years and employed his full range with a long and one-handed Makashi lunge. It was aggressive and conservative all at once, presenting only blade while leaving his body relatively safe from any counter, but even so, the intent was clear.

If Aurelio wished the thrill of a fight, he would have it.


Objective II: Wartime Training


There were three padawans around him, at the start.

He fought like a devil. A demon. A man possessed. Not like any of the Jedi had trained for. The younger Jedi were unprepared for his savagery, his unorthodox fighting. He fought with tenacity, he used his lightsaber like a sledgehammer, or wielded it like a sword all the same.

And in the end, he hurt one, and wounded the other two, even with the training setting turned on.

Thal panted, watching the three padawans be tended to. His body was wrought with bloodlust, the familiar, blissful sensation of combat and victory mixing with the fear of what was to come. He looked up to the ceiling of the training room, blinking, trying to find his center. The air around him grew static and heavy with the uncontrolled temper he had yet to conquer.

But self-reflection, introspection, reflection, meditation and inner peace could wait. Thal was not needed for his peace at the moment. The people of Coruscant, the Alliance, the Jedi, did not need Thal Mantis to be at peace. They needed the Deathless, the man who survived the Red Tower by climbing atop the bodies of hundreds that he slew himself. He needed to be that person again-

Or so he convinced himself.

He spun his blue blades, the lightsabers moving in a fan pattern before he disengaged them. There were many prominent and important Jedi around him, but he paid them no mind. Councils, ranks, temples, it all seemed so trivial, so juvenile and so much of an afterthought in the face of the invasion of the Sith to an entire planet. Thal knew what he had to become, what he had to do in order for him to survive the onslaught by the Sith. What he had to accept about himself for the time being, what kind of man he had to be.

The question he had, standing over the washbowl, and getting a drink of water- is if the other Jedi, if the Alliance, had the tenacity to stand up. He may have had it- or at least, thought he did, but he wondered if the Alliance were truly ready for a fight for survival. And if the Jedi's mantras about peace, balance and compassion mattered in the face of such unimaginable cruelty.

Location: Training Grounds
Equipment: Outfit
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil - Lightsaber
Tags: Exit Post

Half turning to watch the gathered jedi find sparring partners and mingle, she wondered quietly if they would all come out the same as they went in.

If this coming fight was to be a crucible for those gathered to temper themselves into something they had never prepared for in earnest. The grizzled veterans of the Defense Force could attest no doubt to how many fresh faced young bloods had filled their ranks only to fall beside them. And how deeply it cut them without uttering a single word on the matter as they prepared for yet another conflict.

It made her thoughts wander too far.

Can't even offer anything to them. And yet you worry. Wasted energy.

Terse and dismissive thoughts drowned out the others as she watched in silence as those below began. Some moving with fluid grace while others shown clearly how new they were to the idea of fighting.

Aris was sparring with someone she didn't recognize. But his blade seemed familiar to her while the dark blade was something she'd never seen before. A strange match-up maybe, but it seemed to be an agreed pair. Vera was sorting out a pair of them, pointing to someone and organizing the situation. A wry smile fixed itself in place of the tense drawn line as she wondered who Vera took after.

"Just like her mom." Sighing at the thought of how her own would grow up. Vera was already taking charge and working to be better. Wondering if it was Vera's own drive or a wish to be better than her mother that kept her striving for greater heights. Eyes scanning over the small group as another thought gnawed at the slight bit of joy she was feeling.

We'll be lucky if ours isn't worse, since we're such a great example.

The smile withered. Hand sliding away from the rail to fix a hem in her robe. Casting a final look to those practicing. Wishing silently for each of them, and those they helped, the best in the coming fight. Expression shifting to a solemn stare as her eyes fixed themselves on the floor panels.

"Shouldn't be here." Reminding herself of the work she still had to finish. Letting her hand settle at her side before tracing her steps back to the landing area to find her way home.


"Dinner arrangements. If you win I will make a five course meal for us. You'll have to get the wine. And if I wine you'll let us try the third option this month."

Cora heard him out, then paused. She went stiff, then red.

How- why would he- D-did he just say that? In public??

Her shock melted into a glare, and she let out a hmph!

Given their lack of culinary expertise, she wondered if the win was even worth it. Which, yes, yes it was, if only for her to lord it over him.

"Very well." She agreed, pacing away from him before turning sharply on her heel. "But just so you know - Filet of Coslen Dantoinal takes days to prepare properly."

Her saber hissed to life, and she surged forward with a wide-arced slash to his midsection to test his reflexes.
Senator of Cato Neimoidia

The Koorivar Senator carefully observed as each senator voiced their perspectives and viewpoints on the recent senate bill. The Queen of Hapan Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray was less than impressed with the credit-driven ideals of the Trade Federation Delegation, but had to agree that the revenue would have to come from somewhere that didn't take away from the military.

The widowed Senator Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti proposed a tiered system to solve the revenue crisis, even implying that the Federation could make use of the addtional laborers to save costs. Senator Nizhalgal Nizhalgal presented their own statement, although hard to understand and not entirely with context to the current vote.

A glance was given towards the Senator from Alderaan Alicio Organa Alicio Organa who skillfully presented his argument, providing evidence and cleverly taking subtle shots at the opposing side, which was met with a less than receptive welcome by his Neimoidian associate who tried to focus the conversation on credits and dissension among the ranks of the systems near to the Dark Empire.

"I am in favor of implementing a tiered system as it would provide the necessary financial support for the programs that you, Senator Organa, have in mind. Yet, I would like some elaboration on what support you already have from planets and organizations, if such support comes from mostly for-profit organizations and corporate aligned planets?"

He asked with caution, wanting to gain more information before deciding a vote.

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Ironside's Irregulars [X]
Members [
Italic means helmet is worn.

Preparing for battle
Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

"Tulan, what're you—"

The first shove took him by surprise, pushing him several steps back. The unexpected joy at so suddenly seeing his old mentor and commanding officer again was gradually snuffed out upon witnessing the state of the man. He looked older and more dishevelled than last time they'd met, and he was visibly upset to lend credence to his anger and disappointment in seeing his young protégé at a time like this.

The second shove did not budge the towering Valkyri, but merely nudged his shoulders slightly. Eyebrows furrowed at the man's ramblings, listing his reasons for someone like Thirdas to retire and no longer involve himself in matters of war. It hurt, having to listen to him.

Only when Tulan had voiced his strong protests to his appearance did Thirdas speak. His men had all reacted by reaching for their weapons at the first shove, but their Chief had quietly waved them off.

"'Not my fight'?" He stared at him with visible resentment. "That is a hell of a thing to say to me, given all we've been through."

He turned away from him in a bid to regain composure, still hurt his comrade's words. His thumb fidgeted with the betrothal band on his finger.

"Nida and I aren't married, Tulan. There are no children — no family to devote myself to. I proposed to her on Sev Tok, and then she was off again. She's somewhere out there making the galaxy a better place, so how can I do anything less? Our time will come, at which point I will gladly discard my armour and set aside my weapon. Until then, my place is here on the frontline. It's all I know."

He looked down at his feet, let out an audible sigh, then faced his old mentor once more with softened features.

"The dream lives on so long as there are dreamers, Brother. My men and I are servants of the people, not governments. It's what the Corps stood for, back in the good old days. What you and Setter taught me. I haven't forgotten, Gunny."


Location: Training Dojo
Objective: Kick Padawans Butt
Tags: Nir Si Nir Si

"Teach me something then, old lady."

With a snaphiss her own white blade sprang to life. She twirled it around lightly, stretching her shoulders. She'd had this weapon for over a century but had lately been thinking it might be time for an upgrade. She supposed she'd see how it did against Nir before making that decision.

With one last flourish she advanced on her padawan, starting with some simple moves that should be easy enough to block. She wanted to see what type of duelist he was since they hadn't done that yet.

Following Jaidan's example, Aurelio shrugged off the fur cape that draped around his broad shoulders, revealing armor made of beskar. The armor, though formidable, lacked any protection for his arms, showcasing his heavily muscled physique.

Lumbering towards a spot opposite Jaidan, the smile on Aurelio's face widened. It had been some time since he participated in a friendly duel, and he relished the opportunity. As he reached for the hilt of his lightsaber, which rested in a large sheath on his left side, Aurelio spoke with enthusiasm.

"Let's see what you've got, my friend."

There was no hint of condescension in his voice; Aurelio was genuinely curious about Jaidan's fighting style. Observing opponents in duels or battles had always been a keen interest of his. Tightening his grip around the hilt, he unsheathed his saber. The hilt, reminiscent of a vibrosword, featured an emitter placed dead center between the crossguard. Apart from its unique design, there was little else of note.

Aurelio ignited the blade, which came to life in a cascading cyan hue. Adopting a Djem So stance, he waited for Jaidan's move. He didn't have to wait long. Jaidan's speed took Aurelio by surprise, especially given his age.

Shifting his weight to one side, Aurelio moved at an angle to intercept the oncoming jab. He brought his blade to collide with Jaidan's weapon, attempting a parry not for a counterattack but to gain ground and close the distance. If successful in his parry, Aurelio planned to press forward, preparing for an attack of his own.

Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

AS she charged forward, Nir took what he had learned in his months more or less living in the training room. Rather than block, Nir stepped to the side and let his lightsaber disappear from his hand, before shifting his stance and summoning it once more, slashing at his master's chest. Nir was never one for 'honorable combat', as back home on Cathar, he was always getting his butt handed to him in wrestling matches. Now, he wanted to show his style to his master. Lure your opponent in, and surprise them!

Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


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