Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fondor — GA populate of Stobar

The sensation of being struck by a lightsaber, even one powered down to a non-lethal setting, was unique—a numbing feeling quite different from the sharp sting of vibroblade nicks or stray blaster bolts.

Aurelio shook his arm slightly, tensing it to dispel the numbness. He chuckled as he noticed Jaidan's blinking surprise, evidently taken aback by his willingness to take a hit in order to land one.

"It would be a matter of seeing who would succumb to their injuries first. A draw seems fitting, and I must say, it's been a while since I've had such an intriguing dueling opponent."

Twirling his saber lightly, Aurelio continued, "Another bout sounds perfect to me, though I'll be on the offensive this time." He settled into a high guard stance.

Once the other had found a suitable position, Aurelio advanced with grounded footwork, launching a heavy overhead slash aimed diagonally at his opponent's torso.

Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani



Aris reached for another. Braze was just throwing them away, casually waving a hand to knock what he was throwing while suffocating him. Single handedly, at that. He could find another sword to throw, though. Or maybe he did? He wasn't sure, since he blacked out.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Braze slowly eased off his air manipulation, cautiously stepping over to Aris. His approach was gentle, calm, and focused, yet filled with caution, knowing full well that Aris could wake up and be in fight mode. He used the Force to gently adjust Aris's form, laying him on his back with care. With precise control, Braze administered oxygen to Aris's lungs, effectively giving him breath without making physical contact.​


TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Braze approached Aris with caution, his steps measured and tentative. He observed Aris carefully, assessing the likelihood of any immediate threat. Satisfied that the danger of being stabbed was not imminent, he lowered himself into a crouch, bringing himself to eye level with Aris. "Do you feel alright?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine concern, his eyes searching Aris's.​


"I've got a headache, but that will clear up I imagine."

Aris pushed himself up, dusting himself off some before hooking his lightsaber back on his hip. He'd figured out something useful. Now he just needed to make it more practical. Something small for him to throw, or maybe something he could bring back? Was there something like that? He couldn't use the Force to return something, but there had to be something in the Galaxy that could come back on it's own.

That'd be useful.

Braze Braze

Braze manipulated the air, swirling it gently about Aris, rustling his hair in the breeze as he tried to infuse him with a higher quality of oxygen to help him out. The sensation was much gentler and cooler than the harsh siphoning effect he had used before, a soft caress against the skin rather than a forceful tug.

"You might want to swallow some water or chew some gum if your ears feel a bit weird," Braze offered softly,
"It would be a matter of seeing who would succumb to their injuries first. A draw seems fitting, and I must say, it's been a while since I've had such an intriguing dueling opponent."
Gracious indeed. Jaidan detected no condescension in the remark, yet he suspected that the towering Jedi was giving him the benefit of the doubt there. Jaidan had pushed through pain and injury in the past, of course; even in the days when mastery with a blade was his true focus, he was not so preternaturally skilled as to dive headfirst into the thick of battle with warriors of famed skill and ferocity only to come out unscathed every time. He was no wilting flower, and yet his approach to fighting was centered around finesse, a clean and technical answer to every challenge. Thus, he suspected that a warrior more inclined to take an injury on purpose would more readily shrug it off.

But that was mere speculation, and likely fueled by the inevitable self-recrimination that came with a mistake, so he didn't give any voice to it. Instead, he simply gave a short nod and collected himself.

"Thank you; my sentiments are similar. It may require some reflection to make full use of it, but I believe this is the instruction I sought."
Twirling his saber lightly, Aurelio continued, "Another bout sounds perfect to me, though I'll be on the offensive this time." He settled into a high guard stance.

"As you wish," he stated just as shortly as he assumed the low guard in answer. Jaidan generally preferred that stance of the two anyway. It kept his blade closer to his body, and thus quicker to move between said body and an incoming attack. And that's precisely what he had in mind. If Aurelio wished to go on the offensive, then Jaidan would present him with as impregnable a defense possible to test it against. And that meant Soresu.

He had heard once, early in his Jedi training, that Soresu was the most common choice among the old Order in their last years. A younger and more ignorant man then, he had initially assumed this meant it was likely the easiest of the seven to learn, and perhaps the least effective in light of what became of those Jedi. The style of the rank and file who'd died in droves, not the exceptional few. He'd recalled this notion with some embarrassment when the name Kenobi came up in his lessons, and that feeling had intensified as he delved into the style more deeply.

Yes, Form III had its weaknesses, and his attempts to cover them had led him in turn to Form II. And yes, at its most basic, the idea of Soresu was simple. Keep your blade in close, in position to await the coming attack and respond with minimal effort or delay. But practice diverged widely from theory. For one, it required the practitioner to placidly await an incoming blaster bolt, or even a lightsaber, and endure that again and again while restraining the instinctive need to remove the threat as quickly as possible. The sheer mental and emotional discipline to do such a thing well was considerable, and the physical side of it was no less daunting.

Case in point: taken at face value, Form III could potentially be a disastrous choice for Jaidan's current predicament. It forced him to allow an obviously more powerful opponent into close quarters, a mistake this close to his body would be the end of him, and even if he put his saber in the way of Aurelio's without fail, a blade lock could easily end with his own blade shoved right back into his face.

The answer required that his entire body be engaged and acting in perfect concert. His footwork had to be spot on. And so it was. Two hands gripped Jaidan's weapon now, but it wasn't simply a static block that awaited the duke's slanting cleave, but a quick and elegant darting to the side, outside the blade's ard to ensure that his block worked WITH the momentum of the attack rather than against it. The next strike made that particular defense impossible, coming in directly from the side in an apparent attempt to box him in even as he was worn down by superior force. Thus, he slid away from the strike with his back foot even as he threw the block up to ensure he wasn't trying to stop the full impact of the swing cold. The third strike, coming in from the opposite side, he DID have to absorb more directly. But he angled his blade to apply the optimum leverage of both arms, and he leaned into the block with his legs and torso, thus providing the physical oomph he needed before sliding back to create distance.

A resolute, but steadily evolving defense. But he was no passive recipient to all of this, no matter how thoroughly his earlier aggression seemed to have died away like a snuffed candle. He was watching, he was waiting, and he was learning.
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It was eerie just how quick Aris seemed to just.. Recover. His expression shifted to the calm one from before as he nodded once to Braze and stepped out of the ring to find a bottle of water to drink. His ears did feel a little funny, but it wasn't like when the man from before had screamed at him. Thankfully. He didn't like being deaf as he had been. "I'll be alright, I think. Thanks, Braze."

Braze Braze

There was power in being able to hammer your opponent with a quick flurry of strikes.

Fighting a trained Jedi was different from fighting someone who couldn't connect to the Force as thoroughly. Jedi often relied - but not fully - on being able to predict their opponent's moves through more esoteric means.

The Force touched Makko Vyres Makko Vyres differently than it had Cora. As a Padawan, he'd struggled with simple acts of telekinesis, but excelled when it came to using the Force to subtly manipulate his surroundings. And now, he'd come to trust in the Force to guide his next movements.

Makko swept her saber aside and jabbed at her chest. Caught off balance from the party and left open, Cora was on her back foot to avoid his strike. She caught on her own foot, stumbling, and landed on her bottom.

Cora huffed, killed her saber, and glares up at Makko. Part of her was annoyed that he'd gotten the better of her, but no small part of her was proud of him. She was also, of course, a little embarrassed at having been caught off guard. It showed in the mixed expression on her face.

She extended a hand to him.

"Very well, then. Help me up."


TAG: Mahsa Mahsa

Jacob noticed the way Mahsa’s eyes widened. Perhaps she had not expected him to ask her to stick with her original plan. The young teenager just knew he would not get better if people took it easy on him. It was not the first time he would walk away from a training session with bumps and bruises, and it would not be the last.

She dodged his attack in time, and with finesse. He smirked, briefly as her own counter came quickly.

Now this was something Jacob could deal with. He leaped over her blade. This was the kind of attack which many tried regardless of force use or not. Jacob did likely what the girl would expect also. His blade came down in a vertical slash which would have cleaved her in two if it landed correctly, and if his blade was on its full setting.

A moment of contemplation crossed Aurelio's features as Jaidan transitioned to Soresu. This defensive form posed a challenge to Aurelio's tendency to use primarily Djem So, making it difficult to land a hit through conventional means. However, many problems could be solved with brute strength aimed directly at weak points.

Noticing that each of his attacks had been blocked, Aurelio adopted a low one-handed stance, a smile playing on his lips. "Keeping me guessing, I see," he said with a hearty laugh that gradually faded as he advanced once more upon his opponent. Since targeting Jaidan's form to score a hit hadn’t been effective, Aurelio decided to test the strength of Jaidan’s defense itself.

Aurelio commenced another flurry of heavy attacks, but this time he aimed directly at Jaidan's saber blade. After a couple of these strikes, he shifted to a two-handed grip, putting more of his strength behind each swing in an effort to break through his opponent's defense.

Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani
Objective II: Wartime Training

Their first clash had sown seeds of doubt in her mind, worried that the difference might’ve been too great after learning he’d joined them recently. Now though she couldn’t help but wonder if it’d been just a fluke, the sweep towards his feet easily dodged with a leap before he used the momentum to his favor with a downward swing.

In her crouched position Mahsa knew there was no way in hell she’d be able to contest it, instead opting to dive in the direction Jacob had stood just moments before. It was the second time she’d gotten behind him now, the diagonal swipe of her blade oriented from bottom right to upper left allowing the Kazelrrian to stand up in one fluid motion as she attempted to slash at his back.

Lightsaber | Padawan Apparel

Interacting with Jacob Solay Jacob Solay


Vonnuvi Enclave

Tag: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

"Don't be sorry, I've made the same mistakes." Vera knew that her energy could be a little overwhelming sometimes, but she wasn't out to scare, intimidate or overpower anybody. She had struggled with lessons before and still was, with a great deal of lessons that revolved around the lightsaber and the Force. She understood Zaiya's struggles and she was going to help.

Maybe one day, she'd be a good teacher, like Amani, Mom, and Dad.

"That looks much better," Vera said once Zaiya picked up her lightsaber and adjusted her grip. It looked steady now, able to withstand even stronger attacks. She'd need to build a little more strength, skill and confidence to maintain control over her weapon during very heavy barrages, but it was a good step.

She'd get there!

This time, as the blade came crashing down, Vera caught it but saw no opportunity to fling the weapon from the other girl's hand. Instead, she stepped back to distance herself and raised her blade for a vertical sweep down towards the top of Zaiya's head. Telegraphed enough to give the girl a chance to block something overhead, where one had even less strength.

It wasn't about blocking a strike with actual power behind it — this was all about technique.

Vera Noble Vera Noble
While Zaiya had some experience with Verpine swords, it was more in a theoretical and engineering sense than actual use. The Lovalla enjoyed reading about high technology, and Verpine Tech was one of the best out there. Well, Verpine and Squib Technology. Zaiya was fascinated that the Squibs were able to make such amazing creations with just trash and what is left over from the compactor. Their tensor technology was like no other.

However, all that would not be any good to her in this present scenario.

At least Vera wasn't moving with super speed like Aris; or maybe she was not going too hard on the Lovalla that Zaiya managed to catch the overhead strike. She brought her training saber up diagonally to try to block it, which, amazingly, she did, buuuuttt she didn't put enough strength behind it that she gave a little stumble but scrambled to try and keep the blade from coming down to hit her head as they scraped against each other, tiny sparks dancing over the pair.

Now was the question of what one did next?

So, with no other options, Zaiya did her best to shove out with the blade against Vera to put some distance between them again.


Amani brushed her chin in thought. Most of the other temples were high risk, or already compromised. The Vonnuvi was a good refuge, but it just didn't have the space to account for all the Jedi. It was an enclave, after all, not a temple. "Well, let's brainstorm," Amani stepped back and waved for Valery to follow. It was a short walk around the courtyard, bringing them to the local meeting chamber. The large windows on the wall still gave them a view of the trainees even.

Amani activated a console in the center of the room, which lit up a map of the galaxy. She zoomed in detail on the area in question, "If we're trying to remain centralized, somewhere near the capital would make the most sense." She began to look at some of the worlds in the region, "Not sure I'd be all too eager to set up on one of the Tapani sector worlds. They've got their own drama to deal with. Dahrtag… A bit creepy for my tastes. Not sure how much the locals would like a Jedi presence there. Kiffu or Kiffex? Pretty independent, but they've got a long history with the Jedi. Course there's also Fondor itself." She shrugged. Chances are they weren't going to find something that was exactly what they wanted. But even just a temporary base of operations for the course of the war would help a lot.

"If we're trying to stay on the down-low, our options are even more limited. Somewhere not on most maps, maybe?" Amani began to move the map view around further, even away from GA space, "Ahch-To? Tanalorr? Zonama Sekot?" She stepped back from the console and crossed her arms, watching the trainees out the corner of her eye, "It's all to say, there's a lot of options. None of them perfect."


TAG: Mahsa Mahsa

His back was to her again. This time would be different. Jacob had told her that he would learn and adapt. This time as she attacked, the red haired teenager took two steps forward before turning to meet her blade with his. With their blades locked, Jacob gave the white haired girl a confident look. It was not meant to say ‘I told you so,’ but rather it was saying something else.

Trust me.

That was what sparring was about as much as it was about learning. It was in the heat of training like this soldiers learned to trust one another. What were they if not soldiers that could use the force? Jacob had read the different type of Jedi there were. He knew his father was a guardian, a soldier type. It was what Jacob would be as well, there was no denying it.

He stepped in, using his strength to push her blade toward her. Her advantage was speed and dexterity. His greatest asset in this bout was his strength. Hoping to distract her with the impending contact with her own weapon, Jacob quickly ducked and attempted to sweep at her legs, hoping to knock the girl on her back.
Objective II: Wartime Training

She had hesitated before her strike, a split second of doubt as she’d feared a replay of their first bout, before Jacob proved to her that he’d meant his words. That brief moment was all the redhead needed to move just out of her shorter reach, their blades colliding as he’d turned to meet her swing.

"V-Very good…!" A shower of sparks illuminated the faint smile tugging the ends of her lips as their sabers collided with one another, confirming what Mahsa had already suspected. In a test of strength Jacob would always be superior, she needed to put distance between them.

His step forward was met with a step back as she instinctively sought to keep the space separating them from shortening, unwilling to lose track of all his limbs in case Jacob decided to sneak in a kick—"!!!"

As she angled her saber towards the side Mahsa reached out to grab at Jacob’s clothes just as his sweep connected with her legs, using the momentum of her fall to make up for the strength she lacked. If she was going down then she was taking him with her.

Lightsaber | Padawan Apparel

Interacting with Jacob Solay Jacob Solay
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"Very well, then. Help me up."

"Just let me know when I can expect my prize," he said. He leaned back and drew Cora back to her feet. Makko allowed himself a look of smug satisfaction for just a moment.

"I got a bit lucky there," he admitted. "You routine on the attack was...well I couldn't follow it. I had to just react and hope."

"We should do this more often," he said in earnest.

They had both come a long way from that first sparring match. A little workout and test of one another would do them both some good. They both approached fighting from different perspectives and he had to admit that he could learn from hers.


Vonnuvi Enclave

Tag: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

"Very good!"

Vera was pushed back and balanced herself out again in her stance. She wasn't giving it her all, sure, but what would be the point of that? She had nothing to prove here, but she could do her best to help someone learn something. When she sparred Aris or others who were better than her, she always got to learn something new as well. The trick was to not give it your all, but also to not go too easy.

Push someone just beyond their comfort zone, and they typically learn and adapt fast!

"Let's try some sequences!" Vera moved forward again, this time to swing her blade diagonally down to the top of Zaia's left shoulder. But rather than keep it to just a single strike, she brought her blade around and swept it almost horizontally to her right side as well. Two strikes at a challenging speed, but not too much to handle.

A chance for them to start exchanging more strikes.


"Sequences??" Zaiya called out clearly confused, another dazzle of grey's sweeping over her patterns. Again, the girl hadn't been trained at all regarding lightsaber fighting before. Either way, there was no chance for an explanation, Vera Noble Vera Noble attacked again, this time with two strikes.

At least Vera wasn’t going too fast too hitting too hard that it was difficult for Zaiya to keep up. However, her firm wasn’t perfect, but since the girl did enjoy dancing, at least her footwork allowed her to use those skills akin to being led around the dance floor.

The Bokken moved to block the first diagonal hit. This time Zaiya’s grip held. The second one forced the girl to step back. Step, swing, and step again to block. Zaiya may not have known what Vera meant about the sequences, but her hands automatically did it’s best to try and block the horizontal hit.

Although that one she didn’t hold it as well and it ended up striking her along her arm with a small zap.

Ow!” It was more in being startled than pain.


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