Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fondor — GA populate of Stobar


Objective II — Wartime training


TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Braze had no intention of letting Aris close the distance. As Aris charged, Braze sidestepped with a sharp parry, his blade deflecting the strike with precision. In an instant, he channeled the Force, leaping high into the air. His body twisted in a graceful somersault, his lightsaber arcing downward in a defensive maneuver to guard below. As he landed behind his opponent, Braze extended his hand, attempting to push Aris forward, using his own momentum against him.

He was keenly aware of the importance of conserving energy, the value of each precise movement. His tactics were like the wind—fluid, relentless, and designed to wear down his opponent. He sought to tire out Aris, force him to make mistakes, and capitalize on every opening. Little nudges and jumps helped him maintain distance and gain brief moments of respite.

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres met her at every strike, a testament to his growth. If Cora hadn't been so irritated at the sheared lock of hair, she would've allowed herself to have been impressed. She still would, later, after her layers had been evened out.

The focused assault had taken a deal of her stamina, and she grunted as Makko swept his saber and knocked her back. Cora went with the motion, giving him the space he'd been trying to create.

In a real battle, they wouldn't have paused to gather their breath. A hit of amusement crossed her face in the form of an arched brow as Makko checked his hair. Cora clicked her tongue.

"You need to get your colors redone."

She decided that their break was over, pacing forward this time to lash out in an upward strike.

"They're looking a bit…"

The tip of her saber bit into the ground, singing dirt beneath it before it swung upwards.



Grand Assembly, Alliance General Ministry Canton
- Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin - Monaray Dod Monaray Dod - Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan - Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti - Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray - Nizhalgal Nizhalgal - Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera - Senate

"It pains me to hear that the representative from the Trade Federation considers credits put towards relief wasted. I have faith the rest of our members will see things differently." Alicio didn't spare the Neimoidian any kindness, though he hadn't expected anything less from the man. There were two constants in the galaxy- the eternal struggle between the Light and the Dark, and the eternal headache of Director Grimmin's opposition to anything charitable.

"The Alliance fights for the wellbeing of our people. If we devolve into a war-state, and sacrifice our people's wellbeing... then we fight for nothing." He spared another suggestion of a smile. "However, if that is the route we intend to take as a nation, we can always defund our education system. And I'm sure there are a few hospitals we can dissolve for the war effort, they even have bacta for the front lines."

He hoped his point was sufficiently made, as he turned towards the Senator from Mechis III. Another reasonable question. "Not including the co-signers of this bill? We've already seen how much support one drive can generate. If you need a list, look no further than the varied supporters of Miss von Ascania's relief drive. That web still exists, waiting to be brought together. As far as groups go... Bacta-Works has offered to assist. I hope they won't be the only company to do so, but I'm sure they will grow to meet demand, should we require it."

It was bait, plain and simple. Put in terms that corporatists could understand. Get on board, or be left in the dust.

Kha'la Daaray's support was a good sign. Alicio had been unsure of where her vote would fall. Hearing that she trusted him enough to endorse him boded well for the rest of the Senate. "Thank you, Queen Daaray. Should the bill pass, you have my word it's organization will be airtight, and transparent. And if you wish to ensure it is so, you may join the committee yourself."

"Now, if there are no other points of discussion...?"
Objective II: Wartime Training

He meant to comfort her, Mahsa could tell as much, but the boy’s words caused her brows to furrow as the girl bit her lower lip. She knew from first hand experience that pain could teach, but she would’ve given anything to avoid all of the hard learned lessons endured back in the Cage.

Impossible to do, she knew as much, but Mahsa was more than willing to hold back if it could prevent another slip-up between them.

Sparks flashed as the blades connected, her attack too predictable to catch Jacob—or anyone really—by surprise. In a contest of strength she was certain to lose, he was bigger after all. "You can use Makashi, I'll adapt and learn." Her eyes widened in response to his words, before Jacob forced her blade away as he broke their stalemate with a parry.

Her gaze zeroed onto the tip of his lightsaber as he raised it for another slash, the thrumming in her ears increasing as Mahsa’s body moved instinctively to avoid injury. Her smaller frame proved to be advantageous as she crouched low, the fwoom of his blade audible as it missed the Kazelrrian’s head by mere inches, before using her momentum to rotate as Mahsa attempted to sweep Jacob off his feet.

Lightsaber | Padawan Apparel

Interacting with Jacob Solay Jacob Solay
Grand Assembly, Alliance General Ministry Canton

"Haum, just a moment, if you please!" A
deep voice echoed, as an imposing alien interjected.
A huge Cetacean figure in flamboyant clothing and cape rose to speak.
"Dear gentlebeings of the Grand Assembly, I am Bianco Cruhn, president of Giju and spokesman for the Herglic Trade Alliance of the 40 systems.
If the esteemed ambassador of the Trade Federation is yet hesitating to do what any being should know for the righteous thing to do in the deep of the soul, the Herglic do not hesitate a second.

Even if someone should not see the Pakkistic, Humanistic or Koorivarian cooporation spiritual..."
he glanced a baleful stare of his oily eyes to the Koorivar, "... necessary of helping the refugees, the fear of what would happen if the Pisa Pakk of the Empire would come for them and nobody helps, should be enough to convince them."

The Herglic with this untypical show of charisma for the ancient, but normally reluctant spacefaring species put even more pathos in his voice, as he continued:
"We would send our vast fleet of heavy armed and armored Star Galleons to transport emergency care and help evacuation, if we would be sponsored for the coaxium and other expenses.

I assume ships are rare at the moment and money is in abundance in our great Alliance.
In other words: Giju supports the bill!

Hauum, thank you for your attention, honoured Grand Assembly!"

- Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Monaray Dod Monaray Dod Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray Nizhalgal Nizhalgal Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera Alicio Organa Alicio Organa - Senate


Vonnuvi Enclave

Tag: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

"Hmm, nope. This crystal will cut anything apart," she said with a little grin while she gently moved the lightsaber around, "But don't worry, it's on low power setting." To prove her point, Vera tapped the blade with her finger and quickly pulled it back again. She had been zapped, but there was no lasting injury and no real pain beyond a brief sting.

Totally safe!

Vera then watched Zaiya attempt her own combative stance and tilted her head. She was no expert like her Mom, but she could tell that the girl needed a bit more practice. Her hand placement seemed a little awkward and her balance wasn't the best. But rather than tell her, Vera was going to show her.

She had heard Mom and Dad say that before.

With a first move given, Zaiya then approached and threw a mostly telegraphed strike at Vera. That wasn't really a problem because it was good to start slow, but her grip on the lightsaber was a potential problem. Vera caught the strike and applied some pressure, hoping to test whether or not her fellow Padawan was able to hold onto her weapon.

To make sure of it, Vera withdrew her blade and threw just a little more strength in a counter-attack — a horizontal sweep targeting Zaiya's left side.

Aurelio La Valette Aurelio La Valette

Well, it would seem this man was no simple hulking brute with a lightsaber-proof shirt. Not that Jaidan could be certain of that second part, but while a new generation may have grown to maturity since then, he'd seen beskar'gam up close many times. He'd never have expected to see it on a Jedi, but he knew that particular gleam. It technically didn't matter much here, since his saber wasn't set to full power anyway, but the mid-section not being a viable target certainly made his job that much harder. A hit to the chest would mean nothing here if it wouldn't matter on the battlefield.

But more than that, the skill was there. It was still too early into the contest to truly judge, but the man's guard was solid and his instincts sound. It would take far more than some simple novice misdirect to make any headway against such a man, especially when Aurelio could far more easily afford a mistake than he. The larger man could ignore hits that Jaidan could not, and given the vast difference in strength, Jaidan had to assume his opponent could manage an intense tempo for longer without need of the Force to bolster him.

Still, Aurelio had his advantages, and Jaidan had his. The Sage had come to the Order somewhat later in life, unacceptably so for the Jedi of the late Republic, already 14 years an Echani before he ever called himself any kind of Jedi. And many aspects of the training he had received in those early years were accelerated, given his innate ability to understand the proper use of a weapon within moments of touching it. This had left more time for education into the art of studying body language and its significance, from the broadest sweep of the arm to the subtlest microexpression. In short, provided he could see an opponent clearly, all but the most clever and intricate of feints or combinations were as transparent as if the fight had been choreographed ahead of time.

Aurelio’s last minute switch was deftly executed, the shift of his feet and the change in alignment of his shoulder very smooth. The respectful nod from Jaidan was well-earned. And yet, it was not enough.

Jaidan’s sidestep was minimal, just enough to take him off the line of attack, and that alone did not remove him from danger. Not when a casual backhand swat from this weapon at full power could cut him in half as easily as a full bodied overhead cleave, and so his blade came up, batting against the attacking blade with the aim to divert it away from him just that little bit more as he moved. But he would not stop with a simple evasion and parry. The moment his blade disengaged, it was flicked upward in a quick stab toward Aurelio’s face.

He would halt the blade a few inches shy of actual contact, of course. Realistic training may have been the idea here, but he wasn’t willing to inflict any actual harm in the event a strike like that struck home. But it was never meant to. It was simply a distraction, perhaps aided by the dazzling effect of a bright light in the face, as Jaidan circled around Aurelio’s right side and followed up with a quick swipe to the bicep.


Location: Ship
Objective: Help train other Jedi
Tag: Casaline Ryiah

"Perfect, that's all you need for now"

Taking a few steps back, he turned on his practice saber and kept it at his side for now "The idea of Sorosu is to use your saber at the right moments. Compared to other styles, this one is the most defensive out of them all" he explained as he casually twirled the practice saber in his hand "It's perfect for bigger and stronger opponents and a person of your age can benefit from it greatly. I can very much vouch for that from personal experience..."

Silas could remember all the times Sorusu had helped him hold his own against many powerful opponents. Even though he didn't have much chance of winning at the time, it gave him the experience to get out of situations of that nature alive.

"So, if you don't mind try and swing for me with that practice saber of yours. For this one I will not strike back, it's only a demonstration"



Aris lowered his stance as he was pushed. He felt it, the pressure trying to throw him away. There was nothing he could do against it, though, but try not to get thrown from his feet. He frowned as he found himself at a distance again. There was little he could do now. The pacing had been set. If he charged in, Braze would just throw him back. He wasn't able to just close the distance or anything.

He stood there for a moment, frowning. Frustrated. This was going to go nowhere. And he didn't like beating his head against a wall. He liked figuring out ways around it. To scale it. To-

He blinked before stepping back from Braze, towards one of the weapon racks. There, he picked up one of the Bokken.

Then threw it, like a spear. With all his might so it'd fly like a dang bullet.

Braze Braze

Objective II : Wartime Training
Tag: Vera Noble Vera Noble & Mahsa Mahsa | Open



You could tone down the power settings? Huh, okay, Zaiya mused, thoughts briefly on the matter before Vera caught the strike. Unfortunately, as it was held awkwardly, Zaiya didn't have the steady grip needed to keep the training saber hilt in hand, so it was easy for it to get flung out. She also wasn't as strong as a standard human, so strength in attacks or defense wouldn't be suited best for her.

The training saber clattered to the side, and Zaiya's skin rippled in embarrassment with coral tones before they shifted to soft lavender, the combination along with the silver glowing edges, indicating a minor level of annoyance. Not at Vera Noble Vera Noble but at herself.

"Sorry, let me try that again." She apologized to Vera, walking over to pick up the deactivated saber hilt. Once again, she reactivated it, the soft yellow glow casting a subtle light off the young teen's face.

This time, she studied how Vera was holding her own saber. Deciding to mimic it, Zaiya curled her fingers and held it a bit more properly. "Okay, let's try again."

If Vera wanted to say anything, now would be the time, before Zaiya would attempt the same attack but with a bit more determined confidence.


Braze watched Aris curiously as he moved to pick up a bokken. His brows furrowed, unsure of what Aris intended to do with a practice weapon like that. His confusion was brief as Aris suddenly chucked the bokken at him. Braze didn't have time to think or react properly. He wanted to conserve his energy, but any action he could take would expend a lot of it—or so he thought.

With a faint gesture, he manipulated the wind in front of the thrown weapon to knock it off course. Fortunately, Braze sent it upwards, where it crashed into the ceiling with the force of a bullet. Had it hit him or deflected in a random direction, it might have struck someone further away from their arena, which would have been disastrous either way.

Braze's response was swift and biting. He manipulated the air around Aris's head, aiming to pop his ears without causing any real damage. Shifting the air pressure and siphoning away his breath, Braze hoped to make Aris pass out from lack of oxygen, hoping on achieving victory through knockout.
This is what Aurelio lived for—the thrill of combat, the dance of combatants moving to and fro like an art form. It reminded him of his padawan years when a young Aurelio would seize any opportunity to engage in duels. Combat was simply an aspect of life he loved.

The expression of pure joy on his face only intensified as the duel progressed. His counter to Jaidan's attack had worked, though it wouldn't have done much damage due to Aurelio's unconventional Jedi attire. Nevertheless, Jaidan continued to live up to Aurelio's initial expectations. As Jaidan batted Aurelio's blade aside, Aurelio prepared to strike again, but was momentarily dazzled by the others lightsaber being so close to his face.

This reminded him that some form of protective eyewear might be worth considering for future bouts, but he had no time to dwell on it. Another strike came toward his bicep, and seeing that he was not in a position to counter effectively, Aurelio decided to power through the attack.

While Jaidan was committed to his strike, Aurelio sacrificed taking the hit to his bicep in order to deliver his own quick yet heavy swipe at Jaidan's midsection.

Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani
Good Men Don't Need Rules

The Cathar woman dodged back from my swings. Even performing a quick change of their stance and which weapons were in their hands. Smiling, I stood tall as she lunged out at me. The red saber coming in for a stab to my center mass. A quick pivot on my feet let the saber fly past me. My left wrist twirling the saber in a fluid motion to fling the blade away from me as the second strike came in. Swinging at me with her tail. Even if the blade was invisible, the strike being done with a tail, means it has a longer reach, even if the blade may have been shorter or longer. A forward step into the length of the weapon's reach, I committed to a strike against the woman. Ducking underneath the second strike to get even closer.

Both weapons being from either side, and closing inward from their respective sides to attempt in a bisecting strike with both blades. She wanted to make be become defensive. She wanted to press the advantage. The best way to use that against her, was to move myself aggressively enough, quickly enough within her own strikes so that I would make whatever gain she had, become a detriment.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
"They're looking a bit…"

The tip of her saber bit into the ground, singing dirt beneath it before it swung upwards.


His eyes widened a touch as she started to speak. Makko took a breath, immersing himself in the flow of the Force.

He had learned these techniques at the temple, but it was on Denon he had truly put them into practise. Calming his mind with the Force had been his shield against the reality of the jobs he had been sent on.

"You did..."

Her saber swung up. The tip flicking glowing embers into the air between them.

Makko closed his eyes. He trusted his instincts and the guidance of the Force. It was a leap of Faith. It wasn't Denon that had taught him to trust. She had. The Jedi Order had. They didn't all fight to climb over one another to reach the top.


With his eyes closed, he slid to his left. His feet never leaving the floor as he took the step without raising his centre of balance. Darkfyre swept upwards and across his body, from his left to his right.

Makko put it all into the gambit. He tried to knock her saber aside with enough force to create and opening to jab towards the centre of her chest.

Amani shook her head, "No, too risky. If anything were to threaten the Enclave, it wouldn't just be our Jedi at stake, but the rest of the herdship too," To that end, it was dangerous bringing any additional Jedi here. But the herdship had agreed to let them aboard, understanding such risks. Cooperation between the two had flourished thus far, and Amani swelled with pride when she first learned they were willing to take that relationship a step further by housing some of the NJO. All the more reason to not make them regret it by playing dangerous.

Amani glanced up at Valery with a raised eyebrow, "Did you have something specific in mind for a new construction?" If not, then it was indeed only the Vonnuvi that wasn't on the Empire's radar.


It worked. Braze casually knocked it away, but the point was he could still hit from a range. He wasn't a one trick pony. His strength wasn't just limited to swinging a saber or a sword, he could throw things to make up for when he couldn't get close. He'd reached out to grab another, fully prepared to start just, chucking them, one after another at Braze until he ran out. At least until everything suddenly went mute.


He tried to speak, but it didn't work. He couldn't breath! He couldn't focus. This was what Braze could do to people? Why hadn't he tried this from the start? Why was he pretending to struggle when he could so easily just remove the air from around Aris? It was.. Frustrating. It was frustrating. Aris chucked the stick he had already grabbed right for Braze again, whipping it around in a feverish, strength fueled way. It was all he ultimately had. No matter how much technique, how fast or strong he got, people who could do -this- to him were always going to come out on top.

Braze Braze

Despite the harsh reality of siphoning someone's breath and effectively suffocating them, Braze was not comfortable using this approach liberally. It was risky and dangerous, particularly with an ally. He approached the technique with delicate precision, not seeking permanent damage or injury. He had to remain hyper-aware, ensuring he didn't overdo it.

If Aris lacked the breath control technique, this shouldn't take too long. Braze knew the effects of hypoxia—dizziness, confusion, and loss of consciousness. His goal was to induce syncope in Aris.

The brain was resilient and could tolerate short periods of reduced oxygen without long-term effects. However, the duration and severity of hypoxia were critical. Immediate intervention to restore oxygen was essential to preventing prolonged oxygen deprivation and irreversible brain damage. Braze didn't want to risk that with an ally, let alone a friend.

The next attack came—a thrown weapon, propelled by Aris—but this time Braze was ready. He had caught on to why Aris had moved towards the rack. With a subtle shift of his wrist, he manipulated the wind again, this time slightly differently, maintaining his hold on Aris while diverting the projectile effortlessly. The stick spun harmlessly away, clattering to the ground and sliding across the floor.

Braze's focus remained razor-sharp. He couldn't afford to get distracted. The air around Aris shimmered with unseen currents, tightening just enough to keep him off balance without causing lasting harm. Braze's heart pounded, and he stared unblinkingly at Aris, but he kept his breathing steady, aware of the fine line he was walking. His friend would be fine, he told himself, as long as he stayed in control.
Aurelio La Valette Aurelio La Valette

Formidable as the Echani art of body reading was, as useful as Jaidan had always found it, there were always limitations. In this case, while he had all the information he needed to anticipate Aurelio's movement, he still needed to process that information in time to do anything useful with it. And he had to admit, his opponent had found a way to exploit that here. A move that Jaidan would never have considered using himself, nor expected from a being with any instincts of self-preservation, had led to a moment of confusion. And confusion had led to a near-fatal delay.

As it was, while he was committed to his strike, he wasn't committed with his entire body. This was the beauty of both Makashi and Soresu, the reason why he had eventually settled on a sort of hybrid of the two as his default style. Efficiency, no movement of effort wasted on a weapon which largely bypassed the need for brute force so long as you could get it into its proper position and keep it there. Thus, Jaidan's attack had been swung from the elbow rather than the shoulder, and the engagement of his legs and torso was minimal. This meant that, when he comprehended what was coming, he was able to lurch backward while still executing his strike. But the movement was embarrassingly awkward.

And it was insufficient. He was able to avoid much of the blade which came at him, but not all, and there was no mistaking the unpleasant jolt which surged through his abdomen the slash. And immediately, his mind went into overdrive trying to determine what this would have meant in a real fight.

Would Aurelio's maneuver have even worked in a real duel, against a lightsaber at full power? Jaidan's swipe would have burned straight through muscle, ligaments, nerves and bone alike, but it was too shallow to actually sever the entire limb. The arm would certainly have been completely useless afterward, but if the grip had held for just a moment, the momentum of the swing might indeed have been enough to carry the strike home. And as for Jaidan...that was difficult to say. A grazing hit wouldn't have been enough to kill him on the spot, but he'd have been in serious need of prompt and competent medical attention. He believed he could have fought on for a time in hopes of being alive to seek out that aid, but certainly not at full capacity, and for how long?

So, maybe. It was drastic, and it was hard to say if any actual advantage would be gained, but that might actually have worked. If a scenario arose in which an opponent was willing to sacrifice themself to take him off the board, that might have been just the way to go about it. And it had indisputably taken him off guard.

Impressive. And humbling. Therefore, valuable indeed.

"An...interesting approach," Jaidan offered after a moment, blinking several times as he processed that. "If you insist, I suppose we could try play acting out the rest of the encounter, but I don't see how we would ensure realism. Perhaps instead, we could call that a draw and give it another go?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"Not yet, but that's something we'll have to decide together," Valery said with a somewhat exhausted smile. "I agree that bringing every Jedi to the Vonnuvi Enclave is too much. So... where else?" Jakku wasn't a safe temple at all either, with how close it was to the border, and especial not after Dark Jedi had already attacked Jedha once.

Ossus was out of reach and Ilum was in the line of fire as well.

"I'd like to start looking at some options for a new Temple. Something that we can fall back on, even if we defend Coruscant or push this new Empire out of the Core eventually." To her, there was no accepting the possibility of defeat. She wouldn't act irrationally and charge in headfirst, but she wasn't going to stop fighting until the enemy was defeated either.

One day, the Jedi would return to Coruscant.

"Maybe something closer to Fondor? Something we can easily protect."


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