Failure Is Not Fatal
[member="Aela Talith"]
Jacen didn't know the answer to Aela's problems, but he was experienced enough to know that very few people really knew the answers to any difficult, subjective question. That didn't stop people from offering an opinion. He left Aela to her own devices for a few minutes as he deepened his connection with the Force.
His awareness grew and he found he had to shield himself from her own mind whilst he found his centre. Hers was a buzzing insect hive of activity. He idly wondered if that was what he had been like to be around when he suffered from his own anxieties.
With a slow exhalation he immersed himself in the Force. Did he seek its guidance or use it as a tool to find a state where his own mind was clear? Perhaps be would never know some of these philosophical questions. There were Jedi who never touched a lightsaber but would devote their days to such things.
"What is your favourite place in all the Galaxy Aela?" He asked. Even spoken softly it was a baritone sound that filled the small cave. It was accompanied by a brief, reassuring touch of his own presence. Nothing too intrusive. Almost like a physical expression to accompany the words.
Jacen didn't know the answer to Aela's problems, but he was experienced enough to know that very few people really knew the answers to any difficult, subjective question. That didn't stop people from offering an opinion. He left Aela to her own devices for a few minutes as he deepened his connection with the Force.
His awareness grew and he found he had to shield himself from her own mind whilst he found his centre. Hers was a buzzing insect hive of activity. He idly wondered if that was what he had been like to be around when he suffered from his own anxieties.
With a slow exhalation he immersed himself in the Force. Did he seek its guidance or use it as a tool to find a state where his own mind was clear? Perhaps be would never know some of these philosophical questions. There were Jedi who never touched a lightsaber but would devote their days to such things.
"What is your favourite place in all the Galaxy Aela?" He asked. Even spoken softly it was a baritone sound that filled the small cave. It was accompanied by a brief, reassuring touch of his own presence. Nothing too intrusive. Almost like a physical expression to accompany the words.