Failure Is Not Fatal
[member="Aela Talith"]
"I thought she would be here," Luke said softly. His brow furrowed in concern. It seemed as if his worldview had been challenged by the simple turn of events.
It wasn't Jacen or Aela that set out first. The young man strode confidently towards the opening they could see. Jacen stayed where he was and turned his head towards Aela.
He preferred the enemy that stood in front of him with a scarlet saber. That was easy. Nice simple lines that you could choose only one side to stand on. When the Dark Lord had drawn his weapons there hasn't been a shred of doubt. Now, as he felt events moving quickly towards a vertex, he wished he could havegreater foresight. They hadn't come to solve a mystery but to give Aela some new surroundings to explore.
"Well. We found your ruins."
"I thought she would be here," Luke said softly. His brow furrowed in concern. It seemed as if his worldview had been challenged by the simple turn of events.
It wasn't Jacen or Aela that set out first. The young man strode confidently towards the opening they could see. Jacen stayed where he was and turned his head towards Aela.
He preferred the enemy that stood in front of him with a scarlet saber. That was easy. Nice simple lines that you could choose only one side to stand on. When the Dark Lord had drawn his weapons there hasn't been a shred of doubt. Now, as he felt events moving quickly towards a vertex, he wished he could havegreater foresight. They hadn't come to solve a mystery but to give Aela some new surroundings to explore.
"Well. We found your ruins."