Failure Is Not Fatal
[member="Aela Talith"]
"No, I'd really rather not die," Jacen grunted. Luke was crawling for cover. Jacen took the young man's saber from his belt and handed it out towards Aela.
The woman seemed to have centred herself in a nexus of sorts. Not a nexus perhaps, but a vertex. A focal point that allowed her to reach into past and present. Time and its relationship with the Force was not a simple thing. The woman couldn't be invincible.
And whatever she had been planning had shocked Luke into betraying his own master. She had to be stopped.
"No offers for me then? Just death?" Jacen called out as he stepped away from Aela. He wanted to make enough space that they could surround her. He tossed a few fragments of rock to gain her attention without having any real hope of connecting a blow.
"No, I'd really rather not die," Jacen grunted. Luke was crawling for cover. Jacen took the young man's saber from his belt and handed it out towards Aela.
The woman seemed to have centred herself in a nexus of sorts. Not a nexus perhaps, but a vertex. A focal point that allowed her to reach into past and present. Time and its relationship with the Force was not a simple thing. The woman couldn't be invincible.
And whatever she had been planning had shocked Luke into betraying his own master. She had to be stopped.
"No offers for me then? Just death?" Jacen called out as he stepped away from Aela. He wanted to make enough space that they could surround her. He tossed a few fragments of rock to gain her attention without having any real hope of connecting a blow.