Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do I know you...?

Mia sat at a table, in a rather uninteresting bar, on a rather uninteresting planet. She hadn't cared to learn the name and there was nothing of worth for her to even focus on in her current surrounding. Instead she kept her head down, watching the liquid in her mug lap gently at the sides, soft ripples making their way to the edges as her finger taps against it in a steady rhythm.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Ta-...

The clear, distinct coughing of a male invaded her ears. She winced a little and craned her head up, greeted with the strong smell of alcohol. Mia dared not inhale again, raising a brow as she regarded him with cool, emerald eyes. "You! *Hiccup.*" Mia dragged her tongue across her lip as she replied, trying her best not to gag on his smell. "Take a step back, you're in my personal space." She turned her head back to her drink, taking another sip. The drunk stood there for a moment, finger poised in the air as he contorted his face in frustration.

The heavy, dead weight of his hand rested on her shoulder. Mia exhaled heavily and clenched her free hand up, digging her nails into the skin of her palm. There was a forceful tug on her shoulder, as expected. With the force of his own tug and her own swift strength, Mia's fist made a crunch as it connected with his nose. A squirt of red splattered upward from his nose and onto her pale green skin as the bone broke retreated into his head.

Mia cringed a little, looking to her fist. Surprisingly she had only grazed her knuckles upon impact, skin had began peeling away and revealing new layers. She sighed heavily into the air and returned to her seat to continue the hallow tapping of her finger.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Experiment 21. Circe's second ever attempt to place someone's soul into a Vinithi body grown from her own flesh. A perfect clone... But with another's face placed on it. And it appealed to Circe's narcissism, after all. Thus, she had come to this bar, this cantina, in order to meet with the woman who had been gifted with a new copy of her body. Slowly, she slid up next to Mia at the bar, a smile on her face. Mia would likely notice their identical bodies.

"Hi there."

Mia grumbled a little and turned her head, expecting another drunk. She was relatively surprised to see a woman of her own skin color smiling back at her. She exhaled a little and swept a strand of crimson hair from her eyes. "Hello." She took a sip of the drink, lightly sugared water, licking her lips free of any stray drops. "Do I know you from somewhere?" Mia sat up in her place properly, her back arching toward the bar.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"You should." Circe gave a soft smile. "I'm the reason you're alive today, after all." Well , alive in the technical sense. Her spirit had not yet joined with Chaos. "Circe Savan, one of the three Vinithi in existence. A group of three that includes you yourself." She smiled, continuing to look over the copy of her body that Mia lived in.

"You know, your body is identical to mine..."

Mia frowns a little bit, looking up from her drink to Circe once again. Mia was confused, of course. She had no idea what the woman was talking about. She shuffled in her place a little, lifting the cup to her lips to take another drink. Another drunk, just what she needed.

As she began to talk, Mia craned her head to the side a little, raising a brow. She seemed to know a lot about what she was, or maybe it was just the sugar water getting to her. She scoffed a little a she glanced over her own body, then over Circe's.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"You and I are both Vinithi. Your last boyfriend brought your spirit to me so I could fashion a body for you. It looks pretty good so far." She smirked, looking over the fellow Vinithi's body. "I have to say, you do indeed look spectacular." A sip of sugar water later, and even Circe was a bit more relaxed as she looked over the scarlet-haired plant woman who at the moment had not a tinge of green in her body's skin.

"I suppose I should ask... What happened to you after you and him left once I put you in your new body?"

Mia inhaled sharply. Nobody had mentioned Djonas to her for a long while. She downed the rest of her sugar water and wiped her lips with a pinch of material from her sleeve. For the first time, Mia spun around in her chair to look at Circe properly. She scanned over her body, and indeed, it was very much like her own. She cleared her throat once, ordering another drink before speaking directly to Circe. "I don't quite understand what you mean, what happened to me?" She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "I went and joined the Fel Empire with Djonas..."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Okay... What happened after that? Are you and he still together, or no?" She would've tried to use pheromones or some other thing on the fellow Vinithi, but then again, they were almost essentially the same. She doubted simple pheromones would affect @[member="Mia"] if things ever came down to the wire. "I'm just curious, so I'm sorry if I seem a little prying."

Well, at least she wasn't so apathetic as she usually was.
Mia rolled her shoulders back somewhat, adjusting her position on the chair. She thought for a moment, then spoke. "Djonos has just..disappeared." For some reason Mia felt like she could trust the woman standing before her. If what she said was true then she was a rare species and Circe was just as rare a sight. Mia turned back to the bar, where another glass of sugared water was waiting. She took a short sip, then continued. "He's been gone for a few weeks now. It's just me."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"But does it have to be?" Circe frowned, looking Mia over. With Karin Dorn's death, that turned the number of four Vinithi into three. They were extraordinarily rare , and Circe didn't want to lose or otherwise forget the closest thing to biological brothers or sisters she had. Not to mention the slight narcissism. "I've hardly met you, but as you're one of two female Vinithi in existence and one of three living Vinithi as a whole, I'd like to get close to you."

It was true. There was a strange sense of friendship... Companionship even.

Mia pursed her lips lightly, shrugging her shoulders as she took another heavy sip. She wasn't even sure what Circe was, or what she did. "What are you suggesting?" She arches her back a little bit and ran her fingers through her hair. Mia could see a closer bond forming with Circe, but for now she was more curious to find out a little more about her. She wasn't ready to have another companion, even if it was just for the company.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well, I'd enjoy spending time with you. I am a Vinithi, just like you, and would be more than willing to get to know you a little better." She smiled, stepping over to the sugar water-drinking Mia and giving a soft chuckle. Currently she was deciding whether what she was thinking of doing was wrong, depending on whether she viewed Mia as either part of herself, or as a sister.

She thought more the former.

"I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. We might as well." She pushed the drink to the side again and lifted her arm up a little, shrugging. "What do you want to know?" Mia licked her lips free of the sweet liquid, leaning back against the bar stool. She shot Circe a cool look, with a raised brow. Mia had a thousand and one questions of course, but polite conversation was more then enough for her at the minute.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well, Djonas considered you important when he brought your spirit in to be resurrected. What can you tell me about your life before I gave you this body?" She was always curious about how the hosts of her bodies were before they became Vinithi. Karin was a Sith Lady, but she didn't know about Mia.

Hopefully, it would be an intriguing story. And of course she'd be willing to answer questions.

Mia shrugged gently. She hadn't thought about her life before this body in a long while. Djonas had made a point of not discussing it at the very least. "I was born on Deilos, human parents. I met Djonas there." She racked her memory, trying to remember her death. It was a difficult thing to remember, never mind to relive. "There was a terrorist attack and my body was destroyed. Then of course you know the rest. I'm afraid it's not much of an interesting story. Nothing of note happened at least." Mia glanced at Circe and realized how boring her life actually really was. She had done nothing of interest from the ages of 14 upward. "What about you? I'm sure you have much more of an interesting story."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well, I am - was Falleen royalty. They didn't like me because I was half Zeltron. Powerful pheromones." She smiled, giving a soft grin. "I ran away because of how depressed I was, got captured by slavers, and was made a slave on Nar Kreeta. I then lived a life of Force learning - and promiscuity - before I got killed by a vengeful lover. I was then brought back in this body, where I made more like myself - such as the body you live in now. The epitome of female sexuality, designed specifically to be adored by men - and to bring them under your control."

She smiled. Mia could be a master manipulatrix if Circe taught her how.

Mia grinned gently and raised a brow. "Well, as you can tell, I've hand my hands tied. I've been too busy to delve into the inner workings of this body yet. Though I'm pretty sure I already had the basic's of flirting down." She shot Circe a short look. She had no idea how to flirt with anyone, though her body gave her confidence she never knew she had. She had been married to Djonas for a long while, Mia feared she was out of the game.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Oh that's a load of rubbish... You have the most seductive body in the entire galaxy. That, and some extra features I bet you haven't tested yet." She smirked, looking Mia over. "Tell me... Have you tried to change your skin color yet? Or at the least, learned how to use your pheromones?" She smiled, wanting Mia to take advantage of whatever she could.

After all, she would need it.

Mia shook her head, though she had been hooked the second Circe had started to speak again. "No, I haven't. I'd like to learn, if you're willing to teach me." Mia glanced down at her hands, wondering what they were really capable of. She was, to say the least, suddenly very excited about the prospect of all this. Djonas had tried to teach her how to use her body to the best of her ability but it was difficult being taught by someone who didn't understand. It was safe to say that Mia was already hooked on Circe, and the knowledge she possessed.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Alright then... Would you like to come with me to a place where we can practice in private without being disturbed. I suppose the first thing we should start with is your using pheromones." A smile crossed her lips. "I want you to just close your eyes and focus. Imagine people inhaling your scent and becoming more amorous, more easily manipulated at your whims - I'll tell you when I can smell it."

Oh, she'd definitely smell it. It smelled wonderful."


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