Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do I know you...?

"I suppose a little privacy would be better. Focusing would be easier." Mia did as she was told of course, already having an emense amount of trust for the woman before her. She inhaled through her nose, concentrating on the imagine of people turning their heads to catch her scent again. It almost brought a twisted smile to her face, her muscles relaxed a little as she settled into the mindset.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Carefully, Circe took a whiff - the smell was there, but it wasn't strong. She needed a higher concentration to be able to affect anyone. "No, like this..." Placing her hands on Mia's shoulders, she closed her eyes, giving a soft "mmm..." of enjoyment as the smell of pheromones would flow straight into Mia's nostrils. To her, however, they'd just smell good. She wasn't affected by them like others were.

"Almost anyone can be controlled with these. But would you like to know how to change the color of your skin too?"

She inhaled through her nose, enjoying the pleasant smell that followed after. She'd have to work on her own but now that she knew how to do it, she could practice. She was sure it wouldn't take long to master. Circe's hands were resting on her shoulders, but it took her a while to realize. For now she decided not to do anything about it, she could trust her. She nodded her head in response to Circe's question. "Yes, I would."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Alright... I want you to focus on your skin. With enough effort, you can change it from almost any shade of green to almost any shade of tan or white skin you can think of. Choose a shade, then focus and allow your chlorophyll to recede so your flesh can go to that coloration." It was simple enough - at least simpler than the pheromone usage. "We do have one other feature, but I suppose I shall whisper it to you."

She moved forward and whispered it into Mia's ear. Hopefully it wasn't too awkward.

Mia focused as instructed, closing her eyes and visualising the pale white skin tone her old body used to be. Admittedly she much prefered the green tinge her skin had aquirred but it couldn't help to know how to do this sort of thing. It would always come in handy. As she focused, the chlorophyll in her body began to sink back and her skin tone began to change slowly at first. Then it began to settle rapidly against her flesh, the green tinge fading into nothingness. Circe's words only settled in her mind after she had opened her eyes and looked down at her fingers. Mia glanced up at her, shooting her a rather confused look. "What?"

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"It's true. Also, you did a good job changing your skin color. I do admittedly like the greenish tinge. Maybe you should go even more green." She smiled, continuing to look the woman over. "I'm sorry, I just can't get over how gorgeous you are. I haven't seen you since I finished sculpting your facial features to perfection." She smiled, then perked up once more.

"Oh, don't forget - your hair can be dyed."

Mia glanced down at her own fingers, flexing them a little in the dim bar light. She admired the new color, though soon released her focus and allowed the chlorophyll to work its way to the surface again. Her skin returned to a tinged green, the pale white color fading away in patches on her flesh. Mia glanced once at Circe. "Thank you, I suppose. After all you did all the work." Mia twisted a thick curl of hair in between a finger, then shook her head lightly. "I like the red."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well, Vinithi should stick together and help one another. Besides, I'm your creator. I want you to be successful." Sliding behind the fellow Vinithi, whose body was a duplicate of her own, she grinned. "Agh... I'm sorry, but considering my past, and all that I've ended up experiencing, you probably know what I'm thinking of." She smiled, looking over the lovely leafy attire that her counterpart chose to wear.

"I should start wearing clothes like that..."

Mia raised a brow and glanced over toward Circe as she walked around the chair. Mia craned her neck a little, straining her eyes to glance at Circe. "No, I have no idea what you're thinking." Mia curled her mouth up into a short smile and set her eyes on the wall opposite her.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well, you're a gorgeous woman who just so happens to have exactly the same body as I do. Literally. And what I'm thinking of literally gives the phrase "go feth yourself" a new meaning. She smiled, giving a soft grin and looking the Vinithi over. "Besides, I need to ask you about something pretty important.

What was that? Well, creating a new Vinithi that was a truly different individual, of course.

Mia frowned a little as she stared at the wall ahead. Circe was suggesting something she just didn't think she was ready for yet. Though the prospect was exciting she shook her head softly as she paid her tab. "No. But keep the offer open." She glances up to Circe as she stands from her chair, grinning a little. "Ask your question though. I'm intrigued."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well... There are only three Vinithi left. I want to make more of our species, but it's not like I have people coming to me every day and saying they want loved ones to be put into a Vinithi body. To grow, we need to figure out a way to produce more of our kind. Would you be willing to help me figure out how we could best do that?"

Her eyebrow was raised. Twenty five percent of Vinithi were dead. She didn't want this to be fifty percent any time soon.

It didn't take long for Mia to consider and answer Circe's question. After all she was on her own and she had nothing left to do now that Djonas had disappeared. "Sure. Why not."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Alright... Would you like to come with me back to my laboratory?" A smile crossed her face - it wasn't the exact one where Circe had made Mia's body, but it was the same type, and refurbished to fit in all the equipment that she had taken from her labs in Sith space after the Empire collapsed. Not to mention some of the earlier Vinithi experiments had been moved there, including the later , more humanoid ones.

It was like staring into the place of God.

Mia shrugged gently, what harm could it do? At least she was finally getting off this dull planet. Maybe this could be the kind of muse she needed to get her life back on track. After all, Mia was getting rather bored of going to random bars and meeting strangers. She motioned for Circe to lead the way.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
The two Vinithi, over fifty percent of their current population , would begin to step out of the bar as a Circe smiled. "I do admittedly have a question..." She quipped, looking over the plant-woman's attire. "So if I may ask, when did you decide to start wearing such sexy and leafy outfits? I'm admittedly , since I might get some for myself soon."

Indeed she would.

Mia grinned a little and glanced down toward her outfit. Admittedly, she couldn't see her entire body, but she shrugged a little and continued walking. "I just thought I might play on the plant thing. This isn't even the best one." She turned to offer her a wink as they pieced their way back to Circe's ship.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Do show me your others. I just might find myself interested enough in having one or two. I mostly just wear black outfits, sometimes leather." She chuckled. "Do you have to water that? Or does it sustain itself naturally? Better yet, how do you like it hugging your curves like your life depended on it?"

It was a very nice outfit , and Circe wanted it yesterday.

"It sustains itself naturally, I'm not really sure how. I suppose the close fit helps sometimes." Mia glances down to Circe's outfit, the leather did look just as good as the leaves. "I like leather on you."

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"You should try it sometime. If it looks good on me, it'll definitely look good on you." She chuckled, smirking as she eyed over the other Vinithi. "So, here's the issue. There's only one male Vinithi in the entire galaxy. To produce fertile offspring naturally, and to prevent a reliance on the processes I'vd been using previously, I need to make more male Vinithi. And we need to be fruitful and multiply - not a plant joke."

She did chuckle though. She couldn't help it.


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