Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do I know you...?

Mia grimaced a little. "He deserves to know, don't you think?" Though the truth was sometimes painful, lying could lead to something worse. She glanced at Circe, raising a brow. "It might be hard to tell him now, but it's better in the long run. He needs to find out from someone who will be there for him." Mia stepped forward, placing a hand on Circe's shoulder comfortingly.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"He'll be told. I promise you that." She sighed, running a hand over the back of the fellow Vinithi as she sighed. "I miss her. She was the most loyal person Inve ever met. I never did teach her how to use Force powers..." Sighing again, she leaned into Mia, tightening the embrace.

"You know what I'm talking about, right? The feel of losing a loved one?"

Mia nodded her head against Circe's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I know the feeling.." It still pained her from time to time.

@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
A soft sigh elicited from her lips as she eyed the fellow Vinithi over, before pausing and reaching to bring something to her hand. Gently, she palmed it into Mia's own grasp, giving a soft smile. "This is my number on the holonet. The encryption codes that you'll be asked for will automatically be uploaded when you connect. Once you call for the first time, you and I will have a direct, private connection."

A sigh elicited from her lips as she smiled, looking at Mia. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call."

Mia curled her fingers around the number, offering a smile as she tucked it away. "I will." Mia lent her body forward, pressing a gentle kiss to Circe's cheek. "You do the same, ok?"

@[member="Circe Savan"]

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