Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Double Date: Hologram Fun World


Hologram Fun World
Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Amani Serys Amani Serys

Valery blinked.

She had expected the two Organas not to waste the opportunity that was presented to them, and handle the ring leader, but their methods were surprising. A headbutt from Amani, which would undoubtedly hurt, sent him stumbling back, and Alicio charged at him without any hesitation. The man was knocked down to the ground, and before he could rise and draw a weapon or cause trouble, Amani landed a punch against the side of his face.

His mask was undone, and a scarred, angry-looking Weequay appeared.

<We got it under->

"Enough!" He yelled, knowing his situation was desperate. From his belt, the ring leader pulled out a thermal detonator and pushed his finger into the primer, but without releasing it. "One wrong move and I'm blowing us all to bits," he threatened, before raising his comms up to his lips.

<The captives are causing trouble. Send me two men, and bring some extra hostages> he tried to order, but he received no response and gritted his teeth.

One Noble was still missing, so he had a feeling what was going on.

"You three, sit back down. Now."


Alicio came up on the balls of his feet, muscles tense and ready to join in the fight. He turned his head briefly to Amani, nodding her way as she asked if he was alright. "Fine. You?" He didn't linger on her for long, though he did watch with some admiration as she jumped through her own arms to gain access to her hands, and smacked the leader across the face.

Yeah, he thought. Amani is kind of awesome.

The mask flew across the room, revealing a Weequay. Alicio had been ready to jump back in, fight in tandem with his wife, but their enemy quickly pulled out a detonator, causing the Count to pause. He ordered their surrender, threatening mutual destruction upon them all.

Alicio frowned. He couldn't help but feel... powerless, without the Force. What could he do?

He could talk. He doubted words would help them now, but he could at least try.

"You've lost." Alicio set his shoulders, widened his stance ever so slightly. "You surrender, you live to fight another day. Don't give it all up now." If they'd gone through all this trouble to capture them, Alicio doubted the group wanted them entirely dead. Maybe he could be convinced to walk another path.

At the very least, Alicio hoped his words would be a distraction, while the capable Councillors came up with a plan.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
The revealed Weequay suddenly drew a primed thermal detonator from his belt before his assailants could continue. Amani suddenly froze, forced to play along lest they risk the nuclear option. And if he was willing to go that far, there was no telling what he was capable of. She looked to her husband, not daring to play with his life, or that of her friends and the hostages. They would need to take this slow, and play along at least for a little while.

Amani lowered her hands, swaying nervously, "Don't do anything you'll regret," She glanced at the detonator, "Or not even survive to have a chance at regretting."

"…Why don't you tell us what you really want?"
Might as well get him talking. They could enlighten this whole situation while they stalled.



:: Bringing a couple now, boss. ::

Kahlil clicked off the com he'd picked up after hearing it go off, chuckling a little. Sounded like things were going well in there, for the most part. Whatever problems were going on, he certainly trusted those three to handle it. In the meantime, he started evacuations and contacting the authorities of this planet. There'd be no one out side caught in a crossfire, at the very least.

<You got this.>

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Amani Serys Amani Serys

<You got this.>

As much as she appreciated her husband's encouraging voice, Valery felt quite tense and stood facing the ring leader. One wrong move, or even just a finger slipping off the primer on accident would blow apart this entire room. Whether or not he was willing to go that far, Valery wasn't sure, but a beast driven into a corner often lashed out emotionally. His people were taken care of, even if Kahlil tried to trick him, and if he were to realize that authorities were coming... he'd have no way out.

It was either being captured or getting killed.

"I told you what I want, you witch," the Weequay snapped at Amani. "You three, back down on your knees. We're bringing you back with us, and we'll be rich." Unsurprisingly, they seemed to be after the various bounties that were placed on all important figures in the Alliance.

Having the Organas and the Nobles would be the biggest catch in Galactic History.

But how did they know?

Valery clenched her jaw and felt her heart pounding in her chest. They had to do something, and she knew time was running out. The Ring Leader was expecting his people to arrive soon, and if they didn't, he'd likely suspect that the one missing Noble had something to do with it.

<Charge him.> Valery told both Organas telepathically. <Leave the grenade to me.> Without him realizing it, Valery focused all of her efforts to telekinetically hold down the primer alongside his thumb. It'd give them a short moment to overpower the man, and after that, she'd need to dispose of the grenade or shield them from the blast. Something her husband was a lot better at, but this time, she'd have to draw on his strength.


"...and we'll be rich."

And there it was.

All sympathy drained from the Count, the corner of his mouth falling with disgust. They weren't Mandalorian sympathizers, not terrorists brainwashed by the Sith, they were just... greedy. They had endangered hundreds of thousands of people, all for the sake of credits. It was odd, to hear Kahlil's voice come out of the man's comms, but perhaps that was enough to blind the Weequay with hope.

If he thought he had the upper hand, he might not expect what happens next.

As Val said to charge, there was no hesitation. The senator shot forward like a bullet, unwilling to give the Ring Leader a second of time. Running in front of Amani as much as he could, to obscure her attack, Alicio leapt towards their enemy as he pulled a knife. They collided, causing the criminal to stumble backwards. Alicio fell.

But he didn't get up so fast this time.

"Masks in the dark... Purple, green, white, blue... Pain." The palm of his hand subconsciously pressed against his lower abdomen.

The Ring Leader's knife had gotten a bit of red on it.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
Like Alicio, Amani immediately felt little more than disgust for the Weequay when he revealed his shallow motives. There was no movement, no message. He was just a greedy fool, trying to cash in on a bounty way over his paygrade. And he had threatened not just the lives of his targets, but those of every innocent person in this park to get it.

<Charge him.>

With pleasure. Amani and Alicio both responded the moment they were told, catching the bounty hunter by surprise. Whatever Valery was doing to deal with the grenade, it was working, because they hand't all exploded in a ball of fire and shrapnel yet. Alicio got to him first, but when they met head on, there was a noticeable shift. The weequay stumbled back, but Alicio toppled over. A knife in the former's other hand was brandishing blood.

Amani immediately saw red. The Weequay seemed to realize his mistake, and was met with another strike across the face. In a panic he thrust the knife forward, but Amani widened the gap between her arm and her torso, then locked his arm into a hold. Using her own body as leverage, she twisted his arm until it made an unpleasant snapping noise, and the knife dropped.

"No…" Amani's breathing was shallow, and she didn't even bother to look back at the Weequay. She came to Alicio's side, trying to check his wound. Her instinct to heal brought nothing, "I should've gone first. Dammit, where are the keys?!" These cuffs didn't just restrain her limbs, they took away her powers, "J-just focus on me, okay?"



Kahlil paused just for a moment as he waved the civilians still within the park towards the entrance and towards safety. Something happened. Something was wrong in the Force. Danger, pain, anguish. He glanced towards where the trio had gone, frowning ever so faintly.

<Love what's going on?>

He wasn't an endless supply of stamina. All the runes, the teleporting around the park, he wasn't going to be able to appear in that room without a brisk jog, if he could manage that much.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Amani Serys Amani Serys

Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Amani Serys Amani Serys

While Valery would have moved along with them, she decided to put all of her focus on the grenade. First, she telekinetically kept the primer down so it wouldn't go into its sequence. But as the Organas connected with the Ring Leader, the grenade fell, and she instead created a barrier around the. What should have been a deadly explosion, turned into a dull thud — loud and enough to make the ground vibrate, but nobody would be harmed.

Valery dropped her arm, let out a sigh of relief, and that's when she noticed something was wrong.


Her eyes widened, and guilt struck her heart, as she watched Alicio topple over. She had been the one to ask them to charge. She should have known he was still carrying a weapon. Every muscle in her body tensed, and that pain echoed through her bond to Kahlil.

<Love what's going on?>

Valery couldn't answer him, her mind overwhelmed with powerful emotions. Fiery eyes then turned to the ring leader, and with an outstretched arm, she froze his body, before slamming him up against the ceiling. Then back to the ground, before she threw him into the wall on her left, then slammed him into the one to her right. Each impact violent and enough to leave some blood behind, though none of it was lethal. Finally, she forced him back against the ground, and summoned the keys she saw dangling from his belt to her hand.

"Amani!" she called out, as she slid down to her knees and tried to quickly remove her friend's bindings. It had already taken her far too long, she feared, and she couldn't help but feel that all of this was her fault.

<Babe, he was stabbed. Please, we need to help him!>


Of course, Alicio was already trying to stand by the time Amani rushed to his aid. He'd struggled to his knees, forehead pushed against the ground for stability, but he quickly collapsed again. The area around his belly was already dark and slick, and only spreading to the rest of his fine clothes.

"I'm okay, I'm- argh!" Alicio curled up, unable to press his hands to his midsection. "It just hurts. But... better me than you, love."

The Count's vision began to swim, but he kept his focus on Amani's face. Somewhere in the background was the sound of a man getting completely wrecked, but that was swiftly becoming less important.

"I'll be fine, Amani. Don't worry." He could see the panic in her face. He just wanted to caress her cheek, but his hands stayed securely behind his back. Valery rushed over, unlocked Amani's restraints, and the Count offered a weak, but sure smile to them both. "I'll be fine."

He had faith.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
Amani wrenched against her bindings violently, so much so one might almost think they'd break from strength alone. But it was to no avail, at least not until Valery slid over to unlatch the cuffs. Amani shot her hands out toward the key, and the moment the lock gave way, she practically flung them across the, and laid her palms against Alicio's wound. "My hero," She said, a forced chuckle bubbling in her throat, "But I disagree."

A torrent of soothing energy blanketed the injury, although it happened in such a rush that the sensation probably circled back around to feeling unnatural. It fluxed uncharacteristically, the stress throwing off the healer's focus slightly. "It will," She concurred, "I know it will." Everything else around them ceased to matter, until she was certain Alicio would be okay. She hadn't even paid attention to what happened with the Weequay and at this point, she didn't care.


Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Stay calm, you got this," Valery told Amani with a hopefully soothing voice, and a gentle hand on the shoulder. Healing was a taxing and difficult thing to do — Valery couldn't do it at all herself — so she could only imagine what it must be like to heal your own husband. To feel the weight of what could happen if it went wrong on the person you loved the most. Valery wasn't sure if she could help Amani through that at all, but she would always try.

"You'll be fine, Alicio. Amani once pulled shrapnel from my legs with her bare hands and got me back up and running." She smiled a bit of an emotionally charged, stupid looking smile, because she was worried too.

But her friend had never failed anybody when it mattered.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble soon arrived, and Valery retreated back to him for a big hug. The danger was gone, especially with the Ring Leader unable to walk, so she allowed herself a moment to fall into his arms. Her head came to rest against his chest, and she let out a soft sigh of relief.

Even if just briefly — they still had things to do.

"You okay, honey? I can feel you're exhausted. If you need to lean on me, please do."


Alicio forced a chuckle back, the sound unintentionally ringing dry and painful. "Yeah, well I know so. You can heal me. Don't know if I could patch up... heuh... a gut shot." He smirked. "And... I love you. Very much."

Just in case.

"You'll be fine, Alicio. Amani once pulled shrapnel from my legs with her bare hands and got me back up and running."

"Trust me, Val," he grunted, looking her way with a bit of humor. He'd said it twice already, after all. "I know."

Just as soon as Valery helped Amani's cuffs off, she began her work. At first, it felt good, but after a moment, Alicio could feel the unstable nature of it. He frowned, already feeling a bit of color return to his mildly-paled cheeks. He couldn't deny the growing ease of breathing, or the swiftly closing wound over his gut. "Don't hurt yourself, Amani."

Once Valery left to be by Kahlil, Alicio struggled to sit up, now more hampered by the cuffs behind his back than his wound. He just wanted to be near her.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Valery Noble Valery Noble - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble -
Amani eventually calmed down enough to focus on being effective. Valery reminded her that she had healed much worse before, and Alicio seemed to be stabilizing. Just in case, however, he offered an 'I love you', which brought a weak chuckle from Amani. "I know. Cause you dying would really piss me off. And I know you wouldn't piss me off," She was a little more comfortable joking now, at least. She shook her head at the notion of hurting herself, although she was feeling a bit weak.

Once the work was done, she leaned down and kiss his forehead, "Love you too." She looked around toward Val, "Where's the keys?" Alicio still needed to get freed. Provided she got them, Amani would begin to unlock his cuffs as well.


Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Very funny," Valery said with a roll of her eyes, but a little smirk as well. She wrapped Kahlil's arm around her shoulder after that, and gave him some support while she walked back over to Amani. The keys needed to help Alicio out of his restraints were offered, and with that done, the real danger finally felt like it was over. It was only a matter of time until law enforcement swarmed this amusement park, and nobody was in a life-threatening situation anymore.

Everybody was just a bit more exhausted than they would have liked to be at the end of today.

"I have no idea, but they were after credits for us. Bounty Hunters maybe?" She shrugged and hugged herself into her husband's side a little.

"I wonder if they were planning to sell us to the Mandalorians, or if there's someone else behind this. The latter would mean that we might have to expect more of these attacks to happen."


"I don't know what gives you that impression," Alicio returned Amani's chuckle with a wobbly smile. "Pissing you off is one of my favorite past times."

Closing his eyes as he felt lips touch his forehead, Alicio finally felt the Future return to his vision. Finally able to fully sit up, the Count wrapped his arms around his Countess' waist, enveloping her in a big hug of his own. He face was a bit blanched, and he felt an aching pain in his stomach... but the wound had closed, under the care of an expert healer.

He recovered enough to hear, and register, some of the Nobles' conversation. He turned his head their way, regaining a bit of his characteristic seriousness. "That wouldn't explain how they knew we would be here. Unless they have a powerful benefactor, or a seer in their ranks."

He barely told anyone where they were going today. For exactly this reason.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
"Pissing you off is one of my favorite past times."

"Har har," Amani replied dryly, a nervous smile still on her face. As soon as Alicio's restraints were freed, he enveloped her in a hug, and she squeezed him back. They sat like that for a little while, just getting over the sudden scare together. Amani perked up to the ongoing conversation when she heard mention of Bounty Hunters, "Most likely." Still, it left a lot of unanswered questions.

"You'd think Mandalorians would be more interested in doing it themselves," And if these guys were Mandalorians, it would've been a lot more obvious. Could they be turning to outside help, or was there something else at play? Alicio made another good point about how they were tracked, "I'm sure there's plenty of powerful bad guys out there interested in following people like us. If there's Force sensitives at play, that makes me all the more concerned about who's after us." Sith maybe, or any other fringe darksider group could be in cahoots with their would-be kidnappers. "There was too much effort put in for this to just be a track down. They knew where we were coming, and when."



"I'm sure we'll figure it out in time. The authorities here seem competent, so we can at least ask them to let us in on their findings. I doubt these bounty hunters will be particularly loyal to their clients." Some were, of course, but if they were hired to take out several Jedi Council members and a senator they were either crazy, or they were foolish. There was a lot they could've done in preparation for something like this if they were the type he figured would stay silent.

But these were very much the kind that seemed to be weirdly cultish.

"We're not exactly low profile individuals, but something must've leaked. We'll have to look more into what that potential leak was."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

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