Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Double Date: Hologram Fun World


Hologram Fun World
Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Amani Serys Amani Serys

Valery sighed, "I'm really worried over this," Valery admitted while they all speculated over who these people were, and how to figure out more. "Less so about these specific people, but more about the way they got information. What if they know a lot more?" She asked with a frown. Their families were more than just the four of them — they all had small children, and she didn't think it was above these mercenaries to go after them.

They could never allow that to happen.

"Who even has this kind of information about us? Maybe someone from within the park?" She had, after all, reserved their tickets ahead of time, and none of them were the types to put it out across the holonet that they were going to visit a amusement park together.

It had to be somewhere from here, right? Or perhaps she was just hoping that to be true, as it'd mean they likely couldn't cause them even more trouble.


Finally, Alicio felt good enough to hoist himself to his feet. It was... surprisingly easy, despite feeling queasy from the blood loss. He sent an appreciative, comforting smirk the Mirialan's way, before listening to the conversation at hand. They just... didn't know enough.

Slowly, his eyes were drawn to the still form of the masked leader.

"I bet he knows. Why don't we... ask him?" Alicio's tone of voice, turned sharp and bitter, betrayed the fact he wanted to use more than words against the man that had stabbed him in the gut. That had caused Amani so much worry.

The solution to all their questions was laying on the ground, unconscious. There had to be a way to get the answers they needed. Otherwise, them, and their families, were still at risk.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
Despite the end of the immediate threat, there was still much left unsatisfyingly unanswered. And while there was still a chance for more trouble to bite them back later, it didn't feel right to leave a loose end. Amani followed Alicio's gaze towards the unconscious kidnapper. She felt a similar bitterness, once she forced down for the sake of control.

It was Amani that approached first, kneeling down and grabbing the man's collar. She pressed fingers to his temples, searching for that 'on' switch in his brain to wake him back up. With some prying, he abruptly sputtered back to consciousness, face to face with the four he had wronged, "You're going to tell us everything," She said matter-of-factly, not giving him a choice in the matter, "Or we'll make you." The Jedi had other, more intrusive ways of getting information.


Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Amani Serys Amani Serys

Valery saw the bitterness in the eyes of her friends, and briefly glanced at her husband to see how he felt about it. She was worried about the potential threat to her family too, of course, but the Organas seemed very intense. Not that Valery could blame them for it — Alicio had just gotten stabbed, and if the same had happened to Kahlil instead, Valery would have been the one in Amani's position right now.

She just hoped they could get answers.

"Is that so?" The man said with a strained voice. His arm was still at an unnatural angle, and the pain it caused him made it much harder to think or speak. Still, he put all of his effort into provoking the Mirialan, "That wouldn't be very Jedi of you, would it now?" He flashed his bloodied teeth with his grin, and coughed up some more.

<Babe...? What's up with the outfit?> Valery asked while she watched the exchange between the ring leader and Organas.

The man's eyes burned into Amani's and didn't even shift to the others, "Are you really going to give in to your anger, Jedi? You only give more reason for things like this to happen. For people like us to exist."


Alicio had suffered his fair share of arguments with greedy people, with his time in the senate.

They tried their hardest to convince others, to convince themselves, that they weren't. They were doing this for justice, for peace, for security. And if the work just so happened to line their pockets in gold...

Alicio hoped the Ringleader's words wouldn't shake Amani too much, because they certainly didn't shake his faith in her. Instead, he hoped the pain, the defiance, of the man, would leave some gaps in his mental defenses.

As his wife held the criminal's attention, Alicio reached out with his senses, observing his mind from afar. Waiting patiently for any gap. And when he saw the perfect moment, if there was a perfect moment, he would dive in, and attempt to wrestle the memories from his mind. The Count wasn't as proficient at the technique as his deceased bodyguard, and former Jedi, Kai Bamarri was. But he was good enough to find an answer to their question.


- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
Amani's lip twitched with annoyance at the man's defiance, then into a smirk, "I don't need anger to get what I need from you," She reached up a hand, touching his temples again, "In fact, you've already given me something." People like him, he said. It seemed to indicate there was more to his mission than just money, be it on his behalf or the behalf of whoever hired him. Someone whose anti-pedi sentiment when deeper than their value as prisoners.

Alicio began to search his mind as well, and at the same time Amani probed his thoughts, trying to extract the information they wanted, "Who sent you after us? How did they know where we were?"



<Disguise. Should've seen the wig.>

Right, he was going to have to change later. Right now this was fine though. The man before them was determined to resist, but the odds of them resisting for long wouldn't keep with all the Force users here. They could rip into his mind at any moment if they truly wanted to. But Kahlil kept back, let the Organa's handle it.

They already had him dancing in their palm.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Amani Serys Amani Serys

Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Valery blinked, <I think I'm glad I didn't see the wig.> Even this outfit of his was already very strange to her, but she wasn't going to tease him about it even more. Not now, anyway — she had plenty of ammo for later when they were alone and not being threatened by some masked terrorists.

The leader of which now found himself under mental pressure to speak, and when he felt that, his eyes widened just a little. "W-what are you doing?" he demanded. Even someone without a connection to the Force could feel such invasive abilities, but he simply had no way to resist.

He had a stubborn mind that didn't break instantly, but with enough pressure and care, the Jedi Master and her husband would unravel his secrets. Rather quickly, one thing came to the forefront.

"The Force will be free. The Force will be free."

A thought that echoed from his mind to those who were listening, before his lips parted to speak, "They did," he said, his voice almost robotic now. "They have people everywhere."


It seemed the husband-wife pair was making headway into the leader's head. His mind was defended, Alicio knew it wouldn't be so simple to extract the information they needed without a fight from the man. But their final answer was... disturbing.

"The Force will be free," Alicio murmured half-consciously, trying to make heads or tails of the saying. It sounded familiar, something he might have learned in passing at his classes at university. An anti-force cult, maybe? Alicio had never studied those.

Then why did it ring a bell?

Alicio planted an angry snarl on his face, even as his mind retreated. He asked the question he was sure they were all thinking. Maybe asking the obvious would bring the question to the surface of his mind, for Amani to discover.

"Who are they?"

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
Amani pulled back in contemplation. What did it mean? The implication was decipherable enough, likely some kind of anti-Force sensitive, or at least anti-Jedi organization. But there were a number of those, so even if the hunch was correct, this man's vagueness didn't narrow things down usefully. The healer furrowed her brow, reasserting their dominance.

"Answer the question." The last time she heard of a group like that, it was the resurgence of the Open Hand, but they had been largely quiet since their initial debut. Was this something new? It was about the last thing they needed in the midst of already fighting the Enclave.


Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Amani Serys Amani Serys

"That's the creed of the Path of the Open hand," Valery said while she studied the man and looked at both Alicio and Amani. "It came up in reports when they spiked in activity not long ago." This man himself didn't seem to be part of them though, as he referred to the organization with they. But if he indirectly worked for them, it meant that they could have people on assignments everywhere.

It spread their influence quietly.

"You know enough," the man then said, mostly directed at the Organas. "You will be made an example."


The Path of the Open Hand...

A light of recognition lit in Alicio's eyes. The Count knew them, if only in a historical context. He'd studied the Battle of Jedha in his courses at University. He'd understood it as a cautionary tale, to be careful of third parties and foul play in peace negotiations. The Path had been that third party.

"You will be made an example."

Alicio's blood turned to ice. He cast his worried gaze towards his wife first, then to Valery and the retreating Kahlil. What had they done to earn the ire of an extremist force-cult? Did it matter?

He suddenly felt an intense need to return home, and stay within eyesight of the kids.

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
"But the Open Hand's been inactive," Amani's expression twisted, "Reports suggested they fell into dysfunction after the attack on the Dalna temple." The details had been hard to come by, given there were no survivors on either side left at the site. Whatever the Open Hand had been trying to accomplish was a Pyrrhic victory at best, and all leads pointed to their leadership falling apart. Perhaps there were still some independent cells operating out in the galaxy, but how did they go to barely managing a raid against a small temple, to targeting four of the most powerful people in the Alliance?

"You will be made an example."

Amani scowled at the man, then dropped her grip on his collar, causing him to fall back to the floor. "And you're going to tell the police everything." She glanced back towards the door, then to the others, "We should… leave." Suddenly the chief healer was paranoid to reveal details. Even the idea of saying 'go home' around this man made her fear for their friends and family.

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Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Inactive?" he flashed a grin. "There will always be people willing to fight the likes of you, Master Jedi." Whether it was named the Open Hand or something else, there would always be extremists blaming one side or another for their problems. For the Galaxy's problems. And while his mission today had failed. the ring leader could tell that his threats landed.

There was an uneasy atmosphere between the three of them now.

<Babe, please come back. We need to go home.> Valery knew he was setting up for authorities to take over, so she didn't want to rush him. But the thought of people coming after her and her family again was somewhat frightening. How much did they know? Were there people on Niv Hani who had told the Open Hand about their home?

What if they were already preparing their next move?

Valery shook the paranoid thoughts from her head and looked at the Organas, "I doubt the four of us will be their only targets. Maybe we should come together again soon? Figure out something to stop this..."

Valery looked around nervously after suggesting that. Why wasn't Kahlil back yet?



Kahlil didn't respond, if only because of a flash of danger outside. An explosion sounded off. A bomb, a final trap to try and take care of the Jedi. A direct assault, even hostages, they'd never be enough to take care of so many Jedi Master's in one place. But a bomb, amidst so much fear and panic from the hostages? It would be enough. His grin had widened as he stared up at Amani. This was long enough, the time had gone off.

All their deaths would be worth enough if it shattered the Jedi Council.

Except he didn't die. The fanatic blinked slowly as he realized this. Glanced to the Jedi. Confusion. Kahlil stepped back inside shortly after, as did some of the authorities that had arrived. They didn't waste time on trying to evacuate the other hostages.

"Leaving is a good idea. They had bombs set up. Not sure if there's more."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Alicio's shoulders jerked up in surprise a moment before the bomb went off.

He'd been grinding his jaw, looking between Amani and Valery with fraying patience. Their words, thinly veiled versions of 'let's go home' told him they thought similarly. These people had connections, moreso than was previously thought. They needed to make sure the kids were safe.

Valery, Kahlil, Amani, and Alicio all shared that weakness.

The Shield returned, and the Count shared his sentiment. "Let's." He took a few steps towards the entrance, watching on as a few station authorities started towards the ringleader, to take him into custody. He paused, glancing at his wife, silently willing her to be close to him when they left. But he stopped to look at Kahlil.

"Did anyone...?" Alicio found he couldn't form the rest of his thought, hugging his arms around his chest, covering the recently-healed stab wound.

Did anyone die? Because they decided to go on vacation?

- Amani Serys Amani Serys - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -
Before Amani could really address the man's claims, an explosion startled her and the rest out of the conversation. The man seemed prepared for another, but nothing else came, and Kahlil returned untouched. If there were more bombs, they hadn't gone off. Amani stepped back to let the authorities handle their culprit, and returned to Alicio's side. With a nod, they all took to leave the building, and the park for good.

"We will," Amani said to Valery. Later, she wanted to say, though she wouldn't admit it. There was too much going on now, too much she didn't to think about. Much like Alicio then said, cutting himself off.

"Did anyone...?"

Amani frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder. She hoped not. Hoped the park goers were away from the blast radius. But she didn't know. They'd have to find out. Later she told herself.


Outfit: Epicanthix Outfit | Wedding Ring
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

The world around her, as well as the voices of het friends, blurred away into the background. She had felt the danger as well, and even though she felt his presence safe and sound after the explosion, Valery threw herself at her husband when he stepped back into the room.

Her arms tightened around his waist, and her head gently came to rest against his chest.

That soothing heartbeat was still there.

"I want to go home," Valery said softly. She didn't loosen the grip she held on hin at all, and looked up into his eyes with a pleading gaze. She just wanted to be with him and keep all their kids close for a little while. Vera and Aris were luckily coming home from the Temple too, and Colette was already at home with the little ones.

She wanted the whole family safe, before looking into this further.

"We uh, we will call soon. Figure things out and set up a plan." She paused, frowned and repeated, "Soon."


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