I'm only worth five grand? Really? Wow. Even the Republic is at least offering four hundred thousand. Or was it one hundred thousand...
0_0Enigma said:[member="Dredge"]
How long and intimate are we talking?![]()
*Sips tea*Dredge said:[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
[member="Ashin Varanin"] is a different story. The Horde was allied to the Fringe, not officially that is. You don't officially ally yourself to genocidal maniacs. But everytime the fringe invaded or was invaded Dredge was there with the horde. He was on O'reen and Krifu. He was there for all of it and his people died protecting them. And when he crusade struck the horde, the fringe preached neutrality and said members could join whichever side. However all fringe members joined the crusade. And when the chips were down the fringe was nowhere to be seen. Dredge bled for them and now he wants revenge for the deaths of everyone that died in the name of the fringe
<3Dredge said:[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Nah bby I <3 U
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoLI9FHmV90[/youtube]Dredge said:[member="Darth Vornskr"]
No one attempt to kill Kaine! Dats muh boo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&persist_app=1&v=tM6haybgBrcDarth Vornskr said:[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoLI9FHmV90[/youtube]
0_0Dredge said:[member="Enigma"]
Because I'm going to kill you myself, slowly. I'm going start at your toes and work my way up.