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Dredge's Kill List

*cracks knuckles*
I'm looking forward to it, bub :p
Ven wasn't herself when she worked for the Horde. She's got her own ideas of revenge.
Something tells me [member="Noah Corek"] and [member="Ventasia Terana"] wouldn't be to pleased with someone going after Ven either.
The dream team is getting back together!


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Darth Morgoth"], [member="Racket"],

I was actually just being facetious :p Unless I'll get an IC reason to go after Dredge, like him actually attacking ICly someone from OP or Siobhan based on this bounty, or his hunters doing so, I won't go out of my way to go after him.

[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"],

But if that happens your suggestion does give me an idea,

To the HRD-making machine!
Kind of funny. now let me see.

[member="Darren Shaw"], Knows Ashin and Jacobs Personally,
Nick (this character), Knows Ashin, Part of the Fringe (which Ashin is kind of a part of on and off.)
[member="Pyrrha Nikkita"], Blade of Kalee in the MC, Attacked Dredge's people, Knows Mantis personally, As well is his Mando-sibling.
[member="Xander Carrick"], Works with Rasu in the past, As well as Jourus (Does being in the same invasion thread count?)

Dude, You are not writing a Kill list. You are writing a death wish for yourself. lol.

Anybody is welcome to try and come after me, or any of my alts. However, if you come after Nick, You will find that I will not be alone. (Works with Sith, Bounty Hunter's guild, Beast Hunter's Guild, Red Ravens, Fringe.... Do I really need to go on?)


[member="Fabula Cavataio"] [member="Enigma"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Rasu Gan"]

I would very much so like to hunt these people down [member="Dredge"]

Cause I mean, I could take all four of them at once ;) But I prefer one on one contact, I hate sharing.

SOOOOOO, who's first in line to get hunted down, and slapped around? I have no problem hitting a woman....womans...wait...can we even declare Enigma a woman? i feel like thats just...can we classify that as a nightmare in a woman's body?
[member="Nickolas Imura"]

Dredge is crazy, I write the character in actions he would take to secure his vengeance. If it's too real for you to handle I suggest going somewhere else less real cause the realness factor is over 9000 up in this mug.


[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Oh yeah? lol SO what do you say? wanna try it out? Ill go easy on you.

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