Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dredge's Kill List

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Why so? Circe stood by you until you abandoned the faction. And when she folded it, there was really no choice - it was either merge, or die slowly due to OOC circumstances. Is this about the Skype thing?
Of course not, ooc feelings have nothing to with IC actions. Dredge blames Circe for being captured by the mandolorians forcing his hand to save someone he thought was more trouble than she was worth. He was captured by the mandos and was humiliated losing hundreds of men to save Circe. So he's going to make sure she feels every ounce of pain three hundred Yuuzhan Vong lives are worth
Dredge said:
Of course not, ooc feelings have nothing to with IC actions. Dredge blames Circe for being captured by the mandolorians forcing his hand to save someone he thought was more trouble than she was worth. He was captured by the mandos and was humiliated losing hundreds of men to save Circe. So he's going to make sure she feels every ounce of pain three hundred Yuuzhan Vong lives are worth
That is if the bounty hunters can stand up to the new (and improved) Vanessa Nacht Seele.
That's right bitches.
Tai'ko is back.


*picks mic back up*
In all reality:
I got your back Circe. Ain't nobody hurting you IC while I'm there IC.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
If it is a dance off you ask for, I'm afraid you shall be rocked quite hard. I didn't want to say anything but Dredge won his 8th grade class dance off. Dance at your own risk

11: Anyone of the above's family members, their friends, business partners, school mates, anyone they ever walked past on the street and noticed.

Huh, as a business partner of [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] I am rolling my eyes at this. Feel free to try, but you'll seriously be wasting your time for 50,000 credits. Besides, my pockets are deep enough I could offer up a bounty hunter millions to kill you instead [member="Dredge"] .


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
In the spirit of Christmas Life Day, and because Sio is my sidekick *cough* #DelusionsOfGrandeur *cough*

I would like to encourage intergalactic cross-faction cooperation-

Anybody on this list who wants to gang up against Dredge will receive weapons and gadgets from me for free, as well as a plot on Hoth* to build your own Winterfell, because there's a bit of Stark in all of us.

*Has no actual power to grant real estate on Hoth
*puts on a pair of Groucho Marx glasses and goes up to HK to get in on this sweet ass deal* Oh hey there partner, let's say you get me in on this kill Dredge thing. It's going to take all of us to take down someone as smart, handsome, amazing in bed, and good looking as that monster. By the way he has a killer set of abs and smells good. That dastardly demon
Dredge said:
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

[member="Ashin Varanin"] is a different story. The Horde was allied to the Fringe, not officially that is. You don't officially ally yourself to genocidal maniacs. But everytime the fringe invaded or was invaded Dredge was there with the horde. He was on O'reen and Krifu. He was there for all of it and his people died protecting them. And when he crusade struck the horde, the fringe preached neutrality and said members could join whichever side. However all fringe members joined the crusade. And when the chips were down the fringe was nowhere to be seen. Dredge bled for them and now he wants revenge for the deaths of everyone that died in the name of the fringe
Good luck finding someone willing to get within one hundred meters of her. Let alone kill her.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Silara Vantai"], [member="Dredge"],

I know only one person with enough mix of cohones and insanity to try something like that,

*Cough* [member="Racket"] *Cough*
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]@Racket@Darth Morgoth[member="HK-36"]

Regardless if bounty hunters try to hunt these people or not, Dredge is coming after them himself. Except maybe Sio, Sio scares the shit out of dredge.

Also Ven I forgot to throw you on the list for abandonment to join the enemy who killed horde troops. So expect a visit as well :p

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