OOC information: So. You all know why I'm posting this, or at least, I think you do. If you don't, then THIS thread should explain all.
Happy hunting, friends.
Happy hunting, friends.
|[Nar Shaddaa]|
Home. She thought to herself, whilst walking along one of the many course ways towards the now infamous Promenade. It's almost like I never left... Each step took her closer and closer towards her destination, which loomed up in the distance. The Promenade. Nar Shaddaa at it's finest - if you could even have such a thing. The Hutts' strict no-fighting policy kept this place attractive to locals and outsiders alike, and as a result the place thrived. Over the past year this had become a regular haunt for Suhr - Especially at the Slippery Slopes, which often boasted it was the cleanest cantina outside of the casinos. Suhr smirked a little at the thought. The best of the worst. Still, it suited her fine. It wasn't as lavish as some of the other clubs and more... Dubious entertainment venues, nor as eye catching as signs that tried to drag unknowing tourists into overpriced "luxury" stores, with clothing articles made in sweatshops located in the lower levels of the city-planet. The Slopes were... Well. Out of the way.Approaching one of the various taxi droids, Suhr scanned a travel card across it's sensor. Welcome aboard, Mister Hs'kakr, it said. Heh. She'd won the card in a game of Djarik two months back, and saved herself hundreds of credits in the process. Taxi's weren't cheap, but they were certainly useful.
"Take me up to the promenade, and be quick about it. I've a drink waiting for me at the Slopes." she said, whilst settling into the back seat. Her voice was light, and fine. It had a resonance to it that indicated she'd learned the fine art of communicating clearly, which was something most locals were severely lacking, with their spice inflicted drawls, and so on...
"Y-y-y-yoouuuuu've got it!" came the overly cheerful reply. Whoever coded the personality in these things didn't understand that customer service meant a smile and a wink, and not just an overly cheerful attitude about everything. No wonder so many of these things wound up with missing heads... Fortunately for Suhr, the droid managed to stay quiet for the duration of the journey, barely giving her a cheer-infused goodbye when she got out of the Taxi.
And there she was. Stood on the promenade's outer walkway again. She smiled a little, and imagined that up here, away from all the crime of the lower levels, that the air was so much cleaner. In her mind she pictured the rolling hills and mountains of Tython, and the roaring honk of the peacefu-... Wait. They didn't honk. She snapped out of her quiet reverie, and looked around for the source of the noise - Some speeder jam a few meters away. Joy. No doubt they'd be arguing about that for days. The Twi'lek pulled her hood around her head once again, and set off with a calm pace towards the interior of the lower levels. She barely paused to check that she was at the right end before making a left turn, and inevitably her descent down the alcohol covered slopes that obviously gave the cantina it's name. She'd barely made it into the cantina before a familiar voice yelled out from behind the bar...
"Ehy, if it isn't the cloaked beauty!" The voice was course and harsh, like it'd been through a war or three. She wouldn't have been surprised. There'd been more gang wars in the past month or two than there'd ever been in Suhr's memory, and they were bound to cause collateral damage... She helped where she could, but one Twi'lek couldn't save a planet. She sighed, and put on a fake smile for the bartender.
"Rosco you old dog. I'll have my usual drink in my usual seat, over there where it's quiet." Suhr thumbed over to a corner of the cantina, where there was a seat, half concealed in the shadow of an overhang. "And I swear if you send me any dancing girls again, I'll follow you home and beat you so hard you won't be able to work for a week!" She smiled. That should put him off. At least for now.
"Pah!" he yelled. "Have it your way, but we all know you liked it more than you let on." Rosco grinned, and set about his work - He'd send a droid over, especially after the last time. Winding up with one of those damn lightswords pointing at your manhood for trying to cop a feel isn't something he intended to repeat. Suhr made her way over to the seat, apparently her regular space in the cantina, and began to make herself comfortable... Peace and quiet. At least as quiet as Nar Shaddaa got.