@[member="Jericho"] @[member="Haven Pryde"] @[member="Arcturus Hallum Quinn"]
The moment the smoke grenades went off, Suhr was running. She darted backwards, twisting her body to get the most of the surprise head start - 100 meters soon became ninety. She shifted off to the right slightly, under the alcoves and out of everyones sight. 90 meters became 80. Suhr pressed her head down, and leaned into her sprinting so she could get the most out of her body. 80 meters dropped to 70. She began to draw on the living Force to assist her movements, allowing it to speed her reaction times up. 70 quickly became 50 meters. She was pulling away, the confusion of the smoke grenades and the shouting of the officers behind her melted into the distance. 50 meters dissolved away to 25, the force lending Suhr the speed she needed to ensure that by the time the fog lifted, she'd be on one of the speeders.
She didn't even wait.
Without regard for her own life, Suhr launched herself off the edge of the taxi rank, her body plummeting through the grim air of Nar Shaddaa. Her hood snapped back, and her Lekku moved under the guidance of the wind which rushed past her body. The Force guided Suhr, and she shifted her body so that her arms and legs were spread out, thus slowing her descent - and there she could see it. Just below, and rapidly rising to meet her. The roof of an airbus, destined for one of the hangars. She aimed her body for it, in an effort to slow and turn herself so that she could land on it without breaking any bones. And land on it she did, with such force that the repulsors at the back of the bus dipped slightly. She slid, and found herself drawing her lightsaber in a panic.
Suhr fell from the back.
Yet the Force was with her, and the lightsaber ignited just in time. It's blade dug deep into the metal at the back of the airbus, and soon she found purchase on it. This wouldn't last for long though, a lightsaber could cut through anything given enough time. She had to act fast. Swinging her legs around to the rear of the airbus, Suhr attempted to get a grip on a ledge at the back. The first time her foot slipped, yet the second, she managed to find purchase, and with it some grip. Using her legs, and pulling up from her lightsaber, Suhr managed to just about bring her body onto the ledge - although it took a fair bit of balancing. Happy that she wasn't going to fall and die, or get arrested, captured, or likely stabbed with a lightsaber for now, Suhr deactivated her lightsaber and began to enjoy the ride... Until she realised which airbus this was.
You see, the Force had seen fit to land Suhr on the one airbus in that area that was headed back to the Promenade.
The Force, it seemed, had a sense of irony.
Not that Suhr appreciated it.