Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Echoes of War — GA/DE Junction of Obredaan and Vandelhelm

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Coruscant | OBJECTIVE : Retaliation


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"



Objective I - The Hunt

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor was still on his mission in the lower levels of Coruscant when he suddenly found himself surrounded by a group of Sith warriors. The dark side energy emanating from them sent a chill down his spine, but he knew he had to stay focused if he wanted to survive this ambush.

Connel, prepared to defend himself against the Sith attackers realized that he was outnumbered and outmatched. The Sith were skilled in combat, and their red lightsabers glowed menacingly in the dimly lit alleyway.

Thinking quickly, Connel remembered the shield he had brought with him as a precaution. It was a sturdy, tetherite shield that had served him well in previous battles. With a swift movement, he activated the shield and held it up in front of him, using it to deflect the incoming blaster bolts and lightsaber strikes.

The Sith warriors were taken aback by Connel's unexpected defense. They had not anticipated him using a shield, and it threw off their attack strategy. Connel took advantage of their confusion, using the shield to block their strikes and create openings for counterattacks.

Despite being outnumbered, Connel fought with determination and skill. He moved with agility and precision, using the shield to protect himself while also launching powerful strikes with his lightsaber. The Sith warriors soon realized that they were no match for the Jedi Knight's prowess in combat.

One by one, the Sith fell before Connel's relentless assault. His shield proved to be a formidable weapon, allowing him to hold his ground against the dark side warriors. With each enemy defeated, Connel felt a surge of confidence and determination.

Finally, the last Sith warrior lay defeated at Connel's feet. Breathing heavily, he deactivated his shield and looked around at the aftermath of the battle. The alleyway was littered with fallen bodies, a testament to the fierce struggle that had taken place.

As he made his way back to the surface, Connel reflected on the encounter. He knew that the dark side would always pose a threat, but he also knew that as a Jedi Knight, he had the strength and skill to overcome any challenge. With his trusty shield by his side, Connel Vanagor was ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead in the galaxy.


L I T T L E - D I S A S T E R S

Abigail and Asher Jr Kala'myr
Objective: Find uncle Tommy
Location: Streets of Coruscant
Equipment: Attire | BB-C4T || 2x OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Abigail | Asher Jr | Together


Back in the Netherworld, the twins were hiding at the end of the street of their home, waiting for one of their mothers to come home. They were one of the few people who had two mothers and two fathers. At least that's how they counted, even though it was actually Aunt Eina who was responsible for their existence. The twins were a gift from the Light of Ashla to Mercy when Asher died on Tython. She used the Force to create the twins. This had some unintended consequences. The twins were odd. Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha 's hopes would have really come to fruition that he had "created" something special in his experiments.

The twins, though neither Force users nor sensitives like their mother, were born with telepathic and empathic powers; quite powerful, they were able to manipulate Tu'teggacha from birth so that he would eventually spare and save Mercy. Even in the womb, the twins were able to use telepathy and influence the mind palace created by their parents. For twins were already conscious in the womb and had, so to speak, a fully developed character and consciousness. They knew so much as an adult, but at that time they needed that to survive.

This, of course, did not stop the twins from being like normal children. They loved being naughty, playing and being with their parents. They knew exactly what their father had been before, but they didn't see their father as a monster either, they loved him and they saw him for who he was today, not who he was when Maw was controlling him. The children weren't evil either, in fact they weren't really taught any fighting, just what they were taught by two very close friends Alaric Alaric and Amalasuntha L'lerim Amalasuntha L'lerim . The twins grew up with them, but eventually the other pair of siblings spent time in places where time passed more quickly, so while the Kala'myr twins remained barely thirteen, the two L'lerim-Vandiir grew up.

Because of this, the twins had to go further afield to find friends in the Sanctuary. And of course, as they grew into adolescence, they became more curious about Realspace, because Abi and Asher had never been to the world of the living; they had spent their whole lives in the Netherworld. And now they were increasingly curious and eager to meet their uncle Thomas Barran Thomas Barran , aka "Uncle Tommy". So they decided to take advantage of one of the occasions when their mother would come home and sneak across the rift she had created to Realspace. And that moment has just arrived. She arrived at the end of the street and started walking towards their home, not looking around, not looking for the twins, in fact Mercy hadn't even thought the twins were planning to do that.

Once the twins' mother was far enough away and the rift was still open, the twins ran through it. In fact, they arrived in a world they hadn't expected. Everywhere they saw ruins, collapsed buildings, gunfire, the sounds of war. It was nowhere near a place that was safe for young children. That didn't dampen their spirits, of course, not to mention the fact that the rift had closed behind them, so now they couldn't go back. The twins looked at each other and nodded. They both agreed on one thing.

"Let's go find Uncle Tommy!" they said enthusiastically at once.

OOC: Open for any interaction from both sides.​
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| LOCATION: Coruscant |
| TAG: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Valery Noble Valery Noble |

Forms FORM-3767281-22-4:

Black Box Entry


_. . .

_. . .

_. . .


Sensors blink back online, servos whirring to life. Eugh ... His optic narrows, vision blurry before being hastily refocused with a much clearer lens. Fire is the first thing he sees, overcast and roaring with plumes of black smog stretching skyward. Dust scatters throughout Coruscant's sweltering air, roads shattered and distant cries drowned out only by the sickening rumbles of unstable spires. His droidbrain is overwhelmed, photoreceptor staring in abject horror.

BB-610's first instinct is to move; his chassis trembles, motors strained as he finds himself pinned beneath the debris of a collapsed roof. His head is above ground, thankfully, allowing it to glide across the exposed curve of his body in order to better gauge his damages. The droid had been victim to one of many toppled buildings, though he'd been lucky enough to only catch the tail end of its destruction. While it was a less than ideal predicament, his was one that was — at the very least — salvageable.

The droid's one freed tool-bay disk slides open, letting his utility saw emerge. BB-610 brings it to the material weighing him down, sparks flying as he sees to slicing the debris in half to allow for more wiggle room. It's a torturously slow process, but the activation of his jet thrusters speeds the process up as they work to boost him forward, chassis progressively inching forward until rubble falls to the ground and sends the astromech flying out of its confines. Shaken up but still perfectly operational, BB-610 counts his blessings, giving a horrified glance back.

There's a dent in his body, but it's something he's grown accustomed to. Missions seldom ended pretty, so it was hardly uncommon for the droid to get banged up — life as Jedi Master Valery Noble's loyal astromech was certainly not a boring one. BB-610 gets his bearings, and it's then that he settles on calling his friend. She was at the forefront of danger, as she always was. He prayed.

A transmission through her commlink was met with biting static. BB-610 hissed, anxiety welling at his core; she'd been through worse, surely. Valery would be okay. He just needed to find her. His comms may be on the fritz, but his lifeform scanner was golden, sliding out from atop his head. BB-610 rolled forth, movements a tad uneven due to the dent, but he followed the cluster of vitals that pinged in his internal systems. Photoreceptors dotting his body observed the people around him, civilians and Jedi alike, counting them out. Narrowing his choices, cycling through tents, desperate.

A blip on his radar, vitals low, guided him to the Temple. The droid stopped in his tracks, left aghast at what had been left of it. BB-610 wasn't one with the Force, nor could he ever be, but the stirring of rubble and the blinking of his scanner told him all he needed. Valery, you're somehow going to find a way to give a machine a heart attack. His motors screech, pedal to the medal, as the astromech speeds over, swerving between passers-by.

He cries, binary loud and haunting. BB-610 pleads aloud, deafening, chassis kissing the outskirts of piled up debris. He cries for Valery, droidspeak shaky as he begs for any sort of response. Were he to have lungs, they'd have long since been taxed by hyperventilation. BB-610 glances around him, his body wobbling; jittery, petrified.

The droid screams, shrieking for help. < PLEASE > rings out, utility arm and saw alike emerging to try his hardest at prying apart the mountain of concrete and brick. < ANYBODY . . . PLEASE . . . >

He couldn't do this alone...



Tag: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Objective: Clear the Fallen Skyscraper
Rushing off into the smoke and dust, to try and find whoever he could. If only there was more earthen ground...Then he could use the Force to dump it onto some of the fires around him. For now, it was just going to be a matter of using the Force to try and shield himself from the heat as he moved past them. There wasn't anyone who needed rescuing from the flames, so Shan thought it was best to leave those who were more well equipped to fighting fires to well...fight the fires. Duh.
From above, Anthony spotted a padawan rushing in. At least, he thought it was a padawan from that far up. Leaping off the Ladybug, he called up to the chief. "Heading down, spotted someone heading in. Could be another jedi, could be a rogue agent."

"Copy Gray Sun, pointing spotlight in that direction."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond could see through the thick cloud of dust a spotlight shine on him, as another jedi, surfing on a tube of water, approached him.

"Ah. You're the kid that just got knighted, yeah?" Anthony offered. "Need some help? Don't wanna get lost in all this." Anthony, on top of his normal Service Corp jacket, was wearing a fireman's mask to protect him from the dust. The man offered Shan one as well, a small rebreather. "With all the chit in the air, we'll all need one."



Objective: Search and Rescue
Location: Coruscant, Undercity


Letting go of a large piece of rubble with The Force it fell to the ground. Violently breaking into smaller chunks. Ko let out a deep sigh. Bending forwards some and placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Feeling like he was burning through his reserves of energy after needing to take such a difficult hike up from the lower levels prior to this.

The young Jedi Knight didn’t get to do a whole lot during the main battle itself. Part of the guilt pushed him to give as much as he could into the search and rescue effort. He knew he needed to be mindful however, and not burn out in some overzealous sense of responsibility. If he lost his focus then finding more victims trapped beneath the city was going to be like finding a needle in a stack of slightly larger needles.

Then something caught his attention. Pulling him away from the tasks at hand. Barking? Ko shifted his attention to a canine of some sort standing on a pile of rubble. Barking out to Ko, as if trying to get the knight’s attention. Perhaps the animal was territorial and wanted him to leave. But he got the sense it wanted something else, that Ko should follow it. The canine didn’t waver in trying to get the Kel Dor’s attention and eventually he caved. But not before leaving some marks in the mountains of debris. Sensing people trapped underneath for rescue teams to bring their attention to. That way if he was being dragged along by some dog he they’d know where to look.

After that Ko followed the dog as it eagerly tried to lead the Jedi through the deviation. He pressed on diligently yet carefully. Minding his steps along the jagged and hazardous path. Making sure not to trigger a landslide of rubble just by walking or suffering something as simple as twisting his ankle on a piece of rebar.

Eventually the dog got Ko to where it wanted him. The canine moved over to a pile of rubble to begin pawing at it desperately. The animal seemed certain that there was something important within. Curiously Ko stepped forwards. Placing his hand among the rubble. Breathing deeply through his anitox mask he focused and looked into the pile. Deep within it there was someone trapped, that’s what the dog was so anxious about.

The animal had pulled Ko a decent way away from any rescue teams. He knew he was gonna need to save whoever was down there by himself. Buckling down the Jedi got to work.
. . .

Ko worked hard to remove the debris piece by piece. Never letting himself grow too impatient and reckless. But knowing he didn’t want whoever was stuck under the rubble to be trapped a second longer. Eventually with one last mighty effort he had The Force surge out from him to lift a large metal support beam from a tall skyscraper. Hoisting it up before moving it safely aside. “Gah!” Ko exclaimed as he let out an exhausted sigh, finally freeing and able to know now who he’d saved.

Upon freeing them the dog barked excitedly. It was a kid, and Ko observed them to check their condition, but they seemed remarkably unharmed. Just dirty and dusty. From the looks of it two based on the wardrobe the child seemed to come from privilege. Fancy clothes from the surface of coruscant.

Coming out of the darkness and feeling the light hit them the kid looked up at Ko with squinted eyes. Focusing on the Jedi standing before them. But soon their eyes widened in surprise and they began to sniffle and cry. “Wahhh!... M-Monster!” Ko’s heart sank over the child’s words. The kid had found that their rescuer was an unflattering looking xeno and had begun to cry helplessly. Tears rushed down their faces. Despite their emotional outburst they didn’t seem all that afraid to be in the presence of a ‘monster’. Likely the little boy was too exhausted and emotionally drained to do anything but stand there and cry. Merely venting their worries and anxieties.

The dog however was clearly happy to see the boy once more despite the waterworks. Ko didn’t feel upset at the boy. They’d been through a lot surely and perhaps seeing a scary Kel Dor was the straw that broke the camel's back. Carefully and gently Ko reached down to pick up the boy. Heaving them up onto his back. Taking his extra jedi utility belt to secure the boy safely with a piggyback ride. All the while the tired, sobbing kid held his robes tightly and wiped his tears and snot on the back of Ko’s clothes while he began to carry them back to the nearest rescue team. His doubts and concerns seemed to evaporate in this moment. Ko's only concern of the boy's wellbeing. “Don’t worry little man… you’re gonna be safe, I promise.”
Shan groaned at the sudden light being shined into his eyes, raising his arm up into the air to try and cover up his eyes. And then blinked at being referred to as "a kid". Well. That wasn't something he had been expecting to be called. Hell, even as a Padawan, he had barely been called a kid. That wasn't something to dwell on though. He'd take the rebreather, though he'd probably hand it off to someone who needed it more later down the line. He could always just use Breath Control when that was needed.

"I've walked through the streets of Coruscant enough to know my way around. Even if it is...a complete mess."

His normally quite friendly tone was gone for now. He had too much to concern himself with than being friendly. Giving the water man a short nod as Shan tried to wrap his head around what had happened. The whole...earthsplitting event didn't happen until after he had been off-world, so this was kind of a surprise to him at this point. He had to focus on as many people as he could get out though. This wasn't his first rodeo at the end of the day. There was a lot of dust and dirt in the air though....

Hm...Dust was technically connected to earth and ground if he thought about it. The Mirialan reaching his hand out for a moment to focus on his breathing and then the Force around him, before slowly starting to take hold of the little dust and dirt particles around him, before lowering them to the ground to at least start to clear up the surroundings. If he had been more in tune with Air, he might have been able to use that to see any changes in air flow...Oh well. Earth was going to be good enough for him.

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun

Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer | Torn Eskol Torn Eskol | @Other SIA

"Quick! Get him inside!"

"Get him on the bed, c'mon!"

The chatter of frantic voices continued as they hauled me into the room and laid me out on the mattress. The whole escape from the Senate district had been a whirlwind, then a blur.

"Sir, you're safe with us now." into my field of vision came a young man. The leader of the cell.

"Thanks." I croaked.

"What do you need?"

"Bacta. Injection. It's in the first aid kit I brought."

The others fumbled around for a few moments then handed me the syringe. Sitting up and collecting myself. I removed the blood-soaked rag cut from my pants that had served to as my makeshift bandage, then injected myself with the bacta straight into my thigh next to the gaping wound where a duracrete shard at stabbed into me. My entire right leg was red with blood. No wonder I'd hardly been able to stand by the time the partisans had found me.

The warm feeling of the bacta immediately set to work as I laid back. The stuff would hopefully work its magic in hours, and I was ever grateful I hadn't been injured worse.

I still had no damn clue what had happened at the Senate, but it was clear we'd shift to our plan B. The safe house was one of many, but the cell within was practically unique. We'd spent good time and money prior to the attack arming partisan groups, a majority anarchists, Neo-Mawites, socialists, just about anyone disgruntled enough in the Underworld to raise arms against the government. But the group I had just been taken in with were the Imperial sympathizers. A truly rare breed that had avoided total weeding out by the Alliance.

They were mostly young humans, wayward, disgruntled, and above all malleable by the ISB. But for the most part, they were practically kids, even the ones I was sure were older than me. They were totally propagandized and fully radicalized on the holonet, their only taste of Imperial culture and ideology being through a screen. They treated me like I was the Emperor himself, being the only true Imperial they'd ever laid eyes on.

In the room with me were the handful of executives of the operation, if they could even be called that. I was pretty sure their leader had only taken that position because he owned a memorabilia Imperial uniform. It wasn't even the right Empire. But all in all they were useful idiots, tools for the Empire. They had a hundred guys armed to the teeth with weaponry, some was their own, some was supplied by the Empire. Today was the day they had lived for, when it all finally went off and their militia meant something.

The goal, for this cell and the rest, had been standard terrorism. Harassment of refugees to worsen the brewing crisis, turning protests into riots, looting, harrying of emergency services, and general unregulated violence. The Empire's claws were dug into Coruscant, and loosen the grip as the Alliance might, they wouldn't soon forget the strength of Iron Fist's squeeze.

"I need a sitrep." I ordered to seemingly deaf ears as they looked between themselves, unsure either what I was asking or who should respond.

"What's happening outside." I rolled my eyes, "you, slicer boy." I snapped my finger and pointed to the guy in the corner surrounded by computers, the groups tech enthusiast, I would think. I was certainly not prepared to called the kid their engineer.

"Our ICE is holding strong. Holonews is saying Imperial forces are returning to orbit."

The air hung silently for a moment. We'd planned for an unprecedented occupation. I doubted anyone had planned for an unprecedented retreat.


"What are your orders now, sir?" the lead one was eager as ever. I respected that. It took guts to continue on knowing that your operation had failed. I almost felt bad that these guys were going straight to prison the moment after I exfiltrated. Truth was they didn't really have it in them. Just useful tools.

"I'm going to need a few hours to recoup. Do you have contact with your militiamen?"

"We do. The police department is just about useless right now. Our guys have free reign."

"Good. They're trained to recognized federal agents? Now is the time to put those skills to the test."

"Of course, sir. Anything else?"

"Yeah, back in the medkit. The bottle of whiskey."


Zalia Vexhammer

Stealing your information, eyeing your snacks
Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer | Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat | Tallara Tallara

Objective One: The Hunt​


Zalia had hastily made her way to the designated location, astoundingly having been caught off guard- a feeling she wasn't use to. This mission had come directly from the chain of command in the SIA, though she had not the time nor rank to know who exactly demanded her to be here. There was a mission to be done, that's all she needed to know.

Travelling to Coruscant was still a hassle however, but coming closer to the designated landing site was even more irritable; dense air traffic from innumerable shuttles attempting to save wounded, while still collapsing ruins had made certain underworld passageways impassable or too dangerous. At least the commonly used direct route downward was always open.


On foot had been a bit more timely, though not without its hurdles- there were plenty of dead, destroyed and otherwise that littered the underworld. At least more so in certain areas than others, she didn't bother much with identifying if the bodies and ruins were from the invasion or just rampant gang warfare. Frankly, as long as no one was threatening her or the operation, she didn't care. If Zalia was actually inclined to have a conscious and more emotion than some prideful duty to the Alliance, maybe there'd be a feeling of sorrow and horror, to recognize the innumerable lives lost in a single battle. Entire dreams brought to a painful, lonely end, families torn apart, trauma to be inflicted for generations. "Sustainable casualties." Was the only acknowledgement they ever got from her, a thought in that coated every war-torn battlefield into a simple statistic, just a few more words to add to her report.

She had arrived, walking quiet but of quick pace, even with the armor she wore there was a notable speed and agility that prevented her from getting caught in a more densely populated area. Given how someone might try and start a riot... it would be good to avoid people.

Finally, the Amaran would arrive moving through the streets- where the other two hopefully would be -unaware of the attention on them from far above, awaiting any verbal or visual sign from her assigned allies.
The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
Wearing: Viper Suit

Armed With: Herself

Objective: Provide relief.

Nathan Bloodscrawl was some sort of hero, his secret adopted android daughter decided. Even if he wasn't here to witness the fruits of his labor.

As she watched from orbit in her reserve quarters aboard the Breath of Lysandra, prepping to descend from the surface, she fought back feelings of depression and frustration.

Bacta-Works was functioning exactly as intended. Everything the Bloodscrawl Family had set up during the Gulag Era to help the Jedi during a crisis point was coming to fruition.

It was simple, cruel irony that Nathan was missing, not here to witness the costly victory the Clones of Kytrand had helped the Alliance purchase. Not here to witness the great ships named after his first wife provide relief to countless millions.

One of many ironies dealt to him.

Sera however, had duties much different from the rest of the humanitarian efforts today.

All surviving Clones that hadn't managed to evacuate on ships secretly controlled by Bacta-Works had orders to evacuate to the lower levels of the planet, levels where even the tremendous damage hadn't reached, where all their logistics stated the structural integrity would hold quite admirably. There they could be safely exfiltrated away from prying eyes.

Every precaution that could be taken to make those levels survivable had been taken. Structural reinforcements made, environmental systems and life support installed in hastily inspected, and cleared out, long abandoned skyscrapers in those ancient, deathly quiet levels, often overrun with creatures and other horrors whose names were as forgotten as the buildings were abandoned. Laser beam turrets seared through the flesh of abominations who approached newly established perimeters.

Next had come plotting how many troops they could afford to commit to Coruscant without overwhelming this fallback option. This wasn't like Dagobah or Susevfi, where it was expected the planet would fall to the enemy, and the process was to be utterly destructive enough to destroy ninety nine percent of the evidence.

This was Coruscant. Sure, all preliminary reports indicated many of their troops had been fighting close to the Senate building and had been simply obliterated when the hidden Battlecruiser erupted from the surface...but there were bound to be those who were stragglers, evading curious rescue teams as per their orders.

Even though they fought for the Alliance, they were a fugitive army. A rogue element that came into focus only when both sides were hammering each other. Syd Celsius had taken extra precautions before deployment, casting a very ancient form of magic over the troops before that would make their dead bodies, and their equipment of extreme difficulty to read by psychometric Force Users. Another factor in deployment was estimating survivors that would be left.

In a really, really dark way, it was actually good for the company most of the Clones were estimated to be dead, their bodies and equipment mostly obliterated. Dead men still need enough of them left over to start telling tales to others.

Bacta-Works had gotten stupid-lucky that there were so relatively few to extract and smuggle off the planet. While ninety nine percent of what the company was doing was legitimately humanitarian relief efforts, that remaining one percent was pure CYA when it comes to the Clones.

Sera was dressed in a deep red viper skinsuit with a med kit and a Datapad. She was coordinating in an effort similar to Alicio, who was good and occupied with the power to help others via the Lysandra Class Greenhouses.

The best way to keep Jedi distracted, occupied, is not to hire assassins or some elaborate scheme involving proxies Nathan had once cautioned her. The best way to keep one distracted is simply to provide them a means to help a lot of people at once, and a massive amount of resources to do it. Show them a giant disaster area full of injured and dead, and they will practically trip over themselves to use the Light Side on those folks. Ironically, a strategy of passivity, of leaning on a Jedi's desire to help as many as possible, is often the best method of evading their scrutiny altogether, especially if your ultimate objective is NOT the downfall of the Jedi, but to do the things they can't or won't do in a crisis situation.

Sera, in all honesty was happy that Alicio had taken to the program with gusto. Sera, and arguably even Nathan , were more than willing to use their resources to bring a planet back from total chaos. But they had to do their own thing at the same time.

Because Nathan still wanted the Cult of The Brain Demon to die in a fire, ultimately. It's just that he decided legitimately helping others along the way would be a good method to stop the murderous obsession to end the Cult from eating him from within. Plus, when Nathan was eventually discovered (and Nathan knew that eventually, he would be found out by people who didn't know him personally, and those people were not likely to take him at his word), it would certainly look good in court to at least some that his company had legitimately helped millions of people across the Galaxy, even if he was by most standards, an illegal Jedi Commander leading an illegal Clone Army (And that would be the most favorable interpretation. The least being that he was simply a Warlord who was a whole helleva lot more discreet and clandestine than most).

If they couldn't find Nathan, or, worse, if he was simply dead...then Sera would do her best to finish what her...father... started. She would kill the Cult, if he could not.

Despite the irrationality of the belief, Sera refused to believe Nathan had come back from the dead, come this far, just to die again. He had to be alive. He had to be.

Her Mother, Vera Mina Vera Mina , was tirelessly searching for him, equally fervant in her irrational belief Nathan was alive. She seemed to be in an almost manic state. A feral one. Sera had never seen her Mother not be the epitome of smug control in a situation. Vera was still interrogating captures from the attack on Jedha, and she wasn't being nice about it. Her programming had made Vera a butcher of men and women from the moment she was first activated. She had been trying to slowly move away from that mindset for Nathan, but Sera could see her Mother barely able to restrain herself from resorting to torture, to anything more invasive than truth serum. How it frustrated Vera not being able to do worse out of respect for her Husband.

Sera realized her Mother really did love Nathan, to be affected so much.

Soon, she would depart from the surface to join in relief efforts. That was the surface reason. The actual reason was she was heading into the lower levels to check with a few teams for survivors....and to either medically evac them or redirect them to the lower level hiding spot.

On the Turbolift ride down, she put on a breath mask, as she was supposed to be coordinating efforts with Alicio. At the same time, she would be on hand in case any of her agents had to speak to her in person about Clone Recovery efforts in extremely coded language...the situation was far too sensitive for it to go over electronic communication, and risk having it intercepted by Alicio's men, who were amongst the crew and fully integrated at this point. As no truly sensitive information was on the vessels as per the orders of The Bloodscrawl Family as a whole, any of Alicio's men who got curious and decided to snoop would find only the highly detailed, itemized, utterly corporate manner of documenting all projects, funds, and allocations to governments and charities. They would find NOTHING about Nathan's private efforts; recruiting fringe light side groups, directing supermodel vampire androids in clandestine operations against various threats to the Alliance, funding enemies of the Sith with bullion and cheap weapons, the beginnings of him having started to order skirmishes in the Core with the Sith before his kidnapping.

His whole family continued to operate, but an edge of desperation in their search was hard to not notice.

She was soon aboard a medical shuttle, one of many heading from the ship to the surface, along with a team of top trained triage specialists from the now fallen Nytesmyth Academy on Susevfi, and it wasn't long before she was dropped off directly at the command center that had been set up for Alicio to operate in.

"King Organa!" she called out as her workers began off loading fresh supplies, the dagger shapes of the two Lysandra's casting a shadow overhead.

"I'm here acting as a nurse today. Where do you need me, she asked.


Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Vorik Vorik
Objective: 1​

Detritus at long last came face to face with the one known as the "Ren-Slayer" The Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order known as Valery Noble. Just moments before he had used his might against, barely did he demonstrate his strength. She was a coward to bring the Temple crashing down on both of them. She knew that in a contest between them, the Orbalisk wearing Master of Ren would have crushed her in the duel. She had denied him such a demonstration of his superiority. Not that he could do much to rage against her when there was nothing but darkness, and the weight of duracrete and durasteel threatening to bury him alive.

The Master of Ren didn't even try to use the Force to hold back the crushing weight, nor could he try to use his immense dark side powers so pull himself out of the rubble. Was this her plan all along? To contain him, if she couldn't beat him in a fair fight between the two. No matter, when he got out he was going to beat the Ren-Slayer with his own bare hands until he couldn't anymore. First thing's first was trying to get out of this rubble. Detritus didn't dare spend his time screaming out, or punching through. Even as the Orbalisks constantly fed him raw, dark side power. In the end it wasn't enough to try unburden himself from the debris that threatened to crush him, if not suffocate him.

Ren would only close his eyes, his dark pulse of energy would reverberate along the very walls of the Temple. It was clear to some that Detritus was projecting his own dark signature through the Force. He would let it call to his Knights of Ren, and would await for his Knights to dig him out. Then and only then did he have a chance to get out of this, and wrought sweet revenge upon the Ren-Slayer herself.

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Valery Noble Valery Noble | Efret Farr Efret Farr | BB-610 BB-610
(Engaging eventually)

Utter failures all around. Shameful, it was. His own apprentice and a handful of his best acolytes slain, himself forced to retreat, only to regroup with the New Sith Order to find a Sith Lord dead by the hands of a lowly soldiers and the Shadow Hand slain by his own apprentice. Of course, the latter had brought a smile to Vinaze's face, but it had come at a terrible time.

The retreating Imperial armed forces and their failure to take Coruscant had fully turned the Lord of Fear away from the Empire, though his feelings would be kept locked tight away from the ears of the rest of the Order. Their overthrow of the Imperial regime was supposed to have placed them in greater power, but now it only seemed to Vinaze that the inherent weaknesses of the Empire, the Empire he had sworn against since he was a young man, were coming to be shown. His belief was being vindicated beyond a doubt.

Despite the disaster that had come of their invasion, the Odojinyakaar would not rest easy. The Jedi would have to be kicked while they were down, their tongues cut from them as they licked their wounds. The Church of the Dark Side's assassins would make it known how weak the Jedi really were.

For years now, there was one Jedi on his mind: Valery Noble. His defeat at her hands on Tash-Taral, the thwarting of his plans, had angered him immensely. Now that the Sith'ari had returned to life and power, Vinaze had the resources to snuff out the Sword of the Jedi. The New Sith would not be leaving Coruscant without more heads taken, and he hoped hers would be among them, preferably by his own hands.

Alas, her whereabouts in the destruction had not yet been known, but the assassins scoured the rubble and ruin just as the Jedi did, only instead of a helping hand they hid with misericorde behind their backs....

Objective: Search and Rescue... or search and fight.
Loadout: Battlefield

Vulpesen let out a sharp whistle and waved for his men to fan out. Each and every one down to a man was dirty, soot stained, and grimy from the battle above. The had been shot at, blasted by explosions, and had even had an entire senate building overturned on their heads. Even the Valde himself reeked of ozone and his cloak was tattered in places where his own fight had gotten perhaps a bit too close for comfort.

Coruscant was scarred. It was wearied, and it was hurting. But it was not lost. It had not fallen. It would rebuild adn it would persevere. Just as the planet had every other time the sith and the forces of evil had come knocking at its door. Already Vulpesen was hearing whispers that Coruscant had lost too much, that the Alliance had weakened too much in defending it. He scoffed at those whispering voices. He had been there when Coruscant had actually fallen. He had seen battles won at too great a price. As far as he was concerned, they had lost little more than structures of stone and steel. Blood and blasters would win this war and they still had those in spades.

But for now, it was time to lick wounds, and count the dead. That was what had led Vulpesen to the gutted belly beneath the senate district. Here Vulpesen and his men would seek to aid and rescue those who had been assaulted by the rise and Fall of the Eclipse, not little more than a brutal peice of modern art. And if any sith reared their head... all the better. Vulpesen had spent much of his time above on an ivory tower. He still had some frustrations to work out and a good fight would work wonders for that.


Objective III - Withdrawl and Pursuit



Two Flagships had been taken down, the Grand Admiral was MIA and Imperial Forces were in full retreat. The Empire had gone to Coruscant with the expectation that they'd sweep over their opposition with ease. However the fierce opposition thrown at them by the Galactic Alliance had proven to be overwhelming and now Coruscant would remain under their grip for the time being, until the Empire could regroup and organize a new offensive against the Queen of the Core. Regardless, now the priority of the Imperial Navy had shifted from establishing supremacy over the skies of Coruscant to providing cover for an evacuation of all Imperial forces still left on the surface.

Standing onboard the bridge of the INV Purifier, Admiral Hamilton watched over his fleet as fighting continued to rage all around it. With the arrival of Captain Baize's Fleet of Battlecruisers, Assault Ships and Star Galleons, his fleet was in position to begin the evacuation of all Imperial forces across Coruscant and ensure their safe withdrawal to the Deep Core. "Admiral Hamilton, all Assault Ships and Star Galleons are in position to begin the evacuation." the Captain of the INV Purifier said. "Good. Patch me through to all Imperial channels" Hamilton ordered. Before long, the Admiral had been connected to all other Imperial forces via comms.

"Attention all Imperial Forces, this is Admiral Kaine Hamilton of the Imperial Navy. I require information on the positions of all units so that they can be properly evacuated as soon as possible." the Admiral ordered before terminating the call. "Send word to the rest of the Fleet. The protection of the Assault Ships, Star Galleons and the Transports they deploy are of uttermost priority. We must ensure that our men return safety before they face retribution from the Alliance." the Admiral added. Hamilton would ensure that the Empire could withdraw with as few casualties as possible, and then once the Grand Admiral could have been recovered, the Imperial Navy could finally find a way to turn around the situation to their favor in order to secure victory in defeat.



Objective: Search for fleeing Sith
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble / Sinestra Sinestra
Location: Coruscant


Along the rooftops of the ruined streets, a lone figure patiently stood watch and beamed her cold blue eyes into the growing crowds. Imogen, who had only recently managed to navigate her way here had been tasked with keeping a lookout for any stragglers trying to escape. If anything, it was a perfect time too. Citizens were coming out of her shelts and the rest of the Jedi were reeling from the attack. They just didn't about the few that were late to the party, a fact that Imogen wasn't impressed with one bit.

"Still nothing, temple district"

However, it wasn't long after her last check in did she spot someone out of place. A hoodied figure who appeared to be rushing away from the direction of the temple had caught her beady eye. In reflection, she smirked and without hesitation, she began to follow "Tailing an individual moving towards the market." she said into her comms as she made sure to keep out of sight and follow along from above.

However, unknownst to the sith, she'd have some unexpected backup.

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Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Among the physically wounded, Cora had gotten off easy.

A few shards of glass were embedded into her right shoulder, but they hadn't severed any major blood vessels. She managed to tie off the injury using the sleeve of her ripped tunic as a makeshift tourniquet, pulled tight between her teeth and free hand. It stemmed the bleeding, but she'd likely suffer minor peripheral nerve damage at the worst – provided she sought treatment.

A makeshift medical camp cropped up on the periphery of the temple, tending mostly to combatants rather than civilians. With the arm of a poorly GADF solider slung over her good shoulder, the sluggish pair slowly made their way into the bounds of the improvised clinic.

Fortunately, a medic – or, someone with cursory training, she couldn't tell – intercepted them, and helped Cora to lay down the soldier on a row of crates.

"His legs were crushed," she supplied, "he was unconscious when I found him, but he still has a pulse. That is all that I know."

A sharp, anguished cry rang out from nearby. It wasn't any different from the sounds of pain that emanated across the eerily quiet citsyscape, but it was close.

"Is anyone here type O negative?!" The man called out to the camp, "please, we need a donor now!"

Cora rose and made her way over, her steps a little lighter now that she wasn't shouldering the dead weight of a man. One arm hung limply at her side, but the other was still fine.

"I'm O negative. I have minor injuries, but I haven't bled much - take what you need."

Tags: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Efret Farr Efret Farr , BB-610 BB-610
Objective II


Cold. He felt cold. Dust, debris, and scattered kyber crystal littered the room once containing the monument to the fallen Jedi of the Galaxy. Despite his intention, the Kyber Arch’s destruction was not by his own hand, but mere happenstance. Perhaps he was fortunate in that case, for he had managed to escape the fate of being buried and crushed underfoot. Dust shifted, as Vorik shakily began to push himself up, collecting his thoughts.

Everything that led to his coming here felt a blur of emotions, of rage - unable to fully recall the details of his glorious crusade. He knew not where his allies, nor leader was. If they were even here, or lay dead upon the battlefield. Left feeling horrid. Empty, and hollow. Like he had been punched in the gut, and forced to vomit all of its contents. A mere inkling of the Shadow’s price for its aid, no doubt. Grabbing his dropped weapon, he used it akin to a walking stick - beginning to push himself up. Only to gasp and whimper at a sudden pang of pain.

Looking down, Vorik would see a large scorch mark on his combat attire. The pain radiating in waves, like poison. The work of Rik Perris Rik Perris ‘s strange weapon, no doubt. It was fortunate that he was not one of the fabled Dark Side Elite, of whom were so deeply entrenched in their master’s darkness. Had he been the same, the rifle would surely have been the Disciple’s end. The only reason he survived was his limited connection.

Hobbling up to a stand, grunting with the effort, he would situate himself as he moved towards the nearest sign of light.

Revenge, Hatred; all of these dark instincts paled in comparison to the one thing at the forefront of his mind, the one reflex you can’t easily remove from a person.

Survival. The Disciple had to leave, now, for every fiber of his body screamed at him to preserve his life.

As he staggered out from the chamber to the newly-created ruins of the Jedi Temple, he was blessed with the rare chance to feel a presence. Calling to him, beckoning like a beacon of darkness. The Shadow had not let him die yet, and so he placed his trust in it once again. Steps and steel ‘taps’ would echo amidst crumbling foundation as Vorik followed the waning trail offered to him.
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He pulled the mask up over his face, securing it. A powder blue shirt, a blast-vest, and a pair of denim pants. Drop the vest, swap the shirt, and you were somebody else in a planet with a lot of somebodies. He crouched over the box, which had been placed there quite some time ago, a cache of weapons.

So old, in fact, that there was a nearly-silent Disruptor pistol (frowned upon, and illegal on most Alliance planets), and a very, much older rifle- the 825. A rifle that had served its war and now lay in the hands of mostly criminals. He screwed the suppressor on, clicking it into place, humming a happy tune as he checked over his equipment.

There were Sith about, and a lot of work to be done.

Torn clicked on his communicator, typing a message to the local SIA channels.


In short: what are my other orders? Torn had his own mission- the SIA expected him to do wetwork, he didn't need to fill them in on everything he was doing for the Alliance. Well, at least now until after he was done. The Sith wouldn't leave the ship. He didn't need to slit their throats- no, his main goal was probably going to blow up the ship with a rocket, or maybe get it shot down by one of the many batteries on the planet.

Hell, he could use an Imperial weapon and blame it on them, gaining some sympathy from Alliance locals and get some more eyes on the leftover Imperials still on the planet. The crew of the ship was expendable, even if they were ignorant of their cargo. If they weren't ignorant, they were traitors during wartime. If they were ignorant of their new mission, well. He'd feel a little bad, but not by much. Wars needed tough decisions to be made.

He stalked along the streets, keeping low. The pathways were littered with debris, bodies, smoke, fires-

Making passing easier said than done, but at least quiet. Torn was on the move, on the prowl. The Sith on that transport were already good as dead, they just weren't looking at their watches to count down the time.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Here, in this makeshift medical camp, and on this cot, Gatz Derrevar was near bare for all to see. And it wasn't a pretty sight. He wasn't so much a man as he was a corpse that had been pulled apart, rearranged, and then stitched back together in the wrong way. His torso wasn't so much skin as it was a litany of scars, a collection of knife and blaster wounds, creating a surface of rough, mottled grey, bumpy scar tissue.

His abdomen was the worst of all. Where abdominal muscles should have been, instead was scar tissue nearly half an inch thick—a reddish burn wound on top of a jagged grey patch that ran from side to side, which itself was on top of another pinkish burn scar that was barely visible under the permanent marks that succeeded it.

It was all too apparent, then, why Gatz had looked down the collar of his own shirt all those months ago on Nar Shaddaa, only to grimace and agree with the lighthearted jab Cora had given him that day.

"I'm O negative. I have minor injuries, but I haven't bled much - take what you need."

The nurses attending to Gatz gave Corazona one disbelieving look, eyes taking in her clearly limp arm. Then they looked at one another and nodded.

"If you're sure, Master Jedi, then please come sit over here."

A small crate was shoved near Gatz's cot, meant to serve as an impromptu chair. The second nurse immediately switched gears to changing her gloves, before dragging some kind of machine, tubing, and a wire over to core. She took the Jedi's good arm then, and quickly began rubbing at her arm with an alcohol wipe.

"This'll pinch a bit."

Wearing: Ritual Gown

Armed With: Purified Lightsaber

Objective: Aid Jedi Survivors ('Cept that one dude in Jedi Survivor cuz feth that guy)

The Clones, when the Battle was over, didn't stop to linger. They still had orders to evac or go into hiding as soon as possible even if they won. When it came to the Clones of Kytrand, all the Jedi were left with was corpses of them in the temple....what few hadn't been dragged off by their evacuating Clone Brothers and Sisters, no one who could give any info on why Fett Clones were in a Jedi Temple fighting for Jedi instead of trying to Sixty-Six them.

Instead, smoothly as butter, where the Clones disappeared, a number of relief workers from Bacta-Works had descended upon the temple to help clear the rubble...and remove the dead for processing.

Magdalena used her glowing green blood, saturated with Force Energy, to create temporary golems out of the rubble, glued together by the unnatural substance, which generated a "cage" of green lightning around choice piles to form a humanoid shape that did her bidding. Almost all of the Jedi here had never seen a Force Spawn before today.

After their ordeal in the temple, coordinating efforts had been a relief. The Sorceress applied her talents extracting the heavily injured. The situation was so critical there wasn't time to ask who she was or why she was here. Her blood and stone golems carefully lifted heavy rubble off the injured in record time. She would leave when the Force commanded it.

Magdalena tender to wounded Jedi, placing them in circles of runes that would stabilize their injured state until they could be loaded into a medical capsule.

"Master Farr..." she called out quietly. "Is there any other way I could be of assistance?"

Efret Farr Efret Farr



Khronas sat cross-legged on the floor of a small, darkened apartment, dropping deeper into meditation. The battle of Coruscant was over, the Jedi having repelled the Sith invasion at great cost. The Senate rotunda lay in ruins from the rise of the Eclipse III, and the New Jedi Temple had been sacked. But for all the damage the Dark Empire had dealt, the planet had not been taken for the Sith’ari.

His lid-less yellow eyes were glazed over as he replayed the last few hours, exploring the twists and turns of the battle, seeking to understand what had gone wrong. He drew in his Force presence to conceal himself from the Jedi, focusing his energies on the past rather than the present. His enlarged Siniteen brain began to untangle the messy timeline, ordering it into neat branching paths. Khronas found both the path he had foreseen before the battle and the inferior timeline that had come to pass.

His decision to engage the young Jedi had been a turning point, a significant deviation from the Grand Timeline. Had he not wasted precious minutes fighting the unarmed youth, Khronas would have been deeper inside the Jedi temple when the shatterpoint of the battle occurred, the moment at which the Jedi had seized victory. Instead of influencing the future, the Acolyte had been fighting a youngling intent on protecting a small amphibian.

Anger washed over him, and after a moment of basking in its dark glory, Khronas focused this energy into his study of the battle. Decisions, turning points and key moments began to reveal themselves, painting a vision of the battle as it unfolded and as it could have been had fortunes favoured the Sith. He explored the threads of time, studying them for lessons and clues to the future.

His comlink sat on the ground near the body of the apartment owner, their head separated from their neck by Khronas’ Sith sword. It would take time for a rescue to be organised and for the Acoytle to be extracted from Coruscant.

Not that he minded. Khronas had nothing but time.

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