Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Echoes of War — GA/DE Junction of Obredaan and Vandelhelm

Coruscant was quiet as it had ever been. Unsettlingly so, for an ecumenopolis that had only even been filled with the harsh sounds of urban life.

It wasn't silent, though. Not with the distant wails and cries of the injured and the echoes of crumbling architecture around them.

A second crate, this one taller than the first, had been shoved behind her. Cora closed her eyes and leaned back against it, reaching out along her warped bond with Makko Vyres Makko Vyres . She'd never been good with telepathy, but she managed to impart a vague sentiment to him - that she was alive.

Her concentration evaporated at Gatz's raspy voice. Cora's eyes snapped back open in surprise. She figured that he'd fallen unconscious from either the pain or the blood loss - or some wicked combination of both.

Something wrenched in her heart at his words. Gatz had lost so many people in his life, and now he was afraid that he was losing them all over again.

"I'm really here. I survived."

Her voice was low and tired. Clearing her throat, she swallowed down the lump that was trying to form.

Isar had dug deep into her memories today, but seeing Gatz look so broken brought forth a snippet from nearly twenty years ago. Her mother, before she'd turned into a pale ghost of a woman, stroking her feverish daughter's forehead.

Cora's hand hovered above Gatz, afraid to disturb the tubing that connected her arm to his own, afraid to disturb him. After a few moments of hesitation, she gingerly, awkwardly, laid her hand over his forehead.

"You'll be alright, too. They're…they're giving you blood right now."

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


Objective: Search for fleeing Sith
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble / Sinestra Sinestra
Location: Coruscant


Imogen swiftly jumped across the rooftops in pursuit of the Sith down below. She was uncertain if they had seen her yet, but that could only be answered when she got close. Snapping her head to the figure, she was fast approaching a large underpass that wasn't cluttered with civilians. It would be there if she had any chance of confronting her and mimising further casualties.

"The target is making progress towards the market street underpass, I will attempt to cut her off there," Imogen said in a hurry as she quickened her pace to get ahead of her "I'll let you know when their back is against the wall..." the knight ended as she began to jump down level by level to the street below. It was a gamble cutting her off here as there were other streets she could go down. However, if any route were a good bet it would be this one.

Landing on one knee she quickly scrambled to her feet and nonchalantly leaned herself against the wall with her arms crossed. In the distance, she could see the upper half of the target's hood coming her way and kept tabs on her movement with brief glances. The Sith would have to escape the crowd at some point, and when they did she'd be there to pounce on that opportunity.

It was now in the force's hands to give her that chance...


The sentiment was enough to draw a soft chuckle from the woman, the thought that perhaps the Senators should have been permitted to remain on Coruscant brought a slight smirk that tugged at the edge of her mouth. In her brief time with the Alliance, she had already grown rather annoyed and disillusioned with the Federal Assembly as it seemed that many were focused entirely on themselves and their power bases, continuously screaming that the Alliance should take action whilst in the same breath preventing the Alliance from making any kind of progress.


Amelia said before pausing for a moment, as she took the time to carefully navigate the cramped corridors of the Senate Canton, ducking down on more than one occasion to avoid slamming her head into a low-hanging fixture or support. Coruscant had been costly, and the appearance of a vessel that had been constructed beneath the Senate District had also dredged up just as many questions before its fall back upon the surface of the planet.

"Though I wonder then how many more Senators would have rushed off to fulfill some vendetta whilst leaving a group of evacuees undefended?"

It wasn't something that she was willing to openly state for the record, showing some form of composure and decorum rather than outright accusing a Senator of putting their personal goals before the needs of the people. It was something for the Chancellor's Office to investigate, and Amelia was more than willing to leave it in Auteme's capable hands.

"Ah, yes, the same Senate that sought to rake me over the coals solely because I had served the Confederacy of Independent Systems before I resettled in Alliance Territory. Though I can't say that I would trust many of them further than I could potentially throw them."

Amelia permitted her rather cold and stoic demeanor to be overshadowed by a different part of her. Perhaps a part that shouldn't have been permitted to speak, though the words had already been brought to life and were permitted to slip into the minds of the Chancellor and her aide as they made their way down the corridor towards the Grand Assembly. The question that followed caused her to pause for a moment, her hands slipping into the pockets of the coat that she wore as she took a moment to carefully choose her words and consider what was brought forward.


It was the truth, though, perhaps, not in the manner that one may take it upon hearing the words.

"Will we win? Yes, I believe that we will, however, it will come at a great cost of life and may, perhaps, result in a dramatic change in the Alliance. A lasting victory? No, nothing will last. Lives will be lost, the people will mourn, this threat will slide back into the shadows, and, sometime again it will resurface or find some means to weasel its way back into power. All we can do is prepare the best we can for that time when the threat reemerges and seeks to strike at us once more."

skin, bone, and arrogance


The first thing that struck Natasi was an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. For a moment, she was not aboard an Alliance medical frigate. Instead, she was aboard a First Order capital ship in the immediate aftermath of the Omega Crisis. Before Reima -- before Talbot, even, really -- it had been Pierce, her dearest cousin and friend. He'd gone extravehicular during the First Order's assault on the Omega fleets, banged around badly in the vacuum of space.

She thought it was the droid.

BB-10R2 had been Pierce's droid first; Reima had inherited it, it seemed, along with the reflexes, adrenaline addiction, and foolhardiness it took to be a hotshot fighter pilot. And just like that time so many years ago after the Omega Crisis, BB-10R2 -- for Natasi refused to call it Bartoo Detoo like her cousin had -- stood vigil by its pilot's bedside.

Move, ball, she had told BB-10R2 unfeelingly back then. Now, she approached the droid more appreciatively. "Hello, BB-10R2," she said. The droid's receptor whipped around and it half-rolled away from her, closer to Reima's bedside, chittering nervously. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Could you even startle a droid? "Do you mind if I..." She gestured toward a small bolted-in chair by the bedside. The droid gave a low whistle that she took to be an assent.

Natasi stepped closer, took a seat, shifting her legs to make sure there was room for the droid. Only then did she allow her eyes, like vivid amber from the unshed tears, to linger on her daughter. Reima had always been a tiny little thing, even slimmer than Natasi. She had an air of fragility about her that had always worried Natasi; she took after the women in Talbot's family, she noted with slight derision. She took Reima's hand -- the one not hooked up to a pulsometer and an intravenous needle in its back, but when she spoke it was to BB-10R2.

"We've seen some troubles... you and I," the Supreme Leader told the droid haltingly. "Nothing like this."

The droid chittered an inquiry. Natasi, who was illiterate to droidspeak, glanced down at him. "If you're asking her prognosis -- she'll survive this," Natasi said, squeezing Reima's hand softly. "She was lucky, today."



Detritus could feel the crushing weight of the rubble encroach upon him. He could try to punch his way out, although he wasn't sure if it would make his situation worse, if any better at all. He could sense the Ren-Slayer near him, and the Orbalisks would dig once more into his flesh, feeding off the smoldering rage that had threatened to ignite into an inferno. All he could do was simply wait for his Knights of Ren to come dig him out, and when he was out would he take his revenge. She had gotten lucky with bringing the Temple crashing down onto both of them, but when he was out from the debris would he finish her. This could be his only chance he had to kill the Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order, and the murderer of his fellow Knights of Ren. She would answer for her crimes one way or the other.

Despite the increasing claustrophobic surroundings, the parasites that continuously fed on him would only continue to send a surge of dark energy. He could feel his own presence go out in a pulse not too different from that of a beacon in the void of deep space. He wanted nothing more to send a fist through the stone and steel that threatened to end his very existence. The only thing that stopped him was perhaps even more rubble finishing him off. All he could do was try to meditate in the dark side, but he would know little of peace, only thoughts of pain and hatred had further clouded his mind.

Then he sensed him. He reached out and sensed an old presence. Something familiar yet, even he couldn't place his finger on it. He sensed him as a Sith not too far from the buried Kyrel. Detritus would only try to catch his attention, hoping that he could be one of those that might free him. Others were out there, Knights of Ren approaching to his aid, and Jedi that were coming to aid his enemy. They wouldn't get in his way, he would crush or kill any in his path. even through closed eyes did Detritus feel nothing but burning rage through his meditation. He hoped the sooner it ended, the sooner he would kill Jedi once more. For now all he could do was wait, his dark shadow growing to those who sought him out. It wouldn't before long that Detritus would come out of this rubble, furious as a burning supernova.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"I'm really here. I survived."

His tears fell, soft and silent.

Gatz had never put much stock in the Force, not until very recently. It had never seemed to work out for him before. But he had given it one more shot, one last attempt at faith, even though empirical evidence suggested he was a fool for doing so. And, here at last, that faith had been rewarded. Because though they'd lost much today—lost people—one of the people he loved the most was sitting here, at his side.

He didn't know if Valery was still alive. Or Briana. Or Lossa. Perhaps heartbreak was still on the horizon; perhaps Romi was not the only friend he'd lost today. But, for this singular moment, he felt relief. Because if nothing else, if no one else, Cora had survived. That alone was a greater gift than he could dare ask from the galaxy. Someone he loved was still alive.

And so he wasn't alone again.

A hand was suddenly pressed to his forehead, in a touch that was downright motherly. Another time, on another day, he might have cracked a joke at Cora's expense for such a tender touch. But today, after all the pain and suffering, Gatz simply didn't have a funny bone left in his body. So, instead, he breathed out a soft sigh and closed his eyes, utterly relieved to have definitive, physical proof that Cora was here, alive.

Her insistence that he would live made his eyes flutter open, but he made no movement other than that. Dazed green orbs flickered over to Cora's arm, his own, and finally to the red tube between them. Even delirious as he was, Gatz was able to piece together what was happening.

"You... you opened a vein for me?" He croaked.

It was a gentle question, but a surprised one, as if Gatz couldn't quite believe that Cora—that anyone—would give of herself for his sake.



Aris gave a single nod to Imogen Solace Imogen Solace 's orders. Or at least, he did before he realized she couldn't actually see him. He'd been listening through the com, following to help. Listening and waiting for a chance to help. Asides from getting nearly killed by a Sith he hadn't even realized was one, he hadn't done much to help.. Anyone. Now he could at least. He wasn't exhausted. Wasn't tired.

The others surely were.

"Let me know when to move in, Master Solace."

Sinestra Sinestra
TAGS: Imogen Solace Imogen Solace / Aris Noble Aris Noble / Open

Sinestra crossed the ruins of the market with ease, unimpeded by any obstacles. Her path to the Imperials' exfiltration point led her through an underpass, its damaged metal and permacrete columns barely supporting the structure. A quarter of the underpass had collapsed, tilted to one side where the shattered columns had failed to bear the load and given way.

Stepping into its shelter, her senses flared with danger reducing her stride into a wary tread. The jagged rubble and debris besetting her path hardly allowed her anything else, anyway. As the seer carried onwards, she tapped into the Force, enhancing her senses to a state of hypervigilance.

Beyond the dim light of the ashen skies filtering through the entry and exit of the underpass, and through the large cracks and crevices gouged open by machines of war, a burning wreckage of a speeder bike cast long shadows across the underpass. A few silent beings surrounded the makeshift bonfire, huddled in its warmth. Several others quietly scavenged the rubble as if cautious not to awaken a beast slumbering beneath the ground. The hubbub of the market had turned into a distant muffled noise, merging with the thuds of artillery still stubbornly howling shells far away from here.

Sinestra slightly upped the pace when the path seemed clearer, heading in the direction of the exfill.
Wearing: Bloodscrawl Jedi Armor

Armed With: Graverobber's End

With: Bladed Mystery (1)

Flesh Academic (1)

The Master of Forging.

Clone Sabotuers (2)

Arrived in: Planetary Defense Centurion (Chain of Morris)

Objective: Ground level coordination of Clone Evac

Days before the Invasion of Susevfi.

Nathan and his fiance had been admitted into the inner audience chamber with little fan fare, surrounded by various people of various species in a mish mash of armors and robes. Quite irregular.

Vera wore a crimson gown and choice set of jewelry next to her fiance's more practical set of Biker gear. He bore a lightsaber spear in hand.

The deadly Android which had possessed a streak of sheer viciousness from the moment it was activated, studied the silent reactions of the Flesh Academics, in their halls of old books and scrolls. They knew who he was. They feared him.

This realization made a very faint, smug smile tug the corners of her mouth upward.

"You really do take me to the most interesting places, Nathan..." Vera remarked.

"Heh." Nathan Bloodscrawl chuckled as he stared upwards at the Leader of the academy, a bizarre looking woman in a red and black skintight catsuit and headdress, lazing about on her throne, playing with a Yo-Yo.

"When they told me you were alive and doing high level business on Susevfi, Morris, I didn't know what to think..." the woman trailed, doing various tricks with her toy, manipulating the string as the main housing spun to make it resemble a pendulum.

"But I remember enough about you from the last time we did business to be wary. Didn't you and the wife get turned into Kebab parts by Phyre?"

Nathan didn't react much to this... except to teleport right next to the woman and snatch her up by the throat, lifting her off the ground before anyone could react, even as they drew guns seconds later and pointed them at Vera, who simply grinned at the challenge.

"Make light of 'my' demise all you wish, Amanda..." Nathan growled, tightening his grip on her while she remained impassive, calm, and almost bored.

"But you will not mock Lysandra's death. EVER."

The Master of Forging sighed, gesturing for everyone to lower their weapons.

"My apologies, Morris. I had to be certain it was really you. And the only way to be certain was to press one of the few buttons I knew the real Morris had...his lovely wife..."

The Master's eyes slid to Vera.

"Though I see you've taken a fancy to this artifice here. I really admire the effort put into making her look human." The Master remarked, causing Vera to raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, Artifice, I'm not fooled by your pleasing facade. Someone like me 'always' recognizes a creature made in a lab..." The Master boasted as Nathan put her down.

"You're not human either..." Vera observed. "My organic sensors detect nothing but a clay composite held together by some unknown form of energy. No organs, bones, or blood."

"Thought you felt a little heavy...and that you looked a tad spry for a woman who should be over 200 years old." Nathan remarked.

"My organic body was not able to sustain me, even with all the Alkahest techniques I used to keep it going." The Master, her pale visage covered by a domino mask said. "Transferring to this newly created body was a matter of necessity. But honestly Morris, I never pictured you going for Androids."

"Times change." Nathan responded stoically.

"But not that much." The Sorceress countered, pacing about. "The last time you came to me, it was to help you crush that pack of Fragments on Duros. I suspect you desire something much more involved and long term."

"Correct. The Sith will launch a general attack against not just the Trade League, but the Alliance as well. I suspect the Trade League will fall to the attack. Meaning as people who fight the Dark Side, we have an obligation to provide aid to the enemies of Sith Tyranny. Even if the ones we are trying to help wouldn't necessarily approve of ANY of our methods..." Nathan said, circling her.

"I have come into possession of a lost Jedi Planet and it's resources, which include a hidden clone Army..." Nathan explained. "Twenty million strong. I am setting up a faction to provide aid to the Jedi."

"The Jedi who would love nothing more than to slap the restraints on all of us, including YOU if they learn how far you're willing to go to disobey their missives." The Master pointed out.

"What they don't know will not hurt them." Vera spoke up, taking a step forward.

"No one wins if the Sith triumph." she continued. "The mavericks will go first, because the Sith won't tolerate anyone who is ACTUALLY willing to fight back in non Jedi approved ways. Nathan proposes gathering as many light-aligned irregulars to one banner..."

"Mine..." Nathan continued. "I'm putting together one of the largest relief efforts in Galactic History...and what I hope will be an unprecedented campaign of aggression against the Sith. With your help, of course."

"This is treason talk..." The Master said. Then she burst into laughter...

"After all these years of disagreement, have you finally come to understand why I broke away from the system?" She asked in-between chortles.

"I always had my doubts about the system. Maybe it 'does' need to be replaced. Maybe the Jedi have been given more chances than they deserved..." Nathan trailed thoughtfully as he circled the Master in a menacing fashion. "Maybe losing a war for once would be the nice swift, chopping down of their collective ego that's required to get them to really start questioning everything. But the secondary options for those who obey the Force have never presented a truly powerful alternative to the flawed solution the Jedi have created."

Nathan glanced around, realizing he had their undivided attention

"It's all been murmurs. Jealous musings and spite filled resistance of hide bound scholars too in love with the idea of being The Rebel, and ultimately too fearful of rocking the boat on their own for fear of losing what little fiefdom they gained." Nathan answered in a dismissive manner.

"What is your proposal then? To save us all from the looming shadow of mediocrity?" The Master questioned skeptically, examining her nails.

"Not mediocrity. Ineffectiveness. I have the means, the funding and the willingness to make you all a part of my grand venture as we wage war on Sith Lords for fun and cupcakes." Nathan replied, surprising the Master.

"Holy chit, you made a joke. You NEVER make jokes!" The Master pointed out.

"My Fiance has been teaching me." Nathan replied. "I want you as a business partner. My forces will have need of someone like you, willing to craft deadly creatures to hunt Dark Side Users. Things Jedi would never make. Never dare to even think of making. I could provide tissue samples, research materials... whatever you need. You've all been laying low for much, much too great an amount of time."

The Master of Forging remained skeptical.

"I am not sure I like the idea of placing my organization so heavily under your thumb."

"As long as no Jedi or innocent people are harmed, I promise to turn a blind eye to your organizations more notable eccentricities." Nathan promised. "But if you get happy with your research and I find out someone got wasted who didn't deserve it, I crush you." he said coldly.

"THAT sounds like the Morris I know..." The Master said. "Tell me more... about this lost Jedi Planet..."

"I'm so glad you asked. We have already established a positively smashing dental plan..." Vera said, slowly walking up the steps to the overlook where her future husband was...



Vera held a heavily wounded Sith Lord in a neck lift, dangling him over the edge of a damaged Skyscraper.

"How many Mawites and Sith are in the lower levels?" Vera asked, wearing a gift of horned, black armor from Nathan.

"" the wounded Sith sneered.

Vera's response was to squeeze his neck so hard he blacked out and she tossed him against the wall and petulantly huffed and turned to the Fett Clone Sabotuers, who were each wearing shadowsuits that deliberately looked like tuxedos, with a red bowtie.

"Bring the next one..." she commanded.

The Fett Clones dragged in a heavily drugged Sith whose arms and legs they had broken.

"Now, now..." Vera said, placing a boot on his throat. "You tell me how many Sith and Mawites are in those lower levels you were found in, and maybe I don't kill you."

It angered Vera that she couldn't execute Prisoners, as it would violate House Bloodscrawl statutes. She had gone close to the edge since arriving. But it took every ounce of willpower to resist the urge to start shredding them until someone talked.

Vera was not used to showing mercy to such opponents. But executing them while captive would constitute a war crime, and it was bad enough her nascent house was already committing treason hiding and using a Clone Army.

So Vera, teeth grinding the whole way, had gone for less lethal methods of interrogation.

Another thing that complicated matters was there was hardly any time to really work prisoners over, so she was speedrunning through various quick interrogation methods, which essentially amounted to throwing stuff at the wall to see what stuck.

For some, she had used the classic Crimefighter method of just violently pummeling someone like they were Nicholson or Ledger until they talked, but this produced limited results. She was still so pissed about her husband missing for weeks on end that she kept knocking them out by accident.

One got the Mr. Blonde treatment, where she severed an ear after the captive started giving her lip during questioning. This just upset the captive, so she beat them until they were concussed...

Later she had tried more subtle methods, fear mixed with Truth Serum. This was her third attempt. And after the Sabotuers had injected the Sith with some sort of Drug Cocktail she picked her prisoner up by a leg over the skyscraper, and he started flailing about, screaming that he would talk.

Vera fantasized nonetheless about dropping him to his death, felt her fingers start to loosen ever so slightly...

Catching a reflection of herself in a broken mirror, the corner of her eye spotted the bright red symbol on her armored chest. The Fanged Chevron. The long forgotten symbol of Nathan's family.

Her grip tightened and she threw him to the ground beside her.


Ten minutes later..

Vera walked with her entourage as they journeyed into the lower levels via Turbolift, which consisted of the Sabotuers, a scholar from the Academics of Flesh, an Academy Golem that for some reason resembled a beautiful supermodel, one of Nathan's enthusiastically naive apprentices just eager to help in the operation, and the Academics' Headmaster herself.

Despite most claiming they were a myth, there were Very old Turbolifts that actually did go to very deep levels of the city planet. They were rarely found in working order, and even if they were it was usually a one way trip, with the occupant praying the mechanisms would last long enough to take them to the particularly deep level they wanted to go. Anyone who needed to go that deep usually wasn't planning on coming back up.

They had found one such broken Turbolift shaft weeks prior and had spent a considerable fortune repairing it, not to mention shielding the area around it discretely along with camouflaging it.

"What're we doing here, Boss?" the Bladed Mystery, known as Wyatt, asked in an innocent manner, shifting around in his golden Phrik armor, clutching his saber lance.

"Making sure my husband's investment can be recovered..." Vera explained as the newly repaired lift sped them down to one of the long abandoned levels where no one willingly went.

"You're new, aren't you?" The Master noted. "You're giving off Rookie energy."

"Yeah, I'm new! But I believe in the mission and I won't let you down." he assured sincerely.

"I like your go-get-em attitude. Still giving off Rookie energy though..." The Master said, tilting her head in curiosity at him.

"He'll shed it before the day is done, mark my words..." Vera promised.

When the Lift opened, she was greeted by the sight of wounded Fett Clone Troopers standing guard, pointing blasters at her and her retinue. Only the site of the emblem on her armor made the Clones lower their weapons.

"Lady Bloodscrawl!" one of the Clones said. "Thank the Force. We're in trouble!"

Vera turned her gaze at the cleared out and repaired skyscraper in this lost level of the city planet, normally deathly quiet, and saw it under fire from all sides by remnant Mawite forces and things that looked like living shadows.

Vera pulled out her long ago acquired lightsaber, it's orange blade snapping on.

"Guess what kid." Vera said to Wyatt as she strode ahead...

"Today you get to learn whether my husband's training is worth a damn..."
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G H O S T // H U N T

Flight Lieutenant (Acting) Squadron Leader Shar 'Skids' Sieu
Revenant Squadron, Temporarily assigned to 313th (Reserve) Attack Squadron "Cobras", 26th Air Division, Coruscant Defence Command

Location: Coruscant System Space
Equipment: REC AS/02 B-Wing Assault Starfighter
Cobra One



Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton Tish Cowen

Just as the enemy B-Wings came into range, the TIEs screamed their rage as heavy lasers let loose to keep them off the transports.
<<Merging! All flights loose munitions- Alpha with me, Bravo and Capital, face 'em and blast 'em!>> The eight B-Wings to the rear of the formation pitched towards the TIEs and let loose with their heavy laser cannons and missiles, a veritable storm of fire blotting out the firing cones. The other four let loose with heavy ordnance at the Transport nearest to them and then banked hard as they could, to prepare for the dogfight melee. Explosions bloomed around him as battle was joined. Shar could see some of the TIE signatures disappear in the conflagration, as did some of the B-Wings.

<Look alive, Skulls. Bogeys incoming on our 3. Pick your coward and dispose them.> she said as she, herself picked the lead Fighter of Shar Sieu Shar Sieu . <Let them feel Vanguard heat.>
Shar's sensors beeped as the TIE slid towards his rear vector- he hammered the twin heavy repeater autoblasters fixed to the aft of his cockpit, aiming to keep it out of a firing solution. He watched his tactical computer- the B-Wings were sturdy, but so were the TIEs. Their advantage lay in extreme firepower against the TIEs' nimbleness. Cobra had been drilled, and most importantly, recently blooded- they knew the protocol.

<<Mags, two eyes on you.>>

<<I see 'em, Torch. Crossing over to your vector now.>>

The B-Wings made simple, wide turns, keeping speed over turning radius, crossing into each other's paths- allowing the TIEs chasing them to fall into the firing paths of waiting B-Wings, of which there were always several, as there were twelve B-Wings to eight TIE Vanguards. Shar could see some snubfighters explode, but he was too busy with this pilot on his tail to see which side it was.

"Damn, they're good..." Shar needed to put pressure on the leader. He pulled power from his rear deflectors and rammed the toggle to engines- banking tight as he could.

<<Trace, dragging one bandit into your firing arc!>>

<<Got it lead!>>
Shar winced as heavy laser blasts flew past him into the space he just vacated, the other pilot snap firing at an angle into the Vanguard's flight path.

  • Cobra Squadron lets loose with heavy munitions on the merge, taking some losses. 11/12
  • In the furball, they use a 3-D variant of the Thach Weave, dragging chasing TIEs into the firing paths of unchased B-Wings. 10/12
  • Shar uses rear cannons to try and keep Lt. Yen Wei distracted, while also flying into the firing solution of a friendly B-Wing
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L I T T L E - D I S A S T E R S

Abigail and Asher Jr Kala'myr
Objective: Find uncle Tommy
Location: Streets of Coruscant
Equipment: Attire | BB-C4T || 2x OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Abigail | Asher Jr | Together


Communication between the twins was very fast, and they communicated not only with thoughts but also with feelings. The connection between the two of them was so close, because they were twins and because of many other things, there was often no need for thoughts or feelings. They simply knew what each other thought and wanted. In Sanctuary, the Valkyrja always gave a "lecture" to those who came to live in the city, in case the demons broke through the walls. That's why they knew they couldn't stay on the streets, or at least in an open area, but had to find a safe place.

That's why they went to the side of the road and drove between and behind the rubble. It was also necessary because the children did not have any weapons. As they progressed, Abi contacted MANIAC and asked the AI where Uncle Tommy was. However, she was told back that he did not have a biochip, so it was impossible to pinpoint his exact location. The little girl was grimaced, hoping it would be that easy to find the other man. All the twins got was confirmation that yes, the man was on the planet, but they couldn't get a more precise location or coordinates. However, the AI has warned both of them that they should go home because Coruscant is no place for children right now.

But the twins ignored the warning. They saw retreating Dark Empire soldiers, as well as GADF soldiers; some fighting each other. It was very different from what they had seen in the Netherworld before. And the only solution they knew was how to find Uncle Tommy. When the children's mother was pregnant, she spent a lot of time around Barran, so the twins knew what the man's brain waves were like. Since the twins were neither Force users nor Force sensitive, they could only use telepathy. However, they were able to combine them and use them together. So, they found a place where they could both hide and concentrate.

Suddenly, the twins found themselves overwhelmed; they were used to the Sanctuary being crowded, but there were even more people here than there were there. It took them long minutes, but they finally found the brainwave they were looking for. By default, they figured out one of their mothers couldn't be too far from Barran, and luckily, they weren't that far wrong. They could now sense where the Great Khan was and also where he was going. Luckily for the children, it was in their direction. True, a few streets away. So now the twins knew where to go.

So they waited until one of the patrol teams had just disappeared from the area where they were and then they left. They moved cautiously, their short stature allowing them to make good use of the debris, dust, ash and wreckage, so they could move behind it without being noticed. Of course, they couldn't avoid any scanners or sensors, but they were probably harder to see with the naked eye. On one street, two soldiers shouted at them to go home or to the evacuation point, but they paid no serious attention to the children. And the twins soon arrived at the corner of the road where the retreating Dark Empire units and Thomas Barran Thomas Barran were soon to turn up.

~ What do we do now? ~ Abi asked her brother.

~ We'll wait until they get here. ~ Asher replied.


Objective I & II

The groan of moving steel and debris resounded. The empty streets let the wind howl through the pockets they created. Never had the Coruscanti street been so lifeless and quiet. Then silence was interrupted as a camouflaged hawkbat screeched and flapped its wings at a lone soul walking the dark street.

Ran Serys, Jedi Knight, found her footing against fallen debris and detritus. Her focus was split between surefooting and listening, and sensing for the presence of life. "Hello!" She called out. Her voice echoed throughout the empty alleys and bounced back at her. "Is there anybody out there?" More of the same. The Galactic Alliance and its forces had done an excellent job of evacuation. That or the denizens of this sector of Coruscant were smart enough to leave. Ran had been at the search for hours, looking for survivors of the invasion and found very few signs of life at all.

"Hello!" She called out even louder. "I'm here to help! Do you need help?" She offered to noone in particular.

The clatter of debris was heard. Durasteel and duracrete shifted by digging it seemed. Ran hopped and vaulted over a number of obstructions until she came to an intersection. Three sides led down different roads. The other led down a collapsed bridge and deeper into the lower levels of Coruscant. Ran walked right up to the edge where the bridge had snapped under the weight of a fallen building. "Hello! You!" She called out immediately as the figure looked up.

She focused her eyes. Her pupils dilated and transformed. She was far but could see his features perfectly. He was big, burly, and somehow both saurian and draconic. He flashed her a malevolent smile and a sense. The force was with him. The darkside, to be more precise. He turned away and walked deeper down the fallen bridge and into the darkness of the lower levels.

Ran called out to him. "Wait! Stay there!" She ran after him as carefully as she could. Stomping and sliding down the debris until she reached the edge of darkness. It was a small and confined alleyway, so dark that to her it appeared a void. She could sense the figure waiting at the end.


She heard a lightsaber ignite. She saw its scarlet red glow in the distance. It's hum was violent and unstable. It sounded the opposite of hers. She stood at the edge of darkness and light frozen for a moment but unafraid.

Tag: Open

Last edited:

Exhausted as she was, Cora leaned back and let her eyes flutter closed. Part of her couldn't believe that they'd managed to run off Dark Empire forces, but she imagined that the toll was astronomical. Countless Jedi had returned the Force, Romi Jade among them.

She swallowed down the thought that there would certainly be some missing faces and a great many somber moments in the near future.

Like Gatz, she tried to focus on the moment. She was alive, he was alive, Makko was alive - and for that, she was grateful.

In the darkness behind her eyelids, the image a familiar, cruel sneer formed. She snapped them open before the warped memory could fully take root.

"Of course I did," she tried to tsk, but it was only a weak clicking of her tongue, "you would've done the same for me in a heartbeat.”

In that, she had no doubt. Cora sighed, leaning her head against the back of her makeshift chair once more. What remained of her strength was waning, but the nurses would've have allowed the transfusion if the risk was too great.

Alderaanian supply ships were landing courtesy of Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , and with them they'd bring more equipment that could help stabilize Gatz and the other injured.

"I suppose that's something we have in common. We're both O….negative."

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : @Coruscant Lower Levels | OBJECTIVE : Retaliation
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Vanagor stood on what was the dance floor, his combat shield raised in front of him as blaster shots rained down from the Stormtroopers. He could feel the heat of the blaster bolts as they impacted against the energy shield, but he stood firm, his focus unwavering.

As he scanned the ruins, he caught sight of his fellow Knight, the Cathar Jonyna Si, engaged in combat with a group of Stormtroopers. With a swift movement, Connel caught his shield and waved at Jonyna, a grin on his face as he saw her return the gesture.

Funny seeing you here.

He was going to make another joke “What’s a girl like you doing on a place like this?” but he saw the trapped dancer and that motivated him even more. Armed only with the Force and his combat shield, Connel joined Jonyna in the fray, blocking blaster shots and making fun of the Stormtroopers' bad aim.

I guess you guys “miss” the shooting range “a lot”? Huh?

As the Stormtroopers continued to fire, Connel moved swiftly and aggressively. His shield created a barrier that the blaster shots could not penetrate. With each block, Connel felt the power of the Force flowing through him, guiding his movements and enhancing his reflexes.

But Vanagor was not content to simply defend against the Stormtroopers' attacks. With a fierce battle cry, he launched a counter-attack, using the Force to push back the enemy forces and create openings for Jonyna to strike.



Objective: Search and Rescue
Location: Coruscant, Undercity
Tag: Elan Crowe Elan Crowe


Carefully and gently Ko reached down to pick up the boy. Heaving them up onto his back. Taking his extra jedi utility belt to secure the boy safely with a piggyback ride. All the while the tired, sobbing kid held his robes tightly and wiped his tears and snot on the back of Ko’s clothes while he began to carry them back to the nearest rescue team. His doubts and concerns seemed to evaporate in this moment. Ko's only concern of the boy's wellbeing. “Don’t worry little man… you’re gonna be safe, I promise.”

After enough time had passed the child Ko carried on his back began to mellow out some. Their sobbing changed more into a steady whimper and sniffling. Occasionally mumbling something about wanting to see their mom and dad. The Jedi had no clue if their parents were also victims of the conflict as well. He didn’t want to think about the idea that the boy he was carrying was not an orphan.

Ko’s tired legs kept the two of them moving through the hazardous and uneven terrain. Pushing them forwards until they finally reached the nearest rescue team. Once there he managed to pick the child off of himself and set them down to be given a quick examination from some of the medical staff. But since the boy wasn’t wounded or in a critical condition they wanted to check their identity so they can see where to find their relatives or caretakers.

With the boy now in good hands for the time being Ko stepped away and sat down on a pile of rubble to regain some of his strength. He pulled out some rations from his jedi utility belt. A packet of nutripaste that he drank through a straw slotted into his antiox mask.

Not long after which his attention was brought to someone addressing him. Saying that they were here to help. Pulling the nutripaste pack from his mask Ko spoke back to them. “So you’re a volunteer?” He wasn’t sure if the young man was a Jedi or not. They seemed to have the force sensitivity of one. Ko hadn’t really considered himself to be much of a leader around here, just a valued asset. The Kel Dor Jedi let out a wary groan as he pulled himself back up onto his feet. “Got any talents that could be useful?”

Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an


Friendly Units:





Units in Reserve: The entire might of Strill Securities' naval assets. All too far to respond.
Ally Tag(s): Shar Sieu Shar Sieu | Galactic Alliance and Allies
Enemy Tag(s): Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton | Tish Cowen | Dark Empire and Allies




Logistics were a pain. A chronic pain for him ever since he'd been made Fleet Admiral. Trying to swat out the scattered Imperial remnants could wait, they were going nowhere in a hurry. His contingent had instead spent the short lull running their fabricators and salvaging what few scattered hulks were in their immediate area. Reserve ammunition stores weren't quite where he liked them, but there was nothing that could be done about that now. The Alliance had pulled out one haran of a win, not that he didn't think they had it in them, he was just surprised to see them finally wake up and take things seriously. Teta had been a cruel joke of an operation.

"Enemy ships forming up, alor! Reinforcements have brought assault ships and transports." called Anni from the operations station. "Alliance are starting to engage, but they don't seem to have the punch." It was an evacuation. A desperate attempt to load personnel and what equipment they could and flee for their lives. There was no shame in that, knowing when to fight and when to run was the difference between a smart commander and a dead man. Unfortunately for whoever was left in charge, this was something that just couldn't be permitted.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting," he said, taking a breath. "Gett, patch me through to someone in Alliance Command. They're going to need to do something about this osik. Emri, put our fighters and tra'verd on full alert. Till the Alliance sends capital ships, we're it, vode. Remember, ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur!" A chorus of "oya!" erupted across the bridge. Nyles turned his attentikon to the tactical display, ordering electronic warfare systems to kick into full gear detachment wide as they advanced into the edge of weapons range to engage the INV Purifier and the enemy vessels with it.

Acknowledgement signals flashed from all accompanying ships. "You're on Alliance Naval and Defense Force frequencies, alor," called Gett from the comms station, taking his attention away from the main tactical display for a moment. He knew Lupa Visz Lupa Visz was in command of the GADF forces, though he wasn't sure who was the operational commander at Coruscant. When it came to who was in overall command of the naval assets, he had even less of a clue. Whoever it was, he hoped to the Manda that they actually listened.

"Alliance command, this is Strill Securities Fleet Admiral Kote on the Eternal Haven, enemy vessels are attempting to coordinate a full withdrawal of ground and space assets from the planet. Anything you can do about it is appreciated," he said. The comms suite on the Morut was an auto-negotiating comms suite, and as such would transmit with the maximum encryption that the Alliance comms could handle. With all the location spoofing and scrambling tech, he was positive their com sec was all but assured. Now only if the Alliance had frequency hopping comms, that would have been ideal. In this line of work however, you made do with what your colleagues had. The Alliance wasn't a client after all, though he certainly wouldn't say no to their credits.

Fleet Action Summary

  • The Darasuum Morut picks up coordinated movement of enemy ships.
  • The electronic warfare suite on all ships is now fully active with all active subsystems in effective range going live.
  • The detachment is moving to extreme engagement range with the INV Purifier and the ships with her.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"Of course I did," she tried to tsk, but it was only a weak clicking of her tongue, "you would've done the same for me in a heartbeat.”

"Would do anything for you, if you asked." Gatz nodded weakly. "Owe you so much. Even my life, now, it seems."

His life was not some great, precious thing to him. It never had been. Gatz didn't think it ever would be. A Jedi's life was sacrifice, after all. But what worth his life did have, could be spent for the people he loved so dearly. Cora had made that list long, long ago. Every conceivable time he had needed help, or assurance, she'd been there. With his studies, or his past, or his grief, or his trauma—there. She'd opened up a vein to save him; gave of herself to keep him alive long enough for the relief ships to make it through.

He'd never done anything like that for her. Much like with Valery Noble Valery Noble , Gatz now owed Corazona von Ascania a debt he could never repay—not that she would ever ask it of him.

That didn't mean he wouldn't try.

Gatz did find it in him to chuckle, lightly, at Cora's observation of their similarities. Of which there were very few. Naturally, why would a Princess and a street kid have many things in common? That just wasn't how the galaxy worked. And yet, it also was. Because regardless of the circumstances of their birth, their upbringing, and even their demeanor, he and Cora had still found themselves walking the same path.

The Jedi way.

"O negative. I'll add it to the list under: human, Caucasian, blonde, and blue-eyed."

But after he was done snickering, his eyes began to droop. He was just so damn tired.



Objective: Search and Rescue

“Got any talents that could be useful?”

Elan scratched his head and thought a moment. He shrugged. "Not like I'm particularly trained in any kind of rescue, but I have a decent eye from hunting. And my old man made sure I learned how to listen and follow instructions. I reckon that counts for something, even if I'm a bit bodgy from lack of experience." He pulled his blaster and gave it a flourish before re-holstering it. "And I can help keep any vermin away from rescuees. Name's Elan, by the by, Elan Crowe. I've come from Kalist. Actually here for something else, but I reckon it can wait."

Elan then gave his interpretation of a bow, something he had never actually done before. "So, uh, anything I could do, Master Jedi, Sir?"


Objective III - Withdrawl and Pursuit



Main Fleet

INV Purifier [100|100]
INV Ironclad [100|100]
INV Stormcaller [100|100]
INV Vigilant [100|100]
INV Warbringer [100|100]
INV Resolute [100|100]
INV Custodian [100|100]
INV Thunderclap [100|100]
INV Hunter [100|100]
INV Shadow [100|100]
INV Titan [100|100]
INV Nebula [100|100]
INV Fury [100|100]
INV Inferno [100|100]
INV Celestial [100|100]
INV Triumph [100|100]
INV Sentinel [100|100]
INV Bastion [100|100]
Secondary Fleet

INV Tartarus [100|100]
INV Vortex [100|100]
INV Reaver [100|100]
INV Phalanx [100|100]
Inceptus-Class Assault Ships [10/10]
Veers-Class Star Galleon [12/12]
Starfighter Compliment

TIE/hab Brutes
TIE/fdT Terminators
TIE/fdA Annihilators

Caestus-class Atmospheric Assault Landers

So far the evacuation efforts were going smoothly for Imperial forces. Other then the occasional harassment from enemy starfighters, most transports were making a safe transit to the Assault Ships and Star Galleons, unloading the troops they were transporting before returning to seek out more Imperial survivors. With no sign of Alliance naval forces nearby, it would appear that the Empire would successfully evacuate a considerable portion of it's ground forces ensuring that while the battle may be lost, the Empire would still fight on showing to their enemies in the Core that the War was for from over. "How much progress we have made?" Admiral Hamilton inquired. "The evacuation is only 30% complete sir." the lead communications officer replied.

Hamilton sighed, before looking onwards to the raging battle in the skies of Coruscant. His fleet had a limited timeframe to gather as much troops as possible and leave the planet before enemy naval forces descended upon them and inflicted greater losses upon his fleet as they had done with the Grand Admiral's fleet. Nevertheless progress was being made and as long as the Imperial fleet remained unopposed their chances of a successful evacuation would remain high. However this would not be the case for long as the sensors of the Purifier picked up multiple warships approaching their position.

"Sir, we're picking up multiple warships within the vicinity." the lead Sensor officer shouted out. "Friends or Foes?" Hamilton asked. "Foes. IFF transponders are identifying them as Mandalorian ships belonging to a certain Strill Securities." the sensor officer replied."Maintain our position and cover the Assault Ships and Star Galleons. We must ensure their safe withdrawal from the battlefield." Hamilton ordered. From what he could see from the viewports of his flagship's bridge, the Mandalorians had brought several heavy hitting ships, enough to deal significant damage to his fleet. However he had orders, the evacuation had to be completed through any means necessary. Plus as long as the Alliance's 10th Sector Armada remained absent, his fleet still had a chance against their Mandalorian counterparts.

Thus, Admiral Hamilton stood firm, his gaze fixed on the approaching Mandalorian Fleet. Alright Mandos your move he said to himself in his mind, crossing his hands across his chest as he waited for his opponent to make the first move.


Tags [GA] | Nyles Kote Nyles Kote | Shar Sieu Shar Sieu
Tags [DE] | Tish Cowen | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

"Let's get a move on, chef. You've eaten enough."

She hefted her bag onto her shoulder, gave Rubat a pat on the shoulder to guide him away -- and quickly gave three signals to the agent at their backs, the armoured Amaran arriving late. Stay down. Follow. As oft-abandoned as streets were in the Underworld, especially now, people were still everywhere; seeing an SIA operative kitted out for combat ops in the middle of the day (or whatever time it was) was not ideal. It was a rush order; they'd make do. Tallara herself had a pretty nondescript jacket and jeans, a couple steps removed from Rusty's stylish getup.

Hand down. Two more signals -- numbers. Comms channel. She brushed her hair behind her ear, adjusting the channel so Zalia could listen in.

"You just forgot where we were going, didn't you," she said, walking with Rubat down the street in their target's direction. "This is why the boss keeps me around. You gotta lock in."

Their target was an area of Imperial activity -- if it could be called that. They were more like cosplayers. A gang that played at violence; only now with the attack on Coruscant were they being roped into the hell that was war. But Kazian Blackwood was big fish. They had to be careful.

The mood of the Underworld hadn't changed much. Things were, always, dejected around here, but everyone made do and kept an eye out. Couple of shady folks lurked about, and suddenly she was glad to have kitted back up. Nine times out of ten they'd be outgunned down here.

"I'll test you, 'cuz we're gonna need to be around here more than once. Which way we going next?" She nudged Rubat.

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