Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Echoes of War — GA/DE Junction of Obredaan and Vandelhelm

TAGS: Imogen Solace Imogen Solace / Open

Sinestra weaved through a throng of despondent civilians scouring what remained of the grand bazaar for any food and water. The intricate pillars that stood tall and the fancy stalls had been reduced to all but rubble; the durable canopy made of an exotic cloth overhead had been burnt to ash, its remains peppering the debris beneath. What once was a bustling bazaar for goods from all over the galaxy had become nothing more than an unattended flea market.

Her comlink softly beeped and she pulled it out from a small compartment of her light armor. Static plagued the transmission she played and it took her several repetitions to finally comprehend Admiral Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton ‘s evacuation orders. This was her way out.

Reaching out to the Force in a quest to find the Imperial exfil locations, she felt an itch burning at the back of her skull—danger. She plunged further into the ethereal to pinpoint the threat but to no avail. Much of her powers had been spent on fighting Romi Jade, to the point that even her gift of precognition seemed lacking.

Swearing under her breath, the seer continued onward with the same step as before, aiming to remain as inconspicuous as possible to any curious eyes.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : @Coruscant Lower Levels | OBJECTIVE : Retaliation

TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor had grown tired of constantly being ambushed by Sith hiding in the lower levels of Coruscant. He had had enough of playing defense and decided it was time to take the fight to them.

Armed only with his mastery of the Force and a combat shield, Connel descended into the dark and dangerous depths of the city-planet. The lower levels of Coruscant were a maze of narrow alleyways and dilapidated buildings, a perfect hiding place for the Sith.

As he moved through the shadows, Connel could sense the dark presence of the Sith lurking nearby. He could feel their malevolent energy, their thirst for power and destruction. But Connel was not afraid. He was determined to root out the Sith and bring them to justice.

Using his combat shield to deflect blaster bolts and lightsaber strikes, Connel engaged the Sith in fierce battles. His tactics became more and more aggressive as he unleashed the full power of the Force against his enemies. He used telekinesis to hurl debris at them, to knock them off balance, to disarm them.

The Sith were taken aback by Connel's ferocity and determination. They had never faced a Jedi like him before, one who was willing to do whatever it took to defeat them. But Connel knew that the Sith were dangerous and that he could not afford to show them any mercy.

As the battles raged on, Connel could feel the dark side of the Force tempting him, whispering in his ear to give in to his anger and hatred. But he resisted, drawing on the light side of the Force to guide him in his fight against the Sith.

Finally, after many grueling battles, Connel emerged victorious. The Sith were defeated, their dark presence banished from the lower levels of Coruscant. Connel stood alone in the darkness, his combat shield raised triumphantly above his head.

But as he looked around at the destruction and chaos he had wrought, Connel felt a pang of guilt. He had become consumed by his desire for vengeance, his thirst for justice. He realized that he had strayed dangerously close to the dark side of the Force.

With a heavy heart, Connel vowed to never let his anger and aggression control him again. He would continue to fight for peace and justice, but he would do so with compassion and restraint. And as he made his way back to the surface of Coruscant, Connel knew that his battle against the Sith was far from over. But he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with the Force and a newfound sense of balance.





Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: (None)

An uncomfortable shiver traveled up through her spine. Something dark had awoken not too far away from where she was buried, and she immediately knew who it was. It came as no surprise that Detritus Ren Detritus Ren had survived the collapse if she had. Separated by debris, he likely found himself in a similar situation — stuck underneath piles of rock, marble and steel. She wished she could have ended the fight differently. That she could have taken him down, just like his father.

But until she understood this strange bond she felt to him, she couldn't fight him. It'd be a clash not with his blade, but against something dark that lingered inside her own soul.

The day that bond was severed, would be the day she'd take him down in a proper duel.

Once more, Valery coughed as dust fell from the boulder above her. She saw no light, no way out and she feared what could happen if she were to use the Force to break herself out. The situation felt hopeless, and for a moment she wondered if she'd ever see the light of day again. But Jedi never left each other behind, and she felt that relief the moment she saw an image of Efret Farr Efret Farr flash into her mind.

<Efret,> she said in return, as she allowed her presence in the Force to shine like a beacon. It was weaker than usual, and still disturbed by what Detritus had awoken inside of her. But she was reaching out, hoping her dear friend could sense where she was and help her out before it was too late. Because even now, with the enemy retreating, she felt their darkness linger around the Temple.

Her battle wasn't quite over yet.

After her signal, Valery went quiet and closed her eyes, hoping to take the moment to meditate and clear her mind. But those brief seconds of piece were disrupted in the best way possible.

She heard a familiar screech — BB-610 BB-610 was here for her as well. "Bee!" She yelled, the sound muffled by the walls that seemed to close in on her.

"I'm here!"


Objective II - Search and Rescue

It was the first time in his life that Elan Crowe had ever been off his homeworld of Kalist, and here he was in the middle of the aftermath of a massive and devastating battle. It was because of his heart wrenching, long-distance conversation with Tulan Kor Tulan Kor that Elan was here now. He had come to find someone to give the man's final words to and to honor the fallen hero. And it inspired Elan that maybe he could be part of something more than just hunting sand elk and taming crilocs; something much bigger than himself. See the destruction left behind by the Dark Empire made him even more determined.

The shuttle here had cost him nearly his life savings, due to having to go around the section of space the Empire had claimed in the middle of Alliance territory, but he had made it. He made his way through the broken streets. There were search and rescue teams combing through the rubble. He stopped one person and asked for someone in charge he could speak to. The person just shrugged and pointed to someone who was using the Force to move debris. "A bloody Jedi! Thanks, mate!"

Shifting his pack on his shoulders, Elan walked over to the Jedi. "G'day! I'm here to..." He paused. The recording could wait. There were more important things going on now. "...Help. I'm here to help, if there's anything I can do."
Elan is Force-sensitive but does not know it. I'm sure any FU with a high Force Sense can easily tell.

Special Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: The Underworld, Coruscant
Objective: THE HUNT
Equipment: Operative Suit, SPS-25 Sidearm, AT-SI27 Stun Blaster, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife

Tags: Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer || Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood || Tallara Tallara Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer


The smell of death sat in the air like a gorged rat.

Relief efforts were still underway, and the Underworld felt the worst of the recent war. Ronval adjusted the false mustache, and tried not to adjust the stone in his shoe that changed his gait. His injuries were not yet healed, but, well, as they say:

"No rest for the wicked," he mumbled, looking away from a street fight between two starving vagrants, the object of their duel (a ration crate) stolen away by some kid.

I hide and lay low on a tenement’s balcony, waiting for the three SIA agents; the sous chef and two line cooks to pass the street below, so I could start tailing them to the target.

Someone was watching. Good. If they hadn't blown holes in the heads of the team yet with that vantage point, it was a good sign.

Ronval stopped by the unlicensed vendor selling deathsticks. He haggled a bit for the toasted Fral, seasoned with ersatz-pepper fettle (the plastic kick made it better, in his humble opinion) and wrapped around roast pormork. Not bad for a handful of creds and only a small chance of food poisoning. He had bitten down when another agent showed up nearby, near the small sheltered standing stalls for patrons of the establishment. The stalls were, of course, plasfilm canopies drapped over repurposed holofibre poles long since emptied. He chomped down as he read:

TO: Sous Chef Rusty Rubat

Please get rid of the recipe after you memorise it. Feel free to brief your line cooks anyway you seem appropriate. Our reputation relies on this.

Happy cooking chef.

The Director

She had arrived, walking quiet but of quick pace, even with the armor she wore there was a notable speed and agility that prevented her from getting caught in a more densely populated area. Given how someone might try and start a riot... it would be good to avoid people.

Finally, the Amaran would arrive moving through the streets- where the other two hopefully would be -unaware of the attention on them from far above, awaiting any verbal or visual sign from her assigned allies.

"The chef could have told us where we'd be going earlier," Ronval mumbled through the flour wrap, loud enough to catch Zalia's attention.
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Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren


Location: Uncharted asteroid, edge of Corusca System
Objective: Escape!
Tag: Opponents: OPEN to GA fleeters or boarders or Jedi
Equipment: Lightsaber, Knight of Ren armour, DG-41 Inferos Disruptor Shotgun, HG-88 Big Iron Hand Cannon

"BROADSIDES!" The heavy guns of the Stranger Danger opened up with a roar, cannons and lasers eviscerating the unfortunate blockade runner that chose to chase the pirate's ship to this tiny asteroid.

The Stranger was moored to the surface, technicians scrambling, with all the repair droids on full alert. The Raider had taken bad hits in the retreat- enough to break something important. Somethings, in fact. So here they were- droids stripmining the asteroid for anything useful while the technians frantically did what they could to patch the ship up for a jump out.

Kybo watched from the surface of the barren moon with some of his warriors, watching the enemy ship break apart. The others cheered, but Kybo seethed. He needed the parts and supplies. At this rate, the Stranger would be done only after a full local day in-system. Too risky, especially with the loot the Knight of Ren had liberated from the Jedi Archives.

"Cap'n, the beacon..." the chief navigator made her way over, bouncing on the low gravity of the moon.

"I told ye I'd think about it." And he had. He needed to use the distress beacon- fast. Someone else might pick them up. But this close to Coruscant, with the Alliance navy in full chase... it would only bring the enemy to them.

"Think fast boss, because-" she stopped suddenly, scrambling at her suit's oxygen supply.

"If I wanted yer opinion, I'd ask fer it!" Kybo unclenched his fist, the annoyance evaporating. The navigator gasped as oxygen returned, stumbling away, trying to bow, nod, and scramble back to the ship at the same time.

He already knew the estimations and calculations. It was not good. But still... if he could hold out... he knew he could handle this. He wasn't a joke! The Scourge of the Stars did not need a rescue, especially after... after...

Detritus Ren Detritus Ren will reward me greatly with this trove of stolen knowledge... And all shall know my worth...

The stars continue to turn overhead, between the bloom of exploding starships.

Now that she was closer, Cora could see a familiar head of blonde hair streaked with blood. She squinted, reaching out into the Force, feeling his life thread into a weakened pulse-


The pair of nurses stared at her in disbelief, and Cora stared right back, borderline glaring. They relented quickly, positioning a crate next to their patient and setting up the transfusion equipment.

While her arm was prepped, she stared down at Gatz's admittedly mangled torso. No Jedi could escape unscathed, but Gatz's scars told a story of the harsh life he'd lived. She'd known as much – he'd told her as much – but she never actually imagined the physical toll it had taken on him.

As the needle slipped into a vein at the junction of her inner elbow, Cora was drawn back along a memory of their mission to Nar Shaddaa. She'd made a cutting joke, and she'd expected him to tease back in response. Instead, he just looked sad. Now, she understood why.

She brought herself back to the present, focusing on the lines of crimson as they drew through the clear tubing. How much blood had he lost? How much blood does the average human woman have – and could she replace enough of his blood volume without falling unconscious? Idle calculations were made by a brain that was too frazzled to really make sense of whatever answers she could come up with.

Instead she looked down at him, bleeding and broken in the aftermath of what had surely been a terrible fight.

"You'll be alright, Gatz." She mumbled. "You're too stubborn to die."

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret let out a breath she had been trying not to hold as soon as she saw Val in her own mind's eye sign back. But she didn't have another moment to respond to it before a black BB-series astromech unit buzzed past her towards one of the Hall's exits. When she looked in the direction the droid had come, she saw the Sorceress of Ossus, drew closer, and asked her to repeat herself. "Magdalena," Efret began after the Force spawn had. "I need to head deeper into the Temple. I don't know when I'll return, but it will be as soon as I can. Until then, I would appreciate it if you could oversee the rescue operation here in my stead."

With that, the Jedi master started after the astromech.

She caught up with him in a room from which Val's presence was emanating.

"Hold on, my dear," she said to Bee, or rather her interpretation clip did, as put a hand on his head. Though she couldn't hear his pleas, she could recognize from his behavior that he was desperate. "Let me help." Efret reached to take a relatively small chunk of marble from the top of the rubble pile and toss it to the side.

She had been able to distance herself from the heaviness of what she had spent the last few hours doing by pretending that all she was digging for were artifacts, not for bodies both alive and dead. Now that she was searching for her grandmaster and good friend, Efret's ability to compartmentalize was crumbling like the ceiling overhead.

"We need to get her air before we dig any more," she continued. "Do you see a weak spot, where the rock is thin?" Efret slid a thin drill bit out of her belt. It was sized to fit most astromech models, so perhaps he could use it to. Her mind drifted momentarily to her droid companion. She'd have to look for 2E-B7 as soon as the starfighter hangar was cleared for entry. "Use this if it fits. Go slow so she has time to get out of the way."

Efret climbed up onto the pile. She closed her eyes to better sense good spots to start digging, places where lengths of marble were not caught under others in proximity. The first she found, she heaved away physically but with help from the Force rippling through her muscles; the second and third, floated away.

The earthen knot was slowly coming undone.



G H O S T // H U N T

Flight Lieutenant (Acting) Squadron Leader Shar 'Skids' Sieu
Revenant Squadron, Temporarily assigned to 313th (Reserve) Attack Squadron "Cobras", 26th Air Division, Coruscant Defence Command

Location: Coruscant System Space
Equipment: REC AS/02 B-Wing Assault Starfighter
Cobra One



Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton @Others
<<Lock strike foils, move into attack formation!>>

Streaking across the void, in the midst of the melee above Coruscant, a squadron of B-Wings moved into formation, cannons readied, cannons scything through emptied TIE formations.

<<Target shields down.>>

<<First flight move in- target cannons. Second flight keep up the pressure. Third flight follow up!>>

Proton torpedoes and concussion missiles streaked forth- striking true. Another set of munitions slung forth mere seconds later, breaking through the weakened superstructure, destroying the isolated Star Destroyer's powerplant systems and sending rippling explosions from the feedback.

<<Form around!>>

Shar breathed out as the squadron reformed- the Navy was picking up the pace, intending to clamp shut around the Imperials before the evacuation was complete. Shar had flew some training missions with the Cobras in the past months- and they were out for blood.

New priority targets flashed on his tactical screen- another fleet of Star Galleons and Assault Ships had entered the battlespace, fast movers screening the Battle Cruisers to keep the evacuation corridor open.

Shar's eyes flicked over to the air corridor, craning his head to look out the window. The enemy fleet would be too strong to strike with his squadron- better to leave that to the capital ships and other full wings with full escorts. His small squadron had better targets.

<<Cobras, check torpedo tubes and cycle your cannons- sending new targets now. We're gonna slip past the escort screen.>>

A convoy of Assault Ships, Galleons and Transports highlighted in red.

<<Slew right along my heading and stay close->> Shar yanked on the stick. <<Don't get cocky- at close range their guns can still chew you up. Make short, clean passes.>>

Shar could see in his mind's eye again- the Imperials rampaging through the city-planet, their TIEs hunting down downed pilots. He saw the list of downed pilots, people of all walks of life volunteering to stay and fight.

Never again, he thought, his fingers pulling on the trigger as Cobra squadron dove in, their heavy cannons destroying the first of many Transports. He watched impassively as the debris fell in streaks of fire.

The Imperials wanted to burn the planet, and in defeat, now sought to flee its gravity and air- so it was only fitting that the planet's air burned them up into scorched carbon on their long, long way down in the claws of its gravity.

GADF snubfighters fighting past Imperial capital fleet and going after Imperial evacuation transports
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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : @Coruscant Lower Levels | OBJECTIVE : Retaliation

TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor had been on a mission for weeks, scouring the lower levels of Coruscant in search of Sith activity. The dark side was a constant threat, lurking in the shadows and preying on the vulnerable.

One fateful night, Connel stumbled upon a group of Sith Acolytes, accompanied by their friends, as they mercilessly attacked a Wookiee father and his young son. The Acolytes showed no mercy as they struck down the father and callously threw the young Wookiee off a ledge.

Connel's heart filled with rage and sorrow as he witnessed the heinous act. Without hesitation, he reached out with the Force and pulled the young Wookiee to safety before turning his attention to the Acolytes.

Armed only with his combat shield and the power of the Force, Connel engaged the Acolytes in a fierce battle. His weapon hummed as he deflected their attacks and countered with precision strikes of his own. The Acolytes were skilled, but Connel's determination and skill were unmatched.

As the battle raged on, Connel found himself on the brink of delivering a fatal blow to the Acolytes. But in that moment, he heard his father's voice echoing in his mind, reminding him of the Jedi Code: "Justice not Vengeance."

With a deep breath, Connel lowered his shield to his side and allowed the Acolytes to escape, leaving their lightsabers behind as a reminder of their defeat. The dark side may have taken the Wookiee father's life, but Connel refused to let it consume his own soul.

As he watched the Acolytes flee into the darkness, Connel turned his attention to the young Wookiee he had saved. With a gentle touch, he reassured the frightened child and promised to protect him from any further harm.

And as the sun rose over the lower levels of Coruscant, Connel Vanagor stood as a beacon of hope in the face of darkness, a true Jedi Knight guided by the light of the Force.

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| LOCATION: Coruscant |
| TAG:
Efret Farr Efret Farr | Valery Noble Valery Noble |
| TAG:
Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Vorik Vorik |

Relief flooded his core the second he heard her voice. BB-610 couldn't afford to relax, nor could he with the overabundance of synthetic adrenaline coursing through his circuits, but a much needed blanket of reassurance had finally been cast over him. Valery was alive, and he would do anything in his power to keep it that way. He just needed to double his efforts.

His utility arm trembled, jittery with nerves. A scan was initiated, analyzing the piled up rock and steel that had swallowed the Jedi whole. Results were far from optimistic — nothing in his toolkit allowed him to pry the rubble apart without risk of damaging Valery further. BB-610 stared, binary shaky as he whimpered.

Approaching footsteps caught his attention. The astromech's cyan optic glowed bright with renewed hope as a woman neared him — face unfamiliar yet comforting all the same. A Jedi? Little time to dwell on greetings, he figured, and it seemed the woman agreed. To the best of his ability, he mustered up the courage to swallow his fears and take a delicate grasp on the offered drill bit.

BB-610 had done things astromechs were never meant for. He had infiltrated bases, he had faced Sith, he had acquired a kyber crystal of his very own. An inner voice — were it even possible for a droid to have one — told him that he could do this. He just had to believe it.

The droid nodded, quick to attach the drill to his scomp link. Internal logistics fed him the exact coordinates for an ideal puncture, and as the tool began to buzz, BB-610 wasted no time in pressing its whirring tip to soft stone. Flawlessly precise, guided by advanced machine learning. A successful punch through the rock's surface had allowed for a small pocket of air.

BB-610 warbled, determined droidspeak eager to tell Valery that she'd be okay. He was unsure of who he was trying to convince more. With the woman's help, he'd been able to continue drilling, exercising caution as he weakened more and more of the ground around them.

Valery's prison had began to loosen, Coruscant's light bleeding through the gaps their joined efforts had birthed. Rocks stirred, some dismissed by the Force, others chipped away; BB-610 never let up, photoreceptors catching what seemed to be something trapped beneath.

He could see her.



TAG: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Vulpesen Vulpesen

As Jonyna ventured into the ruined club, she found one of the singers, now trapped under a beam of durasteel. Someone she had once danced to the voice of, was crying out for help.

She couldn't lift the beam, too heavy. But what she could do...

Her saber ignited, and Lucy cut the beam on each side. She called over the comms, the Ladybug activating it's tractor beam to lift the pieces of durasteel off. With a hand, she helped the freed woman up.

"Hold tight." Jonyna said with a calmness to her voice as she took the woman's hand. It was strange,

Suddenly, the sound of blaster bolts erupted. She was under attack. She did her best to deflect the bolts, but she could count them. An entire two squad of Stormtroopers.

Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier

Objective IV

There was precious little time in the era of Faster-Than-Light communications for a narrative to be released or developed. As soon as the news of the failure of Imperial forces to successfully capture the Galactic Alliance's capital world of Coruscant reached the Press Secretary's desk he had already began to put into action the contingency plan.

Numerous employees of the division hustled from one task to another as a small, yet formal, briefing room was assembled for broadcast. Drasa moved to a small dot on the floor where he was centered between the proper angles of the camera droids. A bright light from above flashed on, drowning the surroundings in a warm white light. A pair of humans approached Drasa and began to put on subtle blue makeup on his face while another lint-rolled his attire "Twenty seconds till broadcast." declared one of the droids that was on count down.

As the stage crew scurried off the set and the droids motioned to Drasa that the broacast was live to the citizens of the Empire, holonet feeds would be switched to the official state programming across Imperial space with the Chiss-Sephi hybrid's visage plastered across cantina tables to the sides of skyscrapers "Citizens of the Empire I bring you greetings. Today the forces of the Empire have struck a critical blow against our enemies in the Galactic Alliance, at their very heart. The planet of Coruscant was the subject of an Imperial Security Expedition, a limited military intervention with the goal of protecting the territorial integrity and the citizens of the Empire." Drasa folded his hands in front of him and with a confident expression he continued "While the fighting was severe the planetary assault was successful, as were the objectives of the Expedition, and as I stand here before you today our brave starship officers are already bringing our heroic forces home. But-" he lifted a finger as his countenance turned solemn "As much as this is a day of celebration we mustn't forget the ones who sacrificed their lives so that we may live in peace. I am told that the casualties of some units are extensive. In the coming days the names of the fallen and the missing will be enshrined in record and their loved ones made aware. And so, for these fallen heroes and the families that they have entrusted to us, let us all provide a moment of solemn silence." Prard'asa'ath bowed his head and stood quietly.

And for a moment, even if only for a handful of seconds, the Empire was silent.

Drasa lifted his head as the camera droids began to slowly orbit him for a more dramatic shot while his inviting smile returned "Thank you. I assure you that in the days to come there will be agents of the Alliance who attempt to subvert our victory. To twist the events that have occurred, events that have exposed their weakness. Remember this; an empire is built upon the trust of it's citizens and the strength of it's leadership. We have the strength." Drasa closed his fist firmly "So then trust in your compatriots, trust in our heroes, and trust in your Emperor." Drasa lowered his hands and put them to his sides as he gave a tilt of his head in parting "That concludes this special announcement. Long live the Empire." and with that the holofeeds abruptly returned to their regular programming.

Prard'asa'ath waited for the camera droids to signal the broadcast was finished before he pointed to someone off set "Contact our personalities. I want that broadcast replayed from now until we have something new." he began to walk off the set as an aide came to him and handed him a datapad which he began to scroll through "I want an admiral on the feed by midnight capital time." he said loudly as he walked into his office with the pad then dropped it on his desk "Someone hail the OIT and forward them the transcript."

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : @Coruscant Lower Levels | OBJECTIVE : Retaliation
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor moved swiftly through the lower levels of Coruscant, his combat shield raised and ready to deflect any incoming attacks. The recent attempted Sith invasion had left the city in chaos, with buildings destroyed and survivors scattered throughout the streets.

As he made his way through the rubble, Connel used the Force to sense the presence of survivors in need of help. He directed them towards the surface, where they would be safe from the ongoing conflict. With each person he rescued, he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he was making a difference in the midst of the chaos.

Suddenly, Connel heard the sound of blaster fire coming from a nearby destroyed nightclub. He rushed towards the source of the commotion, his combat shield at the ready. As he approached, he saw two squads of stormtroopers breaching into the building, their blasters firing indiscriminately at anything that moved.

Without hesitation, Connel leaped into action, using the Force to deflect the blaster bolts and protect the innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. With his combat shield raised, he advanced towards the stormtroopers ready for battle.

The stormtroopers were no match for Connel's skill with the Force and his combat shield. One by one, he disarmed them and directed them towards the surface, where they would be taken into custody by the Republic forces. With the stormtroopers defeated, Connel turned his attention to the survivors of the night club, ensuring that they were safely escorted to the surface.

As he stood amidst the rubble, Connel felt a sense of pride knowing that he had helped those in need and thwarted the stormtroopers' attempts to cause further harm. With a sense of determination, he continued his search for survivors, knowing that there were still many in need of his help in the war-torn streets of Coruscant. He would need that feeling of accomplishment as those eight stormtroopers the young Knight downed were not the only ones in the area... there were other squads sweeping the area. Vanagor saw a very large group not that far away.

They just stormed another night club...

... and he just sensed another Jesi in there..

Connel got there just as the weapons fire had started and had no other option, so he sljng bus combat shield like a disk at the troopers.

1st Post







Tags (Friend): Mini Mongrels Mini Mongrels Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

Tags (Foe): Shar Sieu Shar Sieu




With the little reprieve offered in the disengagement, the 4th Aspirants Battalion found themselves in a tentative avoidance of early, hubristic celebration, especially with the Bloodhound himself in attendance, as like with all things involving the Khanate, there was always a chance of another fight for as long as Marauders remained on the planet's surface. Even as they looked over to find their masked leader covered in blood, oil, ashes and dust, (breathing so heavily that even Ratchet could see his leader's shoulders rising and falling with every completed breath) they could tell there was still plenty of that pluckish fight in the one-eyed Woad in the battle's closing phase.


The response would be silent, though swift in obedience, and despite their sluggishness to rise once more, the Ferals were still quicker to the punch than expected. Even going so far as to send out scouts for overwatch before Barran even caught up with Ratchet to continue, it would be no mystery as to how willing the 4th Aspirants Battalion were for another round of hostilities, though the Bloodhound himself sensed a certain curiosity in those willing to venture ahead of the pack, especially on the matter of the trail their Great Khan followed to reach OP: Rhigar in the first place. Yet that would not be all for the things sensed in the mind of the one-eyed Woad, and on this occasion, barely a quarter-mile away from the outpost, the mind would recognise souls much like one Thomas once knew.


It felt like the very man who found him on Durace, like the first leader of the Scar Hounds, almost as if the Mongrel himself was living and breathing again, but somehow different. Making all the more confusing was that, despite feeling the Mongrel's presence, the Bloodhound could also feel the presence of Mercy intermingling with that which Thomas recognised; but the last seconds of that silence would be the most confusing of all, as it seemed the intermingling presence - was somehow doubled.

How? Why, even?

Why - why now?
Why here, of all places?

An intrigue of which the Great Khan would find too fleeting for his liking, disappearing like whisps in the same way they were detected.

'Uuuuuh, its - nothing. I just sensed a presence I thought was familiar, forget I mentioned it.... Follow me.'

Shrugged off for the sake of the mission, the Mantellian's only response would comprise solely of a disdainful grunt towards the sudden holdup, though Ratchet would quickly exclaim,'Ah! Great Khan, patch to Dreamer! Before forget, hm?!', while he still remembered enough to save Barran a little time. It was, and at the very least, clear enough to the Mastiff that the Bloodhound wanted a clean, orderly retreat; and with time bought for the set-pieces to meet at roughly the same time, the Mantellian knew the one-eyed Woad had a decent chance of breaking a very-particular, and very-dangerous Mawsworn stereotype, and with that lasting finality they were all seeking by then.

'Alright, but its probably for the best if we do that on the move.... Lets go.'






'Thats the last of 'em, Ulusar! The Thunder can whisk 'em all back to their LZ from here.'
At the very heart of the Empire's previous northern Imperial salient, the order to exfil had been given in the wake of full Imperial-Mawite commitment, just as the Scav Kings, assisted by the Thunder gang, were reaching the outer-boundaries of their main objective. With only enough supplies to make a final push for victory, the Mawsworn element were more than aware of what this would mean for warriors on the cusp of a rearguard action, though fortunately for the Darkhan's plans, there would be no rescued Imperials around to slow their retreat or force them into a series of wasteful last stands. After all, Storm and Boomer squads had sacrificed more than enough for the sake of the assault in it's entirety, and for the courage and bravery offered in holding back the planet's defensive spearhead, and for so long at that - such experience was not to be wasted.

Not for as long as it served as a bedrock of cohesion between Imperial and Mawsworn alike.

'Good, good.... Now, sit down. Your motion is starting to make me dizzy - no offence.... You're just a little too energetic for all the fighting you've done, and I've no worldly clue where you're drawing all this endurance from.'

Hearing a chuckle from two floors up, the renegade Chiss shook his head as he rolled his red eyes, but he let curiosity have it's precedence as he calmly inquired,'So, how's the supplies here? Anything workable left behind?', only to find Gouger standing up again to grab something from behind the door. Yet there would be no preparing Dreamer for what he was on the verge of beholding, as his own subordinate would surprise with the revealing of a recoilless-launcher, both in the strength required to carry it upstairs and in the realisation of the firepower they were likely to use, circumstances that still came as a relief to the Darkhan despite the impending pressure of opposition.

'Besides the water, you mean? Well, we've got hip-packs, first-aid stims, and obviously - a whole metric kark-ton of ordnance! Heh! And most of it is usable right off the bat.'

Not realising that the Marauder's frenetic earnest was infectious, Dreamer would find himself replying,'Mother Rebirth! What did I just say about that energeticness, Gouger? I get it, you want to fight..... But anyways - this is good news, very good news infact.', in much the same intensity, irritated though it was at the time. However, as his reply cooled, so too did the Darkhan's temper, taking the blessing for the boon it would be in the impending rearguard action, as even the smallest blessings would be counted for the sake of every vital second, minute and hour they bought together. More than reason enough to forgive and indulge Gouger's second wind, and when he ordered,'Alright, I like it.... I like it! However many you've found, distribute the workable items among the Cliques, along with even-distribution of ammunition. As much as you can, now go - put that reserve-tank of yours to good use!', the young guard of the Darkhan would smile to see it.

<"Bloodhound to Dreamer, and Dornum! Ready up! Three-prong rearguard this time, so be ready to meet up around the Imperial LZ, from there we move as one!">

<"Copy that, Bloodhound.... We'll keep you in the loop as soon as their next attack begins. Dreamer out!">

'You heard the order, old man! Its time we see YOUR reserve-tank for a change!'



Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The shrapnel might have finally been ripped from his body, but the pain remained. At some point, it had whited out his mind, leaving him incoherent and in a haze. Yet, despite that, Gatz knew he was near death—how could he not? He'd been in this position so many times: his first visit to Valery's. Denon. New Cov. Lao-mon. That time Kahlil had pulled a knife out of him. Midvintir.

Death was like an old friend who'd stopped knocking long ago, and instead just walked through the door.

"You'll be alright, Gatz." She mumbled. "You're too stubborn to die."

Cora's voice woke him, somewhat. He blinked and squinted at her, as if he was trying to determine whether or not she was real. He kind of was—he was so weak that he couldn't even feel the flow of the Force, nor her presence in it. Gatz had become so accustomed to it that being without it was like being deafened. So without it he felt confused, and for all he knew she was some kind of delusion created by his mind.

"I don't know if you're really here or not," Gatz croaked, throat dry, words slow, "but I hope you are. I really hope you survived."

Tears welled up in his eyes, which was surprising considering that he was probably as dehydrated as a grain of sand. But Gatz had already lost everything once. Everyone. Now that he finally had people who loved him in his life again, losing them scared him more than it ever had before. He didn't think he'd survive that a second time.

He didn't think he'd want to. Cora, Briana, Lossa, Valery, and so many more... they were the reason his life was so full these days.

"I really don't want to lose you."

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"I've walked through the streets of Coruscant enough to know my way around. Even if it is...a complete mess."
"I know the feeling." Anthony nodded as he followed behind. The sudden disposal of the dirt caused Anthony to smile, his eyes focusing on the task in front of them. A massive hunk of the skyscraper had stayed together, blocking their path. Rather than get out his saber, Anthony opted for his fireman's axe, smashing into it as he looked for survivors...


"Hey! We got a live one!" He called to Shan Pavond Shan Pavond as he helped pull a GADF trooper out from under the rubble. The trooper was clearly some sort of tanker, as they were wearing the Starwolf armor that had been issued, and it had completely crushed his leg within the armor. "Gonna need some help on this one. Crushed left femur, needs a tourniquet. He's lost a lot of blood, already unconscious"


TAG: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Connel got there just as the weapons fire had started and had no other option, so he sljng bus combat shield like a disk at the troopers.
Jonyna could only stand between the troopers and the fallen singer, acting as a shield. A crack of Electric Judgement flew from her saber, just before a shield bounced off the head of one of the troopers.

She paused, holding her blaster she was just about to finish the blaster cannon operator with to see Connell. He was the guy who said he wasn't going to use a saber again. The one she had invited over to the Reaper. Now he was saving her butt that didn't necessarily need saving.

"Hey you." She waved, as the Ladybug above her slowly came down, having retreated once the firefight started. "Short time no see."

if they're watching anyways
"Almost makes me wonder if I should have allowed them to stay."

Auteme returned the reports to her aide, who stepped back, giving her and the Supreme Commander some space. "Not to die. Just to witness. Though, even that can fail at times."

They walked through the tight corridor of the Senate Canton that led to the Chancellor's podium in the Grand Assembly. Fondor was far safer than Coruscant, with the Dark Empire on their doorstep. Now more than ever was the Senate removed from the people of the Galactic Alliance.

Yet, they still did their best, building a plan for a counterattack, and measures to ensure the strength and security of the Alliance. Part of it was posturing from Giju, a touch of "we're not the bad corporation" by the Trade Federation, and what seemed like some reasonable strategic advice. But her expertise was not in warfare; neither was most of the Senate's, certainly not at the highest level. In this, she trusted von Sorenn.

"Making the portal public will do," she said. "The Senate will come to trust your experience and knowledge. I'll handle the appeals to their moral sensibilities, ha."

A look to the commander. "Tell me the truth. Do you think we will win? A true victory. A lasting one."

Tish Cowen



ALLIES: Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | DE
ENEMIES: Shar Sieu Shar Sieu | GA
SHIP: INV Tartarus




What a shitshow.

The tide of the battle has turned and Captain Maeticia "Tish" Cowen had no idea how that happened with how bloody stupid these Alliance feckers were. They weren't exactly genius when they dropped the Predator on their own city. They'd rather drop an Imperial Battlecruiser on their people than lose? Tish's nose twitched. To have to cover a retreat from idiots like that - absurd.

"Captain, the Purifier is requesting maximum support for the assault craft and Transports getting deployed." came Harvey, the comm officer's voice from behind her.
"Then we shall give it." she said, turning to return to her seat. "Commander, deploy two squadrons of Fighters to cover them. Also deploy another squadron of Transports as well as a squadron of Fighters to cover them. Let's get our people out of this cesspit."
"Yes, Captain." said Dowry before giving through the orders over the ship comms.

"Captain, an enemy ship is coming around again." said Jameson, the navigational officer.
"Of course they are, now that they dealt with the Eclipse. Ready batteries and prepare to repel enemy fighters. As long as we're waiting for the transports to return we're sitting ducks. I want the autocannons readied as well. While we hang in this atmosphere, be ready to blow the city to bits if they get too close. If we go down, we go down swinging with scorched earth. They want to render Coruscant surface a capital ship graveyard, then they'll have it along with the craters." Tish said bitterly, ice-blue eyes flashing dangerously. She was out for blood after the Predator went down and the Eclipse routed as if it was a feather.

The bridge hustled to get the orders out.
ENGAGING: Shar Sieu Shar Sieu

Lt. Yen Wei led her squadron of TIEs in tight escort formation as they accompanied the support craft to aid their forces on the ground.
<Stick tight, ladies. It's gonna get hot real quick soon.> she said.
<Copy that, Skull Leader.>
<You got it boss.>
They all sounded off one after another as they descended around the transports.

Yen's eyes darted from viewport to scans and back as they travelled, expecting the cravens to try and stop them at any moment. And sure enough, sensors went off as enemy fighters showed up on the radar.
<Look alive, Skulls. Bogeys incoming on our 3. Pick your coward and dispose them.> she said as she, herself picked the lead Fighter of Shar Sieu Shar Sieu . <Let them feel Vanguard heat.>

Just as the enemy B-Wings came into range, the TIEs screamed their rage as heavy lasers let loose to keep them off the transports.


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