Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Echoes of War — GA/DE Junction of Obredaan and Vandelhelm

Vera's current form didn't have the same combat capabilities as her other ones. Nonetheless, it suited her digital mind as she violently carved into the Mawites and their shadow monsters, being backed up by clones, The Master of Forging (Who used her clay composite body in unique ways to evade attacks. The Scholar from The Master's academy hurled devastating bolts of Electric Judgement into crowds of wounded but no less fanatical warriors trying to murder everyone in the skyscraper they were heading to on this abandoned level. The Bladed Mystery , Wyatt, was going full Vlad with his Saber-Pike ramming it's point into them, lifting them up and flinging them off the weapon into others, though for the most part he stuck to defense, deflecting both energy along with solid projectiles, while her digital reflexes and combat algorithms made up slightly for her lack of true experience with such a weapon--she had back up forms for the Lightsaber, but those had barely ever been tested even in controlled conditions. She stuck with the forms she enjoyed killing with the most, the rest were rainy day emergencies.

Vera's mind waxed over with bloodlust as she sliced a Mawite's head off with her orange blade, Clone Troopers covering their approach from the afar...

And then...all her systems went haywire. She stumbled back, collapsing to the ground, forcing The Master of Forging and her Flesh Academic along with the rest to pick up the slack as she clutched her head, utterly bewildered at her flood of sensations and data flooding her circuit integrated brain in a way it never had before. She didn't know who dragged her away, almost helpless, taking her lightsaber. The Master of Forging summoned storms of Electric Judgement from above, blasting apart a wide swath as Wyatt and one of the clones dragged the Android into the Skyscraper...

"What's wrong her?!" The Clone Trooper helping drag her shouted as the Troopers higher up on the Skyscraper flooded the path behind them with mortar fire. The shadow monsters dissipated after being shot but you could hear the deathly howls they emitted even in the distance...they would swarm this place before long.

Vera struggled to get her balance, her databases assessing her entire system, every upgrade she had gotten since marrying.

One upgrade in particular kept bringing up red flags...

For the first time in Vera's life, terror, true terror, brought her to her metaphorical knees as her databases completed their assessment...

The one that used technology from the Exowomb was the one that kept sending diagnostics back.

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Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer | Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer | Torn Eskol Torn Eskol

"We need to talk about information security," she murmured.

But they were in a rush. She checked the location, then nodded, zipping her backpack tighter.

"I'll get there first," she said, giving her calves a quick stretch. "If he leaves, I'll tail and keep you updated. Keep me posted on your ETA. I'll take a secondary entrance, you two hit the front. I'll have charges set to breach."

Then she started sprinting, moving at a pace closer to a speeder's than a human's. It took her a few seconds to get up to top speed; it took her a few seconds to disappear from the other agents' lines of sight. Three minutes and she vaulted onto a roof, laying low for another four blocks until she was across from the hideout.

Blaster out -- she folded the weapon out and was combat ready in four seconds, then laid prone, scope trained. But the Imps were already on the move.

<"Diners on the move. Table for twelve."> She didn't stay still, silently tailing from whatever upper platforms she could move across to remain out of sight.


: Ran Serys Ran Serys ADVERSARIES: Open Come and Get It
EQUIPMENT: Armour WEAPONRY: Lightsaber Shotgun


Immediately after the Battle

The encounter with Vorik Vorik and Orwrex Orwrex had been over sooner than he could have expected, leaving the two Knights of Ren to uncertain fates amidst the rubble after blistering shots from his rifle that may have disabled them just as sections of the temple had started to crumble. Certain that the only real risk that remained was the precarious state of the temple itself, Rik had gotten stuck into the next thing post-haste: dedicating his efforts to getting Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren to the nearest evac he could come across, carrying his friend and fellow Jedi in his arms.

She had been injured and rendered unconscious by a collapsing section of the meditation room they had encountered those Ren in, the home of the memorial Kyber Arch which itself was now ruined, sullying the memory of Jedi past that had given their lives to the defense of the Order, the Alliance, and democracy.

He had been fortunate by comparison, but then, he could absorb a fair measure of damage before it became a problem, by virtue of his armour and skills. He was largely saddled with a measure of fatigue, more than anything else, and the niggling bit of guilt that needled him with the fact that her defense had been his responsibility, even if he knew that her current state was beyond his control. He could have routed their adversaries or directed the rubble away from her completely, not both, and he had consciously made that choice. It was fortunate that she hadn't been crushed.

But there would be no wallowing in it. No hovering by her bedside, paralysed, as others might do; he had long since learned to place his faith in the healers and medics, and focus on the work still to be done: weeding out what may still lurk amidst the destruction, and searching for any that had survived it.


Some hours later

Searching through rubble and dead quiet Coruscanti streets and coming up empty was anticlimactic. He could have left by now; Coruscant was defended... but he could still feel that Galactic City was not yet safe. Though that would take far more time than he could justify sticking around, he would do what he could to make that recovery pass more swiftly - there was no telling where the next attack would come, no foresight on when, but it wasn't ever just if it would happen; It was inevitable.

"Hello! You!"

Rik poked his head out the door of an abandoned shop he had just entered, alert, "Me?" he mouthed, slowly walking back out, listening for the source. Peering around the area, and seeing no-one.

"Wait! Stay there!"

He whirled in the direction of the voice which had grown fainter, focusing on the direction it was coming from. Moving further ahead, away, and... down? from his position. Brown eyes narrowed and he focused further, sensed a little further, and soon discovered the vague tapestry of a tale that might just be into its prologue. The light. The dark.

A coin spins.

"Good luck," he uttered, not that whoever they were could hear him, brows raising as he withdrew his search... yet on a further moment's thought and listening to the general silence more, he opted to continue on in that direction, anyway. It was uncharacteristically quiet. "Far too quiet."

On a planet that trillions called home, it didn't quite make sense, even with the evacuations. Removing so many persons in such a narrow timeframe was in the realm of impossible, no matter who you were. He plucked the cylinder from its place on his armour as he went. Setting aside everything that had happened within less than the past twenty-four hours...

"Something's still not right."

He had to see if that hunch bore out or not.

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if they're watching anyways
A gentle sigh. "I expected as much."

Someday she wanted the end of the Sith, the end of all wars; yet, she appreciated the candour of von Sorenn. It tempered her expectations, as tempered as they already were. Victory at Coruscant was one thing, but Solipsis yet lived. Part of her wanted to try again, one more attempt to cast him to oblivion, but she would never truly be able to allow herself such a thing. Not again.

"There's much work to do. I don't think I -- or, most of us," a gesture past the doors at the end of the hall, "have the knowledge to evaluate your plans and strategems. But, informing us is not a fruitless endeavour, I don't think. What are the Defense Forces defending, if not the Alliance? As well as we all represent it, anyways."

A wry smile. "I'd give you some Jedi proverb on patience, but I'm sure you know anyways."


Aris kept to the shadows. Or, well, tried to. The teen was certainly not the best at actually hiding, and mixing that with his already tall stature it didn't help as he stood in the crowd just down past where Sinestra Sinestra and Imogen Solace Imogen Solace were. Waiting in case he did need to rush in, though very clearly visible as a Jedi among a hurried crowd that was now leaving at the call of a Jedi. Basically, it was pretty obvious he was there to help Imogen.


It'd been too long since Iris was last on Coruscant. There was a lot of soul searching, a lot of finding herself and her goals again, but now she was back. Too late, it seemed, for the war that had ripped through the cityworld. Literally, in the Senate plaza. Her gaze traveled through the rubble, pulling through the haze of darkened colors. Misery and pain made it cloudy, but she could at least piece together who was alive. Who needed a medic.

She raised a hand to pull apart some of the rubble to find someone buried beneath. She crouched beside them, set a hand gently on their forehead. The Force pulled pain, injury, all of the dull, bad colors from them to at least spare them from the death that had started through.

"Up and up. We'll get you to safety."
The Droid, the Myth, the Legend
Objective III - Withdrawl and Pursuit

How long has the time past? What part of Coruscant am I in? When will this torment finally come to an end? A question B1-173 asked himself countless times in regards to the contemporary battle that was being raged on the planet, a question he also asked himself many times throughout his existence. B1-173 scanned his surroundings carefully, as he was on high alert, the droid's E-5 blaster rifle was at the ready, he glanced around the area, aiming it at any spot where he believed enemy personnel may be present to spring an ambush. He had sustained some damages after fighting against Imperial troops in Coruscant's underworld. The underworld was arguably more of a terrifying experience compared to the surface battle, having enemies scattered all over, with unpleasant discoveries to boot. The underworld held many mysteries, as much as an enigma it was, it rarely changed in the past hundred years.

As B1-173 was searching for a way to reach the surface, the droid finally discovered an exit. It appeared to be some sort of elevator which was damaged, but still was powered in a way. Deciding that his only way to get to the surface was from here, B1-173 went into the elevator, although reluctantly. Uncertain if the lift was stable enough to support him to get to the surface. But it was better to regroup with Alliance forces than to fester below in the underworld. The droid would move towards the elevator, aiming his blaster rifle around still remaining vigilant for any enemies in the area. As he did, he noticed the destruction the battle had left, there were corpses of both Imperial and Alliance troopers, and some civilians as well which were unfortunately caught in the crossfire. The droid scanned the vital signs of his comrades, but to no avail. It was clear that they have been dead for quite awhile now, and B1-173 was too late to deliver any medical attention, he decided to arrange their corpses in an orderly way as a sign of respect for their sacrifice towards defending the planet, he then glanced over towards the corpses of his adversaries. Deciding to just leave them as they were. As he was doing this, the lift finally reached the bottom, ready to lift B1-173 up to the surface. The droid entered the elevator without any second thoughts, and it began to spark, with the lights flickering rapidly as a result. B1-173 pressed the up button on the lift, and the doors closed, it was clear that they were broken.

The droid began its ascent within the elevator, it took them up but in a rather slow way which put B1-173 on edge, he looked at the elevator and began a diagnostic to determine if it was stable or not, something he probably should have done earlier, although now it was too late to change plans. The droid continued to analyse the issue and finally discovered the problem. There was malfunctioning power coupling that was causing the elevator's propulsion system to falter. As the issue presented itself, B1-173 accessed his toolkit stored within his commlink booster pack. He placed it down on the floor beside him and the droid then kneeled down, grabbing the small toolkit out of the commlink's compartment, and then B1-173 calibrated the power settings, in an attempt to redirect the remaining power to the propulsion of the lift, although this had repercussions. The elevator began to speed up and before the droid realised anything in time, it smashed through the shaft's celling, sending the lift flying in the air and then crashing down, causing B1-173 to be flung out on impact.

Civilians had gathered around the elevator's wreckage, along with looking at the archaic battle droid with confusion. Although B1-173 had encountered onlookers such as these numerous times in the past, he really did not care as much. B1-173 ran a self-diagnostic check to ensure that his internal mechanisms were functioning within normal parameters despite the ordeal that occurred. B1-173 continued to analyse the area to see if any civilians were harmed from the elevator, although it appeared everyone was safe. So B1-173 stood up and grabbed his E-5 blaster rifle, moving back towards the destroyed elevator to recover his backpack, and surely enough he discovered it, only for it to be extremely battered from the impact. Deciding to fix it later, B1-173 took the backpack and placed it onto his back where it attached seemingly magnetically and began a move on, where he decided to contact any nearby Alliance forces for assistance.

|R| "This is unit B1-173... Is anyone available? I just reached the surface. Over."

Although, the droid's message was interrupted by nearby blaster fire which confirmed that there were in fact stragglers still present on the planet, even if the official battle was won. B1-173 kept his E-5 blaster rifle ready, as he drew closer to the source of the firefight, he noticed that it sounded like Imperial blasters, he also heard a variety of screams echo from the streets seemingly from frightened civilians, the droid began to search on its mini-map configuration and noticed the blaster fire was originating from directly ahead, roughly 3 blocks away, B1-173 then analysed the area where the firefight was ensuing and began to coordinate his way to outflank the enemy. The droid began to cut through thin alleys towards the street and eventually came across Imperial troops which were left behind, seemingly in a panic as they are supposedly looking for an evac. The droid quickly blasted a lock on a nearby door and kicked it down, rushing through as he did towards the upper floor to gain a vantage point, he noticed the Imperial troopers and began to open fire on their position.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: (None)

Unaware of what exactly happened above her, Valery forced herself to remain calm. She knew that her pocket of safety underneath all this rubble would soon run out of air, and she knew that further collapse was likely. But with BB-610 BB-610 and Efret Farr Efret Farr out there, she felt comfortable sitting still to wait for help. She had never been someone to put her life in the hands of others — she wanted to take away that burden herself.

But Efret and Bee were two dear friends she trusted with anything, even her life.

The sound of a drill soon pulled her attention back up to the collapsed ceiling. Valery stepped away from the source of the sound, just to be safe, but she realized quickly what was happening. Rays of light began to shine through the cracks, briefly blinding her Keshian eyes, as Bee cut a hole towards her.

"Bee!" she called out before a cloud of dust made her cough again. "I see you!" She couldn't stop herself anymore and began to climb her way towards him and Efret. The hole was barely big enough for her to get through, but she squeezed and clawed her way up until her head and arms popped out from underneath the debris.

The fresh air gave her an amazing rush of energy, but it still didn't compare to seeing the two of them.

"It's so good to see you two," she said despite not having made it out entirely, "Can you help me out? We need to hurry before they find us. Some of them are still out here, and I'm not sure if I can fight anymore." Being near Detritus had made her feel incredibly off, and if that wasn't problematic enough, she had also lost both of her lightsabers.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber | Khair Stone
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"I…almost was. Once."

Eyes widened.

Gatz was often an idiot. He made dumb decisions. He didn't always see what was right in front of him. He rarely knew information pertinent to what he was doing. But even he, in all his lack of intelligence and wisdom, in all his delirium caused by blood loss and pain, knew that that meant. How could he not? He was a Jedi Healer. He'd delivered children... and announced miscarriages.

His mind shot immediately to all the times Cora had comforted and cared for him—when she'd found him starving himself and going without sleep, when she'd reassured him that there were people who loved him, and now, giving blood so that he might survive. Gatz didn't know how to comfort someone. He didn't know the right things to say, or the right thing to do.

He supposed he'd just have to follow Cora's example here too.

Weakly, he stretched out an arm toward her, placing his hand on top of hers, and squeezed.

"I'm sorry."

That was all he could offer her: solidarity. Gatz would have given anything to offer her more. But nothing he could do could bring back the child that might have been. He was strong in the Force, but not that strong.

It wasn't fair. All Cora's life seemed to be was one heartbreak after another; one trauma riding on the coattails of the last. Didn't she deserve better than that? Did the Will of the Force really need to push her over a ledge that often? Just for once in her life, didn't she deserve a little happiness instead?

Gatz couldn't offer that. All he could do was let her know what she meant to him. Too often, he avoided telling his friends—as he had with his family—how much he cherished them, afraid of moments of vulnerability as he was. But... he'd almost died today. If things took a worse turn, he still might. And if he did pass, he didn't want his love for his friends to go unspoken.

"Thank you for being here. And giving me blood. And the hundred other things you've done for me. I love you, and I'm really glad you're not dead."


Silence fell between them, and Cora started to regret what she'd said. It was too personal, too sad - Gatz didn't need her to pile her trauma onto him while he was practically near death.

And yet, his hand found her own in a gesture of comfort.

Cora smiled grimly, eyes glassy.

"It was for the best. I wouldn't have been a good mother then, and it would've been unfair to bring a child into the world under those…circumstances."

Cora didn't know if she was speaking to Gatz, herself, or the suddenly silent nurses that worked with their gazes averted from the two Jedi.

She'd been terrified at the time, and even though it had been an early loss, she still felt a mix of grief, guilt, and relief. A child would've made everything infinitely more complicated, and had she given birth, she might've remained on Ukatis. Silent, pale, and a ghost of a woman like her mother before her.

And then, Ukatis wouldn't be facing a succession crisis.

Cora squeezed Gatz's hand, and with her other, wiped away the kohl-stained tears before they could dribble down her cheeks. A few slow, deep breaths allowed a measure of steadiness back into her voice.

"Th-thank you." She whispered. Love, even in the platonic sense, was not something that she was used to speaking directly to. Instead, she showed it with action - with opening a vein. "I'm…glad that you're not dead, too. Our friendship means a lot to me, Gatz.”

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
L I T T L E - D I S A S T E R S

Abigail and Asher Jr Kala'myr
Objective: Find uncle Tommy
Location: Streets of Coruscant
Equipment: Attire | BB-C4T || 2x OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Abigail | Asher Jr | Together


The only thing the twins could do now was to wait. For they could see and feel that the retreating Mawite team was still some distance away. Fortunately, they were smart enough not to go out into the open, but to seek cover. There was quite a lot of debris and wreckage in this place, so they were able to do so. They hid behind the wall of a collapsed building, which was covered from another direction by a crashed and burnt-out speeder. From here, the twins had a perfect view of the part of the street from which Uncle Tommy would have to come. And the place was such that one couldn't really see it from the street, because it was dark, and of course there was a small gap for the two children to crawl in.

So to say they found the perfect place for themselves. They were protected on all sides and could not be seen. The place was such that no one would have looked in, because an adult humanoid wouldn't have fit. Yet in such a war-torn place, who would have thought that children could be hiding under the ruins? Probably not many.

The twins could feel Thomas Barran coming closer and closer. From time to time, they glanced out into the open through the gaps, but they could not yet see him approaching. The droid hovered silently beside the children. At any other time, they would have chirped happily to talk to the twins, but now they sensed the seriousness of the situation. Or at least the AI in him did as the children did. The whole situation for the twins was like playing hide and seek at home. The only difference was that the environment was more dangerous.

True, at home they have been known to escape outside the Sanctuary walls and borders with other children. They wondered what was out there. Most children were born there in the Netherworld and not in Realpsace. For the most part, the souls of children and young people were weak and became one with the Force almost immediately upon arrival in the Netherworld. One had to be strong to preserve oneself there. So, the other children they knew were beings who belonged to the Netherworld.

So both of them agreed that it was similar this time, only their friends were missing. But now it was someone else they were waiting for. And it was perhaps even better than meeting friends. After all, the twins had known their uncle since before they were born; of course, Thomas Barran was not their uncle by blood, but the man considered Asher his brother, and he and Mercy were adopted siblings. It followed directly from this that he was the twins' uncle. And the children kept calling him that. The only thing they needed was to finally meet him in person.

A few minutes later, they finally heard the sound of the Mawite warriors approaching and now they could really feel their uncle up close. It was then that they crawled out of their hiding place and went out into the middle of the road. When they were there, the approachers could see them and the twins could see the Mawite warriors and saw their uncle among them. Abigail was the more enthusiastic, the little girl smiling broadly and waving to Uncle Tommy.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber | Khair Stone
Tag: Romi Jade Romi Jade

"It was for the best. I wouldn't have been a good mother then, and it would've been unfair to bring a child into the world under those…circumstances."

Gatz had, unfortunately, assumed just who had gotten her pregnant. It was even more unfortunate that he was right. He wished he had the energy to be furious over what he had done to her, as he always was when the late Prince of Ukatis found his way into their conversations. But he couldn't muster it up today. Not now, laying here on this cot, having just narrowly escaped bleeding out.

But he did squeeze Cora's hand a little tighter. That much he could muster.

"And it was for the best that my mother passed when she did—she was suffering. But that doesn't mean we have to be okay with it. That doesn't mean we can't grieve for what we've lost."

That had been Romi Jade Romi Jade 's last lesson to him—perhaps her last lesson to anyone. That grieving was part of the process of healing. That it was necessary. That it was okay. And it was a lesson he had needed to hear long, long ago, but no Jedi Master had taught it to him. No Jedi Master had allowed him grief. Not until her.

Ironic, then, that Master Jade would be the next person he had to grieve.

But a moment of genuine, vulnerable words from Cora turned his mind away from grief for a few moments. Gatz had never doubted their friendship, not after all Cora had done for him, but hearing it affirmed left a warm feeling in his chest.

"Don't worry, Princess. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be annoying you until we're wizened, old Jedi Masters ourselves."


Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an


Friendly Units:





Units in Reserve: The entire might of Strill Securities' naval assets. All too far to respond.
Ally Tag(s): Shar Sieu | Galactic Alliance and Allies
Enemy Tag(s): Kaine Hamilton | Tish Cowen | Dark Empire and Allies




Nyles watched the tactical display carefully as the fleet closed to maximum weapons range. The enemy fleet notably exceeded his own in tonnage and in numbers. The Alliance didn't seem like they were likely to send any capital ship backup their way anytime soon, and so for the moment, they were on their own. The analytical suite in the Manda was warning him that the engagement was unfavorable, computing suggestions as fast as it could. He already had a plan, however. It was one haran of a plan, but if they could pull it off then they might have a chance at pulling out a win.

Nyles didn't know the enemy commander, but if he served under Sularen as he seemed to, then his goal would likely be to protect the transports rather than try to kill as many of his ships as was possible. That didn't mean all that much, but it did play into the plan that was steadily becoming clearer in his mind. "You know they outnumber us, right alor?" asked Emri quietly over a buy'ce to buy'ce link.

"Elek, I'm aware," said Nyles, not taking his eyes off the tactical display for a moment. Nyles glanced at the steadily counting down number that told him how much further they had to go before the detachment was in firing range. Nyles' hands flew across the interface, ordering the detachment to launch escorts, Ram'ser super-heavy bombers and a pair of RP-01S 'Sur'ulur' Recon Probes from the Morut itself as well as the Gra'tua and Verdyc. An acknowledgement signal from both Emri and the flight controller, Abiika Netra, flashed in his HUD.

"So you have a plan?" asked Emri, no doubt in response to the order that he just gave over the battlenet. The unsaid part of Emri's sentence was, "let's hear it." Only problem was Nyles was still running it over in his head to see if there was any possible way he could improve it. He let out the breath he didn't fully realize he'd been holding in as he saw the icons for their escorts, the bombers and their probes appear on the display. No. This was it. If there was some way this plan could be improved he wasn't seeing it.

"When do I not?" he asked as he queued up the orders via the interface. The distinct feeling that Emri was boring holes into his buy'ce with a glare from behind her buy'ce made him glance up for a moment. On seeing the blank visored stare she was likely hiding that glare behind, he conceded the point to her, "Jat, fair point." He finished queueing up the orders and glanced up at her once more, catching her gaze.

"That' way to get their attention," she said looking over his work. The right edge of Nyles' mouth tugged into a lopsided smile. "Let's shabla do it," she said, punctuating her endorsement with a sharp exhale that barely registered through her helmet speakers.

Nyles paused for a moment, taking a breath to steady his thoughts before he spoke, "Gett! Detachment wide." Gett's acknowledgement signal flashed almost immediately, and it was barely a moment later that the 'connection established' icon alerted him to the fact that he was connected, "Mando'ade, you all know how the song goes. We don't do this for the fame, but let the Dark Empire remember just who sent them straight to haran. Naas kar'galan, ne kar'aray! Partaylir, Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur!"

The bridge, and the command frequency erupted into a chorus of "oya manda!". Satisfied, Nyles hit the transmit button on the queued orders, and watched as his Mandalorians snapped into action. Nagnol gas countermeasure rockets streaked out from all thirty two vessels corvette and up in tonnage detonating into a screen a short distance in front of the detachment. The effect was immediate, sensor picture of the enemy fleet was cut off, right until the RP-01S probes poked just enough through the screen to get them a good sensor read on the enemy fleet.

The holographic representations of the various ships began shifting on the map as his ships maneuvered to shift positions behind the sensor blocking Nagnol gas. Targeting solutions for the missile salvo were overlaid on the display, heralding the launch of aforementioned missiles. The Morut's launchers fired twice each, performing sixty magnetically accelerated cold launches with the missiles in inertial delayed active homing mode. Sensor data on their target, the INV Purifier, relayed over the Manda battlenet back to the Morut had already been transferred to the missiles during their pre-launch phase.

The rest of the detachment had fired as well, but the positional updates on the main tactical displayed had degraded in accuracy once the missiles had crossed through the cloud of Nagnol gas, with the probes unable to track the notably low sensor signature of all of the missiles fired accurately enough. On the display, the missiles' icons made short 'leaps' toward the enemy fleet. Now all that remained was to see whether this particular gambit of his had paid off.

Just in case, Nyles quickly tapped out the order for all his battlecruisers and battlecarriers to charge their main batteries. Somehow he got the feeling that they were going to need them before this fight was over.

Fleet Action Summary

  • The Darasuum Morut is targeting the INV Purifier.
    • All missiles have a notably diminished sensor signatures. The salvo consists of the following:
      • 16 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles, with 16 concussion missile-sized submunitions each. Totaling 256 baradium missiles.
      • 32 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles, which are depleted baradium tipped missiles with an assault-grade seismic charge warhead.
  • Each of the Darasuum Morut's eight escort corvettes are targeting the INV Purifier.
    • All missiles have a notably diminished sensor signatures. The salvo from each of the ships consists of the following:
      • 2 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles, with 16 concussion missile-sized submunitions each. Totaling 32 baradium missiles.
      • 6 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles, which are depleted baradium tipped missiles with an assault-grade seismic charge warhead.
    • Total missile count is 48 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles and 16 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles 256 baradium missile submunitions.
  • All 20 Ram'ser super-heavy bomber squadrons are engaging the INV Purifier.
  • The Gra'tua and Verdyc are targeting the INV Ironclad and INV Stormcaller respectively.
    • All missiles have a notably diminished sensor signatures. The salvo consists of the following:
      • 16 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles, with 16 concussion missile-sized submunitions each. Totaling 256 baradium missiles.
      • 32 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles, which are depleted baradium tipped missiles with an assault-grade seismic charge warhead.
  • Each of the Gra'tua and Verdyc's six escort corvettes are targeting the INV Ironclad and INV Stormcaller respectively.
    • All missiles have a notably diminished sensor signatures. The salvo from each of the ships consists of the following:
      • 2 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles, with 16 concussion missile-sized submunitions each. Totaling 32 baradium missiles.
      • 6 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles, which are depleted baradium tipped missiles with an assault-grade seismic charge warhead.
    • Total missile count is 48 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles and 16 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles 256 baradium missile submunitions.
  • The Ara'novor and Burenaar Ga'yaim are targeting the INV Vigiliant and INV Warbringer respectively.
    • All missiles have a notably diminished sensor signatures. The salvo consists of the following:
      • 12 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles, with 16 concussion missile-sized submunitions each. Totaling192 baradium missiles.
      • 24 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles, which are depleted baradium tipped missiles with an assault-grade seismic charge warhead.
  • Each of the Ara'novor and Burenaar Ga'yaim's six escort corvettes are targeting the INV Vigiliant and INV Warbringer respectively.
    • All missiles have a notably diminished sensor signatures. The salvo from each of the ships consists of the following:
      • 2 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles, with 16 concussion missile-sized submunitions each. Totaling 32 baradium missiles.
      • 6 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles, which are depleted baradium tipped missiles with an assault-grade seismic charge warhead.
    • Total missile count is 48 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles and 16 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles 256 baradium missile submunitions.
  • The Tracyn'buurenaar and Buurenaar b' Surhaai are targeting the INV Resolute and INV Custodian respectively.
    • All missiles have a notably diminished sensor signatures. The salvo consists of the following:
      • 16 Assault-grade Tbarsr-B Baradium Cluster Missiles, with 16 concussion missile-sized submunitions each. Totaling 256 baradium missiles.
      • 32 Tra'ragir-S Assault Brilliant Missiles, which are depleted baradium tipped missiles with an assault-grade seismic charge warhead.
  • The whole detachment are charging their main batteries. Current charge: 33%.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : @Coruscant Lower Levels | OBJECTIVE : Retaliation
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | TAG (FOE) : @​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

As they stood victorious once again, Connel couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his fellow Jedi Knight. Jonyna Si was a force to be reckoned with, her bravery and determination unmatched. Together, they had saved the day once more, proving that the light side of the Force would always triumph over the darkness. He finally had a chance to respond to her offer…

Here kitty, kitty!

Wait… what??

As the smoke cleared from the wreckage of the night club, Vanagor saw the defeated stormtroopers run off. Jonyna was there for the dancer she was rescuing who was thanking them profusely.

But Connel was not satisfied with just driving off the stormtroopers. He could sense that some of them had managed to find a path to escape, and was determined to track them down and bring them to justice. Without hesitation, He sprinted off into the night, his combat shield at the ready.

He knew that Jonyna was more than capable of handling herself, but he couldn't help but worry for her safety. After all… she just asked him out… right?

Using the Force to enhance his speed and agility, Connel followed after the troopers determined to catch them in any way he could. As he raced through the streets, he could hear the distant blaster fire of the stormtroopers as they tried to shake off their pursuers, or ambushing others… it didn't matter. They gave away their position.

Finally, he caught up to the remaining stormtroopers in a deserted alleyway. Connel joined in the fray, using his skills with the Force to disarm and incapacitate the stormtroopers. Slamming them with his shield or using it as a projectile.

In the end, the stormtroopers were no match for the combined might of the two Jedi Knights. They were quickly subdued and taken into custody, their reign of terror brought to an end.


Objective: Search and Rescue

"Scavengers? Hmm…" Elan scratched his chin, not realizing he had subconsciously copied the Jedi's response to him. "That sounds kinda like people. I've never really hunted people. I'm not a sweeper, haha. But I reckon I can guard some rations and dissuade some ne'er-do-wells. Just show me where you need me!"

Elan gave the Jedi a friendly smile. "So, you got a name I could call you, Mister Jedi, Sir?"


Objective I & II

Ran took another beat to consider the situation. The news had reached her. The Galactic Alliance forced The Dark Empire on a retreat. Their planned invasion of Coruscant had turned into a sacking. Of those Dark imperials who had boots on the ground, most would have been attempting to flee offworld. As she stared down the figure at the end of the alley, there was no feeling of impatience or urgency about them, just a casual disdain. And if the dark sider wanted to flee offworld, marching deeper into the underlevels of the planet was a funny way of doing it.

As Ran took her first step into the void-like darkness of the alley. There was a snap-hiss. The crimson glow at the end was gone and then so was the darksider as if they disappeared into thin air. She retreated her first step and heard a low, growling laugh. Then there was a deep and low whisper. “Join me in the darkness, Woman. Join me in the quiet. In death or in life it will be a better use of your time.”

The Jedi Knight scanned the alley and blinked her eyes furiously. Her pupils mutated in the space between blinks and her sight translated into the infrared, and then night vision, then a few more different ways. Still she could not see the dark sider. “You show me your lightsaber, and then you disappear, Lizard!” She called out. “Sounds to me like you’re afraid of the light.” She goaded. The low rumbling laugh was audible again. The force traveled with it, making it sound as if it came from several different areas. It was the same laugh though. Ran knew it. “That is a very neat trick.” She said with sarcasm. “Us Jedi get accused of being wizards. As our bastard cousins do you Sith get accused of being mere magicians?” The laughing stopped. The air of malevolence felt stronger. She had touched a nerve and decided it was time to walk into the alley.

A few meters in and she felt the large presence emerge from darkness. He hovered over her. She could feel and smell his dragon’s breath as it crawled down her neck. Simultaneously The darksider clasped his three digited hands around her throat, and Ran grabbed his meaty claws to stop him from strangling her. Using her preternatural strength, she lunged forward and launched him away from her. He landed on his feet and both force users pulled their lightsabers.



Ran’s glowed a silvery white and Darth Hellique II 's glowed crimson red. The hum’s of the blades battled for sound before the two crashed and locked their blades against each other with a thunderous crack that echoed out both ends of the alley. “Do not insult me or my tradition again, Jedi. Or I will end yours!” The Sith Lord threatened.

Ran wanted to say something back but he was strong, too strong for her alone. It was all she could do to grit her teeth and force his lightsaber blade to a stalemate. When he realized this, he grinned an evil grin and then he howled a low and deep laugh. He was unfocused and didn’t realize where there had been one there was actually two. Ran felt a presence though, another of the light.

Tag: Rik Perris Rik Perris
Last edited:
in the footsteps of a stranger

As soon as she and Bee could see Val, Efret touched a relieved hand to her own heart.

"Yes," she replied to Val's request for help. "I've enough strength." How was a mystery.

Efret stepped back off the pile of rubble, planting her feet on the ground where she could more easily help Val out of her marble prison. She would take hold of both of her friends hands. Not only would Efret's fingers wrap around the grandmaster's, but tendrils of the Force would wind down her arms. Gently, with both her body and command of the Force, Efret pulled, hoping to help facilitate her friend's freedom.

"They?" she repeated once giving Val a moment to adjust to being under the open sky above rather than under the rubble. "Can you tell how many?"

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ



| LOCATION: Coruscant |
| TAG:
Efret Farr Efret Farr | Valery Noble Valery Noble |
| TAG:
Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Vorik Vorik |

BB-610 pulled away, offering Valery more space to establish her footing while his newfound companion extended both arms to help pull her free. It seemed she was a friend of the Jedi's, though it hardly surprised him. Valery had a knack for making friends — almost as much as she had for making enemies.

« They?! »

The pair uttered in unison, his binary squeaky. The reprieve he'd been afforded had been quickly dashed, it seemed. BB-610 narrowed his optic, photoreceptors casting a chassis-wide monitoring of the crumbling world around them. Things could never be easy, could they? It would have been too good to be true if they'd simply gotten to safety without issue.

A brief scan on Valery had informed him that her injuries weren't severe enough to warrant his medical tools, so the astromech instead opted on surveying the area with his lifeform scanner. It whirled, internal radar lighting up; there were plenty around them, scattering further away in what could only be assumed to be panic. A small cluster seemed to differ, begging for further analysis.

Two dots stood their ground, while a third flickered — just as Valery had done.

BB-610 whined, droidspeak low as he informed them that he'd detected three others at the Temple. With the canting of his head, he glanced up to Valery, asking incredulously if she'd happened to bury any Sith lately.



There was a sense of irony that Detritus would dare find himself so helpless in this moment. He had been a raging berserker unable to be bested in combat by anyone, or anything. His Orbalisks had made him almost unstoppable to most, and now here he was trapped beneath steel and stone that threatened to snuff out his life. Would it really end like this? To have his moment of victory be squandered by a Jedi Witch's cowardly tricks by bringing the roof down on top of them. He expected something more honorable of a Jedi Master, something that screamed combat. No matter, it looks like such curtesy was out the window. Now Detritus would sit cross-legged patiently waiting for his Knights of arrive and dig him out, and so in time would he take his revenge in full.

He could here the beeping noise of a droid, and the sound of a woman. Another Jedi perhaps? She was close, and so was Val. Detritus would would simply remain still as he waited for his companions to arrive. Then he could sense a much stronger presence. He had felt another Darksider enter into the ruined chamber. His malevolent force would carry waves of darkness with every step. This same feeling accompanied the Emperor, but it was not the Emperor who had walked amongst them. He reached out and could feel the one known as Vorik start to pick at the rubble. Cracks of light started to break through the darkness. The Master of Ren had felt excitement course through his very veins, the orbalisks fed on him in the same excited glee, awaiting to be released and unleashed.

"So this is the terrible Master of Ren? I recall a time when that title was borne by a man who created rubble of entire worlds, not a man who is swallowed by a drop of stone in an urban ocean. Aside, I see your devotion to this master, Knight. Break your back digging him out and you may yet heal your soul."

With the mocking words of Vinaze came a roar of rage from Detritus. "RAAAAAAAGH!!" As rubble was being cleared piece by piece, so too did an arm punch through the rubble. Small pieces and dust would fall on the Master of Ren as he used his strength to start clearing the rest. He refused to be made a fool of in front of his own Knights, by a Sith no less. One arm started to turn into two, then his helm covered head emerged. The first thing he could see was the droid and the one he suspected as a Jedi, with the Jedi Master's own presence blazing through the Force. "I am not dead... Yet!" He looked to Vinaze and with a snarl would he growl in his direction.

He started to pull himself out the rest of the way, his saber was dangling from his belt as he pulled apart debris and pieces of steel that threatened to weigh him down. He looked to Vorik. "Thank the World Eater you've arrived my boy.... Truly are you a worthy Disciple after all..." He said giving thanks to his rescuer as he looked to the location of his enemies, with a glint of metal flashing out of the corner of his eye catching his attention. She was close he could feel it, but what did she leave behind? "W-We must hurry before more Jedi arrive... We still have a chance to avenge him... We must avenge him!!" Detritus would spit out almost deliriously, as if his quest to avenge his Father took priority above escaping.

She would've foreseen the woman's appearance hours earlier, maybe even days before had she not spent most of her reserves on the fateful duel with Romi Jade.

Not that the stranger's approach was all that subtle: their hurried feet knocking one rubble over the other, disturbing the susurrus of the underpass denizens' exhausted scavenge.

Sinestra's first mistake was stopping at the woman's command, she realized and cursed herself in silence. There was no fathomable reason that she would heed their order unless she had something to hide.

Alas, it was too late.

"You can try." her taunt was filled with contempt as she subtly began to channel the dark side of the Force.

Imogen Solace Imogen Solace Aris Noble Aris Noble

Ooc// Busy 2 weeks ahead for me, apologies for the slower replies in advance

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