Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Echoes of War — GA/DE Junction of Obredaan and Vandelhelm

Tallara Tallara | Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer | Torn Eskol Torn Eskol | Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat | Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer

The hours passed in a daze, but the discomfort was eased with each number that rose on the clock. A little Corellian comfort in the bottle, a bit of bacta in the leg, and not a peep from the door. My wound looked better quickly, and eventually I was able to get out of bed for a shower.

When I came back out into the main room of the small safehouse, I'd changed from my field operative's fatigues into a brown two piece suit I'd set aside for the moment when I'd need to get off world. To look distinguished would help me blend into the people heading off world, but any nicer of a suit the authorities might wonder why I hadn't been evacuated already like the rest of high society. Regardless, my disguise only needed to get me onto the street without looking like a combatant, once I was behind Imperial lines it didn't matter how I dressed.

Upon noticing my entry our tech guy perked up.

"Sir we've received an open transmission from the INV Purifier, an Admiral Hamilton requesting whereabouts of Imperial assets. I wasn't sure what to tell him."

"Allow me." I stepped up to the console next to him and turned on the holocom.

"INV Purifier this is Special Agent Vigilant of the Security Bureau returning your request for positional information. Compforce Squad One accompanying my mission is KIA, Squad Two MIA. I have regrouped with Imperial loyalists on Level Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Two. I intend to meet with Imperial forces for evac, but in the event I am unable to do some timely, I will go to ground here and exfil when possible. This is Agent Vigilant, over and out."

In comparison to surviving the Senate building's collapse this seemed like the easy part, but I knew it wasn't. The more levels I'd rise the more of an imposition it would be to meet up with the retreating Imperials, through all the damage and the victorious Alliance military securing the ruins.

I quickly gathered the militia leaders at the door, and told them of my plan to leave. They assured me they had things under control, which I doubted, but hoped they were right.

Hitting the street in the darkness it hardly seemed like there was a war going on just a few hundred levels above. The city was immense, endless, and me just another face in the crowd as I made my way to the car we'd stashed for getting me out of there. The pain was still there in my leg, but I could feel the bacta working its wonders still, and I wasn't pouring blood through my fresh pants. I wasn't a soldier now, just a guy looking to get away...


Tags: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Efret Farr Efret Farr , BB-610 BB-610
Objective II


Step, tap, step, tap. The rhythmic sounds of his own footsteps was the only other thing the Disciple could hear, save for the crumbling ruins themselves. Intent on following the path, on discovering whatever may be at the end of it - be it escape, or the passage to it. So focused on his own survival at the moment, that the idea that the presence was none other that Detritus Ren Detritus Ren never entered his mind until it grew in it’s form. Muddled, like a blob to Vorik - for he was but a fledgling in the affairs of the Force - but a familiar blob nonetheless.

As he entered the general region, sounds other than the ones he made began to become audible. Beeps and bleeping, the kind one familiar with binary would understand. Then footsteps further away, rustling about the rubble. With a soft huff of effort, he would try to ease the weight off of his newfound walking stick, of which would certainly be loud enough to give him away. If he wasn’t already. His attention was not directed to the droid and their companion, no doubt trying to dig some body out of the rubble.

Not much further, and he found where the beacon of darkness had led him…a, pile of rubble. He stared at it for a moment, having to dismiss the thought it was some sort of giant cosmic joke. Clearly, it was what was within the mismatched cobbles that was the value. The presence radiated outwards, reaching out with measured malice. So with a limp towards it, there was a muffled groan as he eased his weapon forwards. With it, he began using it like a shovel - ripping into the debris, tearing it aside. Unburying what would’ve been the grave of Detritus Ren.

Special Agent ██████ - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency

Location: The Underworld, Coruscant
Objective: THE HUNT
Equipment: Operative Suit, SPS-25 Sidearm, AT-SI27 Stun Blaster, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife

Tags: Tallara Tallara Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer || Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood || Tallara Tallara || Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer || Torn Eskol Torn Eskol


"Let's get a move on, chef. You've eaten enough."
Ronval scrunched up the wrapper and stuffed it into his coat pocket.

"Had to sample the local delicacies, get a taste of the local gastronomy." Which the group was definitely not doing by now. Ronval knew the underworld sufficiently well to say they were beginning to stink of feds. He signalled Zalia Vexhammer Zalia Vexhammer to follow, and briefed them on the way.

He kept up a light affectation, but Ronval was scanning the area visually. No one else tailing them for now...
"You just forgot where we were going, didn't you," she said, walking with Rubat down the street in their target's direction. "This is why the boss keeps me around. You gotta lock in."
"Didn't want to let our, uh, recipe, slip. Never know who's listening." He hadn't been on many assignments with Tallara, but she had a point. Now wasn't the time for good ol' Ronnie, the affable bumpkin. A familiar numbness came over him- a shroud over his mind he hadn't felt since... Well, long enough.

"I'll test you, 'cuz we're gonna need to be around here more than once. Which way we going next?" She nudged Rubat.
"Three levels up, because the connecting bridge spans two up are broke. Five grid blocks northwest, but closer to six to keep to unwatched zones. We should also check our updated intel. Eyes in the sky and ears in the walls, don't we?" Rusty checked his watch. The SIA had some informants and surveillance tools in this section, but the Imperial-pageantry gangs here had broken most of it up.

"If our... Customer... Is smart, he'll leave the joint soon. If he hangs about it'll be ages before he rejoins his network- if he ever gets out of here."

Rusty looked back at Tallara, weighing their options.

"Normally I'd advise a tight cordon and wait for him to trip up alarms- but if the briefing is right, this Kazian fellow is too much of a risk to leave unattended. Don't want him rummaging through the kitchen. So I suggest a strong-"

Hitting the street in the darkness it hardly seemed like there was a war going on just a few hundred levels above. The city was immense, endless, and me just another face in the crowd as I made my way to the car we'd stashed for getting me out of there.

His watch beeped once. He checked it again, the digital display showing a simple message.

"-he's making a break for it."

Rusty palmed his Stinger blaster under his coat, feeling the weight and undoing the safety.

"So my suggestion for where we go next- right at him. No support, closing time window, in a hostile joint? Leave him no time to recover. Serve this stew hot and piping. We stick close- make use of speed and surprise, split up to surround only when we've confirmed visual contact."
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Zalia Vexhammer

Stealing your information, eyeing your snacks
Kriang Krai Ferrer Kriang Krai Ferrer | Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat | Tallara Tallara | Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Ear twitch. The initial reveal of her two fellow agents was a surprise.

The Amaran had looked over in the direction of the sound of a voice- Ronval's -stopping herself short of swinging that rifle around. With clear brandishing of such a lethal weapon in the crime infested underworld, she tried to stay in the shadow of the various tall buildings around, though she'd admittedly agree with anyone who'd say the lights on her armor didn't help keep her all that hidden. She lowered her guard upon noticing Tallara's hand signals, then Ronval's, moving in closer to follow them obediently, her comlink channel changing to theirs, though she maintained her silence.

She hadn't much to say, if anything at all, acting more like a companion or ghost to the current dialogue among the three. But, she was a well armed and heavily armored ghost, which watched every window, corner, alleyway and opening in an overly alert, though very well prepared manner. Tallara and Ronval at least had good 360 security going on as long as Zalia was around, which would be made comically apparent but her overtly military-like gun-toting body language and movement in comparison to the casual chatter and walking of the other two.

A singular thought came to her mind: "On way to mission objective."
And so, they walked. And talked. The only sign of her listening would be the familiar ear twitch.

"-he's making a break for it."
Game time.

There was a dramatic shift in her stance, tensing up, standing upright, and becoming noticeably more alert. There wasn't a thing to argue about or negotiate in regards to plans, and for Zalia the target cannot be allowed to escape, poor performance isn't accepted. Anything goes, and so the Amaran finally spoke a few simple words in her deadpan emotionless voice, coming across as strikingly robotic.

"Understood, ready to pursue and engage."

Burning skies. A lightning storm of incomprehensible intensity. The roar of fire, explosions, death. A world cracking underfoot.

Sara was somewhere else. Exegol. Fear entered her heart, even as steel closed around it.

This isn't real. It's gone. I made it out. I survived-


The white sands of Exegol tossed in the wind, shrouding the place in a blanket of sand that whipped at her face, even as she could feel the helmet around her. Sara turned to the voice, in a direction that was nowhere at all.

The dessicated, broken corpse of one of her soldiers, bearing the emblem of the Battalion, stood there, skeletal sockets staring into her gaze no matter where she looked, the voids lit by baleful starlight. The jaw hung open, the body crouched, meat hanging in the breeze.


"You know what this is, Commander. You've been seeking it. Ever since-"
The world tilted, and sunlight came upon them. So sudden, so alien compared to the grey hell of Exegol. Green fields now sprouted around them, a beautiful blue sky dotted with the flaming hulks of Maw ships.

"Do you remember? Your first moment in the spotlight, hero," the corpse sneered. This was where Sara had first come to the attention of her superiors. Holding off the raid on this unremarkable world with little support.
She looked upon the burning spires rising to the sky, and remembered this too was when the icy fear first entered her heart. War as she'd first seen it. The butchery of the Mawite forces, and the harrowing screams of flesh and concrete in the collapsing spires.

"Not a hero, not then, not ever. I just... was the last of my unit."

"But you let the praise go to your head." Another dessicated body appeared- sprouting from the shallow graves in the grass. One of the volunteers who helped Sara defend this world, so long ago. She'd died following Sara's orders. Her skull caved in, rebar through her gut.

"You ignored the doubts. And you accepted the promotion and command and all the praise, because you were just so damned special."

"What? The Marines assigned me. And the enemy had to be stopped- and you're just a corpse! This. This isn't real."

The air suddenly vacated her lungs, replaced by a growing pressure. Sara fell to her knees, choking on dust, on stale air. The sky shrouded and shrunk- like walls closing in.

"It's real enough."

"And you're about to become a corpse, like us. Haven't you been wishing it?"

"To join us."

Air filled her lungs again, but the pain remained, and her vision began to swim, more than before. Images blurred and moved. Across a dozen battlefields... but she saw it. New Alderaan. Ilum. Raiders in red and black seemed to blur and morph into white-clad stormtroopers.

Her voice echoed in her ears. The enemy had to be stoppped.

"And them too?" It was cold. So cold. They were on Ilum now, and she was shivering in the trench when the spectre of an Imperial Army trooper, his body blown in half from her blaster cannon, fell out of the melting walls. He crawled towards her, accusatory hate in his one preserved eye.

"Did you enjoy playing at war with us too?" It asked in a voice that set her ears ringing.

"You're not real... You're spectres of the mind. Doubt and regret. You won't win," Sara growled in gasps, trying to fight for air. It was so hard to breathe.

"I can't... I'm not giving up yet. I can't just die now!"

The first skeleton laughed- a hideous vision of rotting meat and scorched bone, the sound a cross between a screech and a wail. The skies changed to a stark grey, and the smell of ozone crackled.

"Don't make me laugh- my jaw is hanging by a thread already, as you can see."

"Cannot just die? We could. You're not that important, Sara. The Galaxy will continue spinning on without you- or come to an end, but yours will not be the hand that stands in the way of its fate."

"I... I know that!"

"Then why do you cling on when all you know is gone?"​

Sara was sitting now. A warm chair- large, luxurious, like a throne. Medals weighed on her uniform, like claws grasping at her skin. Her helmet was in her lap, scorched black and glowing red, like the eerie visage of a Sith. Below her and ahead, as far as she could see, stretching to the broken mountains of Exegol, where the last of her unit was destroyed, were soldiers- allies and enemies, and civilians, in parade formation. Hundreds, thousands.

And she knew them all. Her squads, her platoon. The Marines who died, and the replacements who followed them into the charnel pits and graves, as her unit fought the Second Hyperspace War to its bloody end. Enemies of all stripes- Maw raiders, New Imperial troopers, rag-tag militia and cultists. Here there was a squad blown up by an artillery strike called in by Sara's voice. And there was another, their armour melting in from coordinated flamethrower attacks. There were allies too- soldiers of the Crusade, their golden armour gleaming with blood and vomit, of the Concord, their silver trim made of tears, falling apart and pooling with the blood on the ground, and Mandalorians of every stripe and colour, their helmets broken, grinning skulls shining through. How many had died in her place? How many died because she failed- or because she succeeded, by the vagaries of fate.

At the head of the formation was the squad she lost on Coruscant, now a lifetime away. The ones who died so she could carry out a foolhardy plan that ultimately did nothing. Freshly joined, their corpses still held meat on their bones, brightly displaying the large gashes inflicted by the Mawite raider's blade.

The first Skeleton looked up from the head of the formation, up at Sara on her throne of egotism.

"With heroes like these, who needs enemies?"​

"No, I refute this- I... I did not do this. I only fought to preserve the Alliance, to preserve life from death."

"And what a wonderful job you've done." The woman of the grass spoke in her ear.

"Why hold on? There is nothing for you to prove. We know you feel guilty. Responsible."
"So responsible."
"You have been seeking us."
"Join us. We can forgive you."


Her stomach dropped- the swelling despair forced the cry from her lips, and her face felt wet.

And all
crashing down. Doubt and fear and guilt. She could hear the chanting of the dead.​

As she spiralled, falling, down, down, into the dark, into the safe embrace of Forever.​

"Why do you resist?"
"That occupational therapist was lying for money."
"Feel-good affirmations are nice words for the living."
"Why continue?"
"Why subject yourself to this torture? Why keep us in your mind?"


There was only one place for her to go. The idea of a future of more war and sorrow struck her mind like a dagger, reopening the wounds again. She could not live through that. Not again. Not again.

Not again.

Never again.

The words once meant something else. But she could not remember, it was


In the ink-black sea of sleep, Sara floated along. There was a great pressure on and in her chest- it was uncomfortable, like a lump of clay where there should be meat.

Someone entered her field of view. The sky brightened, harsh and pure white, before softening to the weak blue of a summer's day back home on Carida.

It was a young girl. Could not have been older than thirteen. Her hair was like Sara's when she was young, before she was shipped off to the academy. Her eyes held the same proud blue.

"Are you okay?"

In her eyes, Sara saw reflected a vision of war and death and Chaos.

"Not really."

"There are strange things looking for you, I think. They look like soldiers, but their bones are sticking out wrong."

Sara could not help but let out a breath. Not a laugh or chortle, but a sad puff of a cough. Even now, her guardian spirit reminded her of herself.

Maybe they have a point. Maybe I am too full of myself.

The young girl reached out a hand, and Sara floated up, to her feet. Her armour was gone, left only with a tattered bodyglove and sweater inside. The sky shone bright on her. Simultaneously too exposed, like to the open air, yet claustrophobic, as if the walls had fallen in. The girl was counting seeds in her hand, and deposited one in Sara's hand.

"They say you want to talk to them, but got lost inside the tunnels of... I think they said it was a mine."


"Yeah." The girl looked around, obviously uninterested. She was wearing oil-stained overalls, and stuffed the seats in her pocket.

"They say you missed them."

Sara looked away. In the invisible white horizon, she thought she saw a darkness.

"I do."

"They seem angry and sad. Why? They have nothing to worry now."

Sara looked down at the girl, who was folding some paper. She looked up to meet her gaze, curiousity in her orbs.

"They have a lot to worry about. They died in pain and fear. Injustice- whatever form they believed it to be."

"In justice? Do they want out?"

Sara sighed, feeling the weight of the years upon her.

"No. It's me that wants out."

"Out of what?"

Sara blinked.

"I don't know. Out of war. Out of pain. Out of fear and guilt."

"There's none of that here." The girl threw her paper plane, watching it sail off and down into the nonexistent ground.

"Wouldn't you like it here." A statement, not a question.

"I... maybe. But I..." Sara sat down, and frustration and sorrow filled her eyes again. She clenched her fists and looked down, into the endless sky below.

"I don't want to die for them. But I can't keep living for them either. I can't avenge them all- or how I even could. But I... I know it's selfish, but I don't want to die for my guilt. I don't want to be defined by my failures, or my success in dealing pain and death. I can't bear the weight of rank and responsibility day after day."

"I want out of the pain... and to live. Just live for me. For the people I can still love and cherish. Before I no longer even have the choice. To be me."

"Then do that." Sara looked up. The girl was gone, and an unfamiliar but familiar face was there. Like an amalgamation of her demons. But the face was neither vengeful nor cruel, yet not benevolent either. It was impassive. Honest.

"You can never forget us," the strange warbling voice intoned. "We will hide in the dark tunnels of your mind until the end of your days. And we will crawl out of the darkness to catch you when you least expect it."

"But we are not the only ones in your mind. Not if you let others in. Others you can fight for, that you can live for and with. Live with words and actions. Not just your thoughts."

Sara stood up. From the dark portal in the distance, voices- real ones, that boomed and rebounded with acoustics, filtered across the wind.

"Hey! We got a live one!"

The strange figure offered its hand.

"The waking world calls. But it is a burden. It is a scar that not all can carry, and there is no shame in sharing... and no shame if you need to... stop. That is life. And death. So, do you wish to come with us?"

Sara let go off her clenched fists. The icy fear melted, and her mind was clear again.

"I... I can't go. I'm sorry. Not because I don't miss the friends, the family, the comrades I've lost. It is because I miss you. All of you. I have to keep going. For all of you. For all the you's I have not met yet, and the ones I never will."

The seed of understanding began to glow warm in her hands, and she beheld it. Slowly, it sprouted.

"And for me."

It disappeared then- both the seed and figure. The white sky began to fall away into a nothingvoid- then a real darkness. Sara turned and walked briskly towards the dark portal. Back to life, to pain, to regret. Back to being human, to life and love.

Back to her duty. She took a deep breath as she stepped through-

Commander Sara "Roach" Roche
222nd Nova Corps, 314th (Augmented) Battalion, Corps Strategic Reserve -- Seconded to Coruscant Defense Command

Objective: ??
Equipment: GAVA Starwolf Marine Armour, GALMG Beak, GAHP Roundhouse, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife, REC-VC/01 Tactical Visor; Starship Model
Location: Ruins of Coruscant
ALLIES: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


Somewhere, in or on the rubble the rescuers were digging through, there came a single, solitary, gasp of air.
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Khronas delved deeper into his mediation. While his physical body remained in the darkened apartment next to its deceased owner, the Sith Acotyle’s mind and Force presence explored the shifting sands of time. He journeyed through the past, present, and future concurrently, exploring the causes and consequences of different timelines in the blink of an eye.

He saw the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds leading up to the Sith invasion of Coruscant. All his mediations leading up to the battle had shown the same preordained outcome - Sith supremacy in the name of Darth Soplisis the Sith’ari.

And yet, the Jedi had seized victory, undoing the Grand Timeline.

Khronas explored the battle, examining every decision and sequence of events, chasing the elusive shatterpoint he had failed to predict. His Siniteen mind, honed through countless hours of study and meditation, comprehended the entire battle. And yet, the moment when the future had been rewritten eluded him, hiding from his summons for it to be revealed. He felt anger rising as he failed to identify the exact turning point.

His comlink beeped with the arrival of a message. Khronas slowly brought his awareness and presence back to the present before reaching for the device. The message was succinct—a set of coordinates, a timestamp, and a codeword—all the information needed for a covert extraction. He committed the information to memory, then crushed the device with the pommel of his Sith sword before wrapping the arcane weapon in a stolen cloak to conceal it. He donned another cloak and pulled the hood over his enlarged cranium as he exited the darkened apartment and headed to the extraction point.
Shan was already next to the wounded GADF soldier, holding his hand out towards the soldier as he focused on the Force. This was a much more serious injury, and was much more of an option for him to use the Force to help heal the soldier as Shan alongside the help of his healing crystal, started to knit the skin back together, purifying it from any disease or bacteria that might be settling into the injury. Healing the bone would be more than necessary in his mind. Healing the most dangerous wounds, and then let natural healing take over from there...Of course, he'd need to focus on bandaging the leg at least, using a splint to keep it rigid.

The Mirialan focused on the bandaging, opening himself up to their surroundings as he started to meditate. It was always easier for him to meditate when he was busy doing something like this...His own interpretation of the Force was a complete mess right now. Instead of the casual and calm ocean that the Force nearly always appeared to be to him, the chaos and turmoil around him had transformed his own mindscape into a stormy sea, with the waves that were the Force crashing all around him. Breathe. Focus. Shan tried to have the water settle around him so he could focus...before his eyes lit up for a moment.

"There's someone else. That way."

Without taking his attention away from the soldier he was working on, Shan raised his hand up, pointing off in the rough direction of Sara Roche Sara Roche . He wasn't going to risk leaving the trooper he was working on right now to run on over, but hey. That was the good thing about not being alone. You didn't have to do everything yourself.

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun

Cora's lips parted, but she hesitated to speak. Her first instinct was to play down Gatz's gratitude. That he didn't need to owe her his life, that she was doing this because she cared. He knew that, though.

Then again, if she'd been in his situation - being given blood by a friend in the immediate aftermath of a war zone - she'd find someone trying to wave away her gratitude annoying.

Instead she sighed, breathy and tired. Her makeshift chair wasn't the most comfortable, but she sagged into its sharp edges all the same. Her eyes fluttered, fighting to stay conscious and coherent.

"You'll be…baby-sit…sitting th' kits…when they're born." She insisted. "As payment."

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

The burgundy cloaked ghoul walked through the city streets like a ghost, altering his presence through the Force to be unseen by the weak and the destitute that scurried around him, clawing at the ruins of their homes, reaching for a hopeful light that seemed to glimmer in the wake of their pyrrhic victory. Perhaps they ought to have been allowed this time to rejoice, for in the end they would fall all the deeper from the heights they aspired to... when the Sith returned to this wretched world.

Darth Vinaze came then upon the grave, as it were, that had formed around one he recognized in the Force, a great power... Master of Ren. His black knights formed around the rubble pile as though a funeral procession for their master, but Vinaze knew the Son of Kyrel was not dead, nor would die so easily.

Atop the rubble stood the brave knight who tore away the barrier between him and his master. It was far from Vinaze to say the Ren were a heretical sect, not like he once might have. Though they believed in the Dark Side in a different form, the Prophet had seen a dozen systems of belief in his pilgrimages, lent his sword to a handful and his mind to even more. They all led to the same end, to the Dark Side of the Force, none closer to understanding its depth of mysteries than any other.

Meandering up the pile, the decrepit Umbaran stepped up beside Vorik Vorik and looked down into the hole.

"So this is the terrible Master of Ren? I recall a time when that title was borne by a man who created rubble of entire worlds, not a man who is swallowed by a drop of stone in an urban ocean. Aside, I see your devotion to this master, Knight. Break your back digging him out and you may yet heal your soul."

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"You'll be…baby-sit…sitting th' kits…when they're born."

Gatz's eyes snapped open.

"You're pregnant?!" Exhausted as he was, Gatz could summon the last of his energy to be concerned for his friend, "what are you doing giving me blood?! A fetus needs blood and iron!"

Oh no, what had he done! Had he just doomed Cora's child?! Was she going to miscarry, because she'd sat down and plugged an IV into her arm? He didn't want that. Gatz didn't think he could live with the guilt if something happened to Cora and her unborn child, because of something she'd had to do to preserve his life. He'd gladly give it, if it meant her safety.

A baby was innocent. He wasn't. Her child had a future. He... really didn't, in all honesty. His future was probably just more war, and there was a better than likely chance that the Dark Empire would kill him in the coming days. He didn't particularly want to die, but if he had to pull the plug a few months early to save Cora and her baby...

Weakly, his hand reached for where the IV was in his arm, to try and rip it out.


Somewhere, in or on the rubble the rescuers were digging through, there came a single, solitary, gasp of air.
"There's someone else. That way."
"I need a gurney stat!" Anthony called out, rushing over to Sara Roche Sara Roche . The other one they found seemed to be handled by his fellow knight, and Anthony was only one man himself. Two more Service Corp members rushed over, helping Anthony pull Sara out of the rubble. The man scanned for injuries. "We've got three blaster wounds on the chest and a puncture wound from shrapnel on her right shoulder." He called out, putting his hand to her chest. "You're gonna be okay soldier. We're gonna get you outta here."

With a delicate hand, Anthony removed the chestplate from Sara's armor. These new sets of armor were designed to be slightly modular in how they were assembled, so removing pieces was much easier for people like him. Yikes, that was a big piece of durasteel sticking out of her stomach...

"Don't move too much."

Anthony paused, looking over to Shan Pavond Shan Pavond "What's the word on that one? This one has pretty bad, I might need your help."


TAG: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Funny seeing you here.
"Yeah, well, ya know, just visiting my old hang out spot. Once all the rubble is clear, maybe we can go back and boogie down some time." She joked back. Or was it a flirt? One could never tell the difference with her.

Jonyna's focus never left the woman behind her though. She had taken her own training with Ko Vuto Ko Vuto to heart, keeping her skills sharp and using years of experience dealing with stormtroopers in the old days of the Empire to hone her ability to deflect blaster fire. Or in this case, reflect. A blaster cannon operator let out a shrill cry as a bolt bounced right back at him, hitting him right in the face and knocking him off his perch.

With a fierce battle cry, he launched a counter-attack, using the Force to push back the enemy forces and create openings for Jonyna to strike.
With that, Jonyna followed up, unleashing a draw-slash from Liz, as a bolt of lightning launched from the blade, jumping first to a trooper holding a rocket launcher about to fire on Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor , before the howl of a wolf could be heard, and the bolt jumped to another trooper, as if it had a mind of it's own.

The troopers didn't seem keen on continuing the fight, starting a retreat.

Makko egded down a collapsed stretch of wall. An entire building had been levelled. Now he was picking through the ruins searching for survivors.

He had left the temple with the intention of joining the soldiers and Jedi in dealing with any hoped up sith forces. In the urban environment, a small force would be very difficult to displace for an abandoned tower block.

His plan had hit reality she changed. Makko was skilled in seeking out the thoughts and feelings of others. He could hone in on their minds.

Instead of fighting, he was helping the emergency services sift through rubble for survivors.

Cora closed her eyes and leaned back against it, reaching out along her warped bond with Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Makko Vyres . She'd never been good with telepathy, but she managed to impart a vague sentiment to him - that she was alive.

Not wanting to break his focus, Makko only briefly reached back down that bond. She was exhausted, but alive.

My Sith illusionist was here. Nearly got me again, but he's gone now.

"There's a group in the basement under that building!" Makko called out. He didn't have the telekenetic strength to help lift the rubble.

Cael Corvax



Cael keyed up his thermals and shoulder light as the team descended into the hole left by that damnable dreadnought. By the Force, the Dark Empire had made an ungodly mess of this place, and Cael was quickly growing tired of seeing the sights of war throughout the galaxy - though he certainly didn't expect them to stop growing anytime soon. Stifling an exasperated sign behind his helmet, the waved for his team's Raven to sweep a cavity as they continued their descent. His eyes narrowed in as he saw a raging inferno in one of the lowest residential levels of the undercity - In the past these levels would be left to their fate as the upper classes in the overcity got all the attention. That's not going to happen on my watch, the Marine thought as he removed a pair of cryoban Grenades from his Bandolier and keyed his comms.

"2 and 3, come with me. 2, take the Cryoprojector and help me push through this fire to find any Survivors. 3, maintain crowd control. Nonlethals only but I dont want us being target practice for thugs or an Ogre or Ghoul."


"You're pregnant?!" Exhausted as he was, Gatz could summon the last of his energy to be concerned for his friend, "what are you doing giving me blood?! A fetus needs blood and iron!"

On the edge of falling to exhaustion, Gatz's "discovery" inspired a surge of adrenaline that had Cora nearly jumping out of her seat.

"Wha-what? Iron? What are you…"

The nurses who'd been bandaging Gatz paused to exchange looks of concern, which then they turned on to Cora.

Every bit of blood that wasn't performing s biological process or flowing into Gatz's veins went directly to her cheeks.

"I am not pregnant!" She hissed, removing her fingers from his forehead to slap away his own attempted IV removal. "Lula. Lula is pregnant! With kits! Not me. Ashla almighty…"

Sinking back against the crates, Cora massaged the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger.

"Why did you think…"

Oh, forget it. With the momentary embarrassment and shock ebbing away, it was actually kind of nice to know that Gatz was so concerned over her hypothetical child.

"I appreciate your concern, but for once, you're the patient here, Gatz.”

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber | Khair Stone
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"I am not pregnant!" She hissed, removing her fingers from his forehead to slap away his own attempted IV removal. "Lula. Lula is pregnant! With kits! Not me. Ashla almighty…"

Gatz groaned in something akin to disappointment as Cora's hand left his forehead, and then gave a childish whine as she slapped his hand away from the IV. Didn't she realize he was doing this all for her? Her, and her child, both of whom deserved a long, happy life? After everything Cora had been through, everything her father, her King, and her douchebag ex-husband had put her through, didn't she deserve that much—

Her words finally sank into his pain-addled mind.

"Oh..." Gatz allowed himself to sink back into his uncomfortable cot, "so you're not expecting? Just the rodent?"

That was probably a good thing, considering they were in the middle of a war, and would need every Jedi they could get. Cora was among the best the Order had to offer. Still, weirdly, Gatz couldn't help but feel a little sad on her behalf. He couldn't quite put into words why, but he thought it simply had to do with the beauty of bringing new life into the galaxy—the only true miracle to be found in the Force.

"You'd be a good mom, I think," Gatz nodded, rasping and tired, "stern, but fair. Kind and compassionate. And you'd offer them all the love that the galaxy has to offer. Just like Valery."



Objective: Search for fleeing Sith
Tag: Aris Noble Aris Noble / Sinestra Sinestra
Location: Coruscant


It appeared the force had answered her wishes.

As expected, the runaway Sith had made their way towards the underpass. Imogen had kept track of where they were and now the individual was only a few feet away. Slowly, she took out her lightsaber and began walking toward her from the right "I'm approaching, if possible try to get in front of them and prevent their escape" she said through comms to the young Aris, who had been sent with her last minute to help gather any stragglers.

It wasn't normal for her to take a kid on risky assignments. However, the Jedi were already spread thin and still licking their wounds from the battle. Imogen trusted his skill nonetheless, he was the son of the sword after all.

Seeing that she was starting to pick up her pace, she began to break into a jog once only a few feet behind her "Stop right there!" the knight shouted "Please don't make me tackle you to the ground, I don't want to be on the floor no more than you do!" she said while chasing her, preparing herself in case they decided to turn around and offer a surprise.
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2nd Post







Tags (Friend): Mini Mongrels Mini Mongrels Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

Tags (Foe): Shar Sieu Shar Sieu




I sense it - them again.
They definitely seem....

Oh, no.... Please, please, please don't be who I think you're gonna be.

'What, again?'

Stopped in his tracks again, the one-eyed Woad would meet with the irritations of his overgrown Mantellian subordinate once more, though fortunately for all involved the Feral 4th were making decent progress at the time, despite the sudden, rainy biome pouring down from persistent clouds. Almost halfway east to the first rallying-point by then, the Khan's escape from the shadow of East Tower had already proven faster than the rearguard movement of the Scav Kings in the north, thus granting Ratchet's contingent a few moments to catch their breaths, hydrate and reload for the next engagement.

'If distract this much - switch off! No need think in fight ahead, hm?'
Chuckling at the fact the advice was sound, especially for the fact a hulking Mantellian had insight enough to help the Woad on such esoteric matters of the mind, though the Bloodhound would indulge the Mastiff in the process of replying,'Fair point, Ratchet. I really can't fault it.... Its just one o' those weird days, y'know?', trying his utmost to shrug it off for the sake of the Aspirants who were still spoiling for a good fight. Even Ratchet himself would try to shrug it off, though they had gotten a little comfortable in their short respite, subconsciously seeking to briefly recouperate with the breathing-room the enemy had gifted in their quiet withdrawal; and before they could do anything else about it, both the Khan and his behemoth were reaching for their water bottles without complaint, suddenly struck by the tired urges of slovenly Core-Worlders.

'Ah, damnit! These worlds, they make it easy.... When tired - we make easy choice here.... I don't like.'

I like this one.
He has Darkhan potential.

With an appreciative smile still hidden beneath the mask, the one-eyed Woad minded the intensity of his tone as he replied,'Neither do I, Ratchet.... Neither do I.', leaning back so his head could rest on the crumbling brick-wall behind him. Then all the upper layers of dust, dirt and soot began to wash away from the golden hue of the mask beneath, revealing the rune carved above it's brow as the thickening rainstorm brought strength and reinvigoration to the Ferals around the two Marauders, sighing with elation as they looked eastward again with renewed earnest. A sight of which all who survived would remember for the rest of their lives, looking out to a ruinous backdrop that was given an unexpected sheen by the cold, shimmering rainfall, casting a wonder, a desolate beauty on the eyes of the Maw that day.

'But - rain helps.... This I like.... Now the most, more than anything.'
War had changed the Marauders of the Khanate, along with all that it meant to be a warrior of the Avatars, and in the understanding of their low life-expectancies, there awaited an appreciation of beauty of which many Sith would never live long enough to appreciate either. The very foundation of the Khan's,"Nature over Civilisations", ideology, the beating heart, the very nexus of all it would mean to,"Wipe the Slate Clean - Once and For All", Barran would see and hear it beating like another heard in Ratchet's chest when the Mantellian spoke of the rain specifically. In time, the Mantellian would understand the Woad's philosophy's finer points, but in light of his fundamental, core understanding, the Mastiff's firm backbone of belief was more than enough to impress the Bloodhound that day.

'I understand you well, Brother Ratchet.... Come, we can enjoy it on the move.'






<"GADF approaching from our right flank, we're locked onto their column.">
<"How many lock-ons, and where?">
<"All at the vehicles at the front of their column, roughly seven in sight.">

<"Not bad.... Weapons-free, Gouger.">
Just as the first droplets began to land slapping off the world beneath, the renegade Chiss chose not to gift the first strike to his enemies, vying instead for a chance to return to aspects of his previous objective - to intercept the Coruscantine counteroffensive in transit.

To jump the planet's soldiering defenders in dark, secluded street corners.

By the time the first armoured vehicles were disabled, hissing in high-intensity flames under the soaking downpour as the soldiers crewing the unlucky IFVs fell screaming from every possible exit they could find, the element of surprise would burn along with them, setting the tone for all the Scav Kings would embrace as consequences for careless, hubristic error. Yet despite the destruction of which many would be able to see in the dissipating mists, visible in brightness and scale alike, war always had more of their ilk to throw into the meatgrinder, one of Galaxy's many bitter constants of which none could deny by then. Throwing out more than burning agonies in response to the Maw's first strike, especially when faced with personnel carriers opening their bowls for the sake of the soldiers spilling out to answer back, the Darkhan knew it was coming, but hoped the counteroffensive wasn't fully committed yet.


Picking up the recoilless launcher and shunting a projectile into place, Dreamer would look hither and yon for signs of shaken-hearted demoralisation, only to find that all around him were sterner than the stone that crumbled around them. This brought a smile to the Darkhan's face, though it would be a shame for the fact it was hidden behind his Trilunar warmask, noted as an admission to be made later on, though this depended purely on whether they could survive long enough to discuss that moment or not. Though it wouldn't matter before long, as such thoughts would be shoved to the back of the mind for the sake of the fight itself, unfolding with increasing intensity as the slug-shot and blaster trails finally started flying again.


And so the rearguard action began.

Sniping any who found themselves in the open for a little too long, laying down heavy LMG-cover on all the visible bottle-neck pathway, and working with ATGMs to harass and bludgeon counteroffensive armour with explosive firepower, the slow retreat southward was finally heralded in with the utmost prejudice. An arduous, taxing backpedal against a strong defensive sallying-attempt, and for all the GADF/MP elements they wished to whittle down in the process, not even the Scav Kings themselves could deny Dreamer's desire to spit on all assumption of fodder stereotypes. These were more than just warriors by that point of the fight, and to each and every last Raider, the experience learned in making it this far had made them all valuable exemplars in their own right, vital in the Khan's process of evolving with the aging, ever-mutating future of warfare.





Objective: Search and Rescue
Location: Coruscant, Undercity
Tag: Elan Crowe Elan Crowe


“A hunter? Hmm…” Ko thought for a moment about how to make use of such skill here. This was hardly a safari to go trekking through in search of some game. Listening more to the young man, the Kel Dor drank more from the packet of nutripaste. His body perked up over their own suggestion.

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, that’s not a bad idea at all. There’s plenty of humanitarian aid shipped here. Rations to fight off starvation for the victims here with all the devastated infrastructure. But large shipments have attracted scavengers and vermin as you say. If you could, warding off scavengers from taking from the stores of rations would be good. With so much to do, safeguarding the food can get overlooked.”

The urban fauna of Coruscant were just as much victims of the war as the citizenry here. Ko didn’t like the idea of turning his back on the wildlife here. But they have been doing that for thousands of years already. They’ll be fine. In fact Ko hypothesized he hawk-bats and coruscanti ogres might be having a rather good time with all the fresh carrion to pick through before rot takes over.

"Just the rodent." Cora confirmed with a note of finality that would've sounded harsh if she hadn't been so tired. "Not me."

Slumped back into her seat, she spent the next few moments lingering on Gatz's reaction. It was odd, but it was also quite nice that he cared so deeply.

My Sith illusionist was here. Nearly got me again, but he's gone now.

Makko's sentiment was conveyed down their bond, and some of the tension eased from her shoulders. He'd come across the same Sith who'd nearly severed his spine, but it sounded like he'd been better off this time.

The Force drew people together in strange ways.

"You'd be a good mom, I think," Gatz nodded, rasping and tired, "stern, but fair. Kind and compassionate. And you'd offer them all the love that the galaxy has to offer. Just like Valery."

Gatz, likely delirious from the blood loss, wasn't ready to move on from the topic of pregnancy. Cora was about to tell him as much, but in her next breath, the words caught in her throat.

I'd be a good mother?

Hesitation wormed its way onto her face. Something about what Gatz said had affected her more deeply than she'd imagined.

Before she'd been sent to the Order at the behest of her father, Cora's life had been slated for her. She would marry into another noble Ukatian family and bear heirs - as was the ideal situation for any woman of her standing. It was a rose-tinted, overly romanticized future she'd looked forward to.

When her father had pulled her out of the Order to wed Prince Horace, reality had almost shattered her in a dozen ways.

"I…almost was. Once."

A ghost of a whisper passed her lips as she stared out into the smoldering landscape, blurry and unfocused on some distant memory. On those four little words from the scan's report, engrained into her mind for the remainder of her days:

Fetal heartbeat not detected.

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