Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban



Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | AC | GA | NIO
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | MAW | SITH

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Task Force Venality
Coreward edge of the engagement zone
  • Morai, Morai-class Super Star Defender
  • Mon Clistenes, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Helios, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Absolution, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Amnesty, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Autarchy, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Autonomy, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Purgill, Oswaft-class Corvette
  • Drogheda Bounty, XY-48-class Freighter
  • 70/70 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 72/72 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 60/60 A-Wing Interceptors
  • 36/36 B-Wing Starfighters
  • 24/24 X-Wing Starfighters
  • 8/8 Ferret II Recon Drones
  • 10 support craft squadrons

Task Group Avidity
Moving to support Grand Admiral Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
  • Arquebus, Emancipation-class Artillery Cruiser
  • Mon Borea, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Tellus, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Chiaki, Oswaft-class Corvette
  • Phillak, Oswaft-class Corvette
  • 36/36 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 24/24 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 12/12 B-Wing Starfighters

Sularen offered Tithe a threatening monologue, prophesying the demise of the Galactic Alliance. The Vice Chancellor couldn’t help a sly grin from the bridge of the Morai. Gloating the deposed ruler of Byss was all too easy. In enraging him, Tithe sought to drive Sularen to rash actions which could be exploited by calmer heads. The once-Lord Imperator's temper was well documented.

He watched as the Maw Irregular Fleet gave up its pursuit and dove toward the Alliance’s 3rd Sector Fleet. While the Maw fleet was impressive, Tithe could only see one outcome against the forces of High Admiral Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce and his protectors Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva and Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene . While some of the ships and their crews may be battered and bruised from the campaign against the Sith, they were well drilled and experienced. The might of the flagship Ouroboros was legendary.

Everything was going to plan.

Full of confidence at the outcome of the battle, which was preordained at this point, the Aargauun studied the tactical holo alongside Admiral Chalu as she issued a steady stream of orders from beneath her methane mask. While the body language of the masked Morseerian was hard to read, surely she must also see that a crushing victory by the Alliance and the Ashlan Crusade was imminent.

A dispatch came through from Cardinal Pietro Demici Pietro Demici requesting assistance. The tactical holo switched to display the theatre of operations that the Crusade was responsible for. A massive wedge-shaped dreadnaught analogue flying under the Brotherhood’s flag was pounding away as the main Ashlan fleet, the escorts and starfighters of both forces engaged in a deadly dance. While the Ashlan forces were holding their own, the battle threatened to teeter the way of the ravenous Brotherhood.

“Cardinal, it would be my pleasure, yes, it very much would,” Tithe replied. “Yes, allow me to arrange a little, ah, consternation, for the enemy horde.” Admiral Chalu quickly retasked their artillery cruiser to make its way to the Ashlan lines and provide fire support using its oversized weapons. A small picket of escorting frigates, corvettes and starfighters were sent to protect the artillery cruisers, along with two squadrons of starbombers for anti-ship operations.

The mission would be a minor delay on the Alliance’s path to victory, but nothing more. Soon the forces of darkness would be routed and Korriban would be liberated.

What possible threat could to Brotherhood bring to bear now which would alter the course of the battle?



Location: Gunnery Crew Station, Gun Decks - Eternal Rule
Weapons: Octuple Barbette AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers - Upper Prow
Call Sign: Shen Seven
Personal Equipment: DS-101 “Venture” Multipurpose Protective Attire (X) │ SIF-57sPhase III “Force Avenger” Energy Shield
Side: Defenders
Dark: TK ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ) │ BoTM ( Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen )
Light: AC ( Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Pietro Demici Pietro Demici ) │ NIO (Fiolette Fortan Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock ) │ GA ( Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva ) │ SJC ( Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen )

Two shots seemed to be all it took.

“It’s a floating brick now.” KV-0007 said. “Leave the rest to the fighters.” He continued. “We will not expend more resources than necessary on such trivial matters.”

“Yes, Commander.” KV-6000 answered.

With the Tortured Rebirth ostensibly disabled and the City of Ashes still not within the emplacement’s line of sight, priority shifted towards the looming mass of the approaching Ashlan battle carrier, the Fist of Demici. Having already launched a veritable swarm of fighters, KV-6000 knew that the Eternal Rule’s point defense guns, flak guns, and laser cannons would be beset with targets, especially as they were already being taxed with X-Wings launched from the City of Ashes.

“C-commander, we’re receiving reports of boarders!” KV-2110 called out, her voice slightly shaky as she did. In glancing briefly to the assistant gunner upon hearing the report, KV-6000 registered the lines of stress on her features, fear and apprehension coloring their expression.

“Everyone, have your weapons ready! Where are they, KV-2110?”

“They’re being reported as moving towards hangar 2-C, but there are multiple breaches through the ship where pods got through. The Sentinels are being dispatched, sir.”

“We’ll keep manning these guns even if they breach the decks. Even now, he sees our battle, our strength, our faith, our suffering, and he grant us salvation for it! Our guns will not cease until the last of us falls. Every soul we harvest here will bring him closer to the Eclipse! Do not falter, do not break, and do not turn away from the struggle! Let his Will Eclipse the Stars!” A chorus of chants erupted in concert, salutes delivered with unyielding grace as the gunners, technicians, and officers in the decks voiced their assent, with KV-6000 doing the same, her heart searing with fervor, adrenaline, and passion at the collective display.

Before long, the eight massive guns under her control were turned towards the Fist of Demici, targeting data crunching through AQUILA and her own enhanced mind as the gargantuan warship came into range, heavy guns barking turbolaser fire. KV-6000’s will was made manifest with a powerful salvo of slugs from the mass drivers under her command, emptying each of her guns as she fired eight full doonium cores towards the Fist of Demici, each targeting the vessel’s central mass...

  • AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers reloaded.
  • The Tortured Rebirth is confirmed to be disabled.
  • Presence of boarders on the Eternal Rule is acknowledged.
  • KV-6000 acquires targeting solutions on the Fist of Demici.
  • Eight shots are fired from each of the eight AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers under her control, all on the MAC Setting, aimed for the Fist of Demici’s central mass.
  • Reload Sequences Initiated.




ALLIES: What allies?
ENEMIES: Those that stand in my way
GA GA OO LALA: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Lightsabers - you're in trouble now
Phrik blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
The Ash Hellions led by Samron Gerron - chilling in side tunnel


He just had to get up.

She had to respect that resolve. Few warriors ever had the heart to keep coming back against her. But the Herald of Death was done playing. No one ever scratched surface and lived to tell the tale.

Listening to him refusing to give up, spreading his arms wide, Danika drew heavily on the Abyss.. The hollow cold enveloped the tunnel as far off cries echoed against the stone walls. When Dagon raised the dust and sand and sent it her way, the Lady of Bone stepped through the Void.

Not fast enough, however.

Dust and sand had filtered through the Void with her. As she materialised behind the Jedi, she was momentarily blinded. Stumbling back against the stone wall, she blinked to clear her vision, the saber lowering slightly in the process.

Laughing as blinded tears rolled out of her eyes, she steadied her stance.
"Touché, Master Jedi." she said hoarsely, raising the saber defensively as she still struggled to see properly.

His ingenuity was surprising.

Igniting the crimson blade as well once more, she crossed the blades as she extended her arms forward. A powerful blast thrust forward from crossed limbs, kicking up more dust of its own in the process.

Still half-blinded, she followed up with a feign high while the other saber stayed close and defensively to her body, feeling her way through the Force as she did so.
"Why invest so much energy in this?" she asked heavily as she engaged.




Maestus studied Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé for a moment after Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis spoke for her. Very well, she would leave the witch be for now. They could become acquainted later.

That's when she felt it. Or rather, felt them. One, an old and very familiar presence. Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo was here. They had a long history together. Having met in battle on numerous occasions. But it had been years since she had seen her old friend. She turned, intent on paying him a visit. He could not be allowed to reach the chamber. Aaran may be blind, but he was a powerful and competent Jedi.

A thought began to form in her psyche. He was a powerful Jedi, she would never take that from him. If he could be turned, he would make an even more powerful Sith. That was a grand scheme, fraught with opportunities for death and disaster. Naturally, that is the path she would go down.

Just as she was about to leave the ritual chamber, she felt something else waft through her. A dark power, the Dark Side, was weaving its way even further through the academy. This was not part of the ritual, it was something...Different. Whatever Iasha Rha Iasha Rha had done......Had drawn the Sith Lord's attention.

Maestus turned to regard Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé , as well as the others within the chamber. Deciding her master would be protected, she turned and swept from the chamber, robes swirling around her legs.

She strode the halls, lightwhip in her palm, but not yet ignited. She let the Dark Side be her guide to Iasha Rha Iasha Rha . She would deal with Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo later.

Dis, the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Side: Defender
Objective II.: Save the friends!
Location: Tombs, Korriban
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
It was very pleasing to Dis that Melydia didn't laugh at how the Shadowcat was moving beside her, but rather made similar movements. They looked up when they heard the sound of flapping wings. They also found it all to be stunning and cute, even though the girl couldn’t fly despite her actions. Pleasant warm, friendly emotions were conveyed towards Melydia after the girl's actions.

Nothing happened after the Shadowcat's "words," no one answered, so they were now watching with interest what she was doing. When the girl said she still felt what was here, Dis also reached out to the Force again to be better informed. Now they felt it, too, tenderly, but the presence was here. As soon as they felt their shadow fur ruffled, they had no pleasant feelings about it.

~ It’s like they are sleeping, I can barely feel this spirit, but it’s really here! ~ confirmed that they feel it too.

They didn’t really have offensive Force skills, but maybe there’s another way to wake this up. When she saw Melydia trying something, she did the same. Only one thing came to their mind at that moment. Create waves in the Force to see if the entity senses and wakes up to it. Even in the past, their presence was enough for the creature to wake up. So they began to concentrate and tried to create these waves in the Force, hoping it would be enough…

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Side: Attacker
Objective: Save Sith artefacts; try to save Adrian
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
Equipment: 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor
[ Last Days… ]

"Sympathetic attitude! I don’t like them either, but it’s easier to express respect with them. However, I value mutual respect. It’s enough to call me Miss L’lerim, you don’t need to use ranks and titles." she offered.

However, she could not behave more loosely, in this respect the woman was a rigid soldier who even addressed her father Sir, or on his military rank. Many times even when they were two. Her husbands were also given the title of Lord if she spoke publicly about them or addressed them. For her, it was a basic behaviour, and as a soldier, she expected the same. She nodded at the name; to retain the title of Darth for political reasons, however she has never heard of this reason from anyone before. And today, it has been especially dangerous to use that title.

"I think I will stay at the "Lord Petrichor" as your address if it suits you." she answered.

The woman was also looking in the direction of the battle, the fight getting bigger and bigger, though inside the valley everything was still calm. She felt restless feelings for a moment from the man; so there was someone on the front who was important to him. It could have been anyone, so it wasn’t very relevant information. She wondered for a moment if Telis was here somewhere, though she wouldn't have worried about him if he had.

"I don’t know if there are any remains here, just I know my late husband spoke to him here, the day the GA liberated the planet." though it hurt the same as the first day, her voice no longer shake at Adrian's mention. And Adrian's hallucination smirked at the woman's success.

Ingrid listened intently through the man's dream to what he envisioned about the future. It was also a plan in the woman’s eyes that would only materialize if either the Dark Side or the Light Side disappeared. There was no intermediate path until there were those who saw the Force as a religion and wanted to exterminate those who did not think like them.

She stopped in front of the tomb and looked at the man.

"How do you want to achieve this, Lord Petrichor? What do you hope to find here? As long as there is only one person who despises the other side, the war on behalf of the Force will never end."



Her stomach lurched when the drop pod fired from the side of the Starhawk. Without aural sensors, it was like she had been shoved into a coffin and buried in silence. In her side of the pod the silence was so overwhelming even the sound of her own breath was like listening to a symphony with her ears pressed right up against the stage. All she could do was watch, and hope, that the silent turbolaser blasts and starfighters she saw flying around her didn't ram her and her Jedi crew.

Thrusters roared to life, sounding to her ears like a muffled grunt. Were they close? They were approaching ramming speed now. She sucked in a breath and gripped her crash webbing tightly, trusting in the Force to not turn her and her friends into a Jedi pancake on the side of the massive black warship that loomed ahead. There was a rumble as the spike passed through the layers of deflector shielding with little issue.

The world was torn apart as the black spike tore through layers of metal, forcing its way through and into the behemoth. The sound was excruciating to hear, like a thousand
tooka cats dragging their claws across the outside of a storm shelter begging to be let in before the Weeping consumed it. It grated her ears and made her clench her teeth tightly as she was tossed about in her crash webbing. She did her best to keep her head steady, calling on the Force even to reduce the kinetic impact of the black tooth as it bit deep into the belly of the beast.

When the sundering ceased Thalia released the breath she forgot she had been holding and kicked at the release button. It hissed and opened a few inches, letting bright light flood the dark, red-lit pod. She could hear voices on the other side and the thump of armor. She cursed, thumbing the release for her harness. A sigh of relief escaped her as the restrictive material zipped back into its holster. With her free hand, she pulled one of her lightsabers from her chest holster and focused on the door. It was stuck, she could tell from the clank clank clank of the auto door release.

She delved into the open sea of the Force and gasped as she witnessed the Dark tide. The Force raged like a winter storm on Pamarthe. The door flew open as she crested the first wave, crashing into two of the red-clad troopers waiting outside her side of the pod and slamming them into the wall. Thalia recoiled from the Force, drawing in on herself by reflex. She stared at her trembling hand before tightening it into a fist so tight the leather of her gloves creaked. She snarled and jumped from her seat, tucking herself into a tight ball and flipping out of the pod.


Her emerald blade came to life, ready to defend from a blaster bolt coming her way. The red bolt sent careening back the way it had come, striking the blaster rifle and turning the barrel to slag in the trooper's hands.


When you get to the end of all the light you know
and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen:
either you will be given something solid to stand on,

or you will be taught how to fly.


Pride’s warmth suffused through her bones at his positive reception to the idea. Of course it was good — it further secured their victory and annihilated more and more wretched learners and exhibitors of darkness. Korriban would burn for the final time.

Regardless, it didn’t blind her. Ishida’s line of sight flicked between the crawling Bernard and the supposed entrance they were to take. And then a bit more here, there, to make sure they kept their surprising advantage. And they constantly burned with a low-level fury.

Only when she heard her name did she fixate solely on Bernard, squinting up against the granulated environment and shielding her eyes. She was going to ask him what he said — whatever it had been whistled and twisted on the wind now, morphing into randomized sounds. She watched those words, and thought about it, and by the time she realized what he might have asked for (similar to The request on Bastion) he had landed in front of her.

His smile almost said it all, and it was so wide she felt an involuntary curl of her own in response.

“How did that feel?” She asked, following after him and happy to be back on course and that he’d stuck true to his word, again, to not take long. Her gratefulness triumphed impatience this time.

But there seemed a nervousness to his imprint, and that smile almost seemed relieved — but she bit her tongue from chiding him on it. Mostly because he’d been nothing but wildly supportive during her recovery and reconnection, so she’d try and do the same now. Doubly so given the history of this place, the very path they trod, and his original severance.

I'm not fully back to my old self yet,"

Whoever was inside wouldn’t be wise to their arrival — the other crusaders were intercepting them elsewhere, and gave the white-haired pair the chance to slip in unnoticed to cull the filth. She continued to silently hope they’d cross paths with the Ashlan Crusaders. They seemed marvellously focused, and they intrigued her to no end. While they travelled here, Ishida had let it slip once or twice in preparatory plans how she regretted not getting the chance to fight alongside them, really alongside them, on Ziost. Maybe if this went well, she’d said, she’d try to get on an Ashlan strike team. For relationship purposes of course –– Jedi harmony, she’d added when Bernard might have looked a bit anxious.

The pathway was certainly longer than it was wide. Bernard’s familiarity and the conflict at the end of the Force’s searching and feeding back to her were what kept them on the right trajectory.

As they accustomed to the corridor, Ishida’s hand unthinkingly went to the secondary sword at her hip. The little warrior now had three weapons of choice: Her saber, katana, and the gift from Sardun. He’d implored (nay, strongly scolded) her to be more patient. To take the time to evaluate— and, knowing her favourite way to communicate, had created a weapon that would help her remember in dire situations. It had been very kind of him to create something to fit her size, rather than handing something down that he already owned. It would be absolutely impossible to use; even his hammer was her height. This sword boasted more than sentience — it was imbued with Ashla’s benevolence. A single touch would draw the most damning or otherwise consequential from the person on the other end. Nothing to hide from the illumination of reality to help her see in moments of blindness. It felt eerily like what Bernard had suggested, and as she brushed its hilt, his words from her bedside floated through her mind again. Sticking annoyingly, like scum that grew along her psyche.

Whether to help or to hinder, she still didn’t know.

“They changed the locks a bit after you left.” Ishida murmured teasingly, kneeling at the panel and scrunching her face into something small and thoughtful before getting to work.

Working with Darkwire had given her the chance to observe some technical mayhem techniques that were useful enough for her to crudely hijack the door panel. Otherwise, she’d have cranked her saber through it. Patience had its place, but this academy was going up in smoke anyhow.

She’d done a good job up to this point not pestering him further about the apprehension he’d seemed to project before he.. projected.. but once she replaced the panel and the door’s security slacked, she looked at him intently.

That apprehension wasn’t just from being upside down on a rock and before free fall — or maybe it was an isolated instance — but his words on Prosperity never left her. As companionable and kind as he was, she still felt wary about him and where his head was at. He’d thought her incomplete, and running out of time. An impressive spiel after the darkest spirits welcomed him openly to their sanctuary.

Hesitation widened in her chest, stretched until it threatened to dwarf all other perceptions, and she swallowed it down. She had to, hesitation was defeat. And which was the source of her second-guessing? Herself, and her perhaps inability to arbitrate accurately and misrepresent the Light? Or her partner, who’d seeded that doubt in her mind?

The scales tipped in neither direction yet.

And she could not be her own source of pause. She was fire, bright enough to light the way or burn whatever tried to stop her.

Standing up from her crouch, she purposefully blocked Bernard’s way forward. More pointed than aggressive.

“You’re good for this,” The hardness that usually lived in her stormy eyes softened, “Right?”

ALLIES | GA | NJO | NIO | AC | Bernard Bernard | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
FOES | BOTM | SITH | Ishani Sibwarra

Last edited:

Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Chasianna Chasianna | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor | Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Hiran Avola Hiran Avola | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Fiolette Fortan

Northeast: The Petrite Front
It was hard to see from the slope, hard to make out anything amid the chaos of the landslide and the bombing runs and the sandstorm below, but Khazzak could feel what was happening: the vilest of all dark powers was being unleashed. Much of the power of the Dark Side focused on torment, on abilities that inflicted pain and fear, on drawing strength from rage and grief, but all of this was focused on the living. Death was meant to be an end to that suffering, a final release after so much agony and horror. But the Dark Side, at its most extreme, could subvert even that supposed finality.

Some of the marauders had seen this power unleashed before, during the battle against the Sith Empire's forces on Enenpa. They had seen the corpses of allies and foes alike shamble to their feet amid the poisoned forests, attacking their enemies with unthinking savagery and hunger. Now this horrific vision was repeated upon the sands of Korriban, only multiplied by the planet's pervasive aura of death and unlife, the shadowy power of a place that had been known for its spirits and its tombs for thousands upon thousands of years. For in strange aeons, even death may die...

And even the dead may seek their revenge.

Khazzak had little time to appreciate the vile beauty of the scene, however. Even as Tegan's amplified voice echoed over the battlefield, the hillside continued to rumble. The Petrite forces below had managed to deflect much of the worst debris, stretching their telekinetic abilities to the maximum as they shielded themselves from the rockfall, but it seemed that even they had been surprised by the instability their attack had unleashed. For a moment, it seemed that both sides had been so disrupted by the chaos on the northeastern slopes that the battle could not possibly continue.

But the Petrite forces were more resilient than that.

As rocks and sand finally stilled around the burning hulk of the crashed corvette, Khazzak took stock of his remaining troops. There was no retreat for them, no way back up the churned slope. They could either flee to the sides, abandoning this battlefront entirely and allowing the Petrite forces to menace the southern and northwestern flanks, or they could stand and fight until they were dead to the last marauder. For the zealots of the Maw, this was not a choice at all. Cries of "War! Death! Rebirth!" echoed out across the hill as the remnants of the Tarar warbands prepared their last stand.

The crimson-armored troopers, accompanied by their deadly Exalted champions, were already moving up the more stable parts of the hill, keeping to either side of the landslide. They were once again met by a barrage of blaster and plasma fire, though this was a mere thunderstorm compared to the prior hurricane they had tried to advance through. Many of the Tarar were already dead or wounded, and sheer ferocity and determination could not make up for the lost numbers. Still, they would fight hard to reap their tally of foes before closing to melee range... where they would still thrive.

They were big and strong, and carried serrated blades.

In the meantime, Khazzak glanced down at the center of the slope and beheld the enemy commander, rallying more of his Exalted for a push toward the fallen corvette. They would have to be stopped, or at least held back for as long as possible, lest they shatter this defensive front entirely by ascending the wreck and seizing the top of the hill. Drawing on the Force, Khazzak threw himself into an inhumanly-long leap, landing on top of the still-burning corvette. Even with his Force protection, he felt the heat of the metal on his bare feet. He let the pain fuel him, focusing his power.

"Avatars, witness me!" the shaman screamed at the sky, raising his grisly totem-staff over his head. Slowly but purposefully he stalked forward, walking down the top of the overturned corvette as if it was a bridge. Reaching out with one gnarled finger, tipped with a jagged, yellowed nail, he pointed at the enemy commander - a Chiss. How delicious was the man's hate, his desire for vengeance. Khazzak's gesture was clear: a challenge, an offer of bloodshed from one warleader to another. Could he stand against this saber-wielder? Perhaps not. But he would fight with all that he had...

And that would grant him entry into the Avatars' paradise.


South: The Galidraani Front
Before Fre'shaa's eyes, the entire southern hillside exploded.

It didn't claim nearly as many enemy vehicles as she'd hoped. Indeed, it seemed that her move had been anticipated, for only two AFVs had approached the impromptu minefield... and she'd watched their crews bail out before hitting the ledge. Not much success in generating losses for the enemy, but there was an upside. Apparently those AFVs had been packed with explosives, too, and the ensuing double-explosion had obliterated the lower ridge. Where once there had been a clear shelf of rock, large enough for her deathgang - or enemy vehicles - to spread out, now there was...

Well, there was a series of jagged craters, an utter moonscape.

Add to that the bombardment from above, the NIO air attack that the limited Mawite air support had struggled to contend with, and you got one hell of a chaotic scene. Debris from crashing TIEs, shattered corvettes, and blown-apart Divine Eagles; craters, swoop wreckage, and widely-strewn body parts in the wake of Galidraani airstrikes; the occasional unexploded bomb or grenade, shielded by rocks from the massive explosion moments earlier; all of it made for a truly hostile wasteland on the southern slope, the landscape transformed into an absurdist painting.


That was good news and bad news for the Mawites. On the one hand, it meant that a massed charge was still impossible; riders moving side by side would be totally unable to negotiate the hostile terrain, unable to keep a cohesive line because they would have to swerve into each other to avoid the countless obstacles. On the other hand, the enemy AFVs would experience their own share of trouble. Much of the good work done by the sweeper-tanks, their prows clearing the rough rocks, had been undone by the ground-deforming chaos. Even for all-terrain vehicles, ascending would be a slog.

So where did that leave Fre'shaa, exactly?

There wasn't going to be a glorious charge down the now-fractured hillside, but that didn't mean she and her deathgang were useless. On the contrary, their small, nimble swoop bikes would use the jagged terrain to their advantage. By breaking off into trios, pairs, or even individuals, they could zoom around craters and zip past wreckage that wider armored vehicles would struggle to navigate. Instead of hitting the enemy in a single, devastating rush, they would harass their foes with their superior mobility, rushing in to jab with their power lances before melting into the shattered terrain.

"Pair up," Fre'shaa ordered her surviving gangers. "We're going in. Work together to harass their tanks; one rider draws their attention, the other hits them from the side or behind. Grenade launchers for ranged harassment, power lances up close. Go for the engines, cockpits, and weapon systems. We want to slow them down and defang them before they get to the top." It wasn't as impressive a plan, less an all-out grab for death or glory and more a measured, reserved strategy to conserve what forces they had left... but the gangers were eager to go for it anyway.

Circling and tormenting enemy tanks? Sounds like fun.

Nearby, the Rough Riders were preparing a different strategy. Denied their charge as well, they were descending the hill just south of the Ashlan positions, keeping to the cover of the jagged ridges. They were riding hard for the dry riverbed, relatively open terrain they could charge across, and then wheeling back to face the Galidraani positions. With the Wildcats advancing, they aimed to charge along the riverbed, striking the attacking AFVs in the flank as they struggled up the shattered hill. They'd be in the open, so speed and surprise were their best weapons.

If the NIO spotted them too soon, they'd be caught without cover.

With the Wildcats focused on advancing up toward the excavation, though, and on the harassment of the swoop gangs, they might not be able to react to the Rough Rider charge until power lances were already sinking into their flanks and rear. The two-pronged attack stood little chance of destroying the enemy heavy vehicles, but it might steal their momentum and blunt their advance, leaving them stranded amid the shattered mid-hill battlefield. That was where the nimble swoops and orbaks would be at their best, able to use the uneven terrain to harass and pick off the AFVs.

It was a desperate plan, but it was the only one they had.



The Hilltop
The Mongrel was not a trained duelist. His time as a student in elite military academies and learning from aristocratic fencing instructors amounted to zero years total, and the Brotherhood didn't spend time or resources on educating its slave-soldiers in the ways of war; it simply threw them into battle, challenging them to learn or die. He'd been a consummate survivor across the many campaigns since that harsh initiation, and he had indeed learned - the hard way, with countless scars to show for it. For though he was a zealot and a barbarian, he was also a clever man.

He survived by never falling for the same trick twice.

Ultimately, his style of fighting was not informed by dueling theory or rigorous physical conditioning; instead, it was a hodgepodge of well-honed reactions and techniques he'd picked up over the years, mostly by imitation of more-skilled warriors. Between that, his physical toughness, and his iron will, The Mongrel had consistently been able to punch above his weight class, surviving battles against Force-users and elite soldiers with far more sophisticated gear. But his "school of hard knocks" approach had left behind gaps that a trained officer with a holistic education could exploit.

And so, when The Mongrel attempted his feint, Gowrie wasn't watching his arms. He was watching his hips and feet, the true guides of any melee attack, and they clued the Lord-Colonel in that the apparent overhead strike was not what it seemed. The marauder snarled as Gowrie stepped into his attack, using his rapier to push the Mawite's blade aside at the base before it could spill his guts from hip to shoulder. Indeed, the bold Galidraani officer actually turned the moment around, aiming his basket hilt at The Mongrel's face in an effort to bash his durasteel war mask back into his skull.

At the very last second, the veteran warleader leapt back.

The two men circled a moment, sizing each other up again. The Mongrel could still feel the wind of Gowrie's hilt punch on the last bits of exposed flesh on his scarred head; had it connected, it might well have smashed his optics back into his head, ending the fight with a particularly brutal blinding. He had to be cautious even as he sought momentum and advantage, for it was clear that the Lord-Colonel was adept at reading his intentions... and at turning an enemy attack into an opportunity for himself. He was tempted to reach into his satchel of technological tricks for an advantage.

Against a Jedi, he would. But against Gowrie...

He had to beat the Galidraani officer fairly, blade to blade, or he would never again be able to respect himself as a warrior. Neither man had sorcery to draw upon, only their particular brands of skill, and The Mongrel would be admitting that his was inferior if he turned to his Jedi-killing tools. Though it did seem that Gowrie had a bit of sorcery about him that day, for his insubstantial companion was speaking, offering him advice. Truly these were strange times, when the dead returned from hell to behold the battles of the living... but the marauder didn't let it throw him off in the slightest.

"He's right," The Mongrel said, spinning his blade as he caught his breath. "Give it your all, Gowrie, or this will be over too quickly." He charged in again, his blade kept in a low guard this time; if Gowrie could see through a feint, he might as well disguise the angle of his attack, as Barran had in their duel. Would he swipe upward, trying to cut across the Lord-Colonel's chest or swipe at his face? Would he aim downward, to cut him off at the legs? Neither. He came in half-swording, grasping the blade with a durasteel hand and striking forward with the full force of both arms.

The razor-sharp warblade raced at Gowrie's midsection, ready to impale... but the half-swording pose would also enable The Mongrel to use the blade like a staff, easily twisting it to block swipes and deflect stabs. Running the Lord-Colonel through would certainly end the duel, but the marauder very much doubted that his skilled foe would give him the chance. Instead he hoped to intercept Gowrie's counterattack and throw his guard wide, allowing him to follow up with a swipe or stab and draw the true first blood. His one worry was his foe's offhand razor, which might still strike him...


Aradia's actions were far from what the Corellian had anticipated. She remembered the girl as a small and weak child who was more lost than found. The fire was new, and having it aimed her way was very new. Quickly, still under the guise of the force cloak, Allyson shifted her position to avoid the fireball from the Apprentice. It seemed that Aradia was not the same girl as before, and a sickening feeling bubbled from her stomach. Had Aradia been the one to tempt Zaavik from the light? Was she at fault for everything? Did she kill Zaavik in the end?

Thousands of questions and scenarios echoed through the Corellian's mind. There were too many questions, but her attention needed to be on the master. The arrow had hit close enough to its mark, Aradia being the sounding alarm preventing the kill from being clean. Still, the Sith Lord had a wound, and Allyson looked at it as a positive in her favor.

Before Allyson could reach Aradia, Mori had pushed her aside and became the focal point once more for the mission. Drawing another arrow, she listened to the command from the Master; Allyson watched her chances at saving Aradia begin to slip through her fingers. There wasn't much time, especially as the static began to fill the area. As one foot moved in front of the other, she moved gracefully with the aid of the force and years of covert ops under her belt. Allyson brought the arrow back to her sights and aimed true once more towards the Sith.

She couldn't let Aradia leave, not yet. Against everything her experience told her, Allyson dropped the cloak, revealing herself to both the Sith and Aradia. "So this is where you've been?" She asked pointedly to the Apprentice while the arrow remained drawn and aimed towards Mori. "Where's Zaavik?!"

Allyson never looked at the girl, instead of allowing the force's bright light to imbue the arrow's tip. As her question finished, she released the shot. Not wanting to give the Sith Lord a chance to breathe, she fired another arrow; this one lacked the force light but was equipped with an explosive tip so that when contact was made with the head - it would explode.

"Aradia, I told you I would come back for you."


Objective | Annihilate the Allied Fleet
Main Focus | Ouroboros Task Force

Maw Irregular Fleet

Focus | Vice-Admiral Kaine Hamilton
Invincible-Class Heavy Battlecruiser "Leviathan"

From the Bridge of the Leviathan , Vice-Admiral Kaine Hamilton watched as the Battle raged on in orbit of Korriban. So far this battle was the largest one he had fought in surpassing the Byss Crisis in scale and intensity with already 4 Star Dreadnoughts present on the Battlefield , two of them belonging to the Galactic Alliance. The fact that the Alliance brought more firepower then either the Ashlans or the New Imperials did not surprise Vice-Admiral Hamilton though as he was quite aware of the Galactic Alliance's sense of Self-Righteousness.

Korriban was the Traditional Homeworld of the Sith yet the Alliance and Ashlans acted as if it were nothing more then another simplistic world which had been overtaken by the Sith. These hypocrites would claim that they were Liberating a World from it's own native people similar to what they did on Byss twice already having Occupied it in 860 ABY after it's "Liberation" from the Frozen Hand which had been welcomed to Byss and again Five Years later in order to remove the So-called "Tyrannical" Regime of Marlon Sularen. That was what Hamilton hated about the Alliance the most , they were liars , cheaters and usurpers , thinking that the Core belonged to them.

But that would change soon enough and today would mark the beginning of such change. Sularen had assembled the Maw Irregular Fleet from both the remnants of his Forces from Byss along with newly acquired resources from the Brotherhood of the Maw and they would soon be the tip of the spear during the upcoming Second Great Hyperspace War. Here they would show the Galactic Alliance that the fight was far from over , here they would triumph , they would annihilate the Alliance and they would prove that overthrowing Sularen was a huge mistake that they should have never done in the first place.

Thus from the Bridge of the Leviathan , the Vice-Admiral would set his eyes on his first target : A Starhawk Mark III dubbed the ANV Resolve. Situated behind and underneath two Modified Pellaeon-IVs , the Leviathan moved forth to calculate it's firing solutions on the Resolve ready to unleash hell on the Alliance Starhawk. Soon the real battle would begin and soon the Maw Irregular Fleet would stand victorious on-top of a Graveyard of Alliance , New Imperial and Ashlan Warships decimated by the might of the MIF and the rest of the Mawite/Final Dawn Flottila.

Focus | Captain Gavin Harcourt
TIE/en Enforcer "Crimson Leader"

As the Battle raged on , a trio of Alliance X-Wings recently deployed from the Ouroboros found their target , pinning down a TIE/fd Interceptor , closing in on the Interceptor. The TIE Pilot desperately tried to shake the Trio of X-Wings off but it was too late , one of the X-Wings had locked on to him but suddenly , Captain Harcout emerged from above , opening fire on the Trio of X-Wings as his Canons lit up with the classic Green glows of Imperial Ties , proceeding to destroy Two of the X-Wings as the last one quickly turned left avoiding the wrath of Crimson Leader.

Captain Harcourt had once fought for the Galactic Alliance , or atleast the previous iteration of the Galactic Alliance that once spanned from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim. During it's War with the First Order , Harcourt and his Men had once been one of the Old Alliance's Best Squadrons but where did it lead them. After committing war Crimes , Harcourt and his entire Air Wing had been disbanded with most of them imprisoned by the Alliance. After the Alliance's Collapsed , most of the Galaxy had forgotten Harcourt and his men , until Sularen came and picked them up.

Harcourt was quick to affiliate himself with Sularen both whom had been betrayed by the Alliance in the past sharing a mutual hatred of the Galactic Government and the same desire of revenge against them. Despite having fought alongside this new Alliance during some Skirmishes such as the Eternal Imperial Assault on Byss or the Sith Eternal's Attack on Alderaan , Harcourt knew Sularen intended to overturn the Alliance and remained loyal to him. Now , the Crimson Linings still served under Sularen within the Final Dawn continuing their fight against the Galactic Alliance whom they saw as Corrupt. However , Captain Harcourt was brought back into reality as he quickly spotted an opening near one of the Reedemer-Class Star Defenders flanking the Ouroboros , a perfect opportunity to decimate the Star Defender and demonstrate the full power of the Crimson Linings on the Battlefield.

"This is Captain Harcourt to the Crimson Linings and the Nemesis Air Wing. Form up on me , we are going for that Redeemer-Class Star Defender" Captain Harcourt ordered to the 9 Starfighter Squadrons which combined formed the entire Starfighter Compliment of the Supremacy-I Class Star Destroyer dubbed the Nemesis. Within a few seconds all 71 Elite Starfighters formed up behind Crimson Leader and together they began their charge towards one of the Redeemers Flanking the Ouroboros. As they accelerated towards the Star Defender , they punched through any Alliance Starfighter in their way destroying atleast a few Starfighters before coming into range of the Redeemers Brutal Point-Defense Weaponry.

Despite taking heavy fire the Starfighters continued to push forward losing atleast half a dozen fighters before Captain Harcourt gave the order to launch the general attack. "Crimsion Linings and Nemesis Air Wing , execute Attack Pattern Forn." Within Seconds the Large Group of Starfighters split into two groups with the Crimson Linings maintaining their course while the Nemesis Air Wing split off the intercept any other Starfighters that might try to save their now doomed Star Defender.

As the Crimson Linings approached the Hull of the Alliance Star Defender , they came under heavy fire from it's Point-Defense Weaponry but the TIE Enforcers of Crimson Linings unlike their other TIE counterparts were equipped with Shields and had shifted all of their powers to their shields in order to launch such an attack. Once they were in range , the Crimson Linings fired a barrage of Disruptor Torpedos at the Hull of the Reedemer targeting random areas as they advanced intending to disable the Reedemer and render the Ouroboros's flank vulnerable to Mawite Attack

As they finished unleashing their barrage of Disruptor Torpedos and zoomed past the rear of the Reedemers , the Crimson Linings quickly regrouped with the remnants of Nemesis Air Wing which had lost 16 Pilots during their daring strike against the Star Defender. Soon enough , the Crimson Linings and the Nemesis Air Wing soon split off seeking out their own set of targets as the Battle progressed. If their attack on the Reedemer was successful then they would have had disabled one of the Ouroboros's Escort Ships allowing the rest of the Fleet to decimate But if it failed it would allow the Galactic Alliance to further press their attack and potentially force the MIF to withdraw.

This was an All-or-Nothing Battle and unless the Fleets of Dracken Pryce and Isla Draellix were in ruins , then the Galactic Alliance and Ashlan Crusade would be able to secure a victory here at Korriban against the full might and strength of the Brotherhood of the Maw. But fortunately the Grand Overseer still had one more ace up his sleeve , The "Avatar of War" and with it the Grand Overseer would end any possible hope for a victory for the Alliance and Ashlan Crusade. Korriban would give the Alliance a glimpse of it's eventual defeat at the hands of the Maw for soon , the Second Great Hyperspace War would be initiated and soon the Deep Core and Core Worlds would fall in the hands of the Final Dawn , one way or another.

Focus | Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Agitator-Class Super Heavy Battlecarrier "Predator"

Bridge of the Predator shook as yet another series of Turbolasers from the Ouroboros hit the Flagship of the Maw Irregular Fleet. Despite Sularen's Initial Attack against the Ouroboros Task Force utilizing the overwhelming numbers of his Starfighters and the Superior Firepower of his Fleet , the enemy had held it's ground with the Ouroboros proceeding to charge towards the center of the the MIF's Fleet Formation and opening fire at the vanguard of the MIF including the 3 Battlecruisers that spearheaded the Maw Irregular Fleet. Despite this , the Maw Irregular Fleet held it's ground resisting the attack from the Ouroboros with the Predator , Vengeance and Purifier firing everything they had against the Alliance Star Defender including the Predator's Proton Beams and the Purifier's Autocannons.

"Sir we have received ordered from High Regent Tirall. He wants us to withdraw to the defensive formation"

"Huh?" Sularen said a bit confused at what his Officer had just said to him "What do you mean withdraw to the defensive formation? We are already in defensive formation. Get the High Regent on the line, i must inform him of the current situation. If we can have the "Avatar of War" destroy some of the Ouroboros's Escorts then maybe we will be able to overwhelm and destroy the Ouroboros itself"

Sularen then looked at the massive Star Defender baring down on his Fleet , contemplating his next move. High Admiral Pryce's Dreadnought was charging towards his Fleet with new fighters emerging from the Ouroboros while a group of Corvettes and Cruisers crept up behind the Dreadnought potentially as a means of further supporting the Ouroboros and it's Escort Fleet against the swarm of Starfighters Sularen had sent against them. Already nearly a hundred fighters had been lost during the Initial Attack and unless Sularen's Fighters yielded any positive results the Grand Overseer could risk losing his advantage in Numbers.

"Sir , we have the High Regent on the line"

"Ah , High Regent Tirall your excellency. The Maw Irregular Fleet has already positioned itself along with the defensive screen although the Alliance 3rd Sector Fleet under Corellian High Admiral Pryce have engaged us with the Alliance Star Dreadnought the Ouroboros spearheading their assault. Thus i hereby request the "Avatar of War" to be utilized against the Ouroboros which will leave the 3rd Sector Fleet without a proper leader which will allow the Maw Irregular Fleet to annihilate them in the process. If we are successful in such endeavor then we will be one step closer to victory"

The Grand Overseer then turned to the rest of his Bridge Crew giving them a new set of Orders. "Have the Invincible and the Hunter shift their focus on the
Ouroboros and divert a few Fighter Squadrons , order them to focus on the enemy Reedemer-Class Star Defenders and to target their structural weak points such as their Turreted Warhead Launchers. As for the rest of the Fleet have them maintain position and fire on any Alliance Warship that enters in range of our own Vessels. I want the 3rd Sector Fleet eradicated as soon as possible. Understood?"

The Crew simply nodded before crying out "YES SIR!!!" before returning to their stations to execute the orders of Sularen. Sularen would be victorious today and he would remind the Galactic Alliance and those who had deceived/betrayed the cost of such treacherous actions. The Galactic Alliance once cast him out and labeled him as a traitor and an enemy of the state , now it was time for them to feel wrath of the Former Lord-Imperiator of Byss.

  • The Leviathan , Torment and Judgement prepare to open fire on the Resolve
  • The Crimson Linings launch a Nova Flare attack (Using Disruptor Torpedos) on one of the Reedemers escorting the Ouroboros
  • The Predator , Vengeance and Purifier continue firing at the Ouroboros with the Invincible and the Hunter following suit
  • 10 Squadrons of Mixed TIE/fd Fighters and Interceptors are sent to attack the recently attacked Reedemer Star Defender targeting it's Turreted Warhead Launchers with their Proton Torpedo in Nova Flare Attacks
  • The rest of the Fleet remains on stand-by with orders to open fire on any ship that comes into Range




Much had weighed on the Shi'ido's mind in that moment when Aradia had spoken, and, though she knew it was in her own best interest to divulge at least some of the innerworkings of her mind with the girl, she couldn't quite find the strength of will to speak the evils she wished into existence - as if keeping silent, keeping those thoughts inside, was the single thing preserving the one last remaining shred of Vesta Zambrano. It would have to be spoken, perhaps even soon, but now was not the time for her to relinquish her one last tether, even if she was the only one that knew it existed. Her expression hardened, conflicted, and she looked away, towards the gleam of the moon - a moon that was different from one she had stared into before, but its silvery light was a reminder of a night she was slowly starting to forget all the same.

"I want to destroy what led to who I am today." She answered.

It was cryptic, perhaps, but it was also telling - there was much that could be attributed to what created the Sith Lord, both literally and figuratively, in every sense of the word. "The chains that bind us ought to be destroyed, but also the reasons that they were put on us in the first place." Mori added, turning away as she pivoted towards the crypt. Her hand reached out, the earthen coating that covered her sword crumbling into sand - as if undone - and the blade was pulled from its momentary tomb back into her hand through the force, her fingers wrapping around its lengthy hilt without offering any visible indication that she'd expected anything outside such a result.

"Come, you have much to learn. You will learn more of me in the coming days, as we forge our bond as master and apprentice."

Red sands, devoid of life and home of the dead - this was where it had all began, thousands of years ago. King Adas had led his people here, and abroad to the stars beyond, in order to repel the Rakata, to keep his people free from the bondage of an oppressive people, to maintain a rule of the powerful, of the right. Her people, the adherents to this legacy, had forgotten their purpose, lost their way, and this desolate ruin was a monument to all of their failures, a testament to their collective egos. Tombs that had been gaudily adorned with extravagant jewels and objects of power were picked clean by their successors, and the tombs of those by the next - stagnation had ruled the Sith even before the Brotherhood of Darkness had convened on Ruusan, it was a curse cast from the moment the powerful left anything of worth behind that their lessers, and their progeny, desired. The Sith, destroyer of chains, had willingly shackled themselves to a past, to a tradition, for millennia.

To destroy it would be their salvation.

The Brotherhood of the Maw and their New Sith Order, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis himself even, had chosen to comb the world for some stone yet unturned, for some artifact undiscovered, and Mori had seen it pertinent to bring her apprentice - Darth Daiara Darth Daiara - to the desolate world both to show her their history and to show her the pointlessness of their hoarded wealth and power. "Each of them, every single one of these great and powerful Sith, amounted to nothing." She said, her voice full of disdain. "Dead, all of them, the moment they deluded themselves into believing they were better than they truly were." The Shi'ido noted with a sweeping gesture of her hand towards the crumbling edifice that had long since been buried by wind-carried sands as they walked into the path left by the Maw that had arrived before them, a tunnel that was dug deep under the Sith Academy.

She looked towards her apprentice, her gaze sweeping up and over her, and she appeared to see passed her - through heat and beyond dunes that towered around the Academy. The enemy, as she'd spoken to Aradia before, were soon upon them - she'd seen the burning in her dreams, a fulfilment of a prophecy she believed might liberate those that came after them, and her legacy, from the burdens of a past that her predecessors could not let go of. "All of this, all of them, and everything that clings to it, must be destroyed." She said at last, her gaze shifting down towards Aradia's face as the pair walked from the front of the Academy and down into the depths below. It was not long until they were in the chambers beneath that housed old murals and objects forgotten by history, the Shi'ido seemingly unconcerned by the impending arrival of Jedi and the rest of their allies.

"You asked me, before, what it was that I wanted from the galaxy."

Gesturing towards the depiction of the Sith'ari painted in rusted blood upon the worn sandstone walls at her side, a massive Sith destroying their own people in flames - like crops to feed the soil - so that they could be reborn more powerful than before, she raised her gaze towards the ships that emerged in the sky far above. "I want to destroy our past." She said, before looking the girl in the eyes. "So that the Sith may emerge unshackled from what we have clung to for so long."

"I will bleed dry those that resist."

There was malice in her words, not the emotionless cold that the girl might've been accustomed to hearing - a fire was there, deep within the Sith Lord, and it burned hotter than the sun. Like a fading facade the stoic look she'd worn for so long, as well as any semblances of conflict, was steadily replaced with an anger that could nearly be felt as much as it was seen.

"And those that wronged us."

(Attacking / Intending to destroy the planet)


It was a land with a devastating history for the Sith and the birthplace of the Darkside. Here Sith would travel to learn and become stronger. At one time, this was a place where the Sith would learn, residing in temples to their dark desires. Not anymore, with the Empire collapsing and becoming nothing more than a ghost of their previous selves - there was nothing more for the Sith here.

Or so most thought.

Dirt and rubble shifted under the pair of leather boots, the Force creating a breeze to erase the technomancer’s steps. Some rumors circulated through her networks, someone had resurfaced, and Allyson remembered their ties to the former emperor. Slowly and steady, she moved through the blood-red sand. How fitting for a Sith world, the ground covered in blood-colored dirt. The Corellian scoffed at the thought and entered where she had been tracking Vesta and her companion.

There was a familiarity that pulled at her. The woman who had accompanied the Sith Lord was someone she knew, someone she had saved, and one of her biggest regrets. Aradia was an unfortunate girl who seemed to find herself over her head. Even the first time the pair had met, she was unconscious and assumed dead. Not taking Aradia from the Sith when she had left pained the Spy, but she couldn’t let those attachments hinder her mission.

In the end, Aradia would eventually play a more significant part in Allyson’s life being involved with her padawan. The knowledge she had only picked up second hand, but with Aradia came information on Zaavik.

She couldn’t think of her wayward padawan; the boy was on his own journey - learning who he was in this galaxy. It wasn’t the Corellian’s place to interfere even though he went against their home - even Allyson struggled with feeling like the Alliance was home. Shaking her head, she began to climb, hidden by the Force and from the Force through Force Cloak and Void in the Force. She was nothing as she rose to gain a better view.

Words muffled through the area, and Allyson knew she was drawing closer. Deeper into the hell hole of the Sith world. A chill hung in the air, and Allyson did her best to push back the lingering thoughts of darkness and death. How easy it was for one to fall to the dark side, it was a shortcut, and it fed on the residual hate one held in their heart.

Finally, Allyson got a complete view of the Sith Lord and the Apprentice as she finished climbing. Drawing her bow from her back, she strung an arrow and focused on the Force itself. The tip of the arrow began to glow brightly with the light of the Force. Without warning, the Spy attempted the assassination to slay a devil before its plans came to fruition.
The arrow sang through the air, poised to strike Vesta in the throat. There was a hope that if she could kill Vesta - she could save Aradia.

If she saved Aradia - she could save Zaavik.


Vesta's words would have frightened her once upon time. Before the wars-- before Bastion-- before her life had fallen apart. Now the harsh declarations made a degree of sense. The galaxy had turned its back on her. Kaalia had turned her back on her.

What her and Zaavik needed now more than ever was freedom from that past that wanted to hurt them. And if that freedom came a price? She clenched her fist, her once blue eyes now speckled with orange.

She would pay it. For him.

"How?" She asked, her voice hoarse as she looked over the mural. She had been here before. She had already seen this academy fall... and rise... and now... A twinge of something caught in her chest, but she swallowed it back.

"You cannot kill a past. And even if you did, I do not think they would care." Her gaze slid to the horizon. She could feel them in the distance.


"They are coming." Vesta had not warned her about this, but in a way she was glad. If she had known, she would have had a promise to keep.

She grimaced.

"This place is lost, why are we even-" A whistle of warning snapped by her ear. She turned sharply, her hood falling back to reveal pale features and a tumble of orange hair. She reacted on instinct, a ball of fire spitting from her hand towards the source. Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Nothing was visibly there, but in her tunnel-visioned response, she missed the arrow.

*unwittingly destroying korriban

"Never forget that there is one single ounce of knowledge we must humble ourselves with, even when we've reached a peak that might, at last, blot out the light itself - remember we die. Death doesn't care if you're good, if you're evil, strong, poor, rich, or weak. Death takes us all."

It would have been a lie if Mori had claimed she'd noticed Allyson Locke Allyson Locke when she'd reached her vantage point, and it'd be a rather bold claim if she'd said she had anticipated the arrow by some sixth sense of danger or anything else similarly opportunistic, but the fact of the matter was that she had simply been turning her head in the direction of her assailant when the rather, in the eyes of someone seeing through the force as she had been, bright missile caught her eye as her apprentice spoke. The arrow, thusly, missed its mark not totally but by mere centimeters - tearing through the side of her shoulder, the length of the side of her upper left arm, as she turned her body and leaned into her apprentice to knock the two of them out of the way as the girl misunderstood the threat of someone that could have crept up on a master of stealth that one needed to be when capable of seamlessly, perhaps perfectly, stealing another's identity while surrounded by Jedi or Sith alike.

So she didn't make any such claims - not in the future, in life or in death - likely because she'd never willingly bring up the time she was unable to detect a mere human nearly successfully assassinating her, though she supposed Belia Darzu would've likely done the same if she had survived a similar, if not more embarrassing, death.

At the time, though, Darth Mori's thoughts were hardly on the implications of her own sensory-related shortcomings and more on the fight that had been prematurely brought to the two of them. She didn't bother wasting the energy to push herself up from the ground, the Shi'ido simply shifted another leg jutting out of the side of her hip to keep herself from completely falling over, and with the arm she'd used to brace herself against Darth Daiara Darth Daiara she shoved her away from her with a forceful shove of telekinetic energy. "Find a way to a ship and Tu'teggacha, aid him - I will explain later, move." She commanded, her left leg disappearing as she righted herself by simply shape-shifting her midsection to be more anatomically correct with her then-lopsided lower half in order to right herself. Her left hand, meanwhile, reached down for the
blade at her hip, the one she'd confiscated from her apprentice after their fateful encounter with the girl's mother, and with a (noticeably) strained tug at its sleek hilt she released it from its scabbard and, with a little touch of telekinesis, unsheathed its full length for her right hand to wield - which she promptly snatched at its hilt with to do exactly that.

Allyson Locke might've had the element of surprise, but she did not bring with her the same degree of anonymity that would've prevented the Sith Lord from knowing precisely who had been her attacker upon being seen - and, more importantly, who was now her prey. The two had met before, briefly, though she doubted the woman realized that she was the same girl that'd quelled an enraged Darth Prazutis on Krayiss II, or that she was far more a terrifying foe than she'd ever let herself on to be. Terrifying, in fact, to the point that whatever presence the spy might've felt in the force from the woman, or perhaps her appearance - dark though it might have been - if she'd been viewing her as a Miralukan might've needed to, the darkness that could be felt grew even as the Shi'ido's flesh was cut.

Pain was her friend, and anger her mistress.

Electricity raced down the length of the blade, sparks of red coated with a deep, black, void filling the air with loud crackling as lightning would, and soil sprung from the ground at her feet and affixed itself to the woman's wound, painfully sealing it shut. It would have been in the Jedi's best interest to move, though Mori did not care to throw casual hints to her intent to kill the woman so much as project every ounce of her anger through the force in the way of deadly sight - not the sort that Darth Maul might've used to atomize a man, instead only to offer the woman a torturous experience if she was foolish enough to root herself in place or let loose more of her frustratingly painful arrows.

Her grip tensed around the hilt of her sword, the only means she intended to kill the woman with - if death was in the cards.

Still working to destroy Korriban

Aradia's actions were far from what the Corellian had anticipated. She remembered the girl as a small and weak child who was more lost than found. The fire was new, and having it aimed her way was very new. Quickly, still under the guise of the force cloak, Allyson shifted her position to avoid the fireball from the Apprentice. It seemed that Aradia was not the same girl as before, and a sickening feeling bubbled from her stomach. Had Aradia been the one to tempt Zaavik from the light? Was she at fault for everything? Did she kill Zaavik in the end?

Thousands of questions and scenarios echoed through the Corellian's mind. There were too many questions, but her attention needed to be on the master. The arrow had hit close enough to its mark, Aradia being the sounding alarm preventing the kill from being clean. Still, the Sith Lord had a wound, and Allyson looked at it as a positive in her favor.

Before Allyson could reach Aradia, Mori had pushed her aside and became the focal point once more for the mission. Drawing another arrow, she listened to the command from the Master; Allyson watched her chances at saving Aradia begin to slip through her fingers. There wasn't much time, especially as the static began to fill the area. As one foot moved in front of the other, she moved gracefully with the aid of the force and years of covert ops under her belt. Allyson brought the arrow back to her sights and aimed true once more towards the Sith.

She couldn't let Aradia leave, not yet. Against everything her experience told her, Allyson dropped the cloak, revealing herself to both the Sith and Aradia. "So this is where you've been?" She asked pointedly to the Apprentice while the arrow remained drawn and aimed towards Mori. "Where's Zaavik?!"

Allyson never looked at the girl, instead of allowing the force's bright light to imbue the arrow's tip. As her question finished, she released the shot. Not wanting to give the Sith Lord a chance to breathe, she fired another arrow; this one lacked the force light but was equipped with an explosive tip so that when contact was made with the head - it would explode.

"Aradia, I told you I would come back for you."

The world dissolved into chaos, her knees jamming into the ground as Vesta used her own body to drop them to safety.

"Find a way to a ship and @Tu'teggacha , aid him - I will explain later, move."

A pulse of the force reinforced Vesta's words. Aradia felt herself fly back, her body twisting like a cat as she fought right herself. Her slide ended with her on her feet, a strand of hair sticking to her forehead. "But-" She did not want to leave her, but her childish protests died the moment Vesta stood on her own (nearly reformed) feet.

The Sith Lord was fully capable of covering both of their backs. "Fine." She turned, moving robotically as the energies of the invasion washed ov--

A spark of light dropped into existence.
"So this is where you've been?"

Aradia's heart seized, then rebooted into a frantic skipping beat. She knew that voice. She hadn't heard it years.

"Where's Zaavik?!"

"Safe," she whispered into the air, and thank the Force for it. She played into the woman's hand and turned back to the scene, gold-speckled eyes locking on the agent's face.

"I told you I would come back for you."

Aradia didn't flinch at the arrow that was released. She'd have blocked it if she hadn't sense that Vesta was already halfway there. The sith was stronger than her, in so many ways. It wasn't Vesta's life she feared for. She raised a hand, a force-shield interceding Vesta's chance to counter-attack.

It was Allyson's.

Tendril's of darkness weaved like a chain-linked fence between the two force masters. She knew she wouldn't be able to hold them off for long, but that was okay. She only needed a moment. Aradia looked upon the face of an old friend. Allyson looked the same as she remembered-- spritely and fierce and just as annoying. Aradia's was paler than she use to be, her skin paper-thin and speckled with veins. Her confliction was visible.

"But you never did come." It had been years since Allyson blinked. The whole time the shadow had had Aradia convinced that she was on her side. But Allyson ...wasn't... was she? Aradia was finally strong enough to see the true nature of the force inside the woman. It had all been a ruse... And Aradia had been young enough to fall for it.

The heat of betrayal clawed its way through her, condensing into an itch in her palm. Her hand erupted in flames.

"You lied to me." The wall shattered outwards, the blast of energy lashing out indiscriminately.

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Location: The Fatalis, High Orbit over Korriban
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | KV-6000 | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore | Fiolette Fortan | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Zori Kapshan Zori Kapshan


Seeing the enemy Templar-class destroyer crippled brought the Taskmaster a brief sense of satisfaction, for it lessened the terrible, grinding pressure on the western flank. But the feeling soon faded, replaced by the growing recognition that he was in a desperate position. His little fleet was being compressed from all sides, forced back into a narrowing circle around the Fatalis. Their numbers were dwindling, and their zone of operation was being steadily closed off, the enemy ships hemming them in like livestock. The guns of the dreadnought were all that was keeping the eastern flank from being overrun...

But the Fatalis was taking one hell of a beating in return.

As Tu'teggacha watched, enemy squadrons streaked in from the west, using the withdrawal of the Doomsayers to dominate the SSD's immediate surroundings. They were targeting the long-range guns, trying to put an end to the barrage holding back the frigates. Before his glassy eyes, one of the MegaCaliber guns - already damaged in the earlier struggle - exploded as the bombing run hit home, and other weapon emplacements were also under heavy attack. "The boarding pods have struck," the Ebruchi said, making a snap decision. "There is no further need to defend them. Recall the Darkshears."

The swarm fighters that had been protecting the boarding pods retreated, easily recalled by the Heathen Priests controlling their pilots, and spread out in a vast curtain. Their goal was simple: to trap the attacking Phoenix and Pegasus squadrons against the Fatalis. The swarm fighters were between the enemy bombers and the relative safety of their own battlecruisers and carrier, opening fire on them freely. At the same time, the potent point defense systems of the Super Star Destroyer opened up on the enemy squadrons from the other side, working in tandem to clear the enemy starfighters.

The Fatalis wold take fire, but it would be worth it to crush the bombers.

In the center, the boarding action progressed, carrying all of Tu'teggacha's hopes. If the boarders could get the enemy battlecruiser out of the fight - it was much too large to storm and capture, with tens of thousands of personnel aboard, but it could be sabotaged from within - then the Mawite fleet would stand some small chance of holding. Little did the Taskmaster know that, elsewhere amid the battle, the allied forces of the Light were doing their utmost to ensure that the tide of this particular skirmish did not turn against the Ashlans. He didn't discover that until Task Group Avidity arrived...

... until the Alliance artillery ship began opening up on his little raiding fleet.

"Curse you, Tithe," the Ebruchi hissed, his facial tentacles flailing about in rage. The canny Vice-Chancellor and his vast fleet had proven quick to react, and now it wasn't just the Ashlans pounding away at his capital ships. The Crimson Offering was already under determined fire by by the enemy frigates and battlecarrier, and the onslaught of the Alliance artillery ship was threatening to break it apart. Explosions were being reported throughout its decks, entire sections depressurized. The Mawites were fanatically devoted, and not a one of them ran for the escape pods, still firing as the ship failed around them.

When Tithe's other ships came in, the battle really would be over.

What was left to be done? Sularen evidently had his own problems, for he had dispatched no support to aid the beleaguered Fatalis. The Mawite fleet, outnumbered and outgunned, was truly in its final hour unless something dramatic changed. They would bloody the noses of the Ashlans, but their valiant deaths would ultimately mean little, for they could not make enough of a dent in the enemy forces to really blunt their war effort... while the loss of the Fatalis and the star destroyers would set the Brotherhood back significantly. There was little more the Taskmaster could do to change any of that.

The last hope was the weapon. "Avatar of War, deliver us..."

Ziraev of the Kitiakira charged fearlessly up the hallway, firing her lightning gun from the hip. Ironic indeed that this vessel they had boarded was called the Divine Purpose, for she was there to fulfill her purpose: piracy in the name of the Maw. Ziraev had been born on a research station at the edge of the galaxy, a great wheel that twisted and turned above a hostile, toxic world. She could count on one hand the number of times she had set foot on a planet. She had always abhorred the heavy, weighty feeling of being beneath the sky rather than in the midst of it, where she belonged. Even before the Brotherhood she'd felt that way.

Even before the slavers had come and reforged her mind to serve the Maw.

Now she was Kitiakira, the elite ship-boarders of the Brotherhood. She had taken part in the Namadii Corridor campaign, seizing Alliance freighters and ambushing their patrols, before the war between the Maw and the rest of the galaxy had gotten quite so open. In that time she had boarded countless ships, slaughtered countless defenders... but never before had she been sent to breach a warship of this size. The battlecruiser was immense, far larger than she and her savage band of barbarian marines could actually capture. But they didn't have to capture it. The sabotage charges they'd brought would do instead.

"Forward!" Ziraev commanded, waving her men on. She had risen to lead them by being the fiercest and most brutal; the skull of their previous leader was affixed to her breastplate. She would keep up that reputation in this assault, mercilessly cutting down any Ashlans who dared get in their way. The Ashlan marines defending the ship were bold and zealous, but could they compare to the savagery and armaments of the Kitiakira? Lightning cannons, chemical and radiation grenades, and electro-axes, all wielded with a combination of brutality and discipline, could clear even a well-defended starship hallway in minutes.

The Kitiakira warbands had quickly spread out throughout the ship. Some headed for the engines, others for the power systems and reactor. Ziraev and her band were headed to life support control. There they planned to destroy the air purifiers and introduce toxic chemicals into the venting systems, leaving the entire ship choking on lethal gases. It was a tactic they had used to great effect when capturing particularly stubborn bulk freighters, and even if it didn't cripple the Purpose completely, it would certainly complicate the warship's ability to keep firing on the struggling Mawite fleet. That would be enough.

"Avatars, witness me!" Ziraev cried, charging her lightning cannon again.

Fatalis, a Fatalis-class Star DreadnoughtModerate Damage, 1 Engine Down, Firing on the Dominion-class frigates
Crimson Offering, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerMajor Damage, Firing on the Pillar of Retribution
Severing Blade, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerFiring on the Divine Purpose
Sanguine Cruor, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerFiring on the Divine Purpose
Vile Nativity, a Samael-class FrigateFiring on the Pillar of Retribution
Ember of Sin, a Samael-class FrigateFiring on the Pillar of Retribution
Opened Vein, a Samael-class FrigateFiring on the Pillar of Retribution
Wretched Fate, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Hollow Heart, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Xiphos scoffed internally at nearly every single one of the assertions made by Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

They weren't Super Soldiers? Yeah, right. They could push themselves faster, fight harder, last longer, with only cyborgs and those wearing Specialized Exosuits capable of matching them in any meaningful way, barring the exceptionally trained Mandalorians. Lethal psychic abilities and a weapon that people still dreaded even thousands of years after its creation.

Suuuuure She thought as she struck ruthlessly at him. Of course we aren't supersoldiers. I must have hallucinated the mountain of bodies a single Jedi has made walking onto a battlefield.

But what especially made her take umbrage was the fact he said the Bryn'adul were not of the Force. That they were beyond anything they could handle.

This made her attack him even more relentlessly.

"Outside the Force?" She barked as she struck for him, unable to help herself. She hated talking during fights, wanted to stop speaking and just kill him. But she had to respond, if only for the sake of being certain of her own motives.

"Beyond anything the Jedi can handle? That's a fething lie if I ever heard one. They aren't outside the Force. The Shamans I have ripped open prove that."

A strike of hers was interfered with, throwing off her balance, and she was irritated he didn't strike back. But she still wasn't in full control of her emotions and it was interfering badly with her usual cold and distant strategy.

But no matter how she tried, this discipline was next to impossible against someone she viewed as the source of all the horrors the Lobsters had managed to get away with. The catalyst for all her own choices in response. This doomed effort to stop the Order from throwing away the lives of the Bryn'adul's victims by making the war as costly and as bloody as possible. But no matter what she did, the Order remain addicted to their war with The Sith. It made her despise them all the harder.

"Your Order's problem isn't lack of skill or ability for why you do so poorly against the Lobsters. You've toppled dozens of empires, ended the ambition of hundreds of Warlords who were in far better positions to wreck the Galaxy than the Lobsters ever were."

He tried to freeze her blade in mid air, and it worked for a few moments, frustrating her further before she channeled her own connection to the Force to shake it free.

"Your Order's problem is your own fear, apathy, and ignorance about them. If you were to shed all of those, and commit to understanding the Lobsters, but more importantly, resolve to destroy them at all costs no matter what it costs you personally...I would be a total and utter non-factor. Worthless against them ultimately. The Order could crush them in a matter of months if they had the will for it. To do whatever it takes like I do. But you don't. And you pretty much stood by, like a Coward as the GA and the NIO drew closer together. You might be a good Jedi. I'll even go so far as to say you are a great Jedi. But you are an awful leader in every way that could possibly count."

His barrier was thrown up as she ruthlessly tried to break it, her attacks growing stronger and more vicious in the process.

"My recruits didn't come from nowhere, Starchaser! They came from every world the Jedi was too busy to save because of the Sith. All I could do in those situations was smuggle a few dozen to safety. I don't even encourage them to hate you feths. They do that on their own. You say a Jedi's duty is to help those who need it most? They needed you the most!" She snarled.

Her frustration cost her. A Force Push of his slammed her backward. The armor absorbed most of it but she was still flung backward, skidding on the ground. She jumped up, barely stopping herself from giving into her rage.

She focused took a second to calm herself, Force her emotions back under lock for a few precious moments, to focus on the necessity of defeating him, of bringing him to justice, making an example out of him for the whole of the Order.

She raised her hand, forcing back her despise of him but not quite fully succeeding.

The Light Side of The Force twisted unnaturally around her and in a way even Starchaser could not ignore.

The effects were weaker than intended, due to her compromised emotional state, but it flowed out of her in a steady stream she could barely keep on target, giving him plenty of time to dodge or bolster his defenses even further.

If it connected, he would not be harmed. He wouldn't even feel pain. Instead he would be heavily stunned, and though he would still be able to use the Force, anything directly related to the Light Side would--temporarily at least--be completely severed from him.
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Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Omen jogged through the empty corridors, looking for some action with his two pistols ready and soon enough, he found it. A squad of Alliance Marines was pinned down not far from where they had entered the “Eternal Rule” via assault pod, weapons fire pouring through the accessway. The Clone slid in beside who he only assumed as the squad leader, a senior sergeant who was barking out orders for the squad to hold to the last man against the corrupted. The Sergeant of course was shocked to see a warrior from 800 years ago sit beside him and ask about the situation and it took him a couple of moments to process this newcomer and put words in his own mouth. “They are holding, trying to limit our people to the area around their pods. We are having trouble breaking through and we still don’t know if our Jedi survived the trip. Even when we throw grenades, they just seem to keep coming.” Omen gave his fellow soldier a nod. “The Jedi won’t save us if they are space dust and even if they did, they aren’t miracle workers. We are going to have to break through by ourselves” His eyes looked to where a janitor closet was down the hallway and got an idea, a very very evil idea that the Jedi might have thought as too much of a war crime. But the Jedi weren’t here were they? “Cover me!” The ARC dived across the open door as the Marines tried to keep the Sith troopers in cover with a stream of weapons fire. Thankfully, the force was with them that day and while bolts whipped past his head, Omen got past the doorway without injury and was able to scramble into the Janitors closet. Now it was time to get what he was looking for.

The sergeants eyed the Clone with suspension as he wheeled a large barrel of liquid out of the closet. “What is that and what are you going to do with it?” The Clone only replied in a mad laugh as he duck-taped an LPD-48 Fire Rain Incendiary Grenade to the barrel, pulled the pin, and pushed it down the hallway with glee that an old asteroid miner would have when opening up a new section of rock. “FIRE IN THE HOLE!”. The Trooper could only hope that his improvised weapon was better than blasting powder.

If the Sith troopers looked up in that moment, they would hear the bump of a barrel charging its way down the passageway before colliding into the far wall, resting its round form before exploding into a sea of fire that covered the Sith troopers armor and would cook them from the inside out. The barrel full of window cleaner would of course keep the fire burning bright. As he listened to the Sith’s cries for mercy and to make this pain end, he could only cackle in delight “Shouldn’t have blown up my beautiful brick of a freighter you Nerfherders, I might have gone easy on you then…”

He quickly turned to the Sergeant. “I want your squad to head for one of the octuple gun mounts and see if you can take it down. If we can take one down then we can take them all down. If we do then we actually all might get out of this thing alive if this thing goes pear-shaped. In the meantime, I’ll search to see if your Jedi survived the fall into this hell” The Sergeant looked at him in confusion. “But you don’t have command…” The Trooper just stopped him with a hand. “Yes I get it, I’m not an officer and you don't know me but I’m also the guy who just saved your asses from being pinned down in an hour-long firefight so that should count for something. Now go take those guns!” The Sarge went slack-jawed at the rebellious ARC’s comments before nodding and standing up. “Let's go men, the man out of a history textbook has a point. We will take those guns or they will take out more of our ships and also us if we have to get out of this mess in a hurry.” The cries of “Yes Sarge!” made the Clone smile, remember how his brothers had addressed him the same way before his arrival in this galaxy. He saluted the squad as they proceeded down the hallway before he went into the simmering inferno, running past the moaning sith troopers who didn’t deserve a halt to their pain. Their armor showed their sins well enough and now they would know in what armor they would die for their sins.

When Omen started to glance around another corner, he saw two red-clad troopers beating on an embedded assault pod’s closed hatch, willing it to open. Surprisingly it did, with its swing sending the two soldiers into the wall and revealing a green light that appeared in the hallway. Well, if that light wasn’t from one of the Jedi’s sabers, the ARC didn’t know what was. He watched as one of the troopers tried to shoot into the pod at what was about to emerge only to have their bolts shot back at the weapon and make it unusable. As the second trooper fired off his blaster rifle into the pod and the first grabbed for his sidearm, the ARC thought it was time to intervene. Fully rounding the corner and taking aim with his two blaster pistols and shot both of the wrongly aligned troopers in the head with the sticky ends of his grappling guns, dragging them close before they could get another shot off. When they got within reach, the trooper violently based their heads together before dropping their unconscious bodies o the ground. Omen would have shot them but again, killing can be a little iffy around Jedi, even when the Jedi's enemies are shooting at them. He then would discount the sticky plungers from the heads of the troopers, holster his pistols and offer a salute to whoever came out of the pod first and say his destination. “Sergeant Omen of the former 41st Elite corps, ready to help out whenever you require it, Jedi.”
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Post: 4
Objective: Paint the World Black
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives on person and in backpack | Holopad
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Chasianna Chasianna | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Enemies: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor | Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Hiran Avola Hiran Avola | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar |
Special Tags: All in the valley or near the Valley


As for died more rose up like a never-ending cycle or torment, everything along the web was stuck in this new cycle. The web expanded outward touch more and more of the battlefield influencing the cycle even more. Even those dead in the cruiser were not safe nor those that might have survived as their dead friends and crew mates rose up against them. A cycle that would continue so long as the symbols of the web and reanimation remained.

The ritual of the sand rising came near its end as the sands now fully surrounded the Valley and twisted around it. The Valley itself because the eye of the storm the only clear area around for miles. It would slow both retreats and most of all reinforcements from reaching the Valley easily. It would also cause issue for some sensory equipment.

As the Sorcerers completed there first ritual they began to turn towards Excerpts and they start to launch volleys of dark energy in there direction. Unlike the sith who had tainted and corrupted what Darkshear was into the spear of midnight black, this dark energy was the true form of DarkShear. If the energy hit metal it began to age and rust or tarnish thirty years, if it touched flesh the same happened, weapons became rust corroded, and energy packs depleted. Anything the energy touched aged to the point of uselessness.


As the excerpts that manage to break through the undead and didn’t have their armor, weapons, or selves deteriorated by the dark energy collided with the two dozen Rhadites. The sand whipped around wildly still cutting any exposed flesh and the sound of the wind was unfathomably loud. The Excerpts understood the darkside and even how to counter it, the issue was the Rhadites did not believe in the darkside. They followed the way of the Dark the void of everything, some might conclude it was the same as the darkside but it was not. The dark was pure a destructive force trying to return the universe to it’s natural state of an endless void.

As the sorcerer’s finally engaged some of the Excerpts Tegan herself started to move towards the fallen corvette. Something inside it started to call to her flooding her mind with visions of destruction. The Darksight led her way as she made her way to one of the airlocks near where the escape pods were. Her hand touched the end of the ship and she felt it’s heartbeat and the still intact Hyperdrive calling out to her.



Galidraani Forces: Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Hiran Avola Hiran Avola DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Fiolette Fortan

Allies (NIO): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

Allies (AC/GA/EE/SJC/PO): Lonnie Kai Lonnie Kai Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor Creuat Creuat Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Enemies (Sith Remnants): Vector Monk Vector Monk Laertia Io Laertia Io Anja Doreva Anja Doreva Darth Orcus
Chasianna Chasianna Ana Malixar Ana Malixar Caulder Dune Caulder Dune
Dis Dis Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos Crane Baxa

Enemies (BOTM/NSO): The Mongrel The Mongrel Alars Keto Alars Keto Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall




'At least they're still picking up pace on their way in, tanks are just about ready to engage again an'aw, sur. Movin' in soon, ye reckon?'

As Lady Fiolette's TIE squadrons were veering around and off towards the north-western front overhead, the Mawites began engaging the Galidraani corvettes sent to provide backup, (for both the Red Jackals from Unit 44, and the Mechanized Wildcat Battalion of Tuathan advancing ahead of them) and the ensuing bedlam in the skies could be seen by all who dared to look up, though Doyle had his eyes firmly set elsewhere at the time. Even with debris falling in and around the crumbling redoubt behind him, the right-eyed enthrallment to the AFVs in the distance would leave Doyle quite stuck to the scope-sights of his blaster-rifle for the next while, at least until the two vehicles at the front broke off from the halting formation to shoot off ahead of the others; making for quite an exciting view for the Cleavers' lookouts on the north wall, it was obvious to the Leftenant that his day was going to be filled with all sorts of memorable moments, a day that none knew would end up marking a turning point in Galactic Warfare's evolution in general.

'Very soon, Gould. Stay sharp an' keep an eye out for the closer threats for the time-being, you'll get confirmation soon enough.'

Seeing the crewmen bailing the two charging AFVs, Doyle knew the justification to move wouldn't take very long to occur, as the Scout-AFVs had been rigged to continue on without their operators; but what the Cleavers of didn't know was that the same vehicles had been rigged to do something else, giving added credence to the WIldcats' need for bailing their vehicles so far back from the cresting approach to the southwestern plateau. And yet, solidifying the matter would be done in the most-explosive way possible, the Unit 44 troops in the area would find themselves surprised by the violence of Captain Reed's chain-reaction all the same, seeing such a domino-effect of detonations for the intuitive play that it was; even amongst all the falling fleeter-debris, air-to-ground bombardments and traded small-arms/mechanised hostilities across the glacial gap, the minefield-clearing could be seen from miles away, thudding shockwaves out across the southwestern face of The Mongrel's Hill as a testament to Woad-born cunning.


'Ooftya! That was an absolute belter, Reed! No bad, sur.... No bad at all.', Doyle muttered away to himself before regaining his focus and working-momentum once more, cracking his neck in both directions before turning back to Gould. The lookout's spotter was already climbing down from the tower, with his shooter still covering the northern approach as he stepped back slowly towards the same ladder at the southern window-ledge, with others running in from the eastern and western corners to make everything final for their chance to join the fighting, a sign Cleaver himself was happy enough to see that he'd let his subordinates jump the gun a little for once. Little did the two Woads know that the others had seen something else in the distance, as the sounds of battle above had obscured the sounds of their comrades calling out with warnings of,"SANDSTORM INCOMING!!!", and,"STORMFRONT APPROACHING!!! GET DOWN!!!!", giving the Leftenant and the Lancejack quite the surprise when they turned to gaze northward.

<"Scott to Jackal Three! That's our cue by the way, so if you want to hitch a lift - speak now or forever hold your peace.">
No fond o' that accent, biht.


'Aw'right then, Guardian One! You're on! Pull up out the front of the compound's north wall, we'll hop on top o' the turrets an' man yer top-gunner's LMGs. Jackal Three out!'





Unit44, after receiving orders to deploy for the Sith Empire's tomb-world, left Hirkenburg with all the medical supplies we needed, checked and double-checked by Lady Enedina personally before shipping out to Vaal, and both myself and Deane were given ample help loading it all onto the transport ships that would be air-dropping what we needed when we eventually attained operational independence on Korriban's surface. Said airdrop arrived shortly before the random high-powered ordnance attacks were enacted against both the Mawite and the Galidraani positions, nothing was damaged in the landing, proven in our own separate deployment-inventory checks, pretty much the only urgent task we had to complete at the time.

We hadn't managed to find a proper task to latch onto independently until we actually reached the southern hill's northern redoubt, but when we found the crumbling compound, the trouble of finding a fitting space to treat the wounded would be left solely to myself and Corporal Deane. Then, by the time Cleaver company moved out with the Wildcats' XT-62s, we were left to our own devices, cleaning up the best space we had at our disposal as best as we could. The Red Jackals' medics have been trained to anticipate the worst and hope for the best, and we needed the largest, yet also the cleanest space we could possibly hope for, especially with the decaying, ruinous facilities we were supposed to make use of. Despite this, however, we did manage to find a large enough space for the job, and once we cleared it out, we were able to grant ourselves a chance to look around the area for anything that might help us in any conceivable way we could discern at the time.


After getting a chance to look beyond the broken husk of the crumbling redoubt itself, we had very quickly noticed the sandstorm they'd mentioned was completely encircling the entire valley this battle was taking place in, and thus decided it was best if we board up whatever we could, and ripping up whatever was usable in the process. We're talking plasterboard and plywood from the walls of the guardroom, rugs and fraying hardwood flooring from the barracks and all manner of means to cover every gap we found in the medical ward we'd only just gotten clean. We have only just gotten word from the Wildcats' medics, establishing their first-aid roles on the comm-link but asking to meet us before they both follow the others up the Mongrel's Hill, and we've decided it might be a good idea, thinking we could maybe get good forewarnings of the patients we'd be receiving and the likes if good rapport is established early.

Second entry to be recorded soon. Scalpel One signing off.

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Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline


Objective III : It comes...
Location: Korriban's atmosphere and orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

Allies: Ashlan Crusade | NIO | Galactic Alliance | SJC/CIS/EE
Ennemies : Brotherhood of the Maw | Sith

Anaxes Navy Task Force 58 composition:*​
Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


On board of the stealth corvette Silencieux, commanding officer: LT Lucas Traumen
Ship's status : cloaked

"Sir, we have a problem !"

"What is it ?"

"Several fighters were launched from the big Fatalis ship and are trying to find us !"

"Jump into hyperspace. We retreat now and we'll get back to the atmosphere with the rest of the task force !"

Suddenly, the engines of the small corvette started to ignite. The Silencieux ceased fire and started to retreat, jumping into hyperspace.


On board of atmospheric bomber Fortis Leader
Pilot :
Jack Daniel Jack Daniel | Gunner : Lt William Peel

"All wings, standby !"

All twelve bombers came down on the atmosphere. They were here not to support the ground forces this time but to get revenge for the Chiss. They were flying in formation, perfectly synchronized. Then, an alert popped on Jack's monitor. The target was near.

"All wings, begin bombardment sequence."

The twelve crafts suddenly began nose diving, opening their bomb bays. Each bombers were loaded with eight proton bombs and were ready to deliver their gifts. Then their target appeared clearly. The crafts dropped their bombs one by one and came back to the Tonnant, where they would be replenished for another raid.


Issue #7 - Bad Romance
w/ Anja Doreva Anja Doreva
She was fast. Faster. Stronger. More attuned to the Force than he was; even if he wasn't injured and exhausted. He only had his wit, his ingenuity to keep him alive, and it required to be impeccable. The intense resolve could carry him through the fatigue only as much. They danced in the dissipitating cloud of grave dust among the tombs of the greatest Sith to ever live. A half-blinded lady of darkness and a bruised up servant of the light; do those ever have a happy ending?

Feigns were exchanged, blades were crossed and flesh was burnt until their sabers interlocked once more in an intimate cross. Sweat dripped down his eyes, its salt forcing him to squint as he funneled his strength into the bladelock to match hers.

"Why invest so much energy in this?"

"Because I know there's more to you than Halosis, lady." he retorted through gritted teeth. Was it knowledge or was it belief? And where do the two intertwine? Did he know or did he believe she was in reach of redemption? Did she know or she believe she was fully lost?

So many questions.

So little answers.

"You just have to reach for it, Dani..."

"...your true self."


ALLIES: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , Hiran Avola Hiran Avola , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor , Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen , Creuat Creuat , Fiolette Fortan
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith Remnants, The Mongrel The Mongrel , Alars Keto Alars Keto , Chasianna Chasianna , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall , Laertia Io Laertia Io , Darth Orcus

The ride up top in the LMG gunnery position was brief, and had it not been for the rumbling engines of the AFV churning a path through the hardpacked sand of the mountain, the silence likely would've been deafening. Descending below at Reed's bidding, Aemilio seemed unperturbed by the almost eccentric Free State soldier, though that was likely attributed to his helmets featureless features.

He quickly recognized that the plan was to bail from the vehicle. A prospect that was not at all that daring, but one he would perform nonetheless. The mold of the Order's fighting force required him to follow orders and to fit within the cog. The yearning for more, to break that mold and to become his own leader, was to be tempered, he had quickly realized on this day. Patience would win out and opportunity would present itself.

A fact that he didn't take kindly to.

He'd rather create it himself, but there was no use in sulking over an impossible reality.

As Reed delivered a countdown for the halting of the rear vehicles, Aemilio once again patched into the comm lines of the rest of his company. <<Deploy, now! Quick march to my position!>>

In the following moments, Reed brought them closer to the open side-door. The other occupants of the AFV had already jumped out. Under a rain of debris from the air superiority exchange, Aemilio shared little words with Reed, for as the combat drew nearer, he acclimated to the true danger of the situation. Death was inevitable, and it was up to him to ensure the lives of his men were prolonged past this day. That was the bare minimum.

'Ravelin, and Galidraan III - chargin' in the-gither for the eternal glory of Iveric Tavlar! You ready, Aemilio?'
"For Tavlar!"

An easy phrase to conjure, one that he put little thought in to. And when he did, he could not decide whether it was genuine or a trick of his adrenaline racing in the face of impending danger. But it did not matter, for they were leaping out of the Scout AFV a moment later.

Boots hit the ground, and they tucked into themselves to roll across the sands.

Head over heels, the sudden deceleration almost sent his stomach flying up and out of his mouth. Unblemished plates became adorned with reddish sand that he began to blend in with as he danced between uncertainty and sickness while laying face down. The lack of comfort was forgotten however the instant the chain reaction of the AFV's explosive detonation went off further up the hill.

Shrapnel flew in every which direction, and the buffet of heat rolled over his prone frame. The combined concussive force ensured that he remained flattened on the ground.

It wasn't until Reed's final words did he finally stir, shooting up into a crouch with a large metal sheet embedded in the earth a mere metre away from him. Slowly shaking his head in disbelief, he looked back at the Captain of the Free State, and behind him, he could see his multiple squads of stormtroopers double timing it up the hill past him. At least, the ones that had been lucky enough to have had space in the AFVs. The ones that had been too far back took up the rear, under command of his second, Torayga. A red skinned Zabrak that had been through it all with him.

They'll make it. He thought, pushing up to his feet.

Over his shoulder, he saw the ridge that the Deathgangs held. Beyond that, he knew, would be a path up the mountain. In multiple haphazard wedge-like formations Aemilio led the way through the ruined terrain. Eyes up front and above, with the ruined ridge to navigate through, it was expected the Maw defenders would take the opportunity to harry the assaulting force.


Torayga: The Rear
The Galidraani AFV's crushed the pedals by the look of it. The twenty halftracks pushed on towards the bottom of the hill where they began the slog up the hill, a journey that Torayga and the rear was forced to make on foot. While his superior and brother, Aemilio ws reckless in the pursuit of acknowledgement, Torayga was rather content with being in the shadows. The only thing greater than Aemilio's drive for recognition was Torayga's willingness to follow Valaar.

Even to an arid wasteland like Korriban.

As far as he knew, there was no deviations from the plan to get up the mountain. But through the implemented macrobinoculars, halting rear of the AFV's that were making their way up the mountain halt, while the handful at the front continued the charge. with crews bailing. Did they hit something? And then they exploded.


Shaking his head, the UI in his helmet suggested that he was still alive.

"Commander! There's something on the horizon!" Glancing back, a pointing hand was indicating a rapidly approaching cloud of dust. The Battlemind AI calculated their trajectory, putting them on a course straight for the flank of the stationary Wildcats.

They didn't notice us?

With how much further back they were from the Wildcats new position, it seemed they had gone unnoticed. The thrown up dust from the AFV's likely masked their approach long enough. Either way, Torayga would capitalize on it, and punish the marauding band of bikers.

With a thrown up hand halting the formation, his wrist bent to and fro, the company forming into a line of off-white. Hefting his battle rifle with one arm, his free hand held the signal to fire as the last man got into position. Many of them were prone, longer, heavier caliber weapons in their possessions. "Fire!"

Hand dropping back into place, the storm of crimson bolts was already firing across the open ground to the Rough Riders on rapid approach to the AFV's flank. If the Galidraanis hadn't noticed their exposed position, they likely would now.

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